The most beautiful nurses. Beautiful girls doctors and nurses from TV series


If your girlfriend is a nurse, you already know that you need to always be prepared for the worst unexpected situations. Nursing is more than a job, it's a way of life. Here are some examples of situations that characterize the lives of healthcare workers and may affect your relationship.

Think carefully before asking about working hours

Only the bravest will ask their significant other after a shift at the hospital about the events of the past day. Some people will never dare to ask such a question. In response to it you can get the most different stories: terrifying, funny, sad, weird, disgusting, but never boring. If you're ready to hear something far stranger than you can imagine, take a chance and ask.

You can’t understand why your loved one gets written and called so often

Nurses are constantly asked about medical topics by friends, parents, nephews and other relatives. A nurse almost always helps someone with advice or explains a medical situation.

You never need to go to the pharmacy to get your medicine

Don't worry, your favorite nurse will likely have a cure for your headache, nausea, swelling, cold, diarrhea, or anything else. Just look in the first aid kit - it is probably equipped to the maximum.

Are you used to your loved one working on an unusual schedule?

You may have to get used to the fact that you never wake up together or, conversely, cannot fall asleep together. Sometimes you feel like you are living alone. However, when the long shift at the hospital is finally over, exciting medical stories await you.

It's not always easy for you to understand what is being said

Not everyone can understand when a nurse starts talking about the ratio of albumin and globulin, hemoglobin and hematocrit, and other complex medical terms. Keep a reference book handy or be prepared to search the Internet for anything you don't understand.

Rest assured, the nurse has seen a lot

You should not be ashamed of your personal problems, health difficulties or life troubles if your loved one is a nurse. She probably had to see many of the most unusual life stories, so she will only want to help you.

Planning time together will be difficult

Nurses are only given work schedules for a certain period of time, so long-term plans will be difficult to make. Many people work on weekends, which means you won't be able to go on Saturday and Sunday together.

You will always have pens and paper at hand

Pens, notepads, refrigerator magnets and a variety of other items with pharmaceutical company names overwhelm a nurse's home. She may not like these kinds of medications, but everyone takes free samples, so you won't see any shortage of office supplies.

The strangest conversations on the phone await you

If you've heard nurses talking to each other on the phone before, you're used to not paying attention. Surgeries, situations from the emergency room, patient problems with the toilet are discussed - and this is just a part of the topics covered! All this can be quite nauseating for an unprepared person, so it’s better not to listen to your beloved’s conversation with colleagues.

You start to feel like an expert

When you listen to a nurse describe medications and treatments long enough, you begin to feel like you have it all figured out. You will begin to diagnose others using your newfound experience. The main thing is not to think that you can replace a real doctor or nurse when giving advice. You can never compare with a specialist!

You will experience amazing multitasking

It seems like a nurse can handle a hundred things at once - which is exactly what she has to do every day at work. A nurse can mop the floor while talking on the phone, putting a Band-Aid on a child's scraped elbow, and frying eggs for the whole family. Never try the same thing unless you have experience in a healthcare setting.

Nurse in a short robe, one of the most popular female images, capable of driving most men crazy. Additional attributes of such a transformation, of course, are bright scarlet lipstick and stockings. The image of a nurse is associated with sterile cleanliness and neatness, with slight trepidation and excitement before medical intervention and completely captivating temptation.

Often nurse in the photo depicted in full height, her robe is indecently short, and her neckline is deep. The success of the attractiveness of such photographs lies in their maximum proximity to reality. Deep down in our hearts, we all want to believe that the girl in the photo is a real health worker, captured quite by accident from a favorable angle by a passing photographer. Like everything natural and real, such photographs evoke a storm of positive emotions, at least you will definitely not find anyone indifferent to them. Photos of sexy nurses- something that will make the eyes of almost every representative of the stronger sex light up with a special sparkle.

Looking at photos of nurses, you will definitely find medical paraphernalia in the picture. This is most often a phonendoscope, a syringe, a medical cap, in a word, everything that makes us think back to distant childhood and feel once again the excitement and even fear that we experienced when we saw people in white coats. Over time, this fear transformed into others, but the same thrill and performances, that's why the nurse girls in the photo make us tremble. Russian nurses in the photo look especially sexy and natural for our compatriots, which is not at all surprising. Beautiful nurse in the photo - bright image, the combination of balanced white and passionate red makes such a photo very colorful and memorable.

To create such photographic masterpiece no great effort is required, a beautiful girl in a white robe automatically turns into sexy nurse photo itself is filled with eroticism without much effort from the photographer. Any pose or background adopted will only play into the hands of the one who decided to organize such a photo shoot.

