Composer of the American version of Shaman King. Location of the tournament


Shaman King is an anime that is quite capable of raising a new generation of otaku, as it happened with Sailor Moon. Of course, the two-time show on TV, along with all sorts of Disney cartoons, greatly contributed to this. Judging by its popularity, it can be said that new wave young otaku will come from Naruto, Bleach and Shaman King.
What is this Shaman King? As expected from such a popular thing - this is not a heavy thriller, and not a psychological drama. This is a story about exciting adventures, seasoned with beautiful battles and a fair amount of humor. Senen in one word. And, nevertheless, behind such a frivolous atmosphere there are hints at very interesting problems, such as: environmental problems, the idea of ​​"strong rights", fanaticism, Nazism and much more, moreover, most often one hero personifies one problem (except for Hao, of course same).
But you can argue about the plot for a long time, because it is fascinating, exciting, but many can accuse the shaman of being childish. Yes, I don’t argue, it’s shonen (I remind you for 12-17 year olds), which means that the plot should be primarily entertaining and should keep you at the screen by force. But it cannot be said that the shaman is a children's anime, this is for teenagers, which means that outright stupidity (remember Sesame Street) should not and will not be there.
Further, the drawing does not shine with beauty, rather, on the contrary, it is average, even closer to bad. But here the battles are drawn perfectly, you see, they made a bet on this. The faces of the characters are angular and a little scary, but the perfume is very well done. This is especially noticeable towards the end, when the spirits are no longer small balls.
But the main advantage of shamans is unforgettable characters. Maybe you will like just a couple of them, but there is no doubt that the rest will at least be remembered. Presented as quite ordinary schoolchildren, and members of street gangs, villagers, religious fanatics, faithful descendants of their clans, and even not quite sane individuals. Also, the names and fates of many characters are references to some real people. For example, there are hints of Sherlock Holmes, Vlad Tepes, and Joan of Arc. In general, gray, ordinary people almost no, each character stands out and is remembered for something. In this, the shaman bypasses even Naruto. There were only a couple of memorable heroes in Naruto, but here ..
In general, shamans are similar to Naruto in many ways: also shonen, also a lot of fights (in which there are also a lot of conversations), a huge cloud of heroes, but there is still one very important difference- in shamans, every fighter has a goal, and most shinobi from naruto just protect themselves and their families. And this makes him a little more interesting, this is how a much greater intensity of passions is born, because in Naruto everyone was rooting for their favorite character, and here it’s even difficult to decide who to root for. Here's an example: Hao is one of the most charismatic characters (if not the most), but rooting for him means wishing death on other, no less attractive heroes. This is the difficulty of choosing sympathies.
I want to say a little about some of the differences from the manga. There are so many of them that it can be considered an anime alternative stories. According to rumors, Hiroyuki Takei was dissatisfied with the film adaptation, because everything was distorted there. In fact, in the anime, many events of the manga are simply forgotten, the fights are not so bloody (more precisely, not at all bloody), the plot is changed. You can see that during the film adaptation, the age bar of the shaman was greatly underestimated.
Also, I am sure that the majority watched the shaman in Russian dubbing on TV, which means that they probably do not know that the names of many heroes there have also been changed. Here are a couple of examples: Hao Asakura is renamed to Zika Asakura, Iron Maiden Jeanne to Jin, Horo-Horo to Trey, and Morphine to Chloe.
Shaman is likely to appeal to fans of adventure, comedy, shounen, such as Naruto or Shijou Saikyou no Deshi Kenichi. There are no tears and conspiracies here, as it was in the alchemists, therefore, with caution, but still we can recommend shamans to fans of alchemists.
As a result, we have very popular series with a captivating storyline good humor, bright characters, which is not unlimited by age category. Very good. You will remember the shaman for a long time (I still laugh at some jokes). Such a thing can be safely put 8 *.

* In my understanding, 8 is excellent, but I put nine only VERY good things, and the top ten are only real masterpieces (of which I saw only two among anime). In addition, I think that when evaluating, one should try to be objective.

