Stories about the forest Ukrainian woman for children. Her biography is interesting and amazing


World literature is rich in the names of writers and poets, whose work has conquered millions of hearts. Among them is the name of the great Ukrainian poetess, known both at home and abroad. Many are familiar with her poetry. But not everyone knows how interesting and amazing the biography of Lesya Ukrainka is. What was her life like?

Triumph of the Human Spirit

The biography of Lesya Ukrainka is filled with pain, love, suffering, a string of creative pursuits which are reflected in her incredibly talented works. Has anyone really thought about the tragedy of her fate? About the fact that almost her entire life passed with the realization of the incurability of the disease that dominates a fragile body?

The biography of Lesya Ukrainka is tragic and amazing. Because of the woman, she was forced to limp all her life. The disease, which caused suffering to herself, untimely brought her beloved to the grave. Her own mother arbitrarily interfered in her work and personal life - she allowed herself to edit her texts and never approved of her chosen ones.

It is hard to believe that a woman born fragile is able to endure all these hardships and hardships that have befallen her. And at the same time, not only to keep the spirit unbroken, but also to draw strength and inspiration from somewhere to create beautiful works. Many of them, like the biography of Lesya Ukrainka herself, remain instructive today. They carry a huge charge of optimism and invincibility of spirit, they teach goodness and truth.

Lesya Ukrainka: biography of a Ukrainian writer

Getting acquainted with the biography of Lesya Ukrainka, you understand that she was created for creativity. All her surroundings were people unusually talented, educated, creative.

The person closest to her own mother- was a famous Ukrainian poetess and translator who worked under the pseudonym Olena Pchilka. Her real name was Olga Kosach. The pseudonym was "given" to her by another well-known Panas Mirny, due to the fact that he was familiar with her extraordinary diligence and fruitfulness of creativity.

Mother's brother was a well-known historian and folklorist in Ukraine, active public figure who stood at the origins of Ukrainian socialism. His name is Mikhail Petrovich Drahomanov.

The house was often visited by prominent representatives of the Ukrainian intelligentsia. Communication with cultured and highly educated people, of course, influenced general development girls, on the formation of a worldview, as well as on her formation as a future poetess.

Talented and bright biography Lesya Ukrainka in Ukrainian is contained in school textbooks and is available for study by students of Ukrainian-language schools. The poetess firmly occupies a prominent place in the cohort best writers and poets of Ukraine, the study of whose work is provided for by the school curriculum.

Students of Russian-language schools in Ukraine, along with Russian and world, also study Ukrainian literature. They are invited to familiarize themselves with the biography of Lesya Ukrainka in Ukrainian.

At the service of all Russian-speaking residents of Ukraine, as well as other countries who want to learn about the life of the poetess, many manuals and monographs, as well as publications in the media, have been written in Russian. In addition, a biography of Lesya Ukrainka in Russian (as well as in Ukrainian) is available in open access in the Internet.

Her biography is worthy of the attention of many. Valuable is not only the work of the poetess, but also her unbending will, the desire to live and love.

Brief biography of Lesya Ukrainka. Origin

Her real name is Larisa Petrovna Kosach. She was born on February 13 (according to the new style on the 25th), 1871 in the city of Novograd-Volynsky in the family of descendants of a Ukrainian noble foreman.

The parents of the future poetess - natives of the left-bank Ukraine - settled in Volyn in the summer of 1868. From Kyiv, the family moved here to the father's new place of service.

The head of the family, Pyotr Antonovich Kosach, a lawyer by education, a nobleman, was actively engaged in social activities. He began his service career with the rank for some time he served as marshal of the nobility in the Kovel district. From 1901 he was a real state councillor. He dabbled in literature and painting. Artists, musicians, writers regularly gathered in the house, home concerts were held.

The mother of the poetess, Olga Petrovna Kosach (Dragomanova), a Ukrainian writer, publicist, ethnographer, comes from small estate nobles. As already mentioned, her pseudonym is Olena Pchilka. Active participant in the women's movement, publisher of the almanac "The First Wreath".

A brief biography of Lesya Ukrainka in Ukrainian is given in the article below (see the section "About her - in her native language").


Her mother's brother (the writer's uncle) was a well-known publicist, folklorist and literary critic, scientist and public figure Mikhail Petrovich Drahomanov. A hereditary nobleman, at one time he served as a Privatdozent at and then as a professor at the University of Sofia (Bulgaria). Collaborated with Ivan Franko.

