Danil Pluzhnikov, winner of the Voice.Children show: “They voted for me not because I am special. Life after The Voice


The love and support of millions of Russians inspired and gave strength to this special child forced every day to deal with a severe congenital ailment. But after any victory, you need to return home, to ordinary life. How is life after the "Voice", AiF.ru told Danil and his mom Irina Afanasyeva.

"I'm still in shock"

For Danila's participation in the show competition “Voice. Children ”without exaggeration, the whole country watched. The emotions that the majority of Russians evoked in each performance of the young Sochi musician could be judged by the reaction of the audience in the studio of the program, its presenter and mentors. All of them did not hide their admiration for the performance of the guy, and singer Pelagia even tears flowed down her cheeks. But the most powerful emotions at such moments, of course, Danil Pluzhnikov himself experienced, although outwardly he was fully assembled and, like a real artist, did not show any excitement. The guy looked natural on stage, and sang very artistically and with soul. Surely this also helped him to gain the maximum number of votes during the audience SMS voting. Although for his family he became a winner even earlier.

“Danka really wanted to participate in this competition and he applied on the Internet, I only helped him,” says Irina Afanasyeva. - He was very happy when he passed the casting, then the blind auditions. For us, each step was a huge victory and joy. And when Danka reached the final and then became the first, he was just happy. Especially since we didn't expect it from the very beginning. We went to the "Voice" just to try our hand. You know, all the children there were very talented, and we must have been lucky. In any case, when Danya reached the final, for me and for all our relatives, he was already a winner.”

Danil himself also willingly shares his impressions of what he experienced thanks to his participation in the project.

Vladimir Alexandrov, AiF.ru: Have you come to your senses after such a success?

Danil Pluzhnikov: Not yet, I'm still in shock and still can't believe it. Emotions are overflowing. But I sleep peacefully, I don’t dream of “Voice” at night.

- Was it difficult to win, because you had strong opponents?

“Of course, there was a lot of excitement and a lot of tension. Very difficult - live broadcast after all. But I, like the guys who were in the top three with me, managed. Liza and Damir are very good, there was no competition between us at all, we always cheered for each other, talked and wished good luck.

- What do you remember most and what impressions did the mentors make - Bilan, Pelageya, Agutin?

- Every moment on the project was precious, and participation in it gave me just a tremendous experience. But I can't pick out anything. You know, all mentors are good in their own way, but I only keep in touch with Dima Bilan. We call him and discuss different topics We talk about music, about life. We communicate very well with him.

- Now everyone is congratulating you on your victory, they want to talk, take an interview. Are you tired of all this attention?

“No, of course I’m not tired. I feel a lot of support, which gives me strength, helps to maintain a positive attitude.

Where do you get inspiration for your art from?

- From nature, from parents, from everyone around. And of course, the fact is that I really love music. I am a music lover and listen to everything. Music is my favorite thing that brings great joy.

What are your dreams and what are your plans?

- I have one dream - I want to become famous singer or as a composer, I write the music myself. But for this you need to study, study and study again. In the future, I'm going to College of Music, then to the conservatory.

Not music alone

Danil continues to communicate with the guys from the "Voice" - on the Internet. He has enough pen pals, because the guy is very sociable, which is clearly seen in television stories with his participation. Not only children, but also adults like to communicate with him - he can find mutual language and topics for conversation with almost everyone. But still, a child with disabilities, and even such a well-known and beloved by everyone as Danya, does not have too much live communication with peers. And none modern facilities connections cannot completely replace it. Due to his illness, Pluzhnikov studies at home, and in some lessons at the music school, where his parents take him, you don’t talk much. Moreover, the winner of the “Voice” takes music very seriously. It's good that a person lives next door with whom Danya can always talk heart to heart in the same language.

“On the Internet, my son has a lot of friends, but this is the Internet,” says Irina Afanasyeva. - And in life there is one boy with whom Dani really real friendship. They have been communicating for many years, understand each other and support in everything. Well done guys, I really like it. Nikita is healthy, tall, handsome guy, he is involved in athletics and wins prizes in competitions.

