Scenario of a solo concert by Maria Glushchenko Born to sing. Solo concert

municipal institution additional education

"Children's Art School No. 1 in Volsk"


solo concert

Soboleva Irina Ivanovna

Filippova O.N. - teacher


disciplines MUDO "DSHI No. 1 of Volsk"

Soboleva I.I. - teacher of the choir class

MUDO "DSHI No. 1 of the city of Volsk"


solo concert

Soboleva Irina Ivanovna
Dear friends! We are pleased to welcome you to this beautiful hall. Art Gallery Once again hospitably opened the doors for music lovers and vocal art.

The human voice is a unique musical instrument. Everyone has a voice, many can and love to sing, but not every person can be called a vocalist. This is the name of a singer who has natural musical abilities, has passed special training and knows how to speak well.

Having become friends with harmony and agreeing in sounds,

2. “I am on the first snow ". Muses. G. Ponomarenko, sl. S. Yesenin. Performs

3. "Russian blizzard". Muses. V. Gusakova, sl. P. Chernyaeva. Performs

Romance is a popular genre vocal music. IN last years on posters concert halls, in the programs of the philharmonic the inscription "Evening of the Russian romance" often appears. On the television channel "Culture" there is a regular program "Romance of Romance". Interest in such concerts proves that the romance is not forgotten and is loved by many.

Romances can also be heard in films. "Cruel Romance", "Squadron of Flying Hussars" and others.

4. "Song of the cavalry guard" from the movie "Star of Captivating Happiness".

Muses. I. Schwartz, lyrics by B. Okudzhava. The vocal duet is also performed by E.V. Tsyplakova.

The poem "The End of Winter" by Sergei Mnatsakyan

Lanterns are bright as angels

sleep at home,

writes his letters cleanly

wild winter...

Wool tangled with sheep

dusk falls here and there.

white flakes are sweeping ...

5. « The night is bright" Muses. N. Shishkina, sl. M. Yazykova. Performs vocal

duet and E.V. Tsyplakova.

6. "Misting foggy." Muses. E. Abaza, sl. I. Turgenev. Perform

What a good new waltz! In some kind of rapture

I circled faster - and a wonderful desire

Me and my thought involuntarily rushed into the distance,

And my heart sank; not that sadness

Not that joy...

7. « I remember the waltz sound lovely ". Muses. and sl. N. Listova. Perform

I.I. Sobolev and E.V. Tsyplakova.
I doubt that anyone knows the music of GV Sviridov.
8. G.V. Sviridov. "Romance" from the music. illustrations for the story by A.S. Pushkin

"Blizzard". Performed by O.V. Danilina (violin), piano part

E.V. Tsyplakova.
9. "Don't Awaken" from the movie "Squadron of Flying Hussars Muses. Zhurbina, sl. D. Davydova. Performed by the vocal duet of I.I. Sobolev and R.V. Gusev, accompanies E.V. Tsyplakova.

Poem by Sergei Mnatsakyan

Music! Music! Above the snowfall

Curls and droops to the cast-iron fences.

To old tight casting roses,

Music - bitter to oblivion ...

Music - wonderful - right up to the chills!

What is envy and malice before her?

What is her impatience and anger?

This silent and sonorous chant.

So weightless - higher and higher!

The pain carried away - quieter and quieter.

quieter, but deeper, all from the inside,

So she twists, laughing and suffering,

music old and young

tender, sinful - snow or

light?! -

eternal music of temporary years ...
10. "Only once." Muses. B. Fomina, lyrics by P. German. Performed by I.I. Sobolev and

11. "Guide, troika." Muses. and sl. Steinberg. Performed by I.I. Soboleva,

accompanies E.V. Tsyplakova.

12. "Oh, you sleigh ". Muses. Belasha, sl. S. Yesenin. Performed by I.I. Soboleva,

And R.V. Guseva, accompanied by A.F. Gudkov.

13. "Listen if you want." Muses. and sl.N. Shishkin. arr. Y. Mayevsky.

Music is an art to which transmission is subject human feelings, their finest shades. Delight and despair, quiet joy and stormy rejoicing, triumph and disappointment, anxiety and hope. Everything is accessible to music and is expressed by it with extraordinary sincerity and completeness.

14. "Coachman, do not drive horses." Muses. Ya. Feldman, sl. N. Ritter.

Performed by I.I. Soboleva, accompanied by E.V. Tsyplakova.

15. Bells. Muses. A. Bakaleinikov, sl. M. Kusikova.

Performed by I.I. Soboleva, accompanied by E.V. Tsyplakova.

16. "And it's snowing." Muses. A. Eshpay, sl. E. Yevtushenko.

Performed by I.I. Soboleva, accompanied by E.V. Tsyplakova.

17. "Over the fields and over the clean." arr. L. Shokhina.

Performed by I.I. Soboleva, accompanied by E.V. Tsyplakova.
It's a joy to meet at the beginning of the new year. Let New Year will give you many pleasant meetings, and musical ones too. Our concert today is creative report, and at the same time a step in the continuous path to self-improvement.

Thanks to everyone who gave us this holiday.

May the New Year

will give you all

Fields of snow-covered gave,

And the blue of the sky, and the smell of pine needles,

Snow on lush spruce paws.

Less sadness

And joy is more

And strong great HAPPINESS!

See you again.



Soboleva Irina Ivanovna
1. "Song of the Cavalier Guard" from the movie "Star of Captivating Happiness"

Muses. I. Schwartz, sl.B. Okudzhava.

2. "Misty Morning" Music. E. Abaza, sl. I. Turgenev.

3. "Don't wake up." Muses. Zhurbina, sl. D. Davydova.

4. "Only once." Muses. B. Fomina, lyrics by P. German.

5. "The night is bright." Muses. N. Shishkina, lyrics by M. Yazykov.

6. Bells. Muses. A. Bakaleinikov, sl. M. Kusikova.

7. "Coachman, don't drive the horses." Muses. Ya. Feldman, sl. N. Ritter.

8. "Gida, troika." Muses. and sl. Steinberg.

9. "Over the fields and over the clean." arr. L. Shokhina.

10. "Russian blizzard". Muses. V. Gusakova, sl. P. Chernyaeva.

11. "And it's snowing." Muses. A. Eshpay, sl. E. Yevtushenko.

12. "I'm on the first snow." Muses. G. Ponomarenko, sl. S. Yesenin.

13. "Snow of Russia" from the movie "Mission in Kabul". Muses. V. Uspensky,

sl. N. Oleva.

14. "I remember the waltz sound lovely." Muses. and sl. N. Listova.

15. "Listen if you want." Muses. and sl.N. Shishkin. arr. Y. Mayevsky.

16. "Oh, you sleigh." Muses. Bilasha, sl. S. Yesenin.



Soboleva Irina Ivanovna
1. "Snow of Russia" from the movie "Mission in Kabul". Muses. V. Uspensky,

sl. N. Oleva. Performed by I.I. Soboleva, piano part by E.V. Tsyplakova.

2. "I'm on the first snow." Muses. G. Ponomarenko, sl. S. Yesenin. Performs

vocal duet of I.I. Sobolev and R.V. Gusev, accompanied by Gudkov A.F.

3. "Russian blizzard". Muses. V. Gusakova, sl. P. Chernyaeva. Performs

vocal duet of I.I. Sobolev and R.V. Gusev, accompanied by Gudkov A.F.

4. "Song of the Cavalier Guard" from the film "Star of Captivating Happiness."

Muses. I. Schwartz, lyrics by B. Okudzhava. The vocal duet is also performed by E.V. Tsyplakova.

5. "Night is bright" Mus. N. Shishkina, lyrics by M. Yazykov. Performs vocal

duet and E.V. Tsyplakova.

6. "Misty Morning". Muses. E. Abaza, sl. I. Turgenev. Perform

I.I. Sobolev and E.V. Tsyplakova.

7. "I remember the waltz sound lovely." Muses. and sl. N. Listova. Perform

I.I. Sobolev and E.V. Tsyplakova.

8. G.V. Sviridov. "Romance" from the music. illustrations for the story by A.S. Pushkin

"Blizzard". Performed by O.V. Danilina (violin), piano part

E.V. Tsyplakova.
9. “Do not wake up” from the film “Squadron of Hussars of the Flying Muses. Zhurbina,

sl. D. Davydova. Performed by the vocal duet of I.I. Sobolev and R.V. Gusev,

accompanies E.V. Tsyplakova.

10. "Only once." Muses. B. Fomina, lyrics by P. German. Performed by I.I. Sobolev and

R.V. Guseva, accompanies E.V. Tsyplakova.
11. "Guide, troika." Muses. and sl. Steinberg. Performed by I.I. Soboleva,

accompanies E.V. Tsyplakova.

12. "Oh, you sleigh." Muses. Belasha, sl. S. Yesenin. Performed by I.I. Soboleva,

accompanies A.F. Gudkov.

13. "Listen if you want." Muses. and sl.N. Shishkin. arr. Y. Mayevsky.

Performed by I.I. Soboleva, accompanied by E.V. Tsyplakova.

14. "Coachman, do not drive horses." Muses. Ya. Feldman, sl. N. Ritter.

15. Bells. Muses. A. Bakaleinikov, sl. M. Kusikova.

Performed by I.I. Soboleva, accompanied by A.F. Gudkov.

16. "And it's snowing." Muses. A. Eshpay, sl. E. Yevtushenko.

Performed by I.I. Soboleva, accompanied by A.F. Gudkov.

17. "Over the fields and over the clean." arr. L. Shokhina.

Performed by I.I. Soboleva, accompanied by A.F. Gudkov.


