What people are the smartest in the world. Are Jews really the smartest people on Earth? The smartest nation in the world


Ranking countries by intelligence can be like comparing apples and oranges. However, there are methods by which you can assess the level of intelligence in the country. In this article, you will learn about the ten smartest nations, rated by IQ, but, taking into account other important factors.

Research methods

One of the most popular ways to measure intelligence is the IQ test. Each test is made up of many thematic issues with increasing complexity. Among them are tasks for logical and spatial thinking, an assessment of the ability to independently compare and summarize facts, etc. There have been endless studies on whether a standardized test can accurately reflect the level of education and abilities of a person in areas such as memory, creativity or work. Also, if an IQ test is developed in, say, a European country, won't it automatically be designed for members of the local nations and will it disadvantage people from other continents?

There are other ways to evaluate the smartest nation in the world. For example, you can look at student grades in areas such as science and math, and take a survey. They are carried out directly during the period of children's education at school, which makes it possible to assess their current level of intelligence. Unlike other methods, the survey gives an idea of ​​how students learn, which is in a good way look at how the country's education system works as a whole.

Another way to assess the intelligence of a nation is to study the contribution of the country in the fields of mathematics and science. Statistical data such as the number scientific works and discoveries per capita show high level the intelligence of the country's scientists, but perhaps not of the entire population. This is where the complexity of assessing the intelligence of the whole nation lies.

Some people also look at the level of education in a country by looking at how many people have a bachelor's, master's, or Ph.D. However, this approach is inherently biased towards countries with cheap or free higher education systems, and is more a matter of access to education than actual intelligence. For example, according to statistics, Russia is in second place in the world in terms of the number of people with higher education, but according to other studies and polls, Russians are not in the top 10 smartest nations.

10. Sweden

The average IQ is around 100. Sweden has a good education system most of its costs are covered by the government. Thanks to this, it is available to anyone who has good mental capacity. In Sweden, over seventy-five percent of workers use computers in their workplaces. This is a good statistic. They also have a fairly large percentage of people with higher education.

9. Austria

The next three countries on this list have an average IQ that rounds up to the same whole number, so they will be listed in alphabetical order. Oddly enough, these three countries border on each other. This may mean that they have similar cultural characteristics, which make it so that their IQ test scores are very similar. It is possible that due to proximity, these three countries have similar education systems.

Austria is considered a country with one of the best education systems in the world. For every thousand people in the country, about 7 women and 9 men have a Ph.D. It is for these factors that Austria is in the top of the smartest. The average IQ in Austria is 102.

8. Germany

There has always been a high percentage of great thinkers among the Germans. When one talks about the fields of philosophy, science or art, many influential German minds come to mind. This is probably due to the fact that German citizens who have higher education in the field of natural sciences, mathematics, engineering, often go to study for another specialty. In fact, they are in third place in terms of the number of graduates with STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) levels, despite the fact that their population is not as large compared to many other countries. Germany has a high GDP and some of the oldest and most prestigious universities in the world. Thanks to this, the Germans take pride of place in the ranking of the smartest nations in the world. The statistics show that the average IQ in Germany is 102.

7. Italy

When we think of Italy, we always think of the Roman Empire or the Renaissance. Some of the greatest sculptors, painters, writers and poets were from this southern European country. To date, Italians are showing good progress in mathematics, physics and other fields. The average IQ in Italy is around 102.

6. Netherlands

The Netherlands have very good system education. The country with the best education system in the world and the best school exam grades is Finland. However, looking at average IQ in all countries of the world, Finland takes only 29th place. This perhaps illustrates the difficulty of ranking a country's intelligence in terms of IQ. On the other hand, education may be more focused on memorization and general knowledge, which are not as useful for an IQ test. The average IQ in Holland is 103.

5. Singapore

Singapore opens the top five smart countries Interestingly, they are all located in Asia. It is a small island-city-state in the southern part of Malaysia. Singapore is a place of cutting edge technology as well as business and finance. Young people in Singapore are always at the forefront when it comes to results in mathematics and science. Ultra-high GDP and ease of trade provide a lot of money to fund education and social projects. The average IQ in Singapore is 103.