I first watched this anime when I was about 10 years old. I still remember that I was looking forward to the next episode, worried about the characters, laughed at the jokes. I really, really loved the main villain, but so did main character impressed me. In general, if I were 10 years old now, I would give this anime 10/10 without looking, despite the version cut by the American studio.
However, I'm not 10. For these long years I stopped being lazy to read the manga: I mastered the original and decided to return to the Japanese version of the anime.
And even without comparison with the version that we played on TV, the difference is already unimaginable. From a rather cruel, albeit good-natured, for the most part, story, the filmmakers made kindergarten. Deep characters became flat as paper; interesting plot branches were cut off. The plot as a whole also turned out to be chopped off and distorted, like the whole message of the work. I know that at the time of the screening, the manga was not fully released, but the scriptwriters' pathetic attempts to make a logical ending out of what was, turned out to be futile and, as I said, pathetic. Why even try to film a manga if you don't even have enough material to work with? You could complete the arch earlier and leave the project at the time of completion. They could have at least consulted with Hiroyuki. But no. For what? After all, you can flush all the polymers down the toilet.
My biggest disappointment to this day is what they did to Hao. I won't go into details, but overall, his character and story is what the filmmakers mocked the most. Reading the manga, it's easy to see that Takei loved this character. It is written with such care and care. He is an antagonist, but, first of all, he is a person. With dubious ideals, but understandable motivation. And a backstory that may not make you empathize with him, but at least gives an understanding of the reasons for his actions.
And what do we have in the screening? A flat "bad guy" who is mean simply because the show needs a boss that the main characters will fail at the end. He has no humanity or character, only a cute face (which is also doubtful given the anime style) and a big evil spirit.
The end he met is another spit in the face of Takeya, who conceived for Hao

become a shaman king.

No wonder the mangaka was so upset about the film adaptation.

We can say that this was a free interpretation of the manga, and there is nothing to be offended by here. However, there must be something good in a free interpretation. And there's nothing in the anime that's better than the manga. What was good in the manga is terrible in the anime. And what was bad, became even worse. The characters are flat, the plot is unreasonably long, a lot of good is cut out, a lot of unnecessary is added. The ending is disgusting and without comparison with the manga: it is naive and illogical, absolutely out of character of the protagonist.
The music in the Japanese version of the anime is quite nice.

Initially, I gave this anime 2/10, but for the music I will add one more point, perhaps.
All in all, I don't recommend this anime to anyone.
Verikt: 3/10

Fox Kids, Jetix
Televizija OBN
Jetix , Etc...TV
Cable 1, Jetix, RTL II
ntv 7
GMA 7, Hero TV, Cartoon Network , QTV
Polsat, Jetix
Mediacorp Arts Central

China Television, SET Metro, Taiwan Television

Premiere 4th of July - September 25 Duration 23 min. Series 64

Flowers Manga Characters


Hana Asakura

Hana Asakura(jap. 麻倉華 Asakura Hana? , English Asakura Hana) - the son of Anna and Yo Asakura, the protagonist of the manga Hiroyuki Takeya "Shaman King - Flowers". Age - about 14 years. By nature, he is quite extraordinary, lazy, like his father and as quick-tempered as his mother, he is not afraid of anyone except Anna and Tamao. Hates school, dreams of fighting like his father. Its guardian is Amidamaru. The spirit guides through the Scarlet Blade (Futsu no mitama no tsuguri). Hana already has a bride, who was found for him by kind uncle Hao. His name comes from combining his parents' kanji names - YoH and ANnA

File:Meng Tao.jpg

Men Tao(jap. 道 ... Tao Men? , English Tao Men) - the son of Ren Tao Approximate age - 7-10 years. He clearly inherited his character from his father. It turned out to be an explosive mixture, which already considers itself the king of the universe, and the rest of the people are plebeians - which is quite typical for Tao. Also, instead of nannies, he has three bodyguards from the former henchmen of Asakura Hao. It has two guardians - Bason, whom he leads through the guandao, and Shamash. The name comes from the addition of the word maiden in Japanese- MEiden (メイデン) and father's name is ReN

File:Anna II.jpg

Anna III(jap. アンナ Anna? , eng.Anna III) is the daughter of Silva, itako, the best student of Anna the First (Anna Kioyama), and in fact, the bride of Hana. She agreed to become his bride only on the condition that he win the battle. By nature, she is very reminiscent of her sensei, on the one hand she is tough and demanding, and on the other, she is purposeful and maybe even a little selfish. She lives in Los Angeles, although she was brought up in the village of Patchey, she considers herself the strongest shaman of the last generation. Age - 14-15 years old



