Rotten apple injures its neighbors. About the black sheep that spoils the whole herd


"One lousy ... spoils the whole herd"

Alternative descriptions

Domestic ruminant


Ruminant mammal from the bovid family

Ruminant artiodactyl domestic animal of the bovid family with thick wavy hair

. "Baranness"

. "Lamb"

. "Wife" of a ram

. Shearer's "client"

. "Cloud on Legs"

. "Member" of the flock

. "Wool" on the legs

. "Woolen" cattle

. "Wool" animal

. "in the mountains, in the valleys, a fur coat and a caftan walks" (riddle)

Bleating brute

In whose skin the wolf sometimes dresses

Head in a koshara

Head in the flock


A pet that is not only eaten but also sheared


Sheep harem unit

It is considered for insomnia

Ruminant animal of the bovid family

ruminant mammal

Ruminant artiodactyl domestic mammal of the bovid family with thick wavy hair

Animal in the flock

The animal is

An animal that gives a person warm clothes and shoes

animal that gives wool

The animal that glorified Georgia and brought wealth to England

Animal counted for insomnia

Animal status is bright


stray animal

Beast of the Romanov breed

Eastern horoscope sign

Both meek and subtle

What animal can bleat

Which animal is most often mentioned in scripture

What animal, besides a pig and a bull, was prescribed to be sacrificed four times a year by an imperial decree in honor of the great sage Confucius after his death

Who was cloned Dolly

Cloned Dolly

curly cattle

Mama lamb

Mommy yarka and lamb

Mama lamb

Milf is bright

mother lamb

ram mother

Mother of the lamb

small livestock


The field of sweaters

The real mistress of the golden fleece

The current mistress of the future sweater

Inhabitant of the koshary

Sheep breeder, sheepdog, sheepskin, etc. see Aries

An individual in a flock

Artiodactyl symbol of obedience

The bastard who spoils the whole herd

A bastard with nothing to take but a tuft of wool

Lousy supplier of a tuft of wool

Passive pack member

The rooster crows and she bleats

Ram's girlfriend

submissive animal

horned bastard

Regularly groomed pet

rune animal

From her, lousy, at least a tuft of wool

female ram

Collection of prose "Sam ..." from Andrey Makarevich

Symbol of submission

Cattle that is sheared regularly

Considered for insomnia


She has a sheep husband

Walking sheepskin coat

Fur coat walking in the mountains

Bright but big

. "wool" on the legs

. "baraness"

Who was the cloned Dolly?

. “over the mountains, through the valleys, a fur coat and a caftan walk” (riddle)

Member of the flock

. "cloud on legs"

. "sheep"

. "wool" animal

. shearer's "client"

Collection of prose "Sam ..." from Andrey Makarevich

. "wife" of a ram

In whose skin does the wolf sometimes dress up?

. "woolen" cow

What animal can bleat?

Which animal is most often mentioned in scripture?

Regularly shorn house. animal

. "I felt sorry for ... the wolf" (proverb)

. “I regretted ... the wolf” (proverb)

. "one lousy ... spoils the whole herd"

What animal grazes in the flock?

Rotten apple injures its neighbors.

From a black sheep, at least a tuft of wool.

A black sheep out of the flock.


- I'm a lousy jackal ... I took money from children.

He robbed a kindergarten. - What kind of cultural was found, huh? ..

And when you have donkey gasoline at your dispenser

urine diluted, was not lousy? - Either gasoline, or children ...

K-F "Gentlemen of Fortune"

Lousy as a personality trait - a tendency to infect other people with their worst qualities; to show himself as a worthless, nasty, disgusting, bad and trashy person.

Roadside cafe. A truck driver comes in and orders meat. Then three bikers tumble into the cafe and take the trucker's order. The trucker pays the waitress and leaves. The waitress approaches the bikers, and one of them says to her: - Goat! He can't even take care of himself! Waitress: - Yes, he also drives lousy! I just drove out of the parking lot - crushed three motorcycles ...