The uncle played a leading role in shaping the views of his niece: he passed on to her his socialist convictions, the ideals of serving the motherland. It was with his help that the future poetess thoroughly studied several foreign languages and was able to get acquainted with samples of classical world literature.

Aunt Lesya (as the future poetess was called in the family), Elena Antonovna Kosach, was an active revolutionary. In March 1879, she was exiled to Siberia for 5 years for participating in an assassination attempt on one of the gendarme officials. Lesya responded to this event with her first poem "Hope" (1880).

Early childhood

She was inseparable from her older brother Michael. Together they were educated at home, studying with private teachers.

Since 1878, her friendship with her father's sister, Aunt Elya, began, which left a noticeable mark both in the life and in the work of the poetess.

In the same year, the family moved to the village of Kolodyazhne (Volyn), where the father, who was transferred to work in Lutsk, acquires land.

The following year, my aunt, Elena Antonovna Kosach, was arrested and exiled to Siberia.

In 1880, the husband of another aunt, Aleksandra Antonovna Kosach (Shymanovskaya), was arrested and exiled, who, together with her two sons, moved to live with her brother's family. Aunt Sasha became Lesya's first music teacher.

In the winter of 1881, the girl got a bad cold, as a result of which she developed serious disease that haunted her all her life. Unbearable pains began in the leg, then the hands began to ache.

Doctors diagnosed rheumatism at first. The symptoms of the disease managed to be neutralized with the help of the medicines prescribed by them. But only for a while.

The autobiography of Lesya Ukrainka in Ukrainian contains revelations about what it cost her throughout her life to fight the pain and physical suffering that haunts her. The fragile girl had an indestructible character and great fortitude. “Don’t cry, I laughed,” she writes. These words are translated into Russian as follows: "In order not to cry, I laughed."


The village of Kolodyazhnoye becomes permanent place family residence. Are born here younger brothers and sisters (a total of six children were brought up in the family).

In 1883 (Lesya and her brother Mikhail lived and studied in Kiev at that time), she was diagnosed with bone tuberculosis, operated on her arm, as a result of which she had to forget forever about the career of a pianist, which she dreamed of.

He returns to Kolodyazhnoye, where he improves his health and continues his education at home.


With the help of her mother, she studies European, including Latin and Ancient Greek. Interested in painting.

About the level home education Larisa Kosach is evidenced by the fact that at the age of 19 she, based on the works of famous scientists, compiled for her sisters a textbook on ancient history in Ukrainian, which was published many years later (in 1918) in Yekaterinoslav.

She translates a lot into Ukrainian (works by G. Heine, A. Mickiewicz, Homer, V. Hugo, N. Gogol, etc.). And this despite the fact that the disease constantly made itself felt. But her mother raised Lesya as a strong person who has no right to succumb to weakness and overly express her feelings.

The beginning of creativity

And yet, the main thing that Lesya Ukrainka's biography is rich in is the works of the poetess.

In 1884, she began to write actively (in Ukrainian). Her early poems - "Sappho", "Lily of the Valley", "Red Summer has come" and others - are published by the Lviv magazine "Zarya".

Summary of written works

Over time, she will become the author of works of various genres in journalism, poetry, prose, drama. She will work a lot in the field of folklore - more than 200 folk melodies will be recorded from her voice. Becomes an active participant in the national movement.

Lesya Ukrainka will become famous thanks to the creation of:

1) poetry collections:

  • 1893: "On the Wings of Songs";
  • 1899: "Thoughts and Dreams";
  • 1902: "Reviews";
  • 1913: "Boyar";
  • 1907: "Cassandra";
  • 1905: "In the catacombs";
  • 1911: "Forest Song", etc.

But it will be later. For now…


Starting from 1891, she traveled around Galicia, Bukovina, met many prominent figures of Western Ukrainian culture: V. Stefanyk, I. Franko, A. Makovei, N. Kobrynska.

During the year (1894-1895) he lives with his uncle Mikhail Dragomanov in Sofia.

A serious illness forces her to be treated at resorts in Egypt, Germany, Italy, Austria-Hungary. Repeatedly the poetess visited the Caucasus, Odessa, Crimea. Traveling enriched her impressions and broadened her horizons.

In the spring of 1907, together with her fiancé Kliment Kvitka, she visits Alupka, Yalta, Sevastopol.

In August of this year, they officially formalize the marriage. For some time they live in Kyiv, then they move to the Crimea, where Kvitka manages to get a position in court.

