David garrett personal. Violinist David Garrett: biography, personal life, creativity


( David Garrett )

David Garrett - world famous violin virtuoso German descent.

David was born on September 4, 1980 in Germany, his mother was an American ballerina, and his father was a German lawyer and lawyer named Bongartz.

Garrett later chose his mother's surname as more sonorous and suitable for his career. According to legend, when the boy was 4 years old, his father bought a violin for his older brother, but David became very interested in music and soon began to play too. Then he began to take part in competitions, win, studied at the conservatory and at the Royal College of Music in London.

At the age of 11, David received a Stradivarius violin as a token of respect from the President of Germany for his performances.

At the age of 13, Garrett recorded two CDs and was shown for the first time on federal German television.

At the age of 19, David Garrett moved to live in New York, and in 2003 won the competition of composers of the Juilliard School, writing a fugue in the style of Johann-Sebastian Bach, in 2004 he received a diploma.

During his studies, he occasionally worked as a fashion model.

David has taken part in the world's top music concerts and festivals, played other rare Stradivari violins and received awards and prizes.

With his work, Garrett, according to him, wants to arouse the interest of young people in classical music. He includes his own arrangements in his albums, adds rock and jazz to the classics, with his musical group he gives concerts, where, along with classical sonatas accompanied by a piano, arrangements and compositions, rock songs and musical themes from movies.

David's huge success brought the film "Paganini: The Devil's Violinist", where he played the famous maestro. Garrett also acted here as a composer, and also created an author's arrangement especially for the film. This film debuted in October 2013.

Since then, David has been traveling the world even more, his schedule is completed for years to come, so he also visited Moscow with a concert in March 2015.

Little is known about the personal life of the musician, a couple of famous models, such as Alena Gerber, Tatjana Gellert, Jana Flötotto, all novels did not last long and according to the star “Sometimes I am five, six, seven, eight weeks away from home. Then you don't see the person for five, six, seven, eight weeks. Not every couple can withstand such a test ... "

As for female fans, they surround him everywhere. Moreover, according to David himself, he has no preference for the appearance of a girl, but he likes women with own style and rod inside.

David garrett— violinist,listed in the Guinness Book of Records

David Garrett (ur.David Garrett , real name -DEvid Christian Bongartz) - German-American violin virtuosoworking in the musical field, synthesizing classical music with jazz and rock, country and folklore.

“... A large symphony orchestra, expanded by several pop
musicians, led by the thirty-year-old violinist David Garrett, performed at a crowded huge concert venue under the dome of the sky in Berlin.
The repertoire is based on classical music in modern processing And
popular lyric melodies.

David's long blond hair, three-day stubble, faded jeans -
all his non-standard image, virtuoso performance, ability
overcome the limitations of genres - make classical music
attractive to young people. This was clearly visible on the screen - on
Berlin concert, among the listeners of which were the majority
youth. Each performance was greeted with thunderous applause.
According to the TV presenter, 50 thousand people attended the concert ... "

David was born on September 4, 1980 in the German city of Aachen to the American prima ballerina Dove Garrett and the West German lawyer Georg Peter Bongartz. He adopted his mother's maiden name as a pseudonym as "it's more sonorous and easy to pronounce".

When David was 4 years old, his father bought a violin for his older brother. Little David showed an interest in music and soon learned to play. A year later, he entered the competition and won his first prize.

When a capable boy was 7 years old, he was found the best possibleteachers - professors of the Cologne Conservatory of the legendary violinteacher Zakhar Nukhomovich Bron.

To learn how to easily perceive the audience, he plays every week in a public place.David is a child European culture. He enjoyed traveling withparents to philharmonic concerts and Opera theatre to the neighboring Aachen Cologne.

At the age of 9 he made his debut at the Kissinger Sommer festival.At the age of 10, the child prodigy from Aachen gave his first concert onstage of the Hamburg Philharmonic, and two years later already performed withYehuda Menuhin.

At 12, he began working with a British violinist Polish origin Ida Handel, often making trips to London and other European cities to meet her.

At the age of 13, Garrett recorded two CDs, was first shown on German television and gave a concert at the presidential residence. Federal Republic Germany, at Villa Hammerschmidt, where he was personally invited by Dr. von Weizsäcker’s. He was invited to play the famous "San Lorenzo" violin, created by Stradivari in 1703, and which occupies one of the main places among the instruments of the "golden period".

