Static composition. Statics and dynamics in composition


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Statics and dynamics in composition

Composition (from Latin compositio) means composition, combination of various parts into a single whole in accordance with an idea.

This refers to the thoughtful construction of an image, finding the ratio of its individual parts (components), which ultimately form a single whole - an image that is complete and complete in terms of linear, light and tonal structure.

In order to better convey the idea, special means of expression: lighting, tonality, angle, as well as visual and various contrasts.

The following compositional rules can be distinguished:

1) motion transmission (dynamics);

2) rest (statics)

Composition techniques include:

1) transmission of rhythm;

2) symmetries and asymmetries;

3) the balance of parts of the composition and the allocation of the plot-compositional center

Statics and dynamics are used to express the degree of stability of a compositional form. Such stability is evaluated purely emotionally, according to the impression that the form makes on the viewer. This impression can come from both the physical state of the form - stable or dynamic, associated with the movement of the object as a whole or its parts, and the compositional (formal) number.

According to the degree of visual and physical stability, the forms can be divided into the following four types.

1) Visually and physically static forms. According to the impression they make, they are rated as extremely stable. These include: a square, a rectangle, a parallelepiped laid on a wide base, a cube, a pyramid, etc. A composition made up of such shapes is monumental, extremely static in nature.

The main types of static forms:

symmetrical shape


With slight displacement of elements

With the combination of equal elements

Lightweight top

With a slight bevel of the elements

Horizontal division

Equal arrangement of elements

With large contiguous elements

With a large main element

Symmetrical arrangement of elements

With dedicated center

2) Physically static, but visually dynamic forms, so judged by the impression of some unbalance. This assessment concerns stationary forms, directed, for example, in one direction, with broken symmetry and other properties specific to dynamic compositions.

The main types of these forms:

Form with off-center axes

Rhythmic character

Perpendicular arrangement of elements

Parallel arrangement of elements

Lightweight bottom

twisted look

Diagonal articulation

Free arrangement of elements

Extruded Features

Oblique arrangement of elements

Asymmetrical arrangement of elements

Included in open space

3) Visually static, but physically partly dynamic forms. They have a stable basis in which individual elements “move”. Often in the practice of design, such a “movement” is due to the peculiarities of the functioning of objects, the real movement of individual details in them. At the same time, their composition as a whole is static in nature. Design Case Study - Form loom with a moving shuttle. IN formal composition- this is a visual movement in the static form of individual elements.

4) Visually and physically fully dynamic forms. They are typical of many modern moving design objects, primarily various Vehicle. Often these forms actually move in space. Their structure often changes. In compositional terms, they have an extremely dynamic, impetuous character. In formal composition, these are the so-called flexible open, and changing in structure, combinatorial forms.

The means of composition include: format, space, composition center, balance, rhythm, contrast, chiaroscuro, color, decorativeness, dynamics and statics, symmetry and asymmetry, openness and isolation, integrity. Thus, the means of composition are all that is necessary to create it, including its techniques and rules. They are diverse, otherwise they can be called means artistic expressiveness compositions.

Static compositions are mainly used to convey peace and harmony.

To emphasize the beauty of objects. Maybe to convey solemnity. Calm home furnishings.

Items for a static composition are selected similar in shape, weight, texture. Characterized by softness in the tonal solution. Color solution build on nuances - close colors: complex, earthy, brown.

The center is mainly involved, symmetrical compositions.

The colors are soft and complex. Everything is built on nuance. Items are the same in texture, almost the same in color. The common lighting solution unites them and creates an atmosphere of calm and harmony.

Static is an expression of peace, stability of form. Static objects that have a clear center and in which the axis of symmetry serves as the main means of organizing the form. This form is perhaps not as effective as the dynamic form. Movement is much more impressive than stillness. The static form is usually not only symmetrical (clear center), but also has a large mass. We invest in the concept of static as something necessarily heavy and large.

Movement and expressiveness can also be conveyed by showing the irregularity and instability of the composition. We are accustomed to recognize the position of rest and static. We can always tell if a body is in equilibrium. An imbalance in the position or shape of an object evokes in us a premonition of movement—we expect a series of actions.

While waiting, the form visually collapses. Of course, it is difficult to determine the outlines of a form in motion, since we usually rely on its outlines in a fixed space. Thus, a broken or erased contour can be used as an indication of movement. The form, as if invading space, is usually called dynamic. If dynamism is pronounced, it can become the main compositional quality.


dynamics statics composition

Dynamics is the complete opposite of statics in everything!

Using dynamic construction, you can more clearly convey the mood, an explosion of emotions, joy, emphasize the shape and color of objects!