Danya himself loves to draw and therefore is kind to the works sent by admirers of his talent. Photo: Danil Pluzhnikov's Vkontakte page

Music for Danil is the most important thing, and he devotes a lot of time to it. The boy attends vocal classes and learns to play the synthesizer. Although he also knows a lot about other types of creativity. Danya loves to draw with pencils and paints, work with images in Photoshop. In general, he really likes the computer, although he does not play games, like many of his peers. Unless sometimes he sits down for a short time at simple "worms" so that the brain has a little rest. He also has his literary tastes. My favorite genres are detective and science fiction, and my favorite works are Sherlock Holmes, Harry Potter and The Chronicles of Narnia. Moreover, reading, like watching movies, is not just entertainment for him. Great importance makes sense to Dani. For example, after watching Kung Fu Panda, he shared with his mother that this animated film has a lot of instructive things, that it talks about good and evil.

Danila's mother Irina Afanasyeva makes every effort to ensure that her son is happy. Photo: Danil Pluzhnikov's Vkontakte page

“Of course, not all children think about such things at this age,” says Irina Afanasyeva. - But, in general, I noticed that many guys with diseases like Dani's are really wise beyond their years and often say some smart things. However, they are still children."

It would be health

Say what you like, but the health of Danil Pluzhnikov for himself and his family is the most main question which is more important than any fame. As an infant, he seemed an ordinary child, but at nine months old, his parents began to notice that he had stopped growing. It turned out that the boy had a severe genetic disease in which the limbs stop developing. Because of this, his height is now less than a meter, and he is forced to move on crutches.

“Since 2003, I have already gone to the doctors with my son,” says Irina Afanasyeva. - At the age of seven, he underwent the first operation, and after it there were two more at the Elizarov center in Kurgan. They helped to straighten and slightly lengthen his legs, but this is not completely curable. You can only improve the condition so that the bones do not hurt and the muscles develop better. ”

After the victory, Dani has no end to fans who want to take pictures with him and get an autograph. Photo: Danil Pluzhnikov's Vkontakte page

Like any disabled child, Dana is entitled to special free treatment according to quotas, but not everything is so simple. The state provides funds only for the boy, and there is no question of compensating the expenses of the parents, which cannot be dispensed with. For example, during trips to operations in Kurgan, Irina Afanasyeva paid for her own accommodation. And this despite the fact that their family is not rich. Only the guy's father works constantly, and his mother has been taking care of her son at home since his birth. To cover all expenses, they had to apply to charity organisations. On the other hand, there are problems with finding competent specialists, especially with such a complex disease. But Danya needs constant treatment and rehabilitation.

The glory that came to the boy helped to solve these problems, at least in part. took care of his health host of the famous TV show Elena Malysheva. Thanks to this, Danya underwent an in-depth medical examination, the results of which the best doctors countries held a consultation. But even they were powerless before such a disease and cannot work a miracle. But they helped to determine the only Right way further treatment of the boy.

While participating in the First Channel project, Dana received messages with words of support from all over the country. Photo: Danil Pluzhnikov's Vkontakte page

“They came to the conclusion that it is still impossible for Danka to do new operations,” continues Irina Afanasyeva. - Now he needs to strengthen his muscles and spine. Elena Malysheva promised to arrange for us for three months in rehabilitation center Gelendzhik this year, and I am sure that she will keep her word. She said that she wanted to ensure that in a year Danilka would be able to move around without crutches. I will be very grateful to her if that happens. Apparently, then we will meet again with her on the transfer.

But difficult and painful treatment is not the only problem that Dana and his parents had to face. The saddest thing is that sometimes misunderstanding of others is added to this.

“It happens that people laugh, discuss me, there are those who have a negative attitude,” Danil admitted while participating in the program “Voice”. “But I don’t care, I am who I am.”

But there is still good news. Thanks to the Paralympics, Sochi has not only become more convenient for people with disabilities in terms of infrastructure. According to the boy's mother, the attitude of the townspeople has also changed. They have become noticeably more tolerant, and one can only regret that there is only one such Olympic capital in Russia.

According to Irina Afanasyeva, after the Paralympics, the people of Sochi began to treat people with disabilities better, like her son. Photo: Danil Pluzhnikov's Vkontakte page

Waiting for the best

Dana is very lucky with her parents. They do their best to make his life as comfortable as possible, although it is not so easy. For example, you need to equip your home in such a way that a boy with his small stature is comfortable. According to Irina Afanasyeva, now they want to order special furniture, but it’s hard to find it, and the family’s finances are limited. Even to pay for trips to Moscow for the Voice project, the boy's parents turned to local deputies and charitable organizations for help. There are others everyday problems with which the family is constantly confronted.

