Fairy tales are meant to be read. Fairy tale - a tool of unobtrusive learning


What are fairy tales for in a child's life?

The importance of fairy tales in the upbringing of children cannot be overestimated. Accumulating in themselves the wisdom of previous generations, they truly acquire magic power: teaching, developing, healing.

It is worth noting that fairy tales influence the formation of a child's thinking, his behavior throughout childhood, starting from the cradle. At first, children absorb information about the simplest values ​​and concepts along with mother's songs, rhymes, and sayings. A little later, after two years, the real education begins with a fairy tale. There are several aspects that reveal the developmental influence of fairy tales.

Fairy tale - a tool of unobtrusive learning

It is no secret that children best perceive information presented in a playful way. Lengthy, serious moralizing adults quickly tire children, not reaching their goal. At the same time, with the help of a fairy tale, you can explain to them all the same common truths, but do it in an easy, understandable form for children.

Fairy tales are rightly considered the most powerful tool for teaching children. The thing is that they give so-called indirect instructions. Children think in images, it is much easier for them to imagine a situation from the outside, where the main characters are fairy tale characters. It is on the example of the heroes of fairy tales that important life information is best absorbed.

Vivid examples of unobtrusive prompts that model the correct behavior are such fairy tales as "Gingerbread Man", "Gray Goat", "Teremok", "Wolf and Seven Kids".

Fairy tales bring up positive qualities

Involving children in a circle of incredible events, exciting adventures, fairy tales contribute to the assimilation of the most important universal and moral values. They very clearly give different oppositions: courage and cowardice, wealth and poverty, diligence and laziness, ingenuity and stupidity. Gradually, without pressure from adults, children learn to distinguish between good and evil, to empathize goodies, mentally go through various difficulties and trials with them.

Incidentally, the fact that at the end fairy tales good triumphs over evil, the most important factor in raising children. Understanding this simple truth known to everyone since childhood, the child will feel more confident and courageous, and life's troubles perceive as something natural, only tempering his character and fortitude.

Fairy tales help to see psychological problems in time

The educational value of fairy tales is also manifested in the fact that they are able to influence the formation of personal qualities. In tender childhood the psyche is still unstable, the boundary between good and evil is slightly blurred. Therefore, parents need to listen to their children and their fabulous preferences. It is possible that the characters loved and not loved by the child indicate the emerging emotional problems of the baby.

In this case, with the help of the same fairy tale, it is quite possible to slightly correct the development of the child's psyche, to direct it in a peaceful direction. It is very important to discuss together what has been read, to draw the child's attention to some key points, to clarify incomprehensible things.

In addition to being a fairy tale effective tool raising a child capable of solving many problems, it also unites parents and their children, provides an opportunity to just have a good time and take a break from the hustle and bustle of the real world.

What do we read to kids? Fairy tales. What do grandmothers tell their grandchildren? Fairy tales. What performances do children like the most? Fabulous. What heroes accompany in childhood? From fairy tales!

Experts from the Klever book publishing house told AiF.ru why it is important for a child to read fairy tales and why this format cannot replace any adult literature, nor the stories and teachings of parents.

Why are fairy tales so important and necessary? The experts of the publishing house "Clever" tell.

1. A fairy tale is the most understandable way for a child to find out what life is and how to “handle” it.

2. It is in the fairy tale that relationships between people and life situations are written - love, friendship, deceit, joy, sadness ...

3. fabulous images very unambiguous - good, bad, kind, evil, greedy, generous, smart, stupid. No "halftones" incomprehensible to the baby.

4. Good always wins in a fairy tale. And this is necessary for the child in order not to be afraid. When you are sure that good will win, you boldly go forward!

5. Good deeds rule in a fairy tale - diligence, intelligence, generosity. It’s easy for a child to understand how to be in order for everything to work out.

6. There are many repetitions in fairy tales. The gingerbread man equally “left” everyone in turn, the turnip was pulled, gradually increasing the “team” (a mouse for a cat, a cat for a bug, a bug for a granddaughter, etc.), animals knocked on Teremok in the same way and entered (someone in a little house lives?). Children love repetition. Firstly, repetition helps them remember the story, and secondly, children like to learn something they already know - this speaks of the stability and predictability that so calm the kids.

