In a society where there is no color differentiation of pants, there is no point. When a society has no color differentiation of pants, there is no purpose


Color differentiation of pants

In the film “Kin-dza-dza! "The following classification of pants was used:

Pants color Privilege Who has the right to wear Who wears it in the film Note
Blue pants Personal pool (Mr. PZh), own security. It is possible that there are other privileges. Ruler of the planet Plyuk (possibly also some senior officials), as well as persons with a very large amount of CC (according to the scenario - 3 grams) Mr. PZh, as well as VIPs in the crowd in the “Spitting Championship” scene.
Raspberry pants Patsaks and Chatlans are obliged to squat in front of the owner of the pants (patsaks - twice, and Chatlanins - once). In addition, the owners of crimson pants have immunity status (ethylops are prohibited from beating them at night). Rich residents of Plyuk who own a large number of CCs The mother of Mr. PZh, as well as the leader of the smugglers, who deceived the earthlings into stealing a box of matches.
Yellow pants In front of the owner of the pants, the boys must squat and say “Ku” not once, but twice. Rich residents of Plyuk who have a CC Dwarf
Lilac pants Privileges are unknown. The status of the pants is lower than the crimson ones. It is also likely that they are lower than the yellow ones. Rich residents of Plyuk Girlfriend of the leader of the rich smugglers The leader's girlfriend probably did not have her own CC and therefore could not wear yellow pants
Green pants Privileges are unknown. The status of the pants is lower than the lilac ones. Rich residents of Plyuk A rich one-armed smuggler, Ecilop in civilian clothes The one-armed smuggler, judging by his behavior, has less power in the gang than the leader's girlfriend, dressed in lilac pants. In the book “The Toasted One Drinks to the Bottom,” Georgy Danelia reports that “green pants are for riffraff.”

In addition to the listed varieties of colored pants, the characters in the film also wear pants of some other colors, but whether these pants are a symbol of status and whether they give any privileges to their owners is unknown.

Pants color Who wears it in the film
White pants Chatlanin Uef, the ecilian judge (who sent Uef and Bi to the court), the muzzled ecilian, Mr. PZh’s personal patsok. Mr. PZh himself also likes to appear in white pants in holograms, demonstrating his love for the people.
Orange pants The mustachioed Ecilop pilot, the dissident Chatlanin Kyrr (the author of the phrase “the boys sat on the heads of the Chatlans”), the cowardly Ecilop pilot (“I immediately pressed the mouth guard”), the boy Bi.
Black trousers The leader of the smugglers (before he got rich), the Etsikh guard, the fat Chatlanin on the train, some pluckers at the Ferris wheel.
Gray pants Tsang (woman on a cart), a patsak watchman with a coil on his head, some plyukane at the Ferris wheel.

see also


  • Sokolov B. G. Color differentiation of pants (system analysis) // Anecdote as a cultural phenomenon. Materials of the round table on November 16, 2002. St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg Philosophical Society, 2002. P.109-116.

Color differentiation of pants

In the film “Kin-dza-dza! "The following classification of pants was used:

Pants colorPrivilegeWho has the right to wearWho wears it in the filmNote
Blue pantsPersonal pool (Mr. PZh), own security. It is possible that there are other privileges.Ruler of the planet Plyuk (possibly also some high officials)Mr. PZh, as well as VIPs in the crowd in the “Spitting Championship” scene.
Raspberry pantsPatsaks and Chatlans are obliged to squat in front of the owner of the pants (patsaks - twice, and Chatlanins - once). In addition, the owners of crimson pants have immunity status (ethylops are prohibited from beating them at night).Rich residents of Plyuk who own a large number of CCsMister PJ's mother, as well as the leader of the smugglers who stole the box of matches
Yellow pantsIn front of the owner of the pants, the boys must squat and say “Ku” not once, but twice.Rich residents of Plyuk who have a CCDwarf
Lilac pantsPrivileges are unknown. The status of the pants is lower than the crimson ones. It is also likely that they are lower than the yellow ones.Rich residents of PlyukGirlfriend of the leader of the rich smugglersThe leader's girlfriend probably did not have her own CC and therefore could not wear yellow pants
Green pantsPrivileges are unknown. The status of the pants is lower than the lilac ones.Rich residents of PlyukA rich one-armed smuggler, a secret agent.The one-armed smuggler, judging by his behavior, has less power in the gang than the leader's girlfriend, dressed in lilac pants. In the book “The Toasted One Drinks to the Bottom,” Georgy Danelia reports that “green pants are for riffraff.”

In addition to the listed varieties of colored pants, the characters in the film also wear pants of some other colors, but whether these pants are a symbol of status and whether they give any privileges to their owners is unknown.

