Interesting facts about our life. Briefly about different things - interesting facts from life


Interesting Facts:

In the life of the world around us every day there is a lot of new, interesting and unusual. But do we know about all this? After all, weekdays modern people flow in the stream and cycle of urgent and urgent matters. Sometimes there is absolutely no time to learn about something interesting. It often happens that there is only time to look at the news bulletin, to hear something really interesting out of the corner of your ear, but there is no time to learn more about it. If you are tired of hearing about the same events on TV and radio, reading about them in daily news programs and websites, if you do not have time to watch educational cable programs, check out the selection fun facts on our website. Here you can find the most interesting facts about our planet, about people, unusual data about animals and flora, interesting facts about the development of nanotechnology, about new space developments. The site publishes and constantly updates all the new data and facts from various fields human knowledge- politics, education, science, history, art, psychology of human relationships, housekeeping. Here you can get acquainted with the achievements in the field of science and technology, learn something new from the world of tourism, read Interesting Facts from life as ordinary people and world celebrities. At any convenient time, when there is a minute at home or at work and there is an Internet connection, the site invites you to recharge with positive, learn a lot of new, useful and interesting things. If you love nature, then Interesting Facts about animals will surely not leave you indifferent. Corresponding photographic material illustrating the content is submitted with text news. Getting to know new interesting events and unusual data will help relieve fatigue at the end of the working day, give relaxation during hard work, improve mood. All people have a thirst for knowledge of the new and unknown, they love to travel, but not everyone can afford it sufficiently. As a result, many curious things remain unknown to each of us. But now the most Interesting Facts, published and constantly updated on the site, provide an opportunity to fill this gap. And let new knowledge make life at least a little more interesting. After all, it is always nice to share unusual news with friends or tell your household about them! © 2019 All rights reserved. When copying materials, a link to the site is required.

