Fairy tale wonderful shirt read text online, download for free. Children's fairy tales online


Dear Parents, it is very useful to read a fairy tale " Miraculous shirt"to children before going to bed, so that a good ending to the fairy tale pleases and calms them, and they fall asleep. The entire surrounding space, depicted by vivid visual images, is permeated with kindness, friendship, loyalty and indescribable delight. It is amazing that with sympathy, compassion, strong friendship and unshakable will, the hero always manages to resolve all troubles and misfortunes. "Good always conquers evil" - on this foundation is built, similar to this one and this creation, with early years laying the foundation for our understanding of the world. It is very useful when the plot is simple and, so to speak, vital, when similar situations develop in our everyday life, this contributes to better memorization. In the works, diminutive descriptions of nature are often used, making the picture that appears even more saturated. Dozens, hundreds of years separate us from the time of creation of the work, but the problems and customs of people remain the same, practically unchanged. The fairy tale "Wonderful Shirt" can be read for free online countless times without losing love and desire for this creation.

In a certain kingdom there lived a rich merchant. The merchant died and left three sons at an age. The two elders went hunting every day.
At one time they took with them and younger brother, Ivan, on a hunt, they took him to a dense forest and left him there - in order to divide all his father's estate among themselves, and deprive him of his inheritance.
Ivan - merchant's son for a long time wandered through the forest, ate berries and roots, finally got out onto the plain and saw a house on that plain.
He entered the rooms, walked, walked - there was no one, everywhere was empty; only in one room the table is set for three cutlery, there are three loaves on the plates, and a bottle of wine is placed in front of each cutlery. Ivan, the merchant's son, bit off a small piece of each bread, ate it, and then drank a little from all three bottles and hid behind the door.
Suddenly an eagle flies, hit the ground and became a fine fellow; a falcon flies after him, a sparrow follows the falcon - they hit the ground and turned into good fellows too. Sat down at the table to eat.
- And after all, bread and wine have been opened with us! the eagle says.
“And that’s true,” the falcon replies, “it’s clear that someone has come to visit us.” They began to look for a guest, to call. Eagle says:
- Show us! If you are an old old man, you will be our dear father, if you are a good fellow, you will be a brother, if you are an old woman, you will be your mother, and if you are a red maiden, we will call you our sister.
Ivan, the merchant's son, came out from behind the door, they kindly received him and called him their brother.
The next day, the eagle began to ask Ivan, the merchant's son:
- Do us a favor - stay here and exactly one year later, on this very day, collect on the table.
“Very well,” the merchant’s son replies, “it will be done.
The eagle gave him the keys, allowed him to go everywhere, look at everything, only one key that hung on the wall, he did not order to take.
After that, the good fellows turned into birds - an eagle, a falcon and a sparrow - and flew away.
Ivan, the merchant's son, once walked around the yard and saw a door in the ground behind a strong lock; I wanted to look there, I began to try the keys - not a single one is necessary; ran into the rooms, took the forbidden key from the wall, unlocked the lock and opened the door.
In the dungeon, the heroic horse stands - in all its decoration, on both sides of the saddle two bags are hung: in one - gold, in the other - semi-precious stones.
He began to stroke the horse: the heroic horse hit him in the chest with a hoof and knocked him out of the dungeon for a whole fathom. From that, Ivan, the merchant's son, slept soundly until the very day on which his named brothers were to fly.
As soon as he woke up, he locked the door, hung the key in the old place and set the table for three appliances.
Here an eagle, a falcon and a sparrow flew in, hit the ground and became good fellows, said hello and sat down to dinner.
The next day, the falcon began to ask Ivan, the merchant's son: do one more year of service! Ivan, the merchant's son, agreed.
The brothers flew away, and he again went around the yard, saw another door in the ground, unlocked it with the same key.
In the dungeon, the heroic horse stands - in all its decoration, bags are attached to both sides of the saddle: in one - gold, in the other - semi-precious stones.
He began to stroke the horse: the heroic horse hit him in the chest with a hoof and knocked him out of the dungeon for a whole fathom. From that, Ivan, the merchant's son, slept soundly for the same amount of time as before.
I woke up on the very day when the brothers were supposed to arrive, locked the door, hung the key on the wall and prepared the table.
An eagle, a falcon and a sparrow arrive: they hit the ground, said hello and sat down to dinner.
The next day, in the morning, the sparrow began to ask Ivan, the merchant's son: serve one more year of service. He agreed.
The brothers turned into birds and flew away. Ivan the merchant's son lived whole year alone, and when the appointed day came, he laid the table and waited for the brothers.
