Mainstream downshifter snob meaning of modern words. What is downshifting and the best countries for downshifting


To a lower gear, as well as slowing down or weakening any process) is a term denoting the human philosophy of “life for yourself”, “refusal of other people's goals”. Related to concepts simple living(With English- "simple life") and "simplification". People who identify themselves with downshifters, tend to abandon the desire for the generally accepted benefits promoted, such as the constant increase in material capital, career growth, etc., focusing on "life for yourself."

Downshifting has received the greatest development in the USA and Australia. According to recent polls public opinion, more than 30% of Americans and 26% of Australians have already taken a step in this direction. And Australian downshifters have already begun to unite in Unions, helping each other to achieve new goals. Their common task- By 2015, convert one in two Australians. In Europe, downshifting coverage is about half that in Australia. As for Russia, we can still talk about 4-5%, with a greater increase in the number of downshifters in Lately. It can be said that the higher the average standard of living in the country, the more people reconsider their attitude to career, earnings and income level.


The ideology of downshifting and the term itself spread at the turn of the 21st century in the countries of the West, later the phenomenon also penetrated into Russia. In Russia, the movement did not penetrate further than the megacities - Moscow and St. Petersburg. There are obvious ideological parallels with hippie culture, new age philosophy.

Downshifting is presented to his followers as a protest against the ideals of the consumer society, and the commitment to downshifting is justified by a number of shortcomings inherent in the consumer society - mainly by the denial of the need to develop a person as a person (according to Marx - the 3rd degree of alienation - "alienation of a person from his human essence") .

There is another point of view on downshifting, according to which this phenomenon has nothing to do with achieving harmony in life and peace of mind. Opponents of downshifting consider the natural needs of a person: the desire to make a career, become successful and financially independent, and not goals imposed by society, as downshifting represents.

It is believed that the term "downshifting" was first used in print by American journalist Sarah Ben Breatna in the article "Life in a low gear: downshifting and A New Look on success in the 90s "(Living in A Lower Gear: Downshifting: Redefining Success in the" 90s), published in The Washington Post newspaper on December 31, 1991. It has become commonplace in Britain, Australia and the USA.

Downshifting Acquires specific features. Thus, the "experienced downshifter" Alexander Sokolov claims that in

The concept of downshifting is becoming more and more part of our daily lives. And if earlier people who were far from the realities of life were considered downshifters, now there is a tendency when it is quite successful managers and businessmen decide to leave their jobs and go in this direction. This is a good alternative to the "office" lifestyle.

What is downshifting?

Downshifting(English downshifting, switching the car to a lower gear, as well as slowing down or weakening any process) is a term denoting the human philosophy of “life for yourself”, “refusal of other people's goals”.

If we talk about the literal meaning of the concept of "downshifting" (from the English. Downshifting), then this word means the rejection of a highly paid prestigious job in favor of a free lifestyle. But in general, it implies a lifestyle in which a person chooses exactly those activities that he likes at the moment.

And there are many options here: solo travel around the world (look at pro), living in the countryside, working as a freelancer, learning some important things for individual questions, spending time with family or like-minded people, digging in the beds, writing memoirs, diving or painting, etc. - in general, any business that causes joy and delight in the soul of a downshifter.

Benefits of Downshifting.

The main advantage of this way of life is freedom, and in every sense of the word - freedom in time, freedom in actions and deeds, freedom in desires. It is precisely because of the lack of this very freedom in Everyday life When you can’t stop for a second because of the fear that you won’t succeed in something, many decide to become downshifters.

At some point, a reassessment of values ​​occurs, and a person no longer wants to "live for others" and "who are not interested in him" - that's when some individuals say to themselves: "I've had enough! I need to live for myself!". But, at the same time, downshifting cannot be called an extreme degree of freedom from any "earthly" obligations. Rather, it is a certain way of life of a person, when everything is done with joy and voluntarily, regardless of the type of activity: be it solo travel, or work as a teacher in rural school, or creating a beautiful flower bed.