A lousy person is a lousy person. Like a mishandled Cossack, he can as soon as possible spoil and decompose the healthiest team. Hence the proverb about the black sheep, which can spoil the whole flock. Mangy - literally, "with a scab, mangy", that is, covered with purulent scabs, from which other sheep become infected. From a black sheep you can take only a shred. Klok - a piece, a bunch of something. Meaning: take at least what you can take if you can not get more. They speak with disrespect about those from whom they do not expect to receive anything worthy. An example from the literature: “After two and a half months, Vladimir Ilyich arrived at the place of exile, in the village of Shushenskoye, received a notice from the Yenisei governor that he would be given eight rubles a month for maintenance, clothes and an apartment (“even a tuft of wool from a black sheep” , - said Vladimir Ilyich), and sat down to work (N. Virta, “Evening Bells”).

Scab is terrible because it is contagious, that it is instantly transmitted, the whole team becomes infected: from the cleaning lady to the boss. For example, a toady and a slanderer come into the team in one person. In an instant, he becomes a favorite with the boss, who, as practice has shown, likes to be flattered and flattered in front of him. And now, in the team, whispering, slandering, intrigue, persuasion and slander are already in favor. People seem to have changed. Nobody trusts anyone. Confidence in the relationship disappeared, as if someone had thrown it into the trash at once. Everyone on their own. Everyone is tense, embittered and secretive. A few months, and the collective is doomed if the black sheep is not removed from it.

Appear in a decent class black sheep, you look, by the end of the seventh grade there is not a single virgin and a virgin, everyone smokes and drinks, and some of the "leaders" are already drug addicts.

A lousy person is the owner of a lousy character. Exact composition negative traits no one will give a lousy character. In each case, this manifests itself individually. It happens that scab is based on deceit, slander, betrayal and treachery. It happens - on deceit, meanness and insignificance. It happens - on flattery, servility, vileness and groveling. In other words, every time is different. One thing is important, to know the qualitative feature of lousyness: something terribly trashy and negative in a person is transmitted to others with the speed of an epidemic.

How should you live so that scab does not become a member of your family? Philosopher Oleg Torsunov argues that we find in a spouse, out of stupidity, not the best, but the lousiest. We think that we can find good things for ourselves. We do not find. Then we don't know how to get rid of it. How to determine whether a person has found a person for himself or fate gave him? Fate always gives the best. And a person finds for himself the most disgusting, the most lousy.

In one ancient scripture it is said: "Restless jackalis prowl in the spring in search of a male, ready to copulate with the most lousy and wounded, so women, deprived of paternal or male guardianship, destroy themselves in casual relationships."

When a woman finds a man for herself, he is usually married, and he begins to torment her, not to let go. Fate punishes: you don’t have to look for anyone, you need to become a woman who is worthy of a man, and he will be found himself. Because Higher power watching our every move. They know what we need to give. And when it's time for us to give, they know. Something valuable in life is hard to come by. And if you want faster, please, no problem. Everything is cheap, it is correspondingly lousy. You can't buy good stuff cheaply. It will be fake. Family life the same. Therefore, by drawing the image of a future husband, his design, you are building an illusion that will never come true because, truly, a person must build a design within himself. And then everything outside will reflect your life. If you want to look at your destiny, look around you at those people who are very close to you, and you will see your destiny. If you are surrounded by people who deceive you, get angry at you, swear, then you are who you are.

If you become a pure, elevated person, people change, their attitude towards you changes, everything becomes different next to you. It means you have changed. It is very easy to understand who you are by who surrounds you. If you want something else to surround you, it is not artificially created. We can try to do it, but it doesn't work. We find ourselves a man, first with this man goes Honeymoon, everything is cool, and then the clouds are gathering, the situation is even worse than it was before. It's terrible to change someone in life, to try to change in order to become happier. Meeting a lousy person then leads to big problems in life, terrible unpredictable situations.

The lousy hare fell in love with all the animals in the forest. The animals decided to take revenge on him. They gathered, surrounded him ... The hare had nowhere to go, and he climbed into the hole. Animals surrounded the hole. - Oblique, get out! “I won’t get out, you will beat me!” - Of course we will! - And you are not ashamed? You are all so big... And I am so small! And all for one? The animals looked at each other, and they really felt ashamed. There are many of them, and some lousy hare is trembling in the hole ... - Okay, hare, get out, we won't touch you. - I won't get out. There is a lion among you, he will eat me! - Don't be afraid, don't eat it! - No, eat! If you want me to get out, tie the lion tightly, and hide yourself away ... - Well, okay, hare, be your way ... The animals tied the lion tightly, and went home. As soon as the last animal disappeared in the distance, the hare crawled out of the hole and, trembling all over, approached the lion. Leo: What, you bastard, you're trembling! Scary? Not really! For the first time in his life, the lousy bunny will fuck the king of beasts! I'm trembling with excitement!

