Epic features. The specific feature of the epic


Artworks fiction It is customary to unite in three large groups, called literary genera - epic, drama and lyrics.

The concept of literary gender arose in ancient aesthetics, in the writings of Plato and Aristotle. The third chapter of the Aristotelian "Poetics" speaks of the existence in poetry (i.e. the art of the word) of three "modes of imitation": from himself, as Homer does, or in such a way that the imitator remains himself, without changing his face, or representing all the depicted persons as active and active. These "modes of imitation" later became known as literary genres.

Veselovsky's origin theory: literary genera arose from the ritual choir of primitive peoples. The exclamations of the choir are lyrics, the performances of luminaries are lyric-epic songs (cantilenas), of which are epics (heroic poems). The exchange of remarks of the participants is a drama.

textbook theory: mythological tales, from which prose legends (sagas and fairy tales) subsequently developed, appeared outside ritual choir. They were told to each other by representatives of the tribe. Lyricism could also arise outside the rite. Lyrical self-expression took place in the production and everyday relations of primitive peoples.

Epos and drama have a number of common properties that distinguish them from lyrics. Epic and dramatic works recreate events taking place in space and time. Here are depicted specific persons(characters), their relationships, intentions and actions, experiences and statements. And although the reproduction of life in epic and drama certainly expresses the author's understanding and assessment of the characters' characters, it often seems to readers that the events depicted occurred independently of the author's will. In other words, epic works, and especially dramatic ones, can create the illusion of their complete objectivity.

Authors of epic and dramatic works can draw vivid, detailed, diverse pictures of life, in its variability, conflict, diversity, and at the same time penetrate into the depths of people's consciousness. At the same time, both literary kind able to capture a variety of characters and their relationship with life circumstances. Drama and epic act in an infinitely wide content sphere, they have access to any themes, problems and types of pathos.

The organizing formal beginning of the epic is narration about the events in the life of the characters and their actions. Hence the name of this kind of literature (gr. epos - word, speech).

According to Belinsky: epic works were associated with the idea of ​​the object. “Epic poetry is primarily objective, external poetry, both in relation to itself and to the poet and his reader. There is no poet to be seen here; the world, plastically determined, develops by itself, and the poet is only, as it were, a simple narrator of what happened by itself.

First, the epic arose as a genre of folk heroic tales: sagas, parables, epics, epic songs, legends, heroic tales, folk-heroic stories. Existed before the Renaissance. In the last 3 centuries, when there is a turn to a person as a person (the primacy of the individual over the collective), the epic begins to stand out as a kind of literature in our modern understanding. The speaker reports a past action or recalls. Between the conduct of speech and the event, a temporal distance is maintained. Speech is conducted from the narrator, who can become a storyteller (Grinev in Pushkin). The epic is as free as possible from the development of space and time. It characterizes not only the hero, but also the speaker ( artistic speech develops: author's narration, author's description, author's reasoning, monologues and dialogues of characters). epic - single genus literature, showing not only what the hero does, but also how he thinks. Internal monologues - the consciousness of the hero. Of great importance are the portrait and landscape - detailing. Does not insist on the conditionality of what happened. The volume of the epic work is unlimited. In the narrow sense of the epic - heroic narrative about the past. Came in the form of epics ("Iliad" and "Odyssey"), sagas - the Scandinavian epic, short epic songs - Russian epics.

At an early stage in the development of the epic, national historical genres in which the personality is shown in its active participation in the events of national life (participation in national liberation wars, revolutionary movements, which are the basis of the plot of such works).

Heroic folk song belongs to the oldest genres of this group. The main character in these productions - the best representative collective (Achilles and Hector in the Iliad, etc.).

National-historical issues are revealed primarily in stories, reflecting real historical events ("The Tale of Igor's Campaign").

2. Moral descriptive genres appeared later - they depict the state of society and the social environment. And this state is estimated by the author. Heroes in the moral description are representatives of their social environment. Moral descriptive genres also appear in folklore.

One of early representatives N.Zh. were "Works and Days" by Hesiod.

In the Renaissance literature arises new genre - Utopia, where, as conceived by the authors, an ideal society was depicted ("City of the Sun" by T. Campanella).

3 . AT romance genre the image of the social environment is only a background against which the main thing for the author is revealed - the development of the personality's character in relation to this environment.

Novel- prose genre, large in scope. The word "roman" originated in medieval Europe, when works were narrated in Romance languages.

first arose antique romance. And in medieval Europe were popular chivalric romances.

In the Renaissance, a new type of novelistic story appears - a story with a dynamic plot, sharp plot twists and denouement - short story("The Decameron" by G. Boccaccio). Since the 18th century, the novel has become one of the leading literary genres. In the era of realism, the novel acquires a deeper plot variety.

Tale different from the novel smaller plot scale and simpler organization. The features of the story include: the chronological beginning in the plot and the feeling of the narrator's voice.

Story- small epic form. Detail capacity and subtext depth- the main principles of the story.

The story develops intensively during the Renaissance (J. Boccaccio).

Feature article- a descriptive-narrative story, based on moral and descriptive issues. The plot in the essay plays a lesser role than the dialogues, the description of the situation, etc.

Epos (genus of literature)

A significant role for epic genres is played by the image of the narrator (narrator), who talks about the events themselves, about the characters, but at the same time delimits himself from what is happening. The epic, in turn, reproduces, imprints not only what is being told, but also the narrator (his manner of speaking, mentality).

An epic work can use almost any artistic medium. known to literature. The narrative form of the epic work "contributes to the deepest penetration into the inner world of man."


  • Khalizev V. E. Theory of Literature. - M ., 2009. - S. 302-303.
  • Belokurova S. P. Dictionary of literary terms.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

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    AND; m. [from Greek. epos word, narration] 1. Spec. Narrative kind of literature (as opposed to lyrics and drama). Great masters of the epic. 2. A set of folk heroic songs, legends, poems, united by a common theme, nationwide ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

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    epic- a; m. (from the Greek. épos word, narrative) see also. epic 1) special Narrative kind of literature (as opposed to lyrics and drama) Great masters of the epic. 2) A set of folk heroic songs, legends, poems, united by a common theme, ... ... Dictionary of many expressions

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Epos - Greek. "word", "narrative", "story".

One of the three types of literature identified by Aristotle. Originated earlier than other genera. This is a story about events unfolding in space and time, regardless of the objective narrator. The epic tells about the past holistically. Containing a holistic picture of people's life.

Three parts: story, description, reasoning.

Homer has a strictly objective narrative.

In the communal-tribal formation was born heroic epic - a heroic narrative about an important event for the family, which reflected the harmonious unity of the people and heroes-heroes.

The Iliad is a military-heroic epic, the Odyssey is a fabulous everyday one.

