Sewing business.


How often do we use them during the day: open the package, cut off the thread or label, cut out the part, cut a hole, remove the burr, etc. Scissors allow us to easily cut paper, cardboard, plastic, rubber, metal. In our house, we have more than one scissors: manicure, tailor, culinary, garden (the list expands depending on the main activity of the owner). When did a person think of creating an object so necessary in everyday life?

The history of scissors goes back to ancient times. The very first scissors appeared in man not at all because he had to somehow serve himself, but because he had to somehow shear the sheep. It happened three and a half thousand years ago, scissors then consisted of two blades connected like tweezers.

This invention, although it functioned, was not particularly successful (after all, the blades of the "sheep" scissors, which appeared for the first time in Ancient Rome, did not turn relative to the center, but simply squeezed by hand, like a big grip for a piece of cake), and therefore our great-grandfathers used them only before the “insulation woolen season”, and the nails on their hands, I think, were simply gnawed for convenience. But even despite the fact that the design was very uncomfortable, it existed for more than two thousand years without fundamental changes.

And so this disgrace would have continued if the mathematician and mechanic Archimedes had not been born in Ancient Syracuse. The great Greek said: “Give me a foothold, and I will turn the whole world!” - and invented the lever.

Around the 8th century AD in the Middle East, it occurred to some craftsman to connect two knives with a carnation, and bend their handles with rings. Then the handles of the scissors began to be decorated with artistic forging and blacksmiths' "autographs" - stamps. Perhaps in those days a simple children's riddle arose: "Two rings, two ends, and carnations in the middle" ...

Scissors came to Europe a little later, around the 10th century. The oldest scissors found in Russia belong to the same period of time. This happened at archaeological excavations Gnezdovsky burial mounds 12 kilometers from Smolensk near the village of Gnezdovo.

Unfortunately, history has not preserved the name of the person who came up with the idea of ​​connecting two disparate blades with a carnation, and bending the handles into a ring. After all, it is in this form that scissors for paper, for manicure, for haircuts and for many other purposes are presented today.

The completed form of the instrument was given by none other than Leonardo da Vinci. In his manuscripts, a drawing of a tool similar to modern scissors was found.

And then, as always, the invention began to live its own own life: at times improved (turning into working tools of hairdressers and healers), and at times becoming a luxury item of gold and silver.

They made scissors from steel and iron (steel blades were welded onto an iron base), silver, covered with gilding, and richly decorated. The fantasy of the craftsmen had no limits - either an outlandish bird came out, the beak of which cut the fabric, then the finger rings twisted around the vines with tassels of grapes, then suddenly it turned out not scissors, but a fabulous dragon, all in such intricate decorations that they interfered with using it functional device.

Gradually more and more both in the east and in Western worlds there is a closer interest in the shape and quality of the scissors. Models begin to appear with thin, smooth outlines, blades, decorated with engraving and inlays. This was especially facilitated by the art of calligraphy, which spread throughout the Islamic world.

Scissors are becoming more and more attractive from an aesthetic point of view. They took various forms within the framework of common idea, were decorated with openwork carvings. At the same time, they remained functional and brought a bit of aesthetics to the routine.

In the Middle Ages, scissors became evidence of men's attention to the fair sex.

So, in the fourteenth century, a fan who sent a gift to his lady often put a pair of scissors in a leather case into it. It was in this century that scissors became a truly feminine accessory, which, with rare exceptions, they remain to this day.

And then the ideal prim Englishmen invented scissors for the ideal prim English lawns, and then the French began to butcher geese carcasses with them (conjuring their famous “froi gras”) and cut the loops in the “ready-to-wear”, and then the Germans came up with giant steel scissors for assistance in case of accidents on the roads (this device can also be used to break glass in a car, open a jammed door, cut seat belts).

And then the man began to think even more broadly and produced special ceramic scissors, which turned out to be three times stronger than steel and more wear-resistant, and they cut much thinner.

And then they came up with scissors, which completely ceased to look like their analogue progenitor and rather began to resemble a knife from a meat grinder (a disk with three teeth is mounted on an ordinary electric drill - you can cut rubber, thick leather, linoleum and plastics at a speed of 20 meters per minute).

And then the inventor broke through "to the stars" and designed the most modern scissors, adding to them an electronic machine that reproduces on the screen patterns of clothes of any style invented by fashion designers. Cutting speed - meter per second! Moreover, during this operation, the edges of the fabric burn and do not bloom - as if already hemmed.

Egyptian theory

True, there is another theory of the origin of this wonderful object - the Egyptian one. They say that in the 16th century BC, the Egyptians were already using scissors with might and main. And there is confirmation of this - an archaeological find. In Egypt, a copy was found made from whole piece metal (rather than crossed blades) that served its masters in the 16th century BC.

There is a theory both in China and in Eastern Europe. So, the geography of this subject is extraordinarily wide. We will never know the truth. Only one fact remains interesting: let it be earlier, let it be later, but people in different parts of the world eventually came to the understanding that they cannot do without scissors.