Guests are gathering in the hall. On the stage, everything is prepared for the performance of vocal and instrumental groups. The lights are dimmed, the stage is illuminated. Fanfares sound and the musicians take the stage. Without an announcement, the first song sounds: "Waltz, you and me." In front of the stage, a dancing couple performs a waltz, illuminated by spotlights.
From behind the scenes different sides two presenters come out and waltz with imaginary partners...
Presenter 1: Oh, this dizzying autumn ... Good evening, Dear friends!
Presenter 2: Good evening, dear guests!
Presenter 1: Those who are familiar with the author of the waltz that has just sounded ...
Presenter 2: As well as some other works that will be performed here ...
Host 1: And, of course, those who have not yet met him ...
Presenter 2: With whom - with him?
Presenter 1: With no one, but with something - with this - creativity! .. I am pleased to invite a charming author to this stage ...
Presenter 2: Nikita, it seems to me that it would be worth inviting the author somehow ... in a gentlemanly way? .. Let me do it myself.
(Ved.2 goes backstage and leads the author by the arm ... And at this time, another Ved. announces)
Presenter 1: Now the one who brought us together today will enter this stage in order to: give you - dear viewers, the warmth of your soul and wisdom, dressed in poetic forms; give us the opportunity to show our, I'm not afraid of this word - an outstanding talent)) and charge you with a wave of positive, and you - to enjoy our concert! So, meet Ekaterina Shmakova! And leading her ... under the arm of Nikita.
(Applause, fanfare)

My words: Good evening to all present in this hall and to all participants, to all who kindly agreed to create this holiday today! Nikita rightly said that it would be a concert, because my creative evening was more of an occasion, not a goal, and more precisely, it can be called an EVENING OF CREATIVITY! Today my friends will perform in front of you, they will perform both mine and their works, and it is this friendly symbiosis that will help reveal new facets of both my work and the talent of the performers themselves, because all my friends are unique: someone writes poetry and reads it wonderfully , someone - music and sings wonderfully, someone plays musical instruments beautifully and makes arrangements, someone dances and even choreographs dances, someone owns oratorical or acting skills, but we are all mostly amateurs and this is the first time we are performing with such a line-up together, so I ask you to be a little indulgent towards us)) “Tell me who your friend is and I will tell who you are” I think I don’t even have to tell a lot about myself, You will understand everything by watching our concert!

Presenter 1: And yet, Ekaterina, at least a few words about myself, well, let's, at least modestly ...))
My words: I was born and lived in Saratov for 47 years, I graduated from the School of Culture, which is now called the College of Arts. Already a year and a half from important view began to give her first home concerts, and she wrote her first poem at a young age, in Belarus, during a tourist trip, it’s called “On the Road” (I read a poem.) From the age of 20, I began to think about the meaning of life and my own being, and soon wrote the following: (I read the verse. "Search") I really like to travel and "sit at the computer", I love everything beautiful, because it inspires, I like to eat delicious food and just enjoy life, and all my close and loving people help me in this for which I thank them from the bottom of my heart! In general, I live like this, trying to comprehend what is happening, with faith in a better future, with aspirations forward, reflecting feelings and some lived moments of life in my works, although I think that I am only a conductor and co-author of what was sent down from Above! (reading the verse. “The boat of life”) Is that enough?

Presenter 2: Well, we figured out what you like, but what don't you like?
My words: Most of all I do not like the kitchen.
Host 1: Yes???
My words: Exactly the one where someone "made a mess",
Presenter 2: and the other is disentangling it?! ..
My words: Exactly! Someone "gave pepper to someone ..."
Presenter 1: or worse - "bream"
My words: And still trying to "annoy" stronger. I also don’t accept someone’s “noodles on the ears”, and I still don’t like it when the “alien loaf” is so big, but ... “the eye sees, but the tooth is numb”. But this is a joke (in which there is some truth), but seriously, then ... I can’t say it better than V.S. Vysotsky said in the song “I don’t like ...”, by the way, I also have a poem, but ... this is some other time ... But ... it was his civil poetry that resonated in my soul, and I found in Saratov the "Club of Civil Poetry and Author's Song" under the leadership of Yakovenko L.D., which I want to invite now on stage to take this opportunity to give her " Thank You Letter”, addressed to our Poetry Club for active participation in the organization and holding of the II Regional Festival of Folk Poetry and Author's Song “Free Microphone over the Volga”, the initiator of which she is.
(background for the exit of Yakovenko and presentation of a diploma)

Presenter 1: L.D., it is very nice to see you at our evening! Can you say a few words about the hero of this celebration?! (Words by Yakovenko L.D.)

Presenter 1: I remember that you, Lyudmila Dmitrievna, like Catherine's poem called "Prophecy". And I think she will be happy to read it again for you and we will listen! Nikita, please see our distinguished guest!
(The presenter2, to fanfare and applause, escorts the guest to the place.
Catherine reads a poem. "Prophecy" and "Dream from the Not Far Future")

During the applause, the studio exits oriental dance"Jasmine" (in front of the stage) and Lolita (on stage), and are performed " Polovtsian dances". (After the performance of the composition, the girl gives a flower to Lolita)

Presenter 2: What a beautiful dance! (following the girl with his eyes): Well, just some kind of miracle! "Miracle" - this is the name of the next poem by E. Shmakova.

(Catherine reads the verse "Miracle", " God's temple” and “Awakening”. Further, Catherine reads poems with musical accompaniment "Episode" and "My Sunshine". They leave the stage together. Leading out.)
Presenter 1: Do you feel how hot it gets, I wonder if it's from the spotlights?
Presenter 2: I think that it was this poem that added "sunshine" to the scene))
Presenter 1: Alas, not everyone is given such fiery feelings and not everyone is able to keep them, because in life it also happens that a chill runs through a relationship, and then you have to repent ...
Presenter 2: And about this is the next song to the words of E. Shmakova, the music for which was written by the performer himself. Meet: A. Sherstov!
(Sounds of the song "Remorse")

Presenter 2: Still, how good it is when the relationship becomes warm again! ..
Presenter 1: Yes ... How many shades of feelings! What a palette… And our concert continues.
(Catherine reads the verse “Palette”, “The soul finds love”)

(Before the stage: performed solo dance with fans.)

Presenter 1: What a bewitching sight! .. I would have looked like that ... Let's thank our guest for this wonderful dance! (Applause sounds)
Presenter 2: While Ekaterina is preparing for the next number, we can no longer hold back the onslaught of guests rushing onto the stage.
Host 1: You can probably hear the raging line of people wishing to speak.
Presenter 2: As one said famous poet“There is no time…”, or rather, how expensive it is! And this phrase, more than ever, fits our evening, passing in this, one might even say ... chic for our modest income - hall ...
Presenter 1: What did you say now?
Presenter 2: We have only paid for 2 hours, and there is still so much to do! ..
Presenter 1: So, returning to the topic: do you feel how quickly time flies?
Presenter 2: Yes, I almost missed the concert today.
Presenter 1: No, I was talking about the time of life: “The autumn of life, like the autumn of the year ...”, do you remember?
Presenter 2: Let's listen to the "poetry of Autumn ...", and the Saratov poetess G. Singertsova will perform it for us!
(G. Singetsova reads a verse and sings her romance “The Age of Autumn”)

Presenter 1: Thank you, Galina! By the way, the music of this romance was written by V. Savin - this young man with a guitar! Let's applaud our songwriters! And now we are happy to pass the microphone to the no less famous Saratov poet - Igor Shvedov, who will read for us ... Igor, tell me! ..
(I. Shvedov reads poems by E. Shmakova "Bardak", "Victory Day")

Host 1: Yes, I think it’s worth thinking about ...
Presenter 2: And you listen to the following, there is also something to think about, and charming Elena will read it to us ...!
(Elena reads the verse. “To the past.” (Applause)

Presenter 1: Yes ... Ekaterina, it turns out, is a girl with character ... Not in the eyebrow, but in the eye! will read us a fable by E. Shmakova! (Applause Elena!)
(S. Shutkov reads the fable "Stream and cloud")
Host 1: What is true is true ...
"Life will fly by like a moment
Appreciate her, take pleasure in her.
How you spend it - so it will pass,
Don't forget: she is your creation."
This is already... Omar Khayyam!.. But, do you feel how I read?!...
Host 2: Awesome! However, let's listen to your colleague now! I invite to the microphone not only a poet, but also an actor - our inimitable D. Serov, who wants to make some kind of confession ...
Presenter 1: Nikita, I want to enlighten you: “Confession” is the name of the poem.
(D. Serov reads the verse. “Recognition” (Applause sounds)
Presenter 1: Could a girl have written such a thing?
Presenter 2: Yes, Catherine admitted that she wrote this poem when she was a little over 20 and it was this poem that prompted her to think about writing a play (in verse). It’s a pity that so far we can neither read it nor see it, since Catherine does not yet have a collection, and put on a performance ...
Host 1: By the way, good idea! With her desire and our potential!.. Why not?! And what is the name of the play?
Presenter 2: “A random gift” - a comedy, something in the style of a Spanish playwright - Lope De Vega or Shakespeare ...
Presenter 1: Yes ... they say: “if a person is talented, then he is talented in everything” and this confirms main character our tonight! By the way, she is preparing a surprise (for those, of course, who do not have a program)))
Presenter 2: And how will she surprise us this time?
Presenter 1: I don’t know whether it will surprise or not, but not many people in our city do what she will demonstrate now. Well, have I intrigued you?!
Host 2: I can't wait for it to come out!
Presenter 1: And she will not be alone, but with her student, if I may say so
Presenter 2: Well, then it will be even more interesting!
Presenter 1: Okay, you can go to the hall and see, I let you go, just don't forget to come back later))
Indian dance in Bollywood style performed by E. Shmakova and......

Host 1: What do you say? They have a cool outfit, right?!
Presenter 2: I am not an expert in Indian dances, but ... I was impressed, of course! ..
Presenter 1: Especially this one ... when the fingers fan out ... they call it, in my opinion, "lotus"!
Presenter 2: Well, wow ... Just think ...
Presenter 1: Ours is already coming to an end ...
Presenter 2: Nikita, why scare the audience like that?!
Presenter 1: And, in my opinion, they have become very animated, but in vain ...))) Because only the first part of our program ends.
Presenter 2: And we give the right to complete it to one more of our guests, who will perform three of his songs for you.
Presenter 1: So, meet ... V. Lysach enters the stage!
(Applause sounds. V. Lysach performs three of his songs with a guitar: “Love as a white water lily”, “Walk in the evening Saratov” and “We will live!”)
Presenter 2: Let's thank our guest from the bottom of our hearts!
Presenter 1: This is what I understand - optimism! With such an attitude, perhaps it is better not to finish the first part, but to start the second! What have we smoothly moved on to!
Presenter 2: So, we can already present to your attention three amazing compositions performed by VIA "Cocktail"
(Three compositions are performed: "Smoke on The Water" (soloist - Lolita Zavirayko), the second - "Tiko-Tiko" and the next - "Czardas" (V. Monti))

Presenter 1: Wow, lit the guys! Well done! It's time to listen to a gypsy song after the Hungarian Czardas. Meet: Ensemble "Thank you"
(Sound: gypsy folk song "Nane tsokha")

Presenter 2: At the end of the evening, this ensemble will delight us with its author's songs, so we do not say goodbye to its members.
And now the “Symbolic Orchestra of Nikita Gerasimenko” is entering the stage together with Nikita himself! Ask!
(Nikita introduces his band and… a few words about his songs.
There are three author's songs performed by the S.O.N.G. group: "Mars", "No", "Night Romance".)