Where does the attraction of patients to doctors come from? Is there a place for eroticism and sex in a hospital? How can illness (and the hospital in general) be combined with love affairs?

“This has never happened to me before,” says 27-year-old Svetlana. “I can’t understand myself: when I left the hospital, I cried. I could barely restrain myself from hugging and kissing young doctor who performed the operation on me. I felt such closeness to him that parting with him seemed impossible to me. Arriving home, I couldn’t find a place for myself. I dreamed of him almost every night: hugging me, loving me... What is this?\"
Svetlana fell in love with a doctor who cared for her for three weeks and performed an operation. Alexey, who had been in the hospital for a month, became attached to the nurse who gave him injections. Although his wife and two children were waiting for him at home, he felt a strong attraction to the strict nurse, before whom he exposed himself three times a day for an injection. The nurse worried him like a woman! The most important thing is that Alexey deeply loved his wife and had never cheated on her before...

Hospital stress and bright feelings

The hospital is a place of constant stress. Once in the hospital, you find yourself in a special world and in a special status. This world is, as it were, a transitional world between the world of life and the world of death. Here all the people are alive, but psychologically and realistically they are much closer to death than those who run about their business in the streets. People die in the hospital, sometimes it can be a roommate. A human body is being cut into pieces in a hospital. In the hospital, the main conversations are about diseases, their “outcome”, possible complications, about the end. Your status in the hospital changes: from a healthy person you turn into a “sick person”, into a “patient”.
Even your clothes are different in the hospital. You are excluded from the cycle of life: you cannot go to the movies, visit friends, or visit a restaurant. Your freedom is limited. Your job has been taken away. In short, not only are you physically suffering, you are also psychologically unsettled.
And add here the treatment of the medical staff towards you. Does he see you as a person, an individual? For doctors, nurses, and nannies, you are the “unit of record” on the list of hospital patients. The hospital functions like a factory, everything is clearly organized there (and thank God). There is a clear schedule: when to clean, when to go around, when to perform procedures, when to have breakfast, lunch and dinner. When - planned operations. You are being operated on "according to plan"!
You can't help but feel this desuffocating atmosphere. For your husband, friend, children, parents, friends - you are someone. Here you are only an abstract unit, whose essence is exhausted by the diagnosis. They only focus on your kidneys, or stomach, or veins - they ignore the rest.
In such stress, a person experiences a great need for a “human” attitude towards himself. The need for relaxation, for a return to the spirit of life, which he could oppose to the spirit of death and non-existence...
Anyone who has been in a hospital knows how important it is for him to maintain and renew contact with the “outside world.” How important are visits from “people from there,” from the world of life, bringing their vanity, their problems, emotions... The patient greedily pounces on this material: at least mentally, he wants to leave the hospital and feel the reality of the world where he was yesterday, where he hopes to return tomorrow. He wants to live.
But not everyone is visited by relatives and friends. And not everyone has enough of these visits. Then instincts come to the rescue. They switch a person from dark thoughts to thoughts and feelings of a different kind.

It's not forbidden to touch...

If unknown man on the street, in a cafe, he will come up to you and ask you to expose your breasts or buttocks, you will be indignant. Call the police. Maybe punch him in the face.
However, when in the hospital a complete stranger (sometimes your age) orders you to bare your chest or stomach, you humbly do it! This cannot pass without a trace for the subconscious, for instinct. Of course, only a small proportion of women develop strong feelings towards their doctor. However, no one knows what percentage of women who have fleeting feelings for those men in white coats. According to surveys conducted by the French magazine Infirmier Magazin among patients, 48% of men and 30% of women admitted that they “experienced strange, unusual feelings” when they were touched by the hands of a person of the opposite sex in a white coat. Moreover, 18% of men and 8% of women admitted that they experienced obvious sexual desire.
How do the patients themselves feel about this desire? 27% of respondents consider this desire to be completely natural, regardless of whether they suffer from physical pain or not. At the same time, 25% of men and 10% of women explain the emergence of erotic desire by the situation in which the patient is: he is in a supine position, often naked or half naked, his body is being manipulated.