The brothers flew in, hit the ground and became good fellows: they went in, said hello and had lunch.
After dinner, the elder brother, the eagle, says:
“Thank you, merchant son, for your service; here is a heroic horse for you - I give you with all the harness, and with gold, and with semi-precious stones.
The middle brother, the falcon, gave him another heroic horse, and little brother, sparrow, - a shirt.
“Take it,” he says, “the bullet won’t take this shirt; if you put it on, no one will overpower you!
Ivan, the merchant's son, put on that shirt, mounted a heroic horse and rode off to woo Elena the Beautiful for himself; and it was announced all over the world about her: whoever defeats the Serpent Gorynych, she should marry him.
Ivan, the merchant's son, attacked the Serpent Gorynych, defeated him, and was about to pinch his head in an oak stump, but the Serpent Gorynych began to tearfully beg and ask:
- Do not beat me to death, take me into your service: I will be your faithful servant!
Ivan, the merchant's son, took pity on him, took him with him, brought him to Elena the Beautiful, and a little later married her, and made Serpent Gorynych a cook.
Once the merchant's son went hunting, and the Serpent Gorynych seduced Elena the Beautiful and ordered her to find out why Ivan, the merchant's son, is so wise and strong?
The Serpent Gorynych brewed a strong potion, and Elena the Beautiful gave her husband that potion to drink and began to ask:
- Tell me, Ivan is a merchant's son, where is your wisdom?
- In the kitchen, in a broom.
Elena the Beautiful took this broom, decorated it with different colors and put it in a conspicuous place. Ivan - the merchant's son returned from hunting, saw a broom and asked:
- Why did you decorate this broom?
“And then,” says Elena the Beautiful, “that your wisdom and strength are hidden in it.
- Oh, how stupid you are! Can my strength and wisdom be in a broom?
Elena the Beautiful again gave him a strong potion to drink and asked:
“Tell me, dear, where is your wisdom?”
- Bull in the horns.
She ordered the bull's horns to be gilded. The next day, Ivan, the merchant's son, returned from hunting, saw a bull, and asked:
- What does it mean? Why are the horns gilded?
- And then, - Elena the Beautiful answers, - that here your strength and wisdom are hidden.
- Oh, how stupid you are! Can my strength and wisdom be in the horns?
Elena the Beautiful gave her husband a strong potion to drink and again began to question him:
- Tell me, dear, where is your wisdom, where is your strength? Ivan is a merchant's son and gave her a secret:
“My strength and wisdom is in this shirt. After that he fell asleep.
Elena the Beautiful took off his shirt, and chopped him into small pieces and ordered him to be thrown into the open field, and she herself began to live with the Serpent Gorynych.
For three days the body of Ivan, the merchant's son, lay scattered across the field, the crows had already flocked to peck at him.
At that time, an eagle, a falcon and a sparrow flew past, saw a dead brother.
The falcon rushed down, killed the crow on the fly and said to the old raven:
- Bring more dead and living water!
The raven flew and brought dead and living water.
An eagle, a falcon and a sparrow laid down the body of Ivan, the merchant's son, sprinkled it first with dead water, and then with living water.
Ivan, the merchant's son, stood up and thanked them: they gave him a golden ring.
As soon as Ivan, the merchant's son, put the ring on his hand, he immediately turned into a horse and ran to the courtyard of Elena the Beautiful.
The serpent Gorynych recognized him, ordered to catch this horse, put it in the stable, and the next day in the morning cut off his head.
Under Elena the Beautiful there was a maid; she felt sorry for such a glorious horse, went to the stable, she herself weeps bitterly and says:
“Ah, poor horse, you will be executed tomorrow!” The horse foretold her human voice:
“Come tomorrow, red maiden, to the place of execution, and when my blood splashes to the ground, protect it with your foot, then collect this blood together with the earth and scatter it around the palace.
In the morning they led the horse to be executed, cut off his head, blood spurted - the red maiden protected her with her leg, and then gathered it together with the earth and scattered around the palace: on the same day, glorious garden trees grew around the palace.
Serpent Gorynych gave the order to cut down these trees and burn every single one.
The maid wept and went into the garden last time take a walk, enjoy. One tree proclaimed to her in a human voice:
“Listen, red girl! As soon as they cut down the garden, you take one chip and throw it into the lake.
She did just that, threw the splinter into the lake - the splinter turned into a golden drake and floated on the water.
The Serpent Gorynych came to that lake - he decided to go hunting - he saw a golden drake. “Give me,” he thinks, “I’ll catch him alive!”
He took off the wonderful shirt that the sparrow gave to Ivan, the merchant's son, and rushed into the lake. And the drake went further and further, led the Serpent Gorynych deep into the depths, fluttered - and ashore, turned around good fellow, put on a shirt and killed the snake.
After that, Ivan, the merchant's son, came to the palace. He drove out Elena the Beautiful, and married her maid and began to live with her, live, make good.