7. A child who believes in fairy tales believes in good things, and this helps him smile at the world and not be afraid.

8. In fairy tales - the wisdom of the ages, which is so lacking in the modern "material" world.

What will the girl learn from fairy tales?

- You need to be kind and hardworking, like Nastenka from Morozko. You need to be able to take care, help others, wish people happiness. Because lazy people and envious evil girls at the end of a fairy tale always get what they deserve.

- You have to be grateful. Like a girl from the fairy tale "Geese-Swans", who thanked the apple tree for apples, the stove for pies. Modern children are used to getting everything at once. And in fairy tales, nothing is given just like that, and you need to be able to say “thank you”.

- The groom needs to arrange a check. Will the prince be able to pass all the difficult tests for the sake of the princess? (This, of course, is not for kids, but useful wisdom will still be deposited in the head).

What will the boy learn from fairy tales?

- You have to be noble. Help the weak, take care. The prince who helps the pike, gives his lunch and saves someone, in the end will definitely receive mutual help in the trials.

- Do not be afraid of difficulties. In all fairy tales, men without hesitation go on trips, in search or are tested. A man is not afraid, a man is ready to overcome difficulties, take risks, even the one that first lay on the stove. It is these qualities that will help the boy feel like a man in the future.

“Just as a fairy tale teaches girls to test grooms, it teaches boys to test brides. Will he be able to bake a loaf, will he be able to tidy up the house, will he be able to sew a dress? A woman should be economic and smart. That's what the story teaches.

- Read a fairy tale with your child for at least 10-15 minutes every day and not necessarily before bedtime. Let reading fairy tales become your tradition.

- After reading, be sure to ask questions: what conclusions did the child make, what moment did he like, and what did not.

- Invite the child to draw his favorite characters from fairy tales as he imagines them. This exercise develops imagination, helps to learn to think outside the box and creatively.

For many centuries, Russian children listened to folk tales. They were told by grandmothers, mothers, and in noble families- nannies. Now parents and grandmothers have forgotten how to tell fairy tales, but they have not yet forgotten how to read. Why do children need fairy tales?

Folk tales have a special poetic language, their content is irrational. But this irrationality is understandable to children and they really need it. Modern children's author with all the desire, he will not be able to approach the spiritual height and imagery of Russians folk tales. No wonder they have been told for centuries, from generation to generation. They were needed by the people and, above all, by children for the formation national consciousness, to preserve its originality in the most difficult conditions of the struggle against the numerous enemies of Rus'. They were told before going to bed, and they were laid in the subconscious of the child, remembered for life and shaped his personality with examples of heroic deeds, the victory of Good over Evil. In fairy tales there is that wisdom that a representative of a strong people needed to know from childhood.

Among Russian folk tales, there is not a single one that talks about the civil strife of the specific principalities. The people, creating fairy tales, crossed out from their historical memory this fact of its history. And this is very wise. Why do children need to know that Russian people can fight each other? They need more examples.

Fairy tales do not lend themselves fully philological analysis, because he is rational, and a fairy tale is above human rationality. The fact is that it has passed through the centuries, it is interesting to children to this day. A child who listens to fairy tales from childhood grows up with a healthy soul. In our time, pressure on the psyche of the kids of television, deliberately ugly "children's" literature, only ancient tale calms the child with its unhurried rhythm, plot, moral content.

Sometimes you can hear: epics, ancient Russian folklore - a purely pagan heritage. Usually non-Orthodox people say this. Are these our heroes - pagans? One of them says about himself: "My name, Sovereign, is Alyosha Popovich, from the city of Rostov, an old cathedral priest." Before the battle, the hero "prayed to God with tears", and "Alyosha's prayers are intelligible - the Lord God gives a cloud with hail-rain", - and the rain moistened the wings of the Serpent-Gorynych, and he became powerless. The hero Ilya Muromets, beloved by the people, at the end of his life became a monk and was glorified in the face of saints as the Monk Ilya Muromets (we celebrate his memory annually on January 1).