Pants colorWho wears it in the film
White pantsChatlanin Uef, the ecilian judge (who sent Uef and Bi to the court), the muzzled ecilian, Mr. PZh’s personal patsok. Mr. PZh himself also likes to appear in white pants in holograms, demonstrating his love for the people.
Orange pantsThe mustachioed Ecilop pilot, the dissident Chatlanin Kyrr (the author of the phrase “the boys sat on the heads of the Chatlans”), the cowardly Ecilop pilot (“I immediately pressed the mouth guard”), the boy Bi.
Black trousersThe leader of the smugglers (before he got rich), the Etsikh guard, the fat Chatlanin on the train, some pluckers at the Ferris wheel.
Gray pantsTsang (woman on a cart), a patsak watchman with a coil on his head, some plyukane at the Ferris wheel.

Quotes from the movie “Kin-dza-dza!”

  • - “Yes, a simple game. I give you half a chat, you give me three matches on Earth. Never mind, son." - “Thank you, I don’t want to.” - “Okay, you give me one match, I’ll give you three chatlas, yellow pants and this kind of head start. Let's!" - “No...” - “Blue pants...” - “Mr. Wef, I will not do it under any circumstances.”
  • “Savages! Listen, I love you, I will teach you. If I have a little CC, I have the right to wear yellow pants. And the guy in front of me must squat not once, but twice. If I have a lot of CC, I have the right to wear crimson pants, and the guy in front of me must squat twice and do chatlanin ku. And Ecilop has no right to beat me at night! Never!"
  • - “I have this proposal, dear. You give us the match now, and then we’ll bring you yellow pants, okay?” - “Thank you, I already have it, maybe Violinist needs it? Violinist! Here the aliens are farting with their pants... Do you need the yellow ones?”
  • “Me to a planet where they don’t know who should curtsy in front of whom? Nonsense!"
  • “Such a proposal. We find Fiddler, fly to the local government... We say who we are, where we are from... They give us a gravitsappa, and we organize mutually beneficial trade - you give us yellow pants, and we give you as much CC as you want.”
  • “Yellow pants - two times ku!”
  • "Hey! Patsak! Anyway, you’ll kick off your hooves now. Tell the truth at least once in your life. Why didn’t you move with that goat when you could? What did you want? Raspberry pants? Swimming pool PJ? Tell what?"
  • "When society does not have color differentiation pants - there is no purpose! And when there is no goal..."
  • “How do you roll a pepelats out of the garage without a gravitsappa?”
  • “How do you on Earth determine who should squat in front of whom how many times?” - “Well, it’s just by eye” - “Savages!”
  • “Without color differentiation of pants, society is without purpose.”

Similar systems

see also


  • Sokolov B. G. Color differentiation of pants (system analysis) // Anecdote as a cultural phenomenon. Materials of the round table on November 16, 2002. St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg Philosophical Society, 2002. P.109-116.

April 10th, 2011 , 01:42 pm

Guess the movie with one quote)))

VIOLINIST: Comrade, there is a man saying that he is an alien, something needs to be done.
UNCLE VOVA: Call at 03.
VIOLINIST: I'll call, but he's almost barefoot.

UNCLE VOVA: What do you see? A?
UNCLE VOVA: So, this crap worked... Was that goat with the holes still there? Calm, just calm... There is sun, there is sand, there is gravity. Where are we? We are on Earth.

VIOLINIST: No, a stranger. Professor Rogozin. He gave us a chef’s concert, and then they forgot to put the violin on the plane.
UNCLE VOVA: Banquet?
VIOLINIST: No, lunch...

UNCLE VOVA: Hello! We are our tourists, we are behind the group. Give us a lift to the city, and then we’ll somehow be on our own... Translate.
VIOLINIST: Du yu spik english?
UEF: Kuu?

UNCLE VOVA: Not a single letter, not a single “made in”...

VIOLINIST: Vladimir Nikolaevich, maybe we still...
UNCLE VOVA: Yes, typical Martians.

BI: Lyusenka, dear, infection, this pasta gave you away.
UNCLE VOVA: Yes. This means we know Russian. Why was it necessary to hide?
BI: And we don’t hide it. It is very difficult to penetrate a language when you think in two languages ​​at once.
UEF: And this kid always speaks in languages, the continuation of which he does not know. Why are you staring, maimuna verishvilo?
VIOLINIST: They also know Georgian...
UNCLE VOVA: What did he say?
VIOLINIST: The monkey is the son of a donkey.

BI: Vladimir Nikolaevich! You said that if we take you, you will give everything. And you stole a match from us yourself! A patsak doesn’t deceive a patsak, it’s ugly, dear...

UNCLE VOVA: Don't flinch! Show your gravitsap. Branded item - let's take it.
UEF: Patsak! What kind of smugglers will they take from me here in front of witnesses, when for him he gets a life sentence with nails? Do you have brains or kyu in your head?