Petr Kovalev

One zapataya horse will upset everyone.

Wed When someone among his servants looks after one rebel and conspirator, then such a one must be sent away soon, for from one black sheep the whole flock can suffer.

Leskov. Home servants. 1.

Wed You dishonor us with your stinginess! Rotten apple injures its neighbors.

Ostrovsky. K.Z. Minin. 4, 5.

Wed"Youth honest mirror" (the title of the work).

Wed Ein räudiges Schaaf steckt die ganze Heerde an.

Wed Ein faules Ei verdirbt deu ganzen Brei.

Wed Une brebis galeuse gâte tout un troupeau.

Wed Grex totus in agris Unius scabie cadit.

Juven. 2, 79-80.

Wed Morbida facta pecus totum corrumpit ovile.


Cm. a tub of honey, a fly in the ointment: it will ruin everything.

  • - Obsolete. Express. All alone, all alone. Do not grieve, the will has returned: You are left alone. Your Terenty-husband, Danilovich, In an open field under a willow ... With a broken head ...

    Phrasebook Russian literary language

  • - From Latin: Unius pecudis scabies Shit communiculat gregem. In literature, it is first found in the writings of the medieval theologian Jerome. An analogue of the expression "One fly in the ointment spoils a barrel of honey" ...

    Dictionary winged words and expressions

  • - Wed. Paupertas omnes artes perdocet, ubi quem attigit. Plaut. Stich, 1, 3, 24. Cf. Πενία αυτοδίδακτος. Self-taught trouble. Diogeniana. See the troubles of man teach wisdom. See the need ride...

    Explanatory-phraseological dictionary of Michelson

  • - b. One zapataya horse will upset everyone. Wed When someone among his servants looks after one rebel and conspirator, then such a one must be sent away soon, because the whole flock will suffer from one black sheep ...

    Michelson Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary (original orph.)

  • - The stock does not spoil the bag ...
  • - Because of a penny, yes, the ruble spoils ...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - see. Kissel does not spoil the teeth ...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - See Temptation -...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - You can't do a job without spoiling ...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - See LONELY -...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - One stray sheep will spoil the whole herd ...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - The plow feeds, but the bow spoils ...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - see Order does not impoverish ...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - see Account friendship is not a hindrance ...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - See DIRECT -...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - noun, number of synonyms: 1 exception ...

    Synonym dictionary

"one black sheep spoils the whole flock" in books

If the mother-in-law spoils

From the book Conspiracies of the Siberian healer. Issue 37 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

If the mother-in-law spoils From a letter: “I began to get very sick. I went to the doctors - there is no sense. I went to grandmothers, they all say as one that my mother-in-law spoils me. I wouldn't have believed it if I didn't know how much she hates me. She has been eating me for nine years. Dear Natalia

On those who spoil your trade

From the book Conspiracies of the Siberian healer. Issue 31 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

On those who spoil your trade From a letter: “I live by trade, I have three children and a disabled mother. Everything was always fine. I am efficient, not lazy, I buy very good goods and do not make a big markup. My goods are available even for those who have little money. AND

From the book Conspiracies of the Siberian healer. Issue 33 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna


From the book Beauty Salon at Home author Korobach Larisa Rostislavovna

WHAT POINTS THE BREAST? The wrong bra is too loose or tight. If you see a red stripe under your breasts in the evening, then your bra is not chosen correctly. Of course, he should not hang or hang out, but also crash into the skin, making it difficult

One black sheep spoils the whole flock

From book encyclopedic Dictionary winged words and expressions author Serov Vadim Vasilievich

One black sheep spoils the whole flock From Latin: Unius pecudis scabies totum communiculat gregem [unius pecudis scabies totum communiculate gregem]. In literature, it is first found in the writings of the medieval theologian Jerome.