Furyoku is the power by which the shaman can control the spirit. The higher the furyoku level, the more options the shaman has, and the longer he can control the spirit. Before the battle, the shaman has a certain reserve of furyoku, which is consumed during the battle - the stronger the attack, the more furyoku is spent on him. During battle, the shaman's furyoku is not replenished unless furyoku donation is applied. If a shaman abruptly loses all his furyoku (from a strong blow or an overly costly attack), this may affect his well-being, depending on the strength of the shaman - strong shamans simply feel very tired, while weak shamans lose consciousness or die. While the shaman is not using the spirit, his furyoku is replenished to its limit. The furiyoku limit is called a level, and each shaman has a different level. The level of furyoku depends on the strength of the guardian spirit and, to a greater extent, on the physical and moral strength of the shaman himself.

Shaman types

  • Itako or Medium (Anna)- a shaman capable of evoking the souls of dead people with the help of a guide (medium).
  • Necromancer (Faust VIII)- a shaman who can interact with world of the dead and control it using your energy.
  • Dauser or dowser (Lyserg)- a shaman with the ability to search for living and inanimate objects.
  • Taoist or Doshi (Jun Tao and Zik (Hao) Asakura)- a shaman who controls spirits, living or dead objects with the help of special tablets (o-fuda)
  • Elementalist (Zeke (Hao) Asakura, noob Ren, Yoh, Lyserg, Manga Chocolov)- a shaman capable of controlling an element of one or more elements.
  • Onmuiji or Prophet (Yomei Asakura, Zeke (Hao))- a shaman who can see the future/past.
  • Miko (Keiko Asakura)- A shaman who can predict the future serves the gods.
  • Himiko (Keiko Asakura)- a shaman who can hear the gods and save people.
  • Spirit Caster (Zen Brothers, Fudo and his henchmen.)- A shaman who can send spirits to heaven.
  • Hypnotist (Nyorai in the anime)- A shaman capable of subjugating other shamans.
  • Healer (Iron Maiden Jin, Sachi, Jun Tao in the manga)- A shaman who can both heal and revive people a certain number of times.
  • Proxy Teacher(Peyote)- a shaman capable of subjugating both other people's spirits and their owners.
  • Shugensha (Mikihisa Asakura)- a shaman who can summon spirits, Gods and Buddhas without the use of a medium, and also fight with their help.
  • Kokkuri or Soothsayer (Tamao)- A shaman who is able to foresee the future through the use of various objects.

Types of Guardian Spirits

  • spirits of people who previously lived in real time (Amidamaru, Bason, Lowberg, Eliza, Mosuke, Corey (in the manga))
  • nature spirits (Corey, Morphine)
  • animal spirits (Mick, Matamun)
  • great spirits (archangels) (spirits of the X-Laws team - Gabriel, Michael, etc.)
  • god class spirits (Shamash, Buddha)
  • elements of the elements (spirit of fire, spirit of water, spirit of thunder, spirit of air, spirit of earth) In the anime, Hao obeyed. His fire spirit can transform into an air->earth->water spirit respectively. That is, consistently in the spirit of one of four main elements of nature, which are depicted by a five-pointed star (the fifth end of the star symbolizes unity with the spirits). In the manga, five Great Warriors obeyed: Yo - the Spirit of the Earth, Renu - the Spirit of Thunder, Horo-Horo - the Spirit of Rain, Chokolava - the Spirit of the Wind and Lyserga - the Spirit of Fire, who passed to him from Hao when he became the Shaman King. Each such spirit consists of many others. For example, Onibi, Milli's spirit is part of the Fire Spirit.
  • spirits and creatures from Eastern mythology (shikigami, tanuki, werefoxes, jiang-si (corresponds to the European "zombie"), etc.)
  • the king of spirits - "World Soul" - (thousands of souls at once) at the end of the shaman tournament unites with the king of shamans.

