The biggest oddities in Japan. They use the barker


Japan has always been famous for being one step ahead of the rest of the world in terms of technology. unfavorable geographical position and unusual natural conditions Countries rising sun made the Japanese an incredibly resourceful and efficient nation.

But sometimes their creativity and technological advances go too far, resulting in things that Westerners find strange and shocking. If you're planning to visit this amazing country, be sure to check out these 25 Crazy Curiosities that can only be found in Japan!

1. Artificial fangs.

Japanese women literally go crazy with pointed teeth, which in the Land of the Rising Sun are called “yabea”. Local women are willing to spend hundreds of dollars on cosmetic procedures to attach these mini fangs to their teeth.

2. Toilet slippers.

The Japanese are famous for their strict hygiene and sanitation habits, so it's no wonder they have toilet slippers that are used to minimize contact between an unclean bathroom floor and a clean floor in the rest of the house.

3. Unusual parking.

Over 126 million people live in Japan. Naturally, saving space has become one of the main problems for local residents and parking lots are no exception. If you come to the mall, you will surely stumble upon these unusual places for parking lots.

Judging by the ingredients, Japanese mayonnaise is no different from ordinary mayonnaise, but it is its use that makes the Japanese strange. While the rest of the world usually uses mayonnaise on sandwiches and salads, the Japanese use traditional Kewpie mayonnaise on… ice cream, chips and even pancakes.

5. Super umbrella.

When it joins the downpour strong wind, an ordinary umbrella is useless. The Japanese solved this problem with their usual ingenuity.

6. Girls in elevators.

IN Western countries lifters are practically extinct. You won't find them in department stores and hotels - it's cheaper that way. But in Japan, this amazing service is still available.

7. Microwave puppy.

A super umbrella can protect you from the rain, but what will you do if it suddenly gets cold? Forget blankets! Japan came up with this wonderful puppy that will keep you warm. Just put it in the microwave and voila!

8. Sleep in the office.

If in Western world falling asleep in the office is considered unacceptable behavior, for which you can get reprimanded or worse, then Japanese business culture allows office workers who work so hard, the so-called "inemuri" - napping in the workplace. Some employees even imitate inemuri to make their bosses think they are working very hard.

9. Japanese whiskey.

Have you ever heard of Japanese whiskey? It's definitely worth a try. It is available almost everywhere and is rapidly gaining momentum due to its quality. Suntory's Hibiki has recently received several awards as "the best whiskey in the world".

10. Subway chin rest.

The Japanese work very hard, so it is not surprising that sometimes they fall asleep right on the subway. Some sleepy workaholics use this special device to support their heads.

11. Unusual additions to ice cream.

Japanese perverse taste is well known to everyone, but still some things amaze even those who have seen a lot. For example, would you like to try ice cream with horse meat, cactus, coal or octopus?

12. Ear examination device.

So, imagine that one day you realized that you urgently need to look into your own ears. The Japanese invention shown in the photo above will make your dream come true. Thanks to a special device, you can find out for sure where the largest lumps of sulfur are hiding in the auditory canals. Forward for ear treasures!

13. Vending machines.

At first glance, most Japanese machines do not differ much from those that can be seen in Europe or the United States. However, it is worth noting their ubiquity and strange content. After all, you can buy everything in Japanese vending machines - from cult objects near the ancient temples on Mount Fuji to fresh eggs, pancakes and batteries. And umbrellas and even worn underwear.

14. Mops kids.

Yes, you read everything correctly. Mops kids. Just let your little one clean the house while he crawls on the floor. This jumpsuit with a "built-in" mop is another crazy Japanese invention.

15. Endless bubbles.

So many people love to pop air bubbles on wrapping paper for fragile items. The Japanese raised this popular entertainment to new level and came up with ... endless bubbles that are constantly filled with air and which can be popped all the time!

16. The shortest escalator in the world.

It is located in the basement of the More's department store in the Japanese city of Kawasaki. He has only five steps, and the height is 83 cm. Who said that the laziest are the Americans?