Host 2: That's what it means " live music"! .. And now the ensemble "Thank you" is again on stage, now with the author's songs of its participants. The first will sound auth. Lolita Zavirayko's song "To the Poets of the Streets", then - "Summer Blues" by E. Lozenkova performed by Lolita, followed by "Rain" by A. Sherstov and two songs by E. Shmakova will complete our program: "Thoughts aloud" and "Ballad of Love" .
(Songs sound in Spanish ans. “Thank you” and Via “Cocktail”.

Presenter 2: I hear a stormy, non-ceasing applause and it's great!
Presenter 1: So our 2 hours have flown by, which for Eternity is just a moment ... “Stop, moment, you are wonderful!”
Presenter 2: I hope we managed to combine the useful with the pleasant in our concert and enrich your minds and souls with our creativity! ..
(While Presenter 1 pronounces his phrase, the introduction of the final song performed by the ensemble “Thank you” begins to sound at the same time and after the chorus - the words: “see you again, see you soon”, the presenters introduce all participants to the game of musicians)
Presenter 1: Our concert ends and we are pleased to introduce our participants to you!
Presenter 2: Ensemble "Thank you": there is a transfer
Presenter 1: VIA "Cocktail": transfer in progress
Presenter 2: Symbolic orchestra of N. Gerasimenko - group "S.O.N.G."
Presenter 1: Oriental dance studio "Jasmine"
Presenter 2: And also our guests and participants
My words: And also our inimitable hosts of the evening.........
Thank you to everyone who was with us tonight! May everyone's soul find true love!

Scenario of the creative evening No. 2 "I am an amateur and ... something about love" dated 3/26/2016.

Good evening, dear guests!

I want to immediately thank those who are now in this hall, everyone who, having put aside their business, maybe even the most important, came to our mini-concert!
Many of those present already know me, of course, and for those who see this person for the first time, I want to introduce myself: my name is Ekaterina, sometimes - according to my mood ... I am called Roberta Solo. With God's help and in my free time, I am engaged in creative activities, an example of which is this evening, which, I hope, will be held in a warm, friendly atmosphere and set you in a lyrical mood, and my colleagues will help me in this - the entire composition of the ensemble .. ., the participants of which I will definitely introduce ... a little later!))

A creative evening, usually ... this is a “one-time” and grandiose event that already happened in my life in October 2014, this is, as it were, a kind of “summing up” inner work and lived experience of the soul, existing in this body for almost half a century!)) And today ... it is rather a creative meeting, the reason for which was two points:

Firstly, I recently wrote the book “The Story of My Love”, however, it has not yet been published (this is a serious matter that does not require small investments, and I don’t have sponsors yet)), but I can demonstrate its layout to those who wish right now and I want to note that that I also acted as its designer - myself. In my book, I tried to combine poetry and prose, my personal, I would say - philosophical view on love and some events of my life, and even more... to a greater extent, it is dedicated to my favorite singer - Vitas! For me it was very pleasant and, to some extent, useful work, which, perhaps, will arouse interest in someone, and even help some of the readers, especially women! However, the dream has yet to come true!

And the second is the realization of one's talents, which is important for creative people! I want to note that the realization of my, especially poetic talents, began right here - in this cozy hall, on this small, but such (nice) stage, when I suddenly, involuntarily, became a member of the Soul poetry club under the leadership of Matrosova V. N. and it was here that I met our beautiful vocalist and also the author of many of her songs - Lolita. This meeting became fateful and changed my whole life dramatically ... for the better! Here I met another wonderful musician and person, Sergei Trifonov, who often helps us in such concerts!
In general, we are all “chicks” of this “nest” under the wonderful name “Romantic!”

One of my recently written poems gave the name to this evening, and I want to start with it, so that a lot of things will immediately become clear to you! .. It is called:


I am an amateur, I do not deny
I am a poet, an amateur poet,
My creations that have come true
Becoming poems ... the soul is the abode,
And the stronghold of thoughts is my REASON,
"The mighty language" serves as a means,
My life experience is a rake -
He is friends with the Dream and the "prose of life";
LOVE gives me inspiration,
Charms the WORLD with its Beauty...
Life is a "wonderful vision ..."
I draw her the best I can!
The ESSENCE in poetry is always more important to me,
Than these ... "ten by twelve ...",
After all, in obsolete rhythm-forms
The "syllable" begins to choke.
Of course there are other meters -
There is "white ...", "haiku" and "ver libre ..."
No one creates bans
And frames for "free choice"!))
I write when the Soul asks
But it doesn’t go ... so, - no offense;
As I realize, so I compose ...
Or how condescending - in this form.
There is meaning and rhyme - Thank God!
There are FEELINGS - this is dearer to me!
And who can't understand it,
Education won't help.
They tell me: "You are not worthy, -
To print your poems! .. "
And I shrug my shoulders...
Not me, but they need to cry here ...
Their criticism is "above" Truths,
Given by someone else's ESSENCE,
And personal authority
Presses roughly ... over you:
"If there is no vocabulary,
To write "chorea", "iambs ..."
So do not disgrace yourself! .. ”What is worth to me
In response, "sing praises to them?!."))
But… I don’t like to “lick” someone
What is called the "fifth point"
And I don't waste my time
Counting the syllables in each line.
Our world is already... limited,
And then there's the censorship.
And in someone's narrow understanding,
I am not a poet, but simply ... "fool"))
To judge others is only the Supreme in the RIGHT,
And “throw a stone” is meanness!
I don't say "out of pride"
I was "dictated" by PRIDE!!!

I liked the phrase of one of the young poets - Viktor Galkin: “I do not write poetry. I write them off from the whisper of the wind, from the light of the moon, from silence. From the rays of the sun. Spring drop ... "It also seems to me that it's not me who writes, but" they write to me ... ", I'm just an unwitting co-author of the Higher Mind who wants to convey this or that information to people, but that's how ready I am - my heart, my mind , let subtle vibrations and images pass through you, turning them into accessible speech turns, of this quality my works are obtained.) Another small poem on this topic is “To the Poet”:

A poet creates only in solitude,
Words torya the universe ...
From the pen of his creation
Strives to break into the Light! ..
Piit doesn't know himself yet
Than the next moment will light up,
What mystery will be revealed
And what will he entrust to feathers! ..

As much as I write, I can’t fully understand this sacrament - the birth of a poem, especially a song - when poems immediately come along with music, though I don’t have many of them, but recently, in this regard, we are increasingly collaborating with Victor (we already compose a melody together, or Victor handles it on his own, and then he does the arrangement). We want to bring to your attention a few songs. The first one is called: "AT THE END OF THE EARTH'S PATH", and the charming Elena and Lolita will help us! So, the premiere of the song! (song playing)

The second one is already known to many “Thoughts aloud” and Andrey joins us and not alone, but with his ... balalaika! (sing the song)

There is such an expression: “we started in good health ... finished ...” I will not continue, because. you guessed it...)) Why am I?! I decided to do it differently! You probably already noticed that my performance began with serious topics, this is because you have already tuned in to listen, but are not tired yet, but, a little later, we will relax a little, talk about love and listen to our wonderful performers!

And now ... a little more lyrics and philosophy in poetry and songs! Many of us often ask questions: "Why am I here?", "What is my purpose?" and so on. I'm not an exception! Indeed, what am I doing here?!.)) In my youth, I wrote this:

Why did you come to the White Light?
Why do I exist?
What mark will I leave in my life?
Find a destiny...

I want to live, I want to have
All the best in abundance;
In business, health and love
Yes, everything will be fine:

So as not to walk and "scour for a penny",
dragging existence,
To bypass
All troubles and suffering;

So that it could always
Find something to strive for
So that the brain and hands could
Work tirelessly.

And let, no matter what you take,
Everything worked out right away.
So that adults and children
Created for good!

To live in peace and love
All people and all "animals"
So that no one's loneliness
The door didn't knock.

So that slo disappears forever,
Opening the Good Road!..
To say with a light heart
Could: "Thank God"!

So that always in the soul - peace,
And in the father's house - Joy,
To live as a friendly family
And let life be sweet!

So that from such happiness I
Never tired
And so that the cherished dream
Hurry up!!!

They say: “to dream is not harmful, it is harmful not to dream!” and I totally agree with that! And yet ... you must always Believe, believe in Miracles !!!
This is the name of my next song: “I BELIEVE IN MIRACLES!”, although ... the meaning is laid in it ... in general, you will hear everything yourself.)) (the song sounds)

If we are already talking about Russia, then I want to bring to your attention one more poem and one song.


Great Sacrifice - Great Holiness,
And the Will of the Creator is like Great Joy!
Great Memory to the Ancestors of all the fallen!
Great Glory to Our Light Gods!

The Great Time is Coming Soon -
Throw off the people sla "great" burden:
Great Fire Vaults of Heaven
Grant freedom from wickedness!
Free Life - as a Great Good
To all people will be a Great reward;
The greatness of the Spirit will rise in everyone,
It will become a Great, Light Force!
And the one in whom Great FAITH wakes up
It will come into contact with the Great SOURCE!
Souls will be washed with great LOVE!..
No one will break the great KONONs !!!

(KON is the Divine circle, and everything that has gone beyond it ... is the law)

And now... the promised song! The nature of this song is completely different.))

(Perform the song "I GO TO THE NATIVE SIDE")

I’ll concentrate a little more of your attention on the “prose of life”)) The fact is that we meet so rarely, and I want to touch on many topics and aspects of our being, I would say - not simple, but interesting and full of various events, and the time is now unusual, in general ... there are plenty of topics for conversation! .. And time, unfortunately, is limited.


Time seemed to run, speeding up every step,
There is no way to get back precious moments:
Acceleration enabled! Maybe it's my fault?
What happened, happened, let's call it ... fate.
And Fate is such a thing, no matter how you turn it,
It will be only as GOD wants, only: Believe, Pray, Love!
But everyone has the right to give their life "for what"...
The choice is given and the choice is made, it remains to wait!

I'm thinking: why don't I develop this philosophical theme a little further, after all, when such an opportunity still falls - I will read you poems, and you - listen to them ?!.

We are all voluntarily or involuntarily looking for the meaning of life… someone manages to find it, someone doesn’t, a lot depends on the Level of Consciousness, and I’m looking for it in my work, maybe… not only for myself?! Life is a Soul Experience obtained through trial and error. The main thing is “to fight and search, find and ... hide!” No?! Oh yeah - don't give up!