Cons of this lifestyle

Majority downshifters find only one minus in their way of life - some constraint in financial means. But when they decide to become a downshifter, they are well aware of what they are losing, and do not regret it.

People who live by these principles are ready to experience financial difficulties in exchange for the opportunity to be themselves and live exactly the life they want, and not be guided by stocks, the dollar exchange rate, the new policy of the company's management, the mood of the boss, etc. In addition, any lesson can be organized in such a way that a minimum of costs is obtained: and in solo travel you can hitchhike, and dig the beds with an old shovel, and ask a neighbor for flower seeds, and write memoirs on cheap gray paper.

But as a reward you can get unlimited freedom not only thoughts, but also actions!

Day after day, many people pull the strap of everyday worries and dream of at least some time to live in their own pleasure.

And if for most of us these desires remain only a dream, then some are already ready for cardinal changes and the rejection of duties or material wealth in favor of living for themselves. These people are called downshifters. What are they? And what are they doing?

What does the word "downshifter" mean?

Term "downshifting" comes from English downshifting and means "downshifting in the car" . In relation to people, he refers to a certain life philosophy that welcomes the rejection of other people's goals and life for its own pleasure.

The term was first used in the Washington Post in 1991, but the movement itself appeared somewhat later - in early XXI century in Western states, and then in Russia. It is believed that in our country downshifting has become widespread only in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Who are downshifters?

Downshifters are supporters of a free, unhurried lifestyle, in which there is no place for fuss and stress. They believe that society imposes certain values ​​on humanity, such as career and financial independence, as a result of which people do not have time for a family, themselves.

Downshifters completely deny material wealth and believe that completely different priorities should be at the forefront - their own spiritual and physical health, children, hobby. To some extent, downshifting is reminiscent of the hippie philosophy.

What do downshifters do?

If most people in case of exorbitant workloads simply change jobs with less employment, then the aspirations of downshifters are associated not so much with a change in occupation as with a radical change in lifestyle.

Often they sell and go to Asian countries where low rent and food prices allow them to enjoy their lives. There are settlements of downshifters in Goa, Cambodia, Thailand.

To become a downshifting representative, it is not at all necessary to go abroad. Some Russian citizens just moving to countryside or refuse a position in the company, choosing remote work.

Someone solves problems by renting out his own housing, which allows him to live for himself on the funds received, and someone invests in securities or deposits, becoming a rentier.

Downshifting gives people freedom and independence, but along with advantages, it has a number of disadvantages. Most often, these people are faced with a shortage Money. However, this problem more than pays off with the opportunity to live in harmony with your own “I” and spend more time with your family.

Downshifters hitchhike, wear old clothes, eat food grown in their garden, but do not regret anything, because such a price for freedom seems quite acceptable to them.

Who is most likely to be a downshifter?

According to statistics, most of downshifters are former office workers who gave up on constant insomnia, stress, high workloads and decided to take care of their own health.

At some stage, they realized that you can’t buy happiness for any money, so you shouldn’t strive for life all your life. material well-being by refusing to communicate with the family and their own comfort.

Thanks to downshifting, they get the opportunity to reveal their creative potential, fulfill themselves and devote more time to reflection and reasoning about life.

How are downshifters different from other people?

Some people for a long time do not realize that they are downshifters. They continue to sit in offices, but at the same time they may refuse that part of the work that seems meaningless to them, or they are looking for a place in life.

Downshifters are distinguished by the desire for self-realization, constant thoughts about why they need a career, big earnings, good car and other benefits that make you work hard. They try to join spiritual values ​​and consciously leave work for the sake of striving to live their lives and be happy.

Not everyone knows what downshifting is. In the article we will understand what kind of phenomenon this is, get acquainted with the followers of this ideology, analyze why they refuse to successful career in favor of absolute freedom.

Let's imagine that you can choose a certain way of life. The first option is represented by a good job, a decent income, but a rigid rhythm, clear rules, submission and regular stress. The second option is characterized by a lower rung in society, modest income, lack of career prospects, but complete freedom and independence from generally accepted rules.

