The flower is scarlet. Popular voting for the best photo of the "spring smiles" contest


"I approve"

Chairman of the Aksakov Foundation,

Director of the Memorial

house-museum of S.T. Aksakov






Contest organizer

1. Aksakov Foundation (Bashkir branch of the International Foundation Slavic writing and culture)

2. Memorial house-museum of S.T. Aksakov

3. Creative Union artists of the Republic of Belarus

The general partner and sponsor of the competition is AF Bank OJSC, Ufa

Information partners and sponsors - the newspaper "Vechernyaya Ufa", the newspaper "Vecherny Orenburg"

1. The goals of literary and art competition"Aksakovsky" The Scarlet Flower»

1.1. Familiarization of the younger generation with the spiritual world and cultural heritage S.T. Aksakov.

1.2. Raising patriotism and interest in cultural origins, careful attitude to the traditions and culture of their people.

1.3. Assistance in the development and dissemination of the literary Russian language through the study of S.T. Aksakov.

1.4. Stimulating interest in the development and history of the Russian language through artistic images, drawings revealing the world of the Russian language.

2. Tasks of the competition

2.1. Attracting the attention of children and adolescents through culture and art.

2.2. Creation literary works dedicated to this topic.

2.3. Creation of artworks dedicated to this topic.

3. Time of the competition and summing up:

3.1. Acceptance of works for the competition from July 1, 2011 to September 18, 2011

3.2. Summing up the results of the Competition from September 18 to September 20, 2011

3.3. Award Ceremony no later than September 25, 2011

4. Conditions of the competition for participants:

Submit independently completed works to the Competition in accordance with the requirement and within the time limits specified in this provision.

4.1. Age of participants of the Competition:

Average age group: from 11 to 15 years.

Senior age group: 16 to 20 years old.

Students can take part in the competition art schools, clubs, studios, students art schools and other artistic educational institutions in this age group:

4.2. Participation in the Competition is free.

5. Subject of works.

Main theme creative works- The world of man and the world of nature.

5.1. In section fine arts Works are accepted that reveal the poetic relationship between man and nature, based on and in the tradition of Aksakov's books:

"Notes of a rifle hunter of the Orenburg province";

"Notes on angling fish";

"Family Chronicle";

"Childhood of Bagrov-grandson";

"Memories" (including the story "Collecting Butterflies");

5.2. In section literary creativity independent essays are accepted that reveal the theme of the natural world and the formation of a person's personality from childhood. (Creative literary work should be performed in the tradition of autobiographical books by S.T. Aksakov: "Childhood of Bagrov-grandson" and "Memories", namely, a description of the formation of personality through relationships with the outside world, nature and loved ones).

5.3. The organizers of the competition reserve the right to publish individual works, indicating the authors, but without paying a fee.

6. Requirements for the design of artwork:

6.1. To participate in the competition, works made on thick white paper (whatman paper) of A3 and A2 formats are accepted. Artwork for the exhibition (50 pcs) will be placed in a frame under glass measuring 40 x 60 cm and 50 x 70 cm by the organizers of the competition.

6.2. Required information: title of the work; FULL NAME. the author of the work; day, month and year of birth; place of study or work; detailed postal address (with index), contact phone number - placed on the reverse side of the work in the upper right corner.

6.3. Works submitted to the competition in violation of the above requirements are not considered and do not participate in the competition. Submitted works are not reviewed and are not returned.

6.4. Art works are accepted in the presence of a signed agreement with the author or the legal representative of the author and sent to the address: Republic of Bashkortostan, Ufa, 450078, Zainully Rasulev St., 4. Memorial House-Museum of S.T. Aksakov.

(Download a sample agreement on the website in the conditions of the competition).

7. Requirements for works aimed at literary competition:

7.1. Essays are accepted for the literary competition (in in electronic format) no more than 10 pages, A4 format, typeface Times 12, spacing 1, standard margins. Works written in Word or Open Office are sent to the email address: .

8. Composition of the jury:

Chairman of the Aksakov Foundation, Vice President of the International Foundation

Slavic Literature and Culture, Secretary of the Board of the Union of Writers

Russia, Director of the Memorial House-Museum of S.T. Aksakov CHVANOV M.A.

Senior Researcher of the Memorial House-Museum of S.T. Aksakova IVANOVA G.O.

Senior Researcher of the Memorial House-Museum of S.T. Aksakova T.E. PETROVA

Senior Researcher of the Memorial House-Museum of S.T. Aksakov G.N. KUZINA

The head of the competition is YAPPAROVA I.M.

Creative Union of Artists of the Republic of Belarus - President PEGOV V.V.

9. Criteria and procedure for evaluating works.

The works submitted to the Competition are evaluated by the jury of the Competition.