Homeric question.

Homer belongs to the 8th century. BC, the poems were written down in the VI century. BC, in the III century. BC. processed in the Library of Alexandria.

2 points of view:

Analytical: it is impossible for one person to create such works, Homer was a rhapsodist - a poet-reciter who combined the created early lyrics;

Unitary: Homer was an aed - an improvising poet, a bright personality, on some basis he created poems according to a clear plan.

The modern point of view: the myths of the Mycenaean period are the basis, an important historical event - the Trojan War (XIII-XII centuries BC), myths were superimposed on historical events, history in a mythologized version reached Homer. On the basis of the existing tradition and stylistic devices of folklore, he selected from the vast epic repertoire and fused the material into a single whole to create a great poem.

Features of the Homeric style.

1. Objectivity.

2. Antipsychologism.

3. Monumentality.

4. Heroism.

5. Retarding technique.

6. Chronological incompatibility (actions occurring in parallel are depicted sequentially).

7. Humanism.

8. Lyrical, tragic and comic beginning in poems with the unity of artistic style.

9. Constant formulas (like epithets, for example).

10. Hexameter.

4. "Iliad"

The action of the Iliad (i.e., the poem about Ilion) is attributed to the 10th year Trojan War, but neither the cause of the war nor its course are set forth in the poem. The story as a whole and the main acting figures are assumed to be already known to the listener; the content of the poem is only one episode, within which a huge material of legends is concentrated and a large number of Greek and Trojan heroes. The Iliad consists of 15,700 verses, which were later divided by ancient scholars into 24 songs, according to the number of letters of the Greek alphabet. The theme of the poem is announced in the very first verse, where the singer addresses the Muse, the goddess of song: "Anger, goddess, sing to Achilles, son of Peleus."
Achilles (Achilles), the son of the Thessalian king Peleus and the sea goddess Thetis, the bravest of the Achaean knights, is central figure"Iliad". He is "short-lived", he is destined for great glory and quick death. Achilles is depicted as such a powerful hero that the Trojans do not dare to leave the walls of the city while he is participating in the war; as soon as he appears, all other heroes become unnecessary. The "wrath" of Achilles, his refusal to participate in hostilities, thus serves as an organizing moment for the entire course of the poem, since only the inaction of Achilles allows us to unfold the picture of the battles and show the full splendor of the Greek and Trojan knights.
The Iliad, a military-heroic poem, tells about the events of the war caused by a quarrel between the bravest of the participants in the campaign of Achilles, with the leader of the troops Agamemnon, who took away his captive Briseis from Achilles. Insulted, Achilles refused to participate in battles and returned to the army only after his death. best friend Patroclus. Revenging for the death of a friend, he entered into a duel with the leader of the Trojan army, Hector, who was responsible for the death of Patroclus, and killed him.

In the Iliad, stories about the actions of people on earth alternate with depictions of scenes on Olympus, where the gods, divided into two parties, decide the fate of individual battles. In this case, events that occur simultaneously are described as occurring sequentially, one after the other (the so-called law of chronological incompatibility).

The plot of the Iliad is the anger of Achilles during a quarrel with Agamemnon; the events set forth in the poem are caused by this anger, and the whole plot is, as it were, a sequential presentation of the phases of Achilles' anger, although there are deviations from the main storyline, insert episodes. The climax of the plot is the duel between Achilles and Hector; the denouement is the return by Achilles to Priam of the body of his son.

The Iliad consists of a series of episodes that unfold sequentially in time and often have a completely independent character (linear composition). The fast pace of the story varies with a slow "epic expanse", the narration - with skillfully arranged speeches and dialogues. The plot interest in the whole recedes into the background before the relief decoration of the part - hence the dramatic intensity of individual scenes and the negligence in motivating these scenes. The speech is richly colored with epithets, metaphors and "Homeric" comparisons, many of which are traditional.

The protagonist of the Iliad, Achilles, is proud, terrible in his anger: personal resentment made him neglect his duty and refuse to participate in battles; nevertheless, moral concepts are inherent in him, which in the end force him to atone for his guilt before the army; his anger, which is the core of the plot of the Iliad, is resolved by generosity.

The poem glorifies military prowess, but the author by no means approves of war, leading to the worst of evils - death. This is evidenced both by individual replicas of the author and his heroes, and by clear sympathy for Hector and other defenders of Troy, who are the suffering side in this war. The author's sympathies belong to the soldiers of both warring countries, but the aggressiveness and predatory aspirations of the Greeks cause him to be condemned.

5. Homer's "Odyssey" as a fabulously heroic epic.

The Odyssey is a Greek epic poem, along with the Iliad, attributed to Homer. The theme of the Odyssey is the wanderings of the cunning Odysseus, king of Ithaca, who was returning from the Trojan campaign; in separate references there are episodes of the saga, the time of which was timed to coincide with the period between the action of the Iliad and the action of the Odyssey.

The Odyssey is built on very archaic material. The plot of a husband returning unrecognized to his homeland after long wanderings and ending up at his wife's wedding is one of the most widespread folklore plots, as well as the plot of "a son going in search of his father." Almost all episodes of Odysseus' wanderings have numerous fairy-tale parallels. The very form of the story in the first person used for the narratives of the wanderings of Odysseus is traditional in this genre and is known from Egyptian literature beginning of the 2nd millennium. The storytelling technique in the Odyssey is generally close to that of the Iliad, but the younger epic is distinguished by greater art in combining diverse material. Separate episodes are less isolated and form integral groups. According to the composition (ring and mirror), the Odyssey is more complicated than the Iliad. The plot of the Iliad is presented in a linear sequence, in the Odyssey this sequence is shifted: the narrative begins from the middle of the action, and the listener learns about the previous events only later, from the story of Odysseus himself about his wanderings, i.e. one of artistic means is a flashback.

Events are not depicted as scattered as in the Iliad. The wanderings of Odysseus last 10 years. The first 3 years of sailing - songs 9-12. They are given in the form of the story of Odysseus at the feast of King Alcinous. The beginning of the Odyssey is the end of Odysseus' stay with Calypso. The decision of the gods to return Odysseus to his homeland. 1-4 songs - the search for Odysseus by Telemachus. 5-8 songs: after sailing from Calypso and a terrible storm, staying among the people of the feacs with King Alcinous. 9 song - the story of the Cyclops Polyphemus. 10 - Odysseus gets to Kirk, and she directs him to Hades. 11 - events in Hades. (center of the poem) 12 - Odysseus gets to the nymph Calypso and is kept there for 7 years. Starting from the 13th song - a sequential image of events. First, the feacs deliver Odysseus to Ithaca, where he settles with his swineherd Eumeus, because. in his own house suitors of Penelope. Penelope delays the marriage. In songs 17-20, Odysseus, under the guise of a beggar, penetrates from Eumeus' hut to his house for reconnaissance, and in songs 21-24 he kills all suitors with the help of servants, returns to Penelope, and pacifies the uprising in Ithaca.