Downshifters are people who prefer the second option. They deliberately lower themselves in career and status for the sake of family, hobbies and free choice places of residence.

In general, downshifting is an automotive term, translated from in English means downshifting. In our case, people who are tired of the fast life stop moving towards the goals imposed by society and follow their own values ​​and desires.

Society imposes different values. Everyone must become a successful, goal-achieving person, look impeccable, have decent capital and the attributes of a prosperous life - stylish accessories, prestigious cars, yachts, first-class apartments. If you adhere to such a worldview, ambition, inflated self-esteem, and the desire to stride ahead towards your goal will manifest.

A downshifter is a person who is able to change the chair of the head to the position of an ordinary manager or completely abandon city life, move to the countryside or abroad.

A good example of downshifting is the act of the Russian multimillionaire German Sterligov. Being public figure, a politician and businessman who founded the Russian commodity exchange, he left business and moved with his family to the Moscow region. Now he has country house and complete farming. Of course, he partially returned to business and founded a clearing and commodity center, but he does not intend to return the title of oligarch.

A downshifter is a person who decides to completely change his life. He is driven to such a step by fatigue from the race for material goods and the conflict that flared up between psychological comfort and beautiful life.

Pros and cons of downshifting

The rapidly increasing popularity of downshifting is caused by general fatigue from the fast pace of life.

In the course of further conversation, I will consider the pros and cons of downshifting. I'll start with the disadvantages.


  • Pause in work experience . A long break will negatively affect if a person wants to find a job again.
  • Reduction in income . After a change in lifestyle, financial flows decrease.
  • Loss of ties . Business partners forget people with whom they had to work before. A person who has enjoyed the delights of downshifting and decided to return to civilization will have to start from scratch.


There are much more pluses.

  1. stress reduction . Downshifter lives in an independent world without schedules, rigid lines and requirements. Doesn't fit in as soon as possible do urgent work.
  2. Time saving . You don't have to commute to work every day.
  3. Self-planning . Downshifter schedules at his own discretion. For example, he may work at night or get up early in the morning to work in a quiet environment.
  4. Benefit for health . Many change not only the place of work, but also the place of residence. It becomes possible to breathe clean air, drink high quality water and eat organic food.
  5. Self-realization . After drastic changes appears free time, the lion's share of which you can spend on yourself. It's about about self-improvement and disclosure creativity.
  6. Professional and personal growth . Usually professional growth obligatory and does not bring pleasure. After change, there is a personal desire to learn new things, to learn and develop.

Without a doubt, downshifting has significant advantages. However, I do not advise you to immediately be tempted. The first step is to carefully weigh and consider everything.

Best countries for downshifting

Many downshifters go to warm countries. The main goal of a person who has decided to completely change his life is a carefree, comfortable and convenient pastime, without significant financial costs.


Thailand is in first place in terms of popularity among downshifters. Many foreigners live on the territory of the state, including our compatriots. A visa to Thailand is not required if the duration of stay does not exceed one month. After that, it is enough to cross the border with Laos or Malaysia and you can go back again for a month.

Video interview with downshifters


In India, the state of Goa is the most popular place for downshifting. To visit the country, a visa is required, which is issued for six months. India is a wintering country. While it is cold in the homeland, here you can have fun, walk and live for a penny. Many downshifters do just that.


The Turkish state is popular among Russian tourists who go on a short vacation. Türkiye is also suitable for short downshifting. Russians can stay here without a visa for two months. The total length of stay cannot exceed one quarter. After two months of residence, you need to leave the country, and then return for a month.


The country through which the Equator passes provides markets with quality bananas. You can stay in Ecuador for 90 days with the right to extend. The prices are reasonable and the people are kind. Wonderful conditions for living, there are mountains and tropical forests everywhere.


The South American state is friendly to the inhabitants of our country. Russians can stay here for three months, and then extend the right to stay by crossing the border bilaterally. Argentina is ideal for expats. A child born here receives citizenship, and parents can easily apply for a residence permit.

