Point of view. "A single point of view creates stereotypes


Visible. The introduced point of view is always located against, above, aside, below from the world as a holistic image. Through point of view, there is a perspective reduction of objects that otherwise could not be perceived. The most notable contribution to the philosophical doctrine of the point of view was made by such thinkers as G. W. Leibniz, W. James, P. A. Florensky, P. Valery, X. Ortega y Gasset, and others. The point of view correlates with such concepts as “ perspective”, “aspect”, “view”, “worldview” (Weltanschauung), “position”, “distancing”, etc.

In the philosophy of G. W. Leibniz appears as a theatrical picture, a world theater (theatrum mundi), a point of view is possible only in a monad - a bodily, living, active, active plastic force. Any is a certain, perhaps not yet manifested point of view on the world. Not “consciousness”, but a bodily image forms a point of view from within. Each world is determined from a certain point of view, hence the multiplicity. The point of view preexists, therefore, the whole world is only a collection of points of view. At P.A. Florensky point is, collecting in itself possible point images-relationships. The establishment of a point of view depends on what symbolic content it is endowed with in order to localize in the space-time continuum as the beginning, source, seat or intersection of the forces necessary for the perspective capture of the world (universe). In other words, the point of view has a topological dimension, i.e., it is composed of those images-interpretations that are necessary to indicate the beginning and end (events,

feelings, expressions). The point of view is given worldview functions, it is endowed with mental, conscious, value qualities, which are projected onto the “visible” world in the form of its integral qualities. All points of view can be divided into two types: a single point of view and a private, relative one. The first is defined as metaphysical, or transcendental, its immutable - hovering-above, the uniqueness of the view, omnipresence, like the "eye of God". I have always tried to capture this eye and thereby “capture” the world into a holistic, unified, ultimately calculable image. The place of the second point of view is projected not outside the world, but in itself: it is always co-possible, dynamic, mobile, depending on the distance that needs to be established.

V. A. Podoroga

New Philosophical Encyclopedia: In 4 vols. M.: Thought. Edited by V. S. Stepin. 2001 .


See what "POINT OF VIEW" is in other dictionaries:

    See opinion ... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and expressions similar in meaning. under. ed. N. Abramova, M .: Russian dictionaries, 1999. point of view views, views, beliefs, position, principles, judgment, consideration, view, view, representation; ... ... Synonym dictionary

    point of view- (view): Alternate view of the data for a different user or target. Source: GOST R ISO/TS 18308 2008: Health Informatization. Architecture Requirements electronic accounting health See also related terms … Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

    POINT 1, and, f. Dictionary Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    See Gnomonic cards. Samoilov K.I. Marine Dictionary. M. L .: State Naval Publishing House of the NKVMF of the USSR, 1941 ... Marine Dictionary

    point of view- - [L.G. Sumenko. English Russian Dictionary of Information Technologies. M.: GP TsNIIS, 2003.] Topics information Technology in general EN sight … Technical Translator's Handbook

    This article or section needs revision. Please improve the article in accordance with the rules for writing articles ... Wikipedia

    point of view- Look at something; attitude towards someone or something. Who's point of view? scientist, researcher, collective, group…; whose? my, her... point of view; set aside, express ... what? point of view; stick to... what? points... Training phrasebook

    point of view- požiūris statusas T sritis švietimas apibrėžtis Pažintinis emocinis asmenybės santykis su tikrovės objektais ir pačiu savimi. Skiriamas teigiamas požiūris į darbą, mokymąsi, bendraklasius, kritiškas požiūris į save ir pan. Šį požiūrį lemia… …

    point of view- požiūris statusas T sritis švietimas apibrėžtis Sąlygiškai pastovi nuomonių, interesų, pažiūrų išraiška, atspindinti asmens individualią patirtį. Skiriami socialiniai, filosofiniai, moksliniai, meniniai, buitiniai ir kt. poziriai. Požiūrių vienu … Enciklopedinis edukologijos žodynas

    Point of view (inosk.) A judgment about an object, looking because from where you look at it. Wed "Any thing can be looked at from different angles." Wed You try, enter into me, stand on the point of view of a village dweller. Gr. L. N. Tolstoy.… … Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

Point of view A look at something; attitude towards someone or something. Someone's point of view? scientist, researcher, collective, group…; whose? my, her... point of view; set aside, express ... what? point of view; stick to... what? points of view; follow... what? point of view; to lean on, become... on what? to the point of view; consider...how? from point of view.