17. Creepy forest for suicides.

For many, the forest is a place where it is pleasant to take a walk, watch the birds or relax with friends by the fire. But in Japan, even here it was not without oddities. The Japanese forest Aokigahara is officially called the "forest of suicides". It is located at the foot of Mount Fuji. The trees in this forest grow so densely that they block the wind, which makes it eerily quiet. That is why it has become a popular place for suicides. According to statistics, about 100 people die here every year.

18. Unusual tastes Kit Kat.

You've heard of the Kit Kat chocolate bar, haven't you? And you probably already understood that the Japanese love strange tastes and aromas. Well, they made it to Kit Kat. How do you like Kit Kat with baked potato flavor and soy sauce? Or maybe you want to try Wasabi-flavoured Kit Kat? By the way, these, God forgive me, chocolates are very popular in Japan.

19. Pillows for single men.

For those Japanese who do not have a wife or girlfriend, local companies make pillows like this. Well, at least this artificial girlfriend will never argue with you.

20. Pillows for single women.

Naturally, single women were not forgotten either.

21. Braille on beer cans.

When buying a can of beer in Japan, you can find such strange symbols on it. This is an inscription in Braille for the blind, who also deserve the joy of a cool beer. Here is such a touching and obligatory care for the visually impaired in Japan.

22. Bicycles, bicycles and more bicycles.

Due to overpopulation and lack of space, bicycles have long become one of the most convenient means of transportation in Japan. So such spectacles are not uncommon in the country, especially at railway stations, shopping centers and other crowded places.

23. Japanese toilets.

More precisely, "Japanese supertoilets". These are toilet seats with a water supply function that will wash ... buttocks and genitals. And although the Japanese have long been accustomed to such ... ahem ... care, such a load in the ass sometimes scares foreigners.

24. Island of gas masks.

To the southeast of Honshu is the island of Miyakejima with an active volcano Oyama. Since its last eruption in 2005, a constant leak of poisonous gas has begun, which is why all the inhabitants of the island are forced to wear gas masks ... all the time! If a sharp rise in sulfur content is noticed in the air, alarms are triggered.

25. capsule hotels.

This is probably the craziest invention of the Japanese in history, which was picked up by the whole world. Such "hotels" first appeared in Tokyo in 1979 and have since successfully served hundreds of thousands of clients - from busy businessmen to drunkards who are afraid to return home late at night.

January 27th, 2015

In the traditions of every nation there are many oddities and inexplicable things. How do we have a tradition of getting drunk in "trash" for health, for example, a birthday man. But still the number one nation strange traditions are the Japanese. It would take more than one book to list and describe in detail all the strange Japanese traditions.

1. New Year in the morning!

The Japanese do not celebrate the New Year in our understanding. IN new year's eve they calmly go to bed, but wake up early in the morning and all together go to meet the dawn of the New Year. Of course, some of us also meet the New Year's dawn, but in a completely different state.

2. Never say never

Japanese people try to never say the word NO, just replacing it with a polite departure from the topic, or with such an agreement that does not oblige anything at all, and, in the end, does not lead to anything.

3. Humor

The Japanese have almost no jokes. It's hard to imagine, but it's true. But, they are very funny and interesting feeling humor.

The Japanese don't have jokes, but they have a very peculiar sense of humor.

4. Business cards

In Japan, it is considered completely indecent if you do not have business card!!! Therefore, the Japanese even in the pool wear special waterproof small bags for business cards. In addition, the business card itself is best served so that it can be read immediately!

5. Politeness

Politeness in Japan still goes to extremes. Instead of shaking hands, the Japanese use bows, and you need to bow as many times as they did before you. Situations reach the point of absurdity. For example, if a Japanese decides to order sushi home, and if he comes across a very polite courier delivering sushi to his home, then such courtesy can take a lot of time! The guests will gather, and the courier will arrive very polite: then it may take more than one minute to bow! You can't do anything - you have to "follow the protocol." Politeness - distinguishing feature the Japanese, which they are rightfully proud of.

