Folklore features in literary songs. Calendar folklore and annual song cycle


Works. Such folk art enter a person's life very early, long before mastering speech.

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    ✪ Literature 5 (Arkhangelsky A.N.) - Encounters with folklore: small genres.

    ✪ Riddles - small genres of oral folk art

    ✪ Literature 5 (Arkhangelsky A.N.) - Encounters with folklore. Folklore - an assistant in the game


Types of small genres of folklore


Lullaby- one of the oldest genres of folklore, as evidenced by the fact that it retained elements of a conspiracy-amulet. People believed that a person is surrounded by mysterious hostile forces, and if a child sees something bad, terrible in a dream, then this will not happen again in reality. That is why in the lullaby you can find the "gray top" and other frightening characters. Later, lullabies lost their magical elements, gained meaning good wishes for the future. So, Lullaby- a song used to lull a child to sleep. Since the song was accompanied by the rhythmic swaying of the child, the rhythm is very important in it.


cockle(from the word to nurture, that is, to nurse, groom) - a short poetic chant of nannies and mothers, with which they accompany the actions of the child, which he performs at the very beginning of his life. For example, when the child wakes up, the mother strokes, caresses him, saying:

Stretches, stretchers,
Across the plump
And grabbers in the hands,
And in the mouth of talkers,
And in the head of the mind.

When a child begins to learn to walk, they say:

Big feet
We walked along the road:
Top, top, top
Top, top, top.
small feet
Run along the path:
Top, top, top, top
Top, top, top, top!

nursery rhyme

nursery rhyme- an element of pedagogy, a sentence song that accompanies the game with the fingers, arms and legs of the child. Nursery rhymes, like pestles, accompany the development of children. Small rhymes and songs allow in a playful way to induce the child to action, while simultaneously making a massage, physical exercise by stimulating motor reflexes. In this genre of children's folklore, incentives are laid for playing the plot with the help of fingers ( finger games or Ladushki), hands, facial expressions. Nursery rhymes help to instill in the child the skills of hygiene, order, develop fine motor skills and emotional sphere.



joke(from play, that is, to tell) - poetic short a funny story that a mother tells her child, for example:

Owl, owl, owl,
Big head,
I sat on a stake
looked to the side,
Turned her head.

Proverbs and sayings

They teach something.

  • Road spoon to dinner.
  • To be afraid of a wolf, do not go into the forest.
  • Birds of a feather flock together.
  • You can't even pull a fish out of a pond without difficulty.
  • Fear has big eyes.
  • The eyes are afraid, but the hands are doing.
  • A rolling stone gathers no moss.
  • A treasure is not needed if the family is in harmony.
  • Don't have 100 rubles, but have 100 friends.
  • An old friend is better than two new ones.
  • A friend in need is a friend indeed.
  • If I knew where you would fall, I would lay straws.
  • You lay softly, but sleep hard.
  • Motherland is a mother, know how to stand up for her.
  • Seven do not wait for one.
  • If you chase two hares, you won't catch one.
  • The bee is small, but it works.
  • Bread is the head of everything.
  • Being a guest is good, but being at home is better.
  • Feet feed the wolf.
  • The work of the master is afraid.


There were special songs for the games. Games could be:

  • kissing. As a rule, these games were played at parties and gatherings (usually ended with a kiss between a young guy and a girl);
  • ritual. Such games were characteristic of some kind of ritual, holiday. For example, carnival festivities (characteristic fun: removing a prize from the top of a pillar, tug of war, competitions for agility, strength);
  • seasonal. Especially common among children, especially in winter. They played the so-called "Warmers": the leader shows any movements, and everyone else repeats. Or traditional "gates" and "brook".

Kissing game example:


Drake drove the duck,
Young sulfur drove
Go, Duck, go home,
Go home gray
Duck seven children
And the eighth Drake,
And the ninth herself,
Kiss me once!

In this game, "Duck" became in the center of the circle, and "Drake" outside, and played like a game "cat and mouse". At the same time, those standing in a round dance tried not to let the “drake” into the circle.


invocations- one of the types of exclamatory songs of pagan origin. They reflect the interests and ideas of the peasants about the economy and the family. For example, a rich harvest spell runs through all calendar songs; for themselves, children and adults asked for health, happiness, wealth.