UEF: Stop! Stop, I say! Who are you? I ask, who are you?
UNCLE VOVA: Alien foreman.
UEF: No. You're a kid. And who are you?
VIOLINIST: I'm Georgian.
UEF: No, you’re a kid too. You are a boy, you are a boy and he is a boy. And I am a Chatlanian, and they are Chatlanians! So put on your tsak and sit in your pepelats, okay?

BI: Vladimir Nikolaevich, you have a wife at home, a son with two degrees, the rent for the cooperative apartment has not been paid, and here you are fooling around. It will end badly, dear.

VIOLINIST: Excuse me, but are Chatlans and Patsaks a nationality?
UEF: No.
VIOLINIST: Biological factor?
UEF: No.
VIOLINIST: Faces from other planets?
UEF: No.
VIOLINIST: How are they different from each other?
UEF: Are you color blind, Violinist? green color Can’t tell the difference from orange? Tourist…

UEF: Yes, a simple game. I give you half a chatla, you give me three matches on the ground. Here, spit here.
VIOLINIST: Thank you, I don't want to.
UEF: Well, okay, you give me one match, I’ll give you three chatlas, yellow pants and this kind of head start. Let's!
UEF: Blue pants...
VIOLINIST: Mr. Uef, I will not do it under any circumstances.
UEF: Back word? So why are you fooling me then, maimuna verisho!
VIOLINIST: Mister Uef! I am a representative of a civilized planet, and I demand that you watch your vocabulary! In!

UEF: Violinist, instead of always thinking that you are the first Georgian cosmonaut, and what should you Nobel Prize If they give it to you, return the spoon you stole from the poor artists.
VIOLINIST: I didn’t think anything like that... I wanted to take it to the Institute of Non-Ferrous Metals, maybe something new...
BI: Heaven! Heaven has never seen such a shameful kid like you, Violinist. I grieve very deeply.

BI: Well, here on Earth, how do you determine who should sit down in front of whom for how long?
UNCLE VOVA: Well, it's by eye.
UEF: Savages!

UEF: I have a proposal, dear. You give us the match now, and then we’ll bring you yellow pants, okay?
UNCLE VOVA: Thank you, I already have it, maybe Violinist needs it? Violinist! Here the aliens are farting with their pants... Yellow ones. Do you need them?
BI: But there is no Violinist, dear...
UNCLE VOVA: Why not?
UEF: I ejected him.
BI: Don’t worry, Vladimir Nikolaevich, we have another catapult. New. This one is still ruined.
UNCLE VOVA: I don’t understand...

UNCLE VOVA: Are you sleeping?
UNCLE VOVA: Don't be discouraged, Violinist. If there is a gravitsap on this Plyuk, we’ll get it. That’s not what they got...

VIOLINIST: Yes, I sneezed on your acelop!
UNCLE VOVA: Calm down, Violinist, don’t irritate the lady...

VIOLINIST: It’s because you say what you don’t think, and you think what you don’t think, that’s why you’re sitting in cages. And in general, this whole bitter cataclysm that I am observing here, and Vladimir Nikolaevich too...

UNCLE VOVA: Well? Is everything intact?
VIOLINIST: I stole the cologne.
UNCLE VOVA: Woman...

GALINA BORISOVNA: You are an adult, Gedevan Aleksandrovich. You studied for one semester and disappeared for years! They showed up! With some pebble, with some fragment of Caucasian ceramics and a bell from a donka! And you are applying for... Well, and besides, if you are able to play music, then why didn’t you take part in our amateur course activities? Excuse me, Violinist, but this is elementary!

BI: Checkmate! And he said “second category”.
UEF: He's a braggart!
VIOLINIST: It's not a fair game, you're winning at the expense of my brains.
UEF: If you had any brains, you would be studying at MGIMO now, and not here spoiling everyone’s mood.

UEF: Uncle Vova, you need to turn the tsap, tsap.
UNCLE VOVA: Here! Do it yourself!
UEF: I’m not allowed, I’m a Chatlanian.
UNCLE VOVA: Get out of here! How to advise, so everyone chatlan, how to work, so...

BI: Uff, have you ever seen such a little guy be such a mercantile kyu?
UEF: Never. I said - there is no need for a violinist, this is the result.

VIOLINIST: If there was a sea here, why are there no shells?
UEF: Do you still have seas on Earth?
VIOLINIST: There are seas, and there are rivers, and there are decent people, Mr. Uef.
UEF: Savages, I want to cry.

UNCLE VOVA: It’s a pity, the authorities can’t see me now. The salary would be increased.
VIOLINIST: Quiet, Uncle Vova, they are looking at us...

UEF: This is not an airship, you idiot! This is Mr. PJ's last breath.
VIOLINIST: Nonsense! How could one person breathe so much air before dying? Absurd.
BI: Fear the sky! PJ is alive! And I'm happy!
UEF: And I’m even happier.