In a certain kingdom there lived a rich merchant. The merchant died and left three sons at an age. The two elders went hunting every day.

At one time, they took their younger brother, Ivan, with them to hunt, took him to a dense forest and left him there - in order to divide all his father's estate among themselves, and deprive him of his inheritance.

Ivan - the merchant's son wandered through the forest for a long time, ate berries and roots, finally got out onto the plain and saw a house on that plain.

He entered the rooms, walked, walked - there was no one, everywhere was empty; only in one room the table is set for three cutlery, there are three loaves on the plates, and a bottle of wine is placed in front of each cutlery. Ivan, the merchant's son, bit off a small piece of each bread, ate it, and then drank a little from all three bottles and hid behind the door.

Suddenly an eagle flies, hit the ground and became a fine fellow; a falcon flies after him, a sparrow follows the falcon - they hit the ground and turned into good fellows too. Sat down at the table to eat.

But we have bread and wine! - says the eagle.

And that's true, - the falcon answers, - it is clear that someone has come to visit us. They began to look for a guest, to call. Eagle says:

Show us! If you are an old old man, you will be our dear father, if you are a good fellow, you will be your brother, if you are an old woman, you will be your mother, and if you are a red maiden, we will call you our sister.

Ivan - the merchant's son came out from behind the door, they affectionately received him and called him their brother.

The next day, the eagle began to ask Ivan, the merchant's son:

Do us a favor - stay here and exactly one year later, on this very day, collect on the table.

Well, - the merchant's son answers, - it will be done.

The eagle gave him the keys, allowed him to go everywhere, look at everything, only one key that hung on the wall, he did not order to take.

After that, the good fellows turned to birds - an eagle, a falcon and a sparrow - and flew away.

Ivan - the merchant's son once walked around the yard and saw a door in the ground behind a strong lock; I wanted to look there, I began to try the keys - not a single one is necessary; ran into the rooms, took the forbidden key from the wall, unlocked the lock and opened the door.
In the dungeon, the heroic horse stands - in all its decoration, on both sides of the saddle two bags are hung: in one - gold, in the other - semi-precious stones.

He began to stroke the horse: the heroic horse hit him in the chest with a hoof and knocked him out of the dungeon for a whole fathom. From that, Ivan, the merchant's son, slept soundly until the very day on which his named brothers were to fly.

As soon as he woke up, he locked the door, hung the key in the old place and set the table for three appliances.

Here an eagle, a falcon and a sparrow flew in, hit the ground and became good fellows, said hello and sat down to dinner.

The next day, the falcon began to ask Ivan, the merchant's son: do one more year of service! Ivan the merchant's son agreed.

The brothers flew away, and he again went around the yard, saw another door in the ground, unlocked it with the same key.

In the dungeon, the heroic horse stands - in all its decoration, bags are attached to both sides of the saddle: in one - gold, in the other - semi-precious stones.

He began to stroke the horse: the heroic horse hit him in the chest with a hoof and knocked him out of the dungeon for a whole fathom. From that, Ivan, the merchant's son, slept soundly for the same amount of time as before.

I woke up on the very day when the brothers were supposed to arrive, locked the door, hung the key on the wall and prepared the table.

An eagle, a falcon and a sparrow arrive: they hit the ground, said hello and sat down to dinner.

The next day, in the morning, a sparrow began to ask Ivan, the merchant's son: serve the service for another year. He agreed.

The brothers turned into birds and flew away. Ivan, the merchant's son, lived alone for a whole year, and when the appointed day came, he laid the table and waited for his brothers.

The brothers flew in, hit the ground and became good fellows: they went in, said hello and had lunch.

After dinner, the elder brother, the eagle, says:

Thank you, merchant's son, for your service; here is a heroic horse for you - I give it with all the harness, and with gold, and with semi-precious stones.

The middle brother, the falcon, gave him another heroic horse, and the younger brother, the sparrow, gave him a shirt.

Take it, - he says, - the bullet does not take this shirt; if you put it on, no one will overpower you!

Ivan - the merchant's son put on that shirt, sat on the heroic horse and went to woo Elena the Beautiful for himself; and it was announced all over the world about her: whoever defeats the Serpent Gorynych, she should marry him.

Ivan - the merchant's son attacked the Serpent Gorynych, defeated him and was about to pinch his head in an oak stump, but the Serpent Gorynych began to tearfully beg and ask:

Do not beat me to death, take me into your service: I will be your faithful servant!

Ivan, the merchant's son, took pity on him, took him with him, brought him to Elena the Beautiful, and a little later married her, and made Serpent Gorynych a cook.

Once the merchant's son went hunting, and the Serpent Gorynych seduced Elena the Beautiful and ordered her to find out why Ivan, the merchant's son, is so wise and strong?

The Serpent Gorynych brewed a strong potion, and Elena the Beautiful gave her husband that potion to drink and began to ask:

Tell me, Ivan is a merchant's son, where is your wisdom?

In the kitchen, in a broom.
Elena the Beautiful took this broom, decorated it with different colors and put it in a conspicuous place. Ivan - the merchant's son returned from hunting, saw a broom and asked:

Why did you decorate this broom?

And then, - says Elena the Beautiful, - that your wisdom and strength are hidden in it.

Ah, how stupid you are! Can my strength and wisdom be in a broom?

Elena the Beautiful again gave him a strong potion to drink and asked:

Tell me, honey, where is your wisdom?

The bull has horns.

She ordered the bull's horns to be gilded. The next day, Ivan, the merchant's son, returned from hunting, saw a bull and asked:

What does it mean? Why are the horns gilded?

And then, - Elena the Beautiful answers, - that here your strength and wisdom are hidden.

Ah, how stupid you are! Can my strength and wisdom be in the horns?

Elena the Beautiful gave her husband a strong potion to drink and again began to question him:

Tell me, dear, where is your wisdom, where is your strength? Ivan is a merchant's son and gave her a secret:

My strength and wisdom is in this shirt. After that he fell asleep.

Elena the Beautiful took off his shirt, and chopped him into small pieces and ordered him to be thrown into the open field, and she herself began to live with the Serpent Gorynych.

For three days the body of Ivan lay - the merchant's son scattered across the field, the crows flocked to peck at him.

At that time, an eagle, a falcon and a sparrow flew past, saw a dead brother.

The falcon rushed down, killed the crow on the fly and said to the old raven:

Bring rather dead and living water!

The raven flew and brought dead and living water.

An eagle, a falcon and a sparrow laid down the body of Ivan, the merchant's son, sprinkled it first with dead water, and then with living water.

Ivan, the merchant's son, stood up and thanked them: they gave him a golden ring.