You try ... take the point of view of a villager. (L. Tolstoy.)

You see, professor, we respect your great knowledge, but we ourselves hold a different point of view on this issue. (M. Bulgakov.)

It’s good ... to contemplate the beauties of nature ... What could be better from the point of view of a poet or an artist ... (E. Kazakevich.)

Educational phraseological dictionary. - M.: AST. E. A. Bystrova, A. P. Okuneva, N. M. Shansky. 1997 .


See what "point of view" is in other dictionaries:

    POINT OF VIEW- POINT OF VIEW limited perspective image of the visible. The introduced point of view is always located against, above, aside, below from the world as a holistic image. Thanks to the point of view, there is a perspective reduction of objects that are in ... ... Philosophical Encyclopedia

    point of view- See the opinion ... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and expressions similar in meaning. under. ed. N. Abramova, M .: Russian dictionaries, 1999. point of view views, views, beliefs, position, principles, judgment, consideration, view, view, representation; ... ... Synonym dictionary

    point of view- (view): Alternate view of the data for a different user or target. Source: GOST R ISO/TS 18308 2008: Health Informatization. eHealth Record Architecture Requirements See also related terms… Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

    Point of view- POINT 1, and, f. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    POINT OF VIEW- see Gnomonic cards. Samoilov K.I. Marine Dictionary. M. L .: State Naval Publishing House of the NKVMF of the USSR, 1941 ... Marine Dictionary

    point of view- - [L.G. Sumenko. English Russian Dictionary of Information Technologies. M.: GP TsNIIS, 2003.] Topics information technology in general EN sight ... Technical Translator's Handbook

    Point of view- This article or section needs to be revised. Please improve the article in accordance with the rules for writing articles ... Wikipedia

    point of view- požiūris statusas T sritis švietimas apibrėžtis Pažintinis emocinis asmenybės santykis su tikrovės objektais ir pačiu savimi. Skiriamas teigiamas požiūris į darbą, mokymąsi, bendraklasius, kritiškas požiūris į save ir pan. Šį požiūrį lemia… …

    point of view- požiūris statusas T sritis švietimas apibrėžtis Sąlygiškai pastovi nuomonių, interesų, pažiūrų išraiška, atspindinti asmens individualią patirtį. Skiriami socialiniai, filosofiniai, moksliniai, meniniai, buitiniai ir kt. poziriai. Požiūrių vienu … Enciklopedinis edukologijos žodynas

    Point of view- Point of view (inosk.) Judgment about any object, looking because where you look at it from. Wed "Any thing can be looked at from different angles." Wed You try, enter into me, stand on the point of view of a village dweller. Gr. L. N. Tolstoy.… … Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)


  • Point of view, A. D. Nekipelov. The book presents the author's speeches in the media mass media in the period from 1990 to 2011. The topics of publications are the process of market transformation of Russia and emerging in the course of it ...

“As a child, I loved American and English books. They excited my imagination. They opened up new worlds for me. But because of them, I didn't know that people like me could exist in literature.

I started writing stories at the age of seven. All my characters were white skinned and blue eyes. They played in the snow. They ate apples. They talked a lot about the weather: "How wonderful that the sun came out from behind the clouds." And this despite the fact that I have never traveled outside of Nigeria. We didn't have snow. We ate mango. We never talked about the weather because there was no need to. The discovery of African writers saved me from having a single point of view about what books are.

Years later, I left Nigeria to study at an American university. My neighbor was shocked by me. She asked where I learned to speak English so well and was embarrassed when she heard that in Nigeria English is official language. She asked if she could listen to "my tribe's music" and was very disappointed when I pulled out the Mariah Carey tape. She assumed that I didn't know how to use the stove.