UNCLE VOVA: Astronauts! Which one is this?
UEF: There, a rusty nut, dear.
UNCLE VOVA: Everything here is rusty!
UEF: And this one is the rustiest.

VIOLINIST: “...Earthling, hello! I am sure you will fly to this planet someday. You are greeted by Vladimir Nikolaevich Mashkov, a builder from Moscow, and Gedevan Aleksidze from Batumi, who were the first to set foot on these vile sands on the outskirts of the universe..."

VIOLINIST: Ah! Who needs all this?! Tsaki-taraki, all this rubbish! And we…
UNCLE VOVA: Where did you get this? A?
VIOLINIST: On the shelf in the planetarium there was...
UNCLE VOVA: Violinist! You are my kleptomaniac! You whistled for the gravitsap!..

ETSELOP: Guys! Why not muzzled? Turn around! Mr. PZh’s order is for all the boys to put on muzzles... And rejoice. So, well, this is for me, and this is for you... And this is for you. Why aren't you happy?

UEF: And no one has lived here for a long time. The Plukans trangluced us while we were on tour.
VIOLINIST: For what?
UEF: Because we didn’t have time to do them.
VIOLINIST: What are you getting them for?
UEF: So that they don’t loom over your head.
VIOLINIST: And everyone died?
UEF: Of course.

UEF: They will crawl on all fours, and we don’t care about them.
UEF: It's a pleasure to receive!
VIOLINIST: What's the fun in that?
UEF: Still young...

UEF: Gedevan-niko, shvilo, you tell me. I can, I belong. My mother is Georgian. Was.
UEF: Alkhauri.
VIOLINIST: He says my mother is a local Georgian. Was.

UNCLE VOVA: Well, how much you can talk about the same thing. Let's fly. If we fly...
UEF: Because of you, I will sit in a pot forever. Are you too lazy to open your mouth again?
UNCLE VOVA: Brothers! Dear, good, my dear ones, either fly away, or at least close the door. I can’t see you anymore, and I’m so sick.

DECONTE: It doesn't matter. Please, wear breathing apparatus.
VIOLINIST: Why? You have good air.
DECONTE: That's why.

VIOLINIST: Girl, are you the smartest here? Did someone tell you this, or did you decide for yourself?

UNCLE VOVA: Let's do it this way: one to Earth, and the other to the past.
VIOLINIST: Vladimir Nikolaevich, I won’t let you go to Plyuk alone.
UNCLE VOVA: Listen, uncle, press for time.

UNCLE VOVA: Then it won’t happen. We fly only to Earth.
BI: Forever?
UNCLE VOVA: Forever.
UEF: Me to a planet where they don’t know who should curtsy in front of whom? Nonsense. Give it a gravitsap and do whatever you want.
VIOLINIST: Uncle Uef, Uncle B, you will be greeted there like that...
BI: No, Genatsvale! When a society has no color differentiation of pants, then there is no goal, and when there is no goal...

VIOLINIST: Comrade...
VIOLINIST: How to get to the old Arbat?
UNCLE VOVA: That way, to the right.
VIOLINIST: Thank you.
UNCLE VOVA: Violinist?
VIOLINIST: Uncle Vova?


KC - match
TsAK - nose bell
ETSIKH - box for prisoners
ETSILOPUS - representative of the authorities
PEPELATS - interstellar ship
GRAVITSAPPA - part from the Pepelats engine
KYU is a socially acceptable curse word.
KU - all other words

Some facts about the film:

The film was shot on DS color film (width 35 mm, length 3693.4 m). Although initially high-quality Kodak film was allocated for the film, director G. Danelia and the film’s cameraman P. Lebeshev decided that the image should be harsh - without halftones and good shadow development. In this regard, all the Kodak film was given to another film crew, and the film “Kin-dza-dza!” filmed on lower quality Soviet DS (daylight) film.

The song “Mom, Mom, what are we going to do” sounds at the beginning and end of the film from the TV in Uncle Vova’s apartment, which is showing a scene from feature film"Kotovsky" 1942. In this scene, the White Guard officers during civil war sit in a restaurant in busy Odessa and watch an incendiary performance of a singer performing pop verses about a cheerful and wild life Odessans (“Odessa woman - that’s what she is, / Odessa woman - ardent, lively! / Odessa woman dances and sings, / Gives kisses / To those who live cheerfully!”). As a chorus to these verses, the male choir sings an excerpt from folk song street children (“Mom, mom, what are we going to do, / When the winter cold comes? / You don’t have a warm handkerchief, / I don’t have a winter coat!”). According to the credits, the composer of the film “Kotovsky” was Sergei Prokofiev. During the film, Uncle Vova plays another, simpler melody on the violin, presumably taken from “Lullaby” by composer I. Philip (published in the “School of Piano Playing” edited by A. Nikolaev).

