Composition-Reasoning on the topic: "Feat". What is a feat? Is an ordinary person capable of a feat


What is a feat? Hearing such a question, you immediately do not find what to answer. After all, in modern world the concept of feat is rather “extensible”. Let's try to figure out what actions can be credited to feats.

What is a feat?

A feat is considered a valiant heroic deed, which was performed free of charge, based on internal motives, for the benefit of certain person or groups of people. These urges are so strong that they drown out the feeling of fear, pain, danger.
The feats include self-sacrifice in relation to the weaker. Because the most valuable human life, then all actions aimed at saving her, despite the severity of the consequences for oneself, can be called a feat.

Feats of antiquity

In ancient times, feats were performed by such heroes as Spartacus, Hercules, Odysseus, Perseus, etc. These characters were endowed with divine power, and they became heroes, not based on actions and deeds, but by birthright (their mother or father was ranked among the Gods). Therefore, the feats were not entirely real:

  • destruction of monsters (Hydra, Cretan bull-man);
  • cleansing of the stables of King Avgiy;
  • overcoming the Cyclops;
  • extraction of the Golden Fleece.

The feat of the people - what does it mean?

The feat of the people is called the actions of people aimed at achieving common purpose. A prime example the feat of the people, the Great Patriotic War should be called when:

  • soldiers by own will went to the front line, realizing that they would not return back;
  • children went on reconnaissance, and risking their lives, collected information about enemies;
  • people, risking their lives, sheltered partisans and the wounded in their homes;
  • gave the last bread to the soldiers, leaving their family hungry.

The general idea of ​​victory over the Nazis rallied different nationalities and pushed people to self-sacrifice in the name of peace in their land.

What is a modern feat?

Heroes of our time - who are they? Today, everyone can accomplish a feat. The title of hero does not require the parents of the Gods or military actions. Every day, employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations perform feats, saving ordinary people from fires and other emergencies. Simple people, passing by a drowning person, unfortunate people who got into an accident, a burning house, they stop, and making an act of self-sacrifice, without thinking about the consequences, they try to help strangers. modern heroes can be called:

  • mothers who, having their own five children, take other people's children and even disabled children from orphanages, I surround them with disinterested love;
  • a driver who sacrificed his life trying to avoid a collision with a school bus swerved into the side of the barrier;
  • a person who took out a child from a previously unclosed hatch, who sat there for a day;
  • a cancer patient who does not give up and forces others to fight this disease, thereby saving their lives;
  • a teenager who carried a child from a neighboring burning house in his arms.

There are thousands of such examples of feats and they are performed not for a reward, but because of internal impulses that appear under certain circumstances.

Heroes are not born, heroes are made. Feats are accomplished “automatically”, especially if life is more at risk. weak man: a child, a disabled person or a pensioner.

Memories of a scout twice a Hero Soviet Union Viktor Leonov about the events of the defense of the Arctic. Reflections on the feat as such.

An excerpt from the book by V. Leonov "Lessons of Courage"

During the Great Patriotic War, I served in the reconnaissance detachment of the Northern Fleet. He was an ordinary scout, foreman of the group, then led the detachment. Our task was to conduct reconnaissance behind enemy lines in the interests of the fleet and the front with which he interacted. Covertly landing on the coast occupied by the enemy, from ships, most often torpedo boats and sea hunters, we made our way to the desired object and boldly attacked the enemy, catching him by surprise. Having obtained a "language", that is, a prisoner, and valuable staff documents, the detachment, according to all the rules of reconnaissance, retreated to their ships. The prisoners and documents were used by the headquarters of the front and fleet for planning operations.