4. Taiwan

The state of Taiwan, officially known as the Republic of China, is one of the most densely populated places in the world. Taiwan is world renowned for its advances in technology as well as its dedication to the system public education. Many people in the state are bilingual. Since one of Taiwan's largest trading partners is the United States, many young people speak English fluently in order to have more opportunities for career development. The average IQ in Taiwan is 104.

3. Japan

Japan is a very advanced country when we are talking about the quality of education. She is known for having a complex philosophy of educating children, with students spending hundreds of hours preparing for difficult exams. When it comes to scientific research, Japan is increasingly becoming one of the leading countries in the world. included in the list of leading educational institutions in the world and is considered best university in Asia. With a literacy rate of ninety-nine percent, Japan is one of the smartest nations in the world. The average IQ in Japan is 105.

2. South Korea

South Korea is the most "innovative" of all countries in the world. South Korean students perform some of the best on tests. The state spends colossal sums of money on research and development. Among the population, a high percentage of people hold a STEM degree, with over 30 percent of the adult population holding a degree in one of these cutting-edge fields. South Korea is considered to have the fastest and most reliable internet in the world. However, their education system has one significant drawback. As a result of complex tests, long schoolwork and high competition, the country has a high suicide rate among schoolchildren and students. The average IQ in South Korea is 106.

1. Hong Kong

Which nation is the smartest in the world? It turns out that the Chinese are in the lead! Purely technically, Hong Kong is not a country - it is a "special administrative region" in China. However, Hong Kong cannot be ignored as it is home to millions of people with the highest IQs. Hong Kong students win prizes at world math and science olympiads. It has the best education system after Finland. Many students in Hong Kong take additional courses outside educational institution to improve your education and future prospects. This kind of thirst for knowledge is rather surprising, however, it is clear that the hard mental work of the people of Hong Kong has paid off in full. Their average IQ is 107.

All of us, at least once in our lives, thought about whether our nationality is included in some top or rating of the most, most. Now we will check it! :

The most drinking nation in the world

So: It's surprising, but according to the OECD, the most drinkers were the inhabitants of Lithuania, although each of us was sure that no one would surpass the Russians and Germans in this matter.

Ranking of nations: the most nation in the world

Austrians, Estonians and Czechs comfortably settled down behind them. Russia was only in fifth place.

The most non-drinkers were Indonesians, as well as Turks, Indians and Israelis.

The most beautiful nation in the world

About herself beautiful nation in the world, we are already familiar with you in the post ... .. .

The ugliest nation

The ugliest the nation is, perhaps, the Jews, it just so happened historically that for the sake of procreation they were forced to mix marriages with close relatives for centuries. Here is the result for you. Also on this list are the Germans and the British.

The strongest nation

The most powerful nation in the world is considered by many to be the inhabitants of the Caucasus, as well as Russians and South Africans. It is among these nationalities that there are a lot of athletes who take prizes.

The oldest nation on the planet, these are the Bushmen tribes living in Namibia and Botswana. They are followed by Jews, Chinese and Armenians.

It is very difficult to judge the youngest nation, here we can talk more about a young country, because any even new country inhabit long-established nations.

The smartest nation in the world

As for the smartest nation, the controversy here has not subsided so far. More than five contenders are pulling the blanket over themselves, including Jews, Japanese, Armenians, British and Chinese.

Montenegrins and Dutch are rightfully considered the highest nation, followed by Danes, Norwegians and Serbs.

The smallest nation These are the Kets living on the banks of the Yenisei. Following them in short stature are the inhabitants of Asia and the Philippines.

The largest in number, of course, are the Chinese and Indians.
The smallest of the most famous are the Japanese, as well as the inhabitants of the smallest islands, where people belong to small ethnic groups. Fiji, Malta, etc.

Tropical islanders are the happiest (ha, understandably so), among which the Fijis are the happiest, followed by Nigerians, Norwegians and Swiss.
The most unfortunate are Romanians, Palestinians and Serbs.

Sexiest Nation

The most sexy nation. Here the data is rather contradictory. And yet in all the lists there are quite famous representatives sex cult. These are, of course, Turks, Spaniards, Italians and Germans. (The latter, by the way, are famous for their production of porn films).

The Japanese are recognized as the most non-sexual nation, who simply have no time to indulge in love due to excessive employment.

The healthiest nation

The healthiest nation in the world are the Japanese with their correct eating and living habits. Also, the residents of Singapore and the inhabitants of the Scandinavian countries can be attributed to healthy nations.