The song “on the river, on the river, on that bank,” which Uef sings when he is taken away in an iron box on Plyuk, and also when he is sent to the greenhouse on Alpha, is heard in most of G. Danelia’s films, where E. Leonov starred , starting with "Thirty Three"

A few years after the film was released, film composer Gia Kancheli, at the request of famous violinist Gidon Kremer, wrote a humorous play for symphony orchestra based on the music “Kin-dza-dza” and “Tears fell.” It was first performed in Germany under the title “Eine kleine Danelida” (Little Daneliada). The unusual thing about this piece is that according to the music, the orchestra members must sing the word “ku” several times during the performance. Later, a ballet was staged to this music in Vienna, where “ku” was sung by a female choir.

At one of Kin-dza-dza’s film premieres abroad, American directors approached Georgy Danelia:
The Americans - Great movie, etc. ...what special effects! It’s very expensive here, but could Soviet specialists do special effects for us?
G. Danelia - Special effects? Where did you see them there?
Americans - Well, the flying pepelats!
G. Danelia - Pepelats? These are not effects, we borrowed it from the military.

We are from Soviet Union, arrived on cultural exchange. Our people know where we are. They are looking. [mp3]

Well, the gravitsappa is something without which the pepelats can only fly [horizontally]. And with a gravitsappa - to any point in the Universe - blow! - in five seconds. [mp3]

How do you roll the Pepelats out of the garage without a gravitsap? This is a mess... [mp3]

No, you can’t... You need to know!
- Yes you can... [mp3]

What do you see? A?
- Sand…
- So this damn thing worked... [mp3]

So... The sun is in the west... That means Ashgabat is there! [mp3]

Hello! We, our tourists, fell behind the group. Give us a lift to the city, and then we’ll somehow be on our own... [mp3]

A patsak doesn’t deceive a patsak, it’s ugly, dear! [mp3]

Patsak! What idiots will take my smuggled CC here, in front of witnesses, when for it - a life sentence with nails? Do you have brains or kyu in your head?! [mp3]

Who are you?! I ask, who are you? A?!
- Alien foreman.
- No. You're a kid. And who are you?
- I am Georgian.
- No, you’re a kid too. You are a boy, you are a boy and he is a boy. And I am a Chatlanian, and they are Chatlanians! So put on your tsak and sit in your pepelats, okay?! [mp3]

Plyuk is a Chatlan planet, so we, patsaki, must wear tsaki... [mp3]

Vladimir Nikolaevich, you have a wife at home, a poor son, the rent for a cooperative apartment has not been paid, and here you are... fooling around... It will end badly, dear... [mp3]

Excuse me, but are Chatlans and Patsaks a nationality?
- No.
- Biological factor?
- No.
- Persons from other planets?
- No.
- How do they differ from each other?
- Are you colorblind, Violinist, - can’t you distinguish green from orange? Tourist... [mp3]

Well, what's new on Plyuk? [mp3]

Put the KC and you'll get a gravitsappa. [mp3]

Actually, I’m not an expert... on these gravitational devices... [mp3]

Is there food?
- Porridge…
- Which?
- Plastic... [mp3]

I am a representative of a civilized planet, and I demand that you watch your vocabulary! [mp3]

I told him a thousand times that he had to fly to the center. And he... is greedy, like all chatlans: “Two chatlans cheaper!..” Kyu... [mp3]

Is this your back word?
- There's no such thing as backwards! [mp3]

Where are the seas on Plyuk from? They were made into lutz a long time ago. [mp3]

Violinist, instead of always thinking that you are the first Georgian cosmonaut, and that they will give you the Nobel Prize, return the spoon that you stole from poor artists. [mp3]

Heaven... heaven has never seen such a shameful kid like you, Violinist!..[mp3]

Well, here on Earth, how do you determine who should sit down in front of whom for how long?
- Well, this is by eye...
- Savages! [mp3]

If I have a little CC, I have the right to wear yellow pants, and the guy in front of me must squat not once, but twice. If I have a lot of CC, I have the right to wear crimson pants, and in front of me, the boy must squat twice, and Chatlanin must do “ku,” and Ecilop has no right to beat me at night... Never!.. [mp3]

Well, you’re an infection, dear...
- He's worse. He's just kyu. [mp3]

What fool on Plyuk thinks the truth?.. Absurd... [mp3]

It’s because you say what you don’t mean and think what you don’t think, that’s why you’re sitting in cages. And in general, this whole bitter cataclysm that I am observing here... and Vladimir Nikolaevich too... [mp3]

Look for another ensemble, uncle! [mp3]

I will tell everyone what this buffoon PJ has brought the planet to! The boys sat on the heads of the chatlans! Kyu!!! [mp3]

Excuse me, Violinist, but this is elementary! [mp3]

Uncle Vova. You have to turn the tsapu, tsa-poo.
- On the! Do it yourself!
- I can’t, I’m a Chatlanian.
- Get out of here!!! How to advise, so everyone chatlan, how to work, so... [mp3]

Foul play! You deliberately thought badly about my moves! [mp3]

Uef, have you ever seen such a little guy be such a mercantile kyu?! [mp3]

This is not an airship, you idiot! This is Mr. PJ's Last Exhalation. [mp3]

Fear the sky! PJ is alive - and I'm happy.
- And I’m even happier!