Sexual hunger

In Russia, where there are many other problems, there are still no problems related to the patient’s need for sexual life. But some patients stay in the hospital for months! Imagine for a moment a young twenty-year-old man isolated from his wife or girlfriend for many weeks and even months. Where should he put the sexual energy accumulating in him? After all, even if his wife or girlfriend comes to him, they have nowhere (and no one will allow) to make love.
Meanwhile, in Western European countries they are seriously thinking about setting up a room in hospitals for intimate meetings between patients and visiting spouses and partners... “Sexual blocking,” says French sexologist Michel Meignan, “is a poor use of energy, it favors illnesses. And vice versa, making love gives a wonderful state of mind, helps wounds heal, and improves the effect of medications and procedures."
But what do Russian people think about it?
Nikolai B. from Voronezh, 28 years old, businessman: “Once I had to stay in the hospital all summer. The guys who were in the ward with me kept flirting with young women doctors and nurses. When a young nurse came into the ward, everyone perked up. Some nurses , when they were alone with the patients, they responded to advances and flirted. Others, however, abruptly stopped the game and assumed severity. One bachelor from my ward was absent all night, they said that he spent it with the nurse on duty on the floor. They allegedly saw how he came into her office. I believe that the reason for this behavior of men is their artificial isolation from their wives and girlfriends. Why, in fact, does the patient need to be so isolated from life?\"
Unfortunately, no one has yet conducted a survey on this topic in Russia. However, we think that the statistics - given the slightly different cultural environment - would still differ from the results of the survey in France. According to this survey, 54% of men and 40% of women consider it completely normal to exercise their right to sex life with your spouse or partner during your hospital stay. At the same time, 78% of nurses over 50 years of age are against granting such a right. In their opinion, the hospital is a place for treatment, not for pleasure.

Behind the door of the staff room

So far we have talked only about the feelings and instincts of patients. How do the medical staff feel in the hospital? Isn’t he also under constant stress that needs to be relieved somehow?
“Every day we are faced with death, illness, physical suffering,” says Andrei Z., a young doctor at one of the Moscow clinics, “our profession is one of the most stressful. It is equated to the professions of pilots and rock climbers. Every day we must -to relax. Therefore, when we gather in the staff room, we always joke. Few people know that when we drink tea or coffee, we are forbidden to talk about sick people and illnesses. There are many young men and women among us. Naturally, there is always some kind of flirting. It helps psychologically to withstand the depressing atmosphere of the hospital."
Andrey reveals things about the secret life of the medical staff, the existence of which we are unlikely to suspect. Vera B., 30, who works as an operating room nurse in the same hospital, admits that her profession, no matter how strange it may sound, is very erotic. Not only for patients, but also for some doctors, she is a pronounced “sexual object.” This, by the way, coincides with the results of a survey recently conducted by the magazine "Nouvel Observateur". According to the survey, the nursing profession is in second place on the list of the most erotic professions after a flight attendant!
Here is how Vera B. explains this phenomenon: “Perhaps you don’t know this, but nurses very often walk around half naked. They have almost nothing under their gowns. It’s just impossible to do otherwise, especially in the summer. The operating room is often so stuffy that I want to take off my robe too. If you put on clothes under your robe, you will sweat, and this will affect your work."
Both doctors and male patients know or feel that the nurse has almost nothing under her coat. This excites their imagination. Vera B. admits that this excites her too. Of course, it would never even occur to her to enter into a sexual relationship with a doctor, or even less so with a patient, but, in her opinion, she needs such “excitement” in order to disconnect from the “atmosphere of suffering and death.”
Another important factor that we must mention when talking about the atmosphere of intimacy in the hospital is night shifts. At night, there are often only two people on duty on the floor - a nurse and a doctor. The patients are sleeping in the wards. The nurse and doctor on duty may be a young woman or a young man. They have no other interlocutor; conditions force them to communicate only with each other. Add to this the complete silence and twilight in which this communication takes place... Add that both are single or divorced. In addition, at night all instincts are heightened, consciousness and the inhibitions within it are weakened...
No one knows what happens between nurses and doctors behind the walls of the duty room. Nowhere else will you find such conditions for lovemaking at work as here. Moreover, the risk of being detected is reduced to a minimum. Without statistics for Russia, we again turn to foreign surveys. 18% of French nurses admitted to having had a sexual relationship with a member of the nursing staff within the hospital. For some reason, 79% refused to answer this question at all (!). And only less than 3% admitted that they had a relationship with the patient.