Skills and techniques

  • Armored Ethereal Spirit
  • giant spirit
  • Hypnosis
  • Taoism
  • Dual control
  • double transformation
  • Unity (Merge of souls)
  • Spirit Spell
  • spells
  • Meditation
  • Non-verbal control
  • Necromancy
  • Nirvana
  • Overview with Furyoku
  • Proxy management
  • Spirit Regeneration
  • reincarnation
  • Mixing with spirit
  • Sphere
  • totem pole
  • Telepathy
  • Spirit Transformation (chameleon)


  • A medium is an object or substance through which spirits are passed. A person can also be a medium.
  • A mobile oracle is a special device that notifies shamans who participate in the second round of the tournament about upcoming battles. Also an electronic guide to the tournament. You can find out the number of fureku of any of its participants. Attaches to the hand.

Differences between anime and manga

The Shaman King anime and manga begin the same way and until episode 25, the anime follows the main storyline of the manga. The differences are minor, mainly due to the absence in the anime storylines, introduction of additional characters and partial Americanization of characters (names, habits). After episode 25, the manga tie-in gradually fades. Appears in the anime alternative version plot development.

Characters, their names, abilities, grouping in teams and the number of teams themselves are very different. So, for example, in the Anime there was no group "Gandara" - shamans with spirits of the class of gods with enormous powers (in particular, to resurrect people), who organized Yo and training companies in Hell (in fact, there was no Hell in the anime either). There are also significant differences in the rules of the tournament and in the main storyline.

It is believed that Takei refused to draw a continuation of the manga, as he was very unhappy with the film adaptation as an anime. Thus on currently the anime is a completed project, and the manga has been put on hold for 6 years. Recently, there has been an ending to the manga, which, as you might guess, is strikingly different from that presented in the series.

It should also be noted that throughout the anime, the number of deaths was minimized, while in the manga, some main characters died almost 2 times (in isolated cases - three (Tao Ren)).

The difference between the English and Japanese versions of the anime

There are two versions of Shaman King anime - Japanese (original) and English (censored). The Japanese version is more realistic. IN English version anime, almost all the characters omitted the last name. In addition, in the English version, for reasons of censorship, some elements of the design of the characters were changed (in particular, combat pistols were replaced with children's toys); the names and replicas of the heroes have also been changed, the bloody scenes have been shaded, etc.

Other related works

  • Itako no Anna- a small manga dedicated to Anna, who became the muse for the creation of the Shaman King manga. First independent work Takeya.
  • Mappa Douji is a manga that describes an excerpt from Hao's childhood in his first reincarnation.
  • Relax - small chapter dedicated to the members of Hao's team. It shows for what reasons certain shamans joined Hao.
  • Funbari no Uta- the most controversial work of Takei. small separate story, which tells about the events taking place 7 years after the end of the shaman tournament. Consists of five chapters. The story is told from the perspective of a boy named Hana Asakura, the son of Anna Kioyama and Yoh Asakura. This chapter also shows shamans 7 years after the end of the tournament.
  • Shaman King- Sequel to "Shaman King" and "Shaman King Kang Zeng Bang". Set 10 years after the end of Shaman King Kang Zeng Bang and focuses on the life of Hana Asakura in his teenage years.

Social aspects

In the anime and manga Shaman King, the main plot is the struggle for the title of Shaman King, that is, a person who will save the world and help people find the right path for the next 500 years. Thus, the following questions are indirectly raised:

  • environmental topics- is realized in the hero Horo-Horo. (protection of swamps from drainage, as one of the environmental problems) and the Oryx team in the anime (protection of rare species of animals listed in the Red Book)
  • the theme of neo-Nazism- is implemented in the hero Hao Asakura (the main motto is "let's create new world for strong shamans", all who do not fit into the category of "strong shaman" are subject to destruction). It is shown as fundamentally wrong, since in the anime all the struggle is focused precisely against this character.
  • theme of religious fanaticism- implemented in the X-Laws group of participants (the idea "we serve the Good - if you are not with us - then you are helping the Evil; accidental victims among innocent people in the name of a great goal are inevitable and should not stop a true fighter"). Fanaticism is shown as untenable and unnatural, and fanatics are depicted in such a way that they cause not rejection and hostility, but rather pity and annoyance.
  • other social problems (on the example of the Relax manga) - this manga shows: the starving children of Africa (Opacho), the war in the Middle East (Mohammed Tobareshi), the consequences of Hiroshima (Blockin Maya), the problem of orphans, children who are abused and living with alcoholic parents (Marion Fauna, Matilda Matisse, Kanna Bismarck) and others.