Odysseus is not just a diplomat and a practitioner, and certainly not just a cunning, hypocrite. The practical and business inclination of his nature acquires its real significance only in connection with his selfless love for his native hearth and his wife waiting for him, as well as his constantly difficult fate, forcing him to constantly suffer and shed tears away from his homeland. Odysseus is par excellence a sufferer. His constant epithet in the Odyssey is "long-suffering". About his constant suffering Athena with great feeling says to Zeus. Poseidon is constantly angry with him, and he knows this very well. If not Poseidon, then Zeus and Helios break his ship and leave him alone in the sea. His nanny wonders why the gods are constantly indignant at him with his constant piety and obedience to the will of the gods.

Odysseus loves his homeland, but never refuses life's pleasures.

Epos (epos) in translation from Greek is a word. It is a narrative form of literature. Plato believed that the epoch combines lyrical elements (author's statements) and dramatic elements (imitation). According to Aristotle, the author of the epic tells the story "about the events as about something extraneous, as Homer does, or from himself, without replacing himself with another and deducing all the depicted persons in action." According to Goethe and Schiller, the author tells about the event, transferring it to the past, and in the drama depicts it as it is happening now. According to Hegel, the epic reproduces objectivity in an objective form. V. Kozhinov refers the epic, like the drama, to the fine arts.

In epic works, life is portrayed as something external to the author and characters. It seems that the author stands on the side and talks about what he knows, saw. By the way the writer describes events, characters, we can conclude how he relates to the depicted.

Events in the era are depicted as having already taken place, so they are told in the past tense. The present and future tenses are used to provide dynamism and vividness to the narrative. Epic works are written primarily in prose. All of them are narrative.

The forms of narration in epic works are different. The most common form is a third-person narrative. Sometimes the narrator can be a character in the work (Maxim Maksimovich in the story "Bela" from "A Hero of Our Time" by M. Lermontov). The worldview of narrators-characters can be close to the writer. The story in the first person gives credibility to the work, introduces a lyrical element into it. There are works in which the characters themselves talk about what they saw and experienced. This is evidenced by ancient novels - "Metamorphoses" ("Golden Ass") by Apuls and "Satyricon" by Petronius, Lepky's memoir stories "The Tale of My Life".

In addition to the story, epic works contain descriptions objective world, nature, life. The author's reflections are sometimes "connected" to the story. The story of events can be accompanied by statements of characters, their monologues, dialogues. The author can characterize some moments from the life of the character, report on what happened in different time and in different places.

In epic works, characters are revealed in actions, deeds, gestures, facial expressions, and speech.

The epic has three types art form: poetic, prose and syncretic.

Types, genres of the epic

The emergence of the epic reaches primitive times. AT folk poetry there are such types of epic as a fairy tale, epic, folk thought, legend, translation.

A fairy tale is an epic work that tells about fantastic events and adventures of heroes. There are fairy tales, heroic, social, fantastic, satirical, humorous, fairy tales about animals and the like.

In addition to folk tales, there are literary tales. Famous fairy tales by I. Franko, A. Pushkin, brothers J. and V. Grimm, Andersen and others.

Bylina is an epic recitative song, which was performed by folk singer-musicians in princely times. The characters of the epics are folk heroes - the hero Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich. Epics arose in the XI-XII centuries. in Kievan Rus, subsequently spread to northern regions Russia. Features of epic heroes preserved Ukrainian fairy tales, such as "The Tale of Kotigoroshko", "The Tale of Kozhemyak".

Legend (lat. Legenda - what should be read). This is a folklore or literary work in which a story is based on a fantastic theme. Legends have different meaning. Legends include the "lives" of the first Christians, "holy" ascetics and princes, which were common in the Middle Ages. they were read in churches, monasteries on holidays in honor of the saints. Subsequently, apocryphal legends with atheistic motives appeared. These legends were banned by the church. There are legends about historical events and folk heroes, about the leader of the liberation war of Khmelnitsky, the Fastov colonel Semyon Paliy. In the legends about Alexei Dovbush,

Maxim Zaliznyak, Ustim Karmalyuk, Lukyan the mare reveals the struggle of the peasants against feudal oppression.

World (mim) (Greek Mythos - word, translation). Myths appeared at a time when people had a naive direct idea of ​​the world around them. M. Moklitsa calls the myth alternate reality. According to her, the myth is "the objectification of the initial perception, which over time becomes synonymous with fiction, an inadequate vision of something that does not really exist in life. The myth concentrates the polyaspect of the human worldview. It is equally deceptive and true: it denotes our infinite the process of searching for true knowledge. Myth is the antithesis to the scientific worldview - adequate, justified, brought as true. " Myths differed from fairy tales, because fairy tales were considered the fruit of fantasy, and from legends, because the legends contained real historical events and heroes. The myth was perceived as something probable. Modern literary scholars consider the myth to be a generalized holistic perception of reality, characterized by a synthesis of the real and the ideal, and it turns out to be at the level of the subconscious. A myth is understood as a stable archetypal model, which is framed in certain plots, images.

A noticeable mark in literature was left by ancient Greek, ancient Roman mythology, Germanic-Scandinavian. Plots ancient mythology used Dante (" The Divine Comedy"), J. Boccaccio ("Fiezolanska myths"), P. Corneille ("Medea", "Oedipus"). J. Racine ("Andromache", "Iphigenia in Aulis").

Folk smikhovinki (jokes) - satirical or humorous stories ridiculing certain human vices.

A parable is an allegorical story about human life of a moralizing nature. The genre of the parable appeared in folklore, it comes from the apology (fairy tales about animals). From the apology, the tale has also developed. Y. Klimyuk, comparing a parable and a fable, notes that a close genre form parables and fables are due to the commonality of their origin: from myth to fairy tale, from fairy tale to apology, from which the fable and parable proper developed. "Instructive, allegorical, philosophical, outward similarity of construction," writes Yu. Klimyuk, "these are the features that connect the parable with the fable. At the same time, the parable has a number of differences: little attention is paid to the characters of the heroes, they are often non-specific, one might even say abstract, completely dependent on a predetermined thought ...

And one more significant difference: a fable is a comic work, a parable is, in principle, a serious work (although there may be humorous and satirical parables) ... "

“A parable,” Y. Klimyuk continues, “is also often called a parabola. Parabola is a group of allegorical, moralizing and teaching genres (parable, fable, short tale, anecdote, story, etc.), in which, through the collected example and its interpretation certain ideas were stated ...