Epics are not the lives of saints, but the people still figuratively described the holiness of the beloved hero Ilya Muromets: "The invisible power of an angel flew in and took it from the goodness of the horse and brought it into the caves of Kiev, and then the old one passed away, and to this day his relics are imperishable." The very spirit of epics is Russian, Orthodox. main topic theirs is the defense of the Motherland, the Russian land. Epics reflect the sovereignty of our people's thinking. But pay attention: Ilya Muromets, the defender of the Russian Land, is not the strongest hero in our folklore. by the most strong man in the eyes of the Russian people was Mikula Selyaninovich (peasant), a peaceful plowman. It is his image - the ideal of the people. This means that if there was no need to defend the Russian land, then our ancestors would live in peaceful labor. Of course, the child cannot decipher the deep symbols of epics and fairy tales, but they all fall on his soul and determine a lot in his adult life. Epics are laid main idea: one must love one's land, work on it and protect it. Raised by fairy tales and epics, our people became strong, even after defeats they invariably revive.

Let's take a moral look at famous fairy tale"Frost". youngest daughter taken to hard frost into the forest at the insistence of her stepmother. The girl defeats Morozko with her humility. "Are you warm, girl?" he asks. And the girl humbly and affectionately answers: "Warmly, Morozushko, warmly, father." For the third time (asking the question three times is a special symbol in our fairy tales) Morozko asks affectionately: "Are you warm, girl? Are you warm, red? Are you warm, honey?" Humility and gentleness are rewarded: Morozko gives the girl a warm fur coat and rich gifts. Although the stepmother is evil, she sends her husband to the forest for a frozen stepdaughter: according to Orthodox custom, the deceased must be buried in a Christian way. The father brings his daughter from the forest - alive and unharmed, and even with rich gifts, but this miracle causes the stepmother's anger. And rejection of malice and injustice in the child's soul.

Now mother sends to the forest own daughter, but she is full of pride (“Oh, you’ve got a cold! Get lost, damn Morozko!”, She says), and because of pride and anger she dies. Children understand why. In one of the Sunday schools they answered: "And so that she no longer sins." God knows that with such anger this girl will sin so much in the future that no prayers can beg her out of hell, so He ends her earthly life.

Some intelligent parents now believe that Russian fairy tales are harmful, they are bloodthirsty. This is what you need to think about! Even the cute Kolobok the Fox eats in a fairy tale. I asked the children in class Sunday School: "Why did the Fox eat Kolobok?". - And he received a clear answer: "But because he was arrogant." And one more answer: Kolobok is punished for disobedience. As adults, we need to learn from children. Children understand that in the fairy tale "After pike command"Not laziness is glorified, but Emelya's sincerity, kindness and resourcefulness. Could the hardworking Russian people sing laziness? Of course not.

Some parents want to say: do not criticize the centuries-old wisdom of the people, remember with what delight you listened to fairy tales in childhood and do not deprive your children of this joy.

At what age should children start reading fairy tales? You can right from the baby. Better before bed at night, in soft lighting. You need to read slowly, fairy tales must be folk, in no case retellings, in which a rational, "simplifying" moment has been introduced. Can't read every night a new fairy tale: our ancestors told the children a fairy tale so many times so that he had time to learn it by heart. Only in this way could the kid learn those moral categories that were laid down in the fairy tale.

Listening to fairy tales, the child learns to think, he works with his soul, but the TV interferes with this. Therefore, we will read fairy tales aloud, otherwise, as an adult, our child will not learn to critically comprehend current events, will become a slave to the ideas imposed on him, will not only be easily inspired, but will also succumb to zombies, may fall into a totalitarian sect, become a callous soul to his elderly parents , i.e. to you, dear readers.

“Mom, read “Kolobok” to me… For the hundredth time… Today… Well, who hasn’t heard these requests to read your favorite children’s book again and again?

At one time, when I was still reading eldest daughter, always tried to dissuade her from this venture and persistently offered to read new book, because we have a lot of them and all of them are interesting. I thought it would be much more useful to know new information, read as much as possible so that the child grows and develops, as they say, not by the day, but by the hour.

Imagine my surprise when one day in the kindergarten, at the stand with information for parents, I read an article that it is useful for children to read their favorite fairy tales several times. It turns out that I did everything wrong, but it was not too late to correct myself, which I did. Therefore, if you want your child to read fairy tales to bring the maximum result and contribute to his intellectual and emotional development more efficient, read on and find out what…

If your kid asks to read the same book over and over again, that's very good. This suggests that it was this book that resonated somewhere in the soul of the crumbs and is fully consistent with its current emotional state, so to speak, entered into resonance with the baby.