Each such trip was difficult and dangerous. To accomplish the assigned task, the intelligence officer needed high morale and combat qualities, outstanding combat skills, will, endurance, discipline, the ability to obey, a high sense of responsibility for the task assigned, friendship, camaraderie, and mutual assistance. Military skill, courage and fearlessness, combined with love for the motherland, made the scout elusive for the enemy.
Often, our detachment went into the fire first to ensure the landing of large forces of marines on land. We suddenly attacked the headquarters, batteries, important rear objects of the enemy and destroyed them in a daring battle.
Of course, using examples from the times of the last war, one can more clearly show human psychology in a very complex and dangerous situation. However, sometimes this leads to a misunderstanding of the essence of a feat, and young people begin to think that a fight on the battlefield is necessary for a feat, where the hero, despising death, boldly rushes forward against the enemy.
I am convinced that any feat, even the feat of peaceful days, is necessarily associated with courage, with courage, courage. But can every brave act be considered a feat if it is accomplished even in battle?

Once a group of scouts found themselves in a very difficult situation. We completed a combat mission behind enemy lines, but were cut off from the mainland at Cape Mogilny by significant enemy forces. Against a handful of scouts, the enemy threw infantry, artillery, and mortars. All this power was aimed at the small piece of land that we occupied. We had to fight many hours of defensive battle, and if we managed to hold out at that time, it was only thanks to the courage and combat soldering of the scouts.
At the very beginning of the battle, the danger from the tip of the cape did not threaten us. I left the scout Zinovy ​​Ryzhechkin there with the task of observing the sea and, in the event of the appearance of our ships, to establish contact with them and ask for help.
But in the midst of the battle, not our ships, but German ones approached the cape, and the landing force tried to attack us from the sea.
There was a fight on the isthmus. The scouts repulsed one after another attack of rangers and could not help Zinovy. With a machine gun, a captured rifle and a large supply of grenades, Ryzhechkin courageously repulsed all enemy attempts to stab us in the back. He stayed for about an hour. Unable to break the resistance of one person, the enemies opened mortar fire, firing more than 50 minutes. The scout was all wounded, but continued to fight. The courageous warrior held on until he was replaced by another scout - Mikhail Kurnosenko. Only then, bleeding, did he begin to crawl back into cover. It was terrible to look at the wounds of a comrade. Overcoming the pain, he told us:
- Great, bastards, they beat me, well, and I didn’t remain in debt: I beat them in order, so it’s not scary to die.
Zinovy ​​Ryzhechkin died in our arms. The brave scout kept his oath given to the Motherland. By the end of the day, our situation became very difficult. The ammo was running out. The Nazis, realizing that at night we would try to break out of the encirclement, launched another furious attack. They set up two machine guns against our positions and began to pour flat fire on the small area that we occupied, making it impossible to raise our heads.

Has come critical moment fight. And then one of the scouts, Nikolai Zhdanov, could not stand it and blew himself up with a grenade. These were already signs of panic.
So, it was necessary to act immediately in order to instill hope in the rest of the opportunity to escape.
In a word, a counterattack was needed. But how to raise people to bayonets when there is almost no ammunition, and enemy machine guns are pouring continuous fire? We have found the only correct solution. While one machine gunner was firing and the other was loading a new belt, I called the scout Semyon Agafonov to me and said:
- Both machine guns must be captured. Do not destroy, but capture! Understood?
- Have a grab! - somehow solemnly blurted out Agafonov, trying to immediately rush to the Nazis. But I stopped it:
- Wait. I will try to silence them for at least a few seconds, then don't yawn!
There was about half a disk of cartridges left in my machine gun, and after waiting for the enemy burst to pass over us and deviate slightly to the side, I jumped up and fired all the bullets at the machine gunners. Semyon rushed forward, I, limping on my wounded leg, could hardly keep up with him. When Agafonov was already at the stone, one machine gunner slashed at him, Agafonov roared and jumped onto the stone, and then fell on the machine gunners ... “Semyon died,” I thought bitterly, but when I ran up to the stone with machine guns, I saw that my friend is rolling on the ground in the arms of three hefty fascists, the fourth was killed. Together, we quickly "calmed" them and captured the machine guns. Using them as a battering ram, they began to break through the isthmus.
The rest of the scouts followed us. But almost simultaneously with the start of our actions, two scouts, Sherstobitov and Karde, suddenly, unexpectedly for everyone, opened fire on a group of enemies that did not pose any particular danger to us, and having used up the remnants of their ammunition, they got up and singing “Our proud Varyag does not surrender to the enemy ' went on the attack. In an unequal battle, they died, and we made our way.
It got dark, and we considered ourselves already safe, as in a small valley, which still had to be overcome, the Nazis again surrounded us. Illuminating the area with rockets, they opened 10 aimed machine-gun fire from the heights surrounding the valley. And we were again pressed to the ground.