"Phantom Happiness"

We are prisoners of involuntary deceit
And we build a ghostly happiness in reality;
We have covered ourselves with fog
In his willingly plunging depth.

The mind enjoys its game
And amuses himself with the thought of Eternity.
And we are all just prisoners of illusions
On a ball called Earth.

What is reality, what is happening...
Only the heart will help to realize everything,
And time will not stop its run,
To have time to look back and understand.

You need to wake up and strive with your soul ...
See the manifestations of love,
So that the Truth can be revealed in us
And illuminate yourself from the inside!

"Labyrinths of Destiny"

We all wander through the labyrinths
Fate ... How pathetic a person -
He is looking for a way out, only where is there ...
He has been given a short life.

Some lived their lives well
Others fell into poverty
However, washed away without residue
Their faces are Time River.

Those who have left us look
Silently from heaven
Now they know for sure
What Secret the Veil has hidden.

And we, the living, guess:
That "hell" and "heaven", that life and death ...
Where our Path lies - we do not know.
The whirlwind of thoughts is absurd.

All our life's vicissitudes are the "maze of Fate" and it depends only on us, on our Consciousness whether we find the right solution or find ourselves in a dead end...

"Boat of Life"

Never return to the past
The passage of time is inexorable;
The boat of life runs on the waves
To the expanses of inevitability is inevitable.
What just doesn't happen on the way:
And storm, and calm, and clear weather,
A fair wind drives everything forward,
Fate does not allow to slow down.
There is only one right course - for love,
Hope is the sail, faith is the pilot
Another fairway, so as not to run aground
And so that our mind does not fail - the boatswain.
And the captain on the ship is Soul
And a vigilant heart is at the helm;
God grant that joy is everywhere and always
She accompanied that ship on the way!

But, not everything is as tragic as it seems at first glance.)) If the heart is open to love, and the mind is able to ask questions and look for answers to them, then Life becomes a pleasure, no matter what happens in it, a Game in which a person is not just a participant, but he himself comes up with his own Rules and with Joy begins to build his own - Beautiful World!

(Dedicated to NEO - the hero of the film "MATRIX", as well as to everyone whose souls and minds are awakening!)

The awakened one can no longer sleep,
And naked people don't have time to get dressed.
Is there any heat left to keep warm
And the Forces of the Spirit to become a Man?

Everything in this world is a lie and nonsense,
Everything but God's Truth!
There is no better share and joy,
Than the true to see the Light!

To look into the future with joy,
Light candles in your Souls,
So that a long life Star Trek
He was marked by the Most High Grace!

Break the shackles of sla,
Sow LOVE in everyone's heart,
For beauty to reign
Forever and ever once!

Sometimes, it is very difficult, even having a desire (or a great desire), to cope alone and find your Path. True LOVE. “Don't get lost”, “Awake” and “Open up” to all the BEST, help us - our Soul and People-Stars. For me, Vitas became such a “Guiding Star” - he is the First who helped me to believe in Himself! I am grateful to the Almighty for his appearance in my life! Many of my poems were written thanks to the inspiration that gives me the work of Vitas and his Inner Light. One of those poems...


The soul finds LOVE
Knowing this subtle connection,
I will never break again!

Deprived of bodily fetters
And throwing off the burden of the earth,
Soul, inspired by a Dream,
Flies through Space and Time!

And eternity will open before her
Deep Secrets of the Universe,
So that she does not go out in the future,
Filled with incorruptible Light.

So that a bright shining Star,
In all the beauty of perfection,
In the world of the same stars
I have known all the Joy of Bliss!

And now I am giving the microphone to Lolita so that both you and I can enjoy her voice and beautiful song! Music - Vitas, words - Dmitry Plachkovsky: "Star" We meet Lolita with applause!

"Sweet captivity"
I just realized today
That I have long been captured
His love and voice and songs!..
But such captivity does not burden,
On the contrary, he is so sweet to the soul,
Desirable, joyful and so wonderful!

"Magic Gift"
Your Gift for many is just magic,
Your smile makes people happy
Celebration shines in the eyes
And the beauty of Heaven, and the sweetness of life!
I won't stop admiring again
I voice and songs ... you! ..
And the soul bathes in tenderness,
And my heart is overflowing with love!

Well, here we come to the topic of LOVE!
I wanted to talk about love, but I realized that this is ... too broad a topic, because love is very multifaceted: it is love for relatives, friends, friends, including virtual ones, for people - close in SPIRIT, to the homeland, to everything living and existing… “Love your neighbor as yourself!” Here we have a gap - we forget to start with ourselves! We are not taught this, more precisely, such love is compared with selfishness and people are afraid to love themselves, especially as they are, hence many problems in life, starting with self-esteem. Self love has nothing to do with selfishness. The one who knows how to love (more precisely, LI-BE), which means to BE PERFECT, will never harm anyone, just such a Person Lives the way HE WANTS IT, and the egoist makes others live the way he wants! Egoism is a false path - the path of fear for oneself, the desire to always remain in the zone of increased external comfort, and love is a state of Inner - Spiritual comfort! This is the path to the Light!


Every moment is between life and death
Every breath is the embodiment of love.
We always go into the unknown...
Only catch the Pure Light with your Soul,
So that beyond, in interstellar space
Galactic forms and depths,
You were able to comprehend the secrets of the universe
And understand that you are one with her!
Breaking away he lower ego,
Realizing your Higher Self,
You can become the Eternal Wanderer of the Spirit,
Spark fiery Life of Fire,
Just feel the energy movement
Hear the power of thought with your heart,
Infinity of worlds embracing,
You will soar in absolute LOVE!

There is a saying: "it's better to see once than hear a hundred times", but today is a special occasion - it's good to hear, see, and feel, because love is the most wonderful feeling! As said great Shakespeare: “Love ... itself is already a source of happiness” and the following songs will only be about love, although very different ...

Now we will perform two covers. Whoever guesses (from 3 notes - just kidding))) what kind of song this is (where this romance comes from), immediately raise your hand and, if the answer is correct, after performing it, you will receive a prize! So, we begin, and you listen carefully! Lolita will help determine who will be the most ingenious.
(Diana's romance from the movie "Dog in the Manger" sounds)

So, do we have the correct answer?! Come out to us! Introduce yourself and get a present! (tush sounds, awards are in progress)

So, we have an option… Right! Come out to us for a prize, but first introduce yourself, please!..
Applause to the winner and carcasses!

This ballad, like the book, I dedicated to Vitas! I am very grateful to everyone who helped me to perform it, thereby making it even more beautiful and brighter!

Do you feel that spring is already outside the window ?!. And we have a day, one might say ... a success! Is it really a good day?!)) This is what my poem is about:

"A good day"

Your love is the rays of the sun
Through gray clouds to me
With your warmth through the window ...
She is with me - inside, outside! ..

The tramp-wind is circling the foliage,
The rowan bushes are shivering,
And I'm comfortable - My house is bright! ..
Oh what a good day this is!

Smiling inwardly,
I remember your image! ..
Enjoying all this miracle,
I bless the Earthly World!

Since we have spring outside the window, and we are talking about love, I would like you, the audience, to take the most direct part in our evening, opening your hearts to spring, and love, and to each other! Now try to compose at least a quatrain (and even better two), in which this word must necessarily sound - “LOVE” and preferably “SPRING”, “I WANT”, “GIVE”, while you can bow them, conjugate, in general, modify ! Time is a bit limited (you will have 3-5min.)! What will be best work- judge for yourself, and the author will be rewarded! Agree?! So, papers and pens were handed out to you ... then: to the start, attention ... we write !!!
In the meantime, our “competitors” are busy with their work, the rest can look through the book (there are two copies) and enjoy the wonderful vocalization of Vitas!

I see how inspiration already inspires the hearts of our participants, how inspired their faces become!.. This is what spring, love and real art do to people! But... let's not disturb them.)

So, the time is up and we are all ready to hear competitive impromptu masterpieces! I will read, and you - the audience and our part-time jury - will applaud each work and the more you like it, the louder you will have to clap, you can even shout "bravo!" (there is a competition and awards for authors)

And now, before leaving you for a while, I will be pleased to introduce you to our ensemble of the author's song, which at the moment is already a laureate of the "Obermouja Triangle" competition, as well as a diploma winner of numerous competitions and festivals! In May, our team turns two years old!

So, the members of our ensemble:
Our incomparable soloist - Lolita...
Keyboards and flute - charming Elena...
Solo guitarist and arranger - Viktor...
The founder and leader of our ensemble, which can do anything - Andrey ...
and now I'm handing him the microphone and "the reins"))

(Six author's songs sound:
"Spring Sketch" ed. Lolita Z.
"Summer Blues" ed. Elena L.
"Rain" auth. Andrew Sh.
"Morning" ed. Elena L.
"Cossacks" ed. Andrew Sh.
"Waltz, you and me" my author's song

Let's once again thank with loud applause and see off our wonderful performers - musicians, poets, yes, just ... very good people without whom this evening would not have been possible!
Judging by my costume, you have already guessed what I will be performing now!) Yes, my waltz smoothly turned into indian dance... Since this is my creative evening, I will be a creative person in everything!)) (Indian dance is performed)

So our meeting is coming to an end - a meeting that, I hope, gave you, like me, many wonderful, joyful and unforgettable minutes! At the end of the evening, I want to read you one more poem of mine ...

"My Wish to People"

May heavenly angels keep you
And LOVE will warm your souls!
I wish you the very best
Bright unearthly feelings again and again! ..

I wish you always inspiration
And for everything a positive attitude,
May your dreams be magical
Filling the whole world with beauty!

Do not skimp, friends, on the good, -
It will return to you a hundredfold,
After all, good from good is only full,
And everyone is happy with good deeds!

May the spring of your Alive True
It will be pure, it will not dry out forever,
Let everyone gain sanity
Everyone will remember that he is a Man!

I wish you much joy
Unexpected meetings and MIRACLES!..
May hearts open for eternity
Illuminated by the Light of Heaven!!!

We sincerely thank you for your attention, for the warmth of your hearts! We will be waiting for you and will always be glad to see you at our future concerts! All the best to you! Love and be loved always!!!
Ekaterina Shmakova was with you all evening! I, and all of us, sincerely thank you for your attention, for your participation and for your kind smiles! Goodbye, dear friends and distinguished guests! We hope to see you soon!!!

Scenario of the solo concert by Maria Glushchenko "Born to sing"

The welcome music stops. Fanfares sound and the words of the Host from behind the scenes:"Variety and theater department of the Children's School of Arts presents you a solo concert program" Born to sing ""

The light is leaving.