As soon as Ivan, the merchant's son, put the ring on his hand, he immediately turned into a horse and ran to the courtyard of Elena the Beautiful.

The serpent Gorynych recognized him, ordered to catch this horse, put it in the stable, and the next day in the morning cut off his head.

Under Elena the Beautiful there was a maid; she felt sorry for such a glorious horse, went to the stable, she herself weeps bitterly and says:

Oh, poor horse, you will be executed tomorrow! The horse proclaimed to her in a human voice:

Come tomorrow, red maiden, to the place of execution, and as soon as my blood splashes to the ground, protect it with your foot, then collect this blood together with the earth and scatter it around the palace.

In the morning they led the horse to be executed, cut off his head, blood splashed - the red maiden protected her with her leg, and then gathered it together with the earth and scattered around the palace: on the same day, glorious garden trees grew around the palace.

Serpent Gorynych gave the order to cut down these trees and burn every single one.

The maid burst into tears and went into the garden for the last time to take a walk and admire. One tree proclaimed to her in a human voice:

Listen, red girl! As soon as they cut down the garden, you take one chip and throw it into the lake.

She did just that, threw the sliver into the lake - the sliver turned into a golden drake and floated on the water.

The Serpent Gorynych came to that lake - he decided to hunt - he saw a golden drake. “Give me,” he thinks, “I’ll catch him alive!”

He took off the wonderful shirt that the sparrow gave to Ivan, the merchant's son, and rushed into the lake. And the drake farther and farther, led the Serpent Gorynych deeper, fluttered - and ashore, turned into a good fellow, put on a shirt and killed the snake.

After that, Ivan, the merchant's son, came to the palace. He drove out Elena the Beautiful, and married her maid and began to live with her, live, make good.

In a certain kingdom there lived a rich merchant; the merchant died and left three sons at age. The older two went hunting every day. At one time, they asked their mother and younger brother, Ivan, to hunt, took him to a dense forest and left him there in order to divide the entire father's estate into two parts among themselves, and deprive him of his inheritance. Ivan the merchant's son wandered through the forest for a long time, eating berries and roots; Finally he got out onto a beautiful plain and on that plain he saw a house. He entered the rooms, walked and walked - there was no one, everywhere was empty; only in one room the table is set for three cutlery, there are three loaves on the plates, and a bottle of wine is placed in front of each cutlery. Ivan the merchant's son bit off a small piece of each bread, ate it, and then drank a little from all three bottles and hid behind the door.

Suddenly an eagle flies, hit the ground and became a fine fellow; a falcon flies after him, a sparrow follows the falcon - they hit the ground and turned into good fellows too. Sat down at the table to eat.

But we have bread and wine! - says the eagle.

And that's true, - the falcon answers, - it is clear that someone has come to visit us.

They began to look for a guest, to call. Eagle says:

Show us! If you are an old old man, you will be our dear father, if you are a good fellow, you will be a brother, if you are an old woman, you will be your mother, and if you are a red maiden, we will call you our sister.

Ivan the merchant's son came out from behind the door; they kindly received him and called him their brother.

The next day, the eagle began to ask Ivan the merchant's son:

Do us a favor - stay here and exactly one year later, on this very day, collect on the table.

Well, - the merchant's son answers, - it will be done.

The eagle gave him the keys, allowed him to go everywhere, look at everything, only one key that hung on the wall, he did not order to take. After that, the good fellows turned into birds - an eagle, a falcon and a sparrow - and flew away.

Ivan the merchant's son once walked around the yard and saw a door in the ground behind a strong lock; I wanted to look there, I began to try the keys - not a single one is necessary; ran into the rooms, took the forbidden key from the wall, unlocked the lock and opened the door. In the dungeon, the heroic horse stands - in all its decoration, on both sides of the saddle two bags are hung: in one - gold, in the other - semi-precious stones. He began to stroke the horse; the heroic horse hit him in the chest with a hoof and knocked him out of the dungeon for a whole fathom. From that Ivan the merchant's son slept soundly until the very day on which his named brothers were to fly. As soon as he woke up, he locked the door, hung the key in the old place and set the table for three appliances.

Here an eagle, a falcon and a sparrow flew in, hit the ground and became good fellows, said hello and sat down to dinner. The next day, the falcon began to ask Ivan the merchant's son: do one more year of service! Ivan the merchant's son agreed. The brothers flew away, and he again went around the yard, saw another door in the ground, unlocked it with the same key. In the dungeon, the heroic horse stands - in all its decoration, bags are attached to both sides of the saddle: in one - gold, in the other - semi-precious stones. He began to stroke the horse; the heroic horse hit him in the chest with a hoof and knocked him out of the dungeon for a whole fathom. From that, Ivan the merchant's son slept soundly for the same amount of time as before; woke up on the very day when the brothers were supposed to fly in, locked the door, hung the key on the wall and prepared the table.

An eagle, a falcon and a sparrow arrive; hit the ground, said hello and sat down to dinner. The next day, in the morning, a sparrow began to ask Ivan the merchant's son: do one more year of service! He agreed. The brothers turned into birds and flew away. Ivan the merchant's son lived alone for a whole year, and when the appointed day came, he set the table and waited for his brothers. The brothers flew in, hit the ground, and became good fellows; came in, said hello and had lunch. After dinner, the elder brother, the eagle, says:

Thank you, merchant's son, for your service; here is a heroic horse for you - I give it with all the harness, and with gold, and with semi-precious stones.