And then scout Yuri Mikheev asked to prepare a bunch of grenades for him - it was necessary to destroy the dugout located on the slope of the height. We gave the comrade all the "pocket artillery" - the last three grenades, tied them up, and he crawled to the dugout. The enemies noticed the scout and concentrated heavy machine-gun fire on him. Yuri was wounded, but continued to crawl. No more than 20 meters remained before the dugout, when he could no longer move forward. Then, collecting last strength, Yuri rose under machine-gun fire and threw a bunch of grenades. The dugout was blown up. When we ran up there, the brave scout was lying, struck down by a burst of machine guns that overtook him at the moment of the throw.
So, thanks to his heroic deed, the rest managed to escape from the encirclement and hide in the rocks, and a day later they were removed from the coast by a hunter boat commanded by Boris Lyakh, later a Hero of the Soviet Union.

As you can see, there are many brave deeds in one battle, but not all of them can be recognized as feats. The actions of Mikheev and Ryzhechkin were recognized by all scouts as real military feats, their images then always served as an example of courage and courage for us, but no one called Sherstobitov and Karde’s bold act a feat in their own way, because their actions did not contribute to the solution of the main task. If at the cost of their lives they decided the outcome of the battle in our favor, perhaps their courage could be treated differently. But we had a very definite task - to deliver the documents seized from the enemy to our headquarters at any cost, so that later our command would be able to use them in further combat operations.
For the sake of this task, an unequal battle of a group of scouts at Cape Mogilny went on throughout the day, and Sherstobitov and Karde not only did not contribute to the solution main task, but two healthy, not wounded people, in vain giving their lives, made it difficult for us to break out of the encirclement. This example clearly shows the true essence of the feat, but all this took place in a fierce battle with enemies, where there was also self-sacrifice.

This is just one of many episodes described by Viktor Leonov. His books will not leave anyone indifferent.

1. In historical development Russian dictionary literary language there were complex processes of interaction, coupling and interweaving of folk East Slavic words and expressions with Old Slavic (South Slavonic) or Church Slavonic. Here ... ... The history of words

See merit... Synonym dictionary

Scout. Jarg. school Shuttle. 1. Hint on control work; hint at the lesson in the presence of the director. VMN 2003, 106. 2. Decommissioning. Maksimov, 320. 3. Disruption of the lesson by someone. from the students. Maksimov, 320. Perform a feat. Jarg. they say Shuttle. Go to… Big Dictionary Russian sayings

feat- majestic (Polezhaev); loud (Nikitin); impudent (Yantarev); valiant (Pleshcheev); saint (Ldov); pure (Ldov) Epithets of literary Russian speech. M: The supplier of the court of His Majesty, the partnership of the printing press A. A. Levenson. A. L. Zelenetsky.… … Dictionary of epithets

FEAT, ah, husband. Heroic, selfless deed. To make the item. Military item. Labor item. P. for the glory of the Motherland. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

Exist., m., use. comp. often Morphology: (no) what? feat, why? feat, (see) what? feat what? feat, about what? about a feat; pl. What? feats, (no) what? feats, why? deeds, (see) what? exploits, what? feats, about what? about exploits 1. ... ... Dictionary of Dmitriev

feat- an unprecedented feat a great feat a great feat a real feat an unforgettable feat ... Dictionary of Russian Idioms

Feat: Feat is a valiant, important action; a heroic act under difficult conditions. "Feat" novel by Vladimir Nabokov. "Feat" cinema in Kolpino "Feat" Soviet literary ... ... Wikipedia

feat- repeat the feat action, repeat the feat perform the action perform the feat action perform the feat action ... Verbal compatibility of non-objective names

feat- Loans. from Art. sl. lang. The same root that move, move. The feat is literally “movement”, then “feat” ... Etymological dictionary Russian language


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essay-reasoning on the topic: "Feat". What is a feat? Is it capable ordinary person for a feat?