Criteria for judging artwork:

The quality of the work done

The level of independence of the author's thinking when creating works,

Originality of the idea.

One jury member has 1 vote.

The winner is determined by a majority vote.

The decisions of the jury are final and not subject to appeal.

10. The size and shape of the award.

10.1. The type and cost of prizes for each place are determined by the jury based on the results of the Competition.

The works of the winners are posted on the Internet.

In the middle age group (10-15 years) 3 prizes:

1st place

2nd place

III place

In the older age group (16-20 years old) 3 prizes:

1st place

2nd place

III place

10.2. According to the results of the Contest, the Organizers, at their discretion, have the right to award the participants who most actively participated in the Contest with incentive prizes. If you need St. Petersburg hotel checks, please contact Checks Shop.

10. Application for participation in the Contest

10.1. You can fill out an application for participation in competitions in one of the following ways:

10.2. On the official website of the organizer of the competition ( - under this competition regulation, on the website in the competition section, as well as on partner websites:

10.3.Send to the email address - a completed application (download the application on the websites and

In the application, indicate your full name, phone number with area code, e-mail. All correspondence will be carried out by email address: This adress Email protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view.

Applications received by the Organizing Committee after the expiration of the Contest are not considered.

11. Special conditions.

11.1. Works submitted to the Contest in violation of the requirements specified in these Regulations are not considered and do not participate in the Contest.

11.2. Submitted works (both accepted and not accepted for participation in the Competition) are not reviewed and are not returned.

11.3. The organizers have the right to process and use at their own discretion any personal information about the participants of the Contest (their legal representatives), including last name, first name, patronymic, year, month, date of birth, address of registration at the place of residence, family, social status, education, profession, photographs, interviews and other information related to participation in the Contest.

11.4. According to the results of the Contest, the Organizers have the right, at their discretion, to publish on websites on the Internet, as well as in the media the last name, first name, patronymic, year, month, date of birth, address of registration at the place of residence, family, social status, education, profession, photographs, interviews and other information related to the participation in the Contest of participants, as well as participants who received incentive prizes.

11.5. By sending the work to participate in the Contest, the participant (legal representative of the participant) agrees to the processing and use by the Organizers at their own discretion of any personal information about the participant (his legal representative), including last name, first name, patronymic, year, month, date of birth, address of registration at the place of residence, family, social status, education, profession, photographs, interviews and other information related to participation in the Contest.

12. Procedure and terms for announcing the results of the Contest.

12.1. The winners of the Contest will be determined by jury voting, the decisions of the jury are final and not subject to appeal.

12.2. The award ceremony is held by representatives of the Aksakov Foundation as the organizers of the Competition together with the jury in Ufa. The results of the Competition are summed up for each age group of participants. The winners of the competition are awarded with diplomas of I, II, III degrees and valuable prizes.

12.3. The award ceremony will take place no later than September 30, 2011 in Ufa, the exact place, date and time will be additionally communicated in writing to the postal address of the participants of the ceremony.

12.4. Organizers, Partners, Jury, winners of the Contest participate in the award ceremony.

13. Final provisions.

13.1. These Regulations are openly published on the websites ( for review by all interested parties applying for participation in the Contest.

13.2. These Regulations may be amended by the Organizers or supplemented by issuing a separate document and posting it on the websites (

And we took photos from everyone who wanted to take part in the photo contest for Children's Day "Spring Smiles"!

These were supposed to be amateur photographs of your children. Age, gender and other factors did not matter. The main thing is that the child on it smiles.

On May 16, the acceptance of contest photos was over, and today we open the popular vote for the best "Spring Smile" of a child!

Until May 27, inclusive, leave your comments in the format "+1 for ... the name of the participant and the name of the photo" under this entry in the comments. One user can vote only once.

By the sum of all the votes cast for a particular photo on the site, we will determine the winner of the popular vote, who will receive as a gift a "Bouquet of sweets" from the "Firebird", from the Phoenix photo studio - a certificate for shooting "Photo Walk", and the Agency Super Star Holiday will present an exciting Soap Bubble Show!

We remind you that two winners will be announced on this day. The first - according to the organizers of the competition, the creative workshop "Firebird", the photo studio "Phoenix" and the website portal, and the second - according to the results of the popular vote.