The middle brother, the falcon, gave him another heroic horse, and the younger brother, the sparrow, gave him a shirt.

Take it, - he says, - the bullet does not take this shirt; if you put it on - no one will master you!

Ivan, the merchant's son, put on that shirt, mounted the heroic horse and rode off to woo Elena the Beautiful; and it was announced all over the world about her: whoever defeats the Serpent Gorynych, she should marry him. Ivan the merchant's son attacked the Serpent Gorynych, defeated him and was about to pinch his head in an oak stump, but the Serpent Gorynych began to tearfully beg and ask:

Do not beat me to death, take me into your service; I will be your faithful servant!

Ivan, the merchant's son, took pity on him, took him with him, brought him to Elena the Beautiful, and a little later married her, and made Serpent Gorynych a cook.

Once the merchant's son went hunting, and the Serpent Gorynych seduced Elena the Beautiful and ordered her to find out why Ivan the merchant's son is so wise and strong? The Serpent Gorynych brewed a strong potion, and Elena the Beautiful gave her husband that potion to drink and began to ask:

Tell me, Ivan the merchant's son, where is your wisdom?

In the kitchen, in a broom.

Elena the Beautiful took this broom, decorated it with different colors and put it in a conspicuous place. Ivan the merchant's son, returning from hunting, saw a broom and asked:

Why did you decorate this broom?

And then, - says Elena the Beautiful, - that your wisdom and strength are hidden in it.

Ah, how stupid you are! Can my strength and wisdom be in a broom?

Elena the Beautiful again gave him a strong potion to drink and asked:

Tell me, honey, where is your wisdom?

The bull has horns.

She ordered the bull's horns to be gilded. The next day, Ivan the merchant's son, returning from hunting, saw a bull and asked:

What does it mean? Why are the horns gilded?

And then, - Elena the Beautiful answers, - that here your strength and wisdom are hidden.

Ah, how stupid you are! Can my strength and wisdom be in the horns?

Elena the Beautiful gave her husband a strong potion to drink and began to ask him without fail:

Tell me, dear, where is your wisdom, where is your strength?

Ivan the merchant's son gave her a secret:

My strength and wisdom is in this shirt.

After that he got drunk and fell asleep; Elena the Beautiful took off his shirt, chopped him into small pieces and ordered him to be thrown into an open field, and she herself began to live with the Serpent Gorynych.

For three days the body of Ivan the merchant's son lay scattered across the open field; the crows have flocked to peck at him. At that time, an eagle, a falcon and a sparrow flew past, saw a dead brother and decided to help him. Immediately the falcon rushed down, killed the crow on the fly and said to the old raven:

Bring more dead and living water!

The raven flew and brought dead and living water. An eagle, a falcon and a sparrow laid down the body of Ivan the merchant's son, sprinkled it first with dead water, and then with living water. Ivan the merchant's son got up and thanked them; they gave him a golden ring. As soon as Ivan the merchant's son put the ring on his hand, he immediately turned into a horse and ran to the courtyard of Elena the Beautiful. The serpent Gorynych recognized him, ordered to catch this horse, put it in the stable, and the next day in the morning cut off his head.

Under Elena the Beautiful there was a maid; she felt sorry for such a glorious horse, went to the stable, she herself weeps bitterly and says:

Oh, poor horse, you will be executed tomorrow.

Come tomorrow, red maiden, to the place of execution, and when my blood splashes to the ground, step in with your foot; then collect this blood together with the earth and scatter it around the palace.

In the morning they led the horse to be executed; they chopped off his head, blood spattered - the red maiden stood up for her with her leg, and then gathered it together with the ground and scattered it around the palace; on the same day glorious garden trees grew around the palace. Serpent Gorynych gave the order to cut down these trees and burn everything to the last. The maid burst into tears and went into the garden for the last time to take a walk and admire. One tree proclaimed to her in a human voice:

Listen, red girl! As soon as they cut down the garden, you take one chip and throw it into the lake.

She did just that, threw the sliver into the lake - the sliver turned into a golden drake and floated on the water.

The Serpent Gorynych came to that lake - he decided to go hunting, he saw a golden drake.

Give, - he thinks, - I'll catch you alive!

He took off the wonderful shirt that the sparrow gave Ivan the merchant's son, and rushed into the lake. And the drake went further and further, led the Serpent Gorynych deeper, fluttered - and ashore, turned into a good fellow, put on a shirt and killed the snake. After that, Ivan the merchant's son came to the palace, shot Elena the Beautiful, and married her maid and began to live with her, live, make good.

In a certain kingdom there lived a rich merchant. The merchant died and left three sons at an age. The two elders went hunting every day.

At one time, they took their younger brother, Ivan, with them to hunt, took him to a dense forest and left him there - in order to divide all his father's estate among themselves, and deprive him of his inheritance.

Ivan - the merchant's son wandered through the forest for a long time, ate berries and roots, finally got out onto the plain and saw a house on that plain.

He entered the rooms, walked, walked - there was no one, everywhere was empty; only in one room the table is set for three cutlery, there are three loaves on the plates, and a bottle of wine is placed in front of each cutlery. Ivan, the merchant's son, bit off a small piece of each bread, ate it, and then drank a little from all three bottles and hid behind the door.