According to the content and ideological orientation, the parable is divided into religious and secular, philosophical and moral, as well as folklore. The parable can have various modifications: a short instructive expression (proverb, saying, maxim), a story parable (prose and verse), a parable with and without explanation, a parable with and without allegory, a parable - a parabola, a parable - a detailed comparison ".1 In Ukrainian literature, I. Franko, D. Pavlychko, Lina Kostenko, B. Oliynyk used the parable as the basis of the plot or as a separate genre.

Y. Klimyuk argues that not every parable is a parable, but every parable can be considered a parabola. It is difficult to distinguish a parable from a parabola. Some literary scholars identify them.

In the "literary dictionary-reference book" we read: (Greek parabole - comparison, juxtaposition, similarity) - "instructive allegory, a genre variety close to the parable, in which, according to a compressed story about a certain event, several other content plans are hidden. Inside the structure of the parabola is a different image , which gravitates towards a symbol, not an allegory (sometimes a parabola is called a "symbolic parable"), however, it does not suppress objectivity, situationality, remains isomorphic in relation ". A. Potebnya considered a parable to be a kind of fable.

Epic (Greek Eroroia from epos - word and roieo - - to create) - a narrative form that was popular before the appearance of the novel. The epic originates in mythology and folklore. AT Ancient Greece epic called the cycle folk tales, legends and songs about significant historical events, legendary and historical heroes. Based folk epics author's - "Iliad" and "Odyssey" of Homer, "Aeneid" of Vsrgiliya were formed. "Knight in tiger skin" Sh. Rustaveli, "The Tale of Igor's Campaign", "Liberated Jerusalem" by T. Tasso, "The Lusiads" by L. di Camões.

The well-known Russian literary critic Bakhtin wrote that the epic has three design features:

1) the subject of the epic is the national epic past, the "absolute past", in the words of Goethe and Schiller;

2) the source of the epic is the national saying, and not personal experience;

3) the epic world remote from modernity, that is, from the time of his singer (author and his listeners), by an absolute distance ... "The world of the epic," M. Bakhtin concretizes, "the national heroic past, the world" of "beginnings" and "tops" national history, the world of parents and progenitors, the world of "the first" and "the best". The point is not that the past serves as the content of the epic. the relation of the depicted world to the past, its belonging to the past - ... a formal sign of the epic as a genre. The epic has never been a poem about the present (turning only for posterity into a poem about the past). The epic as a certain genre known to us was originally a poem about the past ... and the author's attitude (that is, the attitude of the orator of the epic word) is the attitude of a person, speaks of the past unattainable for her, the reverent attitude of the offspring. The epic word in its style, tone, character of figurativeness is fundamentally incompatible with the word of a contemporary about a contemporary, addressed to contemporaries (“Onegin, my good friend, was born on the banks of the Neva, where perhaps you were born, or shone, my reader ... " )". The epic comprehensively describes the socio-political life, customs, culture, life of the people, family relations. Its style is solemn, the presentation is unhurried. A special place in epic poems is occupied by the speeches of heroes, monologues, dialogues.

In the XVIII century. the epic was superseded by the novel. Epics began to be called large epic works - novels, cycles of novels. Known are such Ukrainian epic novels as "Human blood is not water", "Big relatives" by M. Stelmakh, "Volyn" by U. Samchuk, epic poems - "Cursed Years", "Ashes of Empires" by Yuri Klen.

Roman (French Roman, German Roman, English Novel) is a large epic work in which a person's personal life is depicted in connection with the public. There are many heroes in the novel and their characters, multifaceted ties between themselves and society are described in detail.

At first, the term "novel" was used to refer to poetic works written in Romance(Italian, French, Portuguese...). The word "roman" appeared in the Middle Ages. As V. Dombrovsky notes, a novel was called "a story about fantastic, wonderful knightly adventures, composed in a non-lyrical, common language, which, to distinguish it from Latin, the language of the church and spiritual literature (linqua latina), was called Roman (linqua romana). Those stories from" are first in France, where they create a continuation of old chivalric poems (chanson de gesture - songs about true life, that is, the old French epic, in which the famous "Song of Roland" is in the first place), and then ... cycles of medieval legends and legends about Arthur, the Holy Grail and the Knights" round table".

In the XIII century. two "Novels of the Rose" by Guillaume de Lorris and Jean de Mein of the Old French language appear. The term "novel" was first used by the English literary scholar George Patenham in a study

"The Art of English Poetry" (1589). French literary critic of the 17th century. Pierre-Daniel Huet defined the novel as follows: "These are fictitious love stories, skilfully laid out in prose for the satisfaction and edification of readers" 1.

The novel is a multifaceted epic work in which reality is revealed in many ways. The novel has several storylines, many characters who are portrayed in social relations and in everyday life.

The novel has a complex composition, it uses stories, descriptions, digressions, monologues, dialogues, etc.

As a great epic form, the novel has evolved over many centuries. It appeared in ancient Greece in the era of late Hellenism. The ancient novel had an entertaining character. He depicted obstacles on the way to the love of lovers. In II-VI centuries. n. e. the novels Ethiopian by Heliodorus, Daphnis and Chloe by Long, The Golden Ass by Apuleius, and Satyricon by Petronius appeared.

In the Middle Ages, chivalric romances became popular. There are cycles of novels about King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. These novels told about the legendary adventures of heroes-knights, in particular about the extraordinary adventures of Alexander the Great. In this era, popular novels about the love of Tristan and Iseult appeared, novels in which the Christian religion was promoted, the famous novel about Barlaam and Jehoshaphat.

During the Renaissance, writers used realistic principles images, as evidenced by the novels "Gargantua and Pantagruel" by Rabelais, "Don Quixote" by Cervantes. Cervantes' novel is a parody of the romance of chivalry. In the XVIII century. the adventurous novel ("Gilles Blas" by Lesage) and the novel of education ("Wilhelm Meister" by Goethe) are gaining popularity, psychological novel("Pamela" Richardson). In the 19th century a historical novel ("Ivanhoe" by Walter Scott) appears. Development novel XIX in. associated with the names of Stsndal, Balzac, Dickens, Thackeray, Flaubert, Zola, Dostoyevsky, Tolstoy, Panas Mirny.

