The most talented nation. Which peoples of the world are considered the most intelligent


The debate about who is the smartest people in the world continues, but now they have come out on new level. Subjective assessments are giving way to research, and the criteria for comparison are becoming more impartial.


There are still not so many indicators that claim to be objective in calculating the level of intelligence of peoples. This is, firstly, the average level of IQ, secondly, the number of scientific discoveries made by representatives of the people in the course of history, and thirdly, the number of winners of scientific prizes, primarily the Nobel Prize.

In terms of IQ, Russians do not occupy the first place in the world today, occupying only 34th place in the ranking. This is primarily due to the fact that testing is still not a recognized and relevant type of research in our country. There is a historical explanation for this: in 1936, the USSR issued a decree "On pedological perversions in the system of the People's Commissariat of Education", which banned any tests. The ban was only lifted in the 1970s.

In count Nobel laureates Russia is also not ahead of the rest (23 laureates against 356 for the United States). But the Russians have made a huge contribution to the intellectual treasury of mankind, thanks to the discoveries and inventions of their scientists. So, Russian engineers Yablochkov and Lodygin invented the world's first electric light bulb, Alexander Popov invented the radio, Vladimir Zworykin is considered the "father of television", Alexander Mozhaisky created the first aircraft, Igor Sikorsky created the first helicopter, the world's first bomber, Alexander Poniatov designed the world's first video recorder, Prokudin-Gorsky made the world's first color photographs, Andrey Sakharov created the first hydrogen bomb, Gleb Kotelnikov - the first backpack parachute, Vladimir Fedorov developed the world's first machine gun, Nikolai Lobachevsky made a revolution in mathematics ...

This list could be continued for a long time. If we recall such luminaries of science as Dmitry Mendeleev, Mikhail Lomonosov, Ivan Pavlov, Ivan Sechenov, then doubts that the Russians are one of the smartest peoples in the world disappear by themselves. And this is without taking into account the contribution to world culture our classic writers.

Peoples of Southeast Asia and the Japanese

Countries consistently rank among the leaders in terms of intelligence South-East Asia. Professors Richard Lynn and Tatu Vanhanen (University of Ulster), authors of the study "Intelligence quotient and the wealth of nations" and "Intelligence quotient and global inequality" believe that this is due to high competition among students, with strict Asian discipline. Scientists have also found a diet rich in vegetables and seafood to be beneficial for the development of intelligence.

Ranked first in terms of intelligence Asian countries occupies China, and especially its Hong Kong region, where there are special conditions for the growth of indicators in natural and exact sciences. So, special popularity in Hong Kong in recent times acquire schools in which, in their free time, students are encouraged to engage in ... study. This desire for knowledge is bearing fruit. In the ranking of education, Hong Kong was second only to Finland. The average IQ in Hong Kong is 107, the first in the world.

In second place after the Hong Kongers in terms of IQ are Koreans. The Korean education system is considered one of the best and most efficient in the world, students in Korea are willing to spend 14 hours a day on education. However, she also has a significant disadvantage: during the examination period in this country there is a wave of suicides.

Speaking of smart Asian peoples, one cannot fail to mention the Japanese, who are recognized leaders in the field high technology. The scientific leap started in Japan after the war, today the University of Tokyo is one of the best in Asia and is ranked 25 best universities world, the literacy rate among the Japanese is 99%, the IQ level is 105.


Pyotr Kapitsa said that the level of intelligence of a nation can be assessed by scientific discoveries made by its representatives. Considering the achievements of the peoples, the scientist came to the conclusion that smartest nation today are the British. The British have indeed made and continue to make a huge contribution to world science. The names of such scientists as Newton, Faraday, Maxwell, Rutherford, Turing, Fleming, Hawking are known all over the world. Large among the British and the number of Nobel Prize winners, British scientists have received the award almost every year since its inception. 121 English scientists received the Nobel Prize.

In terms of the development of science, Great Britain occupies the first places even today, the citation index of British scientists is the first among the peoples of the Old World.

However, it must be said that since the late 1980s, the system of English education and science, having moved away from regulation and strict control by the government, began to lose ground. Education ceased to be elitist, and money began to be distributed for such research, for which they would not have given even a pound before. Hence today we have such a meme as "British scientists". Thanks to good funding, British scientists are doing a lot of research, the need for which for the development of science is doubtful.


