Proverbs in Bashkir. Bashkir proverbs about friendship, labor, language, hospitality and man


2. Abyngan һөrөngәndәn kөlә.
The pot laughs at the cauldron, but both are black.

3. Abynmaҫ ayaҡ bulmaҫ, yarylmaҫ tayaҡ bulmaҫ.
And a stumble lives on a good horse.
4. Aғas alamaһy - botҡly, әҙәm alamaһy - ҡorһаҡly.
5. Agas bashyn el butai, әҙәm bashyn tel butai.From one word - yes, a quarrel for a century.
6. Agas kүrke - yapraҡ, ҙҙәm kүrke - seprak.
Dress up a stump on a spring day, and the stump will be handsome.
7. Agas tamyryna ҡarap үҫә.
What is the root, such is the offspring.
8. Aғasyna ҡarata baltaһy.
On wood and an axe.
9. Agyu menan daryu ber zattan.
The medicine is the same poison.
10. Аҙаҡ - tutly ҡаҙаҡ.
Then - soup with a cat.
11. Aҙnagyna bish yoma.
Seven Fridays in a week.
12. Aҙyҡly at arymaҫ.
Not a horse, but food is lucky.
13. Aҙyҡ mulda bismilla artyn ҡyҫa.
He who does not know the need, he forgets God.
14. Ai bulmaha, yondo bar.
There is no sun, so the moon shines.
15. Ai kүrҙe, ҡoyash aldy.
Was, yes swam.
16. Ai үtә, yyl үtә, ai аylәnә, kөn үtә.
God has a short time, but we have immediately.
17. Aiһyҙ atta, yylһyҙ ҡatyndy maҡtama.
Praise the horse in a month, and the wife in a year.
18. Aiyktyn uyynda - iҫerekten telendi.
What is on the mind of a sober person is on the tongue of a drunk.
19. Aiyrylgan aiyuga, bulengәn bүregә yulygyr.
Separated sheep - self-interest to the wolf.
20. Aiyuҙan ҡasҡan bүregә. (Һyuҙan syҡҡan, utҡa toshkәn.)
He fled from the wolf, but attacked the bear.
21. Aiyuҙan ҡurҡҡan urmanga barmagan. (Siңertkәnәn ҡurҡҡan igen ikmәgan.)
Be afraid of wolves, do not go into the forest.
22. Aiyuҙy la beyergә өyrаtәlәr.
And the bear is taught to dance.
23. Aiyu sәmlәnһә, ҡoralaiҙy baҫtyryr.
Enthusiasm does not ask for strength.

24. Ai yaҡtygy ҡauyshtyrmaҫ, ҡoyash nuri ҡyuandyrmaҫ.
The moon will not make friends, then the sun will not bring down.
25. Аҡ kүrүndә yotop qal.
Cut and eat while enclosing.
26. Aҡ ҡatyndyn ese boҙ, ҡaraҡaiҙың ese kүҙ.
Cheren poppy, but sweet, white radish, but bitter.
27. Aҡty ҡaraityuy enel.
White is easy to blacken.
28. Аҡһаҡ ultyrmaҫ, һаҡау tik tormaҫ.
The dumb will not be silent, the lame will not sit down.
29. Aҡyl - altyn.
Mind is more valuable than gold.
30. Aҡyllyғa ym da etә. (Akyllyga - ishara.)
Clever hint, stupid push.
31. Aҡylly uilap ultyrgansy, iҫәr eshen bөtөrgәn.
With the mind - we will think, and without the mind - we will do it.
32. Aҡylһyҙ aҡyryp aldyryr.
Fools take it with their throats.
33. Aҡylyңdy өskә bүl: beren һөylә, ikeһe estә torһon.
Not all out loud.
34. Aҡ et bәlәһe ҡara etkә.
Foma was beaten for Yeremin's guilt.
35. Ala ҡarҙa alasagyn bulgyn.
For God, the debt will not be lost.
36. Alaһy la, ҡolaһy la - zamana balaһy.
What are the eyelids, such are the children.