Last years

Her illness progressed inexorably. Bone tuberculosis became aggravated, an incurable kidney disease was added to it.

She found the strength for creativity, overcoming severe suffering and pain.

Together with her husband, she collected folklore and processed her own dramas. During the treatment in the Caucasus, the drama extravaganza "Forest Song", the dramatic poem "Orgy", a lyrical-epic triptych dedicated to Ivan Franko were created.

Having learned about her daughter's aggravated illness, her mother comes to Georgia, who writes down the last, unfinished drama - "On the Shores of Alexandria" under her dictation.

The great Ukrainian poetess died on July 19 (August 1), 1913 in the Georgian city of Surami. She is 42 years old. She was buried in Kyiv at the Baikove cemetery.

About her - in her native language

The biography of Lesya Ukrainka in Ukrainian, which we provide in the article, briefly conveys the information already presented about her life. Native language the poetess will allow you to feel her spirit and better understand her inner world:

“Lesya Ukrainka is a pseudonym for a prominent Ukrainian writer, poetess, translation, cultural play. Reference name - Larisa Petrivna Kosach.

She was born on the 25th of February 1871 near Novograd-Volinsky near the noble homeland. Mother poetesi was a leading writer, what she did under a pseudonym - Olena Pchіlka. Batko was a highly enlightened assistant. Dyadko Lesi - Vіdomy vcheniy, istorik Mikhailo Dragomanov.

Churches and consecrated guests often gathered at the house of Kosachiv, home concerts and saints were held, children became participants in them.

Lesya started with private readers. At 6 roki vmila vzhe vishivat good.

In 1881, she fell seriously ill with tuberculosis of the bones.

Through the camp of a healthy one, I was stunned to turn back from Kiev, and started at once with my brother from private teachers, to Kolodyazhny (the next maetok on Volyn). With the help of mothers, wives foreign language (French, German and others).

In 1884, activity began to be active, like poetry. Lviv edition of "Zorya" other first verses: "Konvaliya", Sappho" and others.

1885 the Ukrainian translation of the works of Mykoli Gogol was published.

Nadali won't translate richly: Homer, Heine, Mickiewicz, Hugo.

At 19 years she created a handbook of history for her sisters.

Since 1891, a rich mandru of Galicia, the lands of Europe, overlooking Georgia, Italy, Egypt. To get acquainted with the leading figures of light and Ukrainian culture. One hour living in Sofia with an uncle.

Often times it is more expensive to become a healthy writer. Ale stink and supralingually expand their horizons and breathe on creativity. Її poetry - enchanting selection of verses: “Vidguki”, Autumn fairy tale”, “On the wings of a song”, “Songs about freedom”, the dramatic poem “Kasandra”, the drama-fairy story “Forest Song” and other - prosyaknuti love to your people that yogo іstorії, with a cry of choice I steal the share.

At the sickle won't beg for Clement Kvitkoy, what a rich kokhav. Young people live in Krim. Due to the suspicion of infidelity, the gendarmerie checks up on the apartment, and books are stolen.

The rest of the fates of the life of Lesya Ukrainka will pass along the roads and lusts. She sees Yalta, Batumi, Tbilisi, Kiev, Odessa, Yevpatoriya, travels to Berlin for consultations, rejoices at Egypt.

The poetess died on 19 lime 1913 at the city of 42 years at the city of Surami (Georgia).

Her motto

The leitmotif of creativity and the motto of the whole life of Lesya Ukrainka can be considered her words:

“Ni, I want to cry tears and laugh,

Mid-dash to sleep songs,

Without hope, still spodіvatsya,

I want to live! Get out of your mind!”

Her biography is interesting and amazing

Readers who are passionate about the work of a writer or poet, having familiarized themselves with official biography, want to get to know him better, look for details in his biographies in which their idol would appear brighter, more multifaceted. Here are some Interesting Facts from the biography of Lesya Ukrainka.

According to experts on her life and work, the poetess was very fond of "cooking". She made strawberry and cherry jam in the summer. And once she brought and planted two dogwood bushes. They are still fruitful. But jam from their berries is now cooked by the museum staff in the village of Kolodyazhnoye.

According to the recollections of relatives, in moments of enlightenment, when she let go of her illness, she baked wonderful lemon mazurkas.

There were agonizing, prolonged periods of several months, when Lesya, due to illness, could not even get out of bed. But she did not lose heart, plunged into creativity, developed her talent.