History is rich in facts, when in some area it seems - you can’t think of anything else! - but no! There will always be a person who, by chance or with some intention, brings something new into the world. Therefore, we will not put an end to the history of scissors ...

Tailor's scissors

Initially, all types of clothes were sewn at home, but gradually it became the work of specialists - tailors. The name "tailor's" scissors comes from the name of the profession - a tailor - a person who sews ports. The word "ports" in Russia originally meant clothes in general. Only in the 16th century did the word “dress” appear, displacing the old designation from use. “Ports” were no longer called all clothes, but only one element menswear, and the profession itself was divided into several specializations - specialists of a narrow profile appeared - fur coats, caftans, mittens, cappers and even pickpockets ... Of course, not everyone could afford to use the services of tailors. They tried to sew simple clothes at home. “It’s hard to make a caftan, but they’ll sew a shirt at home,” the proverb says.

In many ways, the quality of your sewn products will depend on right choice scissors. There are several types of scissors, they differ in the angle of sharpening, design, size and purpose. Do not use the same scissors on different stages sewing - if you cut the tracing paper with your magnificent tailor's scissors, they will become dull very quickly. For cutting buttonholes and other small jobs, it is better to use small sewing scissors. It is useful to have a ripper and a knife for cutting loops on hand.

Thinning scissors

It turns out that thinning scissors as we know them today appeared relatively recently. And if the history of ordinary hairdressing scissors goes back almost a millennium (because back in Ancient Egypt Queen Cleopatra was sheared with quite a decent tool), then the task of milling hair for centuries was solved only with the help of a razor.

Only in the 30s of the twentieth century (only about eighty years ago) in the United States did the first prototypes of thinning scissors appear, that is, scissors where one blade is cutting, and the second has teeth. But on by and large these were not thinning scissors yet, but a “blader”. The fact is that the Americans came to the need to sharpen not only the edge of the cutting blade, but also the tops of the teeth. As a result, the master received a tool for hair milling, but it was rather difficult to predict the final effect. The fact is that when cutting, the hairs could easily slide off the sharpened teeth, and it was impossible to guess how many of them would be cut off at a given moment.

Only in the 50s, but already in Europe, one of the engineers suggested applying a micro-notch to the top of the teeth. Now, the master could already clearly know how much volume would be removed when cutting. And it depended on the width of the teeth and the width of the interdental space. Then a V-shaped cutout appeared at the top of the prong. And, therefore, all those hairs that had to be cut off clearly went into such a “pocket”, and were definitely cut off.

The Industrial Revolution has now restored scissors to their original status as a purely functional object. Ornaments have completely disappeared, they were abandoned in favor of the rectilinear clarity of steel. Today, scissors have been created for everyone and everything. They, like centuries ago, are irreplaceable. How simple is genius!

Today scissors are an integral part of our life. They first appeared about 3500 years ago in ancient Rome. Unlike today's scissors, they were made from a single piece of metal. And their purpose was completely different than it is now. This item served for shearing sheep. The scissors consisted of two sharp knives, connected by a kind of tweezers with a curved and springy sheet.

Despite the fact that such an invention functioned, however, it was not particularly successful, because the blades of such scissors could not rotate relative to the center, but were only squeezed by the hand. Therefore, our ancestors used them only before the "warming worsted season." However, despite the fact that such a mechanism was very inconvenient, it existed for more than two thousand years without any significant modifications.

Around the 8th century AD, an unknown craftsman, originally from the Middle East, flashed the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bcombining two blades with a nail, and making rings of their handles. Then such handles began to be decorated with picturesque forging.

Scissors came to the European continent a little later. This happened around the 10th century. This era includes the most ancient scissors that were found on Russian territory during the archaeological excavations of the Gnezdovsky barrows, which is not far from the village of Gnezdovo, located 12 kilometers from Smolensk.

Unfortunately, in history there is no name of the craftsman who came up with the idea of ​​combining two blades with a nail, and making the handles in the form of rings. After all, this is the look of modern scissors.

The final form of the scissors was brought by none other than Leonardo da Vinci himself. In his manuscripts, a drawing of a mechanism was found that is very similar to the scissors currently in use.

Then the scissors began to live their own lives: periodically improved, and in some cases they became a luxury item. This applies to those scissors that were made of expensive metal - silver and gold.

Scissors were also made of iron and steel. Products made of silver were covered with gilding and lavishly decorated, which gave the instrument a certain luxury and sophistication. The fantasy of the wizards had no limits - either a bird of extraordinary beauty was obtained, the beak of which cut the fabric into pieces, then amazing finger rings intertwined exquisite bunches of grapes, then scissors turned out in the form of a fantastic dragon. It was so richly decorated that it interfered with the use of such scissors.

Gradually big interest began to give shape and quality to the instrument. Since that time, they began to produce scissors with thin and smooth blades, decorated with various patterns and notches. This was facilitated by the art of calligraphy, which spread throughout the Middle East.

Due to the improvement, the scissors have become more beautiful. They were given various forms that were draped with filigree carvings. But at the same time, the scissors continued to be functional and add some aesthetics to the routine.