Is not full list states for downshifting. It can include Nepal, Philippines, Indonesia, Kenya, Brazil, Bolivia, Kenya.

How much do downshifters earn?

I will give a few examples with figures of how income changed before and after downshifting.

  • After moving to the countryside, the income of the former city dweller drops significantly. According to one of the downshifters, while living in the city, he earned 100,000 rubles working as a lawyer. After moving to the village, earnings decreased by 4 times.
  • Another downshifter, before moving to the countryside, was earning about 50,000 rubles a month working in the field street artists. After fatal decision and the subsequent move, his income was greatly reduced. There were cases when the budget per day did not exceed 100 rubles.
  • Some travel to warmer climes in search of adventure. According to a former bank employee who went to Asia, now his monthly income does not exceed $300. Enough for a normal life, but sometimes you want a little luxury.
  • One copywriter quit his job and went to live where he likes, staying in one place for a short time. He still works remotely, while income has increased one and a half times. You can’t call it a full-fledged downshifting, since he continues to work in his specialty, but in a place convenient for him.

In most cases, income drops significantly, but this is not a problem, since freedom is much more important for downshifters.

Downshifting in Russia

IN Western countries downshifting means giving up fame, the benefits of civilization and a career in favor of personal freedom.

In Russia, this concept has acquired a different connotation. The vast majority of downshifters are wealthy people who can go to another state for permanent residence without any problems. They do not abandon the business, but leave it in the care of managers and keep it under control. Therefore, downshifting in Russia is characterized negative reviews. Among the people, the phenomenon is explained by laziness, betrayal of the Motherland, unwillingness to work.

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Motives and reasons for downshifting

  1. Unrealized aspirations and talents.
  2. Excessive fatigue from society.
  3. The desire to check own forces.
  4. Desire to start life clean slate.
  5. craving for healthy lifestyle life and nature.

This ideology is often followed by people who are disillusioned with life. We are talking about the departure of the second half, the loss of loved ones, betrayal by colleagues or friends. For many downshifting great opportunity start another life, leaving the old mistakes in the past.

Russian people who have decided to dive into the world of downshifting are interested in where to go? Places that are suitable for this cannot be rated using a point or star system. This approach is wrong. Some find solace in the Siberian forests, others choose the Norilsk extreme or Karelian swamps, others leave for the Moscow region, restore their grandmother's mud hut and grow vegetables.

One of the interesting modern trends Western people is downshifting. The concept originates from automotive terminology, where downshifting is understood as a deliberate reduction in speed or gear shifting from high to low. Downshifting as a way of life also has the same tendency when a person tries to minimize his needs, desires and other social attitudes.

How should I live modern man? Society offers us the lifestyle of a successful individual who has big circle useful acquaintances, holds a high position at work or is generally an entrepreneur, has large sums money, while he can afford any material prank. That is modern reader For an online magazine, the site must be successful, active, purposeful and every time reproach itself for giving up somewhere, giving up, giving up success.

Downshifting assumes that a person simplifies his life as much as possible. He refuses success, the race for money and fame, and simply begins to live in peace and enjoy the world around him. Downshifting can be roughly labeled as "enjoying small things." This assumes that:

  1. A person ceases to care about the amount of money and is content with the earnings that he has. No matter how much money there is, a person should not worry about it.
  2. A person stops striving for something. If up to this point it has not been possible to become successful, maybe it is not necessary.
  3. The person refuses to make an effort. He even refuses to engage in self-improvement. You can simply begin to accept yourself in any form and love yourself for it.
  4. A person must give up the desires that are promoted in society, success and other goals that previously caused him a nervous and irritated state.

Do nothing and be content with little - the motto of many downshifters! Now a person should simply:

  • Enjoy the gifts of nature and enjoy what life already gives.
  • Don't chase what you don't have, but enjoy what you already have.
  • Give up big capital, power, fame and other desires that make a person feel nervous.
  • Get closer to nature, turn inward, understand your true needs and enjoy being.

What is downshifting?

