A unique exhibition project “Windows to Russia. A picturesque journey: the exhibition “Windows to Russia” opened in Krasnoyarsk


Masterpieces by Alexander Deineka, Sergei Gerasimov, Yuri Pimenov, Georgy Nissky, Geliy Korzhev, Viktor Popkov, Eric Bulatov and others famous painters XX century. Kaliningrad, Sochi, Nizhny Novgorod, Moscow, Yekaterinburg, Krasnoyarsk, Vladivostok and other cities of Russia. All this - organized by "Ingosstrakh" for its 70th anniversary of a series of exhibitions across the country "Windows to Russia. Masterpieces of seven generations."

Mine anniversary year Ingosstrakh is celebrating under the motto "Ingosstrakh 7.0 - insurance in the seventh generation". The main idea of ​​the project is to show millions of Russians how the country has changed over the course of almost 200 years, using the works created by classic Russian and Russian painters as examples. Soviet art.

“It is customary to receive gifts on a birthday. But we decided to depart from this tradition and in our anniversary year we ourselves present a unique gift to the Russians - the project “Windows to Russia. Masterpieces of seven generations," says CEO company "Ingosstrakh" Mikhail Volkov. - This is a project that symbolically unites our entire country from west to east. I am sure that our exhibitions will please the guests and bring them unforgettable impressions. It is no coincidence that we chose the theme of art for our anniversary federal project. The company traditionally supports cultural events and is a participant in conservation programs cultural heritage nation. In addition, Ingosstrakh has been insuring art objects for many years in a row, and during the exhibition of masterpieces not only in Russia, but also abroad.”

The idea, which will be implemented jointly with the company's partners - the State Tretyakov Gallery and the Institute of Russian Realistic Art (IRRI), starts in the westernmost point of Russia. Two weeks later, on July 19 in Kaliningradskaya art gallery an exhibition opens, which will present paintings and graphics from the collection of the Institute of Russian Realistic Art. Further, traveling exhibitions await viewers in Nizhny Novgorod, Krasnoyarsk and Vladivostok, which will include canvases from the collections of IRRI and Tretyakov Gallery. More than a hundred paintings will take part in the exhibition project, including masterpieces by Alexander Deineka, Sergey Gerasimov, Yuri Pimenov, Georgy Nyssky, Geliy Korzhev, Viktor Popkov, Erik Bulatov and others famous artists last century.

In turn, in Sochi, Yekaterinburg, Moscow and St. Petersburg, visitors will see the multimedia project Masterpieces Without Borders. This is a spectacular video fantasy based on the works of Ivan Shishkin, Ilya Repin, Ivan Aivazovsky, Marc Chagall, Kazimir Malevich, Alexander Deineka and others. outstanding artists. The big tour will end in November of this year in Vladivostok. In Primorskaya art gallery will be introduced the most important works art created in the 20th century.

According to the founder of the Institute of Russian Realistic Art Alexei Ananyev, this traveling exhibition will be a new and extremely important experience.

"Despite our young age - IRRI turned five last year, we have implemented two notable international projects, but did not stop thinking about showing canvases from our collection in the cities of Russia. Thanks to Ingosstrakh, this idea came to life. The principle of selection for the traveling exhibition allowed us to take a fresh look at own collection. Interesting, intriguing stories are connected with the canvases presented at the exhibition, which we will tell our new viewers in full detail," Ananyev says about his participation in the project.

“For museums in Moscow and St. Petersburg, whether it is a state museum or a private one, as in the case of IRRI, it is very important to show exhibitions of their works in the regions,” Zelfira Tregulova, director of the State Tretyakov Gallery, picks up. in regional centers. Now, unfortunately, due to the lack of budget funding, such programs are facing big problems. In the project "Windows to Russia. Masterpieces of Seven Generations" it is very important to combine the efforts of the largest national art museum, one of the most interesting and vibrant private museums, and the Ingosstrakh company, which does an incredible amount so that we can organize exhibitions in the regions and reliably insure works, not flying out at the same time "into the pipe".