The Ukrainian novel originated in the 19th century. The first novels were "Mr. Khalyavsky" by G. Kvitka-Osnovyanenko, "Tchaikovsky" by E. Grebenka. A significant contribution to the development of the romantic form in Ukrainian literature was made by Marko Vovchok ("The Living Soul"), P. Kulish ("The Black Rada"), I. Nechuy-Levytsky ("The Clouds"), Panas Mirny and Ivan Bilyk ("Do the oxen roar when the nursery is full? "), V. Vinnichenko ("Solar machine"). Talented novelists of the XX century. is Andrei Golovko ("Weed"), Y. Yanovsky ("Riders"), V. Vo-mogilny ("City"), S. Sklyarenko ("Svyatoslav", "Vladimir"). The modern Ukrainian novel is represented by such genres as philosophical (“The New Commandment” by V. Vynnichenko), erotic (“Fornication” by E. Hutsalo), historical (“Roksolana” by P. Porebelny), detective (“Deposits of Gold” by V. Vynnichenko) socio-psychological (“Whirlpool” by G. Tyutyunnik, “Cathedral” by O. Gonchar), adventure (“Tiger Catchers” by Ivan Bagryany), gothic (“Marko the Damned” by A. Storozhenko), satirical (“Aristocrat from Vapnyarka” by A. Stork) , autobiographical ("Thought about you" by M. Stelmakh), fantastic ("The Bowl of L Mrita" by A. Berdnik), biographical ("The Adventure of Gogol" by G. Kolesnik), memoir ("Third Company" by V. Sosyura), adventurous (" Imitation" by E. Kononenko). Ukrainian writers use various forms of history - a novel-confession ("I am Bogdan" by P. Rowing), whimsical ("A Borrowed Man" by E. Gutsalo, "The Swan Flock" by Vasily Zemlyak), a novel-chronicle ("The Chronicle of the City of Yaropol" by Y. Shcherbak), a novel in short stories ("Tronka" by O. Gonchar), a raman-ballad ("Wild Honey" by Leonid Pervomaisky).

AT literary practice there are such genres as a novel-essay, a memoir novel, a feuilleton novel, a pamphlet novel, an epistolary novel, a reportage novel, a montage novel, a parable novel, a parody novel, and an essay novel.

Bakhtin classifies the novel according to the principle of constructing the image of the protagonist: a wandering novel, a trial novel, a biographical novel, and an upbringing novel. "Not a single historical species, - according to the scientist, - does not withstand the principle of pure form, but is characterized by the advantage of one or another principle of designing the hero. Since all elements mutually signify each other, a certain principle of designing the hero is associated with a certain type of plot, the concept of the world according to a certain composition of the novel. "In the wandering novel, the hero does not have significant characteristics. His movement in space, adventures, adventures make it possible to show the spatial and socio-static the diversity of the world (countries, nationalities, cultures) This type of hero and the construction of the novel is characteristic of ancient naturalism, in particular, for the works of Petronius, Apuleius and Tormes, Gilles Blas by Alain Rene Lesage.

M. Bakhtin notes that the "spatial and static concept of the diversity of the world" is characteristic of the wandering novel, life is depicted as an alternation of contrasts: successes - failures, victories - defeats, happiness - misfortune. Time has no historical definition, there is no development of the hero from youth to maturity and old age. Adventurous time in the novel, including moments, hours, days, is dominated by temporal characteristics: the next day, after the battle, duel. Due to the lack of historical time, there are no such socio-cultural phenomena as a city, country, social group, nationality. The image of a person in the wandering novel is static.

The test novel is built as a series of situations, tests for loyalty, nobility, courage, valor. For the heroes of this novel, the world is an arena of struggle. An example of such a novel is the work of the Greek writer of the era of antiquity Heliodor "Ethiopica". A variation of the test novel is the chivalrous novel of the Middle Ages "The Romance of Tristan and Isolde".

At the heart of the novel, trials are an exceptional polyp and situations that cannot be in an ordinary, typical biography of a person, adventures are strung together. A fairy-tale time appears in the chivalric romance, which is not connected with historical events and conditions. The surrounding world, minor characters are for the heroes of the test novel a decoration, a background. In the XVIII-XIX centuries. the novel of testing, according to M. Bakhtin, "has lost its purity, but the type of construction of the novel on the idea of ​​testing the hero continues to exist, of course, becoming more complicated by what was created by the biographical novel and the novel of education." The novels of Stendhal, Balzac, Dostoevsky, according to the observations of M. Bakhtin, are test novels.

The biographical novel has existed since the 18th century. Its plot is based on the main points life path Key words: birth, childhood, years of study, marriages, arrangement of life, death. In a biographical novel, biographical time, events are localized. The formation of a hero is the result of changes in his life. Biographical novels may have a historical-biographical and autobiographical character. Historical and biographical novels include "Petersburg Autumn" by A. Ilchenko, "The Mistake of Honore de Balzac" by Nathan Rybak.

Autobiographical novels differ from historical-biographical novels primarily in that they represent a kind of family history to which the author is a member. These are "The Knight of Our Time" by M. Karamzin, "Childhood", "Boyhood", "Youth" by L. Tolstoy, "Our Secrets", "Eighteen" by Y. Smolich.

The basis of the novel of education is the pedagogical idea. The formation of the hero takes place in connection with real historical time. The best novels of upbringing include "Hargaityua and Pantagruel" by F. Rabelais, "The Story of Tom Jones, a Foundling" by G. Fielding, "The Life and Reflections of Tristan Shandy" by Stern, "Taras of the Way" by Oksana Ivanenko, "The City" by V. Pidmogilny.

Since the boundaries between the novel and the story are vague, the same works are referred to both novels and stories ("Borislav laughs" by I. Franko, "Maria" by U. Samchuk, "The Senior Boyar" by T. Osmachka).

Literary historians number up to a hundred genres of the novel.

In the 20th century, a "new novel" or "anti-novel" appears in the West. Its creators Natalie Sarrot, A. Rob-Griye, M. Butor said that the traditional novel has exhausted itself. They believe that the new novel should be plotless and heroineless.

Theories of the novel literary critics turned in the 19th century. Schellipg noted that the novelist can depict the whole reality, various manifestations human nature, tragic and comic. According to Schelling, the characters in the novel are symbols that embody human characters.

Hegel made a significant contribution to the theory of the novel. He believed that the novel arose on a day of social crisis, the novel is the end of the development of society. At the heart of the novel is the conflict between the poetry of the heart and the prose of the relationship between the personal and the public. In the collision of the novel, the characters are opposed to the environment.

V. Kozhinov expressed the opinion that "the novel principle generally subjugates all genres." V. Dneprov believes that the novel synthesizes all kinds of literature, it is the leading form of the art of the word (Features of the novel of the 20th century. - M .; L., 1965) .

Sometimes writers combine their novels into dilogies ("Mother", "Artem Garmash" by Andrei Golovko), trilogy ("Alps", "Blue Danube", "Golden Prague" by O. Gonchar), tetralogy ("Childhood of the Theme", "Gymnasium students" , "Students", "Engineers" by M. Garin-Mikhailovsky). There are cycles of novels ("The Human Comedy" by O. Balzac, "Extraordinary Journeys" by Jules Verne).