  1. In the world there is a feat for everyone, you need to do a lot of them
  2. A feat is a heroic deed performed in difficult conditions.
  3. A feat is a heroic deed when a person overcomes his abilities and does something that is beyond his power. ordinary person. Feats people have performed throughout history. The exploits of many heroes became legends.
    In my opinion, every person can accomplish a feat, but this will require tremendous willpower. During the Great Patriotic War, many Russian soldiers defended their Motherland, risked their lives, were ready to sacrifice it for the sake of others
  4. But this man has already graduated from high school. Or finish. And you keep looking for answers.
  5. Let's look at the dictionary: an important action; an act carried out in difficult, dangerous conditions; heroic, selfless deed; selfless activity, behavior caused by a deep feeling; adventures, adventures. What compels a person to do a feat? I believe that nothing can force a person to carry out a feat. This is an inner impulse of the soul - to save Another person: a child, an old woman, a woman. In a moment of grave danger, we can hardly think long. In the fate of the second that a person has to think, the subconscious works. And the subconscious is a compressed experience previous generations, moral principles behind which a person lives, his own life experience. The focus of the soul not on oneself, but on others, it seems to me, plays a decisive role in a person's ability to accomplish a feat.

    My mother believes that a feat is when a person, sacrificing his life, saves others.

    And the father thinks that a feat is when feelings of love for the Motherland, family are simply dear people, drowns out in you a feeling of fear, pain and thoughts of death and pushes you to bold actions, while not thinking about the consequences that can happen to you!

    Perhaps you have heard famous expression The work of Hercules is a feat. Where did it come from? Hercules (Hercules) - in Greek mythology hero, son of Zeus and the mortal woman Alcmene. He did the famous twelve labors. In memory of his wanderings, Hercules erected pillars for Hercules. So in the past they called two rocks on the opposite banks of the Strait of Gibraltar. These pillars were considered the edge of the world, beyond which there is no further way. The expression to reach the Pillars of Hercules meant: to reach the border of something, to the extreme point. The name of Hercules himself has become a household name for a man who owns a large physical strength. The expression Herculean work is used when talking about some business that requires extraordinary effort.

    There are also common expression: Gastelo's feat. We are remotely aware that we are talking about the feat carried out during the war, but what did Gastello do heroic? It turns out that on June 6, 1941, at the very beginning of the war, for just 3 days, the bomber aviation corps attacked the enemy. Military operations took place in Belarus, in the area of ​​​​Radoshkovichi - Molodechino near the village of Dekshany. The 207th Aviation Regiment was on its second sortie of the day. The regiment had two aircraft. The crew of Nikolai Gastello consisted of four men. Little is known about the second aircraft. After a little more than an hour after the start of the flight, a column of enemy military equipment was revealed from a height. Only one aircraft, piloted by Lieutenant Vorobyov, returned to the base. Upon arrival, he and the navigator filed a report in which they described the feat of commander Gastello and his crew. Behind their words, the downed plane was cut into a column of enemy armored vehicles, and its main part was destroyed by a powerful explosion.

    So, we can safely say that a feat is a heroic deed of a person. Carrying out a feat, a person shows courage, selflessness. Sometimes love. A feat is, to some extent, a willingness to sacrifice oneself for the sake of loved one, Motherland and so on. I wish we all could do it!