Objects in dynamics are mostly lined up diagonally, an asymmetric arrangement is welcome.

Everything is built on contrasts - the contrast of shapes and sizes, the contrast of color and silhouettes, the contrast of tone and texture.

The colors are open, spectral.

The dynamism of the form is connected, first of all, with the proportions. The equality of the three sides of an object characterizes its relative static character. The difference in sides creates dynamics, "visual movement" in the direction of the prevailing magnitude.

Let's compare a cube and a prolate parallelepiped. The figure on the left (an elongated box) creates eye movement along the long side. Let's put the parallelepiped flat: the vertical will disappear, and with it the one-way direction. Now it is a static, “lying” volume. In order for dynamism to manifest itself, it is necessary to indicate the beginning, giving the form an orientation. A skyscraper looking up is dynamic, because we see the beginning of the form and its rapid upward movement.

A dynamic form can be characteristic of both fixed volumes ( architectural structures, machine tools), and moving (various vehicles). However, the manifestations of this property are different. The dynamic form of a racing car or a supersonic aircraft expresses the essence of the object itself, it is determined by the conditions of aerodynamics. The form of technology of the 20th century is a product of the rhythm of our time.

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This pair of means of harmonization is used to express the degree of stability of the compositional form. Such stability is evaluated purely emotionally, according to the impression that the form makes on the viewer. This impression can come from a static or dynamic object as a whole or parts of it.

Static forms according to the impression they make, they are evaluated as extremely stable (square, rectangle, cube, pyramid). The composition, composed of such forms, is monumental, static in nature. The main types of static forms are shown in Figure 13.

1 Symmetric 2 Metric 3 Slight

offset elements

4 Matching equals 5 With a slight 6 With a lightweight top

elements beveled elements

7 Horizontal division 8 Equal arrangement 9 With large elements


10 With a large main 11 Symmetrical arrangement 12 With a prominent center element of elements

Figure 13 - Main types of static forms

A composition is considered static if it is built according to the laws of classical symmetry.

dynamic forms are typical of the shapes of many modern moving design objects, primarily various moving vehicles. Often these forms actually move in space. The dynamic composition is based on an asymmetric solution and some unbalance. The main types of dynamic forms are shown in Figure 14.

1 Displaced shape 2 Rhythmic character 3 Perpendicular

from the center by the axes of the elements

4 Parallel 5 Lightweight bottom 6 Curved


7 Diagonal articulation 8 Free arrangement 9 Elongated members


10 Inclined 11 Asymmetric 12 Included in open

arrangement of elements arrangement of elements space

Figure 14 - Main types of dynamic forms

    Practical task

1 Create a static composition on a free topic using the diagrams in Figure 13 (Appendix A, Figures 10-11).

2 Perform dynamic exercises on the topics: wind, explosion, speed, tyrant, etc., using the diagrams in Figure 14 (Appendix A, Figures 12-13).


    search options for the composition are performed in 7-10 pieces;

    display the fundamental difference in the organization of statics and dynamics in the composition.

Material and dimensions of the composition

Pencil, ink, black felt-tip pen, helium pen. Sheet format - A3.


Many natural phenomena are characterized by alternation and repetition. Symmetry is repetition. The law of repetition in design comes into play when certain elements (lines, shapes, textures, colors) are used more than once. Repetition creates a sense of order. A simple repeat consists of one repeating element. Complicated - elements of two or more types are repeated in the composition (color, pattern, lines, etc.). According to the way of organizing elements in the design, repetition can be of various directions: vertical, horizontal, diagonal, spiral, radial-beam, fan. In each case, a new character of movement appears and, accordingly, a new sound, a special expressiveness. Horizontal repetition is stability and balance; vertical - harmony, height; diagonal, spiral - active, rapid movement.

The repetition can be regular (same repetition rate) (Figure 15) and irregular (Figure 16), which is more interesting because allows the eyes to compare small changes.

Figure 15 - Regular repetition Figure 16 - Irregular repetition

    Practical task

1 Compose a composition from one repeating element, choosing your character of movement (horizontally, vertically, diagonally, spirally).

2 The same, but with two or more elements (Appendix A, Figure 14).


There are two sketches for each task.

Material and dimensions of the composition:

Pencil, ink, black felt-tip pen, helium pen. Sheet format - A4.

Hello dear readers of my blog. Today let's talk about statics and dynamics in composition. Last time I talked about symmetry in composition. Knowledge of such rules contributes to the successful construction of a composition in painting and in other forms of art.