37. Alganga alty la aҙ, birgәngә bish tә kүp.
To the one who takes, six is ​​too little; to the one who gives, five is too much.
38. Alganda - bismillah, birgәndә - әstғғаfirulla.
The holy matchmaker will take it like that, but the devil did not take it.
39. Aldyndan artyn yakshy.
Here is God for you, here is the threshold for you.
40. Aldyryr kon yaҙҙyryr.
I didn’t think, I didn’t guess how I got into trouble.
41. Alyot yuldash bulmaҫ, ishak mondash bulmaҫ.
A fool is not a companion, a donkey is not an adviser.
42. Alma aғasynan alyҫ toshmәy.
The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
43. Alma besh, auygyma tosh.
Apple, keep up, get into your mouth.
44. Altyla bash bulmagan, altmyshta la yash bulyr.
What you don't learn when you're young, you won't know when you're old.
45. Altylagy - Altmyshta.
Both born and frozen.
46. ​​Altyn-komosh yaugan erҙәn, tyugan-үҫkәn il yaҡshy.
The native side is a cradle, the foreign side is a holey trough.

47. Alyҫtagy doshmandan andyp yörögәn duҫ yaman.
The enemy is not formidable beyond the mountains, but more formidable behind.
48. Alysh-biresh - artha tibesh.
Bargaining is a pit: if you fall, you will be lost.
49. Aptyragan katyn abyshҡaһyn atai tigan.
If you live, you will call Kuzma your father.
50. Aptyragan өyrәk arty menәn kүlgә sumgan.
He became on thoughts, as if on a pitchfork.

51. Aralar tynys bulha, gaila ҡoros bula.
What is the treasure, if the family is in harmony.
52. Arba menan ҡuyan kyugan.
Chased a hare on a cart.
53. Argy yaҡta alabai, birge yaҡta yalagay.
I would love from the front, but I would kill from behind.
54. Arҡandyn oҙono
Good rope is long and speech is short.
55. Artgy аҡylға chem da bai.
In hindsight, everyone is rich.
56. Artyҡ aҡyl bash tishаr.
They go crazy with big minds.
57. Artyҡ attyn arty kin.
The poorer, the more generous.
58. Aryҡ yoҡo tamle bula.
Sleep is sweet to the carefree and tired.
59. Arysh sәsһәn - kөlgә sәs, boyҙai sәsһәң - boҙға sәs.
This rye is in ashes, and wheat is in season.
60. As keshenan khas keshe yaman.
A well-fed wolf is more meek than an envious person.
61. Astamagym, tynys qolagym.
Better bread and water than a pie with trouble.
62. Astyn kүҙe ikmәktә, tuҡtyң kүҙe hikmәttә.
The full is fun, and the hungry has bread on his mind.
63. As khalen tuҡ belmay.
The well-fed does not understand the hungry.
64. Asyk ishekte shagyp kermәyҙәr.
IN open door do not break.
65. Asyk ta tishek, taҙrә lә ishek.
Covered by the sky, fenced by the wind.

66. Asyu bashy - yulәlek, аҙағы - үkenep үlаrlek.
An angry person will die - no one will take him away.
67. Asyu - bysag, aҡyl - tayaҡ.
Anger is no help.
68. Aҫtyndaғyn alty ai eҙlәgәn.
He sits on a horse, and looks for a horse.
69. Aҫtyrtyn et örmәy teshlәy.
Silent-dog surreptitiously grabs.
70. Aҫyl һөyәk ҙur bulmaҫ, ҡayҙа barһа – khur bulmaҫ.
Small spool but precious.

71. Ata balahy khata bulmay.
A good father has good children.
72. At aҙgyny taiga eiәrә.
In all years, but not in all minds.