The contribution of Jews to world science and culture is difficult to overestimate. Despite the fact that Jews make up only 0.2% of the world's population, according to 2011 data, out of 833 Nobel Prize winners, 186 Jews. Thus, there are 13.2 Nobel laureates per million Jews.

We decided to find out in which countries the most smart people. But what is the main indicator of the mind? Perhaps the human intelligence quotient, better known as IQ. Actually, on the basis of this quantitative assessment, our rating was compiled. We also decided to take into account the Nobel laureates living in a particular country at the time of receiving the award: after all, this indicator indicates what place the state occupies in the intellectual arena of the world.


ByIQ: administrative region

In general, far from one study has been conducted on the relationship between intelligence and peoples. So, according to the two most popular works - "Intelligence Quotient and Global Inequality" and "Intelligence Quotient and Wealth of Nations" - East Asians are ahead of the planet.

Hong Kong has an IQ of 107. But here it is worth considering that the administrative region has a very high population density.

The United States leads other countries in the number of Nobel Prize winners by a huge margin. 356 laureates live (and lived) here (from 1901 to 2014). But it is worth saying that statistics here are not entirely related to nationality: in institutes and scientific centers, scientists from different countries there is very good support, and they often have much more opportunities in the States than in their home state. So, for example, Joseph Brodsky received a prize in literature, being a citizen.


By IQ: South Korea

South Koreans have an IQ of 106. However, being one of the smartest countries is not easy. For example, the education system in the state is one of the most technologically advanced, but at the same time complex and strict: they graduate from school only at the age of 19, and when entering a university, there is such terrible competition that many simply cannot withstand such mental stress.

Number of Nobel laureates:

In total, the British have received 121 Nobel Prizes. According to statistics, residents of the United Kingdom receive awards every year.


So what about the winners? prestigious award, then it is in third place. It is home to 104 people who have received awards in various fields.


By IQ: Taiwan

In fourth place is again an Asian country - Taiwan, an island controlled by the partially recognized Republic of China. A country known for its industry and productivity, today it is one of the main suppliers of high technology. The local government has great plans for the future: they want to turn the state into a “silicon island”, an island of technology and science.

The average IQ level of residents is 104 points.

Number of Nobel laureates:

There are 57 people in France who have received the Nobel Prize. First of all, they are leading humanities: there are a lot of laureates in philosophy, literature and art in the country.


The average IQ of the inhabitants of this city-country is 103 points. As you know - one of the advanced commercial centers in the world. And one of the most prosperous and wealthy states, even the World Bank called the best country for doing business.

Number of Nobel laureates:

Well, finally, the birthplace of Nobel himself got into the rating. There are 29 people who have been awarded awards in various fields.


Three countries have average intelligence level of 102 points. Well, there’s even nothing to say here: in Germany there has never been a shortage of philosophers and scientists, in Austria there is a very disciplined and well-developed education system, but the geniuses of Italy can be counted from the time ancient rome.

By number of Nobel laureates: Switzerland

Switzerland accounts for 25 Nobel Prizes, mostly in the field of exact sciences. The country is known throughout the world for its private schools and universities with excellent indicators of the level of education.


The debate about who is the smartest people in the world continues, but now they have reached a new level. Subjective assessments are giving way to research, and the criteria for comparison are becoming more impartial.


There are still not so many indicators that claim to be objective in calculating the level of intelligence of peoples. This is, firstly, the average level of IQ, secondly, the number of scientific discoveries made by representatives of the people in the course of history, and thirdly, the number of winners of scientific prizes, primarily the Nobel Prize.

In terms of IQ, Russians are by far not the first in the world today, occupying only 34th place in the ranking. This is partly due to the fact that testing is still not a recognized and relevant type of research in our country. There is a historical explanation for this: in 1936, the USSR issued a decree "On pedological perversions in the system of the People's Commissariat of Education", which banned any tests. The ban was only lifted in the 1970s.

In terms of the number of Nobel laureates, Russia is also not ahead of the rest (23 laureates against 356 in the United States). But the Russians have made a huge contribution to the intellectual treasury of mankind, thanks to the discoveries and inventions of their scientists. So, Russian engineers Yablochkov and Lodygin invented the world's first electric light bulb, Alexander Popov invented the radio, Vladimir Zworykin is considered the "father of television", Alexander Mozhaisky created the first aircraft, Igor Sikorsky created the first helicopter, the world's first bomber, Alexander Poniatov designed the world's first video recorder, Prokudin-Gorsky made the world's first color photographs, Andrey Sakharov created the first hydrogen bomb, Gleb Kotelnikov - the first backpack parachute, Vladimir Fedorov developed the world's first machine gun, Nikolai Lobachevsky made a revolution in mathematics ...

