Vakhtangov theater auditorium. Vakhtangov Theater


In the heart of Moscow, on the Old Arbat, there is a building designed in the spirit of Soviet classicism, with pilasters from the base to the roof. Every Muscovite knows this majestic mansion, in which a theater has existed since 1921. It bears the name of Evgeny Bagrationovich Vakhtangov.

Vakhtangov Theater: history

The owners of the stone mansion on the site where the theater is located today were the Sabashnikov brothers. Serious work was carried out in the building, which was appreciated by bibliophiles for the responsible preparation of published works. The revolution that took place at the beginning of the 20th century stopped the publishing house's half-century activity, the building was taken away from the owners and handed over to young theater figures led by Evgeny Vakhtangov. Having rebuilt the premises for the needs of the theater, the chief architect of the project L. Mashkov created auditorium with a capacity of 150 people. Today, the Vakhtangov Theatre, which is clearly demonstrated by the number of seats, can simultaneously receive 1055 guests.

The building survived a bomb that fell into it in 1941, several reconstructions, including a political one, and finally acquired its present form.

Vakhtangov Theater: hall layout

After the war, the reconstruction of the premises was entrusted to the architect P. V. Abrosimov, who completed the facade of the building in the style of Soviet classicism, and the auditorium - in the spirit of old-time theaters.

How is the theater hall arranged?

  • The zone closest to the stage and located just below it is the stalls. These are the most "tasty" places, true theater-goers strive to get here, and tickets for them cost accordingly.
  • Next in popularity and price - the amphitheater (literal translation - "around the theater"). Sometimes the performance looks much more interesting from these places. The amphitheater outperforms the stalls in the ability to view the entire scene as a whole.
  • Above the amphitheater is the mezzanine (that is, "beautiful floor" in French). Must have good eyesight or rent binoculars, since from these places you can’t see the details of the costume and the facial expressions of the actors, and, accordingly, tickets are not so expensive anymore.
  • The balcony is loved by students and retirees for the opportunity to attend a sold-out performance at a reasonable price. The perception of images is difficult due to the distance of the stage, but everything is heard perfectly, since the Vakhtangov Theater, which is presented in the article, scrupulously treats each spectator.
  • The lodges are the side parts of the balcony, the mezzanine and the amphitheater. The upper two tiers are not the most advantageous, but the seats located on the sides of the amphitheater, called "benoir boxes", are quite expensive, which is fair, since they provide best review throughout the theatre.

new scene

The new stage can accommodate 250 spectators and is located on the first floor of the house at 24 Arbat Street, which is adjacent to the main building of the theatre. The opening of the site is dedicated to the 95th anniversary of the theater, which took place in 2015. The new building technologies used in the construction of the premises made it possible to construct a space that provides great view scenes from anywhere in the auditorium. With the help of an additional room, the Vakhtangov Theater, the layout of which will be useful to every potential spectator, has increased total area up to 17.5 thousand square meters.

historical fact

For the entire long history of the existence of the theater, the most outstanding performance is the production of "Princess Turandot". This action was first presented to the public in the distant 1922. The Vakhtangov Theatre, whose hall layout, having gone through all the transformations, has increased almost 10 times, and today successfully puts on a bright, sparkling, musical pamphlet called "Princess Turandot". The performance occupies a special place in the theater's repertoire and through the decades remains the most famous and popular spectacle of the country.

The Vakhtangov Theater, whose photos are familiar to all Muscovites, thanks to its almost 100-year history, is today one of the leading, most visited and modern theaters Moscow.

“There is no holiday - there is no performance”, - E. Vakhtangov

Theatre. E. Vakhtangov is one of the best theaters capital Cities. It originates from 1914, when a group of young Moscow students, enthusiastic and interested in the Stanislavsky system, decide to organize a student drama studio. E. Vakhtangov agreed to be the head of the group, because from the very early childhood dreamed about own theater. In 1921, the first performance of "The Miracle of St. Anthony" was released, "in cloth", at that time it was fashionable.

The next premiere was a performance based on a fairy tale Carlo Gozzi- "Princess Turandot", who for a long time did not leave the stage, and became calling card theater. Young students laid the foundation for a kind of completely new direction in the Soviet theatrical art, which received the name "Vah-Tang".