1. The first artificial satellite of the Earth weighed 83.6 kg. Hummingbird weighs an average of 1.7 g.
2. Every second, 1% of the world's population is dead drunk.
3. The first cologne in history appeared as a means of preventing the plague.
4. There are no clocks in Las Vegas casinos.
5. The bed as an element of furniture appeared in Rus' only at the beginning of the 17th century. Before that, they slept either on beds, or on a bench or stove.
6. In the 18th century, soldiers who fought against the armies of Frederick brought cockroaches to Moscow and St. Petersburg. Before that, there were no cockroaches.
7. Modern chair (with back and armrests) came into use only about 400 years ago.
8. The human brain only needs 1/20 of a second to accurately recognize an image or object captured by the eye.
9. The average person laughs 15 times a day. Humans blink approximately 84 million times a year.
10. When glass breaks, the crack propagates at about 5,000 kilometers per hour.
11. The word "chess" comes from the Persian phrase "shah mat", which means "the ruler is dead."
12. Every year in the seas and rivers the globe about 30 million tons of fish are caught.
13. At least 100,000 chemical reactions take place in the human brain every second.
14. A cup of coffee contains about a thousand natural compounds. Of these, only three percent have been tested for carcinogenicity.
15. human heart pumps about 2 tons of blood per day and beats over 100,000 times.
16. A cup of coffee contains 20 percent of the daily requirement of vitamin P, which is necessary for blood vessels.
17. If you add up all the numbers on the casino roulette wheel, you get magic number 666.
18. Most iodine is found in peas (211 micrograms per 1 kg of dry weight), followed by pepper (135), onion (19), lettuce (17).
19. The library of Confucius had about 600 volumes on roses.
20. total area receptors that respond to odors in humans is 5 square meters. cm; dogs 65 sq. cm, and the shark has 155 sq. cm.
21. A quarter of the bones of the human body are concentrated in the legs; fingernails grow 4 times faster than toenails.
22. The world's first pharmacy opened around 1000 AD. in Baghdad.
23. After a minute of being in the dark, the sensitivity of the eyes to light increases 10 times, after 20 minutes. - 6 thousand times.
24. The most rapid development of the brain occurs between the ages of 2 and 11 years. Engaging in unfamiliar activities The best way development.
25. Approximately 840 liters of water per day flows through a jet of water the width of a needle.
26. If you collect all the iron contained in the human body, you get only a small screw for women's watches.
27. Yearly more money spent on alcohol and cigarettes than on life insurance.
28. The human brain consists of more than 20 billion nerve cells and is able to memorize 96 million bits of information daily.
29. When a person is born, he has 300 bones, but by the 25th birthday, only 206 remain (they fuse).
30. The number of upper eyelashes in a person is 150-200, lower 50-100, and their life expectancy is 150 days.
31. If we divide all the Lego constructors produced since 1947, then there will be thirty parts for each inhabitant of the Earth.
32. Toilet paper was invented in 1857.
33. Some Chinese typewriters have up to 5,700 characters. The keyboard width on them is about a meter and the fastest and most professional typists achieve a typing speed of only 11 words per minute.
34. In 1997, traveling on donkeys died more people than traveling by plane.
35. Most deaths in hospitals occur between 4 and 6 pm, when the human body is at its weakest.
36. If all the water in the world contained in various containers and reservoirs is poured into the open ocean, then its level will rise by 3 cm
37. Just one drop of oil makes 25 liters of water unfit for drinking.
38. "Monologue" is a science that studies stupidity (!)
39. Execution in the electric chair takes place in the presence of 40 witnesses.
40. If you are locked in a completely sealed room, then you will die faster from excess carbon dioxide than from lack of oxygen.
41. Every time you lick postage stamp, you expend 1/10 of a calorie.
42. The chance of dying from falling out of bed is roughly equal to the chance of dying from being hit by light (1 in 2,000,000). And the chance of dying from a snakebite is 1 in 3,000,000.
43. 25% of the world's population has never made a phone call
44. A cockroach without a head lives 6 hours.
45. Duck quacking has no echo
46. ​​On average, a person accidentally eats 70 insects in a lifetime.
47. Tongue prints are as individual as fingerprints.
48. Impossible to reach your own elbow with your tongue
49. 75% of those who read these facts try to get their own elbow with their tongue.
50. According to judicial statistics, not a single wife has yet shot her husband while he was washing the dishes.
51. A person has less muscles than a caterpillar.
52. The nose grows throughout a person's life.
53. House dust is 70% shed skin.
54. In the 15th century, it was believed that the red color heals. Patients wore red and surrounded themselves with red things.
55. When you blush, your stomach turns red too.
56. In human body enough body fat for 7 bars of soap.
57. Most people lose 50% of their sense of taste by age 60.
58. A tooth is the only part of a person that is deprived of the ability to self-repair.
59. The brain is 80% water.
60. More living organisms live on the body of one person than people on Earth.
61. The ancient Greeks believed that boys grow up in right side abdomen, and girls - in the left.
62. Blond beards grow faster than dark ones.
63. In Russian and English there is no word for the name of the back of the knee.
64. The human nose is able to recognize more than 10,000 odors, and the eye - about 100.
65. 33% of office documents are wad-shaped
66. A mole can dig a tunnel 100 meters long in one night, and an evil mole can dig a tunnel of the same length.
67. An ant moves its paws faster than it thinks.
68. The length of hair on the head, grown on average by a person during his life, is 725 kilometers.
69. Blondes have a beard growing faster than brunettes.
70. Men are considered dwarfs with a height below 130 cm, women - below 120 cm.
71. The size of a human heart is approximately is equal to his fist. The weight of an adult heart is 220-260 g.
72. human brain generates more electrical impulses in a day than all the phones in the world combined.
73. The tongue of a chameleon is twice as long as itself.

If you are bored and have ten minutes to spare, why not read 100 of the most interesting and funny facts from life on our planet.

1. If you want to burn more than 150 calories in an hour, bang your head against the wall.

2. Did you know that eating pies in the UK at Christmas is illegal.

3. Pteronophobia causes people to panic from being tickled by bird feathers.

4. Did you know that hippos sweat? And their sweat, when they're upset, is red.

5. A flying flock of crows is very dangerous for life, it is better to avoid meeting with them.

6. On average, a woman puts so much lipstick on her lips in 5 years that if they are folded into one tube, its length will be equal to the height of a woman.

7. Herophobia is an inexplicable fear of pleasure (fun).

8. Have you heard that human saliva exceeds the boiling point of water by as much as three times.

9. If you raise the tail of a kangaroo, then he will not be able to jump.

10. Ed Hendrick was the man who invented the Frisbee (flying saucers) and was cremated after his death. Plates were made from his remains, which were given to relatives as a token of his memory.