The most sick, of course, are the inhabitants of America, where mortality exceeds all conceivable limits.
The most cruel nation here you can name, perhaps, those who often appear in warriors against other nations, who organize terror and kill their own. Here I think everyone is hearing about these groups.

Most Reading Nation

Ranking of nations: the most nation in the world

I present to you the five most reading nations in the world:
1. India 10.7 hours per week.
2. Thailand 9.4 hours a week.
3. China 8.0 hours per week.
4. Philippines 7.6 hours a week.
5. Egypt 7.5 hours a week.

richest nation

Among the richest nations you can see - the Swiss, Japanese, Danes and the Netherlands.
The poorest nations are the inhabitants of Haiti, Burundi and Moldova.
The cleanest nation you can probably call the Germans
Nothing can be said for sure about the dirtiest nation. Some sources say that they are British, some that they are Arabs, others even refer to Russians.
The smartest nation they are Chinese and Jews.
And the British are considered the most honest and decent.

The laziest nation is, of course, the French, with their dreaminess and passion for wallowing in bed. You can also add Americans and Spaniards to this list with their siestas.

The hardest working nation you can safely consider the Japanese and Koreans.

The most daring nation is, perhaps, Russians, Chechens and residents of Central Asia.
As for the top of the cowardly nation, it is unlikely that anyone will dare to make a rating.

The list of the most depraved nations included the Swiss, Brazilians, Mexicans, Spaniards, Greeks, Malaysians, as well as the Dutch.

most complete (with overweight) nation it's the Mexicans, then the US and Syria.

The slimmest nation you can safely count Africans, Japanese and Chinese.

The kindest nation in the world it is New Zealanders. The Japanese and Canadians are also considered peaceful.
Well, the most red-haired nations are, of course, the Scots, the Irish and the British.