It may seem to many that downshifting is a way of life for a person who regresses. He stops in his development, does not strive for anything, refuses everything civilized. The concept of downshifting implies a lifestyle that excludes aspirations and ambitious desires.

Downshifting is the landing of a person, his calming down and approaching a peaceful life. It is impossible to unambiguously speak negatively about downshifting, despite the fact that a person to some extent refuses the benefits of civilization, stops developing in step with the social world, and does not strive for success. Undoubtedly, downshifting promotes the lifestyle of a person who is already satisfied with his life along with what he already has. However, on the other hand, this trend helps a person to find freedom and even peace in a rapidly moving and changing world:

  1. Downshifting does not always involve a person leaving for the forest, where he will hunt for predators and live in a cave. A person can simply leave the city, where everyone strives for success, and settle in the countryside to grow vegetables and fruits.
  2. Downshifting is a way to get rid of neurosis and stress. Freud also said that all human neuroses are the result of a desire to succeed, to succeed, always and in everything to keep up. We will simply say that the constant race, dissatisfaction with the current state of affairs, the pressure of society, which forces everyone to be even richer, smarter, more beautiful, more successful, causes neurotic states. If you give up the constant pursuit of success, then you can achieve inner peace.

Downshifting offers a person to abandon the goals that society hangs. He invites a person to be alone with himself, to think about how he wants to live. At the same time, a person should not think about what goals to set for himself and what to achieve long and hard. Downshifting offers a person to already live the way he is comfortable, enjoying it, and give up the desire to rule, rule the world, have big money, etc., if the person does not have this.

There are a lot of examples of downshifters. At all times there were people who got tired of civilized life, burned out emotionally and physically, understood that they were constantly running somewhere, achieving something, but they didn’t even know why. They understood that they were running in one pack that wants to be successful, rich and happy. At the same time, no matter what a person achieves, everything is not enough for him, he needs more.

When a person is tired of the civilized world with its standing rules and unattainable success, he left him. Someone went into the forest, someone generally refused any benefits, and someone just went to the village to do gardening. Even many modern rich people are downshifters in some way, because they prefer to buy houses not in the centers of megacities, but outside the city, where it is quiet, calm, far from the bustle of the city and the constant race for success.

Downshifting is a rejection of the constant pursuit of new experiences, passions and storms of feelings. civilized world constantly selling people travel, cars, bright and rich life, nightclubs, etc. If a person wants to be successful, then he must always be "on the wave", "in the center of events." Downshifting offers to abandon the constant pursuit of passions and storms of emotions, which cause neurotic states. A person is not able to become happy, because everything is always not enough for him, he wants something new, interesting.

Downshifting is a way of life with a minimum of emotions. Here a person experiences emotions, but they are calmer, more peaceful. A person is already becoming happy, he is content with what he has. His emotions may not be as violent as those of the people of the cities, but they are sincere, pure and objective. While people are chasing numerous experiences and emotions, the downshifter simply experiences inner calm and relaxation, feeling happy already by the fact of his existence, the fact that he lives the way he wants.

However, it should be understood that downshifting is one of the extremes of a lifestyle. Downshifting is opposed to the constant pursuit of fame and fortune. Downshifting to some extent becomes a degradation or regression of a person who refuses the progress of mankind. There is one minus here - the rejection of new results and improving the quality of your life.

How do people usually react to innovations when there are already stable laws, rules and methods? Often there is a rejection of ideas. “I have an idea how to increase sales,” and the answer is: “Your job is to sell, not put forward ideas.” This is what unsuccessful people do who do not understand how you can miss any slightest opportunity to advance your business, become better, develop.

If people a priori did not accept new ideas and adhere to established rules, then humanity would still live in caves. But ideas are promoted and developed. If a person would not realize his idea, then there would not be Cell phones, computers, cars, aircrafts etc. Ideas make progress, but not all.

A successful person is always open to new ideas. But at the same time, he protects himself from the risk of losing everything because of this idea. Thus, if you are offered to try something new, then agree if you do not know the results of the implementation of this idea. Don't invest everything in new idea but don't dismiss the idea. If your employee suggests a method that will increase the sales of your product, then let him try it. At least you will have a visual experience of whether this idea works or not. Will it suddenly work? Then your sales will rise and profits will increase. What if it doesn't work? Then you will henceforth know that this method does not work and will not return to it again.