11. A person in his entire life produces so much saliva that it can fill a whole pool.

12. An eagle can grab a young deer and even kill it.

13. Polar bear can eat as many as 86 penguins in one sitting.

14. King Henry VIII took a giant ax with him at night.

15. You imagine that women's tampons and bikinis were invented by a man.

16. Doctors found that on Monday a large number people have heart attacks.

17. Beans, corn, Bell pepper, cauliflower, cabbage and milk, these products will turn your intestines upside down.

18. Hobo Spider, here is another type of spider recently discovered by scientists.

19. "Fencing on penises" is scientific term, which marks the beginning of the mating ritual between flatworms. It consists in the one who “pricks” the other more, he won. Prize - the winner becomes a uterus.

20. A toaster uses almost half the energy that full-size ovens use.

21. The child of a spider is called Spiderling.

22. A person cannot snore and dream at the same time.

23. Baby octopus, born the size of a flea.

24. A duck, a sheep and a rooster were the first passengers to take to the air in a balloon.

25. In Uganda, 50% of the population are minors, their age reaches 15 years.

26. Arab women can file for divorce, just because their husbands didn't make them a cup of coffee.

27. Dog feces diluted in vinegar help relieve itching and swelling from an insect bite.

28. Catfish is the only animal that has an odd number of antennae.

29. Facebook, Skype and Twitter are banned in China.

30. 95% of people cannot say in person their opinion about any thing.

31. The Titanic was the first ship to use the SOS signal.

32. In Poole, England, the Pound of the World store went bankrupt, just because a store across the street called 99p. sold the same goods, but only 1 pence cheaper!

33. Approximately 8,000 Americans are injured on musical instruments every year.

34. Nearly 3% of the ice in Antarctica consists of penguin urine.

35. Sea otters, when sleeping, hold on to each other so as not to move away during the current.

36. Small child can swim through the veins of the blue whale.

38. The name of Hewlett-Packard was chosen by lot.

39. Total steps for eiffel tower is 1665 steps.

40. The Pokémon Hitmonlee and Hitmonchan were the "children" of Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan.

41. Toothpaste"Colgate" on Spanish translates as "go and hang yourself!".

42. Pirates wear earrings because they think their eyesight will improve.

43. Los Angeles' full name is "El Pueblo de Nuestra Señora la Reina de los Angeles de Porjuncula."

44. Dr. Kellogg introduced Kellogg corn flakes in the hope that it would reduce masturbation.

45. Octopus testicles are in his head!

46. ​​In England, in the 1880s, "Pants" was considered a dirty word.

48. Each person spends about half an hour looking at one point.

49. If you leave everything on last moment…it only takes a minute.

50. Itifallophobia means fear of erection.

51. The first alarm clock can only ring at 4 am.

52. Birds don't pee.

53. The word "ejaculation" is translated from Latin as "throw away"

55. A slug has 4 noses.

56. Potato, apple and onion all taste the same when you eat them with your nose closed.

57. George Washington grew marijuana in his garden.

58. A company in Taiwan makes tableware from wheat, so you can safely eat your own plate for lunch!

59. The Bible is one of the most stolen books in stores.

60. Marco Hort set the world record for placing 264 straws in his mouth at once!

61. Mel Blanc, the voice of Bugs Bunny, suffered from an allergy to carrots.

62. In California, driving licenses were seen for 6 drivers whose name was Jesus Christ.

63. Genesis 1:20-22 says the hen came before the egg.

64. In the Caribbean, there are oysters that can climb trees.

65. Worms drink their urine.

66. Over 1,000 birds die each year from window smashing.

67. The inventor of the waffle iron hates waffles.

68. George Bush was once an amateur.

69. In Japan, it is quite acceptable to call your child "Asshole" or "Hooker".

70. Every year, there are more than 40,000 toilet injuries in the US.

71. Madonna suffers from gamophobia, this is the fear of entering into marriage.

72. In China English language know more people than in the US.

73. Paraskavedekatriaphobia is the fear of Friday the 13th!

74. Kleenex provided their filter fabrics for gas masks.

75. In 1998, Sony sold over 700,000 camcorders that filmed people through their clothes. These cameras had special lenses that used infrared light, which allowed them to see through multiple layers of clothing.

76. When the monkeys finish fighting, they begin to masturbate.

77. In Japan, Ronald McDonald is called "Donald McDonald" because it is easier to pronounce in Japanese, and in Singapore he is known as "Uncle McDonald".