However, the death of Vakhtangov dealt a heavy blow to the theater, and it was believed that without his leader, he would simply die. However, the leaders of the theater were quickly found and continued the work of the teacher. Today the Vakhtangov Theater is directed by the famous director Rimas Tuminas.

The theater staged not only works of domestic and foreign classics(Chekhov, Pushkin, Shakespeare, Molière, etc.), but also contemporary authors.

The theater troupe employs actors who are known not only in Russia, but also far beyond its borders - these are Maxim Sukhanov, Vyacheslav Shalevich, Vladimir Etush, Yuri Yakovlev, Lyudmila Maksovna, Anna Dubrovskaya, Yulia Rutberg, Irina Kupchenko, Vasily Lanovoy and others. In addition, young actors who have not yet reached the peak of popularity are also involved in the performances.

From the very early stages of their formation in the theater staged comedy performances who possessed a certain lightness, seriousness and filled with psychologism.

At present, anyone can afford to visit the Vakhtangov Theater. After all, the repertoire is represented by such wonderful works of art as "Mademoiselle Nitouche", "Pier", "Demons", " Queen of Spades”,“ The wind rustles in the poplars ”,“ Anna Karenina ”,“ Dedication to Eve ”,“ People are like people ”,“ Betrayal ”,“ For two hares ”,“ Masquerade ”,“ Uncle's dream”, “Last Moons”, “Measure for Measure”, “Frederic, or Boulevard of Crimes”, “Learning to be Artists”, “Cyrano de Bergerac”, “Royal Hunt”.

The Vakhtangov Theater is admired not only by Russia, but also by the audience in Paris, Vienna, Athens, London, Prague, Budapest, Stockholm, Venice and many, many foreign cities. The guests of the theater were I.O. Stalin and K. Voroshilov. You can also be on the list of admirers of the theater of E. Vakhtangov, if you allow yourself to go Vakhtangov theater.

The E. Vakhtangov Theater is the embodiment of bright performances with deep meaning, classic tragedies, enthusiasm of artists and director, good feelings viewer, and most importantly creative longevity. You will definitely feel it if you want to buy tickets to the Vakhtangov Theater on our website!

“There is no holiday - there is no performance”, - E. Vakhtangov

Theatre. E. Vakhtangov is one of the best theaters in the capital. It originates from 1914, when a group of young Moscow students, carried away and interested in the Stanislavsky system, decide to organize a student drama studio. E. Vakhtangov agreed to be the head of the group, because from early childhood he dreamed of his own theater. In 1921, the first performance of "The Miracle of St. Anthony" was released, "in cloth", at that time it was fashionable.

The next premiere was a performance based on the fairy tale by Carlo Gozzi - "Princess Turandot", which did not leave the stage for a long time, and became the hallmark of the theater. Young students laid the foundation for a kind of completely new direction in Soviet theatrical art, called "Vah-Tang".

However, the death of Vakhtangov dealt a heavy blow to the theater, and it was believed that without his leader, he would simply die. However, the leaders of the theater were quickly found and continued the work of the teacher. Today the Vakhtangov Theater is directed by the famous director Rimas Tuminas.

The theater staged not only the works of domestic and foreign classics (Chekhov, Pushkin, Shakespeare, Moliere, etc.), but also contemporary authors.

The theater troupe employs actors who are known not only in Russia, but also far beyond its borders - these are Maxim Sukhanov, Vyacheslav Shalevich, Vladimir Etush, Yuri Yakovlev, Lyudmila Maksovna, Anna Dubrovskaya, Yulia Rutberg, Irina Kupchenko, Vasily Lanovoy and others. In addition, young actors who have not yet reached the peak of popularity are also involved in the performances.

From the earliest stages of its formation, comedy performances were staged in the theater, which had a certain lightness, seriousness and filled with psychologism.

At present, anyone can afford to visit the Vakhtangov Theater. After all, the repertoire is represented by such wonderful works of art as "Mademoiselle Nitouche", "Pier", "Demons", "The Queen of Spades", "The Wind Noises in the Poplars", "Anna Karenina", "Dedication to Eve", "People as People", "Betrayal", "Chasing Two Hares", "Masquerade", "Uncle's Dream", "Last Moons", "Measure for Measure", "Frederic, or Crime Boulevard", "Learning to be Artists", "Cyrano de Bergerac", "Royal Hunt".