6. Transport

In the Japanese subway, there are specially trained stuffers who push and tamp people into the train. For objectivity, it must be said that such a “profession” of a stuffer exists in many eastern subways, for example, in Singapore, etc.

Many Japanese people like to ride scooters to work.

7. those strange Japanese schoolchildren.

Japanese girls are absolutely NOT allowed to communicate and talk with boys before a certain age.

IN Lately Japanese schoolgirls wear sailor suits and pigtails, and many Japanese boys now often wear girls' school uniforms, as they are much brighter and prettier than school uniform boys. A Japanese schoolboy, in general, is no less strange than an adult Japanese. For example, if a girl offers her food to a boy at a school break, then this will mean almost love to the grave. Therefore, girls with boys cannot eat together without blushing.

But an even stranger Japanese school tradition is that at school, children are not allowed to go alone, without girlfriends or friends, this is considered strange and immoral. Therefore, the larger the crowd, the better it is considered.

Kancho or Kancho - strange japanese game, mega popular among Japanese schools nikov lower grades. Players fold their hands and stretch forward index fingers, which are trying to stick into the anus of another player, at any time, especially when the possible victim is busy or distracted by something. There were cases when even school teachers, which was severely suppressed by the directors of Japanese schools, but not by all. And some teachers were accused of pedophilia. In the famous international list of the most dangerous extreme gambling with the effect of addiction, "Kancho" is listed at number 27.

Kancho Festival

8. Addresses

Most streets in Japanese cities do not have names. In these cases, the houses are indicated descriptively ("the second house from the corner after the store") or by numbering within the block. In addition, the houses are numbered in order of construction, which further adds to the confusion.

9. Fear of Gemini

In the old days in Japan, it was believed that one of the born twins was conceived by a demon. And just in case, they got rid of both twins, without understanding who is who, but at the same time from the mother. For example, in Japanese anime"When Cicadas Cry" and "Shuffle" it is shown that one of the twins must be killed!

10. Family finances

All finances Japanese family the spouse disposes, and the husband has no right to ask, and even more so to challenge, his wife's decisions about purchases. Moreover, the Japanese cannot be called ascetic and tight-fisted at all, it’s just that Japanese women are not spenders by nature.

11. Kofun are mysterious indoor parks in Japan.

Japan is one of the most densely populated countries in the world. Every meter of land matters here, but even in Japan there are closed and almost untouched plots of land. Moreover, not a single person has set foot on them for several centuries. We are talking about kofun - the ancient burial places of local emperors. Translated from Japanese language"kofun" means "mound". Most often, kofun are made in the form of a keyhole and are surrounded by a deep moat filled to the brim with water.

Visiting kofun - imperial burials among the Japanese is not accepted, moreover, it is under the strictest ban. Therefore, do not even dream of getting there with a tour or on your own.

12.Rockabilly renaissance in Japan.

This is an old Japanese tradition, but a new youth craze. Some youth subcultures often experience a renaissance. This is exactly what happened to rockabilly and rock 'n' roll, which are reborn in Tokyo, Japan's capital. Tokyo has Yoyogi Park, where all the local fans of this cultural tradition gather and hang out.

These Japanese are dressed extremely unusually - they wear flashy biker triggers, vertically soared bangs, long-forgotten high hairstyles with a roller. Well, they listen, of course, only rock and roll. They have friends who are still living in the 60s, lady greasers. They dress in bright multicolored dresses and faded rolled up jeans, as was fashionable 50 years ago. On the other hand, this newfangled Japanese tradition and youth subculture prove that rock and roll is alive!

13. Gyaru is another newfangled Japanese tradition of young women.

Gyaru is youth subculture teenage girls. Those who remember the movie "Wasabi" will understand what in question. Teenage girls are struggling to achieve some strange and flashy ideal of beauty. Adherents of this youth Japanese tradition go to the most real follies in order to achieve their (in their understanding) ideal of beauty.