PROLOGUE What do you want to be?

Turns on phonogram Ella Fitzgerald My Funny Valentine (instrumental version).On the projector there is a video sequence of photographs of Mary with captions. Against the background of this music and video sequence, a dialogue of a little girl (this is Masha) is heard from behind the scenescomother (This is her mother): (Voices with a strong echo)


Mom, Maria Eduardovna, please! (With childish playfulness and naivety)

All right, Maria Eduardovna (mom laughs), tell your mom, finally, what do you want to be when you grow up?

- Mom, what are you, I'm already grown!(naively childish)

No, no, daughter, you are still quite small, you still have to grow and grow, but for now you are only 7 years old!

So, when you grow up, what do you want to be?

- (With insight) I know! I know! I know! Mom, have you noticed that I sing at every step, at dinner, with a spoon in my mouth, on the way to school and home, and when I walk, and when I have already gone to bed, I still sing.

- (Laughs) Of course I noticed!

I will become a singer!

Singer! (Mom confirmed)

Yes! Singer! So that someday someone will say: “She was born to sing!”

To sing.

Yes, like this: (Sings along to the music that is already playing, to any tune) "Born to sing" (several times.)

The light is dimmed.

To the stageINMaria comes out and greets the audience.Sings a song(without ads) « Who Owns My Heart»

EPISODE 1 "About love"

The host comes out - Marta Sergeevna.Music in the background.

Martha: Good evening, dear viewers, dear friends and comrades! We welcome you to Maria Glushchenko's solo concert program "Born to sing!"

Martha: I am sure that everyone sitting in the hall is somehow familiar with the work of Mary. May I ask those who have heard Maria sing to raise their hands? (Raise) She, so to speak, is the decoration of many holidays and concerts in our city. The songs performed by her do not leave anyone indifferent, so I am sure that today's concert will give you a lot of emotions! So, on stage Maria Glushchenko with the song "Sun".

Masha sings a song. Leaves.

Martha: Applause! Maria is young, beautiful, blooming, dreaming and, of course, loving. Love, how much it means in the life of every person.

Love is a mysterious feeling

The soul knows no peace with her,

Without her, our hearts are empty -

With love, the world is completely different.

About her feelings, and in several languages, Maria will tell you herself. So let's meet.

Masha immediatelysings songs:« Hurt", "Ask", "Olty Bocchi» . Martha comes out.

Martha: Applause does not stop! Maria, a person who came from St. Petersburg will now come on stage to congratulate you with all his heart on your solo concert. Sergey Kochnev is invited to the stage.

coming outSergey, congratulations to Mary.sings"Dreamers"

Martha: Applause to Sergey! This is an old and very close friend of Mary. Therefore, a little later, Sergei will appear on this stage.

(On the photo projector "KVIGA») And now I want to recall a wonderful page from the history of Mary's work. This is the well-known ensemble “Quig”, founded by Galina Vladimirovna Nikonorova in 2006. The ensemble included Maria Glushchenko herself, as well as Dmitry Ignatyuk and Kristina Volokhovich. Now the guys are studying in St. Petersburg. Unfortunately, they could not come and congratulate Maria on the concert. But I will be happy to read a written congratulation from Dmitry Ignatyuk:

“Maria, Mashenka, Mashulya! As soon as I did not call you, when we were together and everyone was doing creativity together! I would love to go back to those beautiful days, months and years when "KVIG" was a part of our life! Today I have an important event, which is why I cannot stand on this native stage next to you today. When, approximately, this congratulation will be read out, I will just be on the stage there and, undoubtedly, I will remember you with warmth in my soul. Maria Eduardovna, I sincerely congratulate you on your recent solo concert in Novgorod, and, of course, on your solo concert, which takes place within the walls of your native school. I wish you success, growth, as stable as it has been accompanying you for several years, I am truly happy for you! May your dreams come true! And soon I'll be watching you on TV! With love, Dmitry Ignatyuk!

Martha: So, Maria, I again invite you to the stage, and the audience greets you with thunderous applause!

MariasingsfoursongsContinuing the theme of love:Sun,Unrequited, Cloud of hair, You will leave.

EPISODE 2 "Life is an infinity of events"

Masha reads from behind the coolieWith(One of Maria's phonograms is quiet in the background):

I have seen little, and I know little, The road of life is straight and bumpy, But my God is beautiful and just.

Martha comes out.Against the background is a minus phonogram of Maria's song.

Martha: Of course, Maria is still too young, but life, even at that age, is no longer unfamiliar and completely unknown.

And now I would like to take a few moments to tell you about all the successes of Mary, which I know and remember myself, and how many of them there are innumerable. And your task is to support! (One of Masha's phonograms)

In 2006, Maria received a Diploma for III place in the zonal competition of children's variety art "Musical Rainbow".

In the school pop song contest "Ladder of the Stars" in 2007 - Diploma for III place.

In April 2008 at XII open festival children's and youth creativity "Golden key" pos. Troops of the Gatchinsky district of the Leningrad region, Maria became the owner of the Diploma of the Laureate of the 1st degree.

In 2008, in the III International competition-festival of children's and youth creativity "Baltic Constellation" in the nomination of solo singing - Maria received the Diploma of the Laureate of the 1st degree.

In 2009, at the regional children's and youth competition of pop song performers "Musical Rainbow" she received a Diploma of the 1st degree.

In November 2009 at the International Competition “Transformation. Autumn Gold” received the Diploma of the Laureate of the II degree.

In 2010, at the regional and zonal competitions "Volkhov Dawns" she took first places, and at regional competition became the owner of the Diploma of the Laureate of the II degree.

In 2010 and 2011 at the International competitions "Gold of Autumn" and "Spring Holiday" she received the Diplomas of the Laureate of the 1st degree.

In 2011, at the regional competition "Talents of the land of Novgorod" took 3rd place. And all these are only solo successes, and there were no less of them in the KVIG, where Maria sang, as mentioned earlier, for several years.

Maria graduated from the Children's Art School in 2010 with honors, was a scholarship holder of the Valentina Semyonovna Serova Foundation, she was awarded a scholarship from the Head of Chudovsky municipal district. Maria Glushchenko on the recommendation of the Committee of Culture and Sports of the administration of the Chudovsky district of the Novgorod region, it was included in the prestigious encyclopedia "Gifted children - the future of Russia" under the heading "They own the future", which is published by the Moscow publishing house "Spets-Address" and is an independent version of the encyclopedia "The Best People of Russia". And believe me, this is not all the merits and successes of Mary! This is truly the star and pride of the city of Chudovo!

So, "This way", we meet!

Masha Poy "This way".

Martha doesn't come out.Masha: In my work, I could never help but pay attention to songs dedicated to the exploits of our people! And now I will perform a song that conveys everything that those who were waiting, waiting for the return of a loved one from the war felt ...

Mashasings the song "Come back".

Martha: Maria in her repertoire, as you have already noticed, chooses songs that are very difficult in terms of quality of performance. It is commendable: not to look for easy and useless ways. So, Maria with the song "Sweet People"

Mariasings "SweetPeople»

Martha: There are many people in life, each of them means something to you or not. In Masha's life there was one wonderful person who put Maria on the path of creativity and gave her an impetus to development ... This is her first vocal teacher: Lyudmila Alexandrovna Utkina. (Photo by L. A. Utkina on the screen) Unfortunately, Lyudmila Alexandrovna is no longer with us, but she will forever remain in our memory and in our hearts. Dedicated to the memory of Lyudmila Alexandrovna Utkina ...

Mashasings the song "You're Gone". Photo by L. A. Utkina on the screen.

EPISODE 3 "Congratulations"

Martha: Maria has a lot of friends and colleagues. Today there are probably many of them in the hall. This is true? (Answer) Great! Today, some of them have prepared their congratulatory speeches for Mary.

So, I pass the microphone to a close friend of Maria Anastasia Shchepina. Nastya, please!

Congratulatory speech by Nastya Shchepina.

Martha: Thank you Anastasia And now, dear viewers, the duet of Sergei Kochnev and Maria Glushchenko, familiar to you, will perform in front of you. Get your palms ready!

Duet Serezha and Mashasing "Our dance", "Museum named after you»

Martha: Applause to this truly sung duet! Maria came to congratulate her one more close girlfriend. So, we meet Ekaterina Tronina.

She congratulates Masha and together theysing the song "I challenge"

Martha: Masha, I will ask you to stay on stage, your mother really wants you. I invite Mom, Natalya Anatolyevna, to the stage. You have the floor, Natalya Anatolyevna

Natalia's word

Martha: Applause, I think everyone imagines how wonderful it is when your own mother congratulates you. Thank you, Natalya Anatolyevna. And now I want to pass the microphone to the teacher, Maria's mentor - Galina Vladimirovna Nikonorova.

Congratulations to Galina Vladimirovna.

Martha: Applause, Galina Vladimirovna! Thanks from me! And, of course, Mary! Galina Vladimirovna, thank you for everything you do! Applause!

And sings the final song "I'll fly away like a bird". Clapperboard.

Martha: That's it, gentlemen, pop stars are lit! Maria, you were born to sing! I invite you, dear viewers, to give the final salvo with your palms! Applause! And we do not say goodbye, and with her concerts Maria will delight you more than once! Goodbye!

Choir concert script

Vedas 1: Hello Hello!

Vedas 2: We are pleased to welcome you to the concert of school choirs.

Ved1: We dedicate this holiday of the song to the end of 2014 - the year of culture.

Vedas 2: Since the beginning of this academic year, our school has been successfully implementing the project "Music for All", which was put forward by the first president of the Republic of Sakha / Yakutia / Mikhail Efimovich Nikolaev.

Ved1:Singing is creative expression human nature, which is an expression of feelings, emotions, passions.

Ved2:This is the work of thoughts and imagination ...

Ved2: Since the beginning of the new academic year, new choirs have been created at the school. This is a choir of 2nd, 3rd, 4th grades, a choir of boys of the second grades and fifth grades.

Vedas 1: Repertoire works performed varied; these are songs about mother, motherland, school, friendship and childhood...

Vedas 2: Our concert will be opened by a choir of 2nd grade students. Head of the choir Stepanova Elena Afanasievna.

Ved1: Music by Valery Egorov, lyrics by Ivan Gogolev "Oloru Kharystaan".

No. 1- "O5oloru kharystaan"

Vedas 2: Recently, the entire musical community celebrated the 110th anniversary of the great Soviet teacher, children's composer, founder school curriculum on music "Three Whales in Music" by Dmitry Borisovich Kabalevsky.