73. Atai bulmai, ataiyn ҡәҙeren belmaҫһen.
You will not experience need, and you will not honor your father.

74. At aҡtygy ilgә bүre kilterә.
The crow croaked misfortune.

75. At alһan, arba kәrәk: ҡatyn alһan, baryһy la kәrәk.
Get married, don't be lazy.

76. Ata menәn әsә - altyn ҡanat.
Parents are virtues.

77. At asyuyn arbanan algan.
Unable to cope with the mare, but on shafts.

78. Ata ulyn, ana ҡyҙyn belmay.
And suddenly you don't know what's going on around you.

79. At aunagan erҙә tok ҡala.
Where the horse rides, there the wool will remain.

80. Atagy bolan almagandyn balagy ҡolan almaҫ.
What a tree, such is the wedge: what is the father, such is the son. (Who is from whom, that and in that.)

81. Ataһy ғәirәtle bulһa, uly ғibrаtle bulyr.
What uncles are, such are children.

82. Atanan kүrgәn - uҡ yungan, аsәnәn kүrgәn - tun beskәn.
From their mother they learn how to sew fur coats, from their father they learn how to sharpen a bow.

83. At ayagyna at baҫmay.
A dog won't step on a dog's tail.

84. At birһәң - үler, tun birһәң - tuҙyr, ә yҡshylyҡ barygyn da uҙyr.
If you give a horse, it will die, if you give a fur coat, it will wear out, but good will survive everything.

85. At daqalaqanda baqa boton kytyrgan.
The horse is forged, and the toad substitutes its paws.

86. At keүek eshlәy, at keүek yryldai.
Breaks like a horse, growls like a dog.

87. At keshnashep, keshe һөylәshep tanysha.
He always teaches his own.

88. Atҡa mengәs, ataһyn tanymagan.
Climbed into wealth - and forgot the brotherhood.

89. Atmagan kuyan, aҫmagan ҡaҙan.
The bear is in the forest, and the skin is sold.

90. Atta la bar, tәrtәlә la bar.
The bear that killed the goat is wrong, and the goat that entered the forest is also wrong.

91. Attan ala la, ҡola la tyua.
The family is not without its black sheep. (In one feather, a bird will not be born.)

92. Attan toshöp, ishakkä atlanmayҙar.
From mares to nags.

93. At tartmaһa, arba barmai.
The horse does not go, so the cart stops.

94. At - teshenen, eget eshenen bildele.
A horse is recognized by its teeth, a man by his deeds.

95. Attyn dilbegһe kemdә - baryr yuly shunda.
Whose horse, that and cart.

96. Atym yuҡ aranda, ҡaygym yuҡ buranda.
No firewood, no splinter, I live without a twist.

97. Atyna kүrә sanaһy, maҡsatyna kүrә saraһy.
What are the sledges, such are the shafts.

98. Atyna ҡarama, zatyna ҡara.
Don't look at the name, look at the bird.

99. Atyn urlatҡas, һaraiyn biklәgan.
The sleigh is intact, but the horses are gone.

100. Atyndan alda yүgәneңde eҙlә.
Get the barn first, and then the animal.

101. At eilanep toyagen tabyr.
And the horse is rushing to its side.

102. At yafaһyn һaban belә.
The severity of the collar knows the horse.

103. Auan auga barha, auҙa ғауға syға.
Everything is not to please the freak.

104. Auyҙ - ҡolaҡta, ҡolaҡ - yyraҡta.
Mouth to ears, at least sew a frog.

105. Auyҙy beshkәn өrөp eser.
You will burn yourself in milk, you will blow on water.

106. Auyҙyn asһa, үpkәһe kүrenә.
Goal like a falcon.

107. Auyrtkan erҙәn ҡul kitmәy.
Where it hurts, there is a hand; where it is cute, there are eyes. (Whoever hurts, he talks about that.)

108. Auyrtan bashqa - timer tayaq.
There was no sadness, but the devil pumped up.

109. Auyrymaҫ tәn bulmaҫ.
There is no health without sickness.

110. Auyryu kittһә lә, ғәҙәt kitmәй.
The disease goes away, but the habit never.

111. Auyryu khalen һau belmaҫ. (As khalen tuҡ belmay.)
A healthy patient does not understand.

112. Ahmaҡ duҫtan aҡylly doshman artyҡ.
Don't be afraid of a smart enemy, but be afraid of a stupid friend.

113. Ashagan belmay, turagan bela. (Ҡapҡan belmay, tapҡan belә.)
They don’t talk about what they ate, but about where they put the edge.

