Airplane drawing with pencils for children. Step by step description of the creative process


Today's article will be devoted to drawing aircraft. We will learn how to draw passenger planes, military and old. We will analyze both complex drawing methods and simple ones.

So get your pencils, eraser and paper ready, let's get started.

The simplest drawings

Let's start with children's drawings. Of course, adults can also draw such drawings, but in this article we want to pay more attention to more complex works.

These examples are very simple and do not require a step-by-step explanation, so watch and draw :)

passenger plane

Let's start with complex aircraft, namely the complex way of drawing a passenger aircraft. However, we are sure that you will cope with this lesson and learn how to draw cool!

These aircraft are found in Everyday life most often. The beauty of drawing them is that when drawing a landscape, you don't have to go into too much detail on them. He flies far in the sky and is hard to see. But now we will figure out how to depict them close up.

We will work on the drawing in stages. Below is a picture and if something is not clear to you at some stage, you can take a look at final result and figure everything out.

Stage 1
We will work from the general to the particular, so we outline the contours with a pencil. Choose a pencil that is not too greasy and do not press it very hard, as we will have to erase some lines in the future.

So, we draw a large oval, draw one line along the entire length of the oval (the line of the windows of the aircraft). At the very end, we draw two lines - the tail, and under the large oval we draw a small one - the right engine.

Stage 2
We have a sketch, now it's time to detail it. We draw the nose and tail of our iron bird and connect them with a line from above.

Stage 3
We work on the lower part of the tail and depict the engines that are located under the wings.

Stage 4
We depict the left wing above the engine. We will not depict the right wing, since it is not visible from this angle.

Stage 5
Our drawing is almost ready, it remains to add small parts such as doors, windows and lines on the tail.

stage 6
Excellent! We're all set! Color and add a background if desired.

The second example of a passenger aircraft

For greater clarity, we give another example from a slightly different angle.

We outline the main part, tail and wings.

We are working on the form.

Orange line of windows.

Engines and tail.

Now the wings.


And now we take paints or felt-tip pens and paint.

If you feel the strength in yourself, you can add chiaroscuro.

old plane

Let's work on the old versions of the flying birds, namely the cornflower.

Corn groves were used absolutely everywhere, in the war, for rural purposes, for transporting people. Therefore, by painting a machine gun on the nose, you will get a military aircraft, by painting sprayers from below, agricultural.

We will draw the most common. Let's get started!

First, let's sketch the wings and the main body. If you look at it from above, you get a cross.

Blades, tail and stripe running in front of the wings. Pay attention to this strip, it is rounded, because the body of our maize is rounded. This is very important, so the volume in the drawing is conveyed.

We depict the wheels and connect the upper and lower parts of the wings.

Now we draw the cockpit and proceed to the most important thing, the patterns on the body. Bright cornflowers just look very nice. You can redraw our pattern or come up with your own.

So, we are all set. Now choose brighter colors and paint.

It turned out not super complicated in execution, but a beautiful drawing :)

Military aircraft

Let's start drawing military equipment, namely fighters. Compared to previous flying birds, this bird bites :) It is much smaller, faster and more maneuverable.

The easiest way to draw fighters, and indeed any technique, is to draw straight from the side. Below are two simple examples.

Fighter #1
Let's try to draw more complex pattern than the examples above?

We make a sketch, we should get a sharp figure with two triangles at the end.

We begin to detail our sketch. We are working on the cockpit and the left wing, the right wing is not visible from this angle.

We bring to mind all the elements that we have already drawn.

We paint a strip on the nose of the aircraft. Please note that it must be rounded, so, as we said earlier, we convey the volume of the picture.

Also, we add missiles under the wing, we have a military fighter.

Well, at the final stage, you can add some numbers or inscriptions and colorize. Also, if you want, you can draw an evil face with teeth on the nose, this is often done on military aircraft.

Fighter #2
Let's briefly analyze the second example, from a different angle and in a different, so to speak, pose.

Let's make a simple sketch.

We are finalizing the forms of our sketch.

We are working on the front.

Adding small details.

And finally, coloring.