The invocations are an appeal to the sun, rainbow, rain and other natural phenomena, as well as to animals and especially often to birds, which were considered the messengers of spring. Moreover, the forces of nature were revered as living: they turn to spring with requests, wish her early arrival, complain about the winter, complain.

Larks, larks!
Fly to us
Bring us a warm summer
Take the cold winter away from us.
Us Cold winter got bored
Hands, feet frostbitten.


Rhythm- a small rhyme, a form of drawing of lots, with the help of which it is determined who drives in the game. The counting room is an element of the game that helps to establish agreement and respect for the accepted rules. In organizing a counting rhyme, rhythm is very important. He sees a Greek: there is cancer in the river,
He put his Greek hand into the river -
Cancer by the hand of the Greek - DAC!

The bull is stupid, the bull is stupid, the bull's lip was white and dull.

From the clatter of hooves, dust flies across the field.


Mystery, like a proverb, is a brief figurative definition of an object or phenomenon, but unlike a proverb, it gives this definition in an allegorical, deliberately obscured form. As a rule, in a riddle one object is described through another based on similar features: “A pear is hanging - you can’t eat it” (lamp). The riddle can also be a simple description of the object, for example: “Two ends, two rings, and in the middle there are carnations” (scissors). This is both folk fun and a test of ingenuity and ingenuity.

The role of riddles and jokes was also played by fables-shifters, which for adults appear as absurdities, for children - funny stories about things that don't happen, for example:

Because of the forest, because of the mountains
Grandpa Egor is coming.
He is on a gray wagon,
On a creaky horse
Belted with an ax
The belt is tucked into the waist
Boots wide open
Zipun on bare feet.

General history

Oral folk art (folklore) existed in the preliterate era. Folklore works (riddles, tongue twisters, fables, etc.) were transmitted orally. They memorized by ear. This contributed to the emergence different options the same piece of folklore.

Oral folk art is a reflection of the life, life, beliefs of ancient people. Works of folk art accompany a person from birth. They contribute to the formation and development of the child.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Modern literature has its origin and one of its forerunners was the folklore genre.

Even before the invention of printing, works of folk art were passed from mouth to mouth.

Let's take a look today at what folklore is in modern understanding, what functions it performs, who studies it and how, by what features one can distinguish folklore works and, of course, let's look at examples of such works in Russian art.

Folklore is our genetics

The term "folklore" (from English folk-lore " folk wisdom”) appeared in Europe at the turn of the 18th-19th centuries. In Russia, it has been actively used since the 30s of the nineteenth century.

He generalized ideas about literary and musical works(songs, dances) created by the team unknown authors from the people for several tens (or hundreds) of years in the distant historical past.

Until the 20th century, works of arts and crafts and architectural creativity were also called folklore.

Simply put, folklore is oral folk art. Currently, the concept is actively used in the musical and literary sense.

We are interested in the latter, and it is important to note that it is he who is the first source of the emergence of fiction. Its second source is the spiritual literature created in such cultural centers, like monasteries, - influenced the people's worldview with a cementing moral principle.

Folklore opened the floodgates of everyday colloquial speech, sources of verbal imagery and fabulous fantasy.

Genres of folklore

Works of oral folk art are usually divided into three varieties:

  1. Lyric;
  2. epic;
  3. Dramatic.

As in fiction, epic, and are represented by genres traditional for each of the genera. Lyrical songs reveal the innermost themes of folk life.

The following types are distinguished:

  1. historical;
  2. love;
  3. wedding;
  4. funeral;
  5. labor;
  6. road (coachmen);
  7. robbery;
  8. comic.

epic genres-, fairy tale, tale, true story, fiction, bylichka, byvalshchina.

Small genres folklore - a proverb, a saying, a tongue twister, a riddle, a joke - are also elements of the epic.

To represent folklore dramatic works, must see folk fair theater"raek". Texts for him were written in a special verse - raeshnik. Christmas mysteries, farce comedies, cartoons, everyday sketches - all this is a folk drama.

Features of folklore works

Having carefully read the definition, we can distinguish several important features of folklore:

it's our genetics. If the people disappear from the face of the Earth, it will be possible to “pick up” its culture with the help of fairy tales, legends, proverbs, songs.