114. Ashagan tabagyna tokormә.
Do not spit in the well, you will need water to drink.

115. Ash aldynda bash eyele.
And the dog humbles himself before bread.

116. Ashap tuimagandy yalap tuymaҫgynyn.
I didn’t eat with a spoon, you won’t get licked with your tongue.

117. Asharyn ashagan
His song is sung.

118. Ash atganga tash atma.
They don't answer for good.

119. Ash - ashҡa, uryny bashҡa.
Damn - not a wedge, the belly will not split.

120. Ashqa la bar ber sama.
Honey is sweet in moderation. Know the measure in everything.

121. Ashtyn mayy, һүҙҙең yayy bula.
Not every word per line.

122. Ashtyn täme khujanan.
The food is delicious with a treat.

123. Ashy bulmaғas, ҡalagy nimәgә.
What is a spoon for, if there is nothing to sip.

124. Ashyҡҡan - ashҡa beshkan.
Hurry up, make people laugh.

125. Ashyҡҡan menan bulmay. boyorgan menan bula.
Don't rush, pray to God first.

126. Ashyҡһan yes, qabalanma.
Hurry without haste. (Hurry, do not rush, but hurry up.)

127. Ashyn bulmaһa la, ҡashyn bulһyn.
Do not feed with kalach, but meet with an open soul.

128. Ashyndy birgas, ҡashyndy yyyyrma.
Rather than reproach, it is better not to give.

129. Ash yanynda at gymaq, ash yanynda at gymaq.
Zealous for dinner, lazy for work.

130. Ayaҡ-ҡulyn өҙөlһә lә, өmөtөң өҙөlmәһen.
Stab, fight, and all hope.

. Baylyk bashy - ber ҡаҙыҡ.
Wealth starts with a needle.