We all know that Jews are the smartest people in the world. In any forum, they are ready to enlighten us about this and endlessly give examples, convince and convince. One has only to doubt the great truth about the Clever Jew - and one should instantly respond like this: - The people who consider themselves the smartest, and it always has been, where you saw the Jew occupying the penultimate places in mathematical Olympiads, but the Jews have always been the smartest, the best doctors, the best teachers, the most successful and richest people in the world are Jews. Yes, yes, it is true, we believe. For example, let's open the website of the International Mathematical Olympiad (International Mathematical Olympiad is the oldest of the international scientific Olympiads for schoolchildren, is held annually) and see the results. But first I will describe what the essence of the competition is. Each country is represented by a team consisting of no more than six participants, a leader and a supervisor. Officially, the MMO is a personal championship, each participant speaks for himself and gains personal points. The total points of the country (team) - unofficial, but calculated. Participants must be under 20 years of age and not a university student. Participants are asked to solve 6 problems (three problems per day, for two days in a row), each of which is worth 7 points, so the possible maximum is 42 points. Problems are selected from different areas of school mathematics, mainly from geometry, number theory, algebra and combinatorics. They do not require knowledge of higher mathematics and often have a beautiful and short solution. For example, problem 6 for 2007 is solved almost in one move by the combinatorial zero theorem. In general, there is nothing super complicated there, but participants must have brains in their heads and some knowledge of school curriculum. The last (50th) MMO took place in Bremen, Germany, on July 10-22, 2009. Let's see the results: First place - China, 6 gold medals. Second place - Japan, 5 gold and 1 bronze Third place - Russia, 5 gold and 1 silver Paradoxically - stupid Ivans scored more medals than Japan, but lost to the Japanese in terms of team points. 4th place - South Korea 5th place - North Korea 6th place - USA 7th place - Thailand 8th place - Turkey 9th place - Germany By the way, the US team is very funny - there is not a single real American or even a white person in it. Entirely visiting Asians, Indians and Pakistanis. 15th place - Iran 16th place - Brazil smart jews? And here they are - 46th place. They were even ahead of the Turkmens, Uzbeks and Tajiks. That is, Rafshan and Dzhamshut are smarter than Izya and Abram. It must be understood that the top ten is the world elite, nations with the smartest future, and the fact that Turkey has entered there is symptomatic. The second ten are extremely worthy places, the countries are intellectually developed, and the presence of Iran there is also no coincidence. Well, places below the 40th are the world's sewer. Tupari idiotovichi brakes. Countries with lowered ill-population and inefficient education even at the level of elites. But, of course, we know that these are all the machinations of anti-Semites. Moreover, the Olympiad was in Germany. Well, let's see the previous results, 49th IMO - Madrid, Spain, July 10-22, 2008: 1st place - China, 5 gold and 1 silver medals 2nd place - Russia, 6 gold medals 3rd place - USA, 4 gold 2 silver The same paradox - stupid Ivans are all in gold, they scored more medals than China, but they lost to them in terms of team points. 4th place - South Korea 5th place - Iran 6th place - Thailand 7th place - North Korea 8th place - Turkey 9th place - Taiwan (the same China, profile view) As you can see, Japan was not lucky this time, it is in 11th place. But lucky for Iran. But in general, all the same familiar faces. 16th place - Brazil. Stable result. Where is Israel? And here he is - 27th place, a step above the birthplace of the great mathematicians of Mongolia. And this was very lucky for the Jews, because at the previous 48th MMO their place was - 50th. So they hang out - they will fall into the cesspool of the fifth decade, then they will jump up and cling to the third, but never in recent history these smartest people on the planet did not rise above 25th place. Here is such a conspiracy of anti-Semites. This is obvious, because not once in the 50-year-old history of the International Mathematical Olympiad was not held in the country of the smartest people - Israel. But, perhaps, in the field of physics, the smartest people on the planet are doing better? Unfortunately, anti-Semites have dug in there too. Never in the history of the International Physics Olympiad have Israeli participants received even the most meager prize. The Chinese - as much as they like, Korea - yes, even the Mexicans, Romanians and Puerto Ricans received - but not the Jews. You can check it yourself on Wikipedia and on the official website of the Olympiad. I'll tell you more - the anti-Semitic conspiracy also covered the field of computer science, biology, and in general all areas of applied knowledge. Nowhere, well, absolutely nowhere do graduates of Israeli schools shine. Now, if we were to hold an Olympiad on the Torah, or on shooting from an American M-16 rifle at Palestinian teenagers throwing stones, and even on the territory of Israel, then the damned goyim would definitely be put to shame by the brilliant Jewish intellect. Watch a movie about the mind of the Jews: http://www.youtube.com However, I will say this: contrary to the existing stereotype, if a person knows mathematics or chess well, this does not mean at all that he is smart. Moreover, if he does not know mathematics and cannot play chess, this does not mean at all that he is a fool. Although, the trend is, frankly, anti-Semitic. However, it will be objected to me that in the USSR there were a huge number of brilliant Jewish mathematicians, physicists, chess players, and anyone else. And I agree. And it's not even that the Jews are more active than other nations went to universities. And not even that they dragged their own. For thousands of mediocrities dragged by the ears, there were both just smart people and just geniuses. The fact is that these Jews lived on Russian soil. And they were able to put geniuses on it. The same applies to other nations. Geniuses grew up on Russian soil among Armenians, among Tajiks and among Georgians. And among anyone. But their own national soil could not, before the arrival of the Russians, and cannot now give such a number of geniuses. Or just some amount smart people. The same applies to other properties of the satellite peoples of the Russian people. During the war, those peoples who, without the Russians, left no trace in history, gave hundreds and thousands of heroes: Ossetians, Georgians, Jews, Chukchi. The strength of the Russians has weakened so far. And these peoples stopped generating so many heroes, brilliant doctors, talented scientists, and so on... A simple confirmation of my thought: the USSR occupied a leading position in the chess world. But almost all grandmasters were Jews: Karpov, Kasparov, Kamsky. Who else is there. For an anti-Semite, this is an indicator that the Jews have crawled into the grain places everywhere. For a Judophile, an indicator of the genius of the Jewish nation. But the fact remains: neither in Israel, nor in the USA there are Kasparovs, Kamskys, or Karpovs in such numbers. Who created the MiG? Mikoyan and Gurevich. And MI is Mil. But neither Armenia nor Israel could give birth to either Mikoyan or Gurevich on their soil. Geniuses need a lot of space to grow.

The debate about who is the smartest people in the world continues, but now they have come out on new level. Subjective assessments are giving way to research, and comparison criteria are becoming more impartial.