It is interesting that this movement does not wither, and has existed for several decades. It is believed that gyaru girls must adhere to a certain style in fashion, hairstyles and makeup. And here fashion and currents change periodically, but some characteristics still remain unchanged.

Gyaru is very high heels, very short skirts and very large and expressive eyes. As in other currents, it has its own, smaller directions. The most strange and unusual current in the gyaru is the yamamba, a subspecies of ganguro. The name of this small subculture literally translates as " black face". These young Japanese women rub suntan cream into their faces to the maximum, bleach their hair in White color, and then apply even larger circles of white shadows around the eyes. The obligatory look is complemented by flashy neon bright clothes or bright hair extensions. True, in last years this tradition among girls is becoming less and less popular. The traditional Gyaru movement is being revived. True now japanese girls try to have fair skin and make their eyes colorful with contact lenses. As a result, regardless of the fashion that is present in Japan, the Gyaru tradition, even for this unusual country is very exotic.

14. TO araoke!

Today, karaoke has already conquered the whole world, it is difficult to find a country in which there are no lovers of this art-entertainment. There are even world championships in karaoke! Meanwhile, karaoke traditions vary greatly in different countries.

In Japan, as in all East Asia the most popular karaoke format is a small room equipped with karaoke equipment, which is rented by a small company on an hourly basis. That is, Asians prefer to sing for their own, and listen to their own (how can one not recall “Lost in Translation” here).

Among high-tech Japanese, karaoke apps for mobile phones are becoming more and more popular - as they say, "a song that is always with you."

The tradition of brightly decorating cars, buses and trucks exists in various countries. The site already described this when writing about Sri Lanka. But, the captivating Japanese and then bypassed many. Japan has separate group truck fans and not only that easily overshadow all the exploits of other modifiers.

The name Decotor translates as trucks decorated with lighting. Skillful Japanese turn ordinary truckers into real works of art. Everything is used and dazzling neon lighting, and special painting cars. So in Japan it appeared relatively new tradition- "super pumped" trucks, which sometimes resemble famous transformers.

And the reason for the emergence of this strange Japanese tradition was the cult series of the 1970s "Trucker". Interesting fact that for several decades this tradition developed extremely slowly and suddenly began to develop rapidly in the last few years.

So now driving on high-speed highways in Japan is absolutely not boring - there is something to see!

No matter how much we write about alluring country Japan, it continues to amaze and amaze. Sometimes it seems that the people living on the island and their culture are actually from some other planet. We found some more amazing oddities that can only be found in the Land of the Rising Sun.

The Japanese still use fax

Yes, in the land of robots and the latest technologies Japanese at work still use fax. Use every day, in some cases it is even preferable.

Stamp instead of signature

In documents, the Japanese prefer not to put a signature, but a red seal with their last name. They are sold in almost any store.

Japanese pizza

If you suddenly want to try pizza in Japan, you will quickly realize that it is different here. Potatoes, shrimp, rice cereal, corn and mayonnaise are just a few of the toppings.

They love the combination of mayonnaise and corn.

Packaging fans

For example, if you buy a package of cookies, each will be packaged separately. Everything is in plastic.

The skin of grapes is always peeled off.
If you choose to eat grapes with the skin on, you will surprise the Japanese.

There are no garbage cans on the streets

Even if you need to throw something out on the street, you will not find where. Because there are no trash cans. Though the streets mysteriously clean. Maybe the Japanese carry rubbish with them?

ATMs have closing times

In Japan, ATMs have opening hours. So you are unlikely to be able to withdraw cash from a taxi at two in the morning when they are so needed.

Everyone parks in the back

In Japan, it is almost impossible to meet a car parked in front. And even if you meet, it will most likely be a foreigner's car. Back parking is considered safer here.

Air conditioners always work on heat

In Japan, summers are very hot and humid. However, the temperature on the air conditioners is always set to 28 degrees Celsius.

In restaurants, you have to shout for the waiter to come to you.