Suddenly an eagle flies, hit the ground and became a fine fellow; a falcon flies after him, a sparrow follows the falcon - they hit the ground and turned into good fellows too. Sat down at the table to eat.
- And after all bread and wine at us are opened! - says the eagle.
- And that's true, - the falcon answers, - it is clear that someone has come to visit us. They began to look for a guest, to call. Eagle says:
- Show us! If you are an old old man, you will be our dear father, if you are a good fellow, you will be your brother, if you are an old woman, you will be your mother, and if you are a red maiden, we will call you our sister.

Ivan - the merchant's son came out from behind the door, they affectionately received him and called him their brother.
The next day, the eagle began to ask Ivan, the merchant's son:
- Do us a favor - stay here and exactly one year later, on this very day, collect on the table.
- Well, - the merchant's son answers, - it will be done.

The eagle gave him the keys, allowed him to go everywhere, look at everything, only one key that hung on the wall, he did not order to take.
After that, the good fellows turned to birds - an eagle, a falcon and a sparrow - and flew away.
Ivan - the merchant's son once walked around the yard and saw a door in the ground behind a strong lock; I wanted to look there, I began to try the keys - not a single one is necessary; ran into the rooms, took the forbidden key from the wall, unlocked the lock and opened the door.

In the dungeon, the heroic horse stands - in all its decoration, on both sides of the saddle two bags are hung: in one - gold, in the other - semi-precious stones.
He began to stroke the horse: the heroic horse hit him in the chest with a hoof and knocked him out of the dungeon for a whole fathom. From that, Ivan, the merchant's son, slept soundly until the very day on which his named brothers were to fly.
As soon as he woke up, he locked the door, hung the key in the old place and set the table for three appliances.

Here an eagle, a falcon and a sparrow flew in, hit the ground and became good fellows, said hello and sat down to dinner.
The next day, the falcon began to ask Ivan, the merchant's son: do one more year of service! Ivan the merchant's son agreed.
The brothers flew away, and he again went around the yard, saw another door in the ground, unlocked it with the same key.

In the dungeon, the heroic horse stands - in all its decoration, bags are attached to both sides of the saddle: in one - gold, in the other - semi-precious stones.
He began to stroke the horse: the heroic horse hit him in the chest with a hoof and knocked him out of the dungeon for a whole fathom. From that, Ivan, the merchant's son, slept soundly for the same amount of time as before.

I woke up on the very day when the brothers were supposed to arrive, locked the door, hung the key on the wall and prepared the table.
An eagle, a falcon and a sparrow arrive: they hit the ground, said hello and sat down to dinner.

The next day, in the morning, a sparrow began to ask Ivan, the merchant's son: serve the service for another year. He agreed.
The brothers turned into birds and flew away. Ivan, the merchant's son, lived alone for a whole year, and when the appointed day came, he laid the table and waited for his brothers.
The brothers flew in, hit the ground and became good fellows: they went in, said hello and had lunch.

After dinner, the elder brother, the eagle, says:
- Thank you, merchant's son, for your service; here is a heroic horse for you - I give it with all the harness, and with gold, and with semi-precious stones.

The middle brother, the falcon, gave him another heroic horse, and the younger brother, the sparrow, gave him a shirt.
- Take it, - he says, - the bullet does not take this shirt; if you put it on, no one will overpower you!

Ivan - the merchant's son put on that shirt, sat on the heroic horse and went to woo Elena the Beautiful for himself; and it was announced all over the world about her: whoever defeats the Serpent Gorynych, she should marry him.
Ivan - the merchant's son attacked the Serpent Gorynych, defeated him and was about to pinch his head in an oak stump, but the Serpent Gorynych began to tearfully beg and ask:
- Do not beat me to death, take me into your service: I will be your faithful servant!

Ivan, the merchant's son, took pity on him, took him with him, brought him to Elena the Beautiful, and a little later married her, and made Serpent Gorynych a cook.
Once the merchant's son went hunting, and the Serpent Gorynych seduced Elena the Beautiful and ordered her to find out why Ivan, the merchant's son, is so wise and strong?

The Serpent Gorynych brewed a strong potion, and Elena the Beautiful gave her husband that potion to drink and began to ask:
- Tell me, Ivan is a merchant's son, where is your wisdom?
- In the kitchen, in a broom.

Elena the Beautiful took this broom, decorated it with different colors and put it in a conspicuous place. oskazkah.ru - site Ivan - the merchant's son returned from hunting, saw a broom and asks:
- Why did you decorate this broom?
- And then, - says Elena the Beautiful, - that your wisdom and strength are hidden in it.
- Oh, how stupid you are! Can my strength and wisdom be in a broom?

Elena the Beautiful again gave him a strong potion to drink and asked:
- Tell me, dear, where is your wisdom?
- A bull in the horns.

She ordered the bull's horns to be gilded. The next day, Ivan, the merchant's son, returned from hunting, saw a bull and asked:
- What does it mean? Why are the horns gilded?
- And then, - Elena the Beautiful answers, - that here your strength and wisdom are hidden.
- Oh, how stupid you are! Can my strength and wisdom be in the horns?

Elena the Beautiful gave her husband a strong potion to drink and again began to question him:
- Tell me, dear, where is your wisdom, where is your strength? Ivan is a merchant's son and gave her a secret:
- My strength and wisdom is in this shirt. After that he fell asleep.