Childhood complexes
Psychologist's comments

Once upon a time as a child, your mother and father bathed and fed you, put you to bed, and exercised full custody of you, including your body. Since then, you have become an adult and take care of yourself. However, when you get to the hospital, you seem to be immersed in childhood again. You are almost taken by the hand to the shower, where you must wash yourself. They put you to bed. You are fed. It's like you're a "child" again. At the same time, you become extremely psychologically dependent on the attending physician, on whom, like your parents once upon a time, your health and often your very life depend.
For your subconscious, the doctor plays the role of an all-powerful father. The role of the mother, who practically carries out the "father's instructions", specifically takes care of your well-being, is carried out by the nurse. You may awaken archetypal feelings towards them as "parents".
And just as was the case with your real parents, any sexuality on their part towards you (and yours towards them) is strictly prohibited.
But for some people, as it was in childhood in relation to a parent of the opposite sex, this sexuality can, having reached its peak, break out.
This theory easily explains the case of Svetlana. It is not difficult to notice that her love for the doctor who performed her operation is rooted in her love for her father, for her once suppressed forbidden fantasies in relation to him. Just the fact that Svetlana feels this way about the doctor strong feeling kinship (returning home, she “doesn’t find a place for herself”) - forces her to look for the cause of the feeling in her own subconscious. For such strong, uncontrollable feelings that cover the entire personality can only come from the archetypes of the subconscious (the specific doctor has nothing to do with it).
However, those who say that the stress experienced by a person in a hospital blocks libido (sexual energy) in most patients and excludes erotic feelings are also right. There are very severe stress, which paralyze any other emotions. It all depends on the woman’s personality and the severity of her illness.

Always think about how you will live when you leave here.
Make concrete plans and live by them (new ideas for earning money, a holiday by the sea this coming summer, a trip abroad - be mentally “there” and not “here”).
When family and friends visit you, discuss their problems, not your illness.
If you're allowed, take longer walks fresh air. More \"sun in your eyes\".
Find yourself an interesting interlocutor among the sick, who would enrich your personality with his thoughts and knowledge, take you away to intellectual world. At all costs, avoid sick people who talk about their own and others’ illnesses.
If the hospital has a cafe, go there regularly, at a certain hour every day. Make a ritual out of it. Or come up with another ritual (reading a book on the balcony, writing to a friend, morning shower, charging, etc.).
Create something “your own” within the general hospital regime, which depersonalizes you.
Try to fill it out as much as possible free time(the best weapon against dark thoughts!). Teach foreign language(every day at the same time), write down your ideas that will be useful to you when you leave here. As a last resort, read newspapers, listen to the radio, watch TV, be interested in how the country and the world are living.

Poll among the French

7% of men and 3% of women among hospital patients admitted that they had sexual intercourse inside the hospital. Mostly with my husband or my regular partner. Occasionally - with a representative of the medical staff.

Two opinions

Because the hospital is a stressful place, any sexuality of the patient is blocked. The patient only thinks about getting out of the hospital as soon as possible.
Because the hospital is a stressful place, some patients seek relief from the gloomy atmosphere through erotic fantasies and sexual arousal.

Brief survey

Everything is correct. As soon as you get to the hospital, you immediately look at the nurses and young doctors. This is in the nature of men. Of course, I don’t mean some serious case where you are admitted to intensive care. Then, of course, there is no time for women. Then just get out.
Boris, 30 years old, driver

I never have any feelings towards doctors. I'm rather afraid of them. But one of my friends, it’s true, once fell in love with the doctor who treated her. True, this love quickly passed for her.
Rita, 25 years old, student

It seems to me that Russian women are very different from Western women: they are more modest and bashful, or something. They will not experience unnecessary feelings towards doctors.
Veronica, 31 years old, salesperson

That's right. I myself am married to a doctor whom I met in the hospital. Only, in my opinion, all these things happen at a young age. When you and the doctor are twenty or thirty. Then the instinct is very strong...
Yaroslav, 39 years old, chemist

What is there to talk about? Are there not living people in the hospital? Is the doctor not a living person? And here the hospital is considered a “dead place” where you have to play some idiotic role of a silent patient. Discipline, execution, silence, no questions asked. Nothing extra! Our hospitals are like barracks.
Dmitry, 28 years old, store owner

Also in Soviet time I myself worked in a hospital. This happened there, I’ll tell you... Especially at night. But no one ever talked about this. And now, it seems to me, everyone is silent. Out of habit.
Kira, 45 years old, currently unemployed

Series about medicine are the most popular on television. This is such a universal theme that it can easily be adapted to any genre, be it drama or comedy. Such series tell a variety of stories, but in each of them there are always beautiful girls in medical gowns. We will remember 15 of them in this post.

Dr. Remy "Thirteen" Hadley - Dr. House

Let's start with the notorious Thirteenth from the TV series House, played by Olivia Wilde.

She appeared in the fourth season when House held a competition to recruit new people for his team. The 13th suffered from Huntington's disease, a rare genetic disease of the nervous system.