Japan has a completely different service culture. There you will not be approached by waiters every five minutes and ask how you liked the dish. Japanese waiters will not come until you call, and they will not react to a raised hand or a modest "girl" - you have to shout, and loudly.

There is a mandatory break in the city pools

Every hour lifeguards blow whistles and ask everyone to leave the pool for 10 minutes. At this time, everyone should rest.

You're sick - put on a mask

If someone gets sick in Japan, they must wear a mask so as not to cough on others and infect them. Many Japanese women put on a mask if they are too lazy to put on makeup.

Sleep at work

In Japan, you can sleep peacefully at the workplace if you don’t have the strength to keep your eyes open at all. It is even considered a sign of hard work.

Cars with megaphones drive through the streets in the morning

During election season, candidates drive around in cars and deliver speeches through megaphones early in the morning. You will definitely wake up from this.

Snacks for men only

Whatever that means. In the photo: dark chocolate for men.

Fruit is incredibly expensive.

Buying fruits in a supermarket is considered in Japan to be almost squandering and showing off, because they are very expensive. For example, strawberries sell for $100.

Sun protection

Japanese women at all costs try to avoid sunburn - in the hot summer they wear long-sleeved clothes, hats and cover their faces.

Ignorance is no excuse. Let's comment.

8. Most of what is considered violence in Japan is the norm, which is why the percentage of rapes is officially low. You watch enough hentai, and you yourself will begin to consider violence the norm.
11. It is not known what the "developed subway system" is, but a more convenient and more modern subway is in Shanghai, Beijing and Hong Kong. In Shanghai, it is also the largest in the world.
31. This one was taken from the Chinese Together with hieroglyphs, by the way.
37. Large Chinese cities(especially Shanghai) is safer than Tokyo. In China, violence is much less than in Japan, and no one looks at girls as an object of pawing. Children in China are sacred. Everyone around is watching them.
38. And here I agree with the Japs. The USA is an extremely dangerous country.
42. Yeah, walking down the street, put the trash in your pocket. Idiocy!
43. Therefore, Japanese professional pensioners, if possible, go to China and continue to work there quietly, and not beg for a miserable pension in Japan.
51. There is no racism towards non-Asians in Asia everywhere, not only in Japan. Japan is not original here. Although it is precisely the Japs who are the only Nazis in Asia who fiercely hate other nations, especially the Chinese and Koreans. Asian Germans in every sense, including in the sense of Nazism.
52. Bggg. Where is she the best?
59. This property of the Japanese language was borrowed from Chinese many years ago.
64. "Taifeng" is the original Chinese word that the Japs borrowed and remade into "typhoon". So the typhoon is borrowed from Chinese, not from Japanese.
65. "Norma" is not a Russian word
69. Not many Japs can understand Chinese signs. On the contrary, Taiwanese and Hong Kongers (carriers of traditional Chinese writing) understand much more Japanese signs than Chinese Japs.
70. This one was borrowed from the Chinese.
71. In China, trains are not late at all. Otherwise, collapse. So Japan is not the only one in this case.
72. Also borrowing from China.
80. In Japan, there is a rigid hierarchical system up to the difference in languages ​​when women address men, men address women, subordinates to superiors, superiors to subordinates, etc. The "evolution" of Japan was heavily dependent on Western money. Now there is no money, and development has slowed down a lot. Their whole originality is some kind of monstrous archaic sillyness, from which all foreigners, even Koreans, are jarred. Their "legal" society is strongly fueled by Amer's bases on all the islands. There will be no bases, and they will immediately remember their own own right. And, by the way, they will be right, since the “Western legal society” is rushing with a swift jack towards its ideal “whoever is stronger (or richer option) is right.” But in Asia this is not the case.

And in general, a strange people, these Japanese. Although damn hardworking and talented. But now it's not about that, but about sexual f** in Japan, which is less and less. She is supplanted by rukosuystvo and other sadism.