Video lessons

Drawing an airplane takes a lot of time not only for children, but also for adults. Drawing small details, smooth geometric lines and the correct slope is only part of what should be considered when writing an amateur picture. Therefore, in order not to be disappointed in the final result and lose a lot of time for creativity, in today's article we offer our readers step by step master class with photo instructions and recommendations. This approach will help to depict an airplane drawing in pencil, if not from the first, then from the second or third time.

Below in the article you can find drawing lessons not only for a passenger, but also for a military and old aircraft. As an idea for your drawing, it is proposed to use templates for sketching, step by step master classes and, of course, your imagination.

The easiest pencil drawings of airplanes

A pencil drawing of an airplane for children and adult beginners is a base, somewhat similar to the tip of a spear, connected to two wings and a tail. On the ship itself, a porthole should be highlighted, and under it the engine.

After the outline of the aircraft is drawn, it is necessary to give it additional volume. To do this, you should also use blackouts, and only after that proceed to coloring with colored pencils.

The finished plane can be given as a gift to parents or kept for yourself as a reminder of the first drawing lesson in this direction.

Passenger plane pencil drawing

This aircraft drawing can be classified as complex due to the use of multiple details and lines. That's why this figure if you choose as an example for sketching, then only for adults or at least teenagers.

  • Stage 1

Prepare the necessary attributes for drawing: two simple pencil with hard and soft lead, an eraser, several white sheets of A4 paper (just in case if the drawing does not work out the first time), colored pencils for coloring.

  • Stage 2

Expand White list paper horizontally. Draw the base in the form of an oval, draw a line inside it. At the right base, draw two straight lines, as the beginning of the tail, and at the left, a small oval or sketch of the right engine.

  • Stage 3

In accordance with the photo below, draw a line in the area of ​​​​the tail and wings of the aircraft.

  • Stage 4

Draw the wing of a passenger plane on one side, leaving the background unchanged.

  • 5th floor

Add the necessary small details to the drawing, without which the aircraft cannot be complete. Windows, porthole, etc.

  • stage 6

Apply hatching and paint in the color you like.

Military aircraft pencil drawing

It is also not easy to draw military equipment, therefore, before starting to draw, artists recommend carefully reviewing step by step lesson. This will help visualize phased work without missing a single small detail.

Attached in the photo below is a lesson offering two options for a military aircraft. The first is based on five pictures, the other is based on four.

Drawing an airplane with a pencil for children to sketch + photo lessons:

How many amazing inventions mankind has made! Some of them even defy the laws of physics. In ancient times, when people saw an airplane, they would have thought that it was an iron bird that soars in the sky. If your child gravitates towards aircraft, show him how to draw an airplane in stages with a pencil.

We create with our child

How to draw a plane with a pencil in stages for children? Many parents face this issue. The child has barely learned to walk and talk, but is already interested in airplanes. Help your kid to draw an original and fun airplane and invite him to color it bright colors. Even if you are not very strong in fine arts, you will definitely draw such an airplane.

Necessary materials:

  • paper;
  • simple pencil;
  • eraser;
  • paints or markers.

  • This is a children's masterpiece, so the airplane will be appropriate. Let's start by drawing the outline. By appearance it looks a bit like a fish.
  • We make all lines smooth and soft, without angular outlines.
  • The nose of the aircraft should be tilted slightly down.

  • An airplane without wings is like a house without doors. In the form of elongated triangles with rounded corners, draw opposite wings on both sides.
  • One of them is placed perpendicularly, and the other - on the plane.

  • At the back, draw two elements that are needed on the tail of the aircraft.
  • We arrange them symmetrically in the form of rounded triangles.
  • Let's draw in front an oblong window in the cockpit.

  • We erase the extra auxiliary lines.
  • The contour can be circled with a pencil and painted.

Another version of the image of the aircraft

How to draw a plane with a pencil step by step for beginners? This question is asked by artists who have just begun their creative way. If you are a creator not from the word bad, then you can draw any model of an aircraft: whether it is a passenger Boeing or a military fighter. We will continue the given topic and try to draw a simple but original airplane with the children.

Necessary materials:

  • paper;
  • simple pencil;
  • eraser;
  • markers.