“We have only two rooms, in one of which Danya lives,” says Irina Afanasyeva. - And the kitchen and the hallway are combined - such a strange layout. Now, in this room we always have a very, very damp wall, and black mold forms. The apartment is on the first floor, and when it rains, the water seeps a lot. We have subtropics. Because of this, literally every year it is necessary to make repairs. Dampness is bad for Dani's health, but I don't know how to radically solve this problem. Maybe someone will respond and come up with something, help us. I will be just happy if we have a dry wall and the mold disappears forever.

Considering all this, it is difficult even to convey what joy the news brought to the whole family, which Head of Sochi Anatoly Pakhomov. After Dani's victory in The Voice, the mayor called his mother, conveyed his congratulations and promised a studio apartment in high-rise building currently under construction in the city centre. It is expected to be completed by the end of this year. I would like to hope that by that time Dani will have other reasons for joy. Now they are waiting for a call from Channel One, they promised to contact just after the May holidays. Everyone hopes that the boy will be offered to take part in some new interesting projects.

“Here is the Voice! - Dima Bilan a bullet pops up smoking before the final vote count. Leading Dmitry Nagiev with a friend, a St. Petersburg actor Igor Lifanov smoke silently, dumbfounded looking at each other point-blank. Leonid Agutin thoughtfully draws in nicotine, concentratedly watching the filter.

Rayana Aslanbekova. Don't disturb my soul, violin. Voice.Children-3. The final. Fragment of the issue dated 04/29/2016. Rayana Aslanbekova. Don't disturb my soul, violin. Voice.Children-3. The final. Fragment of the issue dated 04/29/2016

Such intensity of passions has not been for a long time.

Everything was in the finale of the third season: a brilliant performance by Yasya Degtyareva - a 100% winner of the show in a different alignment of forces, the peak of Seva Rudakov's form, the brightest flash of Marcel Sabirov, tears, screams, sobs and much more. But three reached the superfinal: Rayana Aslanbekova (team Leonid Agutin), Taisiya Podgornaya (team Pelagia) and Danil Pluzhnikov (team Dima Bilan).

By by and large everything was clear. Both dramaturgically and objectively, everything turned out so that 14-year-old Danil suffered and snatched this victory. AT literally the words. He spent three hours on his crutches, only occasionally sitting down on a bench. Courageously, without showing what pain he is experiencing, with two songs - “They beat us - we fly” Alla Pugacheva and "I'm free" Valeria Kipelova made the viewer fall in love with him. But he is constantly under the supervision of doctors (the boy suffers from a serious illness and regularly experiences pain in his limbs)! Danya made it clear that he needed this victory more than anyone in this hall. There is no talk of any speculation. All were worthy. He was tormented and overwhelmed - he was alone. He sang each verse so that it was not a shame to sob. Review the recording - it's not about the voice data at all.

On the eve of Easter, it was the best thing that could happen at the children's "Voice". Not a single child in the hall, and not a single adult even dared to think that 61.7% of the votes were somehow unfair. By the way, this is the first male triumphant on the project (before this show was won by Alisa Kozhikina and Sabina Mustaeva).

Not a single child in the hall, and not a single adult even dared to think that 61.7% of the votes were somehow unfair. A photo: Screenshot from video


The Governor of the Kuban thanked the mother of Danil Pluzhnikov for a smart son

Congratulations to Danil Pluzhnikov on winning the Voice. Children"! His talent is the pride of both parents, and Sochi, and the entire Kuban. Phoned now with mom Danila. He thanked her for raising such a smart girl. And of course, I congratulated both, - Veniamin Kondratiev wrote in his microblog on Twitter


Mom Danila Pluzhnikov gave it to music to find friends

We heard the diagnosis-sentence at the age of one and a half - spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia of the upper and lower extremities, - recalls Danila's mother Irina Pluzhnikova. - Systemic bone disease is completely incurable. But the condition can be maintained to alleviate the boy's pain, which he constantly experiences. The legs and arms hurt, the hip bones do not allow free movement. And the risk of forever sitting in wheelchair does not make it possible to try all the suggestions of doctors and strengthen the joints with special plates. Can hurt

The victory of 13-year-old Daniil Pluzhnikov, who suffers from a rare disease, in the show of young talents on the “First” “Voice. Children" has become main theme for discussion on Friday night. Many began to talk about a sense of pride in the country after TV viewers overwhelmingly supported a child with birth defects.