A couple of months ago, the European public was shocked by the news that young people in Japan are massively refusing sex - that is, in general. It shocked, however, not for long: they shook their heads at the phenomenon, like at hentai, and forgot. Meanwhile, in the collapse of Japanese-made online porn, there are more and more videos with scenes of violence against women. What's even worse is that they don't always imitate it. We look into why sexual aggression is on the rise in one of the most advanced and well-mannered societies in the world, as well as how modern media and centuries-old traditions are to blame.

On January 8 of this year, the entire police army of Japan caught Yuta Sugimoto, a 20-year-old suspect in the gang rape and robbery of a woman on Kawasaki Street. According to the police, Sugimoto escaped during interrogation, taking advantage of the negligence of the officer looking after him. “It scares us terribly that he is still on the run,” worried mothers said. "I'm going to lock the doors tight today," the father of two elementary schoolers echoed in an interview with a local channel that, like all other media, covered the chase around the clock. A case that should not have been made public, like most rape cases in Japan, this time attracted the attention of the entire press and the police themselves: 4,000 police officers, 850 service cars, helicopters and dogs were looking for one escaped criminal, and the next day they found. According to official statistics, Japan has one of the lowest levels of sex crimes, and it seems that the mass interest in the escaped rapist should confirm this. But it's not.

In the culture of any country, sex crimes are defined in terms of what is outside the norm. So what is considered normal sex in Japan, a country of victorious pornography and unbridled prostitution, which is still not legalized, but not nearly as condemned as in other civilized countries?

“You know, I don't think it's normal to write an article about sex in other countries. I understand that many readers will be interested in this, but I think that each individual has his own path and that this is a very personal story, ”says a friend from Japan, who takes me out of Facebook friends after a few minutes. About the same answer I get from three more acquaintances who had previously consistently laughed at all the sexist jokes and daily discussed the most obscene hentai. Seeming at first glance as hypocrisy, this behavior is normal for the Japanese. Japanese women are a little more open, especially those who left the country about ten years ago. Satoko Asahi has lived in the US since 2004 and says that “statistically, not all young people are interested in real sex, but it's not just technology's fault. I believe that it is controlled by the media and society. Our Japanese media even have a new word "neutral" for feminine men, as well as "herbivorous men" ( herbivore men ). Such definitions, of course, change the usual idea of ​​man and woman, as well as sex, and therefore lead to these oddities in love.

"Oddities in love", as well as a noticeable decline in youth interest in sex, were recorded in the newspaper The Guardian . An article titled "Why did the youth of Japan stop having sex?" made a lot of noise, because in it a former professional dominatrix, who turned into a sex consultant, told about Japanese celibacy. Reasons cited included financial (children are expensive to support), career (women finally have a career and want to secure their position), and technological (availability and prevalence of online pornography, sex toys, and hentai). The article, however, hardly mentions high level violence in Japanese media, which supposedly turns women away from sex, and gives men the opportunity to fantasize about the dark around the clock and, as a result, deprives them of the desire to have sex in real life. According to the data Associated Press , of the total amount of available pornography, approximately 20% contain rape themes, and these numbers are growing every year. Pornography seems so normal that it's quite common for Japanese men to read porn manga on trains, sitting next to women.

In pornographic manga, sex (even by mutual agreement of the parties) is usually an act towards a woman, rather than an act of all participants in the process. When female characters manifest sexual desires on their own, they are often "rewarded" by losing interest or showing anger from the side. male characters. Moreover, women in manga often enjoy pain and humiliation. A similar message to readers is that women should not express their sexual independence, but should enjoy the role of objects of aggressive male desire. Simply put, the pleasure of sex is received primarily by a man. By directly participating in the creation of society's ideas about sexuality, pornography and the prevalence of the sex industry broadcast the idea of ​​\u200b\u200b"natural" male aggressiveness. As the Japanese proverb says, "A man's character is not to be judged below the navel."