Russian folklore

Works of Russian literary folklore are studied from the first steps schools. These are Russian folk tales, proverbs, riddles. Older children get acquainted with epics about Russian heroes.

In high school schools are being studied folklore sources works classical literature: stories and poems by A. S. Pushkin, M. Yu. Lermontov, N. V. Gogol. Without knowing the folk plots and characters, which in a sense have become the ABC of national imagery, it is impossible to fully understand the diverse world of national culture.

Many people think that apart from "Kurochka Ryaba", "Kolobok" and "Turnip", the Russian people have nothing to tell. This is wrong. Open collection fairy tales- you are guaranteed an exciting read!

In a moment of lyrical longing, leaf through the collection folk songs better listen to them musical accompaniment. What they sing about touches everyone, touches the most secret strings, causes both smiles and tears. This is our sounding life, our knowing that everything in the world is repeatable.

What is the meaning of folklore

Folk art is always functional, it is not born out of nowhere and always has a clear goal. Scientists suggest to share works of folklore to the following types:

  1. Ritual;
  2. Non-ritual.

The first type describes the repetition of ritual actions, life events significant for many generations. Ritual folklore is divided into family and calendar. The first concerns milestones family life: matchmaking and weddings, the birth of children, the death of relatives. It is widely represented by wedding and funeral songs, lamentations, incantations.

Separately worth children's folklore with his lullabies, nursery rhymes, pestles.

Non-ritual folklore is timed to the calendar circle peasant life: the change of seasons and economic activity farm worker. Each event of the cycle is accompanied by special songs: carols, chants, smells, etc.

Non-ritual genres include epics, fairy tales, ditties, riddles, proverbs, sayings.

study of folklore

See how important folklore is! That is why, to study it, it was necessary to create a separate scientific discipline. It's called folklore. Along with ethnography, this science explores the life of the common people.

Ethnographers are engaged in the description of dwellings, clothing, dishes, food, rituals, discovering objects material culture, A folklorists do the same when studying the artistic word.

Their goal is to trace how the types, genres artistic creativity how new plots and motifs appeared, what social and psychological phenomena found their way into some of the works.

Outstanding domestic scientists I. M. Snegirev, I. P. Sakharov, F. I. Buslavev, A. N. Veselovsky, P. N. Rybnikov, V. Ya. Propp and many others became the first collectors of folklore works.

Under their editorship, there were collections of proverbs, tales, recorded by them on expeditions around the country. Extracting old samples of folk art, folklorists give readers a rich world of our sounding past.

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Types of small genres of folklore


Lullaby- one of the oldest genres of folklore, as evidenced by the fact that it retained elements of a conspiracy-amulet. People believed that a person is surrounded by mysterious hostile forces, and if a child sees something bad, terrible in a dream, then this will not happen again in reality. That is why in the lullaby you can find the "gray top" and other frightening characters. Later, lullabies lost their magical elements and acquired the meaning of a good wish for the future. So, a lullaby is a song with which a child is lulled to sleep. Since the song was accompanied by the rhythmic swaying of the child, the rhythm is very important in it.


cockle(from the word to nurture, that is, to nurse, groom) - a short poetic chant of nannies and mothers, with which they accompany the actions of the child, which he performs at the very beginning of his life. For example, when the child wakes up, the mother strokes, caresses him, saying:

Stretches, stretchers,
Across the plump
And in the hands of fatyushki,
And in the mouth of talkers,
And in the head of the mind.

When a child begins to learn to walk, they say:

Big feet
We walked along the road:
Top, top, top
Top, top, top.
small feet
Run along the path:
Top, top, top, top
Top, top, top, top!

nursery rhyme

nursery rhyme- an element of pedagogy, a sentence song that accompanies the game with the fingers, arms and legs of the child. Nursery rhymes, like pestles, accompany the development of children. Small rhymes and songs allow in a playful way to encourage the child to act, while doing massage, physical exercises, stimulating motor reflexes. In this genre of children's folklore, incentives are laid for playing the plot with the help of fingers (finger games or Ladushki), hands, and facial expressions. Nursery rhymes help to instill in the child the skills of hygiene, order, develop fine motor skills and emotional sphere.