The story (from poviduvata) is an epic work of medium form. It occupies an intermediate position between the novel and the short story. The story is based on one or more conflicts, few events, one or more episodes, slow development of events, relatively simple composition. V. Kozhinov believes that the story "is not tense and complete plot knot", it lacks "the unity of through action*".

In the works of M. Berkovsky, V. Kozhinov and other literary critics, it is noted that the story is closer to the epic of the ancient world than to the epic of modern times. its subject is the calm flow of life, which can be told about. There are no gostrodramatic situations in the story that attract the novelist. M. Gulyaev notes on this occasion that epicness, naughtiness is not a sign of all stories. There are among the stories dramatic, sharply conflicted, that is, close to the novel. These, in particular, are Nevsky Prospekt, Gogol's Notes of a Madman.

There is an opinion that the story is lyrical, close to music. But other epic works are also marked by lyricism. The stories include the works "Nikolai Dzherya", "Kaidasheva family" by I. Nechui-Levitsky, " Evil people"Panas Mirny, "The Earth is Buzzing" by O. Gonchar, "A Poem about the Sea" by A. Dovzhenko. Comparing the novel and the story, Yu. Kuznetsov notes: open, follows from the logic of the events depicted, and not from oppositions, as in the short story, the descriptions are carried out according to the principle of stringing ".

In ancient times, stories were considered works in which something was told. In the literature of Kievan Rus, stories were called chronicles ("The Tale of Bygone Years") or the lives of saints ("The Tale of Akira the Wise"). The story as a type of epic acquires its features in the 19th century. The first stories in Ukrainian literature were "Marusya", "Poor Oksana » G. Kvitki-Osnovyanenko. The development of the story is connected with the work of Mark Vovchka ("Institute"), T. Shevchenko ("Artist", "Musician"), I. Nechuy-Levitsky ("Nikolai Dzherya"), I. Franko ("Zakhar Berkut"), M. Kotsiubinsky ("Fata morgana").

This type of epic is used by Gonchar, V. Shevchuk, E. Gutsalo, V. Yavorivsky, I. Chendey.

Genres of the story: historical, social life, historical and biographical, fantastic, detective.

The story is an epic work of small form. As a rule, it is based on one event, one problem. A story within a story has a beginning and an end. The story requires the writer to be able to draw a vivid picture on a small area, to create a situation in which the hero reveals himself clearly, in relief. The characters in the story are formed, there is no broad motivation for actions and events, the descriptions are concise, there are few of them.

The story gains popularity during the Renaissance. Then there are the "Canterbury Tales" by J. Chaucer. This type of epic flourished in the 19th century. Famous Ukrainian masters of short stories were M. Kotsiubinsky, V. Stefanyk, Marko Cheremshina, S. Vasylchenko, O. Kobylyanska, I. Franko, Mykola Khvylovy, Hryhoriy Kosynka.

There are stories of social life, socio-political, socio-psychological, satirical, humorous, tragic, comic.

The boundaries between the story and the story are not always clear, so the works "I dug the potion early on Sunday" by O. Kobylyanskaya and "Debut" by M. Kotsiubinsky are some classified as stories, others as stories.

Novella (ital. Novella - news) - a small kind of epic. It appeared in ancient Greece, had oral form, entertaining or didactic in nature. it was used as insert episodes by Herodotus (the story of Arion, the ring of Polycrates), Petrova (a short story about Matryona of Ephesus). In the Hellenistic era, the short story had an erotic character. As a type of epic, the short story took shape during the Renaissance in Italy (Decameron by Boccaccio, Heptameron by Margaret of Navarre). It reached its greatest development in the 19th century. In Ukrainian literature, such genres of short stories as psychological (V. Stefanyk), socio-psychological, lyric-psychological (M. Kotsyubinsky), lyrical (B. Lepky), philosophical, historical (V. Petrov), political (Yu. linden), dramatic (Grigory Kosynka).

What is the difference between a novel and a short story? In the novel fewer characters than in the story, the characters are formed by the novelist does not comment on the thoughts and feelings of the characters. In the short story, every detail is perfected; for microanalysis, she uses one moment from life and reveals significant psychological experiences on it. The short story has a one-line, tense, dynamic plot, unexpected turns of action, a sudden ending, an asymmetric composition, as a rule, a dramatic collision. In foreign literatures, for the most part, they do not distinguish between a story and a short story.

Essay (French Essai - an attempt, a sketch) is a genre that is at the intersection of fiction and journalism. It raises a partial question. The essay is characterized by great subjectivity. Essays include various works: philosophical, historical, critical, biographical, journalistic, moral and ethical, and even poetic.

A classic example of an essay is the book of the French humanist philosopher Michel Montaigne "Experiments". This book contains opinions, observations, impressions of what has been read and experienced. The problems of education, upbringing, fame, dignity, wealth, death are violated. Montaigne wrote that the book was created by him, and he was created by the book, which is part of his life. He freely expresses his thoughts on subjects that are beyond his understanding and horizons in order to give an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bits beliefs. The author does not go straight to the subject, but as if passes around it. Therefore, the essay is always "about". In almost every phrase of "Experiences" is the pronoun "I" ("I believe", "I agree", "for me").

Revealing the specifics of the essay, M. Epstein in the article "The Laws of the Free Genre" (Questions of Literature - 1987. - No. 7) emphasizes that an essayist does not have to be a good storyteller, a deep philosopher, a sincere interlocutor. He can yield to the power of thought to the philosopher, the brilliance of imagination to the novelist and artist, sincerity and frankness to the authors of confessions and diaries. The main thing for an essayist is cultural comprehensiveness. Montaigne was the first to talk about what he felt as a person. The essayist tries himself in everything. best definition genre - generality, a few about everything. Essayist, according to M. Epstein - "a master of works on free theme"," a professional of the amateurish genre. M. Bakhtin believed that in the 20th century, eseization of all genres of literature was taking place. eseization also affected the literary works of A. Losev, S. Averintsev, G. Gachev, O. Gonchar, Yu. Smolich, D. Pavlychko, I. Drach.There were short stories a-essay, a story-essay, a novel-essay ("Novels of Kulish" by Petrov, "At Twilight" by R. Horak).

Essay - a kind of journalism, on the verge of the art of the word and journalism. As an independent type of epic, it has existed since the 18th century. The essay appeared in England, was popular in the works of writers enlightenment realism(Addison, Voltaire, Diderot). The essay occupied a significant place in the literature of the 40s of the 19th century. Physiological essays appeared in Russian literature, in which writers showed the life of ordinary workers.