In an annual report White Paper on Crime , which is freely available on the Internet, there are statistics for Japan. According to the report, the number of reported cases of rape increased until 2003, but steadily declined after. According to alternative statistics from the research group of the Japanese Ministry of Justice, approximately 11% of women in Japan simply do not write statements due to the traditional Japanese society, in which the victim always provokes the rapist with her "loli" look. The reason lies in the Japanese legal system itself, in which there is a tacit acceptance of one true story among all the stories about what happened.

“One by one, Japanese detectives are charming, dedicated, hardworking, sincere and very worthy people However, as an institution, the Japanese police are arrogant and often incompetent,” says Richard Perry, a British correspondent who has lived in Japan since 1995. Quite often, court decisions are made not on the basis of facts, but on the basis of the stories of the participants according to their own interpretation of events. When a subjective opinion is consistent with the prevailing ideology and beliefs, it is most often seen as an objective truth. Stories that go against the conventions of society make storytellers outcasts. Therefore, there is more faith in the one who was the rapist than in the victim: she most likely enjoyed it.

It's hard to believe, but there is one nasty story to confirm the prevailing mores in Japan (there were no such precedents anywhere in the world). Shinichiro Wada, a student at Tokyo's prestigious Waseda University, created a club Super Free , one of the conditions for joining which was participation in gang rapes. He allegedly raped about 500 women after drugging them with alcohol. Wada studied political economy and turned gang rape into profitable business. He organized drunken parties in various clubs, attracting up to 2,000 participants, each of whom had to buy a ticket. After party around 100 attractive girls transported to another club where they soldered. Then five or six drunk girls were selected: they were brought to the headquarters Super Free and raped, taking pictures on the camera and forcing them to smile at the camera. One of the detained rapists, Junichiro Kobayashi, advised the boyfriend of one of the victims to "look at these photos" and make sure that "everything happened by mutual agreement." Similar "parties" spread to seven cities in Japan and included students from Keio, Meiji and Hosei universities. Despite Wada's father deploring his son's actions and advising him to "pluck up the courage to kill himself," Japanese officials initially made strange statements.

Yasuo Fukuda, then chief cabinet secretary and minister for gender equality, said "the problem is that many women dress provocatively" and are partly to blame for the rape. Subsequently, Fukuda stated that his words were taken out of context and he “meant something completely different,” but did not specify what exactly. Waseda University reacted in an interesting way: Super Free was dissolved, and a notice was posted for students - “Any sex without consent is rape, and this is a serious crime. Don't be fooled by stereotypical violence in dramas, comics and videos!"

History with the club Super Free shook up Japanese society and slightly increased the rate of rape claims. For the first time in a hundred years, Japanese law, which has not been revised since 1907, included punishment for participating in mass rapes. Japan, the leader of the world of technology and the aggregate of the world's main madness, is hopelessly behind the rest of the world in matters of gender equality. Violent comics have become a guide to the real world: A 17-year-old student who raped 31 women told police he was trying to recreate scenes he saw in pornographic magazines. Japanese youth en masse refuse to have sex. It seems that this is the first community in the world that just needs to read and watch less, and then, perhaps, sex will return to the country, in which no one is humiliated, and good pink ponies rule the world. “Still, the blame for the lack of interest in sex lies entirely with the media. For example, can you explain why young Japanese women like to watch two gay men have sex? Satoko asks. - I can't, but the media spread it like new trend, and the whole society, as a rule, unambiguously accepts it. It turns out that we just watch and fantasize too much instead of just living.”

Note that the ferocity of character is not alien to the Japanese, this can be told by the descendants of the Chinese who survived the massacre in Nanjing. At the same time, the drug that causes aggression, with which ISIS militants are pumped up, did not yet exist at that time, so everything came from within. But, apparently, after the aggression directed to the outside world was forbidden to them, having previously healed from violent militaristic insanity with napalm, uranium and plutonium, they transferred it to the sphere of sexual life, and instead of caressing the one they are naturalizing ( in the norm, it is pleasant not only to receive affection, but also to caress), they clobber her.

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