2. Bailyk - ber ailyk, aҡyl - mangelek.
Wealth for an hour, and the mind - for a century.

3. Bairam ashy - ҡara ҡarshy.
Bread and salt is red in payment.

4. Baҡa, yylan ber kүlda, ikeһe la ber telda.
Radish horseradish is not sweeter, the devil is not better.

5. Bala bagyuy - yylan agyuy.
To bring up children is not to count chickens.

6. Bala baldan tatly.
A child is sweeter than honey.

7. Bala bar yortta ser yatmay.
Where there are children, there is no gossip.

8. Bala bәlәkәyҙә - belәkkә kөs, ҙuraiғas - yөrәkҙҙөs.
Small children are heavy on their knees, big on their hearts.

9. Bala zamanyna karap tyua.
What are the eyelids, such are the children.

10. Bala kүңlele - аҡҡҡағыз.
A child's soul is like a fresh furrow: what you sow, you will reap.

11. Balaly keshe - in bai keshe.
Whoever has children has berries.

12. Balaly өy - baҙar, balaһyҙ өy - maҙar.
A house without children is a grave, a house with children is a bazaar.

13. Bala sag - points sag.
Golden time - young years.

14. Bala tyyan, chestnut ty.
Punish children in their youth.

15. Balaһyҙ ber ilai, balali un ilai.
Woe without children, and twice as much with them.

16. Balaһyҙ ғүmer - һүngәn үmer.
To live without children is only to smoke the sky.

17. Points һүҙ bash әylanderә.
A flatterer under words is a snake under flowers.

18. Balta-bysaҡ teimәgәn, tumyrgan da һөyәgәn.
Tyap-blunder and the ship.

19. Baltana karap agas gaila.
By an ax and an axe.

20. Bal tämle type barmaҡty teshläp bulmay.
He sees the eye, but the tooth is numb.

21. Balyk birһәn, bәilәp bir, bashyn-kuҙen sәynаp bir.
Give me an egg, and even peeled.

22. Balyk layly er eҙlәy, әҙәm yayly er eҙlәy.
The fish is looking for where it is deeper, where the person is better.

23. Balyksy gulyna - ҡarmag.
Fisherman - and a fishing rod.

24. Balyk totһan, bashynan that.
Take the bull by the horns.

25. Bar ine shәp saktar, keҫә tuly borsaktar.
It was time, and we ate a seed.

26. Bar yylga la ber yaҡҡa aҡmay.
Not all rivers flow in the same direction.

27. Barmaҡ araһyna it үrmәy.
Meat doesn't grow between fingers.

28. Barmaҡtyn ҡayһyһyn teshlәһәң dә auyrta.
No matter which finger you bite, everything hurts.

29. Bars - bergә, yugy - urtaҡ.
What is - together, what is not - in half.

30. Bars menan bayram, gyny menan sairan.
The richer, the more happy.

31. Bar yanyna bar hyya.
The stock does not spoil the bag.

32. Bar yarashtyra, south talashtyra.
Need mourns, need fights.

33. Batyrga la yal karak.
And the governor needs rest.

34. Batyr üleme bisәnәn.
He swam across the sea, but drowned in a puddle.

35. Bashҡa bәlә tөshmәy aҡyl kermәy.
Trouble will come - you will buy the mind.

36. Bashlangan esh - bөtkәn esh.
Down and Out trouble started.

37. Bashlausygy bulha, ҡeүәtlәүseһe tabyla.
I would sing, but there will be echoes.

38. Bashlyk bulgan, bashly bul, yyyyrylmaҫ ҡashly bul.
If you can't handle yourself, you can't handle others.

39. Bashty tashqa orop bulmai.
Don't hit your head on the corner.

40. Bash hau bulha, burek tabylyr.
If there was a head, there would be a hat.

41. Bashyna toshһә, baganaga la sәlәm bireһen.
If you live forever, you will bow to the boar. Bow down to the cat's feet.

42. Beҙ ҡapsyҡta yatmay.
Murder will out.

43. Belmägänden belage tynys.
And deaf, and dumb - we do not know a sin. What I don't know, I don't miss.

44. Belmayem - ber һүҙ, belәm - meңһүҙ.
The dunno sits at home, and the know-it-all is taken to court.

45. Belmәү ғәyep tүgel, belergә telәmәү ғәйэп.
Ignorance is not a vice, but unwillingness to know is a vice.

46. ​​Belege bar berge yygyr, beleme bar mende yygyr.
You can beat one with your hand, but a thousand with your head.

47. Ber aҡyl - yarty aҡyl, ike aҡyl - ber aҡyl.
One mind is half a mind, two minds is a mind. Mind is good, two is better.

48. Ber atyuҙa ike kuyan.
In one fell swoop, seven beatings.

49. Ber ayagyn atlagansy, ikenseyen et ashai.
The snail rides, someday it will.

50. Ber boҙoҡ alma botә toҡto seretә.
One black sheep spoils the whole herd.

51. Ber bulgyn, berәgayle bulgyn.
Rarely so accurate. Better less is better.

52. Berense ir - allanan, ikenseһe - bәndәnәn, өsөnsөһө - shaitandan.
The first husband is from God, the second is from man, the third is from Satan.

53. Take care of tarta mәғripkә, take care of tarta mәshriҡҡa.
One pulls the mane, the other pulls the tail.

54. Ber yyl bүҙәnә һimerһә, ber yyl tartai һimerә.
Uphill time, downhill time.

55. Ber yashlekta, ber ҡartlyҡta.
Youth is not without stupidity, old age is not without stupidity. Gray hair in a beard, and a demon in a rib.