Essays had a significant success with readers Ukrainian writers, in particular I. Nechuy-Levitsky ("On the Dnieper"), Panas Mirny ("Journey from Poltava to Gadyach"), M. Kotsiubinsky ("How we went to Krinitsa"). These essays are a kind of travel notes, the origins of which are in Homer's "Odyssey", Lukian's "True History". A well-known author of travel notes was V. Grigorovich-Barsky (1701-1747 pp.). His works combine features of different genres: stories, essays, journeys, legends, hagiographies. Synthesis of the autobiographical, traveler and essay are the works of Natalena Koroleva "Without roots", "Roads and paths of life", collections of essays by Evdokia Humennaya "Many skies", "Eternal fires of Alberta", V. Samchuk's memoirs "On a white horse", "On a horse raven ", P. Tychyna" Travels with the chapel of K. Stetsenko ".

What is the specificity of the essay? Some researchers see it in documentary (factography), others - in journalistic sharpness. But these signs are not in every essay, there are essays with fictional characters and plots (G. Uspensky - "The Power of the Earth"). The essays violate social, economic, political, moral and ethical problems at a certain stage in the development of society. The essays depict portraits politicians, scientists, writers, ordinary workers.The authors of the essays are interested in social life in all its manifestations. Hence - the excitement of the narrative, journalistic passion in assessing the depicted, openness in the approval of ideas. The purpose of the essay is to give an objective picture of reality, to focus attention on the phenomena of life, to criticize everything that hinders progress. The author's beginning in the essay is stronger, brighter than in the novel; The essay may be concise; or it can take up hundreds of pages ("Letters from a Russian Traveler" by Karamzin). It does not have a single storyline, a complete plot.

In literature, there is no single genre classification essays. There are documentary and non-documentary essays. And also - itinerant, portrait, everyday, socio-political, historical, problematic, zoological, foreign, essays on nature. A type of essay is biographical sketches about the life and work of outstanding people. Essays of this type appeared in the era of antiquity (" Comparative biographies"Plutarch, "Biography of Agricola" by Tacitus).

Feuilleton (French Feuilleton from feuille - letter, sheet) is a work of artistic and journalistic nature on a topical topic, revealed in a satirical or humorous form. The feuilleton is an intermediate link between an essay, a story and a short story.

In France, a feuilleton was a supplement to a newspaper with a political pamphlet. Subsequently, the feuilleton became an organic part of the newspaper sheet ("basement"), separated by a bold line. Later, a feuilleton began to be called an article, vmishenu in the "basement". The first feuilletonist was Abbé Geoffroy, who published a theater review in the Journal de Debas. The figurative and expressive means of the feuilleton are irony, hyperbole, grotesque, pun, comic situation, satirical detail.

There are documentary and non-documentary feuilletons (problematic). Notable literary; feuilletons (Yu. Ivakin - a collection of "Hyperbole"). The founder of the Ukrainian feuilleton is V. Samoylenko. The development of this type of epic is associated with the work of K. Kotk, Ostap Vyshnia, S. Oleinik, A. Aist, E. Dudar. Ostap Cherry his feuilletons called smiles. Varieties of feuilletons are radio feuilletons, telefauilletons.Pamphlet (English Pamphlet from the Greek Pan - everything, phlego - I smoke) - journalistic work on a hot topic. L. Ershov characterizes the pamphlet in this way: “It is like a feuilleton, but not on an “insignificant”, but on a key topic. It is based on a large social object, which largely explains the specifics of the pamphlet, the peculiarities of its construction and style ... the pamphlet is closer in structure to a journalistic article. It is based on objects of enormous weight, which often do not need to be translated into a social aspect. They are already connected with it: the socio-political structure of the state, moral and ethical foundations ..., individual major state and political figures, etc. That is why the deployment of the topic in a pamphlet often occurs in the manner of an article, and not through emotional associations."

The pamphlet can use the forms of interviews, reports, letters. In the pamphlet, the author does not hide his position, the style of the pamphlet is passionate, the language is expressive, it is characterized by aphorism, irony, sarcasm.

The pamphlet appeared in the era of antiquity. The philippics of Demosthenes, Lucian's pamphlet "Praise of the Fly" have survived to our time. In the XVI century. pamphlets by Ulrich von Hutten "Letters dark people", at the end of the 17th - beginning of the 18th century - Swift's pamphlets "A Modest Proposal", "Letters from a Clothmaker". missionary critics).

In Ukrainian literature, the ancestor of the pamphlet was Ivan Vyshensky. His pamphlets take the form of a dialogue. The history of the Ukrainian pamphlet knows the names of such writers as I. Franko ("Doctor Besservisser"), Lesya Ukrainka ("Shameless Patriotism"), Les Martovych ("The Invented Manuscript"), Mykola Volnovoi ("Apologists for Pissarism"). This genre was used by Yu Melnichuk, R. Bratun, F. Makivchuk, R. Fedorov, D. Tsmokalenko.

Parody (Greek: Parodia - funny adaptation of para - against, ode - song) - a genre of folklore and satirical literature, the object of which is the composition, vocabulary, insults, style, direction, work of the writer. Parody - form literary struggle. She uses irony, sarcasm, a joke. “Parody, according to Yu. Ivakin, is a distorted mirror into which a writer looks, laughing bitterly and crying joyfully. Recall that a distorted mirror distorts. However, parody is the only case when distortion does not distort, but clarifies the truth. Paradoxical parody: she is more like her object than he is like himself.It is not difficult to give examples of the opposite phenomenon, when the object of parody is more like a parody than she is like him ... To be funny, a parody has to pretend to be serious.A truly funny parody is not funny ... "Parody is a kind of criticism, polemic. It becomes relevant in literary discussions. There are elements of parody in the novels "Don Quixote" by Cervantes, "The Golden Calf" by I. Ilf and E. Petrov, and the poem "The Maid of Orleans" by Voltaire. She originated in ancient Greek literature. The poem "Batrachomyomachia" ("The War of Mice and Frogs") is a parody of the heroic epos. The comedy of Aristophanes "Clouds" is a parody of Socrates and the Sophists, "The Frogs" is a parody of the tragedy of Euripides.

Parody appeared in Ukrainian literature in the 16th century. There are known parodies of the Holy Scriptures and church-religious literature. The Aeneid by Kotlyarevsky is permeated with elements of parody. Ostap Vishnya, V. Chechvyansky, Yu. Vukhnal, S. Voskrekasenko, S. Oleinik, B. Chaly, A. Zholdak, Yu. Kruglyak, V. Lagoda, Yu. Ivakin successfully worked in the genre of parody. Neo-avant-garde artists turn to parody, in particular the Boo-Ba-Boo group.