Option 1
magpie crow, (running finger over palm)
magpie crow,
I gave it to the kids.
(bend fingers)
I gave this
I gave this
I gave this
I gave this
But she didn't give it:
Why didn't you cut wood?
Why didn't you carry water?

Option 2(features in the cartoon "Mouse Song"):
cooked porridge,
Feeding children:
I gave this
I gave this
I gave this
And she didn't give it.

"Okay" (clap hands on stressed syllables)

Okay, okay, where have you been? By Grandma!
What did they eat? Porridge!
And what did they drink? Brazhka!
Butter bowl!
Sweetie brat!
(Grandma is kind!)
We drank, we ate, sh-u-u-u...
Shuuuu!!! (Home) Let's fly!
Sat on the head! ("Ladushki" sang)
sat down, sat down
Further (Home) flew!!!


joke(from bayat, that is, to tell) - a poetic, short, funny story that a mother tells her child, for example:

Owl, owl, owl,
Big head,
I sat on a stake
looked to the side,
Turned her head.


They teach something.

Road spoon to dinner.
The wolf is afraid not to go into the forest.
Birds of a feather flock together.
You can't pull a fish out of a pond without effort.
Fear has big eyes.
The eyes are afraid, but the hands are doing.
A rolling stone gathers no moss.
A treasure is not needed if the family is in harmony.
Don't have 100 rubles, but have 100 friends.
An old friend is better than two new ones.
A friend in need is a friend indeed.
If you knew where you would fall, you would lay straws.
You lay softly, but sleep hard.
Motherland is a mother, know how to stand up for her.
Seven do not wait for one.
If you chase two hares, you won't catch one.
The bee is small, but it works.
Bread is the head of everything.
Being a guest is good, but being at home is better.


There were special songs for the games. Games could be:

  • kissing. As a rule, these games were played at parties and gatherings (usually ended with a kiss between a young guy and a girl);
  • ritual. Such games were characteristic of some kind of ritual, holiday. For example, carnival festivities (characteristic fun: removing a prize from the top of a pillar, tug of war, competitions for agility, strength);
  • seasonal. Especially common among children, especially in winter. They played the so-called "Warmers": the leader shows any movements, and everyone else repeats. Or traditional "gates" and "brook".

Kissing game example:


Drake drove the duck,
Young sulfur drove
Go, Duck, go home,
Go home gray
Duck seven children
And the eighth Drake,
And the ninth herself,
Kiss me once!

In this game, "Duck" stood in the center of the circle, and "Drake" outside, and played like a game of "cat and mouse." At the same time, those standing in a round dance tried not to let the “drake” into the circle.


invocations- one of the types of exclamatory songs of pagan origin. They reflect the interests and ideas of the peasants about the economy and the family. For example, a rich harvest spell runs through all calendar songs; for themselves, children and adults asked for health, happiness, wealth.

The invocations are an appeal to the sun, rainbow, rain and other natural phenomena, as well as to animals and especially often to birds, which were considered the messengers of spring. Moreover, the forces of nature were revered as living: they turn to spring with requests, wish her early arrival, complain about the winter, complain.

Larks, larks!
Fly to us
Bring us a warm summer
Take the cold winter away from us.
We are tired of the cold winter
Hands, feet frostbitten.


Rhythm- a small rhyme, a form of drawing of lots, with the help of which it is determined who drives in the game. The counting room is an element of the game that helps to establish agreement and respect for the accepted rules. In organizing a counting rhyme, rhythm is very important.

Aty-baty, the soldiers were walking,
Aty-baty, to the market.
Aty-baty, what did you buy?
Aty-baty, samovar.
Aty-baty, how much does it cost?
Aty-baty, three rubles
Aty-baty, what is he like?
Aty-baty, golden.
Aty-baty, the soldiers were walking,
Aty-baty, to the market.
Aty-baty, what did you buy?
Aty-baty, samovar.
Aty-baty, how much does it cost?
Aty-baty, three rubles.
Aty-baty, who's coming out?
Aty-baty, it's me!


Patter- a phrase built on a combination of sounds that make it difficult to quickly pronounce words. Tongue twisters are also called “pure tongue twisters”, because they contribute and can be used to develop diction. Tongue twisters are both rhyming and non-rhyming.

