Ballroom dancing children 4 5 years old. Protection of personal information


Probably not everyone knows what the word ball goes back to the French verb ballare (dance). But this word has become so firmly established in our lives that it is hard to imagine that it was not once in the Russian language. Ball culture has taken over the upper strata Russian society in XVIII-XIX centuries: almost all representatives of a noble family could show off their skills at dance parties.

AT Soviet time balls were expectedly canceled as a relic of tsarist times, and in recent Russian history, today, such events are usually decorative. However, many people want to learn ballroom dancing, an art that our distant ancestors and representatives of other nations owned. Many of the students are children. They are engaged in dance clubs, studios, associations led by experienced craftsmen your business.

Ballroom dancing is divided into several large groups, among which it is necessary to highlight Latin American and European. The former include Boston, Viennese waltz, quickstep, tango, the latter - samba, cha-cha-cha, rumba and others. Dance lessons are played big role in the physical and aesthetic education boys and girls - the posture improves, the plasticity of the guys, their movements become accurate and verified, they overcome stiffness and constraint, develop musical taste, coordination.

What should be a rating dress for a girl

In the life of every dancer there comes an exciting moment when you need to demonstrate your skills and abilities in competitions. For the audience it is always exciting and beautiful, but for the participants, the preparation of the performance is often a big stress. But you need not only to perform with dignity, but also to look properly! .. For example, if you take ballroom dancing, then the most important element in such competitions is the rating dress. Both adults and children can perform in it. However, girls have their own rules when choosing a dress: starting with the material from which it is made (velvet and supplex), ending with the fact that the costume does not contain defiant elements that are acceptable for girls and women ... In addition, the dress should be plain, with a traditional construction (the base is a swimsuit and a pleated skirt sewn on it at the waist) with certain parameters of the length of the skirt and sleeves. The choice of the color of the product is also important, depending on the lighting of the hall and on the hair color of the participant.

Why ballroom dancing should be practiced from 6-7 years old

It is no secret that different dance schools and studios accept children almost from the cradle - at three, two, or even a year and a half. Of course, life is in motion, but a baby at this age hardly understands what he is doing and just gets used to it. new form activity. As for ballroom dancing, their strict rules, which involve refined movements, do not allow a child to fully understand them even at 4-5 years old. At this age, many children still confuse the left and right side, their movements are very clumsy, although the desire to comprehend the new, as a rule, is evident. But the last preschool or the first school year It's time to learn ballroom dancing. The child is already sufficiently socialized, understands what they want from him, and can perceive the new not only in a playful way. At the same time, it is better to start practicing some types of dances - in particular, rumba, Irish, etc. - later, not earlier than from 10-11 years old.

Studio "IRBIS" offers dance lessons for children from 4 years old. We have a special approach to kids. After reading the text, you will learn how classes for younger groups are held in the studio.

Dance classes for children from four years old begin with a warm-up. To energetic music, children warm up and prepare their muscles for exercise. Then comes the main part - working out dance moves and ligaments. There is no need to talk about complex exercises - it is more important for children to learn basic things: pull the toe, stand on half-toes, hold the body. Therefore, dances for children from 4 years old seem simple, but it can be difficult for kids to master them. The lesson ends with a stretch or “hitch”. Children do flexibility exercises - for example, they learn to sit on a twine.

Dance classes for children 4-5 years old are held in a playful way. Toddlers find it difficult to concentrate for long periods of time, so we take scheduled breaks. Of course, during breaks, children do not sit idle - teachers play with them or do a warm-up. After the break, the kids continue to study with great enthusiasm. Thus, our students do not get tired and are not distracted by extraneous things - this increases the effectiveness of the lesson.

Children 3-5 years old are engaged in rhythm and learn the basics of choreography. When they move into senior group, the curriculum includes classical choreography, hip-hop and jazz-modern.