STATIC, STATICITY(Latin staticus, from Greek statos - "standing") - in fine arts- quality of rest, balance of visual forces (see design; style; balancing). In most cases, it corresponds to symmetrical compositions with a metric structure, characteristic of the art of Classicism. Opposite qualities- dynamism, asymmetry, rhythm inherent in the Baroque style (comparative expression).
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According to the construction schemes and the nature of the interpretation compositional solutions are of two types: static and dynamic. Static compositions convey a state of peace and balance.

Compositions built in a rhythmic combination are based on color and line, the ratio of width and distance between them. Such works can be attributed to static compositions.

In addition to the static character of the figure itself, great importance the location of these figures in the composition plays, so the lower the entire composition is located to the edge of the sheet, the more static it looks. The more symmetrical, the more static.
But any static shape can be turned into a dynamic one: a square can be placed in a corner, a box can be placed vertically, a pyramid can be tilted, etc. In addition, they can be positioned in such a way that it seems to the viewer that it is all about to fall. A composition that tends to change from the arrangement of its elements is dynamic.


DYNAMICS(from the Greek dynamis - “strength”) is the alternation of any elements in a certain sequence. In dynamic compositions, elements are located along diagonal axes or freely located on the plane of the picture. They more clearly emphasize the feeling of movement, a more diverse arrangement of objects, there is a bold violation of symmetry. You can observe the displacement of the contours in relation to the color spots. The color solution in dynamic works can be pronounced and more emotional.

The dynamic ones are:
a triangle and a parallelogram standing on the short side, an ellipse, a ball, a pyramid, a parallelepiped standing on its narrow side, etc.

Fragmentary or continuous perception of time.





What is easier, what is more difficult

  • It's easier for statics, harder for speakers: Fix attention on the moment of time, its possibilities and the location of objects. Briefly express the essence of the moment.
  • Speakers are easier, statics are harder: Physically feel changes in the situation in real time. Make predictions about how the situation is developing and where it will lead. Describe the continuous course of events and your thoughts.

Sign meaning

Statics and Dynamics Perceive Time Differently. For statics, the perception of time is fragmented, for speakers it is continuous..

The division of people into statics and dynamics is the most important thing Jung missed. Sosonics, starting from A. Augustinavichute, this gap was partly restored, but the underestimation of the sign as the most noticeable remained. It is easy to identify it in any fragment of oral and written speech of sufficient volume, regardless of the language and content of what was said.

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Speaker speech is smooth. The speech of statics consists of short fragments, separated from each other by noticeable barriers. Sometimes these barriers match the punctuation marks, sometimes they don't.

Almost all problems of socionic diagnostics are apparent. They can be identified with a simple speech analysis skill. Task number 1 in determining the type: are there barriers in a person’s speech, or are there none?

Simple exercise. By default, we consider all speakers and smoothly, from one line to another, almost without going into the meaning, not paying attention to punctuation marks, we read out a fragment of speech. If after 2-3 paragraphs everything reads smoothly and no noticeable obstacles have arisen, you have a speaker's speech. If they are, then you have a static speech.

The study of socionics should begin with the study of the difference between statics and dynamics. Society refuses to study phenomena that lie on the surface. Even experienced socionics either underestimate it, along with the rest of the non-Jungian features, or make flagrant mistakes - from simple inattention.

What is the nature of this difference? According to the hypothesis accepted in modern socionics, this is due to the peculiarities of the birth of a person. In statics, the middle phases of childbirth (2 and 3) were deposited in the minds, on which the fetus feels the contractions of the mother's womb. The extreme phases of childbirth (1 and 4) were postponed in the consciousness of the speakers, there are no contractions of the womb on them. As a result, time for statics for life is fragmented, for speakers - continuous.

You should not assume that statics do not perceive changes and see a set of static pictures. In the mind of a static, time is divided into short video clips of a few seconds. In written speech, many fragments are compressed into static phrases without verbs: "The field is flat, the ball is round." But there are also fragments of speech of statics in which there are many verbs, but there is no smooth flow of one into another. The angles often change, the subject in one sentence is one, in the next it is another.

Some people speak faster, others slower, but even if a static speaker speaks quickly, there will be pauses. best example- video performances by Alexander Nevzorov (ILE). He is often typed into speakers, but this is a consequence of the fast pace of speech. Compare with the video blog of Sergey Dorenko (LSE) - here is a speaker that speaks sedately and slowly, drawing out words. On long radio broadcasts, Dorenko speaks in a natural rhythm - and here the fluency of speech is evident.

Statics cannot follow an object without periodic frame switches in their minds. If you are a static, watch yourself and catch it. Dynamics are able to continuously observe objects and phenomena, to describe in detail what happens to them.