This also indicates that the book is fully understood and accepted by the baby, that there are no obscure or misunderstood moments, frightening or repulsive elements. Surely, you have favorite books or movies that you have read or watched a hundred times and are ready to repeat it as many more. So why don't we want to recognize our baby's rights to the same thing?

The fact that the baby knows in advance how the story will end, forms in his mind confidence in the future and in its positive result, that is, he will be sure that despite any difficulties, everything will be fine.

Who can argue that being an optimist is more fun and productive than being a pessimist? Thus, by playing the same scenario several times, the baby firmly learns the idea that hopeless situations it doesn’t happen that, even if you were eaten, you still have two ways out ...

When you read a fairy tale to a kid, he is in the world of his fantasies, empathizes with the hero, emotionally loses all his adventures, that is, he experiences a lot of emotions, each time these emotions become more perfect.

Do not forget that nervous system the baby is not yet fully formed and he needs much more time to “form” and accept his feelings and emotions. So, brick by brick adding up his feelings for the heroes of his favorite fairy tale, the baby will receive several formed emotions in his “life piggy bank”.

Use repeated reading to develop your baby's speech. Firstly, the constant repetition of the same words perfectly replenishes lexicon the baby, and secondly, by reading the book differently each time, you contribute to the development of a better speech of the child as such.

What does "differently" mean? After you have read the book with the expression a couple of times and made sure that the meaning is fully understood by the child, read the same fairy tale a little faster, then even faster, etc., reaching the pace of the tongue twister - this is how you teach the baby to perceive information by ear and in different variations.

Another way to work with a book is to periodically stop and ask your child about what is going to happen next. This is not only a great way to develop practical skills colloquial speech but also memory training.

Use repeated reading to develop your child's imagination and creativity. After reading up to a certain point, ask the child to come up with a sequel. Write your story with him. Moreover, this method can be successfully applied several times: first, let the baby come up with a different ending, then stop reading a little earlier and come up with a little more, etc.

Perhaps the kid will like this game and he will begin to compose his own fairy tale after the words "Once upon a time ...". And of course, the already familiar way of working with a book is a discussion of pictures. Let the kid tell what or who is drawn, what he is doing, to which episode of the fairy tale this illustration belongs. Pictures can also be used to compose your own fairy tale.

Unfortunately, this is all I remember from that article... But even this is quite enough to turn the boring reading of Kolobok into an exciting and useful activity for the hundredth time today.

Wish you enjoy reading And creative success to your baby!

Why are fairy tales needed? And should your child read them? The answer is clear: you need to read. For example different fairy tales children learn to live, learn to distinguish between good and evil. Thanks to these rather simple and short stories children learn how to behave in different life situations learn not to be afraid of difficulties and life problems. A fairy tale is a kind of model of the world around us. It talks about many of life's difficulties and problems using very simple and understandable examples for children. The fairy tales that we read to children affect their psyche, help to bring up certain character traits in them, help to build a specific line of behavior in different life situations.

These simple stories teach our children to distinguish good from bad, good from evil. Therefore, it is very important to choose the "correct" fairy tales, fairy tales in which good wins and evil loses, or is punished for its bad deeds. Thus, children begin to understand that if they do evil to others, then someday, this evil will return to them. They understand that by doing good deeds, treating others well, they will receive kindness in return, they will be loved and respected, they will have many friends. In order for children to understand the meaning inherent in a particular fairy tale, it must certainly be discussed after reading. Let the child talk about his understanding of the fairy tale, about what this fairy tale taught him, about what he can and cannot do. Thus, the child learns to think, trains memory and attention, develops imagination. Fairy tales help children learn cause and effect relationships, training the still fragile child's psyche and developing a self-confident personality.

Another important reason why it is worth reading fairy tales to children is that reading is a joint pastime for the child and parents. Reading another story at night, you communicate with the child, give him such important time and the attention he needs. It is important for children to communicate with their parents, to spend time with them in order to learn the necessary behavior patterns in order to receive warmth, care and positive emotions. For those parents who spend the whole day at work, not being able to take a walk or chat with own child, a fairy tale is an opportunity to catch up, to understand how their child thinks and what is important for him in life.

Fairy tales are particles of goodness and happiness that have been passed down from generation to generation for many years, this is an invaluable experience acquired by generations and passed on to us and our children in a simple and accessible form.

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