Benefits of classes

    • Dancing for children 4-5 years old is to a certain extent developing. Children improve their imagination, creative thinking, memory. Memorizing the sequence of dance movements is very useful. By enrolling a child in a dance school for children from 4 years old, you will see that learning at home or in a kindergarten is much easier for him.
    • Children become more relaxed, artistic, cease to be shy of the public and the stage.
    • Improves coordination, plasticity, children learn to control their movements.
    • Dances for children from 4 years old help prepare for school lessons physical education.
    • The child will be able to surprise relatives on family holiday unusual dance number.
    • Children become more sociable because they study in groups. This is especially true in the age digital technologies when children almost from birth have a tablet and mobile phone. They lack live communication. In addition, the presence of friends in the group will be an additional incentive for the child to attend classes.

You can come and talk to the teachers personally, as well as see the studio. If everything suits you - welcome to the first free lesson!

Sports ballroom dancing for children in mkr. Railway Balashikha. From the age of 4, children whose parents want their child to go in for dancing come to classes in sports ballroom dancing and initially begin to learn this in a playful way. beautiful view sports.

As a rule, a child at this age is very active and mobile, so the classes that he begins to attend are very pleasant and give the child real pleasure. This is understandable. Endless energy spills out in the classroom when learning new movements and warming up at the beginning of the lesson. All children love new acquaintances and communication with other children.

The game form of classes for children 4 and 5 years old does not let the baby get bored for a second. Sports ballroom dancing TSK Variations of the Century - children 2 D class at the tournament. Where are ballroom dancing classes in md. Railway. Classes for kids are held in the house of culture "Voskhod" in microdistrict. Railway city of Balashikha. Experienced trainers of our dance and sports club "Variations of the Century" conduct classes both for dancers - athletes who have already reached a certain level of skill, and for the smallest dancers who are just beginning to comprehend the basics of sports ballroom dancing.


Very often, in many clubs, classes for the youngest children are conducted by students or young coaches - we consider this not the right approach, since the foundations of dance skills and the child's motivation for further serious dance lessons are laid at this age. Sports ballroom dancing TSK Variations of the Century - juniors 2 B class at the tournament. What is ballroom dancing. If you don’t know what ballroom dancing is (they are often confused with ballet), we have prepared a list of articles that will help you navigate the types dance styles, in particular, to understand what is sports ballroom dancing. Preliminarily, we note: the term sports dancing - basically means sports ballroom dancing, there is always confusion due to the presence of several federations involved in this direction. On the this moment All-Russian Federation of Dance Sports and acrobatic rock and roll, to which the Moscow Dance Sports Federation belongs (TSK Variations of the Century is part of the MFTS), are engaged in the direction of dance sports, which is a sports ballroom dance or just a ballroom dance.

The dancers of the organization receive sports categories according to the EVSC, tournaments in sports ballroom dancing are held, where the dancers receive points, on the basis of which they move to the next classes. So, a list of articles that will help you figure out where to send your child to dance: So, you have decided and chosen ballroom dancing classes for your child and want to start training in our club - you need to sign up for classes: What clothes and shoes does the child need for classes. In order to properly prepare for teaching a child ballroom dancing, we advise you to study clothes and shoes for classes and tournaments. This is very important - for example, the shoes in which the child begins to practice ballroom dancing largely determine how correctly his ankle will develop and the foot will strengthen. We would like to note that Czechs are quite suitable for classes for ballroom dancing groups of children 4 and 5 years old: Program for children in sports ballroom dancing. We hope we have helped you to orient yourself a little, and now let's talk about the program, according to which children are taught sports ballroom dancing. Coming to the dance and sports club, your child begins the initial stage of education - this is the so-called ballroom dance school.


The dances that children begin to learn correspond to the H3 program - slow waltz, cha-cha, polka. These three dances are a program for beginners in the mass sports system. It should be noted that in mass sports it is not necessary to dance in pairs and immediately look for a partner or partner, the solo system works successfully, where the child learns the skills and techniques of ballroom dancing, tournaments are also held for solos and for couples. Below you will learn more about this program, plain language H3 is three dances, H4 is four dances, and so on. Mass sports lasts up to group H6, which has six dances in the program, they are also the program of the beginning class E in the dance sports system. We publish links to articles where there are rules and classification in ballroom dancing (MFTS): Music for classes.