How to punish someone who spoils you

From the book of 1777 new conspiracies of the Siberian healer author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

How to punish the one who spoils you Read through the window or window at sunset: You, the enemy who harasses me, Who walks at my gates at night, Conjures at the stove pillar, Throws illness on me, Walk from my door with heels, Gnawing My threshold is outside the door, Scream like an owl and bark like a dog

Black sheep

From the author's book

Black Sheep The situation was further complicated by the fact that our scout who met with Yakub was playing an unclean game. Due to forgetfulness, he did not give the money due to the dukhan for information, but he regularly took receipts for their receipt from Yakub. Thus, with his own hands, the officer

by Winget Larry


From the book Stop whining, head up! by Winget Larry

IF YOUR LIFE IS CRAZY IT'S BECAUSE YOU ARE CRAP Stop looking for pointless, weak excuses and accept the truth: you're either stupid or lazy or you don't care. These are all excuses. These are not reasons. There is a significant difference between them. The reasons are real. excuses

Comparison spoils our mood

From the book The Big Book of Happiness author Bormans Leo

Comparison spoils our mood Comparison with others often spoils our mood. But it can also be useful if we not only appreciate other people, but also look for opportunities to develop our potential and achieve similar success. In other words,

Contentment spoils people

From the book of Teachings of St. Ambrose of Optina to Spouses and Parents author

Contentment spoils people Concerning N... our words are conveyed correctly, that O. A. advised you to frighten her with a monastery in order to keep her from trying to return to parental home By known reason. Thank God that N… stayed… to live with her husband, although in need; but contentment and

Contentment spoils people

From the book Advice to Spouses and Parents author Ambrose of Optina

Contentment Corrupts People Concerning N... our words are correctly conveyed that OA advised you to frighten her with a monastery in order to keep her from trying to return to her parents' house for a certain reason. Thank God that N… stayed… to live with her husband, although in need; but contentment and

30. Far from them, a large herd of pigs was grazing. 31. And the demons asked Him: if you cast us out, then send us into the herd of pigs.

author Lopukhin Alexander

30. Far from them, a large herd of pigs was grazing. 31. And the demons asked Him: if you cast us out, then send us into the herd of pigs. (Mark 5:11; Luke 8:32). The expression "from them" is indefinite; it is not known whether it is from Christ and His disciples, or from the possessed, or from all of them. But since the speech in verses 29-31

32. And He said to them, Go. And they went out and went into the herd of swine. And so, the whole herd of pigs rushed down the steep into the sea and perished in the water.

From the book Explanatory Bible. Volume 9 author Lopukhin Alexander

32. And He said to them, Go. And they went out and went into the herd of swine. And so, the whole herd of pigs rushed down the steep into the sea and perished in the water. (Mark 5:13; Luke 8:32, 33). Why did Christ allow the demons to enter the pigs when they left the people? Answering this question, Chrysostom points to three

Repetition does not spoil the prayer

From the book How Google Works author Schmidt Eric

Repetition does not spoil the prayer Everyday life you have to repeat something about 20 times before you really get it. Repeat something over and over and people won't even notice because they're too busy. A few more times and they'll notice

One black sheep spoils the whole flock
From Latin: Unius pecudis scabies Shit communiculat gregem (unius pecudis scabies totum communiculate gregem).
In literature, it is first found in the writings of the medieval theologian Jerome.
An analogue of the expression "One fly in the ointment spoils a barrel of honey."

Encyclopedic Dictionary of winged words and expressions. - M.: "Lokid-Press". Vadim Serov. 2003 .

See what "One black sheep spoils the whole flock" in other dictionaries:

    One black sheep spoils the whole flock. One zapataya horse will upset everyone. Wed When someone among his servants looks after one rebel and conspirator, then such a one must be sent away soon, because the whole flock can suffer from one black sheep.

    One zapataya horse will upset everyone. Wed When someone among his servants looks after one rebel and conspirator, then such a one must be sent away soon, because the whole flock can suffer from one black sheep. Leskov. Home servants. 1. Wed. You are stingy ... ...