My neighbor had only one point of view about Africa. This single point of view did not admit that Africans could be anything like her. After I lived for some time in the USA, I began to understand the attitude of my neighbor towards me. If I had not grown up in Nigeria and only knew about Africa from popular sources, I would also think that Africa is a place with beautiful scenery, beautiful animals and incomprehensible people who fight in senseless wars, die of poverty and AIDS, cannot speak for themselves and are waiting for kind white-skinned foreigners to save them.

And I began to realize that my American neighbor must have heard and seen throughout her life different versions this story. As did one professor who felt that my novel was not "genuinely African." He told me that my characters were too much like him, a well-educated middle-class man. My characters knew how to drive. They didn't die of hunger. Because of this, they were not "real" Africans.

I had very happy childhood, full of laughter and love, in a very friendly family. But I also had grandfathers who died in refugee camps. My cousin Polle died because good medicine was not available. One of my closest friends, Okoloma, died in a plane crash because we didn't have enough water for the fire trucks. I grew up under a repressive military government that devalued education, and my parents didn't always get paid because of it. I remember how jam disappeared from our table, then margarine, then bread became too expensive, then there was less milk.

All these stories have made me who I am. But to focus only on the negatives is to forget all my other experiences and lose sight of the many other stories that have shaped me. A single point of view creates stereotypes. The problem with stereotypes is not that they are wrong, but that they are incomplete. They turn one story into one and only.

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie is a Nigerian writer and bestselling author of Half yellow sun» (Phantom Press, 2011).

I have always believed that it is impossible to find a resemblance to a place or a person without finding a resemblance to all the stories of that place or person. The consequences of forming a single point of view is that it deprives people human dignity. It makes it harder for us to recognize the equality of people. It highlights how different we are, not how similar we are."

Lecture read at the TED project conference

The point of view is the position of the "observer" (narrator, narrator, character) in the depicted world (in time, space, in the socio-ideological and linguistic environment), which determines his horizons - as in relation to "volume" (field of vision, degree of awareness, level of understanding ), and in terms of assessing the perceived, and expresses author's assessment this subject and his horizons. The concept of point of view, having its origins in the reflection of artists and writers and in art criticism(the judgments of Henry James, who took into account the experience of G. Flaubert and G. de Maupassant, the statements of O. Ludwig and F. Shpilhagen; the concept of "focus" in L. Tolstoy), as scientific term- a phenomenon of the 20th century that arose in philological studies associated with avant-garde tendencies and aimed at studying the "technique of storytelling" (" new criticism”, starting with The Art of the Novel by P. Lubbock, 1921) and in the philosophy of culture (P.A. Florensky, J. Ortegai-Gasset), as well as reflected in the “theory of outlook and environment” by M. M. Bakhtin (“and hero in aesthetic activity", 1924). The “position” of the subject inside the depicted world and outside it has a profoundly different meaning, and consequently the term “point of view” cannot be used in these two cases in the same meaning.

Differentiation of the point of view, carried out by B.A. Uspensky, as well as B.O. Korman, allows you to highlight the subjective "layers" or "spheres" of the narrator and characters in the text, as well as take into account the forms of the addressed text as a whole (which is important for studying lyrics) or its individual fragments. For example, the phrase “It’s not that he was so cowardly and downtrodden, quite the contrary, but ...” (F.M. Dostoevsky. Crime and Punishment, 1866) indicates the presence in the narrator’s speech of the reader’s point of view. Each of the compositional forms of speech (narration, dialogue, etc.) presupposes the dominance of a point of view of a certain type, and the regular change of these forms creates a single semantic perspective. It is obvious that the descriptions are dominated by varieties of spatial point of view (a notable exception is historical novel), and the narrative, on the contrary, uses mainly temporary points of view; in the characterization, it can be especially important psychological point vision.