The paintings that will be presented at the exhibitions are insured by Ingosstrakh under the terms "with responsibility for all risks". The insurance covers all possible damages, as well as the risks of complete loss of items that occurred for any reason. The project will last until the end of the year. Entrance for visitors to all exhibitions will be free.

In honor of its 70th anniversary, Ingosstrakh organized a large-scale project, within which residents of the regions can get acquainted with the art of the capital. Paintings from the collections of the Tretyakov Gallery, rightfully considered the main state museum national art, and IRRI went on a trip around our country. By the way, the Institute of Russian Realistic Art is conditionally called the largest private museum of Russian painting, so art partners have something to brag about.

The exposition focuses on the work of the twentieth century. The last century turned out to be rich not only in events, but also in artistic approaches. So, for example, Yevsey Moiseenko preferred a temperamental manner and disliked the correct academic drawing, Alexander Deineka added monumentality to his characters, and Konstantin Yuon re-discovers domestic landscapes. In addition to these artists, the exhibition will also show paintings by Yuri Pimenov, Alexei Gritsai, Sergei Gerasimov, Georgy Savitsky and many others.

Russian painting of the twentieth century managed to reflect the history of the country on canvases. Somewhere they captured the longing for the bygone times of the empire, somewhere they depicted the revolutionary enthusiasm of the 20s, the post-war breath of life or the spiritual upsurge of the “thaw”. The paintings have become a kind of window into the history of a particular period.

Meanwhile, the concept of "window" at the exhibition opens in different ways. The viewer is offered not only to look into the past time or discover Russia from an unusual angle, but also to completely immerse himself in art. The authors of the project present multimedia shows where they fantasize what could be left behind the picture frame or how the plot would develop in real time.

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Exhibition “Windows to Russia. Masterpieces of Seven Generations” has already been held in Kaliningrad and Nizhny Novgorod, and the multimedia debut of the project took place in August at the presentation of the exposition in Sochi. Since October, Yekaterinburg has been added to the list of "conquered cities", and now Krasnoyarsk can also be included. By the way, the project includes lectures from art critics of the Tretyakov Gallery and IRRI.

“We continue our journey around the country and are very glad that the Museum named after V.I. Surikov. It is symbolic that the exhibition will take place in the halls of the museum building, where Russian and Soviet art of the 20th century is presented, because “Windows to Russia” is just about the history of our country over the past hundred years. The exposition will include several works from the funds of the host museum, and this is an excellent opportunity and a way to acquaint the audience with the treasures that it possesses,” says art director of the Institute of Russian Realist Art and project curator Nadezhda Stepanova.

“Krasnoyarsk is an important point in the geography of our project. It is a great honor to represent famous masterpieces domestic art in the homeland of such great figures of Russian culture as Vasily Surikov and Viktor Astafiev. We hope that the exhibition “Windows to Russia. Masterpieces of seven generations" will become interesting event for residents and guests of the city, will allow them to immerse themselves in the history of our country in more detail, ”comments Mikhail Volkov, General Director of Ingosstrakh.

celebrates under the motto "Ingosstrakh 7.0 - insurance in the seventh generation". The main idea of ​​the project is to show millions of Russians how the country has changed over the course of almost 200 years, using the works created by classical painters of Russian and Soviet art as an example.

“It is customary to receive gifts on a birthday, but we decided to depart from this tradition and in our anniversary year present a unique gift to the Russians — the project “Windows to Russia. Masterpieces of seven generations”, symbolically uniting our entire country from west to east. I am sure that our exhibitions will please the guests and bring them unforgettable impressions,” says Mikhail Volkov, Director General of Ingosstrakh. — It is no coincidence that we chose the theme of art for our anniversary federal project. The company traditionally supports cultural events and is a participant in programs to preserve the nation's cultural heritage. In addition, Ingosstrakh has been insuring art objects for many years in a row, and during the exhibition of masterpieces not only in Russia, but also abroad.”