    A tub of honey, a fly in the ointment: ruin everything. Wed There is nothing perfect on earth, and no matter how small the requirements of a person, fate never satisfies him, even spoils the matter, if possible ... fly in the ointment get into a barrel of honey! Turgenev. ... ... Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

    Wed There is nothing perfect on earth, and no matter how small the requirements of a person, fate never satisfies him, even spoils the matter, if possible ... A fly in the ointment will still fall into a barrel of honey! Turgenev. Petushkov. 4. Wed. Es giebt keinen Honig ohne Galle. Wed… Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary

    Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

    See One black sheep spoils the whole flock ... Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

Andrey's neighbor in the country, a young guy Sasha, a professional football player, told a funny story.

The bottom line is that when he was engaged in sports school, there were two football coaches. Each coach prepared his own team. The guys called their mentors - Gavrilych and Sanych. Both coaches, they said, adhered to the German model of football, which, in their opinion, consisted of rigid discipline. Each player on the field had to act strictly according to the instructions of the coach. Improvisations were not allowed and were strictly suppressed.

The guys wanted to improvise, play more individually. Sasha especially persisted in this desire. Sasha trained with Gavrilych. During the discussions, he allowed himself to argue with the coach, offered to try solo breakthroughs with the opponent's stroke. The idols of Sasha Messi, Ronaldo were bright individuals and played in an original way.

Sasha, without getting permission from the coach for individual breakthroughs, nevertheless acted recklessly in some games, went to the dribble, rushed to the free zone, when, at the direction of the coach, he had to play a long pass, give a pass to a nearby player. Sometimes he succeeded and several times he even managed to score a goal.

However, this did not shake Gavrilych's views on how football should be played. He believed that Sasha was spoiling team play and he kicked Sasha out of the team.

The guys sympathized with Sasha, but they were sure that Gavrilych was right, the mentor still did not allow anyone to undermine his authority.

Sasha, of course, was very upset. So many years he was engaged, he already knew a lot, and further way in football could not take place because of his willfulness. He didn't want to apologize. All the same, he believed that he was right, that Gavrilych dries up the game and there will be no success with such a game and skill will not increase.

Sasha's parents went to the director of the school and he persuaded Sanych to take Sasha to him. Gavrilych was present at the same time and dissuaded Sanych, saying that the black sheep spoils the whole herd. But Sanych was softer than Gavrilych, and the director asked, and he took Sasha.

They changed the awl for soap - Sasha said to his parents - After all, Garilych and Sanych understand football the same way. I should go to another school.

The other one is on the opposite side of the city! There you will only spend all the time on trips! When will you study? the father objected.

In general, Sasha began to work with Sanych. He did not deviate from his convictions and regularly improved his individual game. Sanych did not want to mess with him, besides, Sasha's game often brought results. Other guys, looking at Sasha, also began to play more recklessly, to use individual techniques. At the installation for the game, the guys offered many new schemes, but Sanych did not want to give in. There was a conflict. Not with an individual Sasha, but with a whole group of guys.

The director intervened in the conflict and invited a new coach to the guys.

Sanych was very offended, although the director gave him a good place coach in the new set. Football popular game and wishing to engage in constantly increased.

Gavrilych, seeing Sanych, always stopped him:

Well, what did I tell you: - The black sheep spoils the whole herd!

He spoke - answered Sanych - I gave slack.

It is impossible to give slack - summed up Gavrilych - The people quickly dissolve.

Such boys raised a fuss - Sanych lamented.

You are a weakling - Gavrilych triumphed - Do not be upset. From now on with new group be cruel. Do not allow any frills. What he said, let them do it. Order skill beats.

And Sasha found a new coach mutual language with the team. Together they discussed game plans so that they could play as a team and everyone would work individually: whoever does well, so that he goes into breakthroughs with a stroke, whoever has a long-range shot, let him shoot at the goal if, according to him, there is a convenient position.

The team played well. The guys liked it. The coach too. The team became champions.

Lucky for some clowns - Gavrilych was indignant - They play - whoever is in what much. This is not football.

Sasha was taken to a good adult team.

I don't mind your style of play - the coach told him - But I'll be in charge of the game. So do not get carried away, follow my instructions.

Sasha plays well. It even has its own fans. They like his feints and breakthroughs. He also gets along with the coach, although there are sometimes frictions.

While the results of the team are good, no one is looking for the guilty, as is the case with losses. Everyone gets along. Aim for champions. There are chances.

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