Ved1 : Words of the Alien, music. Kabalevsky - "Our land".

No. 2 "Our land"

Vedas 2: Ebeem miene kyrdya5as

Ol ereeri symna5as.

doohalyyn yes aha5ac,

Sanaalyn da saya5as.

Ebeeleh dien uchugei!

Min ebeebin taptyybyn!

Vedas 2: Bu yryany kun-kubei ebeelerbitiger anyybyt.

No. 3 "Ebee, ebee barakhsan"

Vedas 1 : In December, the composer turned 85, whose songs are known to everyone who loves to sing. This outstanding composer songbook -

Alexandra Pakhmutova.

Vedas 2: Words by Nikolai Dobronravy, music by Alexandra Pakhmutova - "Bird of Happiness".

No. 4 "Bird of happiness"

Ved1:vocal singing the most common art for all times and peoples. It affects the aesthetic formation of personality, develops creative skills and qualities.

Vedas 2 : How versatile is the music! How young

She, sounding through the layers of time,

In human hearts touches the strings

Love, sadness, memory, dreams.

Ved1:Our concert continues, and we invite you to the stage 5th grade boys choir artistic director Egorov Andriyan Vasilievich.

Vedas 2: Suuren- k8t8n sylayan

Diabar kiiren calabin,

Iyem naryn micheerin

K8rs8n olus u8rebin

Iyekem, ieken,

Ming kundu kihthem

Taptyybyn eyigin

Tuohtaa5ar yes kundutuk!

Albina Degtyareva rear, Egor Neustroev melody - "Ochcho5o".

No. 5 "Ochoo5o"

Ved1: There are songs that we do not dare to forget, because they contain our history, our memory, which we must pass on to the next generation.

Vedas 2: Victory Day is a special holiday,
Hush, guns, please be quiet!
We want the kids not to know
The terrible horrors of a formidable war.

Ved2: "Haiyyar" - Kostin melody, Vinokurov - Cha ҕ ylҕ an tyllara.

No. 6 "Haiyyhar"

Ved1:Children's voices are always beautiful! They are like rays of the sun breaking through a snowstorm, warming people's hearts. Children's vocal groups are "little islands of hope", in which there is always friendship, mutual understanding, good, good relations among the students.

Ved2:And ahead of us new meeting with another creative choral group. This is a third grade choir.

Vedas 1: Teacher, the days of your life, as one,

You school family dedicate.

You are all who came to study to you,

You call your children.

Vedas 2 : But children grow up, from school bench

Walking the paths of life

And your lessons are remembered,

And keep you in your heart.

Vedas 2: "My good teacher!" - that's the name of the next song. Soloists - Rygunova Anatolia, Fedorova Naryyaana

No. 7 "My good teacher"

Vedas 2: Eriekkes yes yrya

U8heetten cutullar,

Ooh, kere da sanaa

Supahpar uhuktar.

Min k8tu8kh kurdukpun,

Kannaty hannah?

Min yryam -toyugum,

K8ru8xher haida5th?

"Min Duam Illyr"

No. 8 "Ming duham ylyyr"

Vedas 2:“... The one who does not part with the song will be able to boldly go through life. And for all of you, as the song says, all the roads are still ahead ... ".

Ved1: Words by Nikolai Dobronravy, music by Alexandra Pakhmutova - "Tree of Friendship".

No. 9 "Tree of Friendship"

Ved1:And how much beautiful music you can hear and sing! ... And most importantly - in choral group there is always friendship, mutual understanding, good, good relations among students. Soloist Timur Solovyov ("Friendship")

No. 10 "Friendship"

Vedas 2:
Vedas 1:And our concert continues with the choir of boys of the second grade, artistic director Sleptsova Alena Nikolaevna. Soloists Androsov Denis, Semyonov Marcel, Nikiforov Andrey, Petrov Fedot, Dyakonov Vadim.

Vedas 2: Iie baar buolan biygi yllyybyt

Iie baar buolan biigii warebit..

Kun kubei iielerbitiger anaan

No. 11 "Iie micheere"

Ved1: No, I'm not a knight though armor
I'm dressed like armor.
And I fight for honor
But, nevertheless, war is alien to me.

Vedas 2: Yes, I'm a fighter, a hockey player
And this is my whole destiny!
Stand guard without being shy
At the main border.

Ved1: Words by Nikolai Dobronravy, music by Alexandra Pakhmutova -

"Coward does not play hockey"

#12 "A coward doesn't play hockey"

Ved2:Saha omuk hohun walattara,

Innin diekki horsunnuk haamallar.

Harana kuusterten cha5ybattar,

Dinneeh Sakha chuluulara.

Vedas 2:Syrdyk olo5u batyhallar,

Kuha5antan kier hayi hallar.

Dyinneeh Sakha ho huttara,

Inniki buolun 8ruutu.

Ved2: Makar Zhirkov tyllara, Nadezhda Makarova melody - “Min sakha uolabyn”

No. 13 "Min Sakha Uolabyn"

Vedas 2:
Even the sun rises earlier.
And the dream is calling us on the road.

Ved1:- Take a song with you on the road
Take a smile and friends
And the song will be more fun.

Vedas 2:- Friends, let's smile!
We will plunge into the world of childhood with you.

Vedas 1: And we invite the 4th grade choir to the stage.

Vedas 2:- The bell is ringing
Scattering cheerful laughter,
- He yearned
In the summer hour for us.
Good day school
dear school!
Good afternoon,
Our cozy, bright class!

Vedas 1: Again guys
You call at dawn -
And you say:
"We're together again, kids!"
And you meet us
As your friends.

Vedas 2 : meet, ensemble "Khotugu sulutar", choir of 4 classes, soloist Danil Latyshev.

No. 14 "Poppuri - school years»

Vedas 1 : Suurbut-kopput kyrdallarbar

Lya5y tupput honuularbar

Sotuoleebit koluchcheber

Soruukeebit tyalarbar

Elbehtik da ergilliam

Sanaam gave an onoston.

Tyllara onna melodiata Svetlana Neustroeva

No. 15 "Eder Saas"

Vedas 2: Singing in the choir is a real pleasure! Children enjoy attending choir classes. After all, here they communicate with each other. They share their thoughts and experiences... and their favorite songs unite them with one common mood.

Vedas 1: And our concert continues with the song that you will recognize from the first chords. Soloist Vlad Zakharov. Meet -« Wiwillrockyou"

No. 16 "

Vedas 1: The members of this choir are graduating this year primary school. These guys have years of hard work behind them. The main thing that the guys have learned over the years, what they have achieved is patience and diligence, the ability to concentrate and achieve their goals.

Vedas 2: Ahead of them are waiting for new achievements, new victories.

No. 17 "One, two, three"

Vedas 1 : Rejoice in the sun, the coming day. To be surprised at the blossoming flower, the song of the lark in the sky, the bewitching music that sounds in this hall.
Vedas 2:Vedas 1:So our holiday came to an end, which gave us all a lot of positive emotions. And may your life be always joyful and bright.

Vedas 2:We thank everyone for your attention. And we say: "See you again, friends!". The hosts of the concert are Rita Ivanova and Aiyina Burnasheva.
Together: All the best!

We wish you health, success, love, always smile and be happy!

Reporting concert branches choral singing
"April drops"

The curtain is open. On stage - Senior choir


Good evening, dear friends!
Continuing the series of Anniversary Reporting concerts of school students, we welcome you to holiday concert vocal music "April drops".
- Our concert opens ...

Concert numbers No. 1-5 sound.

- The reporting period is the most exciting in the academic year. The choirs of the department carefully prepared for the final concert. At this concert, the names and surnames of students participating in the choral festival will sound like the sounds of an April chapel. The guys in our department are very fond of choral singing. As the students themselves say, this is not only a way of teaching joint choral singing, but also a school creative union, interesting and emotional communication as part of a large team.
Singing is a creative manifestation of human nature, which is an expression of feelings, emotions, passions. This is the work of thoughts and imagination ...
“... A wonderful union - music and children!
What a joy to hear voices that are not more wonderful in the world! And see grateful eyes. Our senior choir - we believe without a doubt - will please us for many more years! Let the new replenishment come, and the new ones achieve victories ... ".
- And our concert continues with a new addition to the department of choral singing - a student

1st class...

Concert numbers No. 6-8 sound.

- The first rays of the sun and the sound of April drops make us forget about the winter cold. Spring, most people associate with delicate green leaves, fresh air. In the spring, after our long northern winter, we like to listen to the music of the spring drop, listening to the hurried babbling of the river, to the sonorous conversation of birds. Rejoice in the sun, the coming day. To be surprised at the blossoming flower, the song of the lark in the sky, the bewitching music that sounds in this hall.
"... There is such a force in music, such a burdensome power that it is worth falling under it - and life becomes beautiful ...".
“Music in a song,” as the outstanding Austrian composer and conductor Gustav Mahler once said, “can express much more than what words say.”
Vocal singing is the most common art for all times and peoples. It affects the aesthetic formation of personality, develops creative skills and qualities.
…Our concert continues…
And ahead of us is a new meeting with another creative team of the choir department.
On the stage…

Concert numbers No. 9 - 12 sound.

- Singing has been known since ancient times, when Homer, Sophocles and other well-known talented personalities composed works and performed them on stringed instruments. It is believed that professional singing originated in China. And in Europe, vocal art developed in the form of folk singing. Representatives of this direction are considered: troubadours, bards, buffoons, guslars. The ability to sing is a skill acquired over time, over the years of study in music school.
- In our department, children who have chosen singing as their specialty are engaged.
“... The one who does not part with the song will be able to boldly go through life. And for all of you, as the song says, all the roads are still ahead ... ".
- And I am sure that the next participant of our holiday will have new victories and new meetings in this wonderful world, whose name is “vocal art”.
- I invite you to the stage ...

Sounds concert number number 13.

Singing in the choir is a real pleasure! This subject is taught in all music departments of our school. Children enjoy attending choir classes. After all, here they communicate with each other. They share their thoughts and experiences... And our concert continues Junior choir instrumental department.

Concert numbers No. 14-16 sound.

- Vocal music is as beautiful as an artist's painting. An artist and a singer, during their creative work, equally receive inspiration for art. One can equally enjoy the world of colors in a picture and the world of beautiful colors in musical sounds. In music and in painting, the creator also takes pleasure in his work.
Today's concert of vocal art is like a musical picture "Spring", which came to us in a snowy winter. Boys' voices are ringing. The singing of the girls shimmers like a nightingale trill. Children's voices are always beautiful! They are like rays of the sun, breaking through a snowstorm, warming people's hearts. Children's vocal groups are "small islands of hope" for the preservation of Russian traditions, the education of the future, on which the prosperity of vocal art depends.
And, continuing our concert "April Drops", I invite you to the stage ...