78. American archer Matt Stutzman, who had no arms since birth, set a Guinness record and plans to compete at the Olympics.

79. Scientists in Germany have released candies that do not cause tooth decay.

80. In 1964, Randy Gardner, who was 17 years old at the time, set a wakefulness record of 264 hours and 12 minutes. He then slept for 15 hours.

81. Close to 4 billion years ago there was oxygen on the planet Mars.

82. Astronauts in space can't burp.

83. Such a fruit as an avocado for birds is poison.

84. Any spacecraft must move at a speed of 7 km/s.

85. An elephant does not have a single bone in its trunk, but there are 4,000 muscles.

86. Rodent teeth never stop growing.

87. On average, a person spends 3 years of his life “reading a newspaper” on the toilet.

88. In 2006, a woman farted on a plane and tried to hide the smell, as a result, an emergency landing was made and an FBI investigation was underway

89. In Russian army during the march, instead of the anthem, the soldiers sing a song from the cartoon SpongeBob SquarePants.

90. Most people who read the word "yawn" begin to yawn.

91. 99 hours is the record time for playing Monopoly.

92. Men who kiss their wives in the morning live 5 years longer than those who don't.

93. Statistics prove that Australian women have sex on the first date.

94. More than 30% of Chinese adults live with their parents.

95. Harvard scientists believe that if you eat chocolate regularly, you can live longer.

97. The ancient Romans, when they took the oath, put their hands on their heads.

98. During the gold rush in 1849, only $100 was paid for a glass of water.

99. The can opener was invented 48 years after the invention of the can.

100. Nearly 150 people die every year from coconuts.

Thank you for reading our news, if you have any strange and amazing facts please leave them in the comments!

There are many legends about outstanding scientists and inventors, emphasizing their eccentricity, unusual discoveries and unexpected twists and turns of fate. Below in chronological order 10 are given from the life of outstanding scientists who, thanks to their discoveries and scientific achievements, have received worldwide fame.

The most interesting facts, legends, speculation and gossip

According to information recently "declassified" on the Christian Internet resource "Megaportal", a British scientist, the founder of the mathematical foundations natural philosophy Isaac Newton(Isaac Newton), being a deeply religious man, dedicated most his life to a rational interpretation of the Bible. In the records relating to 1700, he gives a transcript of " Revelations of John the Evangelist”, from which it is clear that the date of the beginning of the Apocalypse is 2060. Having studied the Old Testament, the scientist restored the exact dimensions of the Temple of Solomon in Jerusalem.

Around the same time, the German alchemist Hennig Brand(Hennig Brand), like most of his "colleagues", was looking for the philosopher's stone. He used human urine as the starting material. After numerous chemical experiments and physical effects in the form of evaporation, calcination and grinding, the scientist obtained a white powder that glows in the dark, which today is explained by the content of phosphorus in it, the concentration of which was significantly increased during chemical transformations. Brand dubbed him "light-bearer" and, deciding that the powder refers to primary matter, tried to convert it to gold. After nothing came of this idea, the scientist began to trade in the powder itself, selling the luminous substance at a much higher price than the gold-bearing one. At least associated with phosphorus interesting story that happened to the Soviet chemist, academician Semyon Isaakovich Vol'fkovich. Creating phosphate mineral fertilizers, the scientist in his laboratory was exposed to phosphorus fumes, which soaked his clothes, raincoat and hat. When he returned home on foot, taking exercise through the dark streets, a glow emanated from his robes, which gave rise to rumors among Muscovites about the appearance of a "luminous monk."

Russian academician Mikhailo Vasilievich Lomonosov, who came from Pomor fishermen, was distinguished by fair health and physical strength. Already in adulthood, being in high academic ranks, he, in good drunkenness, walked around Vasilyevsky Island. He met three sailors who, seeing a drunken man, decided to rob him. However, this attempt ended tragicomically - the first sailor was beaten unconscious, the second ran away, and the third pundit himself decided to rob. He took off the sailor's ports, jacket and camisole, and then, tying all this ammunition into a bundle, he took it to his home. After the death of Mikhail Lomonosov, all his lifetime notes, sketches and drawings disappeared from the library in an unknown way. former favorite Catherine the Great, Grigory Orlov, where they were kept by the highest order.