Her relationships with men - bright, sincere and amazingly beautiful - deserve a separate book. her first true love, who overtook Lesya at the age of 15, was Maxim Slavinsky (18 years old). This love was reflected in her work, but the relationship did not last long.

A painful wound in her heart was left in 1897 by Nestor Gambarashvili, a young Georgian student who lodged with Kosachi. They taught each other languages: she taught him French, he taught her Georgian. When Nestor married another, Lesya's despair knew no bounds. After 45 years, the former lover mourned his love at her grave.

Sergei Merzhinsky is a man who left the deepest mark in her life. They met at the resort and quickly found mutual language, despite the fact that Lesya then experienced such hellish pains that she was sometimes forced to fall on a bench and sit motionless for a long time.

She could not reciprocate, because she sincerely believed that because of her illness she would be a burden to her beloved. He resigned himself to being her only friend.

But the disease struck down Merzhinsky. Seriously ill herself, Lesya is looking for funds to cure her beloved, she is on duty at his bedside day and night. But the severe form of tuberculosis progresses, and Sergei dies in her arms. Lesya will forever keep love for him. From now on, she wears only black clothes.

Six years later on literary readings she meets Kliment Kvitka, famous musician and folklorist. Merzhinsky continued to live in her heart, but she accepts Kvitka's proposal. Their marriage lasts six years and ends with the death of the poetess.

They say that Clement loved Lesya so much that from time to time he sold property and belongings in order to provide her with treatment for the proceeds. He could not forgive the early departure of his wife. After her death, Kvitka lived for another forty years, suffering and reproaching her for leaving him alone.

The biography of Lesya Ukrainka (as well as her work) is bright, talented, unforgettable. A series of delights and sufferings, poetic inspiration and struggle with illness, creative accomplishments and spiritual disappointments, high spiritual achievements and love losses. One of the best poets and writers of Ukraine, she was remembered not only for her brilliant works, but also for her indestructible desire to truly live and love.

By the name of her husband, Kvitka, known to readers as Lesya Ukrainka. The future writer was born on February 25 (13), 1871 in Novograd-Volinsky and was brought up in an intelligent family. Lesin's maternal grandfather, Yakov Drahomanov, was a Decembrist, and his uncle, Mikhail Drahomanov, was a very famous publicist, critic, historian, and active figure who was persecuted by the government. The mother of Lesya Ukrainka - Olga Petrovna Kosach, the well-known Ukrainian writer Alena Pchelka at that time - had a huge influence on her daughter, she herself chose her patriotic pseudonym - Ukrainka. Father - Petr Antonovich Kosach - was a man of progressive views, for which he was expelled from St. Petersburg University during his student years.

A favorable environment initially had a positive effect on the girl's abilities. She began to read at the age of 4, and at the age of five she was already playing the piano. And this is not surprising. After all, her family was friends with such "titans" in literature as: Nikolai Lysenko, Mikhail Staritsky, Pavel Zhitetsky and others. Moreover, her mother took care of her daughter's education from the very early years introducing her to the beautiful Ukrainian language. It soon gave results. Unfortunately, these results turned out to be in vain, because. on the feast of the Epiphany of water (celebrated in winter) Lesya got into the river and earned terrible disease- bone tuberculosis.

In the autumn of 1884, the first publication of Lesya appeared in the Lvov magazine "Zorya" - the poem "Konvaliy". In winter, Alena Pchelka suggested that Lesya translate it into Ukrainian language"Evenings on a farm near Dikanka" by Nikolai Gogol. The following year, a booklet of translated stories by N. Gogol was published in Lvov, the authors of which were Mikhail and Lesya Kosachi.

In March 1893 again, Lesin's first assembly, "On the Wings of Songs", was released in Lviv, which received commendable criticism.

Lesya was interested in history. At 19 she wrote for younger sister textbook "Ancient history Eastern peoples". Moreover, she wrote it like a real professional - accessible, concise and interesting. Lesya was also interested in philosophy, tried herself in journalism. Together with her sister Olga, she gave public lectures at Kiev University. I did a lot of self-education. And, probably, that is why she became the most educated woman of the then Europe.

In 1894, Lesya visited Bulgaria, in Sofia with her uncle Mikhail Dragomanov, worked in his library, sorted it, as if she felt imminent death someone close to her.