Dima Bilan's ward Daniil Pluzhnikov from Sochi suffers from a rare disease - dysplasia of the upper and lower extremities. At 13, the boy's height is 98 centimeters.

At the end of the show, he performed with the ballad "I'm free" by the group "Aria".

After the performance, viewers began to share their experiences on social networks.

Top model Natalya Vodianova writes that she is proud of her country after voting for Pluzhnikov.

AT official instagram Dima Bilan, who was Daniil's curator at the competition, photos from rehearsals appeared.

On Facebook, many are also happy for the winner and for the country.

And someone just wishes the guy success in life after the show.

Daniil Pluzhnikov's mother, Irina Afanasyeva, claims that the country's attitude towards people with disabilities began to change after the Paralympics.

I noticed confirmation of this after the Olympics and the Paralympic Games in Sochi. A lot of Paralympians came and locals went to watch their performances, saw how these heroic people, often overcoming themselves, overcoming such difficulties that it is incomprehensible to the mind, give out incredible records. They performed better than our healthy athletes… People saw Paralympians perform, met them on the street, and something changed in their heads. They began to treat people with disabilities differently. Two years have already passed, and this difference before the Paralympics and after is very noticeable. Although still some savagery remained, -

The third season of the popular musical TV show “Voice. Children ”and the winner of numerous youth music competitions.

Danil Pluzhnikov was born in Adler, the regional center of one of the four inner city districts of the resort city of Sochi. The boy was born into a family where both parents love music. Mom sings and plays the piano, father plays drums and guitar. It is not surprising that little Danya, having barely learned to speak, was already singing all the songs from the Bremen Town Musicians under karaoke.

The clear and cloudless sky above this family began to become covered with clouds when Danil was 10 months old. Mom noticed that her son stopped growing and gaining weight. The doctors at first reassured him and did not share their own suspicions, but soon made a disappointing diagnosis: the boy had spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia of the upper and lower extremities. It is a complex systemic bone disease.

But life went on. And courageous parents did everything in their power to ensure that their son received from this life everything that it can give him. Danil Pluzhnikov goes to school. True, for him the chosen method home schooling: 4 lessons with teachers and 7 more on the Internet. At the same time, the boy does not demand any concessions for himself and does not allow himself to relax: Danil is an excellent student.


Dani has many hobbies. The boy loves to ride a skateboard and a special scooter that resembles a two-seater mini car. Danil Pluzhnikov also loves to draw and write poetry. But main love Dani's life is music.

Several times a week, parents take their son to music school, where Danil is diligently engaged in vocals. Not so long ago, Danil Pluzhnikov began composing instrumental music, picking up a motive on the synthesizer.

The first victories were not slow to appear. The first year of vocal lessons with her beloved teacher Victoria Brendaus brought Dana 11 awards. Pluzhnikov regularly visited various music competitions. Some were held far from their native Sochi. Today, the young performer has more than 20 medals of the 1st degree and 7 awards of the 2nd.

In 2014, when Sochi hosted Olympic Games, Danil Pluzhnikov also did not stand aside. The young musician was invited to meet the Paralympians, and Danil agreed with pleasure.

This small in stature- only 98 centimeters - a huge and kind heart. A boy, worthily and courageously bearing the burden of his own difficult fate does charity work. Danil Pluzhnikov regularly visits the Moscow Cancer Center, where he sings and plays the synthesizer for the smallest patients.

Danil admits that these trips are not easy for him, because it is very scary to see seriously ill children and understand that some of them cannot be saved. But smiles and good mood kids are given the feeling that he is doing a good and necessary thing.

"Voice. Children"

The decision to participate in the 3rd season of the show “Voice. Children ”was not easy for Danil Pluzhnikov. The boy had long dreamed of going on stage and, along with other talented guys, to prove that he sings no worse. But the fear of a huge audience, which is not limited only to those present in the hall, restrained this impulse of the musician. As a result, Danya decided and did not lose.