Concert numbers No. 17-24 sound.

- How quickly the years of study at the music school pass. It seems quite recently that many participants vocal ensemble"Watercolor" came to the preparatory class of the department, and now, this academic year, for some, was the last. Behind him are years of hard work of the ensemble members, their parents, and the teacher-leader. The ensemble has something to be proud of: Laureate of city, regional and international competitions! But, probably, the main thing is victory over oneself: overcoming laziness, clumsiness, patience and diligence, the ability to concentrate and achieve goals. Each of the band members left their mark and brought new colors to the sound of the vocal "Watercolor". Of course, teachers and your parents have regrets that despite all your successes, many of you, dear graduates, did not want to continue studying music. But we know for sure that no matter who you become, the qualities you have acquired while studying in the vocal community will help you in life.
- The lyrical culmination of our holiday will be the performance of the ensemble "Akvarel" and their leader ...

Concert numbers No. 25-26 sound.

- The choir lesson is one of the most important subjects in the department. Everyone sings: from preschoolers to graduates. Year after year, the guys climb the “choir ladder”, gradually mastering vocal and choral skills. What is the most important thing in vocal music? Her beauty, not popularity, as many people often think. To feel this beauty, you need to hear it. It is not easy to learn this… But with the teachers of the choir department of our school, it is interesting and easy to learn. And how much beautiful music you can hear and sing! ... And most importantly - in the choir there is always friendship, mutual understanding, good, good relations among the students. Because from the first steps of training they are engaged in collective creativity. To touch the soul of the listeners, to open their hearts to them - this is the task that is set before young musicians their mentors are teachers.

“... You must sing - by all means!
Above the world your song should ring.
At least my heart was crying, sobbing ...
You must sing! You must sing!
Let your song: infuriate some,
To others, it is a healing balm.
And let her console someone's old age,
Will direct youth to bright skies.
You must sing while blessings
Creator of everything. And your hard work
Until the beating of the heart subsides
As long as the melodies live in you.
You must sing - let your song rush
To the hearts that groan in grief and sorrow.
And let her smile gently at them,
And it will shine with light in the sky! ... "

The final chord of our celebration of vocal music "April Drops" will be performed by ...

Sounds concert number number 27.

- So our holiday came to an end, which, I think, gave us all a lot of positive emotions. And may your life always be joyful and bright in spring. We thank everyone for your attention. And we say: "See you again, friends!".
All the best!

If the day starts with a song
Even the sun rises earlier.
So, it's more interesting for us to live with you,
And the dream is calling us on the road.

Take a song with you on the road
Take a smile and friends
After all, it will be more interesting with them,
And the song will be more fun.

Friends, let's smile!
We will plunge into the world of childhood with you.
Merry May warm day
Let's start our holiday joyfully.

2nd child:

Let's hear more songs!
Let the sun pour from above!
And let the circle of friends be small
May all dreams come true!

3rd child:

If the song is spinning in the sky
Foliage rings merrily.
If everyone around makes friends,
There will be more magic.

Even then we were not in the world,

When you came home with Victory.

Soldiers of May, glory to you forever

From all the earth, from all the earth!

Thank you soldiers

For life, for childhood and spring,

For silence, for a peaceful home,

For the world we live in!

What is a song?

This is a true friend.

The song is joy

ringing laughter around,

There is nothing in the world

Music is more wonderful,

Because music is always with you!

There is one country on earth

It's called music.

Consonances live in it and sounds,

But whose hands open them?

Of course he's a musician

His impulse, his talent,

His desire to create

And give beauty to people.

performed by Lyubashova Uliana, Shkobareva Tatiana, Romazanova Amina, Popova Lisa.

Listening to a beautiful melody, people become closer friend to friend. Music has great power convergence.

Scientists have proven that music can make a person happy, it is necessary for a person.

Music must be enjoyed, it must be listened to and understood, then life will become easier and people will become kinder.

The last songs, alas, sounded
Well, dear - health to all of you.
Today we are even a little tired,
We are all waiting - did you like it?

creative anniversary evening script
dedicated to the 70th birthday
Honored Artist Russian Federation,
leader and conductor of the folk group -
orchestra of folk instruments

The curtain is closed. The phonogram of a slow composition from the repertoire of the Zodiac or Space group sounds. Behind the scenes, the host reads poetry:

Man, like a star is born
Amid the obscure hazy milkiness,
In infinity begins
And ends in infinity...
Generations are being created
Age after age, the earth is imperishable...
Man, like a star is born
To make the universe brighter!

The curtain opens. Members of a folk group - an orchestra of folk instruments - are sitting on the stage. Festive decoration with a decorative panel-figure "? O" and a laurel branch. The leader comes out. The phonogram is smoothly replaced by a lyrical melody. Sounds quiet in the background.

Exactly 70 years ago, in the January sky, which is famous for the twinkling of stars, a new star was born and illuminated the earth with light. And in the city of Chita was born small miracle, which was affectionately named Kolenka.
No one will dispute the truth that every time gives birth to its heroes, who have the right to be proud of the land that gave birth to them.
From time immemorial, the Siberian land has nurtured and is nurturing wonderful people, whose hands and work are worthy of honor and respect. They never allow themselves to "turn off", do not allow "downtime", do not try to "break" a storm of applause. They just know their stuff! They just work! Honestly! Tense! Worthy!

The phonogram "minus" of the song by R. Pauls "Maestro" sounds

Let's applaud such a person and express our admiration for our hero of the day and the hero of tonight.
Meet! A man whose whole life was spent with love for music,
Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, leader and conductor of the folk group - the orchestra of folk instruments of the Palace of Culture of Railway Workers - NIKOLAI NIKOLAEVICH SAMOILOV!

Solemn fanfare. Applause.
N.N. enters the stage. Samoilov

Quietly leafing through the calendar of nature:
The summer storm broke
Already the snow covered the whole earth, and to the people
January has come. And we wholeheartedly - FOR!
We have our own motives for this -
Start of January marked
Your birth! Because it's beautiful
And festive at heart! And around not in vain
Blue skies, white colors...
And we believe - all this is in your honor!
The words today are so simple and concise:
"It's good that you exist in the world!"
Dear Nikolai Nikolaevich! One of the Eastern sages said about human life So:
Look at the world with a reasonable eye,
Not the way you looked before.
The world is the sea. Do you wish to swim?
Build a ship of good deeds!
In my opinion, you managed to create such a ship and reach an important life milestone on it!
There is a wonderful tradition - summing up a certain life path specific person, tell him good words recognition and admiration. And the anniversary is a wonderful occasion to support this tradition!
You have entered the time of vital maturity and wise judgment. Let the best than this glorious wonderful age, will help you reach new heights in your further creative activity!

So let the music fly
Above the world, like the eighth miracle,
And the man will bless her
When it sounds everywhere!

On the stage - folk group- an orchestra of folk instruments. Conducted by the hero of the day - maestro Nikolai Samoilov!

1. G. Rossini. Overture to the opera "The Thieving Magpie" - performed by the orchestra
2. Enrique Curtis “I can’t forget you” - performed by the soloist of the Novosibirsk academic theater Opera and Ballet Honored Artist of the Russian Federation Oleg Videman
3. N. Valente and Tagliaferri "Passion" - in the same performance
4. Russian folk song "I'll go out into the street" - in the same performance.

There are many beauties in Siberia,
So familiar and dear to us since childhood,
Where birches lead a round dance -
It's impossible to look at them!
And surrounded by a green ring
The city stands in a gentle robe.
Anniversary - Chita and parental home
They became a life start, fate and hope!

In the course of the evening, the entire text of the presenter is accompanied by a light lyrical melody.

“We all come from childhood”... Once having flown out of the parental nest, we try to live independently, study, work, and sometimes we don’t notice that such glorious anniversaries once come.
And no matter what heights we reach in life, vivid pictures of childhood remain forever in our memory: the first parental parting words and instructions, the first tests of strength.
Nikolai Samoilov's career was predetermined by fate itself. After all, he was born in a family where the Russian musical culture was an integral part of life.
Mom, Galina Petrovna, sang wonderfully, and her father, Nikolai Ivanovich, was a real nugget, who masterfully played the balalaika, unobtrusively, lovingly, they introduced children to the world of music.
Enthusiasm and desire to master the instrument as well as his father did their job. Kolya often picked up a balalaika and picked up simple melodies by ear.

It would seem the same
What day, what year
He, the boy, is again worried
Next day arrival.
And do not hold back the excitement in the morning,
As if in these weekdays you
Waiting for discoveries and revelations
And dreams come true...

The soundtrack of the song "What you were, remained so ..." from the movie "Kuban Cossacks" begins to sound in the background. On the text of the leading music is mixed.

And that day has come! After the release of the film "Kuban Cossacks", the song "What you were, remained so ..." sunk into the soul of Nikolai.
The dream became a reality when, not yet knowing musical literacy, Nicholas for the first time publicly spoke in front of his family. It is not difficult to guess that he performed his favorite melody of a song from the Kuban Cossacks!
After listening to his son's speech, the father, realizing that the seed planted in childhood has sprouted, makes a wise decision - Kolya needs to learn and improve. And he brings him to the House of Pioneers, handing the boy's creative destiny into his hands professional musician- teacher Konstantin Filippovich Kleinos.
Comprehending the basics of musical literacy, Kolya diligently learned pieces and miniatures, honing his performing skills every year. He was on the right way! But I had to assert myself and test my strength…
Nikolai makes a decision and gradually begins to perform at various shows, competitions and festivals held at that time everywhere.
The feeling of joy and the realization that he had reached a certain level came when he, having performed Dobrokhotov's Waltz-Caprice at the regional festival, became the winner!
So, having captured the soul and heart of the boy, music became his guiding star in life.

I can't live a day without music!
She is in me, she is around me.
And in the singing of birds, and in the noise of cities,
In the silence of grasses and in a rainbow of flowers,
And in the glow of dawn above the earth ...
She is always and forever my companion.

5. Russian folk song in the processing of Vera Gorodovskaya "Kalinka". Performed by - soloist of the orchestra, Laureate of the International Competition Dmitry Malichenko and Laureate International competitions Stepan Perebeynos.

6. Franz Suppe. Overture to the operetta "Light Cavalry". Performed by the orchestra.

7. Music by Evgeny Martynov. Words by Andrey Dementiev "Swan fidelity". Performed by the soloist of the Novosibirsk Academic Opera and Ballet Theatre, Laureate of the International Competition Karen Movsesyan.