There are still not so many indicators that claim to be objective in calculating the level of intelligence of peoples. This is, firstly, the average level of IQ, secondly, the number of scientific discoveries made by representatives of the people in the course of history, and thirdly, the number of winners of scientific prizes, primarily the Nobel Prize. In terms of IQ, Russians are by far not the first in the world today, occupying only 34th place in the ranking. This is partly due to the fact that testing is still not a recognized and relevant type of research in our country. There is a historical explanation for this: in 1936, the USSR issued a decree "On pedological perversions in the system of the People's Commissariat of Education", which banned any tests. The ban was only lifted in the 1970s.

In count Nobel laureates Russia is also not ahead of the rest (23 laureates against 356 for the United States). But the Russians have made a huge contribution to the intellectual treasury of mankind, thanks to the discoveries and inventions of their scientists. So, Russian engineers Yablochkov and Lodygin invented the world's first electric light bulb, Alexander Popov invented the radio, Vladimir Zworykin is considered the "father of television", Alexander Mozhaisky created the first aircraft, Igor Sikorsky created the first helicopter, the world's first bomber, Alexander Poniatov designed the world's first video recorder, Prokudin-Gorsky made the world's first color photographs, Andrey Sakharov created the first hydrogen bomb, Gleb Kotelnikov - the first backpack parachute, Vladimir Fedorov developed the world's first machine gun, Nikolai Lobachevsky made a revolution in mathematics ...

This list could be continued for a long time. If we recall such luminaries of science as Dmitry Mendeleev, Mikhail Lomonosov, Ivan Pavlov, Ivan Sechenov, then doubts that the Russians are one of the smartest peoples in the world disappear by themselves. And this is without taking into account the contribution to world culture our classic writers.

peoples South-East Asia and Japanese
The countries of Southeast Asia are consistently among the leaders in terms of intelligence. Professors Richard Lynn and Tatu Vanhanen (University of Ulster), authors of the study "Intelligence quotient and the wealth of nations" and "Intelligence quotient and global inequality" believe that this is due to high competition among students, with strict Asian discipline. Scientists have also found a diet rich in vegetables and seafood to be beneficial for the development of intelligence. Ranked first in terms of intelligence Asian countries occupies China, and especially its Hong Kong region, where there are special conditions for the growth of indicators in natural and exact sciences. So, special popularity in Hong Kong in Lately acquire schools in which, in their free time, students are encouraged to engage in ... study. This desire for knowledge is bearing fruit. In the ranking of education, Hong Kong was second only to Finland. The average IQ in Hong Kong is 107, the first in the world. In second place after the Hong Kongers in terms of IQ are Koreans. The Korean education system is considered one of the best and most efficient in the world, students in Korea are willing to spend 14 hours a day on education. However, she also has a significant disadvantage: during the examination period in this country there is a wave of suicides. Speaking of smart Asian peoples, one cannot fail to mention the Japanese, who are recognized leaders in the field high technology. The scientific leap started in Japan after the war, today the University of Tokyo is one of the best in Asia and is ranked 25 best universities world, the literacy rate among the Japanese is 99%, the IQ level is 105.

Pyotr Kapitsa said that the level of intelligence of a nation can be assessed by scientific discoveries made by its representatives. Having counted the achievements of the peoples, the scientist came to the conclusion that the British are the smartest nation at the moment. The British have indeed made and continue to make a huge contribution to world science. The names of such scientists as Newton, Faraday, Maxwell, Rutherford, Turing, Fleming, Hawking are known all over the world. Large among the British and the number of Nobel Prize winners, British scientists have received the award almost every year since its inception. 121 English scientists received the Nobel Prize. In terms of the development of science, Great Britain occupies the first place even today, the citation index of British scientists is the first among the peoples of the Old World. However, it must be said that since the late 1980s, the system of English education and science, having moved away from regulation and strict control by the government, began to lose ground. Education ceased to be elitist, and money began to be distributed for such research, for which they would not have given even a pound before. Hence today we have such a meme as "British scientists". Thanks to good funding, British scientists are doing a lot of research, the need for which for the development of science is doubtful.