  6. This is a selfless act that not everyone can do.
  7. Today, to live according to conscience is already a feat.
  8. Your fathers, mothers, grandmothers, grandfathers are the people who accomplish the feat.
  9. IN explanatory dictionary given such a meaning of the word feat is an act of heroism, an act that requires a great effort of strength. The feat is associated with overcoming enormous difficulties, often at the limit of human capabilities. Such acts of feats were performed by people during the Great Patriotic War. Then the whole life of a person was a feat. Soldiers on the fronts did the impossible, defending their homeland from the enemy. In the rear, every day was also a feat, because hungry people at the limit of their strength grew bread, collected equipment. And all this for the sake of defeating the invader.

    But I believe, like Maxim Gorky, that in life there is always a place for exploits. The move can be different. During the war years, this was one feat. In peacetime it is completely different. Saving someone else's life, sometimes at the risk of your own, is a feat. There are many such examples. Rescuing people from burning houses, pulling drowning people out of the water. Is it a little different situations when a person does the impossible for the sake of other people. This is the feat. These people are written about in newspapers, they are spoken about in reports and news releases on radio and television.

    Is there quiet feat about which they do not speak and do not write. But that doesn't make him any smaller. Writer Nikolai Ostrovsky was bedridden. But he made his life feat found the strength to overcome serious illness and be useful people. He wrote novels.

    And I know one disabled person. He doesn't have legs. But he did not lose himself. It's incredibly difficult for him. But he overcomes all difficulties. Works, helps neighbors. Together with his wife, he raises two children, for whom he is an indisputable authority. In my opinion, the life of this man is also a feat. After all, he could become useful not only to his relatives, but also to his neighbors. I found myself, my calling in this life and lives fully, like any healthy person.

    No less a feat is the fate of his wife. Not every woman will decide to connect her life with a disabled person, and even give birth to children for him. But she did it because she loves him, she is ready for a lot for him. It seems to me that the life of such women can be compared with the feat of the wives of the Decembrists, who went after their husbands, although it was dangerous. Deprivation awaited them. But the women were not stopped by difficulties. These are the actions I consider to be a real feat.

    In life there is always a place for a feat!
    We think every second of our lives. We think about everything in the world. And about people, and about stars..., and about betrayals, and about exploits. But how often do we do what we think about, what we dream about?
    Everyone in his life dreamed of doing something heroic, of doing a feat. But! What motivated us to these dreams? Self-interest. Yes.. . everyone dreamed that they would be admired by their beloved or beloved, parents would be proud or friends would envy. Everyone wanted to do something that would make them stand out from the crowd. How else? It is quite natural for a person to want to be better than others, this is his nature. And how many have done the very feat that they dreamed of? Well.. . maybe fifteen percent. And how many did not brag about it? Well, two percent of the force. And how many did their deed not in order to be like someone else, to assert themselves or something like that? Units. And who knows what a feat is?
    Do you think Super Man is a hero, or do you think your grandfather fought in the war as a hero? Are you sure you're not mistaken? Did the same grandfather make the world better themes that killed four tankers or Seper Man by killing criminals? And was it right to elevate them to the status of heroes? Who will answer this? Who will say: why is He a hero, and not a swindler, not a slave of fate, or does not try to somehow assert himself? Is it possible to call a feat rescuing a grandmother from a burning car, so that your girlfriend would be proud of you and not think that you are a coward? And if people were more honest - would there be a place for "exploits"? And would they be needed at all? Maybe a real feat is performed by a mother who works, takes and picks up children from school, cooks, cleans and everything just to survive herself and the children survived. At the same time, is she really proud of her life, is she praised, and what does she receive as a reward? And did she ever dream of such a "feat", of such a life?
    Probably it is impossible to say for sure: who is a hero and who is not. Life is such that there is never a definite answer. Under the understanding of most people of the word "feat", there is certainly always a place for this very phenomenon. But if you think about it... do you need it... the real one?...
  11. I believe that the feat is associated with overcoming enormous difficulties, as well as with the problem of choice. Someone can, for example, accomplish a feat, risk his life for the sake of saving other people's lives, and the other person, faced with this choice, gets cold feet. Therefore, it seems to me that we ourselves decide whether to perform feats or not. A person who has made his choice in favor of doing a good deed is worthy of admiration. Because very few people think about something other than their own well-being.