Dr. Allison Cameron - Dr. House

Dr. Allison Cameron was part of the original team of three doctors who helped House make the most difficult diagnoses. House most often assigned the responsibility of communicating with patients to her. The role of Cameron was played by actress Jennifer Morrison.

Dr. Cristina Yang - Grey's Anatomy

First up from Grey's Anatomy on this list is the beautiful, smart, and sarcastic Cristina Yang, played by Sandra Oh. Dr. Yang was with the show from the very beginning, but the actress left after the tenth season. Over the years, her character has faced many setbacks, including a man with a bomb inside and a plane crash. Christina was taken out of the series, sending her to a hospital in Switzerland to head the cardiac surgery department.

Dr. Izzie Stevens - Grey's Anatomy

Charming doctor and former model Izzie Stevens played by Katherine Heigl. She appeared in the first episode of the series along with Cristina and the main character Meredith. The other doctors didn't respect her too much and called her "Dr. Barbie." She survived cancer in season five, but was still written off the show in season six.

Nurse Nora Sergent - Being Human (USA)

Next on our list is Dr. Nora Sergent from American version series Being Human, played by Kristen Hager. In the series about the life of a vampire, a werewolf and a ghost, she plays a nurse in the hospital where the main characters work. She appeared in the fourth episode of the first season and in just a few episodes managed to become pregnant by a werewolf.

Nurse Carol Hathaway - ER

ER is the most famous and longest-running medical drama in television history. The series lasted from 1994 to 2009. The role of nurse Carol Hathaway was played by Julianna Margulies, who later became the star of the TV series The Good Wife. Before Morgulis's debut in ER, nurses were portrayed solely as cute perfect girls who helpfully helped the doctors. Her character forever changed the image of nursing in film and television.

Dr. Camilla Saroyan - Bones

The first on this list is a doctor who does not work in a hospital. This is Dr. Camille Saroyan, played by Tamara Taylor. She first appeared on the series in the first episode of the second season. Camilla works as a pathologist and performs autopsies on corpses that end up in her laboratory.

Dr. Abby Lockhart - Emergency Medicine

Here comes another lady from ER - Abby Lockhart played by Maura Tierney. She appeared on the series in the sixth season as a gynecologist who delivered Carol's baby. She helps Dr. Carter begin treatment for alcohol addiction, but when they meet at an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting, it turns out that she, too, suffered from alcoholism in the past.

Major Margaret Halligan - MES

The series about the life of a military mobile surgical hospital (MASH - Mobile Army Surgical Hospital) during the Vietnam War ran from 1972 to 1983 and includes over 250 episodes. Major Margaret "Hot Lips" Huligan was played by Loretta Swit. She played the role of an army nurse whose father was a colonel. She joined the Army straight out of college and quickly earned the rank of Major.

Christina Hawthorne - Sister Hawthorne

The main character of the suddenly closed series was played by Jada Pinkett-Smith. Her character, single mother Christina Hawthorne, worked as the head of nursing staff at a hospital in Richmond. The series was so-so, it was only adorned by the presence of Jada Pinkett-Smith, and it was canceled after only three seasons.

Dr. Sara Tancredi - Escape

Dr. Sarah Tancredi, played by Sarah Wayne Callies, worked as a doctor at Fox River Prison. She served as the love interest of the main character, Michael Scofield, with whom she went on the run after he rescued his brother from prison. The series aired on FOX from 2005 to 2009.

Dr. Juliet Burke - Lost

"Lost" was one of the most popular TV series. Between 2004 and 2010, 6 seasons were released. Elizabeth Mitchell played one of the "Others", Dr. Juliet Burke, who is sent to the island to find out why pregnant women are dying on it.

Dr. Dana Scully - The X-Files

The love of all teenage boys at the end of the last century, Agent Scully from The X-Files, played by Gillian Anderson. The series ran from 1993 to 2002 and received a 6-episode continuation this year. Scully's role was not limited to constantly questioning Mulder's crazy theories - she also applied her knowledge of medicine and regularly performed autopsies during investigations.

Dr. Meredith Gray - Grey's Anatomy

So we finally got to main character Grey's Anatomy, played by Ellen Pompeo for 12 years. The series begins with Meredith Gray's arrival at Seattle Grace Hospital and follows her journey as a surgeon, wife and mother.

Varvara Chernous - Interns

But there is no one more beautiful than the sweet Varya Chernous, performed by Kristina Asmus. At the beginning of the series, Varya was the only female intern in the therapeutic department and quickly became a favorite of the audience. Unfortunately, the actress left the series before its completion.

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