56. Ber ҡaҙanga ike tәkә bashy һyymay.
Two sheep's heads do not fit into one pot.

57. Ber ҡaryn maygy ber ҡomalaҡ seretә.
A fly in the ointment spoils a barrel of honey.

58. Ber katlylyk burlyktan yaman.
Simplicity is worse than theft.

59. Ber ҡatyn aldynda ikenseyen maҡtama.
Do not remember a bald man in front of a bald guest.

60. Ber ҡyshҡa (yylғa) ҡuyan sarygy la syҙағan.
One winter and the skin of a hare will survive.

61. Ber olono, ber kesene tynla.
Be big and listen to the little ones.

62. Ber rәkhmat meң bәlәnәn ҡotҡaryr.
One thank you is worth a thousand troubles.

63. Ber tirenan tun bulmay.
You can't make a fur coat out of one sheepskin.

64. Berhata ikenseyen tarta.
One linden gives rise to another.

65. Ber eshsegә un bashsy.
One with a bipod, seven with a spoon.

66. Berәүgә berәү kәrәk, ҡyyyshҡa terү kәrәk.
Support support.

67. Berәүҙә bash ҡayғyһy, berәүҙә bүrek ҡayғyһy.
Flood to ships, sand to cranes.

68. Take karay tamasha, take karay alasha.
Who cares, but millet chicken.

69. Ber yaҡshyga ber shaҡshy.
Not all carp, there are ruffs.

The wisdom that reaches us through the centuries in the form of oral stories is a grandiose repository of the memory of ancestors. folklore designed to teach children and instruct adults. Bashkir proverbs occupy a special place in Russian culture. They are, like fairy tales, playful, but at the same time filled with deepest meaning. Many of them were translated into Russian and took root in it.

The place of the proverb in the Bashkir language

Unlike other speech turns, proverbs are used by a person in speech constantly, in different situations. They decorate the speech, help to convey the idea more clearly to the interlocutor. Not for nothing in the Bashkir language there is such a statement: " The beard adorns the chin, and proverbs adorn the tongue". Sayings of this Turkic people famous for their double allegorical meaning. For example: " If you're running from the smoke, don't get caught in the fire". The saying has hidden meaning and it can be interpreted as follows: running away from problems - do not get into big trouble. Proverbs and sayings through the language tell about the main aspects of human life: friendship, culture, love, hospitality, work. Putting together like a mosaic big picture worldview.

Bashkir proverbs about friendship

Friendship occupies a special place in the life of the Bashkirs. A lot has been said about her:

Bashkir proverbs about hospitality

It has long been known that the Bashkir people treat hospitality as a duty. The owner of the house should envelop the guest with care. Due to the fact that special attention is paid to the joint meal, many proverbs in the Bashkir language are focused on treating guests:

Proverbs about labor

Work occupies a special place in life. For hardworking people, as well as for lazy people, there are special concepts in the Turkic language:

  • Tyryshҡan tabyr, tashҡa ҡaҙaҡ ҡagyr. Where a diligent person steps, fire burns. Proverbs, Bashkir in particular, cannot be taken literally. This statement has a metaphorical meaning and means that a person accustomed to work can do everything.
  • Yalҡau yatyr erҙen yaylyһyn һaylar. The lazy one is looking for a better job. Means that lazy people shirk from work. Everywhere looking for profit.
  • Yalҡauҙyn ata la aҙymһyҙ bu¬lyr. Even a lazy man's horse is lazy. It means that next to the quitter everyone is lazy.
  • Ungan keshe ҡyldy ҡyҙgҡka yaryr. A diligent person can cut a hair into forty pieces. A craftsman is always a master of his craft.

Bashkir proverbs about language

The meaning of the word in the Bashkir language has a special meaning:

  • Tele bargyn ile bar. He who has a language has a homeland. It means that one who knows his own language will not lose his roots.
  • Aytkan hyҙ - atkan uk. Word spoken - arrow fired. It is understood that the spoken word can hurt another person as much as an arrow.
  • Uҙ agarta, uҙ karalai. What is said whitens, what is said blackens. This means that the word can be used both to help and to harm.

Proverbs about man and his place in the world

Proverbs and sayings often express a person's attitude to life, the world around him and his position in this world:

  • Men kөn kүlәgә bulyp yөrөgәnse, ber kөn keshe bulyuyn, yaҡshy. It is better to be a man for one day than a thousand to be a shadow. Here we are talking about positive qualities of people.
  • Keshe - keshegә ish, haiuan - haiuanga ish. Man must be man, animal must be animal. For the Bashkirs, a person is a living being, an animal is not. Therefore, animals can be hunted, but a person must be a hunter. The superiority of people over animals is expressed.