So here are our contestants:

1. Member scarlet flower and photo titled "I missed you so much, Zoya":

2. And again, the participant is a scarlet flower with a photo "Here is my smile, full of enthusiasm and fire":

3. Participant Yu-liya sent a photo of her daughter Svetlana to the competition:

4. And Yulia Andreevna shared a photo of her daughter Vasilina:

5. The next contestant is Maria and a photo of her daughter Alexandra:

6. User olga_tulykova shared a photo called "Joyful flight"

7. The user kualinestel submitted the photo "Radiant smile of the Little Fox" to the contest

8. Ekaterina.Sizova shared a photo with us:

9. And the user dgylbarss sent a photo called "To meet the spring!"

The other day in the Samara prosse there was information:

Fine-leaved peony from the Red Book blooms again in Samara region

"Mobile group of specialists of the Botanical Garden of the Samara National research university named after Academician S.P. The Queen conducted the first field survey this year of rare plants transferred to natural habitats in the vicinity of the village of Chubovka (Kinelsky district of Samara area). Experts made sure that two species, which were considered extinct from the territory of the Samara region, bloom and feel comfortable.

“Solving the problem of biodiversity conservation, the Botanical Garden of Samara University has been participating in the work on the reintroduction of rare plants into natural communities for more than 10 years,” says Lyudmila Kavelenova, head of the Department of Ecology, Botany and Nature Conservation.

Botanical gardens, which have preserved rare or completely extinct plants in their collections, plant them in their natural habitats - steppes, meadows, forests. If successful, returned to their usual habitats, the plants become the ancestors of new populations.

For ten years, employees of the Botanical Garden have returned 12 plant species in this way, two of which were recently listed in the Red Book of the Samara Region as disappeared from the territory of the region. This verdict for the fine-leaved peony and the European spindle tree can now be considered irrelevant by the efforts of the specialists of the Botanical Garden.

Employees of the Botanical Garden monitor the development of plants transferred to nature, go for examinations several times during the growing season. The first departure of the mobile group this year took place on May 25.

“For many plants, the wintering conditions turned out to be unexpectedly problematic, and the long cool spring shifted the usual terms of development and flowering, so we could only guess in what condition we would find our “settlers,” explained Alexander Pomogaybin, Deputy Director of the Botanical Garden.

Plants of Cossack juniper, straight clematis, common ash tree, low and Siberian irises overwintered successfully. Most of the Euonymus bushes were covered with many greenish buds, some of which have already opened. For the first time, plants of leafless iris, very rare in the Samara region, which had adapted to the new place of residence for a long time, bloomed for the first time.

"The spectacle of the mass flowering of the fine-leaved peony became a real holiday. This legendary" scarlet flower "of our steppes pleased not only bright colors petals, but already set fruits in which seeds began to develop. This means that peonies will have descendants who will add color to each spring,” the director of the Botanical Garden, Svetlana Rozno, is sure.

Scarlet flower

One spring, I saw on TV a story from the Ulyanovsk region about a holiday in honor of the steppe peonies. By existing legend the scarlet flower from Aksakov's fairy tale looked exactly like steppe peonies.

I remember from my childhood. Scarlet flower

I remember from my childhood
The smooth surface of the Volga reaches and the dawn.
When, as if looking in a mirror,
I wanted to catch my dream!
And how much later in life was
Dawn, in memory of those who entered my mind ...

I keep in my memory! Memory... In memory... In memory...

Often, without thinking, we rely on memory. We think it will always be that memory will never let us down. Always with us, at hand, everything you need, just remembered - very convenient.

But there comes an age when "memory" suddenly fails us, plays with us. Now, emerging as old memories, then completely flying out of the memory of today. We begin to regret that we do not write down, we do not keep a diary.

Sometimes you want so much “I remember from my childhood ...”

That's what I remembered.

As a child, I often had tonsillitis. There came a moment when this already chronic disease became critical for me.

I'm only twelve. May month. For the first time in my life, I went to the hospital alone. It so happened that dad went on a business trip these days. Mom couldn't visit either. But I didn't cry. I knew they loved me. I am brave and strong.

On that day, all ten people aged from seven to fourteen, who were scheduled for surgery, were gathered in a general ward. At first it was not naturally fun. We swaggered in front of each other, joked. Until a nurse suddenly appeared at the door and called out someone's name. For the first time, a real childish fear crept into the ward.

The most "daring" became thoughtful and silent. Everyone was waiting for when, finally, the nurse would take me-him to no one knows where, but it is known that nothing “good” awaits us there.

And so, when our ranks decreased in once more, unexpectedly even for myself, I jumped up from my chair and shouted loudly: Everything! Enough! I can not anymore! I'll go myself!

And she went. Where? I had no idea where the nurse was taking everyone. I heard “operational block”, “right wing”, but what is it and where?

Standing alone in an empty corridor, I understand with horror way back no. I’ll be good, returning with nothing to the ward after a “fit of courage”!

I had to go. I still have no idea how I got there. Both direct and figuratively. Because I didn't know the way. Because some strange feeling attacked, my legs became cottony, and everything that happened was as if not with me.