In addition, the following themes run through the anime and manga:

  • theme of friendship, collectivism- events are shown in such a way as to emphasize the productivity of bringing people together, trusting each other, mutual assistance, joint decision problems, overcoming contradictions in order to achieve a common goal.
  • theme of revenge and forgiveness- the red line runs through the entire series. There are a lot of Avengers in the anime (and even more in the manga), for example, Lyserg - Hao. The plot leads to the idea that revenge does not solve anything, but only destroys the avenger himself, so reconciliation and leaving the problems of the past in the past are necessary.
  • resurrection of the dead and reconciliation with death- traditional for Japanese animation. (here it is implemented in 3 ways - Faust and his attempts to return his dead wife, Anna, as a link between the worlds and Jun Tao, who has the ability to revive corpses). The desire to return a dead person is always shown as unnatural and wrong.


Opening Themes (Japanese ver.)

# original name English translation Executor Episodes
1 over soul (n/a) Megumi Hayashibara 1-34
2 Northern Lights (n/a) Megumi Hayashibara 35-64

Ending Themes (Japanese ver.)

# original name English translation Executor Episodes
1 trust you (n/a) Megumi Hayashibara 1-34
2 面影 Omokage, "Reminiscent" Megumi Hayashibara 35-63
3 魂かさねて Tamashii Kasanete, "Soul Overlap" Yuko Sato 64

In other countries

A country Shaman king manga Anime «Shaman King»
Brazil Panini cartoon network
Great Britain
Premiere July 4, 2001 - September 25, 2002 Duration23 min. Series 64 IMDb ID 0367409

Shaman King (jap. シャーマンキング Xia:man qingu, i.e. Shaman king) - manga by Hiroyuki Takei, published from 1998 to 2004 in the magazine Weekly Shōnen Jump, as well as its anime adaptation, created by Xebec in collaboration with TV Tokyo. In addition, many video games, a collectible card game, and a variety of related products have been released based on the work.

Encyclopedic YouTube

    1 / 5

    ✪ Painful fight with Silva #1 | shaman king

    ✪ Game Boy Advance Longplay Shaman King - Master of Spirits


    ✪ Game Boy Advance Longplay Shaman King - Master of Spirits 2

    ✪ Shaman King



Every 500 years, the Star of Destiny, Lago, sweeps across the sky, notifying all the shamans of the world that the Grand Tournament of Shamans has begun. But the Star of Destiny is always accompanied by Rago - the star, carrying the world destruction and chaos. The Tournament determines the Shaman worthy of uniting with the King of Spirits - the spirit of all things, he can both save the world and destroy it. Shamans are able to see spirits and fight alongside them as a unit. The purpose of the Tournament is that the shaman who has passed all the trials and battles becomes the Shaman King, unites with the King of Spirits - the greatest and strongest spirit in the world - and becomes so powerful that he can control all life on Earth.

The protagonist Yo from the Asakura clan must become the king of shamans and prevent the coming disaster. Yo quickly makes friends who are also shamans as well ordinary teenager Morty who will become him best friend. In order to qualify for the "Shaman Tournament" qualifying stage, they must deal one blow to the council members in a battle for the right to fight for the title of Shaman King. Yo and all his friends pass this tour successfully and get a mobile oracle. He will inform the shamans of information about the fights, for example, the place of the fight, the opponent. After some time, Yo learns about his twin brother - Zeke Asakura (Hao).

For the third time in a row, Hao, an ancient shaman, telepath and soothsayer, dreams of winning the Tournament. His goal is to destroy humanity, because he believes that humanity is destroying the planet. He believes that only the kingdom of shamans, created and ruled by him, will exist in harmony and harmony with nature. He was defeated already 2 times - 1000 (in the Asakura clan) and 500 (Patchi tribe) years ago, at the cost of incredible efforts. Each time he is reborn, he becomes more powerful, more and more difficult to deal with him. This time, he was reborn in the ancient shamanic Asakura dynasty, descended from his original incarnation, and only his twin brother Yoh with the spirit of Amidamaru has a chance to resist him.