This list could be continued for a long time. If we recall such luminaries of science as Dmitry Mendeleev, Mikhail Lomonosov, Ivan Pavlov, Ivan Sechenov, then doubts that the Russians are one of the smartest peoples in the world disappear by themselves. And this is without taking into account the contribution to the world culture of our classic writers.

Peoples of Southeast Asia and the Japanese

The countries of Southeast Asia are consistently among the leaders in terms of intelligence. Professors Richard Lynn and Tatu Vanhanen (University of Ulster), authors of the study "Intelligence quotient and the wealth of nations" and "Intelligence quotient and global inequality" believe that this is due to high competition among students, with strict Asian discipline. Scientists have also found a diet rich in vegetables and seafood to be beneficial for the development of intelligence.

The first place in terms of intelligence among Asian countries is occupied by China, and especially its Hong Kong region, where there are special conditions for the growth of indicators in the natural and exact sciences. So, in Hong Kong, schools have recently become especially popular, in which students are encouraged to engage in ... study in their free time. This desire for knowledge is bearing fruit. In the ranking of education, Hong Kong was second only to Finland. The average IQ in Hong Kong is 107, the first in the world.

In second place after the Hong Kongers in terms of IQ are Koreans. The Korean education system is considered one of the best and most efficient in the world, students in Korea are willing to spend 14 hours a day on education. However, she also has a significant disadvantage: during the examination period in this country there is a wave of suicides.

Speaking of smart Asian peoples, one cannot fail to mention the Japanese, who are recognized leaders in the high-tech sector. The scientific leap began in Japan after the war, today the University of Tokyo is one of the best in Asia and is included in the ranking of the 25 best universities in the world, the literacy rate among the Japanese is 99%, the IQ level is 105.


Pyotr Kapitsa said that the level of intelligence of a nation can be assessed by the scientific discoveries made by its representatives. Having counted the achievements of the peoples, the scientist came to the conclusion that the British are the smartest nation at the moment. The British have indeed made and continue to make a huge contribution to world science. The names of such scientists as Newton, Faraday, Maxwell, Rutherford, Turing, Fleming, Hawking are known all over the world. Large among the British and the number of Nobel Prize winners, British scientists have received the award almost every year since its inception. 121 English scientists received the Nobel Prize.

In terms of the development of science, Great Britain occupies the first places even today, the citation index of British scientists is the first among the peoples of the Old World. However, it must be said that since the late 1980s, the system of English education and science, having moved away from regulation and strict control by the government, began to lose ground. Education ceased to be elitist, and money began to be distributed for such research, for which they would not have given even a pound before. Hence today we have such a meme as "British scientists". Thanks to good funding, British scientists are doing a lot of research, the need for which for the development of science is doubtful.


The contribution of Jews to world science and culture is difficult to overestimate. Despite the fact that Jews make up only 0.2% of the world's population, according to 2011 data, out of 833 Nobel Prize winners, 186 Jews. Thus, there are 13.2 Nobel laureates per million Jews. The following Swiss and Swedes have this figure of 3.34 and 3.19, respectively. Jews became laureates 32 times in chemistry, 30 times in economics, 13 times in literature, 47 times in physics, 55 times in medicine, and received the Nobel Peace Prize 9 times. Out of three hundred and a half American laureates The Nobel Prize is almost forty percent - 36.8 - Jews.


Germany has been the center of European scientific thought since the Middle Ages. The first universities were opened here and scientific centers, for education in Germany went from all over Europe. Johannes Gutenberg, Rudolf Diesel, Johannes Keppler, Max Planck, Gottfried Leibniz, Conrad Roentgen, Karl Benz are known to everyone. German philosophers Kant, Hegel, Schopenhauer became the classics of philosophy. In terms of the number of Nobel Prize winners, Germany ranks third, behind only the US and the UK.

Partly for this reason, the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) tracks degree acquisition in the top 40 developed countries ah world.

