Telling the truth is easy and pleasant value. Unsurpassed Quotes from The Master and Margarita


It is easy and pleasant to tell the truth, - the prisoner noted.
"I don't need to know," in a strangled, angry voice
Pilate answered, “whether it is pleasant or unpleasant for you to speak
the truth. But you have to say it. But by saying
weigh every word if you don't want not only
inevitable but painful death.

Quote from Bulgakov's The Master and Margarita

Let's start with a little thing that is easy to consider. Let, for example, the site customer calls with the words “On home page the logo loads quickly, but for some reason it is slow on the news page. Correct it urgently! ”, But he does not have at least some qualifications. What to do?

If you always tell the truth, then you will have to tell him that the logo image has long been in the cache of his browser, so it generally loads instantly (up to braking caused by the activity of heavy programs and viruses on the customer's computer). But will he understand it?.. If he is able to understand, he would not call because of such nonsense, right?

Therefore, an experienced performer says: “Ah, exactly. We'll fix it now. Check back in 5 minutes. If it doesn't get faster, then call." Naturally, the customer does not call back. Question: did the performer lie? On the one hand, he promised that he would fix it, but did not do anything. On the other hand, he promised that the problem would be solved - and it was just solved. And what is more important for us: that a person is tired or that the work is done?

Some things are too complex to describe in detail. Therefore, it is easier to shorten the story a little, introducing minor deviations from the truth into it - this will unload the heads of other people, which often turns out to be more correct than a thorough retelling of real events.

Another example: your beloved grandmother gave you a vase a year ago, and you put it on a higher cabinet (because there is not enough space anyway). And so the grandmother asks if the vase looks good, do you like it? You can, of course, upset an elderly person by answering: “Oh, but we have never had time to put flowers in it” ... Or you can say: “This is the most beautiful vase in our house! All her friends immediately notice her when they come to us. Is the second sentence false? In fact, many noticed an unusual beautiful vase on the closet ... And the second answer is clearly more pleasant for the grandmother. And he is almost truthful ... Is it worth it to insist on the truth in this case?

Or else it happens: girlfriends unmarried girl decide to help her - "find a mate" (remember?). They come to her and say: “We know such a healthy single man who is neat and attentive, earns money, and is an athlete.” Well, even a photograph is poked in her face. And although she is unmarried, she does not want to go this way. Yes, he doesn't want to. But she knows that if you say “I don’t want to”, then they will persuade her for another three hours. And all the same, then they will "arrange a sudden meeting" at someone's birthday or other holiday. Therefore, knowing all this alignment, she says: “What a great fellow you are, thank you very much, give me his phone number - I will meet him!” And that's where the epic ends. Maximum - girlfriends in a week will ask "Well, how?", To which they can answer that "There was no spark." This is a lie? Yes. But there were not so many other options. You can’t do everything the way other people want (even the best girlfriends).

A wise person will say that he would not be in any of these situations because
1) would not work with such a stupid customer,
2) I would definitely put flowers in my grandmother's vase on the very first day, so that there would not even be a reason to lie,
3) would have lived long ago family life or would have such girlfriends who do not climb into someone else's life so intrusively.

But are all of us so wise? Or do we just strive for wisdom, and sometimes we still have to be “just smart” - people who know how to get out of difficult situations, if you have not already been able to prevent them in advance .

Life is too short to tell the truth, but simple questions wasting an hour instead of a minute... Right? Or not?

Where do you draw the line between "I always tell the truth" and "I can sometimes lie if it benefits all parties"? What kind of lies do you consider acceptable?

Once, before starting work in one structure, I, along with others hired in this project, had to pass a polygraph test.

What do I want to say?

Well, the polygraph is not as scary as it is painted. Although because this crap feels right through you - the heart, of course, beats. However, it is finally good for me, but unreliable.

Everything was fine, but now passing stuck on the question: ""And what about them ata masher be chaim?" – Are you lying for life?»

I answered: "" Lephamim " - Sometimes".
The inquiring printer said sternly: ""
Ken oh le? " – Yes or no?»
- «"
Az, ken " – Well, yes»...