The study of those present in artistic text points of view in connection with their carriers - depicting and speaking subjects - and their grouping within certain compositional speech forms is the most important prerequisite for a sufficiently justified systematic analysis compositions literary works. This applies in particular to the literature of the 19th and 20th centuries, where the question of the inevitable dependence of the “picture of the world” on the uniqueness of the perceiving consciousness and the need to mutually correct the point of view of different subjects in order to create a more objective and adequate image of reality is acute.

"- the places where the observer is located and on which the perspective he sees depends.

Concept in philosophy

The introduced point of view is always located against, above, aside, below from the world as a holistic image. Through point of view, there is a perspective reduction of objects that otherwise could not be perceived. The most notable contribution to the development of the philosophical doctrine of the point of view was made by such thinkers as G. V. Leibniz, W. James, P. A. Florensky, P. Valery, X. Ortega y Gasset and others. The point of view correlates with such concepts like “ perspective", " aspect", " view", " worldview" (Weltanschauung), " position", " distancing", etc.

Different points of view help to better analyze the phenomenon, avoid biased judgments, and find an original solution to the problem.

The point of view is given ideological functions, it is endowed with mental, conscious, value qualities, which are projected onto the “visible” world in the form of its integral qualities. All points of view can be divided into two types: a single point of view and a private, relative one. The first is defined as metaphysical, or transcendental, its invariable property - hovering over, the uniqueness of the view, omnipresence, like the "eye of God". The place of the second point of view is projected not outside the world, but in itself: it is always co-possible, dynamic, mobile, depending on the distance that needs to be established.

Classification by person or position

  • Personal point of view (, 1st person) (see subjectivity);
  • The point of view of the interlocutor (you, 2nd person);
  • The point of view of the observer (he, someone, 3rd person).

see also

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An excerpt characterizing the point of view

- After Austerlitz! said Prince Andrei gloomily. - No; I humbly thank you, I promised myself that I would not serve in the active Russian army. And I won't if Bonaparte was standing here, near Smolensk, threatening the Bald Mountains, and then I wouldn't serve in the Russian army. Well, so I told you, - Prince Andrei continued calming down. - Now the militia, the father is the commander-in-chief of the 3rd district, and the only way for me to get rid of the service is to be with him.
- So you serve?
- I serve. He paused a little.
So why are you serving?
- But why. My father is one of wonderful people of his century. But he is getting old, and not only is he cruel, but he is too active in character. He is terrible because of his habit of unlimited power, and now this power given by the Sovereign to the commander-in-chief of the militia. If I had been two hours late two weeks ago, he would have hanged the recorder in Yukhnov, ”said Prince Andrei with a smile; - I serve this way because no one except me has influence on my father, and in some places I will save him from an act from which he would later suffer.
- Ah, so you see!
- Yes, mais ce n "est pas comme vous l" entendez, [but this is not how you understand it,] continued Prince Andrei. - I didn’t and don’t wish the slightest good for this bastard recorder who stole some boots from the militias; I would even be very pleased to see him hanged, but I feel sorry for my father, that is, again for myself.
Prince Andrei became more and more animated. His eyes shone feverishly while he tried to prove to Pierre that there had never been a desire for good for his neighbor in his act.
“Well, now you want to free the peasants,” he continued. - This is very good; but not for you (I think you didn't spot anyone or send them to Siberia), and even less so for the peasants. If they are beaten, flogged, sent to Siberia, then I think that this does not make them any worse. In Siberia, he leads the same bestial life, and the scars on his body will heal, and he is as happy as he was before. And this is necessary for those people who perish morally, earn themselves repentance, suppress this repentance and become rude because they have the opportunity to execute right and wrong. That's who I feel sorry for, and for whom I would like to free the peasants. You may not have seen, but I saw how good people brought up in these traditions of unlimited power, over the years, when they become more irritable, they become cruel, rude, they know this, they cannot resist, and everything becomes more and more unhappy. - Prince Andrei said this with such enthusiasm that Pierre involuntarily thought that these thoughts were induced by Andrei by his father. He didn't answer him.

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