The OECD has published its Science, Technology and Industry Scoreboard 2015 report. It presents a ranking of countries based on the percentage of people who have received a degree in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM disciplines) per capita. So it's a fair comparison between countries with different populations. For example, Spain ranked 11th with 24% of degrees in the field natural sciences or engineering.

Photo: Marcelo del Pozo/Reuters. Students take an entrance exam at a university lecture hall in the Andalusian capital of Seville, southern Spain, September 15, 2009.

10. In Portugal, 25% of graduates earn a degree in STEM sciences. This country has the highest percentage of PhDs among all 40 countries surveyed - 72%.

Photo: José Manuel Ribeiro/Reuters. Students listen to a teacher in an aeronautics class at the Employment Institute and vocational training in the city of Setúbal, Portugal.

9. Austria (25%) has the second highest number of PhDs among the working population, with 6.7 female and 9.1 male PhDs per 1,000 people.

Photo: Heinz-Peter Bader/Reuters. Student Michael Leuchtfried from Team virtual reality at the Vienna University of Technology puts a quadrocopter on a map with symbols.

8. In Mexico, the rate rose from 24% in 2002 to 25% in 2012, despite the removal of government tax incentives for investment in research and development.

Photo: Andrew Winning/Reuters. Medical students practice resuscitation during a class at the National Autonomous University School of Medicine in Mexico City.

7. Estonia (26%) has one of the highest percentages of women with a degree in STEM sciences, 41% in 2012.

Photo: Reuters/Ints Kalniņš. Teacher Kristy Ran helps first grade students during computer lesson at a school in Tallinn.

6. Greece spent only 0.08% of its GDP on research in 2013. This is one of the lowest rates among developed countries. Here, the number of graduates with a scientific degree in STEM sciences has decreased from 28% in 2002 to 26% in 2012.

Photo: Reuters/Yannis Berakis. Amateur astronomers and students use a telescope to observe partial solar eclipse in Athens.

5. In France (27%) the majority of researchers are employed in industry rather than in government organizations or universities.

Photo: Reuters/Regis Duvignau. A member of the Rhoban project team tests the functions of a humanoid robot at a LaBRI workshop in Talence, southwest France.

4. Finland (28%) publishes the most research in the field of medicine.

Photo: Reuters/Bob Strong. Students in a nuclear engineering class at Aalto University in Helsinki.

3. Sweden (28%) lags slightly behind Norway in the use of computers at work. Three quarters of workers use computers at their workplaces.

Photo: Gunnar Grimnes/Flickr. Campus of Stockholm University in Sweden.

2. Germany (31%) ranks third in the average annual number of graduates with degrees in the field of STEM sciences - about 10,000 people. It is second only to the US and China.

Photo: Reuters/Hannibal Hanschke. German Chancellor Angela Merkel (right) and Education Minister Annette Schavan (behind second from left) watch the work of laboratory assistants during a visit to the Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine in Berlin.

1. South Korea was among the countries with the largest decline in the number of science degree recipients from 39% in 2002 to 32% in 2012. But this country has maintained its leading position and tops the OECD's list of smartest countries.

Photo: Reuters/Lee Jae Won. A student in Seoul at a white hat competition jointly organized by the Korean Military Academy and the Ministry of Defense and the National Intelligence Service.

In general, the ranking of countries developed in the field of science looks like:


The debate about who is the smartest people in the world continues, but now they have reached a new level. Subjective assessments are giving way to research, and the criteria for comparison are becoming more impartial. But p There are still not so many indicators that claim to be objective in calculating the level of intelligence of peoples.


In calculating the level of intelligence of peoples, firstly, the average level of IQ is taken into account, secondly, the number of scientific discoveries made by representatives of the people in the course of history, and thirdly, the number of winners of scientific prizes, primarily the Nobel Prize.

In terms of IQ, Russians are by far not the first in the world today, occupying only 34th place in the ranking. This is partly due to the fact that testing is still not a recognized and relevant type of research in our country. There is a historical explanation for this: in 1936, the USSR issued a decree "On pedological perversions in the system of the People's Commissariat of Education", which banned any tests. The ban was only lifted in the 1970s.