    The book of Boris Vasilyev describes the feat of Alexei Meresyev. It was a Russian pilot during the Great Patriotic War. Once his plane was shot down by the Germans, and Alexei himself was thrown into the winter forest, which was far from the towns and villages. Aleksey, whose legs were almost taken away, traveled on foot to human settlements for several weeks. And when he, overcoming himself, got to the people, he was admitted to the hospital. And then his legs were amputated. But Aleksey, who could not imagine his life without flying, without an airplane, trained every day for many hours in order to fight again against the Germans. Finally, after many months of grueling training, after overcoming internal difficulties and doubts, Alexei was able to make his dream come true. He later received the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

    This man has accomplished a real feat. And there are a lot of such people in our history, as well as in the history of all other peoples. All of them inspire people to do good deeds and to perform feats. Feats are necessary because they develop the best in people. human qualities.

  12. A feat is a heroic deed when a person overcomes his abilities and does something that is beyond the power of an ordinary person. Feats people have performed throughout history. The exploits of many heroes became legends.

    For example, the ancient Greek hero Hercules, who made twelve heroic deeds that ordinary people were not capable of.

    However, in my opinion, every person can accomplish a feat, but this will require tremendous willpower. During the years of the Patriotic Wars, and the Patriotic War of 1812, and during the years of the Great Patriotic War, many Russian soldiers defended their Motherland, risked their lives, were ready to sacrifice it for the common cause. These people, Russian soldiers, accomplished feats because their work was a matter of honor and duty, because they stood up to protect people and their lives.

  13. The feat is not easy to accomplish
  14. A feat is a valiant, important action for many people; a heroic deed performed under difficult conditions.
  15. A feat is a person's behavior in extreme conditions.
    Yes, not everyone can accomplish a feat. This is education.

A feat is heroism for the benefit of other people, the Motherland. This is when a person does something that is beyond the power of an ordinary person, overcoming his capabilities. Feats have been performed by people throughout history. Many heroes performed feats and became legends. For example, one can recall the well-known ancient Greek hero Hercules, who committed twelve heroic deeds beyond the control of ordinary people.

I believe that with a great desire and the same willpower, any person can perform a feat. IN war time many Russian soldiers stood up to defend their homeland, they were ready to sacrifice their lives if necessary. The soldiers performed feats because their work was a matter of honor and duty, because they had to protect people and their lives.

A feat always involves overcoming enormous difficulties, as well as the problem of choice. Someone can, performing a feat, take risks own life for the sake of saving other people's lives, and the other person, who will face such a choice, will get cold feet. Therefore, I believe that each person decides for himself whether to accomplish a feat or not. A person who has made his choice in favor of doing a good deed is worthy of admiration. Indeed, in our time there are not so many people who are worried about something other than their own well-being.

In the book of Boris Polevoy we see a description of the feat of Alexei Meresyev. This is a Russian pilot who participated in the Great Patriotic War. Once his plane was shot down by the Germans, and Alexei himself ended up in winter forest, near which there were no towns and villages. This bold and brave man for several weeks he traveled on foot to human settlements, although his legs were almost taken away. He still, overcoming himself, managed to get to people. Alexei was admitted to the hospital, then his legs were amputated. But for Alexei this did not become an obstacle, he trained every day for many hours in order to again go into battle on an airplane against the Germans. In the end, long exhausting workouts gave their results, Alexei was able to make his dream a reality. He later received the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

This man has accomplished a real feat. Such people always inspire to do good deeds and feats. Thanks to exploits, the best human qualities are born in people, without them life would be completely different, and people would seem very weak and incapable of courageous deeds.

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