The Vakhtangov Theater is admired not only by Russia, but also by the audience in Paris, Vienna, Athens, London, Prague, Budapest, Stockholm, Venice and many, many foreign cities. The guests of the theater were I.O. Stalin and K. Voroshilov. You can also be on the list of admirers of the theater of E. Vakhtangov, if you allow yourself to go Vakhtangov theater.

The E. Vakhtangov Theater is the embodiment of bright performances with a deep meaning, classical tragedies, the enthusiasm of the artists and the director, the good feelings of the audience, and most importantly, creative longevity. You will definitely feel it if you want to buy tickets to the Vakhtangov Theater on our website!

In the heart of Moscow, on the Old Arbat, there is a building designed in the spirit of Soviet classicism, with pilasters from the base to the roof. Every Muscovite knows this majestic mansion, in which a theater has existed since 1921. It bears the name of Evgeny Bagrationovich Vakhtangov.

Vakhtangov Theater: history

The owners of the stone mansion on the site where the theater is located today were the Sabashnikov brothers. The building was under serious publishing activity, which was valued by bibliophiles for the responsible preparation of published works. The revolution that took place at the beginning of the 20th century stopped the publishing house's half-century activity, the building was taken away from the owners and handed over to young theater figures led by Evgeny Vakhtangov. Having rebuilt the premises for the needs of the theater, the chief architect of the project L. Mashkov created an auditorium with a capacity of 150 people. Today, the Vakhtangov Theatre, whose hall layout clearly demonstrates the number of seats, can simultaneously accommodate 1,055 guests.

The building survived a bomb that fell into it in 1941, several reconstructions, including a political one, and finally acquired its present form.

Vakhtangov Theater: hall layout

After the war, the reconstruction of the premises was entrusted to the architect P. V. Abrosimov, who completed the facade of the building in the style of Soviet classicism, and the auditorium - in the spirit of old-time theaters.

How is the theater hall arranged?

  • The zone closest to the stage and located just below it is the stalls. These are the most "tasty" places, true theater-goers strive to get here, and tickets for them cost accordingly.
  • Next in popularity and price - the amphitheater (literal translation - "around the theater"). Sometimes the performance looks much more interesting from these places. The amphitheater outperforms the stalls in the ability to view the entire scene as a whole.
  • Above the amphitheater is the mezzanine (that is, "beautiful floor" in French). You need to have good eyesight or rent binoculars, since from these places you can’t see the details of the costume and facial expressions of the actors, and, accordingly, tickets are not so expensive anymore.
  • The balcony is loved by students and retirees for the opportunity to attend a sold-out performance at a reasonable price. The perception of images is difficult due to the distance of the stage, but everything is heard perfectly, since the Vakhtangov Theater, the layout of the hall of which is presented in the article, scrupulously treats each spectator.
  • Lodges - the side parts of the balcony, mezzanine and amphitheater. The upper two tiers are not the most advantageous, but the seats located on the sides of the amphitheater, called "benoir boxes", are quite expensive, which is fair, since they provide the best view of the entire theater.

new scene

The new stage can accommodate 250 spectators and is located on the first floor of the house at 24 Arbat Street, which is adjacent to the main building of the theatre. The opening of the site is dedicated to the 95th anniversary of the theater, which took place in 2015. The new building technologies used in the construction of the premises made it possible to construct a space that provides an excellent view of the stage from any place in the auditorium. With the help of an additional room, the Vakhtangov Theater, the layout of which is useful to every potential viewer, has increased the total area to 17.5 thousand square meters.

historical fact

Over the entire long history of the theater's existence, the production of "Princess Turandot" is considered the most outstanding performance. This action was first presented to the public in the distant 1922. The Vakhtangov Theatre, whose hall layout, having gone through all the transformations, has increased almost 10 times, and today successfully puts on a bright, sparkling, musical pamphlet called "Princess Turandot". The performance occupies a special place in the theater's repertoire and through the decades remains the most famous and popular spectacle of the country.

The Vakhtangov Theater, whose photos are familiar to all Muscovites, thanks to its almost 100-year history, is today one of the leading, most visited and modern theaters in Moscow.

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