Step by step description of the creative process:

  • The plane will fly through the sky, so you can take paper for drawing blue color or then paint over the free field with a blue pencil, paints or felt-tip pen.
  • Let's start with the body. In appearance, it resembles a bullet.

  • Let's draw the cockpit.
  • Draw an inverted trapezoid above the aircraft body. Divide it into two stripes.
  • In the form of a rectangle with rounded edges, the tail rises above the sharp part of the aircraft body.
  • We erase the extra lines with an eraser so that our plane looks like a real one.

  • We draw the upper wing from the cab.
  • We draw the lower part from the body. We get an irregular rectangle with a beveled side.

  • Draw a line on the front of the case. We bend it a little and connect the two parts of the body.
  • In the center of the bow, draw a triangle with rounded corners.
  • Next, make a small circle.
  • On both sides, we symmetrically draw oblong ovals that will serve as a screw mechanism.

  • We erase the extra drawn lines with an eraser.
  • This is the kind of airplane we should get. Now it can be colored.

Under the wing of the plane they sing about something ...

Young knights always dream of doing brave deeds and feats. Boys with early age like toys related to military theme. War is scary and scary. But if your tomboy is still interested in how to draw a military aircraft with a pencil in stages, help him. Take a lesson at the same time patriotic education because we have a lot to be proud of.

Required tools:

  • simple pencil;
  • ruler;
  • paper;
  • eraser.

Step by step description of the creative process:

  • First, draw two lines on the plane. They must intersect perpendicular to each other.
  • From this begins the drawing of the body of the aircraft.
  • Draw an elongated oval along the line.
  • Draw a circle in the nose of the plane. It must not extend beyond the body.

  • Draw symmetrical oblong ovals around the side lines. These will be the wings of the plane.
  • From the wings up along the line draw a tail. We will supplement it with three triangles with rounded ends.
  • If a child draws, then he can draw all the lines with a ruler.
  • Auxiliary and intersecting lines are removed with an eraser.

  • Let's show imagination and draw a cockpit on top of the body. You can even depict the silhouette of a seated person.
  • In the center of the circle in the bow, draw an elongated and narrow oval.
  • Attach a screw to it.
  • If you can’t draw a circle by hand, use a compass.

  • Under the wings you need to place military weapon. It is enough just to draw the protruding vertices of the triangles.
  • If the plane is under attack, then we will draw strokes over the entire sheet that will imitate fire strikes.
  • In the background, you can depict a couple more aircraft.
  • To make the plane look like a real one, let's add a few strokes and imagine that the propeller is spinning.
  • It remains only to color our drawing and draw a red five-pointed star on the right wing.

All boys love to play with cars, trains and other equipment. One who enjoys doing artistic creativity, may be interested in how to draw an airplane, locomotive, helicopter or tank. Using step-by-step methods to create an image, decomposing complex shape into a few simple ones, you can easily complete any task.

How to draw an airplane for kids

When choosing a sample for completing a task, one must proceed from the level of training of a novice artist. You can depict any object flat (side view) or in volume, building a perspective. For schoolchildren and children kindergarten the most elementary picture with a minimum of details will be enough. The main thing is that the form corresponds to the real object. So, follow these steps:

1. Draw a general outline.

2. Add wings and tail elements.

3. Remove extra lines.

4. Add realism with details.

How to draw an airplane in stages in volume

The second example is more difficult to execute, but the result looks much more realistic. To build any form, you can use the method of perspective or projection. In the first case, parallel lines in the picture converge to one point on the horizon line, and in the second they do not. Try to learn an easier way - creating an image with parallel lines. This method is used in school course drawing. So, in order to learn how to draw an airplane in volume, you first need to correctly perform auxiliary constructions. Your actions should be as follows:

1. Make two intersecting axes as shown in the picture. Parallel to them, make the base of the rectangular part of the body. Bring the guides of the tail element to one point. Here all constructions will be geometric. If you understand how to create such a shape, then rounding the edges is not difficult.

2. From the obtained angles, draw down the vertical faces of the object. Perform a tapering back. Approximately in the center of the resulting object, build a cabin.