IN In 1899, Lesin's second collection "Thoughts and Dreams" was published in Lvov, and in April 1902 in Chernivtsi, a book of poetry "Responses" was published. In collaboration with Klymentiy Kvitka, the poetess issued an assembly "Children's games, songs and fairy tales from the Kovel region, Luts region, Zvyagel region in Volyn".
The first and very successful and interesting tragedy Lesia Ukrainka became Kasandra. Inspired by success, the writer also created “Obsessed” and “Victim”, but, unfortunately, when the second collection of “On the Wings of Songs” was published, these dramas were excluded by censorship.
In order to prove to Russian readers that the Ukrainian language does not compromise their language, Lesya translated into Russian the works of I. Frank "At the Bottom" and "Good Earnings", which were published by the Donskaya Rech publishing house.
In 1904 the grandson of Taras Shevchenko (Fotiy Krasitsky), after his sister Katerina, created portraits of the Lesin sisters and the poetess herself.
July 25, 1907 Lesya Ukrainka and Klymentiy Kvitka got married. The husband received a position in the Crimean court in Balaklava and married couple moved there, and eventually to Yalta. It seems that the wonderful maritime climate could improve her health, but the poetess was getting worse. The Berlin professor advised to go to Egypt, but the couple gave the money collected for the trip to organize an expedition, the purpose of which was to record Ukrainian folk dumas.

In January 1909 in Kyiv, the “Blue Rose” was staged, all the money that was managed to be bailed out was sent to the monument to T.G. Shevchenko.

In order to improve her health, Lesya Ukrainka often moved. In 1911. the family ended up in Kutaisi, where the husband received a position. The writer already seemed to feel the approach of death. She sent her archive to her sister Olga, worked to exhaustion on The Forest Song, which she began on July 3 and finished on July 25. The Forest Song was published in Kiev during the life of the poetess, in 1912. The dramas "Stone Cross" and "Orgy" were also written in Kutaisi.

Friends and relatives insisted on the treatment of Lesya Ukrainka, because of this she again visited Egypt, but the trips became torment for her, and the hope for improvement was not justified.

Lesya courageously prepared for her end. In March 1913, she wrote an application to the library of the Scientific Society. Shevchenko to receive her works as a deposit, April 28 at last time visited Kyiv, came to the evening dedicated to her at the club "Family", in mid-April she went back to Kutaisi.

From the voice of his dying wife, Klymenty Kvitka still managed to record several folk songs. The seriously ill poetess was transferred to Surami, but no one could help her. On July 19, between the first and second hours of the night, she died.
Truna with ashes was delivered to Kyiv. On July 26, 1913, Lesya Ukrainka was buried at the Baikove cemetery. The police did not allow any speeches or songs, and so that no one dared to violate the ban, she gave an escort funeral procession kinnot outfit. Behind the string was a crowd of thousands. Ukraine buried her daughter. The world buried the great poetess.

See Ukrainian Lesya. Literary Encyclopedia. In 11 tons; M.: publishing house of the Communist Academy, Soviet Encyclopedia, Fiction. Edited by V. M. Friche, A. V. Lunacharsky. 1929 1939. Lesya Ukrai ... Literary Encyclopedia

Pseudonym of the Ukrainian poet Larisa Petrovna Kosach (1872-1913). Daughter of the Little Russian writer Olena Pchilka (see Kosach), niece of M.P. Dragomanova, Lesya s young years entered the circle of Ukrainian literary interests. Collection of poems Lesya: On ... Biographical Dictionary

- [pseudo; present name - Larisa Petrovna K o s a h K v i t k a; 13(25) Feb. 1871 - July 19 (Aug. 1), 1913] - Ukrainian. writer, publicist and literary critic. Genus. in the city of Novgorod Volynsky. She was fluent in many European languages. IN… … Philosophical Encyclopedia

The pseudonym of the famous Ukrainian poetess Larisa Petrovna Kosach. Genus. in 1872. The daughter of the Little Russian writer Olena Pchilka, the niece of MP Drahomanov, L. from a young age entered the circle of Ukrainian literary interests. Collection of poems L. ... ...