Sometimes they try to determine statics and dynamics bypassing speech visually, by human movements. This is the path to mistakes - you need to watch the speech, not the body.

Application in diagnostics

Determination of statics or dynamics is the most important part of any typing claim, the technological standard. Either this sign is reliably determined, or it is not worth doing diagnostics.

The Model A standards that most socionics adhere to ignore this difference. At the same time, 8 aspects included in model A contain this sign - if you find the dynamics, your further choice is between white intuition and white sensory and black logic and black ethics. The rest is excluded and occurs only in statics. This method is much more reliable than trying to determine logic or ethics, intuition or sensory from the aspect dictionary.

Static Speech Examples

Time is the end date. | You can allocate time, yes. | Speed ​​it up to do something interesting. | Compress I understand how to slow down probably | do something uninteresting. — SEE

Time is something that no one can control! | It flies forward like a ray outer space. | It is difficult to manage time directly, one must create such an environment around oneself in order to slow down the passage of time, | i.e., you can influence indirectly. — EII

I usually fall in love just as quickly and with the same result with which a tank that has lost control drives into a concrete wall. | Rumble, dust, groans. | Screaming "how could you?!" from under the rubble. | Crippled all within a radius of ten meters from the epicenter. | And I, unharmed, sit in a tank tower and passionately indulge in self-abasement. — SLE

Speaker speech examples

Define the concept of "time" (as you understand it). Is it possible to control time - to compress, speed up?

Time for me is inextricably linked with movement, and therefore it is sometimes perceived in different ways, either stretching or accelerating - SLI

time distance divided to speed. Time you can feel, and therefore speed up or slow down your actions in a period of time - OR

There were many listeners 15 people. At the beginning meeting, we passed the doll Masha in a circle and came up with her abilities and life path, during which she developed them and implemented. fairy tale turned out to be sad, because most of those present were women, and the girl Masha turned out to be educated, successful, wealthy, independent and scary. lonely. Concentrating on the development of her abilities, she somehow imperceptibly pushed children, her husband, lover (about parents there was no talk at all) ... - EIE

What should not be mistaken for static

The presence of dots and other punctuation marks in the text. Some speakers put them in because they're supposed to be in terms of the language, and the text seems to be swallowed right through without looking at them.

Slow, jerky pace of speech. If the speaker speaks slowly, it is more difficult for the observer to catch the flow of the narration, but if it is transcribed and read as text, it will be clearly revealed.

Speech fragments in which there are few semantic verbs. Usually statics use fewer semantic verbs than dynamics, but the latter do not always need to use them all the time. At the same time, a smooth, dynamic manner is preserved.

What should not be taken as dynamics

Description of the process unfolding in time. Both statics and dynamics have to describe them in the available means; in this case, the static describes the same event through a set of short fragments; speaker - by continuous narration.

Long complex sentences. Declarative statics(LSI, SLE, EII, IEE) tend to use such, but within these sentences one can see barriers and boundaries between fragments.

Fast pace of speech. If the static speaks quickly, it is more difficult for the observer to break his speech into semantic fragments, but if it is deciphered and read as text, the gaps between them will be revealed.

Based on the book

What is composition? Composition (from Latin compositio) means composition, combination of various parts into a single whole in accordance with an idea. This refers to the thoughtful construction of the image, finding the ratio of its individual parts (components), which ultimately form a single whole - complete and complete in linear, light and tonal order. photographic image. In order to better convey the idea in photography, special expressive means are used: lighting, tonality, color, point and moment of shooting, plan, angle, as well as pictorial and various contrasts.

The following compositional rules can be distinguished: 1. Transfer of motion (dynamics) 2. Rest (statics) 3. Golden section (one third).

We will consider only two types of composition - dynamic and static. 1. Static compositions are mainly used to convey peace, harmony. To emphasize the beauty of objects. Maybe to convey solemnity. Calm home environment. Items for a static composition are selected similar in shape, weight, texture. Characterized by softness in the tonal solution. The color scheme is based on nuances - close colors: complex, earthy, brown. The center is mainly involved, symmetrical compositions.

Consider an example: Stable, motionless, often symmetrically balanced, compositions of this type are calm, silent, evoke the impression of self-affirmation.

Now let's move on to dynamic composition. 2. Dynamics, this is the complete opposite of statics in everything! Using dynamic construction in your works, you can more vividly convey the mood, an explosion of emotions, joy, emphasize the shape and color of objects! Objects in dynamics are mostly lined up diagonally, an asymmetric arrangement is welcome. Everything is built on contrasts - the contrast of shapes and sizes, the contrast of color and silhouettes, the contrast of tone and texture. The colors are open, spectral.

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