Tournament rules

Round I

  • To get to the Shaman Tournament, the shaman must receive a pass and a means of communication with the Council - an oracle transmitter. A shaman without an oracle transmitter is not allowed into Dobby's village, which is hosting the second round of the tournament.
  • To get the oracle transmitter, the shaman must fight with the representative of the Council and inflict one hit on him in 10 minutes.
  • In case of loss or breakdown of the transmitter oracle, or if it was taken away, the shaman can apply to the Council and receive a new oracle in place of the old one.
  • After receiving the oracle transmitter, the shaman must participate in three fights, of which two must end in victory in order to advance to the main stage of the tournament. A draw is equal to the victory of both opponents. Shaman, who lost two fights in the first round, is eliminated from the qualifying stage.
  • The loser in the duel is the shaman who runs out of furyoku faster.
  • A shaman who does not show up for the battle is considered a loser.
  • The shaman may refuse to fight, and then this fight will be considered lost to him.
  • At least one representative of the council of shamans must supervise the duel.
  • The shaman can use any type of weapon, spirit control, and any number of guardian spirits.
  • The oracle indicates the enemy, the time and place of the battle.

Round II

  • The shaman who received a pass to the second round (having won two fights out of three in the first round) must by any means within 1 month find the village of Dobby, in which the second round is held.
  • A shaman who has not found a village in one month is disqualified.
  • Only shamans are allowed in Patch Village. During the Tournament, shamans who do not participate in the Tournament (losers or did not participate at all) can also be present in the village as fans or tourists.
  • Admitted shamans to participate in the second round must unite in groups (teams) of three people and register. Shamans who do not assemble a team of three people are disqualified.
  • The number of duels for each team is determined by the Council.
  • A team that loses at least one official match is disqualified.
  • A duel appointed by the Council is considered official, or a duel observed by at least 1 member of the council of shamans, or at least fifteen shamans.
  • The loser is the team in which all three participants have run out of furyoku.
  • The team that refuses to fight is considered the loser.
  • It is allowed to use any form of control, any weapon and any number of guardians in the duel, as in the first round.
  • All three members of the team must participate in the duel, less - only with the consent of both parties and the Council.
  • The winner is not allowed to finish off the loser.
  • The losing team receives discounts on all services and goods in Dobby Village as a consolation prize.
  • Any attempt to deceive the Council will result in the disqualification of the team.

Location of the tournament

The place is negotiated separately for each tournament. Tournament 2000 went like this:

  • preliminary fights and fights of the first round of the shaman tournament were held in Tokyo and its environs
  • search for the village of Patchey (Dobby in American version) and the fights of the second round of the anime were carried out in North America
  • the fights of the second round in the manga took place on one of Japanese islands near Tokyo. According to one of the Patches, the island was previously a military base. Second round bouts are open to a wide range spectators.
  • the final fights and the manga winner's awards ceremony were to take place on the sunken mainland of Myu. According to the rules, only participants in the shaman tournament who reached the final accompanied by members of the Patch tribe can go there.



Furyoku is the power by which the shaman can control the spirit. The higher the furyoku level, the more options the shaman has, and the longer he can control the spirit. Before the battle, the shaman has a certain reserve of furiyoku, which is consumed during the battle - the stronger the attack, the more furiyoku is spent on him. During battle, the shaman's furiyoku is not replenished unless furiyoku donation is applied. If a shaman abruptly loses all his furiyoku (from a strong blow or an attack that is too costly), this may affect his well-being, depending on the strength of the shaman - strong shamans simply feel very tired, while weak shamans lose consciousness or die. While the shaman is not using the spirit, his furiyoku is replenished to its limit. The furiyoku limit is called a level, and each shaman has a different level. The level of furiyoku depends on the strength of the guardian spirit and to a greater extent on the physical and moral strength of the shaman himself.