The pseudonym of the famous Ukrainian poetess Larisa Petrovna Kosach. Genus. in 1872. The daughter of the Little Russian writer Olena Pchilka, the niece of MP Drahomanov, L. from a young age entered the circle of Ukrainian literary interests. Collection of poems L. On ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

Russ. Ukrainian. poetess and critic, collector. songs, r. 1872. (Vengerov) ... Big biographical encyclopedia

Lesya Ukrainka Ukrainian writer Birth name: Larisa Petrovna Kosach Kvitka Pseudonyms: Lesya Ukrainka Date of birth: February 25, 1871 Place of birth ... Wikipedia

- (pseudonym; real name and surname Larisa Petrovna Kosach), Ukrainian writer. Born in noble family; daughter… … Great Soviet Encyclopedia

Ukrainian, Lesya- Lesya Ukrainka. Ukrainian Lesya (real name and surname Larisa Petrovna Kosach Kvitka) (1871 1913), Ukrainian writer. In the lyrics (collections "On the Wings of Songs", 1893, "Echoes", 1902; the cycle "Songs about Freedom", 1905) the spirit of love of freedom, courageous ... ... Illustrated encyclopedic Dictionary


  • Lesya Ukrainian. Selected Works, Lesya Ukrainka. This publication is one of the most complete collections selected poetic works of the Ukrainian writer in Russian. All works are grouped into three sections: ...
  • Lesya Ukrainian. Favorites, Lesya Ukrainka. Moscow, 1946. State publishing house fiction. Publisher's binding. The safety is good. The book includes works by the Ukrainian poetess Lesya Ukrainka: ...

A brief biography of Les Ukrainka will acquaint you with the main events in the life and work of the poetess.

Lesya Ukrainka(real name Larisa Petrovna Kosach-Kvitka) - Ukrainian writer, translator, cultural figure.

Lesya Ukrainka biography briefly

She was born on February 25, 1871 in the city of Novograd-Volynsky. (Mother - Olena Pchilka, Father - a highly educated landowner, uncle - Mikhail Dragomanov). Writers, artists and musicians often gathered in the Kosachev house, evenings and home concerts were held.

Studied with private teachers. At the age of 6, she began to learn to embroider.

1881 was the beginning of tuberculosis. Severely ill Lesya studies classical languages ​​(Greek and Latin). In the autumn of 1883, Lesya underwent an operation on her left hand, and the bones affected by tuberculosis were removed.

In December, Lesya returns from Kyiv to Kolodyazhnoye, her health improves, and with the help of her mother, Lesya studies French and German.

Since 1884, Lesya has been actively writing poetry (“Lily of the Valley”, “Sappho”, “Summer has passed redder”, etc.) and publishes them in the magazine “Zarya”. It was in this year that the pseudonym "Lesya Ukrainka" appeared.

1885 in Lvov, a collection of her translations of works (prepared jointly with her brother Mikhail) was published. The Ukrainian translated a lot (Gogol, etc.).

The level of her education may be evidenced by the fact that at the age of 19 she wrote a textbook for her sisters “ Ancient history Eastern peoples."

Having visited in 1891 in Galicia, and later in Bukovina, Ukrainka met many prominent figures Western Ukraine(, M. Pavlik, O. Kobylyanskaya, V. Stefanik and others).

1894 - training in art school N. I. Murashko in Kyiv. In May, the poet goes abroad to her uncle M. Dragomanov. She was treated for her illness different countries, visited Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy, Egypt. Repeated stays in the Caucasus, in the Crimea enriched her impression and contributed to the expansion of the horizons of the writer.

1902 the poetess spent on treatment in San Remo (Italy), lives in Odessa, Kyiv. In Chernivtsi, her collection of poems "Reviews" was published.

1903 dramatic poem "Babylonian captivity", poem "Smoke".

1904-1905 - poetry "The Daughter of Jephai", "The Inscription in the Ruins", etc. The second edition of the collection "On the Wings of Songs". " autumn fairy tale”, “Songs from the cemetery”, “Songs about freedom”, poems “Dream, Do not betray!”, “Intoxicated at bloody feasts ...”, dialogue “Three minutes”.

In early March 1907, Lesya Ukrainka moved from Kolodyazhny to Kyiv.

August 7, 1907 Lesya Ukrainka and Kliment Kvitka officially married in the church, live in the Crimea. The poet completes dramatic poem"Cassandra". The gendarmes search Kosachev's apartment and confiscated 121 books. L. Ukrainka and her sister Olga were arrested.

In 1908, Lesya Ukrainka was in Yalta, Kyiv, Odessa, Evpatoria, Batumi, Tbilisi. went to Berlin for a consultation with a professor on kidney surgery.

The last years of L. Kosach-Kvitka's life were spent traveling to hospitals in Egypt and the Caucasus.