In the Middle Ages, scissors were proof that a man was interested in a lady. Thus, in the fourteenth century, a suitor who sent a gift to his beloved often put a few scissors in it. It was in this century that scissors became a truly feminine attribute, as they remain today.

Then the British came up with scissors designed for lawns, and the French began to use them in cooking for cutting geese carcasses. The Germans went further - they came up with huge iron scissors to assist in an accident. It can also be used to open a jammed door, break glass or cut seat belts.

After some time, a person began to think even more globally and created ceramic scissors, which, as it turned out, turned out to be much stronger than steel and more resistant to wear, and they cut much thinner.

And after a certain period of time, they created scissors that were completely different from their progenitor. They were more like a knife from a meat grinder, thanks to which it was possible to cut rubber.

Later, the inventor created modern scissors, to which he added an electronic mechanism that reproduces decoration patterns of any model on the monitor screen. The cutting speed was meters per second. With such an operation, the edges of the tissues burn and do not bloom.

The Industrial Revolution has now returned scissors to their original status as a purely functional item. There is no decor on them now. Modern scissors can be used for any purpose. They, like several centuries ago, are irreplaceable.

What do you think scissors were originally invented for? Cutting fabric, paper, cutting hair? No! They appeared in ancient times - more than 3000 years ago - and were used for shearing sheep!

At the very beginning of its existence, scissors resembled two-bladed tweezers. The most ancient scissors discovered by archaeologists were found in Egypt and date back to the 16th century BC.

Scissors got their close to our usual form in the 13th century AD, when one of the artisans who lived in the Middle East decided to connect two knives with a nail, and bent the handles with rings to make it comfortable to hold. It is this design, as you know, that has taken root since then. Over time, only the handles of the scissors changed, which were decorated in any way, including with the help of artistic forging.

According to archaeological finds, scissors came to Europe and Russia in the 10th century. The oldest scissors found on the territory modern Russia, were found near Smolensk, on the Gnezdovsky mounds near the village of Gnezdovo.

Over time, scissors have been adapted for use in different types human activity: in medicine, hairdressing, manicure, etc. In addition, both "working" scissors (made of steel and iron) and scissors as luxury goods (made of silver and gold) were created.

Since scissors have become not only a working tool, but also a luxurious accessory, they have been considered a wonderful functional gift for a woman. Therefore, they gradually became a women's accessory, with rare exceptions, which they remain to this day.

The history of scissors has developed in its own way in each country. The French, for example, came up with scissors for butchering geese, the British - for mowing lawns, the Germans - steel scissors that were used during car accidents. Shears for cigars, for cutting metal, thinning scissors and others were invented. In a word, this useful tool does not cease to be indispensable for a person, as it was several centuries ago.

Clumsy, scissor, discrepancy, inconsistency, scissors, scissors, gap, pruner, abyss Dictionary of Russian synonyms. scissors see inconsistency Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language. Practical guide. M .: Russian I ... Synonym dictionary

Scissors- Scissors do not dream of good. Wives become jealous and picky, lovers begin to quarrel over trifles. As for business prospects, they will be very vague. I dreamed of sharp, well-honed scissors - you will find ... ... Big universal dream book

Scissors- Scissors in a dream is an unkind sign: wives will be jealous and picky about their husbands, lovers will quarrel and harass each other mutual accusations. Business prospects will be very vague. If you dream of sharp ones, well ... ... Miller's Dream Book

SCISSORS- are divided into tailor's, cutting, stationery, household, hairdresser's, pocket, nail, manicure, hoop, etc. Tailor's (length from 200 to 280 mm) are used for cutting the top dress made of heavy woolen fabrics; ... ... Brief Encyclopedia household

There are manual scissors (household, plumbing, roofing, tailoring, medical, etc.), stationary and portable devices with circular and straight knives (for example, the so-called chair scissors and machines (nibblers, guillotines, alligators, ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

SCISSORS, scissors, pcs. No. 1. A cutting tool consisting of two blades with annular ends connected by a screw. Tailor's scissors. Gardening scissors. 2. trans. The discrepancy between agricultural and factory prices ... ... Dictionary Ushakov

SCISSORS, ic. 1. Cutting tool of two retractable blades with ring-shaped handles. Tailor, garden, manicure, medical n. Sheep n. (for shearing sheep). Machine n. (machine for cutting metal). 2. trans. The sharp discrepancy between... ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

scissors- Combination of a trimming pusher, trimming blades and possibly a trimming shoe used to remove flash from a forging. Topics metallurgy in general EN trimmers …

scissors (pl.)- — Topics oil and gas industry EN shear … Technical Translator's Handbook

Scissors- SCISSORS, for cutting wires. barriers, telegraph. and telephone wires, there are 2 systems: worn on a rifle or pike and manual. To the 1st type belong N., first proposed by Russian. cap. Modrach: on the barrel of a rifle, instead of a bayonet, ... ... Military Encyclopedia

SCISSORS- an exercise in horse riding and vaulting, in which the athlete, leaning his hands on the pommel of the saddle, swings his legs back and up, brings one leg under the other and lowers himself into the saddle, turning 180 ° ... Handbook of horse breeding

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