Don't give up on an idea until you see the results. Of course, sometimes you are afraid to take risks, and sometimes you do not want to lose. How else will you gain experience? The one who does not try does not get anything, and the one who tries makes mistakes and loses, but soon begins to win, because he has experience of what not to do, which means he knows what to do. So don't give up on ideas, no matter how unthinkable they may be. Look at the results of this idea in practice. And maybe you can use it, transform, improve and achieve victories with it.

Types of downshifting

Each person understands what downshifting is in their own way. If misunderstood given value words, you can really find yourself naked in the forest without a crumb of bread in your mouth. In fact, downshifting and its types do not imply that a person:

  1. Will leave in the invented or illusory world.
  2. He will leave reality in principle, because he will get tired of constant injustice.
  3. He will not become a misanthrope who is offended and simply weak in adapting to society.

Downshifting is a person's choice to live the way he wants, conveniently and comfortably, without the desire to achieve that success that he does not need, but is actively promoted by society.

Downshifting is understood by everyone in its own way:

  • Someone moves to the village to be closer to the earth.
  • Someone leaves for warm countries to be there in nature and engage in spiritual development.
  • Some people just switch to organic food.
  • Someone just lives free life without committing yourself to family concerns.

Downshifting assumes that a person will simply begin to live for himself, not wanting to please anyone or receive approval from society.

Downshifting, or How to work for pleasure?

Downshifting is when a person finally asks himself the question: “What do I really want?”. He stops chasing what society promotes, and begins to do what is personally interesting to him and brings moral satisfaction. To become a downshifter, it is not necessary to leave civilization and live in the forest. You can not even change jobs if it basically suits a person. Downshifting suggests that a person will finally do what brings pleasure.

And here often the question is work, since many people spend their years in jobs that only exhaust them emotionally and physically. They work to have at least some money. Some people work hard to earn big money. At the same time, a person is emotionally and, since his work does not bring him pleasure.

Downshifting offers a person to get away from the work that exhausts him and start doing what he likes and enjoys. Here you can develop and become a professional in your field.

Many people underestimate the enjoyment of work. Accustomed to constant deprivation and restrictions, most poor people devote their whole lives to pleasing someone, but not themselves. It doesn't matter if you work for someone else or have your own business. But if you don’t enjoy what you do, then your development as a professional is also missing.

How to enjoy work? Sometimes this question is asked even by those who do what they love. Sometimes and creative people tired of their work. How can you get your inspiration back?

Learn to show interest in the process of work. Many people are focused on the result of labor - money. Ordinary workers only feel happy one day a month - when they receive wages. Do you want to spend whole month for just one day to be truly happy man? If you want to live every day happily and harmoniously, then learn to enjoy the process of work. Show interest in what you do, how you do your work, what qualities you have to show and develop in yourself in order to work the best. Be interested in your work, you do not need to focus only on the result.

It's like how fishermen catch fish. They can spend more money on fishing equipment and food, rather than eventually catching fish. Fishermen need not only the result (to catch a lot of fish), but the process itself is also interesting (preparation for fishing, finding the “ideal” food, the moment of catching fish on a hook and pulling it out). Imagine what would happen if the fishermen did not enjoy the process of fishing? Then no one would fish at all, there would be no such thing as fishing.

Learn to get the same inspiration from work as if you were fishing. Be interested in the process of solving problems, finding ways out of difficult situations, drawing up strategies, implementing them and getting a result that you need to analyze and try to achieve next time with less effort. How much can be learned by achieving one goal!

What is downshifting in the end?

If you correctly understand the meaning of the word "downshifting", then you can realize that this is a way of life for a person who finally lives for his own pleasure. Of course, here you will have to make an effort to have everything that you need and want. But you refuse success that is imposed by others, and live the way you yourself want it.

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