Greek rode across the river.
He sees a Greek: there is cancer in the river,
He put his Greek hand into the river -
Cancer for the hand of the Greek - DAC!

The bull is stupid, the bull is stupid, the bull's lip was white and dull.

From the clatter of hooves, dust flies across the field.


Mystery, like a proverb, is a brief figurative definition of an object or phenomenon, but unlike a proverb, it gives this definition in an allegorical, deliberately obscured form. As a rule, in a riddle one object is described through another based on similar features: “A pear is hanging - you can’t eat it” (lamp). The riddle can also be a simple description of the object, for example: “Two ends, two rings, and in the middle there are carnations” (scissors). This is both folk fun and a test of ingenuity and ingenuity.

The role of riddles and jokes was also played by fables-shifters, which for adults appear as absurdities, but for children - funny stories about what does not happen, for example:

Because of the forest, because of the mountains Grandpa Egor is riding. He is on a gray wagon on a cart, On a creaky horse, Belted with an ax, A belt is plugged into his belt, Boots are wide open, A zipun is on his bare feet.

General history

Oral folk art (folklore) existed in the preliterate era. Folklore works (riddles, tongue twisters, fables, etc.) were transmitted orally. They memorized by ear. This contributed to the emergence of different versions of the same folklore work.

Oral folk art is a reflection of the life, life, beliefs of ancient people. Works of folk art accompany a person from birth. They contribute to the formation and development of the child.


  • Irina Gurina. Useful poems and tales for all cases of disobedience

see also


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    Eleazar Moiseevich Meletinsky (October 22, 1918, Kharkov December 16, 2005, Moscow) Russian philologist, cultural historian, doctor of philological sciences, professor. Founder of the research school of theoretical folklore. Contents 1 ... ... Wikipedia

    Eleazar Moiseevich Meletinsky (October 22, 1918, Kharkov December 16, 2005, Moscow) Russian philologist, cultural historian, doctor of philological sciences, professor. Founder of the research school of theoretical folklore. Contents 1 ... ... Wikipedia

    Eleazar Moiseevich Meletinsky (October 22, 1918, Kharkov December 16, 2005, Moscow) Russian philologist, cultural historian, doctor of philological sciences, professor. Founder of the research school of theoretical folklore. Contents 1 ... ... Wikipedia

Folklore - folk art, which reflects the views of people, their moral principles, features of life. It appeared before the advent of written language. People have been writing songs and fairy tales since ancient times. Legends about gods, heroes, campaigns and various natural phenomena are retold from generation to generation. Over time, a huge number of different works have accumulated. Over time, all examples of the activities of poets and writers began to be called oral folk art. Scientists systematized, determined the composition of each direction, gave the works a scientific name.

Folklore forms

There are two large groups: small and major genres. Small ones include:

  • Lullaby. Always used to lull and calm the baby.
  • Joke. Short story in the form of a verse, which the mother tells the child.
  • Proverb. Concise saying that carries a generalized thought, conclusion, allegory. It differs from a proverb in that it consists of a sentence containing a moral.
  • Proverb. Displays any phenomenon in life. Its meaning can always be expressed in another phrase. It is not a complete offer.
  • Counting. An element of the game that helps establish agreement to accepted rules.
  • Patter. A phrase built on a combination of different sounds in such a way as to make it difficult to pronounce quickly.

Small forms include invocations, riddles, pestles. They involve a small amount of folklore works, are often elements of pedagogy. Many of them allow in a playful way to encourage the child to action. For example, nursery rhymes suggest doing massage and physical exercises simultaneously with the spoken speech. The most familiar are "Magpie-Crow", "Ladushki".

Songs were also invented for games, which are divided into three large groups: ritual, kissing, seasonal. The first relate to a holiday, for example, carnival festivities. Kissers were played at parties, they assumed at the end a kiss of a guy and a girl. Seasonal ones are common among children, for example, "Warmers", "Brook".

Children's folklore

One of the most voluminous is children's folklore. It includes works created by adults for children, as well as those composed by children themselves. The structure of children's literature does not differ from that of adults. Many genres reflect the life and work of the elders, therefore, in this direction, the moral attitudes of the people, their national traits are most fully voiced.