Project “Windows to Russia. Masterpieces of Seven Generations" started on July 19 in the westernmost point of Russia: an exhibition opened in the Kaliningrad Art Gallery, which presented paintings and graphics from the collection

The first city in which the project was presented in the format of a multimedia performance was Sochi. On August 15, visitors to the exhibition, located on the territory of the Imeretinsky Kurortny District, saw a spectacular video fantasy based on the works of Ivan Shishkin, Ilya Repin, Ivan Aivazovsky, Marc Chagall, Kazimir Malevich, Alexander Deineka and other outstanding artists.

Visitors in Nizhny Novgorod, Krasnoyarsk and Vladivostok are also waiting for traveling exhibitions, which will include paintings from the collections of the IRRI and the Tretyakov Gallery. More than a hundred paintings will take part in the exhibition project, including masterpieces by Alexander Deineka, Sergey Gerasimov, Yuri Pimenov, Georgy Nyssky, Geliy Korzhev, Viktor Popkov, Erik Bulatov and other famous painters of the 20th century. In Yekaterinburg, Moscow and St. Petersburg, visitors will see multimedia performances.

Also, within the framework of the project, free open lectures and master classes are held weekly with the participation of specialists from the Institute of Russian Realistic Art.

The project will last until the end of the year. Entrance for visitors to all exhibitions is free.
Register for open lectures and learn more detailed information and schedule you can.

KRASNOYARSK, November 9, 2017 Exhibition “Windows to Russia. Masterpieces of Seven Generations”, dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Ingosstrakh, opened in Krasnoyarsk on November 8. The exposition is presented in the Krasnoyarsk Art Museum. V. I. Surikov and includes 50 works by Russian and Soviet artists XX century from the collection of the State Tretyakov Gallery, the Institute of Russian Realistic Art (IRRI) and the Krasnoyarsk Art Museum. V. I. Surikov.

The day before, the first deputy chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, Alexei Kleshko, the mayor of Krasnoyarsk, Sergei Eremin, took part in the opening ceremony of the exhibition. Minister of Culture of the Krasnoyarsk Territory Elena Mironenko, General Director of Ingosstrakh Mikhail Volkov. The event was also attended by art director of the Institute of Russian Realistic Art Nadezhda Stepanova, co-curator of the exhibition, curator of the Tretyakov Gallery Olga Polyanskaya, director of the Krasnoyarsk Art Museum. V. I. Surikov Vladimir Luzan.

"We are pleased to present the exhibition of our project "Windows to Russia. Masterpieces of Seven Generations" in the heart of Siberia - the city of Krasnoyarsk. I can say with confidence that each exhibition of the project is unique both in terms of the content of the exposition and in the format of its implementation, for which we express We are very grateful to our partners,” says Mikhail Volkov, Director General of Ingosstrakh, “We hope that the exhibition will help the people of Krasnoyarsk take a fresh look at the history of our country, and will also make a significant contribution to cultural development cities".

Project “Windows to Russia. Masterpieces of Seven Generations”, which Ingosstrakh is implementing in partnership with the State Tretyakov Gallery and the Institute of Russian Realistic Art, started in July this year with the opening of an exhibition in Kaliningrad. In addition, the exhibition was presented in Nizhny Novgorod and Yekaterinburg, and in Sochi, visitors saw multimedia show. The project will end with an exhibition in Vladivostok, and special projects will be presented in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

"Krasnoyarsk is a city with special traditions and a rich culture. The inhabitants of the city are very sensitive to painting, which is largely due to the rich heritage of Vasily Surikov, - comments Alexei Kleshko, First Deputy Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. - Exhibition "Windows to Russia. Masterpieces of the Seven generations" - significant event for Krasnoyarsk, as in the works domestic artists presented within its framework reflects the view of our people on the history of the country".