Elena the Beautiful took off his shirt, and chopped him into small pieces and ordered him to be thrown into the open field, and she herself began to live with the Serpent Gorynych.
For three days the body of Ivan lay - the merchant's son scattered across the field, the crows flocked to peck at him.
At that time, an eagle, a falcon and a sparrow flew past, saw a dead brother.

The falcon rushed down, killed the crow on the fly and said to the old raven:
- Bring more dead and living water!

The raven flew and brought dead and living water.
An eagle, a falcon and a sparrow laid down the body of Ivan, the merchant's son, sprinkled it first with dead water, and then with living water.
Ivan, the merchant's son, stood up and thanked them: they gave him a golden ring.
As soon as Ivan, the merchant's son, put the ring on his hand, he immediately turned into a horse and ran to the courtyard of Elena the Beautiful.
The serpent Gorynych recognized him, ordered to catch this horse, put it in the stable, and the next day in the morning cut off his head.

Under Elena the Beautiful there was a maid; she felt sorry for such a glorious horse, went to the stable, she herself weeps bitterly and says:
- Oh, poor horse, you will be executed tomorrow! The horse proclaimed to her in a human voice:
“Come tomorrow, red maiden, to the place of execution, and when my blood splashes to the ground, protect it with your foot, then collect this blood together with the earth and scatter it around the palace.

In the morning they led the horse to be executed, cut off his head, blood splashed - the red maiden protected her with her leg, and then gathered it together with the earth and scattered around the palace: on the same day, glorious garden trees grew around the palace.
Serpent Gorynych gave the order to cut down these trees and burn every single one.

The maid burst into tears and went into the garden for the last time to take a walk and admire. One tree proclaimed to her in a human voice:
- Listen, red girl! As soon as they cut down the garden, you take one chip and throw it into the lake.

She did just that, threw the sliver into the lake - the sliver turned into a golden drake and floated on the water.
The Serpent Gorynych came to that lake - he decided to hunt - he saw a golden drake. “Give me,” he thinks, “I’ll catch him alive!”

He took off the wonderful shirt that the sparrow gave to Ivan, the merchant's son, and rushed into the lake. And the drake farther and farther, led the Serpent Gorynych deeper, fluttered - and ashore, turned into a good fellow, put on a shirt and killed the snake.

After that, Ivan, the merchant's son, came to the palace. He drove out Elena the Beautiful, and married her maid and began to live with her, live, make good.

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In a certain kingdom there lived a rich merchant. The merchant died and left three sons at an age. The two elders went hunting every day.

At one time, they took their younger brother, Ivan, with them to hunt, took him to a dense forest and left him there - in order to divide all his father's estate among themselves, and deprive him of his inheritance.

Ivan, the merchant's son, wandered through the forest for a long time, eating berries and roots; Finally he got out onto the plain and on that plain he saw a house.

He entered the rooms, walked, walked - there was no one, everywhere was empty; only in one room the table is set for three cutlery, there are three loaves on the plates, and a bottle of wine is placed in front of each cutlery. Ivan, the merchant's son, bit off a small piece of each bread, ate it, and then drank a little from all three bottles and hid behind the door.

Suddenly an eagle flew in, hit the ground and became a fine fellow; a falcon flies after him, a sparrow follows the falcon - they hit the ground and turned into good fellows too. Sat down at the table to eat.

But we have bread and wine! - says the eagle.

And that's true, - the falcon answers, - it is clear that someone has come to visit us.

They began to look for a guest, to call.

Eagle says:

Show us! If you are an old old man, you will be our dear father, if you are a good fellow, you will be your brother, if you are an old woman, you will be your mother, and if you are a red maiden, we will call you our sister.

Ivan - the merchant's son came out from behind the door; they kindly received him and called him their brother.

The next day, the eagle began to ask Ivan, the merchant's son:

Do us a favor - stay here and exactly one year later, on this very day, collect on the table.

Well, - the merchant's son answers, - it will be done.

The eagle gave him the keys, allowed him to go everywhere, look at everything, only one key that hung on the wall, he did not order to take.

After that, the good fellows turned to birds - an eagle, a falcon and a sparrow - and flew away.

Ivan - the merchant's son once walked around the yard and saw a door in the ground behind a strong lock; I wanted to look there, I began to try the keys - not a single one is necessary; ran into the rooms, took the forbidden key from the wall, unlocked the lock and opened the door.

In the dungeon, the heroic horse stands - in all its decoration, on both sides of the saddle two bags are hung: in one - gold, in the other - semi-precious stones.

He began to stroke the horse; the heroic horse hit him in the chest with a hoof and knocked him out of the dungeon for a whole fathom. From that, Ivan, the merchant's son, slept soundly until the very day on which his named brothers were to fly.

As soon as he woke up, he locked the door, hung the key in the old place and set the table for three appliances.

Here an eagle, a falcon and a sparrow flew in, hit the ground and became good fellows, said hello and sat down to dinner.

The next day, the falcon began to ask Ivan, the merchant's son: do one more year of service! Ivan the merchant's son agreed.

The brothers flew away, and he again went around the yard, saw another door in the ground, unlocked it with the same key.

In the dungeon, the heroic horse stands - in all its decoration, bags are attached to both sides of the saddle: in one - gold, in the other - semi-precious stones.

He began to stroke the horse; the heroic horse hit him in the chest with a hoof and knocked him out of the dungeon for a whole fathom. From that, Ivan, the merchant's son, slept soundly for the same amount of time as before.