And now let's mentally fast-forward to the distant 60s of the twentieth century ...
It was a delightful time...
And all of you then carelessly,
Living my fun
Hurry forward.
Every day was endless
Like a commodity composition,
Which is past the barrier
All eternity goes by.
And adjusted the time!
Free, easy, playful
You treated him
As if watching breathtaking
Multi-part film.
You were impatient:
Burning fire of curiosity
Was insatiable in the chest.
And towards the new day
You flew like birds
It's so interesting to see:
And what is there ahead?

And there were so many roads ahead, calling and alluring ...
But Nikolai Samoilov has already chosen his own path, his own path of life. After leaving school, classmates are going to go to Novosibirsk for admission and invite Nikolai with them.
And since in those years there was no music school in Chita, with the blessing of his parents and with the help of Alexandra Fedorovna Krushelnitskaya, who prepared him for admission, he leaves for Novosibirsk with friends.
One friend successfully enters Sibstrin, the other - at NETI, and Nikolai, having passed the "four" solfeggio, becomes a student at the Novosibirsk Music School.
So, apparently, fate decreed that he had to settle forever in the capital of Siberia, take root on it and love it for life. Novosibirsk became for Nikolai not only his place personal growth It has become a second home for him.

Path to the world of art
Very complicated
After all, the muses are not easy to serve,
But this work is beautiful and important,
And it's worth cherishing!

Presenter: Having understood this simple truth, Nikolai Samoilov, after graduating from a music school in 1961, entered the Novosibirsk State Conservatory in the department of folk instruments.
The end of the conservatory came at a time when there was a special creative upsurge in the Soviet Union. Countless festivals, reviews, competitions, tours only further honed the professionalism of Nikolai Nikolayevich.
Starting to work in a small orchestral group accompanying the ensemble of Russian song and dance, led by Alexander Alekseevich Ivanov, first at the Transportnik club, and then at the Railwaymen's Palace of Culture, Nikolai Nikolayevich gradually surrounded himself with talented admirers and connoisseurs of folk music and folk instruments. Gradually, the orchestral group was replenished with new members, growing into a new creative team. And now, for the 36th year, Nikolai Nikolayevich has been the permanent leader and conductor of a unique team, which is rightfully considered the pearl and pride of the city, region, our native highway and the entire Siberian region! Applause!!!

Presenter: It seems to another person that leading a large group or writing a score is easy. But in creativity, apparent lightness is achieved with great difficulty. Behind, it would seem, with ease and virtuosity of the executed melody lies the intense rhythm of rehearsals.
In some incomprehensible way, Nikolai Nikolayevich is able to combine the indomitability of his impulsive impulses, emotional experiences, whims with humility before art, with the awareness of his artistic duty to a grateful audience.
Now only one figure will sound ... But, if you think about it, that there is something more behind the dry statistics, then you, dear friends, will now applaud!
Over the years of his creative activity, Nikolai Nikolaevich Samoilov gave more than 16 thousand concert performances!!!


Presenter: Success and recognition come only when a creative and friendly atmosphere develops in the team. After all, this is, if I may say so, in fact, a second family.
And the first one? It is where the scene ends and ordinary human life rages.
You have probably heard such an aphorism: “Everything that is beautiful in life is from a woman!”. And indeed it is. Nature has endowed women with the ability to create real miracles. Yes, women are a unique and unrepeatable phenomenon. And this is manifested in everything - in the expression of her face, the movement of her hands, the sound of her voice.
Many years faithful companion, friend, adviser and person who is worried about everything that happens at rehearsals and concerts, is the wife of Nikolai Nikolaevich - Tatyana Vladimirovna.
And today, on this beautiful evening, dear Tatyana Vladimirovna, accept as a gift 2 dedication songs performed by Karen Movsesyan.

8. Music by Arno Babajanyan, lyrics by Robert Rozhdestvensky “Thank you!”

9. Music by Arno Babadzhanyan, lyrics by Yevgeny Yevtushenko "Ferris Wheel".

I don't mean anything without friends.
When I laugh, when I'm sad and cry.
I live for them and you can see from that
That without friends I mean nothing.
Spinning, spinning my own business
Meeting for success - failure,
I'm not mistaken in the chosen friends,
After all, without friends, I mean nothing!

Congratulations on a wonderful milestone in the life of the hero of the day ...
However, let me add a bit of mystery.
This man has known Nikolai Nikolaevich for more than half a century. They studied together at a music school. He is a well-known person not only in Novosibirsk, but also far outside the city and the region. Friend and colleague.
Meet! Musical congratulations the hero of the day is addressed by the People's Artist of Russia Vladimir Gusev!

10. Bjorn Ulvaeus, Benny Andersson "Golden ABBA". Performed by an orchestra of folk instruments. Conducted by Vladimir Gusev.

Presenter: And one more friendly musical greeting.

11. Nikolay Kharito. Musical version for balalaika and orchestra by Vladimir Lyamkin "The chrysanthemums have faded". Performed by soloist of the Russian Academic Philharmonic Orchestra, People's Artist of Russia Andrey Gurevich.

Presenter: Not without the participation of Nikolai Nikolaevich Samoilov and his orchestra, the creative birth took place in Novosibirsk and another famous person. A charming woman who captivated the listeners with her charming voice. When she sings, words of praise seem out of place. Doesn't perform, but sings! You listen to it, and it seems that the songs, like birds, flutter from the stage into the hall, and embrace, warm the soul of everyone with their wings.
On stage - Deputy Head of the Department of Culture of the Administration of the Novosibirsk Region, soloist of the Novosibirsk State Academic Opera and Ballet Theatre, People's Artist Russian Tatyana Vorozhtsova!

12. Music and words by Pashkov. "Don't leave, you, my dear!"

13. Music by Yuryev, words by Andrezheevsky “Hey, coachman, drive to the ravine”

14. Tomaso Albinoni, words by Simon Asiashvili "Adagio".


The great Shakespeare once said:
Listen how friendly the strings are
They join the ranks and give a voice,
And notes, into a hymn, merging young,
Sing in happy rapture!

And again I invite you to plunge into wonderful world where Her Majesty - Music reigns!

15. Arranged by Nikolai and Dmitry Osipov. "Kamarinskaya". Performs the unison of balalaikas accompanied by an orchestra. Conductor - People's Artist of Russia Vladimir Gusev.

16. Velazquez "Besame mucho". Performed by People's Artist of Russia Tatyana Vorozhtsova and Honored Artist of Russia Oleg Videman.

17. Imre Kalman. Duet of Theodora and Mister X from the operetta "Princess of the Circus" - In the same performance.

18. Valery Chernikov. Country style play. Performed by a duet of accordionists - Laureates of International Competitions Alexander Sirotkin and Andrey Bityutskikh.

Dear Nikolai Nikolaevich!
Are you 70? But is it age?
Your smile - oh, how young!
Above your head are the same stars,
Only years have added wisdom ...
Inexorably time rushes by
There is no hope of returning him
Nothing will happen again
For a series of flying years.
But every year is a memory
It cannot be crossed out
After all, he is not a dream, not contemplation,
A creative and noble work!
Years pass, generations change
But only joy in life is added,
And on this day, a wonderful birthday
Friends, colleagues from the bottom of their hearts congratulate you!

Congratulations block begins.

Invited to the creative evening of N. Samoilova

1. Alexander Vitalievich Tselko - Head of the Western-Sib. railway
2. Evgeny Nikolaevich Kulinich - Deputy. head of the road for personnel and social issues
3. Alexander Mikhailovich Kuzhelev - Chairman of Dorprofsozh
4. Viktor Mikhailovich Pushkarev - Dorprofsozh specialist
5. Leonid Alekseevich Grishchenko - Chairman of the Terkom of the NOD-2 trade union
6. Tatyana Alexandrovna Vorozhtsova - soloist of NGATOiB,
7. Alexander Petrovich Balabanov - National artist Russia, consultant of the Department of Culture of the Administration of the NSO
8. Lyudmila Alekseevna Zhiganova - Director of the Novosibirsk State Regional House of Folk Art
9. Zinaida Zakharovna Didenko - People's Artist of the Russian Federation, Professor of the Novosibirsk State Conservatory. M.I. Glinka, chairman of the musical society.
10. Valery Vladimirovich Romm - musical society
11. Anatoly Ivanovich Baev - director of the Russian academic orchestra.
12. Vladimir Polikarpovich Gusev - conductor
13. Andrey Alekseevich Gurevich
14. Maria Nikolaevna Samarkina - Deputy Director of the Novosibirsk Palace of Culture of Railway Workers
15. Alexander Vasilyevich Ivanov - Director of the Novosibirsk Regional College of Culture and Art
16. Vladimir Vladimirovich Kozlov - Head of the Directorate social sphere ZSZhD;
17. Anatoly Georgievich Reshetov - Head of the Department of Culture and Sports of the Directorate of the Social Sphere.
18. Galina Leonidovna Pautova - specialist of the Department of Culture and Sports of the Directorate of the Social Sphere.

Everyday stories disappear without a trace,
Minor of dull days and festive major,
At that moment, when, shaking a starched cuff,
On a sigh, the conductor will soar above the console ...
The flight of bows is high, the voice of the flute is gentle,
The curves of the harps are smooth, and the keys are evenly tuned.
And fingers all run over them, as we do in life
We run, carried away by a serious game.
We are all in the power of music, we are passionate about it,
And here it is in all its glory
The palms are full of music...
19. Johann Strauss. Polka "Thunder and Lightning" - Performed by a folk group - an orchestra of folk instruments.

20. Valery Gavrilin. March from the suite "Provincial benefit".

Presenter: Dear friends, have you ever wondered why a talented person is often compared to a star? Maybe because the talent is given from above. Or maybe because a talented person illuminates our life, makes it brighter, more interesting and richer.
So where does he draw strength for creativity, for the music of his soul?
Where do they come from, these Russian talents?

From there, where in the spring, crouching against a birch,
Still not knowing the price
Drink juice
lands of the Russian boys.
And in the summer, blessed red summer,
When they pass through the forest with Tueska,
That power to them through their bare feet
Passed by their mother
land of Russia.
No matter how harsh the years come,
Of you fields
of you dense forests,
Russian talents will come to us,
And it is eternal, like Russia itself!

Dear Nikolai Nikolaevich! Once again, we sincerely congratulate you on your anniversary! I wish you health, energy, creativity and grateful applause from admirers of your talent!

The sound of the music intensifies. The curtain closes.

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