The 13-year-old singer took the stage with a wonderful Cossack song"Two Eagles". Before leaving, he admitted that he dedicated the chosen song to his grandfather, who went through the war. Danil is alarmed that the feat of that heroic generation is underestimated by his peers, and they began to forget who gave them life.

The boy performed this song so thoughtfully and without a hint of pretense that he impressed not only the audience, but even sophisticated mentors. At the last minutes of the song, he turned to the boy and gasped. A little later, Bilan admitted that his heart almost stopped when he felt the extraordinary, adult spirituality that such a young boy filled the music and words with.

She expressed her sincere admiration. The singer said that this song "goes" with Dani's voice. But the main thing is that in execution young musician"Two Eagles" sounded like an adult, thoughtfully.

From the stage, Danila Pluzhnikov was carried away in his arms by Dmitry Nagiyev, admiring the courage and talent of the boy. The mentors noted that the performer from Sochi has unlimited possibilities and undoubted talent.

The audience saw the singer off with a standing ovation. The Our Future Foundation congratulated Danila on the successful completion of the Blind Auditions stage.

In the show "Voice. Children ”the little musician constantly surprised the audience and the jury. Danil Pluzhnikov appeared on the screens in the fourth episode of the third season music show"Voice. Children”, which aired on Friday 11 March 2016.

On April 1, 2016, Danil Pluzhnikov appeared already in the episode of the show at the stages of "Fights" and "Song for the Departure". At the “Duels” stage, Danil sang the song “Oh, roads ...” by Novikov and. The boy was the second participant in the third trio and became the winner of the stage.

In the competition "Song for the Departure" Danil Pluzhnikov again sang the song "Two Eagles" by Gazmanov, which brought the young performer victory in the auditions. The song didn't disappoint this time. young singer- Danil went to the next, final, stage.

Another triumph of the young performer was the final, in which the boy sang the song "They beat us, we fly." After Pluzhnikov touched the audience and the jury again, the boy went to the superfinal. Danil Pluzhnikov's rivals were with the song "Do not disturb my soul, violin" and with "Rubber Hedgehog". Daniil Pluzhnikov himself performed the hit "I'm Free". 61.7% of viewers voted for Danil.

April 29, 2016 Danil Pluzhnikov became the winner of the show "Voice. Children-3" under the guidance of project mentor Dima Bilan. In addition, Pluzhnikov made three out-of-competition performances. The young musician took part in the combined performances of the children of the project on the songs "Cisara" and "The Winner Takes It All", and also sang the song "I Remember You" together with the mentor Dima Bilan and teammates.

Pluzhnikov is a multiple participant in the Foundation's projects. In February of this year, the young Sochi singer participated in International festival-competition"Success Factor", which took place in hometown musician. Then creative biography Danila Pluzhnikova was replenished with another victory: the boy became a laureate of the 1st degree.

Personal life

The boy admits that his small stature does not interfere with his life at all. Danil realized long ago that he would never become like his peers, and began to calmly relate to the reaction of others.

Today, the personal life of Danil Pluzhnikov and the most big love- it `s music. Danil loves different songs, but always with deep meaning. In addition to the songs of Oleg Gazmanov, the young performer's repertoire includes compositions and.

Danil is also fond of composing music, the boy even received the Grand Prix for his own composing work. Fans of Pluzhnikov's work hope to soon hear the author's music performed by the young artist.

Danil Pluzhnikov now

After winning the TV show “Voice. Children ”Danil Pluzhnikov began touring Russia. In 2016, the young musician performed at the Invasion rock festival in front of a crowd of two hundred thousand. The song “I am free”, which Danil performed in the project “Voice. Children ”inspired the organizers to take a crazy, but at the same time logical step: to invite the boy to perform with Valery Kipelov, who performs this composition in the original. As a result, Kipelov and Pluzhnikov performed with two songs "I am free" and "Lizaveta".

In 2017, on Russia Day, Danil Pluzhnikov spoke at holiday concert in Sochi. The boy sang along with the Yin-Yang group, which became the headliners of the event.