Few people know that the English traveler, ornithologist and naturalist Charles Darwin(Charles Darwin) one of the methods of studying birds considered them to be tasted. Joining the London gourmet club, Darwin ate dishes prepared from the great marsh bittern, sparrowhawk and other inedible and inedible birds, as a result of which the ornithologist came to the conclusion that Robinson Crusoe was not afraid of starvation. However, after the guests were treated to a roast of an old owl in the club, the scientist vomited for a long time, and he ceased his membership in the gourmet society. But Charles Darwin did not lose his passion for exotic dishes and described in great detail the taste sensations when eating dishes from rare animals that the ship's cook prepared for him while sailing on the Beagle brig. He not only ate variously prepared dishes of agouti, Galapagos tortoise and rhea ostrich, but also ventured to taste a roast of armadillo and South American mountain lion - cougar. Summarizing his gourmet experience, Charles Darwin noted that variety meat dishes prepared from the most unusual animals and birds, awakened in him the instincts of a predator.

The world's first female professor of mathematics Sofia Vasilievna Kovalevskaya dreamed of getting higher education, but the Bestuzhev courses that existed in Russia in those years did not provide such an opportunity, and to study abroad at European universities, written permission from the father or husband was required. Her father, lieutenant general of artillery, considered higher education "not a woman's business" and was categorically against her daughter's foreign voyage. Sofya Korvin-Krukovskaya was forced to enter into a fictitious marriage with a young geologist, the founder of the school of evolutionary paleontology, Vladimir Onufrievich Kovalevsky. The husband graciously gave permission to study. However, the fictitiousness of marriage did not prevent the birth and development of tender feelings, and the couple had a daughter, Sophia.

receiving elementary education, deeply religious Albert Einstein(Albert Einstein) became famous among teachers and classmates as a loser who was not given exact sciences. However, after entering the gymnasium, he rethought his views by reading Euclidean's Elements and Kant's Critique of Pure Reason. Unfortunately, this did not help him get a certificate of completion of six classes of the gymnasium and enter the Zurich Polytechnic School. Since then, Albert has treated any cramming with contempt, believing that knowledge is rethought and fixed in the brain with the help of some kind of “insight”. Apparently, these factors affected the attitude of the discoverer of the theory of relativity to teaching activities. As the scientist himself recalls with humor, by the end of his first lecture there were only three people left in the audience.

Professor at the University of Queensland (Brisbane, Australia) Thomas Parnell(Thomas Parnell) became widely known for staging the longest experiment in the history of physical chemistry. After repeated disputes about what bitumen is - a liquid or solid, a professor in 1927 sealed a measured dose of coal tar pitch in a funnel. The first drop at room temperature fell after 8 years. The experiment continues to the present - in 2000, the eighth drop formed and fell, after which Parnell's experiment was entered in the Guinness Book of Records as the longest experiment in the history of physics, and the professor himself in 2005, posthumously, was awarded the Ig Nobel Prize. Contemporary scientists joked about T. Parnell that he, following in the footsteps of Isaac Newton, studying the Bible, determined the temperature environment in hell, which is + 718°C.

Interesting facts from the life of physicists

Physicists became famous for the most interesting facts, statements and incidents in their lives.

After the discovery by the German physicist Wilhelm Roentgen(Wilhelm Röntgen) "X"-rays, later named after the inventor, Germany was filled with rumors about their healing and power. At that time W. Roentgen taught at the University of Vienna, and one day he received an order from the Austrian police with a prohibition "up to a special order" to deal with "X"-rays. Later, the scientist received a request to send several rays by mail and instructions on how to use them to enlighten chest. Referring to the bulkiness of the equipment, Roentgen came out with a counter proposal - to send a chest for lung diagnostics.

British physicist Ernest Reserford(Ernest Rutherford) answered one of his envious, who reproached the scientist that the latter is always on the crest of a physical wave - "... how could it be otherwise, if I raised this wave."

Soviet physicist Lev Davidovich Landau He was known among his contemporaries not so much for his theoretical calculations in the field of quantum physics, but for the "theory of happiness" developed by him with his own hand. Marriage, he considered a cooperative, very far from true, sublime love, in which everything should be common and accessible to outsiders. True, the physicist extended this accessibility not so much to his wives and lovers, but to himself. The main postulate of this theory was the "non-aggression pact", which prohibited the jealousy of one of the spouses for the betrayal of the other.

These are 10 from the life of outstanding scientists who became famous not only for their eccentricities, outrageousness and originality of thinking, but also made a huge contribution to the development of science.

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