So, you have read the rules, already understand and navigate the dance program. On our site for beginner dancers H3 there is a section of music, under which you can practice with your child and at home, repeat the figures given in the classroom. Listening to music is also useful for understanding the rhythm of the child: Sports ballroom dancing - H3 children in the classroom in microdistrict. Zheleznodorozhny in the dance and sports club "Variations of the Century" Mass sports H4 - children at the ballroom dancing tournament.

Dance sport - classes for children E, D, C, B classes and above. When dancers successfully complete the mass sports program and move into dance classes mastery of speech already underway about full program sports ballroom dancing and its division into Latin American and European, we publish links to all dances with a description of the nature and characteristics of each of them: Railway. Classes for beginner dancers of the ballroom dance school are held 2 times a week, the duration of the lesson is academic hour. From the second year of study, a third lesson in choreography is added, it is mandatory. Classes are held in the House of Culture "Voskhod", you can find out more on the Contacts page. Choreography classes at TSK Variations of the Century.

For dancers who already have mastery classes sports dancing are held three times a week, a lesson in choreography is also obligatory and a lesson in acting skills. More details can be found on the Schedule page. Photos from the ballroom dancing tournament - children 2D class. We tried to make our site useful for parents of dancers, we would like to draw your attention to the list of articles from the "All about dancing" section, which will be useful for reading, there are a lot of useful tips and recommendations for those who have enrolled or are planning to enroll their child in sports ballroom dancing: physical training child for sports ballroom dancing.

Also in the classroom in our dance and sports club, we pay great attention general physical training of dancers, at each lesson time is given for general physical training both in beginner training groups and in dance sport groups. Having experience in educating high-class dancers, we include a set of general physical education in each group or individual lesson. Individual recommendations are also given to each child for self-improvement and strengthening of weak muscles. According to the experience of our work, this approach literally in a year gives good results in children at ballroom dancing tournaments. We also publish useful articles on the topic - fitness for dancers, which will provide information about the minimum set of exercises for practicing at home: Enrolling children in a club for ballroom dancing. Recruitment of children from 4 years old to the dance and sports club "Variations of the Century" is ongoing, but basically new age groups are formed annually from September 1.

Of course, it is better if the child starts to study from the beginning of the season (the dance season is considered from September to May, dance camps are held for children in August), since the training program is formed for the whole group and, starting in October or December, it is much harder for the child to perceive information, since other children in the group who started classes in September have already learned and are dancing the basics of the three dances of the program, and the trainer adheres to the given training program and focuses on the whole group. But nevertheless, many parents bring their children even in the middle of the season, and if the child hardly manages to join in acting group, are held individual sessions with a coach who solve this problem. Groups of novice dancers of the first year of study in our dance and sports club are divided by age and level of children: Sports ballroom dancing group for children 4-5 years old.


Group of sports ballroom dancing for children 6-9 years old. Many parents are interested in the question - when the child will be able to go to tournaments. In practice, we try to prepare children for tournaments after 3 months of training for groups of 6-9 years old, and half a year for groups of 4-6 years old. We really hope this article has helped you in your choice and answered many questions. Dance and sports club "Variations Veka" is always glad to see your children in our classes, our trainers have vast experience in teaching and individual approach to every child. Our students are multiple winners and finalists of ratings and Championships of Moscow, they successfully perform at Russian tournaments in sports ballroom dancing.

We are glad to each new student of TSC "Variations of the Century". You can subscribe to our Instagram, where we publish weekly news and results of our students' performances in tournaments.

Dance lessons for children. The time has come when your child is ready for further, deeper development and the formation of his personality. Your role in this...

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