Humoresque is a small essay, poetic, prose or dramatic, about a funny figure of a person or an event. Humoresques can be in poetic or prose form. S. Rudansky called his humoresques humoresques. Ostap Vishnya, A. Klyuka, S. Voskrekasenko, D. Belous, S. Oleinik, E. Dudar performed in the humorous genre. Folklore is often used in literary humoresques. Famous humorous songs are "Sell, dear, gray-haired bulls", "Oh, what kind of noise has this become", "If I were a Poltava centurion".

In humoresque, laughter takes the form of benevolent criticism in a folk, witty, ironic, oxymoronic form.

Bike (English, French Fable, Latin Fabula) is a popular epic work of world literature. The tale has a plot, allegorical images, teachings; it originates in folklore. The basis for many fables was folk tales about animals.

The development of the fable is associated with the name of Aesop (VI century BC). Up to 400 texts are attributed to him. Before the new era, Indian fables appeared, which were included in the collection "Panchatantra" (Pentateuch). world fame received the fables of Phaedrus, La Fontaine, Sumarokov, Krylov. G. Skovoroda was the first Ukrainian fabulist. The work of P. Gulak-Artemovsky, E. Grebenka, L. Glebov, S. Rudansky is connected with the fable.

Basically, bikes have two parts. In the first, an event, fact, phenomenon, person is revealed, in the second - morality, which can be at the beginning or at the end of the fable. Most of the fables have a poetic form, written in free verse.

A number of researchers attribute the fable to lyric-epic works, M. Gulyaev ("Theory of Literature", - M., 1977.) - to lyrical. A. Tkachenko considers it among epic and among lyric-epic works.

In creative practice, there are such small epic works as a sketch, sketch, watercolor, arabesque, miniature, sketch, scapular, thorn, crumbs. Watercolor, sketch, icon, sketch, study are named after association with painting. The term "arabesque" was introduced by A. Schlegel to denote small texts with elements of fantasy, "ironic pathos", and grotesque. Gogol called the cycle of stories and articles arabesques, A. Bely called a selection of literary-critical articles ("Arabesques", 1911), Nikolai Khvylovy's is the short story "Arabesques".


This is an artistic reproduction of the external world in relation to the writer

This pictorial genus literature

This is an objective depiction of the human personality in its relationship with other people and events.

Arose later than lyrics and drama

Requires an understanding of the interdependence of various phenomena of life. Outer and inner world

. The forerunner of all epic genres was the verse epic (in the 19th century, works of this genre, such as Homer's Iliad and Odyssey, were called epic poems).

Three types of genre content of the epic:

The leading criterion for distinguishing epic genres is genre content type, that is, such features of the content of works that, together with stable formal features, form a genre. Particularly important romantic and moralizing types of genre content. It is the differences between them that are essential in determining the genre of most epic works. In some works, one can distinguish national historical type of genre content.

    Romance type of genre content - a set of principles for depicting a person in a literary work. The main feature of works with a romantic type of genre content is the primary interest of writers in the personality of heroes, the desire to reveal their fate in conflicts and plots. In a novel in the center of the story - as external, so internal changes that happen to people. The social environment, way of life and customs can be depicted quite fully and in detail. However, they do not have independent value- it's just conditions and circumstances allowing to show the development of the characters of the heroes, their fate.

The group of romantic genres usually includes a novel, a short story, a "romantic story", a "romantic poem". Some romance genres do not have a clear terminological designation.

    descriptive (or ethological , from ancient Greek etos- temper and logos- word, story genre content type It is opposite to the romantic one, since a different principle of depicting people and circumstances is manifested in moralistic works.

In such works, the foreground is not the fate and development of the characters' characters, but the social environment that determines their daily existence, behavior and psychology. Heroes appear first of all as carriers of stable qualities, brought up and encouraged by a certain way of life, life and customs of a particular environment (for example, landowners, merchants, philistines, workers, or even “tramps”).

The life of people in moralistic works is depicted in every detail and detail, however, their characters are internally static, and the external changes that occur to them fit perfectly into the framework of the stereotypes of behavior prescribed by the life and customs of their estate, social or professional group (such, for example, are the heroes " dead souls» Gogol). Conflicts are of a private nature, being a "dynamic" kind of moral description. The dominance of descriptiveness - this most important artistic principle of the authors of moral descriptions - is manifested in the plot and compositional features of the works. They are made up of a series of "freeze frames" ("essays", "sketches", "scenes"), forming a kind of "chronicle" of the life of a certain environment within the framework chosen by the writer. historical era.

    National-historical type of genre content can be identified primarily in works on historical themes. A sign of works with national historical genre content is the desire of writers to capture the most significant features of the chosen historical era. These are nationwide conflicts and events that are important for understanding the fate of the people, for a long time determining its social, political and spiritual development. Personal destinies and various everyday conflicts, which can be presented in abundance in works, are of secondary importance: they clarify the main, epic, content of the work. The national-historical type of genre content determines the genre originality of “Songs about the merchant Kalashnikov” by M.Yu. .Akhmatova and "Vasily Terkin" by A.T. Tvardovsky, interacts with other genre trends (romantic and moralistic) in "War and Peace" by L.N. Tolstoy, "Peter the Great" by A.N. Tolstoy, " Quiet Don» M.A. Sholokhova.

Epic genres

The epic has a large, medium and small forms.

Epic (novel - epic) - a large epic form, at the heart of this genre are heroic songs about the history of the country and people. It is distinguished by a special breadth in depicting historical events against a broad socio-political and economic background, especially a large number of actors.

Novel - a large epic form in which the complex phenomena of life in their development are widely depicted, when the entire historical era is depicted through the image of the life of an individual family or group of people. A novel has many characters and literary heroes, many intertwining storylines, the action takes a long period of time

Tale - the average epic form, the subject of the image is some one complex social phenomenon, which is revealed through the image of several characters or families. Most often, this is the story of one human life in its relationship with other fates of heroes.

Story - a small epic form based on the image of one or more significant events, significant and typical for certain historical, cultural and social conditions. Depicts mainly one protagonist and several secondary characters.

Novella - a small epic form about an unusual phenomenon with a dynamic plot and an unexpected end to the story.

Feature article - small epic form, documentary genre, story about real facts and people on a documentary basis with minimal figurative coloring. Depicts a specific picture of any social environment and one main character in this environment.

Feuilleton - a small epic form, in a comic form, ridiculing any negative social phenomena

Pamphlet - a small epic form, in a sharply satirical form with great pathos of accusation, stigmatizing negative social phenomena

Literary portrait - a small epic form dedicated to describing the life and character of one historical person

Memoirs - a small epic form, documentary, built on socially significant and psychologically interesting and indicative of the author's memoirs for a certain era

Diary - a small epic form, documentary, conveying the perception of the world and important historical events through the perception of the author - a participant in these events

Fable - a small epic form, tells in verse or prose an instructive story of allegorical meaning with a mandatory, precisely formulated morality in the final

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