Lesya Ukrainka(Ukrainian Lesya Ukrainka; real name Larisa Petrovna Kosach-Kvitka, Ukrainian Larisa Petrivna Kosach-Kvitka; February 25, 1871, Novograd-Volynsky - July 19, 1913, Surami) - Ukrainian writer, translator, cultural figure. She wrote in a wide variety of genres: poetry, lyrics, epic, drama, prose, journalism. She also worked in the field of folklore (220 folk melodies were recorded from her voice) and actively participated in the Ukrainian national movement.

Known for her collections of poems On the Wings of Songs (1893), Thoughts and Dreams (1899), Reviews (1902), poems Old Tale (1893), One Word (1903), drama Boyar "(1913), "Cassandra" (1903-07), "In the Catacombs" (1905), "Forest Song" (1911), etc.

Mother - writer O.P. Kosach (pseudonym Elena Pchilka), was active participant women's movement, published the almanac "The First Wreath". Father - lawyer Pyotr Antonovich Kosach (1841-1909), who was very fond of literature and painting. Writers, artists and musicians often gathered in the house of the Kosachs, evenings and home concerts were held. Uncle Lesya (as she was called in the family, and this household name became pseudonym) - Mikhail Drahomanov, who over time took care of his niece in a friendly way and helped her in every possible way - was a scientist, folklorist, public figure, lived abroad for a long time (in France and Bulgaria), collaborated with I. Franko. He plays one of the leading roles in shaping the views of his niece in accordance with his socialist convictions, the ideals of serving the motherland. Lesya thoroughly studied a number of foreign languages, which gave her the opportunity to become widely acquainted with classical works world literature.

Early childhood

Lesya Ukrainka and her brother Mikhail (in the family they were called by a common name - Michelosia) studied with private teachers. Early (at the age of 4) I learned to read. In January 1876, O.P. Kosach with his children Mikhail and Larisa arrived in Kyiv to say goodbye to M.P. Dragomanov before his forced emigration. In the summer of the same year, O.P. Kosach, together with Lesya and Mikhail, rest in the village of Zhaborice. Here Lesya first heard her mother's stories about Mavka. And met Ukrainian folklore. Her mother, along with her children, went from house to house in the village and collected various songs and ornaments in the collection of O.P. Kosach.


In 1878, Lesya's parents went to world exhibition to Paris, where they met with MP Drahomanov. At this time, Elena Antonovna Kosach, the sister of Larisa's father, comes to take care of the children. Friendship with "Aunt Elya" left a noticeable mark on the life and work of the poetess.

On November 7 (19) of the same year, by order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, P. A. Kosach was transferred to work in Lutsk.

In March 1879, Elena Antonovna Kosach, aunt Lesya, was arrested for participating in the assassination attempt on the chief of the gendarmes Drenteln, later she was sent to the Olonets province, and in 1881 she was sent to Siberia for 5 years (Yalutorovsk, Tyumen region, and then to the city of Tyumen). Tyumen). Having learned about this, Lesya at the end of 1879 or at the beginning of 1880 wrote her first poem, "Hope".

In the summer of 1880, Alexandra Antonovna Kosach-Shymanovskaya, aunt Lesya, moved to Lutsk with her two sons and lived with the Kosach family. The reason for the move was the arrest and exile to Siberia of her husband Boris Shimanovsky. "Aunt Sasha" - Lesina's first music teacher. To her, Lesya retained a feeling of deep gratitude all her life.

This year, A.P. Kosach took Mikhail, Lesya and Olga to Kyiv to study under the guidance of private teachers. Mikhail and Lesya began to study according to the program of the male gymnasium, where Lesya takes piano lessons from N. Lysenko's wife, Olga Alexandrovna O'Connor.

At the beginning of May 1882, the Kosachi moved to the village of Kolodyazhnoye, which from now on became their permanent place of residence.

Meanwhile, Lesya and her brother Mikhail live in Kyiv, study with private teachers, study Greek and latin languages. In the summer of 1883, Lesya was diagnosed with bone tuberculosis, in October of the same year, Professor A. Rinek operated left hand, removed the bones affected by tuberculosis. In December, Lesya returns from Kyiv to Kolodyazhnoye, her health improves, and with the help of her mother, Lesya studies French and German.

May 29 (June 10), 1882, sister Oksana was born, August 22 (September 2), 1884 - brother Nikolai.