His eyes widened, patamushta, the native Israelis honestly, without a moment's hesitation, answer in the negative ...

At that moment, I suddenly remembered Cretan the paradox of the great th Epimenides.

The philosopher in his famous "liar's paradox" reproduces the following situation:

Someone says that he is a liar. But if this is really so, then he speaks the truth, and, therefore, is not a liar. But since his original statement is false, he is a liar. A paradox arises: logically correct reasoning leads to mutually exclusive conclusions that cannot be attributed to either true or false.

My interrogator was clearly not up to the intellectual spices of the Cretan ambassador. His typewriter accurately stated that the person sitting opposite, recognizing his own deceit, was clearly telling the truth.

The printer asked:

- What exactly is it expressed?

I said:

For example, about the weather...

The question has been reformulated:

- Do you lie in life, except for questions about the weather?

- Well, yes ... For example, to his wife.

Already ex-wife I actually lied a lot. Basically, mechanically and without malice.

- This is a white lie- The person who asked me calmed me down.

And reformulated the question again:

- Do you lie in life, except for questions about the weather and talking to your wife?

YES!!! Sometimes I don't tell the truth to other women. For example, I tell her that she looks good, but I don’t think so myself. Sometimes I don't tell the truth to my children... For example, to make a surprise, I said doomedly.

- Do you lie in life, except for questions about the weather, talking to women and children?

- Yes! I also write poetry, short stories and fairy tales. That's where I figure everything out. Especially in fairy tales...

In short, it went on for quite some time. I was sweating, he was shaking in hysterics.

Finally, I asked:

- Can I ask myself a question in my formulation?

- Let's try it.

- Do I lie in my life more than the vast majority of my friends? I asked myself.

And confidently answered:

- NO!

- You don't have to be so sincere...- suddenly said the investigator.

It is easy and pleasant to tell the truth, - the prisoner noted.
"I don't need to know," in a strangled, angry voice
Pilate answered, “whether it is pleasant or unpleasant for you to speak
the truth. But you have to say it. But by saying
weigh every word if you don't want not only
inevitable but painful death.

Quote from Bulgakov's The Master and Margarita

Let's start with a little thing that is easy to consider. Let, for example, the customer of the site call with the words “On the main page, the logo loads quickly, but for some reason it is slow on the news page. Correct it urgently! ”, But he does not have at least some qualifications. What to do?

If you always tell the truth, then you will have to tell him that the logo image has long been in the cache of his browser, so it generally loads instantly (up to braking caused by the activity of heavy programs and viruses on the customer's computer). But will he understand it?.. If he is able to understand, he would not call because of such nonsense, right?

Therefore, an experienced performer says: “Ah, exactly. We'll fix it now. Check back in 5 minutes. If it doesn't get faster, then call." Naturally, the customer does not call back. Question: did the performer lie? On the one hand, he promised that he would fix it, but did not do anything. On the other hand, he promised that the problem would be solved - and it was just solved. And what is more important for us: that a person is tired or that the work is done?

Some things are too complex to describe in detail. Therefore, it is easier to shorten the story a little, introducing minor deviations from the truth into it - this will unload the heads of other people, which often turns out to be more correct than a thorough retelling of real events.

Another example: your beloved grandmother gave you a vase a year ago, and you put it on a higher cabinet (because there is not enough space anyway). And so the grandmother asks if the vase looks good, do you like it? You can, of course, upset an elderly person by answering: “Oh, but we have never had time to put flowers in it” ... Or you can say: “This is the most beautiful vase in our house! All her friends immediately notice her when they come to us. Is the second sentence false? In fact, many noticed an unusual beautiful vase on the closet ... And the second answer is clearly more pleasant for the grandmother. And he is almost truthful ... Is it worth it to insist on the truth in this case?