I love PJ very much!
- And I’ll eat it even more! [mp3]

Yellow pants! "Ku" twice! [mp3]

There was a Presentation Crystal! Where is the View Crystal, huh?!!
- Violinist! Put it on it's place!..
- I thought it lay like this... Glass... [mp3]

Astronauts! Which zappa is here?
- There... a rusty nut, dear.
- Everything here is rusty...
- And this one is the rustiest. [mp3]

Oh-oh-oh, mom-mom, Lyuska and Manokhin have moved... wow... [mp3]

What are you staring at? What are you staring at?! Right now, as soon as I inform your superiors that you knew and did nothing, you will be fucking transcribed! Clear?!
- I was not idle. I immediately pressed the mouthguard. The violinist is a witness! All posts! The viper with wheels is here, ku! [mp3]

Both are sentenced to life without nails. Before payment. Payment - 500 chatls, 250 per piece.

VIOLINIST: Comrade, there is a man saying that he is an alien, something needs to be done.
UNCLE VOVA: Call at 03.
VIOLINIST: I'll call, but he's almost barefoot.

UNCLE VOVA: What do you see? A?
UNCLE VOVA: So, this crap worked... Was that goat with the holes still there? Calm, just calm... There is sun, there is sand, there is gravity. Where are we? We are on Earth.

VIOLINIST: No, a stranger. Professor Rogozin. He gave us a chef’s concert, and then they forgot to put the violin on the plane.
UNCLE VOVA: Banquet?
VIOLINIST: No, lunch...

UNCLE VOVA: Hello! We are our tourists, we are behind the group. Give us a lift to the city, and then we’ll somehow be on our own... Translate.
VIOLINIST: Du yu spik english?
UEF: Kuu?

UNCLE VOVA: Not a single letter, not a single “made in”...

VIOLINIST: Vladimir Nikolaevich, maybe we still...
UNCLE VOVA: Yes, typical Martians.

BI: Lyusenka, dear, infection, this pasta gave you away.
UNCLE VOVA: Yes. This means we know Russian. Why was it necessary to hide?
BI: And we don’t hide it. It is very difficult to penetrate a language when you think in two languages ​​at once.
UEF: And this kid always speaks in languages, the continuation of which he does not know. Why are you staring, maimuna verishvilo?
VIOLINIST: They also know Georgian...
UNCLE VOVA: What did he say?
VIOLINIST: The monkey is the son of a donkey.

BI: Vladimir Nikolaevich! You said that if we take you, you will give everything. And you stole a match from us yourself! A patsak doesn’t deceive a patsak, it’s ugly, dear...

UNCLE VOVA: Don't flinch! Show your gravitsap. Branded item - let's take it.
UEF: Patsak! What kind of smugglers will they take from me here in front of witnesses, when for him he gets a life sentence with nails? Do you have brains or kyu in your head?

UEF: Stop! Stop, I say! Who are you? I ask, who are you?
UNCLE VOVA: Alien foreman.
UEF: No. You're a kid. And who are you?
VIOLINIST: I'm Georgian.
UEF: No, you’re a kid too. You are a boy, you are a boy and he is a boy. And I am a Chatlanian, and they are Chatlanians! So put on your tsak and sit in your pepelats, okay?

BI: Vladimir Nikolaevich, you have a wife at home, a son with two degrees, the rent for the cooperative apartment has not been paid, and here you are fooling around. It will end badly, dear.

VIOLINIST: Excuse me, but are Chatlans and Patsaks a nationality?
UEF: No.
VIOLINIST: Biological factor?
UEF: No.
VIOLINIST: Faces from other planets?
UEF: No.
VIOLINIST: How do they differ from each other?
UEF: Are you colorblind, Violinist—can’t tell the color green from orange? Tourist…

UEF: Yes, a simple game. I give you half a chatla, you give me three matches on the ground. Here, spit here.
VIOLINIST: Thank you, I don't want to.
UEF: Well, okay, you give me one match, I’ll give you three chatlas, yellow pants and this kind of head start. Let's!
UEF: Blue pants...
VIOLINIST: Mr. Uef, I will not do it under any circumstances.
UEF: Back word? So why are you fooling me then, maimuna verisho!
VIOLINIST: Mister Uef! I am a representative of a civilized planet, and I demand that you watch your vocabulary! In!