"We are grateful to the organizers of the project for the unique opportunity to touch famous works domestic painters. The implementation of such projects is of great importance for the development and popularization of culture and art in our city, - says the mayor of Krasnoyarsk Sergey Eremin. - Separately, I would like to note the concept of the exhibition and its exposition - in my opinion, the theme of "window to Russia" and the works presented within its framework will be interesting and close to the residents of Krasnoyarsk."

“We are very pleased to welcome the exhibition of the project “Windows to Russia. Masterpieces of Seven Generations” within the walls of one of the most significant museums in our region,” says Acting Minister of Culture of the Krasnoyarsk Territory Elena Mironenko. “The organization of such projects is an excellent impetus for the development of cooperation between state and business, and also makes a significant contribution to the development of culture in Russia. We hope that cooperation with the Ingosstrakh company, as well as with museum institutions represented by the IRRI and the Tretyakov Gallery, will be strengthened and developed every year."

"It is very symbolic that the exhibition opens at the Vasily Surikov Art Museum. Vasily Ivanovich was an itinerant artist. "Windows to Russia. Masterpieces of Seven Generations" - a series traveling exhibitions, which have not been on such a scale for probably more than a hundred years, - says the art director of the Institute of Russian Realistic Art and the curator of the project Nadezhda Stepanova. - In addition, the project is the heir to a 100-year tradition of Russian philanthropy - the Ingosstrakh company acts as its organizer and presents the project to the people of Russia, and the history of our museum and the State Tretyakov Gallery began with the support of patrons. We hope to continue this tradition and to open new bright exhibitions."

“We are grateful to the Ingosstrakh company and the Institute of Russian Realistic Art for their help in organizing exhibitions. I would like to note that the project has become an important link in the interaction between public and private institutions in our country,” commented Olga Polyanskaya, curator of the State Tretyakov Gallery. “I would like to wish everyone pleasant viewing and excellent impressions to visitors of the exhibition, I hope that it will become for them a window into the world of great art".

"We want to express our deep gratitude to the Ingosstrakh company, cooperation with which goes far beyond the insurance business and is implemented in the format of such wonderful projects as "Windows to Russia. Masterpieces of seven generations." In addition, we express our gratitude major museums Russia - the Tretyakov Gallery and IRRI, for providing paintings that have become a real decoration of the exposition, - comments the director of the Krasnoyarsk Art Museum. V. I. Surikov Vladimir Luzan. “I would like to note the contribution of the organizers to the creation of the educational component of the exhibition - lectures and master classes from art critics will be of interest to all visitors of the exhibition, regardless of age and level of knowledge in the field of culture.”

Ingosstrakh is not only the organizer, but also the general insurer of the project, providing protection for all valuables and artistic masterpieces from museum collections. Insurance coverage provides liability for all risks.

The exhibition is open to visitors until December 10, 2017 at the address: Krasnoyarsk, Prospekt Mira, 12, Krasnoyarsky Art Museum named after V.I. Surikov (KKhM named after V.I. Surikov). Opening hours: daily from 10:00 to 18:00, Thursday from 13:00 to 21:00, day off - Monday. Free admission.

Project “Windows to Russia. Masterpieces of Seven Generations” ended with an exhibition in Vladivostok. Between July 2017 and January 2018, seven largest cities Russia was presented with paintings from the collections of the Institute of Russian Realistic Art and the Tretyakov Gallery. As a result of the project famous paintings Russian painters of the 20th century and multimedia performances based on these works were seen by more than 100,000 visitors. The organizer of this large-scale tour in honor of its 70th anniversary was the Ingosstrakh company.

The main idea of ​​the project is to show how the country and the world have changed on the example of works created by classical painters of Russian and Soviet art. Also within the framework of each exhibition for visitors was organized educational program with lectures and master classes, which, like visiting exhibitions, was free for visitors.