Shaman types

  • Medium or itako (Anna, Kino Asakura)- a shaman who can call the souls of dead people and communicate with them.
  • Necromancer (Faust VIII)- a shaman who is able to interact with the world of the dead and control it using his energy.
  • Dowser or dowser (Lyserg)- a shaman with the ability to search for living and inanimate objects.
  • Taoist or Doshi (Jun Tao and Hao Asakura)- a shaman who controls spirits, living or dead objects with the help of special tablets (ofuda)
  • Elementalist (Hao Asakura; Ren Tao, Yoh, Lyserg, Horo-Horo, Chokolav, Rio from the manga)- a shaman capable of controlling an element of one or more elements.
  • Prophet or onmyoji (Yomei Asakura, Hao Asakura)- a shaman who can see the future/past.
  • Priestess or Himiko (Keiko Asakura)- A shaman who can hear the gods.
  • Spirit Caster (Zen Brothers, Fudo and his henchmen)- A shaman who can send spirits to heaven.
  • Hypnotist (Nyorai in the anime)- A shaman capable of subjugating other shamans.
  • Healer (Iron Maiden Jeanne, Sati, Faust VIII , Hao Asakura, Jun Tao in the manga)- a shaman capable of both healing and reviving people a certain amount of once.
  • Proxy Teacher (Peyote)- a shaman capable of subjugating both other people's spirits and their owners.
  • Hermit or Shugensha (Mikihisa Asakura)- a shaman capable of summoning spirits, deities and Buddhas, as well as fighting with their help.
  • Soothsayer or kokkuri (Tamao)- A shaman who can foresee the future with the help of various items.

Types of Guardian Spirits

  • spirits of people who previously lived in real time (Amidamaru, Bason, Eliza, Mosuke, Tokagero)
  • nature spirits (Morphine, Kororo, Yamata no Orochi)
  • animal spirits (Mick, Matamun)
  • great spirits (archangels) (spirits of the X-Laws team - Gabriel, Michael, etc.)
  • god class spirits (Shamash, Buddha)
  • elemental elements (fire spirit, water spirit, air spirit, earth spirit, thunder spirit). In the anime, Hao obeyed. His fire spirit can transform into an air->earth->water spirit respectively. That is, sequentially in the spirit of one of the four main elements of nature, which are depicted by a five-pointed star (the fifth end of the star symbolizes unity with the spirits). In the manga, five Great Warriors obeyed: Yo - the Spirit of the Earth, - Ren the Spirit of Thunder, Horo-Horo - the Spirit of Rain, Chokolava - the Spirit of the Wind, and Lyserga - the Spirit of Fire, which passed to him from Hao when he became the Shaman King. Each such spirit consists of many others. For example, Onibi, the spirit of Milli, is part of the Spirit of Fire.
  • spirits and creatures from Eastern mythology (shikigami, tanuki, kitsune, jiang-shi (corresponds to the European "zombie"), etc.
  • the king of spirits - "World Soul" - (thousands of souls at once) at the end of the shaman tournament unites with the king of shamans.

Skills and techniques

  • Armored Ethereal Spirit
  • giant spirit
  • Dual control
  • Double transformation - formed by connecting two objects with the help of spirit and furyoku. The technique takes a lot of strength, so only Yo Asakura and Ren Tao often use it.
  • Unity (Merge of Souls) - the first level of shaman battles, only a battle without a spirit is weaker than it. When using this technique, the shaman finds himself possessed by a spirit that he instilled in himself.
    • The first degree of unity is when unity occurs for the first time (or the spirit controls an ordinary person).
    • The second degree is when the shaman and the spirit form a fairly strong union of souls, but still not enough for the shaman to accurately copy all the movements of the spirit.
    • The third degree of unity is one hundred percent unity, when the shaman and the spirit have the same thoughts and feelings at a certain moment. Then the shaman himself can accurately copy all the movements of the spirit; many shamans and their spirits open ranged attacks with 100% unity (Yo Asakura and Amidamaru can perform the "Buddha Vacuum Strike" ("Heavenly Strike" in the English localization of the manga and anime) attack that cuts through the air).
  • Spirit Spell
  • spells
  • Meditation
  • Non-verbal control
  • Necromancy
  • Nirvana
  • Overview with Furyoku
  • Proxy management
  • Spirit Regeneration
  • reincarnation
  • Mixing with the spirit - highest degree unity, essentially referring to the control of the spirit, when, with the help of furyoku, the shaman passes the spirit from one object to another through himself. This technique is used by Chokolav (Joko).
  • Sphere
  • totem pole
  • Telepathy
  • Spirit Transformation (chameleon)
  • Spirit Control - Technique top level battles of shamans; in this case, the shaman passes the spirit through the object with the help of furyoku. One of the strongest techniques.