Examples include nurturing poetry or mother poetry. It includes fairy tales, songs, jokes created for kids. The second part - works for older and middle-aged children. This:

  • teasers;
  • comic or game songs;
  • puzzles;
  • horror stories;
  • mirilki.

Almost all of them are distinguished by their rhythm. A feature of many works is the combination artistic text with the game, the presence of a didactic function. One can recognize cognitive, aesthetic and ethical functions in them.

Children's folklore is part of folk pedagogy. Its genres are based on the physical and mental characteristics of children of various age groups. Special is also art form: the direction has its own specific figurative system, attraction to rhythmic speech or game.

It is not always possible to draw a line between children's and maternal folklore, since from the age of 4-5 children begin to actively imitate adults, repeating their texts. Children's folklore can be found in the children's poetry of such authors as K. I. Chukovsky, S. Ya. Marshak, S. V. Mikhalkov.

Major genres of folklore

This type includes:

  • fairy tale;
  • epic;
  • giving;
  • legend.

Fairy tale

The tale is entertaining oral story with an instructive focus. hallmark of this genre is the presence of a miracle, fiction. Fairy tales are magical, everyday, about animals. Examples include "The Frog Princess", "Porridge and an Axe".

Truth and good triumph in fairy tales. You can always find the right solutions in them or life paths. The secrets of the ancient world outlook are also revealed. The fairy tale makes the child the participants fantasy world makes you empathize with the characters.


Epics are ancient songs in which all aspects of the historical and everyday life of the Russian people are most fully displayed. They amaze with the richness of plots and motives, the power of artistic images.

There are about a hundred epic stories in the Russian epic. There are more than 2,000 entries. Many of them belong to ancient times. Epics always tell about the struggle of two principles. To the most famous heroes include Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich and Alyosha Popovich. These characters are collective images, which capture the features of real people. The leading device in epic narration is hyperbole.


For example, "The Legend of the Conquest of Siberia by Yermak" refers. This is a story about real people and events of the past, which had to be passed on to future generations. Tradition shows reality in ordinary forms, but fiction or fantasy is used. The direction is characterized by references to ancestors, old people. Events always take place around historical figures who are presented in a good light.

The basis may be such facts as a war with foreign invaders, a peasant revolt, large-scale construction, a crowning of the kingdom. There are two ways to create legends: generalization of memories, generalization and design using ready-made plot forms. The second variety is more popular, since common motifs pass from century to century, but are associated with different events and persons.

Legends are:

  • historical;
  • ethnographic;
  • cultural;
  • toponymic and others.


Refers to the unfathomable prose folklore. This is a poetic story about historical event. Heroes are the main characters. Often there are gods and others in the legend supernatural powers. Events are often exaggerated, fiction is added to them. Therefore, scholars do not consider the legends to be completely reliable historical evidence.

Russians folk legends heterogeneous in plot and theme. They are divided into several groups:

  • About the creation of the world. Often associated with biblical stories, there may be linguistic elements;
  • About animals. Such a narrative tells not only about the origin of a certain species, but also about their features.
  • About Christ, saints. They talk about hell and heaven, helping people.
  • About the punishment of the evil and the forgiveness of sinners. They can learn about how bad person refused to help the good, for which he was punished. Good people are always rewarded.
  • ABOUT family values. In them, the narrative is built on the relationship between spouses, parents and children, brothers and sisters.

Examples include: "Miracle at the Mill", "Poor Widow", "Golden Stirrup" and others.

Calendar and ritual songs

These are songs that were sung during various ceremonies: “There was a birch in the field”, “Kolyada-kolyada!”, “Serve the pie”. Such works are associated with the labor of peasants, natural phenomena and holidays. All calendar rituals are associated with solstices and equinoxes.

Rites were always aimed at achieving a specific goal: curing diseases, giving birth to a child. The vast majority of such actions were accompanied by calendar songs. Sometimes they were combined with other forms: lamentations, lamentations. The most common genre of ritual folklore was incantations and incantations. These are magical texts that accompany any ritual.

In conclusion, we note that all works can be divided into lyrical and dramatic. The former include lullabies, ditties, love and ritual songs. Dramatic include works of folklore that contain stage elements of performance.

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