Since 1884, Lesya has been actively writing poetry (“Lily of the Valley”, “Sappho”, “Red Summer Has Passed”, etc.) and publishes them in the magazine “Zorya”. It was in this year that the pseudonym "Lesya Ukrainka" appeared. A cordial friendship unites Larisa with her older brother Mikhail. For inseparability in the family, they were called by the common name "Mishelosya", later Larisa was nicknamed Lesya in the family.

For some time, Larisa studied at the school of Alexander Murashko in Kyiv. From this period there was one picture painted by oil paints. Later, she had to get her education on her own, with the help of her mother.

She knew a lot European languages, including and Slavic languages(Russian, Polish, Bulgarian, etc.), as well as ancient Greek, Latin, which testified to her high intellectual level. Elena Petrovna raised her as strong man who had no right to over-express his feelings. The level of her education can be evidenced by the fact that at the age of 19 she wrote for her sisters the textbook "The Ancient History of the Eastern Peoples" (printed in Yekaterinoslav in 1918). She translated a lot into Ukrainian (Gogol, A. Mickiewicz, G. Heine, V. Hugo, Homer, etc.).


After visiting Galicia in 1891, and later in Bukovina, Ukrainka met many prominent figures in Western Ukraine: I. Franko, M. Pavlik, O. Kobylyanska, V. Stefanyk, A. Makovei, N. Kobrynska. The main vector of the socio-political outlook of L. Kosach was formed after her year-round (1894-95) stay with M. Drahomanov in Sofia and tragic event what her uncle's death had become for her.

The love story of Lesya Ukrainka often begins with Sergei Merzhinsky. The mystery of Lesya Ukrainka and Olga Kobylyanska (Lesya Kosach's letters have been preserved) helps in understanding Lesya's work Blue Rose (1896).

The forced need for treatment in Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy, Egypt, repeated stays in the Caucasus, Odessa, and the Crimea enriched her impressions and contributed to the expansion of the horizons of the writer.

last years of life

In early March 1907, Lesya Ukrainka moved from Kolodyazhny to Kyiv. And at the end of March, together with K. Kvitka, she made a trip to the Crimea, where, in particular, she visited Sevastopol, Alupka and Yalta.

On August 7, 1907, Lesya Ukrainka and Kliment Kvitka officially married in the church and settled at Bolshaya Podvalnaya Street (now Yaroslavov Val Street), 32, apt. 11 in Kyiv. On August 21, they go together to the Crimea, where Kvitka received a position in court.

At this time, she works a lot in the literary field. On May 5, 1907, the dramatic poem "Aisha and Mohammed" was completed, on May 18, she finally completed the poem "Cassandra", work on which she began back in 1903. May 12 sent in the almanac "From captivity" (Vologda) dramatic poem "On the ruins." The publication was printed to help political exiles. In September, the poem "Beyond the Mountain of Lightning" was written, work on the works "In the Forest", "Rufin and Priscilla" continued.

The last years of L. Kosach-Kvitka's life were spent traveling for treatment in Egypt and the Caucasus. Together with her husband, Kliment Kvitka, she worked on a collection of folklore, intensively processed her own dramas. For news about serious condition Larisa Petrovna's mother came to Georgia. The writer dictated to her the drafts of her never-written drama On the Shores of Alexandria.

She died on July 19 (August 1), 1913 in Surami at the age of 42. She was buried at the Baikove cemetery in Kyiv ( tombstone- bronze, granite; sculptor G. L. Petrashevich; installed in 1939).

Personal life

In 1898, in Zaporozhye, Larisa Petrovna met Sergei Konstantinovich Merzhinsky, a public figure, a graduate of the Kyiv University of St. Vladimir. Merzhinsky lived for some time in Yalta, undergoing treatment for tuberculosis. Four years later (in 1901) Lesya goes to winter Minsk to visit her mortally ill lover. In the difficult winter months, one of her strongest dramas is born - “Obsessed”, Sergei Merzhinsky dies, and Larisa Petrovna puts on black mourning clothes forever.

In 1907, the poetess returned to the Crimea again with Kliment Vasilyevich Kvitka, who later became her husband. A hasty move saved the life of Kliment Kvitka, tuberculosis gradually receded. During their married life, Kliment Kvitka recorded songs that Lesya remembered from childhood. And already after the death of his wife, in 1917, he published a two-volume book "Melodies from the voice of Lesya Ukrainka" in a photoscopic way. Kliment Vasilyevich lived until 1953, outliving his wife by 40 years.

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