3. Detail the image: add tail blades, wings, racks, landing gear.

4. Draw the propeller. The simplified picture with the plane is ready.

Now you know how to draw an airplane in two ways. Choose any that you consider the most simple and convenient for yourself. The resulting linear scheme can be used to work with watercolor, pencil, pen, or even as a basis for appliqué or plasticine relief.

flight illusion

If you want to learn how to draw an airplane in motion, read a few. simple tips and follow them:

1. Try to execute the object diagonally, giving the impression of striving upwards.

2. Position the image correctly on the sheet. More free space must be left in the direction where the aircraft is heading. This creates the illusion of object movement. Our eyes are used to perceiving text, reading from left to right, so the image enters the brain in the same way. It is better to make the tail part on the left side of the sheet, enhancing the effect of the flight perception.

How to color a picture

Now you have learned how to draw an airplane step by step, but maybe you want to do more. realistic images. They can be obtained using colored materials such as watercolor, gouache, pastel, wax crayons, markers, colored pencils. It is interesting to combine several techniques.

Beginning artists should not try to completely fill the sheet with color. When the shade of the space behind the main subject is incorrectly chosen, main object, most likely, will be lost, merge with the background. If the kid asks about how to draw an airplane against a blue sky, this should be done very carefully. Showing bright shade along the contour of the object, you need to make a gradual transition to white background to the edges of the sheet. Another simple option is to take light blue tinted paper, and make the body of the aircraft white gouache or pastel.

So, you have learned how to draw airplanes with a pencil. Regardless of the complexity of the image, the sequence of actions will be approximately the same in each case. Decomposing each object into its component parts simple elements and by drawing them step by step, you can make any illustration.

Airplane. Coloring and drawing (step by step guide)

In this article, we will continue to acquaint you, dear parents, with such a useful and exciting way for the development of the child as children's coloring . To make it interesting for a child to color contour pictures, it is important to choose such thematic options that could interest him. For girls, you can print images of your favorite cartoon characters - fairies from the Winx Club, Disney princesses, little ponies from fairyland, monster high, barbie dolls and others popular characters. Boys are more interested coloring pages of cars and cars from m / f "Cars", tanks and ships. In this article you will find pictures for coloring, on which planes are depicted - great option for boys. All contour images can be unfolded and printed on drawing paper.

If your child is still small (3-4 years old), then print out for him completely simple pictures which he can color himself. At this age, the baby begins to get acquainted with the names of a particular color, shows interest in drawing with colored pencils and paints . Try to pronounce the names of the drawn objects more often and colors that are used for coloring.

At the age of 5, the child begins to relate to the drawn objects more consciously, tries to catch the relationship between the main and secondary drawn objects, tries to choose more suitable colors for coloring individual parts of the drawing.

Boys and girls at 6-7 years old are happy to transfer their children's role-playing games on a sheet of paper. Girls love to draw or color pictures of dolls, dresses , plush toys ( kittens and other animals ), and the boys choose coloring pages with contour drawings favorite cartoon characters and pictures with cars or military equipment. At this age of a boy interested in coloring pages , which depict aircraft.

You can print outline pictures or draw an airplane with your child, following the instructions:

How to draw an airplane with a pencil:

Step 1:
Carefully draw two horizontal symmetrical lines that taper at the ends and slightly rounded. On the opposite side of this rounding, we draw a connecting straight line. a figure in the form of a blade is obtained. Draw a line in the middle of the figure horizontal line. It turned out the body of the aircraft;

Step #2:
We draw a slightly inclined quadrilateral on the narrowed side of the figure in the form of an airplane tail. Now we carefully draw two inclined lines from the center line of the body up and down, and then we connect each pair with a little line, which we slightly round off on 2 sides. These will be the wings of the aircraft;

Step #3:

In the tail part of the body, draw 2 wings. In the bow of the hull we carry out vertical line and paint on the propeller, consisting of several blades extending from the cone. Between the propeller and the upper part of the wing we draw the cockpit;

Step #4:

It remains to erase all unnecessary strokes with a soft eraser and clearly outline all other lines with a pencil or marker.


Click on the link from the list (below) and expand the picture for coloring.

Press the right mouse button and select from the list: Copy (Copy) or Print (Print).


♦ Print the airplane (the easiest option). Coloring book for little children.

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