Or it also happens: the girlfriends of an unmarried girl decide to help her - “find a mate” (remember the problem about the picky bride?). They come to her and say: “We know such a healthy single man who is neat and attentive, earns money, and is an athlete.” Well, even a photograph is poked in her face. And although she is unmarried, she does not want to go this way. Yes, he doesn't want to. But she knows that if you say “I don’t want to”, then they will persuade her for another three hours. And all the same, then they will "arrange a sudden meeting" at someone's birthday or other holiday. Therefore, knowing all this alignment, she says: “What a great fellow you are, thank you very much, give me his phone number - I will meet him!” And that's where the epic ends. Maximum - girlfriends in a week will ask "Well, how?", To which they can answer that "There was no spark." This is a lie? Yes. But there were not so many other options. You can’t do everything the way other people want (even the best girlfriends).

A wise person will say that he would not be in any of these situations because
1) would not work with such a stupid customer,
2) I would definitely put flowers in my grandmother's vase on the very first day, so that there would not even be a reason to lie,
3) would have long ago lived a family life or would have such girlfriends who do not climb into someone else's life so intrusively.

But are all of us so wise? Or we just strive for wisdom, and sometimes we still have to be “simply smart” - people who know how to get out of difficult situations if they have not already been able to prevent them in advance.

Life is too short to tell only the truth, but to spend an hour instead of a minute on simple questions... Right? Or not?

Where do you draw the line between "I always tell the truth" and "I can sometimes lie if it benefits all parties"? What kind of lies do you consider acceptable?

Guys, we put our soul into the site. Thanks for that
for discovering this beauty. Thanks for the inspiration and goosebumps.
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When Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov wrote a novel about the Master, he hardly imagined that he was creating the most significant work Russian literature of the twentieth century. Today, the work is deservedly included in the lists of the most books read world, while remaining the object of an endless dispute between literary critics and philosophers.

And for website The Master and Margarita is just a favorite story, full of mysteries and infinite wisdom. What is most needed in our difficult times.

  • Who told you that there is no real, true, eternal love? Let the liar cut out his vile tongue!
  • We speak with you different languages, as always, but the things we're talking about don't change.
  • Evil lurks in men who avoid wine, games, the company of lovely women, and table conversation. Such people are either seriously ill or secretly hate those around them.
  • There are no evil people in the world, there are only unhappy people.
  • Difficult people these women!
  • A person without a surprise inside, in his box, is uninteresting.
  • Everything will be right, the world is built on this.
  • Yes, man is mortal, but that would be half the trouble. The bad thing is that he is sometimes suddenly mortal, that's the trick!
  • It's nice to hear that you treat the cat so politely. For some reason, cats usually say "you", although not a single cat has ever drunk brotherhood with anyone.
  • The unfortunate person is cruel and callous. And all just because good people spoiled him.
  • Do you judge by the costume? Never do this. You can make a mistake, and, moreover, very large.
  • Never ask for anything! Never and nothing, and especially for those who are stronger than you. They will offer and give everything themselves.
  • The one who loves must share the fate of the one he loves.
  • Excuse me ... Would I allow myself to pour vodka for a lady? It's pure alcohol!
  • The second freshness - that's nonsense! There is only one freshness - the first, it is also the last. And if the sturgeon is of the second freshness, then this means that it is rotten!
  • It is easy and pleasant to speak the truth.
  • Why chase in the footsteps of what is already over?
  • Dostoevsky is dead.
    - I protest, Dostoevsky is immortal!
  • A fact is the most stubborn thing in the world.
  • All theories stand one another. There is also one among them, according to which each will be given according to his faith. May it come true!
  • Which country's wine do you prefer at this time of the day?
  • My drama is that I live with someone whom I do not love, but I consider it unworthy to spoil his life.
  • - Cowardice is one of the worst human vices.
    - No, I dare to object to you. Cowardice is the worst human vice.
  • Never be afraid of anything. This is unreasonable.
  • The worst anger is the anger of impotence.
  • What would your good do if evil did not exist, and what would the earth look like if shadows disappeared from it?
  • Understand that the tongue can hide the truth, but the eyes never!
  • People are like people. They love money, but it has always been... Mankind loves money, no matter what it is made of, leather, paper, bronze or gold. Well, frivolous ... well, well ... and mercy sometimes knocks on their hearts ... ordinary people... in general, they resemble the former ones ... Housing problem just ruined them.
  • Whatever the pessimists say, the earth is still absolutely beautiful, and under the moon it is simply unique.