  • A medium is an object or substance through which spirits are passed. A person can also be a medium.
  • The oracle transmitter is a special device that notifies the shamans who participate in the second round of the tournament about upcoming battles. Also an electronic guide to the tournament. You can find out the number of furyoku of any of its participants. It also indicates the place of the battle, the enemy and the time of the battle.

Differences between the American and Japanese versions of the anime

There are two versions of Shaman King anime - Japanese and American. In the American version of the anime, almost all of the characters have their last names omitted. In addition, in the American version, for reasons of censorship, some elements of the design of the characters were changed (in particular, combat pistols were replaced with children's toys); the names and lines of the characters have also been changed, the bloody scenes have been shaded, etc.

Other related works

  • Butsu Zone- The manga tells about the boy Buddha, who descended to earth in order to “activate” and guide the true Buddha Miroku on the path, which eventually turns out to be a little orphan Satti, who looks a lot like Anna from Shaman King. However, in chapter 12, the “real” Anna appears, who is considered Anna I, whom Anna III speaks of in the Flowers manga. Satti herself is Sati Saigan from Shaman King.
  • Itako no Anna- a small manga dedicated to Anna, who became the muse for the creation of the Shaman King manga. Takeya's first independent work.
  • Mappa Douji is a manga that describes a passage from Hao's childhood in his first incarnation.
  • Relax- a small chapter dedicated to the members of Hao's team. It shows the reasons why certain shamans joined Hao
  • Kokkuri Angel Cupid Tamao- a small manga about Tamao, her spirits and Ryu
  • Funbari no Uta- the most controversial work of Takei. A small separate story that tells about the events taking place 7 years after the end of the shaman tournament. Consists of five chapters. The story is told from the perspective of a boy named Hana Asakura, the son of Anna Kioma and Yoh Asakura. This chapter also shows shamans 7 years after the end of the tournament.
  • Shaman King- Sequel to "Shaman King" and "Shaman King Kang Zeng Bang". Set 10 years after the end of Shaman King Kang Zeng Bang and focuses on the life of Hana Asakura in his teenage years. In this manga, the descendants of Hao appear - Yohane and Luke Asakura, there are also heroes original series: Amidamaru, Tamao, Ryu, Tokagero and others.
  • Shaman King Remix Tracks - Additional materials, each chapter of which contains from 3 to 9 pages.
  • Miki's Life is a two-part story covering events approximately 12 years before the start of the main story. This manga is about the meeting of Yoh's parents and future fate Mikihisa.
  • Shaman King Zero- stories about the main characters of the manga before the start of the main series. The series consists of five stories: the first is about Yoh's life in Izumo; the second is about Ren's preparation for the battle of the shamans; the third is about Horo-Horo and Kororo when she was still alive; the fourth is about Lyserg and his friend Wat Hudson; the fifth is about Hao and his followers, and also about Chokolav.
  • Kang Zeng Bang Poem- a series of short poems.


Opening themes (Japanese ver.)

# original name Romandzi Executor Episodes
1 over soul (n/a) Megumi Hayashibara 1-34
2 Northern Lights (n/a) Megumi Hayashibara 35-64

Closing themes (Japanese ver.)

# original name Romandzi Executor Episodes
1 trust you (n/a) Megumi Hayashibara 1-34
2 面影 Omokage, "Reminiscent" Megumi Hayashibara 35-63
3 魂かさねて Tamashii Kasanete, "Soul Overlap" Yuko Sato 64

In other countries

A country Shaman king manga Anime «Shaman King»
Panini Cartoon Network
Banzai! RTL 2 , Jetix
TVBQ (Hong Kong)
Glenat (Spain) Cartoon Network , Cuatro (Spain), Jetix
Planet Manga Italia 1 ,Jetix
Jetix, Cartoon Network
Jetix, Cartoon Network
TV3, Astro Ria
Kana Noruega Jetix
Japonica Polonica Fantastica (JPF) Jetix
comic art Jetix ,STS ,TV3
E City
VIZ Communications Cartoon Network
Cartoon Network
Jetix, Cartoon Network
Kana GameOne, Cartoon Network France, Mangas TV, France 3 , Fox Kids
Shonen Jump Sueca ABS-CBN, HERO, Jetix and Estúdio23
Jetix, QTV
Jetix, Cartoon Network

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