UEF: Violinist, instead of always thinking that you are the first Georgian cosmonaut, and that they will give you the Nobel Prize, return the spoon that you stole from poor artists.
VIOLINIST: I didn’t think anything like that... I wanted to take it to the Institute of Non-Ferrous Metals, maybe something new...
BI: Heaven! Heaven has never seen such a shameful kid like you, Violinist. I grieve very deeply.

BI: Well, here on Earth, how do you determine who should sit down in front of whom for how long?
UNCLE VOVA: Well, it's by eye.
UEF: Savages!

UEF: I have a proposal, dear. You give us the match now, and then we’ll bring you yellow pants, okay?
UNCLE VOVA: Thank you, I already have it, maybe Violinist needs it? Violinist! Here the aliens are farting with their pants... Yellow ones. Do you need them?
BI: But there is no Violinist, dear...
UNCLE VOVA: Why not?
UEF: I ejected him.
BI: Don’t worry, Vladimir Nikolaevich, we have another catapult. New. This one is still ruined.
UNCLE VOVA: I don’t understand...

UNCLE VOVA: Are you sleeping?
UNCLE VOVA: Don't be discouraged, Violinist. If there is a gravitsap on this Plyuk, we’ll get it. That’s not what they got...

VIOLINIST: Yes, I sneezed on your acelop!
UNCLE VOVA: Calm down, Violinist, don’t irritate the lady...

VIOLINIST: It’s because you say what you don’t think, and you think what you don’t think, that’s why you’re sitting in cages. And in general, this whole bitter cataclysm that I am observing here, and Vladimir Nikolaevich too...

UNCLE VOVA: Well? Is everything intact?
VIOLINIST: I stole the cologne.
UNCLE VOVA: Woman...

GALINA BORISOVNA: You are an adult, Gedevan Aleksandrovich. You studied for one semester and disappeared for years! They showed up! With some pebble, with some fragment of Caucasian ceramics and a bell from a donka! And you are applying for... Well, and besides, if you are able to play music, then why didn’t you take part in our amateur course activities? Excuse me, Violinist, but this is elementary!

BI: Checkmate! And he said “second category”.
UEF: He's a braggart!
VIOLINIST: It's not a fair game, you're winning at the expense of my brains.
UEF: If you had any brains, you would be studying at MGIMO now, and not here spoiling everyone’s mood.

UEF: Uncle Vova, you need to turn the tsap, tsap.
UNCLE VOVA: Here! Do it yourself!
UEF: I’m not allowed, I’m a Chatlanian.
UNCLE VOVA: Get out of here! How to advise, so everyone chatlan, how to work, so...

BI: Uff, have you ever seen such a little guy be such a mercantile kyu?
UEF: Never. I said - there is no need for a violinist, this is the result.

VIOLINIST: If there was a sea here, why are there no shells?
UEF: Do you still have seas on Earth?
VIOLINIST: There are seas, and there are rivers, and there are decent people, Mr. Uef.
UEF: Savages, I want to cry.

UNCLE VOVA: It’s a pity, the authorities can’t see me now. The salary would be increased.
VIOLINIST: Quiet, Uncle Vova, they are looking at us...

UEF: This is not an airship, you idiot! This is Mr. PJ's last breath.
VIOLINIST: Nonsense! How could one person breathe so much air before dying? Absurd.
BI: Fear the sky! PJ is alive! And I'm happy!
UEF: And I’m even happier.

UNCLE VOVA: Astronauts! Which one is this?
UEF: There, a rusty nut, dear.
UNCLE VOVA: Everything here is rusty!
UEF: And this one is the rustiest.

VIOLINIST: “...Earthling, hello! I am sure you will fly to this planet someday. You are greeted by Vladimir Nikolaevich Mashkov, a builder from Moscow, and Gedevan Aleksidze from Batumi, who were the first to set foot on these vile sands on the outskirts of the universe..."

VIOLINIST: Ah! Who needs all this?! Tsaki-taraki, all this rubbish! And we…
UNCLE VOVA: Where did you get this? A?
VIOLINIST: On the shelf in the planetarium there was...
UNCLE VOVA: Violinist! You are my kleptomaniac! You whistled for the gravitsap!..

ETSELOP: Guys! Why not muzzled? Turn around! Mr. PZh’s order is for all the boys to put on muzzles... And rejoice. So, well, this is for me, and this is for you... And this is for you. Why aren't you happy?

UEF: And no one has lived here for a long time. The Plukans trangluced us while we were on tour.
VIOLINIST: For what?
UEF: Because we didn’t have time to do them.
VIOLINIST: What are you getting them for?
UEF: So that they don’t loom over your head.
VIOLINIST: And everyone died?
UEF: Of course.