The unifying theme of the project was the “View from the Window” motif known since the time of the Renaissance culture. It is transformed into the painting of the twentieth century. Windows are both a way for an artist to look into the life of small towns and villages, and a symbol of active construction and expansion in the post-war years, and an attempt to express himself in domestic genre moving away from ideological bias.

In Kaliningrad, Nizhny Novgorod, Krasnoyarsk, Yekaterinburg and Vladivostok, viewers had the opportunity to see the works of Russian and Soviet artists of the 20th century. In Sochi, St. Petersburg and Moscow, the Windows to Russia project was performed in the format of a multimedia performance based on famous paintings, where the curators have combined classical works masters of Russian art school and the latest technological solutions.

Exhibition visitors, multimedia performances and gala evenings got acquainted with the masterpieces of Kuzma Petrov-Vodkin, Alexander Labas, Alexander Deineka, Sergei Gerasimov, Yuri Pimenov, Georgy Nyssky, Geliy Korzhev, Viktor Popkov and other artists. The exhibitions involved more than 150 paintings and drawings from the collections of the Tretyakov Gallery, IRRI and regional museums.


“This project largely repeats the phenomenal success of the exhibitions of the Association of Traveling Exhibitions. And such a project, in terms of scale, quality, and significance, in my opinion, has not been seen for almost a hundred years. Five big exhibitions, three grandiose shows, almost 150 educational lectures and master classes, almost 400-page catalog. And all this is absolutely free for visitors. This is something that can be safely called a continuation of the traditions of patronage, philanthropy and charity. “Windows to Russia”, among other things, is a brilliant example of partnership between public and private museum institutions and a large, and most importantly, socially responsible business,” says Nadezhda Stepanova, project curator, art director of the Institute of Russian Realistic Art.

“For each city, within the framework of the general concept, we have prepared a completely exclusive exhibition. The famous "Morning" by Tatyana Yablonskaya was brought to Nizhny Novgorod, a masterpiece by Konstantin Yuon was presented in Krasnoyarsk, 50 masterpieces from the collection of the Tretyakov Gallery were brought to Vladivostok. Each time the exhibition opened our meetings for us with new side. Before our eyes the project “Windows to Russia. Masterpieces of Seven Generations” went through its formation and development, surprising and delighting both ourselves and the audience,” says Zelfira Tregulova, general director of the State Tretyakov Gallery. “With exhibitions all over the country, we have been able to do a lot of work in cooperation with local museums, as well as get feedback from visitors. This experience once again convinced us that the opening of a branch of the Tretyakov Gallery in Vladivostok is a relevant and popular idea, and now we are even more determined to implement it.”

“Over the 70 years of its existence, Ingosstrakh has experienced a lot turning points, together with the inhabitants of our country, we learned to live in new conditions and participated in the creation of the future - the company, the insurance industry, the country as a whole. This path can be safely called historical, - comments General Director of Ingosstrakh Mikhail Volkov. - In the anniversary year, we decided to look at this path through the prism of art in order to see new parallels and the unifying principle that binds all of us - the inhabitants of Russia. And we are sure that thanks to the project “Windows to Russia. Masterpieces of seven generations” and the work of artists of the 20th century, we succeeded.”

One of the important results of the project was the inclusion of the founder of the Institute of Russian Realistic Art Alexei Ananiev in the shortlist of nominees for the VI Annual The Art Newspaper Russia Award in the Personal Contribution nomination. Exhibition “Windows to Russia. Masterpieces of seven generations” is the third traveling project Institute of Russian Realistic Art. It is interesting that IRRI has previously opened a “window to Europe” by showing exhibitions in London (“Soviet Sport”, 2012) and in Rome (“Russia on the way: by plane, train, car” 2015).

Also in May 2018, a separate exhibition “Windows to Russia. Masterpieces of Seven Generations”, which will present all the main masterpieces of this large-scale tour.

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