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Joe Navarro, former FBI agent and field expert non-verbal communication. Life circumstances attracted the author to the study of body language: his family was expelled from Cuba and moved to the United States, where an 8-year-old boy who did not know English learned to communicate using gestures. Experience in the FSB helped Navarro supplement his knowledge of body language. Joe Navarro shared his experience in the book I See What You're Thinking (Potpourri, 2012). The material was created with the information support of SmartReading. The full summary can be read here.

Detecting lies is extremely difficult. The effectiveness of judges, police officers, FBI agents, teachers, parents and spouses in this case does not exceed the level ordinary divination(fifty fifty). Even those who do have a pronounced ability to detect deception are rarely right more than 60% of the time. According to well-known emotion researcher Paul Ekman, the signals that we most often mistake for signs of deceit, for the most part, are not about lies, but about stress. There is not a single element of behavior that would unequivocally testify to deception. The Dishonest Behavior Identification Model, developed by Joe Navarro, a former FBI agent and expert in non-verbal communication, is about how comfortable a person feels: it's hard to stay calm when you're hiding something.

Signs of comfort and discomfort

  • In order to recognize signs of discomfort in the interlocutor, create comfortable conditions for him. How well you can spot a deception is also affected by your behavior towards the alleged liar: how you sit (in what position and how close), how you look at the person (suspiciously or benevolently), and with what intonation you ask questions.
  • Make sure that there are no objects (tables, chairs and other furniture) between you and the object of observation. Also, keep in mind that liars tend to use obstacles or objects (such as a pillow, bag, or glass of water) to create a protective barrier between you. Such use of objects indicates a desire to distance, fence off or hide.
  • Other clear signs discomfort, manifested in people during difficult conversations: rubbing the forehead at the temple, squeezing the face with the palms, rubbing the neck and stroking the back of the head; rolling eyes (a sign of disrespect), removing non-existent villi from clothing, demonstrating superiority over the one who asks questions, in the form of using monosyllabic, sharp, sarcastic answers or even gestures with indecent connotations; various ways"blocking" the eyes, crossing the arms over the chest, turning the torso and feet away from those with whom we disagree.

However, little or no eye contact is not evidence of a lie: in real life scammers and natural born liars use eye contact much more than most ordinary people and literally glare at you. The voice of a person who tells lies may become tremulous or cracked. Stress can cause a dry throat and provoke involuntary swallowing movements. This condition can be identified by sudden sudden movements Adam's apple and trying to clear your throat. However, these behaviors are merely indicators of discomfort, not evidence of deception.

What else helps to see the deception?

Characteristics such as consistency and expressiveness of speech and behavior are also indicators of lies: if the interlocutor does not hide anything, then he calmly and consistently sets out his version, accompanying the speech with natural gestures.

  • Consistency is one of the manifestations of a person's comfortable state. It is necessary to watch for (in)consistency between verbal and non-verbal messages, between the circumstances of the current moment and what the object of observation says, between events and emotions, and even for the consistency of time and space. A typical example of lack of coherence is the behavior of a person who says, "I didn't do that," while their head nods in the affirmative. If people catch themselves in this oversight, they immediately change the direction of their head movements, trying to correct the situation.
  • Expressiveness is a universal sign of the sincerity of people, it's a way to let others know how strong our feelings are. Liars tend to decide what to say and how to lie, but rarely think about how to present the lie. Expressiveness is manifested both verbally and non-verbally. To verbal expressive means include loudness and pitch of the voice, intonation and repetition of words. People who naturally use their hands in conversation reinforce their statements with expressive gestures and may even pound on the table. Others emphasize their thoughts with their fingertips, gesturing with them or touching objects. The expressive behavior of the hands serves as an additional confirmation of honesty in words, thoughts and feelings. Mimic means of enhancing the emotional richness of what was said are raising the eyebrows and widening the eyes. Another manifestation of expressiveness is the tilt of the torso forward when you need to show interest.

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