UEF: They will crawl on all fours, and we don’t care about them.
UEF: It's a pleasure to receive!
VIOLINIST: What's the fun in that?
UEF: Still young...

UEF: Gedevan-niko, shvilo, you tell me. I can, I belong. My mother is Georgian. Was.
UEF: Alkhauri.
VIOLINIST: He says my mother is a local Georgian. Was.

UNCLE VOVA: Well, how much you can talk about the same thing. Let's fly. If we fly...
UEF: Because of you, I will sit in a pot forever. Are you too lazy to open your mouth again?
UNCLE VOVA: Brothers! Dear, good, my dear ones, either fly away, or at least close the door. I can’t see you anymore, and I’m so sick.

DECONTE: It doesn't matter. Please, wear breathing apparatus.
VIOLINIST: Why? You have good air.
DECONTE: That's why.

VIOLINIST: Girl, are you the smartest here? Did someone tell you this, or did you decide for yourself?

UNCLE VOVA: Let's do it this way: one to Earth, and the other to the past.
VIOLINIST: Vladimir Nikolaevich, I won’t let you go to Plyuk alone.
UNCLE VOVA: Listen, uncle, press for time.

UNCLE VOVA: Then it won’t happen. We fly only to Earth.
BI: Forever?
UNCLE VOVA: Forever.
UEF: Me to a planet where they don’t know who should curtsy in front of whom? Nonsense. Give it a gravitsap and do whatever you want.
VIOLINIST: Uncle Uef, Uncle B, you will be greeted there like that...
BI: No, Genatsvale! When a society has no color differentiation of pants, then there is no goal, and when there is no goal...

VIOLINIST: Comrade...
VIOLINIST: How to get to the old Arbat?
UNCLE VOVA: That way, to the right.
VIOLINIST: Thank you.
UNCLE VOVA: Violinist?
VIOLINIST: Uncle Vova?


KC - match
TsAK - nose bell
ETSIKH - box for prisoners
ETSILOPUS - representative of the authorities
PEPELATS - interstellar ship
GRAVITSAPPA - part from the Pepelats engine
KYU is a socially acceptable curse word.
KU - all other words

Some facts about the film:

The film was shot on DS color film (width 35 mm, length 3693.4 m). Although initially high-quality Kodak film was allocated for the film, director G. Danelia and the film’s cameraman P. Lebeshev decided that the image should be harsh - without halftones and good shadow development. In this regard, all the Kodak film was given to another film crew, and the film “Kin-dza-dza!” filmed on lower quality Soviet DS (daylight) film.

The song “Mom, Mom, what are we going to do” is heard at the beginning and end of the film from the TV in Uncle Vova’s apartment, which is showing a scene from the 1942 feature film “Kotovsky”. In this scene, during the Civil War, White Guard officers sit in a restaurant in Odessa, which they occupied, and watch a fiery performance by a singer performing pop verses about the cheerful and wild life of Odessa women (“Odessa woman - that’s what she is, / Odessa woman - ardent, lively! / Odessa woman dances and sings , / Gives kisses / To those who live cheerfully!”). As a chorus to these verses, the male choir several times performs an excerpt from a folk song of street children (“Mom, mom, what are we going to do, / When the winter cold comes? / You don’t have a warm handkerchief, / I don’t have a winter coat!”) . According to the credits, the composer of the film “Kotovsky” was Sergei Prokofiev. During the film, Uncle Vova plays another, simpler melody on the violin, presumably taken from “Lullaby” by composer I. Philip (published in the “School of Piano Playing” edited by A. Nikolaev).

The song “on the river, on the river, on that bank,” which Uef sings when he is taken away in an iron box on Plyuk, and also when he is sent to the greenhouse on Alpha, is heard in most of G. Danelia’s films, where E. Leonov starred , starting with "Thirty Three"

A few years after the film’s release, the film’s composer, Giya Kancheli, at the request of the famous violinist Gidon Kremer, wrote a humorous piece for a symphony orchestra based on the music of “Kin-dza-dza” and “Tears Fell.” It was first performed in Germany under the title “Eine kleine Danelida” (Little Daneliada). The unusual thing about this piece is that according to the music, the orchestra members must sing the word “ku” several times during the performance. Later, a ballet was staged to this music in Vienna, where “ku” was sung by a female choir.

At one of Kin-dza-dza’s film premieres abroad, American directors approached Georgy Danelia:
The Americans - Great movie, etc. ...what special effects! It’s very expensive here, but could Soviet specialists do special effects for us?
G. Danelia - Special effects? Where did you see them there?
Americans - Well, the flying pepelats!
G. Danelia - Pepelats? These are not effects, we borrowed it from the military.

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