In 2017 Danil Pluzhnikov performed with new song"Pilgrim". This is a composition written specifically for a young musician after winning the children's "Voice". The musician also presented this song to the public in Sochi, but already on solo concert which took place on 15 July.

Once again, with a new composition, the young singer delighted the audience at grand opening the First World Congress of People with Disabilities at the Palace of Team Sports in Yekaterinburg. The musician also recorded this track in the studio, and today the composition "Pilgrim" is available for purchase on the iTunes platform.


Danil Pluzhnikov has not yet released a solo album, but the songs performed by the young musician were included in two collections:

  • 2016 - #LIVE
  • 2017 - "Two Eagles" (a collection released as part of the "Voice. Children" project)

Singles on iTunes:

  • 2017 - "Pilgrim"

- finalists of the sensational project Voice.Children! Yesterday, April 29, all viewers of Channel One were rooting for their little idols and wondering who would win in the third season of the Voice.Children show. A few hours before happy holiday Easter in the studio of the program - the winner and finalists children's show! Well, and, of course, Danil Pluzhnikov, who became the hero of the project the day before! See Tonight - Voice. Children 04/30/2016. The guests of the program are the finalists of the Voice.Children show.

The winner of the Voice.Children-3 show, Danila Pluzhnikov, opens Saturday evening with Valery Kipelov's song "I'm free." It was with this composition that he won one of the most grandiose children's competitions. Here is what the boy says about his victory: “I was just in shock! I didn't expect to win. Mom's phone was bursting with calls and messages, I didn't even check. I am very grateful to the host of the project, Dmitry Nagiev. Unfortunately, we were not able to see each other after the completion of the project. If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't have sung this song."

Tonight - Voice. Children: Danil Pluzhnikov

- I chose the song of Valery Kipelov, because I always liked it. She sounds very cool and her lyrics have a deep meaning.

Singer Valery Kipelov gave Danila Pluzhnikov a CD with his compositions and a poster. The rock vocalist expressed his opinion about Danil:

“I am very interested in what our children are interested in. I watched all three seasons and realized that we have very talented children in our country. I believe that Daniel felt my song. Of course, the song is not childish at all, and the boy understood it in his own way. But I think that he is well done and coped with his task. Danya, I give you this CD with my new single and a poster. I wish you creative success and faith ... faith in yourself!

Parents of Danila Pluzhnikov - Irina and Vladimir:

- Even if our son took 5th place, he is still a winner for us. We do not worry that he is not like all his peers.

How does Danil Pluzhnikov live?

Next, they show footage from Sochi, where the winner of season 3 Voice. Children Danil Pluzhnikov lives. Boy's father: “I'm very proud of him. Previously, many poked a finger at him when his mother drove him down the street in a stroller, but one day Danila told her not to pay attention to any fools.

Daniil Pluzhnikov: “Sometimes, of course, I want to send such people to hell ... I think I am very lucky with my parents and the people who surround me.”

Tonight: Hieromonk Photius

— I think my mission continues. I can now continue my pastoral mission, talk about God. Before going to the Voice TV project, I went to a spiritual mentor. He gave a parting word and wished me luck, although he laughed it off, saying that I could become a star. I congratulate everyone on the upcoming Easter!

Tonight - The Voice. Kids 3: Show Finalists

Sergey Zhukov, singer and producer:

- It turns out that you have to watch the program on tour. In general, I believe that the finale on the eve of Easter is a divine sign, and in next season more and more more kids want to try their hand at music. As a father of four children, I really want to see them talented musicians and singers.

7-year-old Taisiya Podgornaya from Krasnodar Territory took third place on the Voice. Children project - season 3.

The girl performed the song “Orenburg Downy Shawl” on the project and conquered many viewers with her performance.

You will also see Yaroslav Degtyareva on the program, who sang Viktor Tsoi's composition "Cuckoo". The girl survived terrible accident, but even while in the hospital, she walked around the wards and sang famous song Kino group, encouraging their peers.

And Eva Timush from Moldova admitted that she often sang the song "Watch" by her favorite singer Valeria, who also came to the program!

Among the guests of the program: singers Valeria and Maxim, as well as Stas Piekha. Watch the broadcast Tonight - Voice. Children 3 (Guests of the program - finalists of the show Voice. Children, third season) dated April 30, 2016.

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