The contribution of Jews to world science and culture is difficult to overestimate. Despite the fact that Jews make up only 0.2% of the world's population, according to 2011 data, out of 833 Nobel Prize winners, 186 Jews. Thus, there are 13.2 Nobel laureates per million Jews. The following Swiss and Swedes have this figure of 3.34 and 3.19, respectively. Jews became laureates 32 times in chemistry, 30 times in economics, 13 times in literature, 47 times in physics, 55 times in medicine, and received the Nobel Peace Prize 9 times. Out of three hundred and a half American laureates The Nobel Prize is almost forty percent - 36.8 - Jews.

Germany has been the center of European scientific thought since the Middle Ages. The first universities and scientific centers were opened here, people from all over Europe came to Germany for education. Johannes Gutenberg, Rudolf Diesel, Johannes Keppler, Max Planck, Gottfried Leibniz, Conrad Roentgen, Karl Benz are known to everyone. German philosophers Kant, Hegel, Schopenhauer became the classics of philosophy. In terms of the number of Nobel Prize winners, Germany ranks third, behind only the US and the UK.

Partly for this reason, the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) tracks degree acquisition in the top 40 developed countries ah world.

The OECD has published its Science, Technology and Industry Scoreboard 2015 report. It presents a ranking of countries based on the percentage of people who have received a degree in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM disciplines) per capita. So it's a fair comparison between countries with different populations. For example, Spain ranked 11th with 24% of degrees in the field natural sciences or engineering.

Photo: Marcelo del Pozo/Reuters. Students take an entrance exam at a university lecture hall in the Andalusian capital of Seville, southern Spain, September 15, 2009.

10. In Portugal, 25% of graduates earn a degree in STEM sciences. This country has the highest percentage of PhDs among all 40 countries surveyed - 72%.

Photo: José Manuel Ribeiro/Reuters. Students listen to a teacher in an aeronautics class at the Employment Institute and vocational training in the city of Setúbal, Portugal.

9. Austria (25%) has the second highest number of PhDs among the working population, with 6.7 female and 9.1 male PhDs per 1,000 people.

Photo: Heinz-Peter Bader/Reuters. Student Michael Leuchtfried from Team virtual reality at the Vienna University of Technology puts a quadrocopter on a map with symbols.

8. In Mexico, the rate rose from 24% in 2002 to 25% in 2012, despite the removal of government tax incentives for investment in research and development.

Photo: Andrew Winning/Reuters. Medical students practice resuscitation during a class at the National Autonomous University School of Medicine in Mexico City.

7. Estonia (26%) has one of the highest percentages of women with a degree in STEM sciences, 41% in 2012.

Photo: Reuters/Ints Kalniņš. Teacher Kristy Ran helps first grade students during computer lesson at a school in Tallinn.

6. Greece spent only 0.08% of its GDP on research in 2013. This is one of the lowest rates among developed countries. Here, the number of graduates with a scientific degree in STEM sciences has decreased from 28% in 2002 to 26% in 2012.

Photo: Reuters/Yannis Berakis. Amateur astronomers and students use a telescope to observe partial solar eclipse in Athens.

5. In France (27%) the majority of researchers are employed in industry rather than in government organizations or universities.

Photo: Reuters/Regis Duvignau. A member of the Rhoban project team tests the functions of a humanoid robot at a LaBRI workshop in Talence, southwest France.

4. Finland (28%) publishes the most research in the field of medicine.

Photo: Reuters/Bob Strong. Students in a nuclear engineering class at Aalto University in Helsinki.

3. Sweden (28%) lags slightly behind Norway in the use of computers at work. Three quarters of workers use computers at their workplaces.

Photo: Gunnar Grimnes/Flickr. Campus of Stockholm University in Sweden.

2. Germany (31%) ranks third in the average annual number of graduates with degrees in the field of STEM sciences - about 10,000 people. It is second only to the US and China.

Photo: Reuters/Hannibal Hanschke. German Chancellor Angela Merkel (right) and Education Minister Annette Schavan (behind second from left) watch the work of laboratory assistants during a visit to the Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine in Berlin.

1. South Korea was among the countries with the largest decline in the number of science degree recipients from 39% in 2002 to 32% in 2012. But this country has maintained its leading position and tops the OECD's list of smartest countries.

Photo: Reuters/Lee Jae Won. A student in Seoul at a white hat competition jointly organized by the Korean Military Academy and the Ministry of Defense and the National Intelligence Service.

In general, the ranking of countries developed in the field of science looks like:


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