In terms of the number of Nobel laureates, Russia is also not ahead of the rest (23 laureates against 356 in the United States). But the Russians have made a huge contribution to the intellectual treasury of mankind, thanks to the discoveries and inventions of their scientists. So, Russian engineers Yablochkov and Lodygin invented the world's first electric light bulb, Alexander Popov invented the radio, Vladimir Zworykin is considered the "father of television", Alexander Mozhaisky created the first aircraft, Igor Sikorsky created the first helicopter, the world's first bomber, Alexander Poniatov designed the world's first video recorder, Prokudin-Gorsky made the world's first color photographs, Andrey Sakharov created the first hydrogen bomb, Gleb Kotelnikov - the first backpack parachute, Vladimir Fedorov developed the world's first machine gun, Nikolai Lobachevsky made a revolution in mathematics ...

This list could be continued for a long time. If we recall such luminaries of science as Dmitry Mendeleev, Mikhail Lomonosov, Ivan Pavlov, Ivan Sechenov, then doubts that the Russians are one of the smartest peoples in the world disappear by themselves. And this is without taking into account the contribution to the world culture of our classic writers.

Peoples of Southeast Asia and the Japanese

The countries of Southeast Asia are consistently among the leaders in terms of intelligence. Professors Richard Lynn and Tatu Vanhanen (University of Ulster), authors of the study "Intelligence quotient and the wealth of nations" and "Intelligence quotient and global inequality" believe that this is due to high competition among students, with strict Asian discipline. Scientists have also found a diet rich in vegetables and seafood to be beneficial for the development of intelligence.

The first place in terms of intelligence among Asian countries is occupied by China, and especially its Hong Kong region, where there are special conditions for the growth of indicators in the natural and exact sciences. So, in Hong Kong, schools have recently become especially popular, in which students are encouraged to engage in ... study in their free time. This desire for knowledge is bearing fruit. In the ranking of education, Hong Kong was second only to Finland. The average IQ in Hong Kong is 107, the first in the world.

In second place after the Hong Kongers in terms of IQ are Koreans. The Korean education system is considered one of the best and most efficient in the world, students in Korea are willing to spend 14 hours a day on education. However, she also has a significant disadvantage: during the examination period in this country there is a wave of suicides.

Speaking of smart Asian peoples, one cannot fail to mention the Japanese, who are recognized leaders in the high-tech sector. The scientific leap began in Japan after the war, today the University of Tokyo is one of the best in Asia and is included in the ranking of the 25 best universities in the world, the literacy rate among the Japanese is 99%, the IQ level is 105.


Pyotr Kapitsa said that the level of intelligence of a nation can be assessed by the scientific discoveries made by its representatives. Having counted the achievements of the peoples, the scientist came to the conclusion that the British are the smartest nation at the moment. The British have indeed made and continue to make a huge contribution to world science. The names of such scientists as Newton, Faraday, Maxwell, Rutherford, Turing, Fleming, Hawking are known all over the world. Large among the British and the number of Nobel Prize winners, British scientists have received the award almost every year since its inception. 121 English scientists received the Nobel Prize.

In terms of the development of science, Great Britain occupies the first places even today, the citation index of British scientists is the first among the peoples of the Old World.

However, it must be said that since the late 1980s, the system of English education and science, having moved away from regulation and strict control by the government, began to lose ground. Education ceased to be elitist, and money began to be distributed for such research, for which they would not have given even a pound before. Hence today we have such a meme as "British scientists". Thanks to good funding, British scientists are doing a lot of research, the need for which for the development of science is doubtful.


The contribution of Jews to world science and culture is difficult to overestimate. Despite the fact that Jews make up only 0.2% of the world's population, according to 2011 data, out of 833 Nobel Prize winners, 186 Jews. Thus, there are 13.2 Nobel laureates per million Jews. The following Swiss and Swedes have this figure of 3.34 and 3.19, respectively. Jews became laureates 32 times in chemistry, 30 times in economics, 13 times in literature, 47 times in physics, 55 times in medicine, and received the Nobel Peace Prize 9 times. Of the 300 and a half American Nobel Prize winners, almost forty percent - 36.8 - are Jews.


Germany has been the center of European scientific thought since the Middle Ages. The first universities and scientific centers were opened here, people from all over Europe came to Germany for education. Johannes Gutenberg, Rudolf Diesel, Johannes Keppler, Max Planck, Gottfried Leibniz, Conrad Roentgen, Karl Benz are known to everyone. German philosophers Kant, Hegel, Schopenhauer became classics of philosophy. In terms of the number of Nobel Prize winners, Germany ranks third, behind only the US and the UK.

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