I woke up on the very day when the brothers were supposed to arrive, locked the door, hung the key on the wall and prepared the table.

An eagle, a falcon and a sparrow arrive; hit the ground, said hello and sat down to dinner.

The next day, in the morning, a sparrow began to ask Ivan, the merchant's son: serve de service for one more year! He agreed.

The brothers turned into birds and flew away. Ivan, the merchant's son, lived alone for a whole year, and when the appointed day came, he set the table and waited for his brothers.

The brothers flew in, hit the ground, and became good fellows; came in, said hello and had lunch.

After dinner, the elder brother, the eagle, says:

Thank you, merchant's son, for your service; here is a heroic horse for you - I give it with all the harness, and with gold, and with semi-precious stones.

The middle brother, the falcon, gave him another heroic horse, and the younger brother, the sparrow, gave him a shirt.

Take it, - he says, - the bullet does not take this shirt; if you put it on, no one will overpower you!

Ivan - the merchant's son put on that shirt, sat on the heroic horse and went to woo Elena the Beautiful for himself; and it was announced all over the world about her: whoever defeats the Serpent Gorynych, she should marry him.

Ivan - the merchant's son attacked the Serpent Gorynych, defeated him and was about to pinch his head in an oak stump, but the Serpent Gorynych began to tearfully beg and ask:

Do not beat me to death, take me into your service; I will be your faithful servant!

Ivan, the merchant's son, took pity on him, took him with him, brought him to Elena the Beautiful, and a little later married her, and made Serpent Gorynych a cook.

Once the merchant's son went hunting, and the Serpent Gorynych seduced Elena the Beautiful and ordered her to find out why Ivan, the merchant's son, is so wise and strong?

The Serpent Gorynych brewed a strong potion, and Elena the Beautiful made her husband drink that potion and began to ask:

Tell me, Ivan is a merchant's son, where is your wisdom?

In the kitchen, in a broom.

Elena the Beautiful took this broom, decorated it with different colors and put it in a conspicuous place. Ivan - the merchant's son returned from hunting, saw a broom and asked:

Why did you decorate this broom?

And then, - says Elena the Beautiful, - that your wisdom and strength are hidden in it.

Ah, how stupid you are! Can my strength and wisdom be in a broom?

Elena the Beautiful again gave him a strong potion to drink and asked:

Tell me, honey, where is your wisdom?

The bull has horns.

She ordered the bull's horns to be gilded.

The next day, Ivan, the merchant's son, returned from hunting, saw a bull and asked:

What does it mean? Why are the horns gilded?

And then, - Elena the Beautiful answers, - that here your strength and wisdom are hidden.

Ah, how stupid you are! Can my strength and wisdom be in the horns?

Elena the Beautiful gave her husband a strong potion to drink and again began to question him:

Tell me, dear, where is your wisdom, where is your strength?

Ivan is a merchant's son and gave her a secret:

My strength and wisdom is in this shirt.

After that he fell asleep.

Elena the Beautiful took off his shirt, and chopped him into small pieces and ordered him to be thrown into an open field, and she herself began to live with the Serpent Gorynych.

For three days the body of Ivan, the merchant's son, lay scattered across the open field; the crows have flocked to peck at him.

At that time, an eagle, a falcon and a sparrow flew past, saw a dead brother.

The falcon rushed down, killed the crow on the fly and said to the old raven:

Bring rather dead and living water!

The raven flew and brought dead and living water.

An eagle, a falcon and a sparrow laid down the body of Ivan, the merchant's son, sprinkled it first with dead water, and then with living water.

Ivan, the merchant's son, stood up and thanked them: they gave him a golden ring.

As soon as Ivan, the merchant's son, put the ring on his hand, he immediately turned into a horse and ran to the courtyard of Elena the Beautiful.

The serpent Gorynych recognized him, ordered to catch this horse, put it in the stable, and the next day in the morning cut off his head.

Under Elena the Beautiful there was a maid; she felt sorry for such a glorious horse, went to the stable, she herself weeps bitterly and says:

Oh, poor horse, you will be executed tomorrow.

Come tomorrow, red maiden, to the place of execution, and when my blood splashes to the ground, step in with your foot; then collect this blood together with the earth and scatter it around the palace.

In the morning they led the horse to be executed; they cut off his head, blood spurted out - the red maiden protected it with her leg, and then gathered it together with the earth and scattered it around the palace; on the same day glorious garden trees grew around the palace.

The Serpent Gorynych gave the order to cut down these trees and burn them to the last.

The maid burst into tears and went into the garden for the last time to take a walk and admire. One tree proclaimed to her in a human voice:

Listen, red girl! As soon as they cut down the garden, you take one chip and throw it into the lake.

She did just that, threw the sliver into the lake - the sliver turned into a golden drake and floated on the water.

The Serpent Gorynych came to that lake - he decided to hunt - he saw a golden drake. “Give me,” he thinks, “I’ll catch him alive!”

He took off the wonderful shirt that the sparrow gave to Ivan, the merchant's son, and rushed into the lake. And the drake farther and farther, led the Serpent Gorynych deeper, fluttered - and ashore, turned into a good fellow, put on a shirt and killed the snake.

After that, Ivan, the merchant's son, came to the palace, drove Elena the Beautiful away, and married her maid and began to live with her, live, make good.

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