Proverbs are an important addition to a person’s speech; Bashkir ones often have applied value. They are used in the main areas of life, such as love, freedom, work, friendship, knowledge. They allow you to understand not just the language, but also the soul. Bashkir people.

August 15, 2017

The wisdom that reaches us through the centuries in the form of oral stories is a grandiose repository of the memory of ancestors. Folklore is designed to teach children and instruct adults. Bashkir proverbs occupy a special place in Russian culture. They are, like fairy tales, playful, but at the same time filled with the deepest meaning. Many of them were translated into Russian and took root in it.

The place of the proverb in the Bashkir language

Unlike other speech turns, proverbs are used by a person in speech constantly, in various situations. They decorate the speech, help to convey the idea more clearly to the interlocutor. Not for nothing in the Bashkir language there is such a statement: " The beard adorns the chin, and proverbs adorn the tongue". Sayings of this Turkic people are famous for their double allegorical meaning. For example:" If you're running from the smoke, don't get caught in the fire". The saying has a hidden meaning and can be interpreted as follows: running away from problems - do not get into big trouble. Proverbs and sayings through the language tell about the main aspects of human life: friendship, culture, love, hospitality, work. general picture of the worldview.

Bashkir proverbs about friendship

Friendship occupies a special place in the life of the Bashkirs. There are many interesting proverbs about her:

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Bashkir proverbs about hospitality

It has long been known that the Bashkir people treat hospitality as a duty. The owner of the house should envelop the guest with care. Due to the fact that special attention is paid to the joint meal, many proverbs in the Bashkir language are focused on treating guests:

Proverbs about labor

Labor occupies a special place in the life of the Bashkir people. For hardworking people, as well as for lazy people, there are special concepts in the Turkic language:

  • Tyryshҡan tabyr, tashҡa ҡaҙaҡ ҡagyr. Where a diligent person steps, fire burns. Proverbs, Bashkir in particular, cannot be taken literally. This statement has a metaphorical meaning and means that a person accustomed to work can do everything.
  • Yalҡau yatyr erҙen yaylyһyn һaylar. The lazy one is looking for a better job. Means that lazy people shirk from work. Everywhere looking for profit.
  • Yalҡauҙyn ata la aҙymһyҙ bu¬lyr. Even a lazy man's horse is lazy. It means that next to the quitter everyone is lazy.
  • Ungan keshe ҡyldy ҡyҙgҡka yaryr. A diligent person can cut a hair into forty pieces. A craftsman is always a master of his craft.

Bashkir proverbs about language

The meaning of the word in the Bashkir language has a special meaning:

  • Tele bargyn ile bar. He who has a language has a homeland. It means that one who knows his own language will not lose his roots.
  • Aytkan hyҙ - atkan uk. Word spoken - arrow fired. It is understood that the spoken word can hurt another person as much as an arrow.
  • Uҙ agarta, uҙ karalai. What is said whitens, what is said blackens. This means that the word can be used both to help and to harm.

Proverbs about man and his place in the world

Proverbs and sayings often express a person's attitude to life, the world around him and his position in this world:

  • Men kөn kүlәgә bulyp yөrөgәnse, ber kөn keshe bulyuyn, yaҡshy. It is better to be a man for one day than a thousand to be a shadow. It's about the positive qualities of people.
  • Keshe - keshegә ish, haiuan - haiuanga ish. Man must be man, animal must be animal. For the Bashkirs, a person is a living being, an animal is not. Therefore, animals can be hunted, but a person must be a hunter. The superiority of people over animals is expressed.

Proverbs are an important addition to human speech; Bashkir proverbs often have an applied meaning. They are used in the main areas of life, such as love, freedom, work, friendship, knowledge. They allow you to understand not just the language, but also the soul of the Bashkir people.

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