Why are there outsiders in the operating room? Who left the children unattended? I heard a stern voice through the noise in my ears. Girl, what's your last name? Why didn't you listen?

In one second, all the wadding disappeared. - Do not punish anyone! It's me. I myself. I can no longer pretend that I'm not afraid. I am very, very afraid! Do me, finally, this terrible operation!

Woman doctor smiled beautiful eyes from under a medical bandage. - Sit down, partisan!

And I felt warm and confident. The anxiety has passed. I completely trusted this strict, but such good woman very much like her mother.

Mum. I had just been lifted from the operating room to the ward, and she was already standing under the window. It was raining heavily. Mom - no umbrella. You'll get wet, I worried. And she, not noticing the rain, spoke and spoke. What she managed for just a minute. No one is allowed to see me, you can't. That he and dad love me very much. Dad will come soon and bring something amazing.

The children in all the wards stuck to the windows and listened to my mother. Moms! All the mothers of the world can speak like only mothers can. And immediately everyone felt warm and joyful.

“Quiet Hour” that day was surprisingly quiet.

And the next day, also at a quiet hour, a nurse entered the ward. - Again your parents violate the hospital regime!

Again? Parents? Dad hasn't arrived yet, and mom couldn't. The scars in my throat were very sore, and it was painful to speak.

The nurse no longer grumbled. She was rearranging something on the bedside table, making room for a jar. In a jar, an ordinary jar, a bouquet. I have never seen such flowers before or since. Steppe flowers of extraordinary beauty!

Dad! I jumped out of bed. Pressing my forehead against the window, I whispered through a wild pain in my throat: Dad! My dad has arrived!

So we “talked” with him for many happy moments. I was silent because my throat hurt. Dad was silent because "quiet time". But we didn't need words. Everything he wanted to tell me, I read in his eyes. Sky blue eyes.

And again, all the children of the department stuck to the windows. They listened and watched the conversation between father and daughter. And they understood everything.

But the “quiet hour” did not turn out to be quiet.

"Peonies. I brought you peonies. Did they give you flowers? was the only thing dad said out loud.

It was enough to take dad's news as a guide to action. People poured into the ward in a crowd to look at the outlandish flowers brought by dad from distant lands to his beloved daughter.

Peonies? What are these peonies? I was surprised. I know what peonies look like! But the flowers were really outlandish! And it doesn't matter what they are called. Most importantly, from dad!

Many, many years have passed. Mom and Dad are no longer with me. And then one spring I saw on TV a story from the Ulyanovsk region about a holiday in honor of the steppe peonies. Peonies! These were the flowers that dad brought from a business trip! According to the existing legend, the scarlet flower from the Aksakov fairy tale looked exactly like this, the journalist said.

Scarlet flower! So that's what you are, scarlet flower! Dad will definitely bring you something amazing! I remembered my mother under the hospital window.

“At one time, the thin-leaved peony adorned the virgin expanses of Russia and Ukraine. In May, when single peony flowers opened, there was no more beautiful land: everywhere, wherever you look, the steppe forbs were full of bright red fiery spots of the plant.

But man plowed up the steppes, and with them this plant almost disappeared from nature, ”I listened to the announcer.

And the memory brought me back again and again to childhood. Father, who came from distant lands. Daddy's daughter. And a scarlet flower, of extraordinary beauty.

From my childhood I remember ... I remember! And I will always remember! And parental kindness, and daddy's eyes the color of the blue sky, and a scarlet flower.

And the fact that once, having told her parents about her childhood memories in front of her parents, every year in the spring she found a bouquet of the first snowdrops or lilies of the valley on her table.

And poems dedicated to my daughter - me, "a girl with a mark on her forehead and eyes of the color sea ​​depth(waves)."

Rejoice in life, daughter, rejoice!
Even when it's raining.
Even when the heat is on
And my heart is cold.

Rejoice in life, rejoice!
So that in the whirlwind of proz
Every new day that passes
Only brought you happiness!

Enjoy life, daughter

I will try. I try dad...

Several times a year in Orthodoxy it is customary to remember the dead, pray for them and visit their graves. These days are called Parents' Saturdays. On the Saturday before the Holy Trinity Day comes Trinity Parental Saturday - the day when every Orthodox Christian commemorates the deceased relatives and loved ones.

On this day, graves are decorated with flowers and greenery.

So I remembered - parents, bright memory to Them, outlandish flowers ...

Give rest, Lord, to the souls of your departed servants: my parents, relatives, benefactors (their names) and all Orthodox Christians, and forgive them all sins, free and involuntary, and grant them the Kingdom of Heaven.

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