At 13, as the youngest soloist in contract history, Garrett signed an exclusive contract with the Deutsche Grammophon Gesellschaft. In April 1997, at the age of 16, he performed with the Munich Philharmonic Orchestra under Zubin Mehta in Delhi and Bombay at the 50th Independence of India concerts.

After 14 years he discovered pop and jazz.By advice smart people, especially teachers and parents, David,however, he gave up on time. early fame and focus on your education.

In 1997, after leaving home at the age of 17, he enrolled at the Royal College of Music in London, leaving at the end of his first semester. Asked about the expulsion in an interview, Garrett replied: “It can’t be called an official deduction ... Rather, it was a mutual agreement that I and the Royal College of Music were going different ways. I did miss the lessons, but I skipped them because of the extra practice - but it didn't help!".

In 1999, when David turned 18, he moved to New York to study at the famous Juilliard School, and in 2003 won the school's composers' competition with a fugue written in the style of Johann Sebastian Bach. At the Juilliard School, he was one of the first to study under the guidance of Isaac Perelman.

While studying at the Juilliard School, Garrett worked as a model.

Only after graduating from the conservatory did the young musician again begin to give concerts with ever-increasing success.

Having completed education with the best teachers in the world, includingIsaac Stern, Garrett works with famous conductors and plays withorchestras are legends.

In 1999, in Berlin, Garrett performed with the Berlin Radio Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Rafael Frübeck de Burgos, to critical acclaim. This entailed an invitation to a performance which took place at Expo 2000 in Hannover. At 21, David was invited to perform on the BBC Proms Show.

As the fastest violin virtuoso, Garrett was listed in the BookGuinness records. He performed "Flight of the Bumblebee" by Rimsky Korsakov for66.5 seconds, playing 13 notes per second. Then he broke his own record,playing this song in 65 seconds.

David Garrett is a musician with broad interests.A big fan of late romance, he loves Tchaikovsky very much andbelieves that this music is in his blood.

In the field of classics, his idols are the violinist Nathan Milstein,conductor Arturo Toscanini, pianist Arthur Rubinstein.

From light music - he performs orchestral arrangements with interestballads by Metallica.

Releasing an album Encore in 2008, David aims to spark the interest of young people in classical music. The album includes his own arrangements and compositions of musical fragments and melodies that have accompanied him through life. Together with his musical group, consisting of "keys", guitar and drums, he gives concerts, where, along with classical sonatas accompanied by a piano, arrangements and compositions, rock songs and musical themes from films are performed.

David Garrett tried his hand at cinema, starring in leading role in the film Paganini: The Devil's Violinist, which was released worldwide on October 31, 2013.
In addition, he also participated in the project as a composer, and also created an author's arrangement especially for the film.

Movie: Paganini: The Devil's Violinist

Currently, David Garrett lives in New York, but according to him, hespends more time on planes than in his apartment inManhattan. He has 50 flights per year.

Tall, stately, confident blonde with a beaming smile, violinist David Garrett chooses loneliness in his personal life. Yes, can you believe it? Minsk residents still know little about the world-famous virtuoso, so on the eve of it, we share the most interesting stories from interviews from different years.

“I have not seen how ordinary families live”

Little David Garrett very rarely communicated with peers: “My parents took me out of elementary school when I was eight or nine years old and I was homeschooled until I was 17. Most I spent time traveling and flying, visiting foreign teachers or giving concerts ( first "adult" concert with symphony orchestra David played at the age of 11). So I didn't have any friends. I didn’t see how ordinary families live, and I had nothing to compare with.”

“I felt that my father hated me when I did not live up to his expectations”

The father recognized his son's talent very early and did everything so that little David had the best tools and the best teachers. In addition, he personally studied music with him every day: “Since childhood, my father has put a lot of pressure on me. There were times when I felt his love, but at the same time ... hatred. Perhaps this sounds strange. I felt that he hated me when he was unhappy with me, when I did not live up to his expectations. There were moments when he was angry with me, and obviously, as a child, you do not understand these emotions and take them for hatred. But it was very hard."

“It’s good that everything worked out in the end, otherwise my childhood would have been even more depressing: it had everything: a lot of suffering, tears, rehearsals until the morning”

David was only thirteen when his parents entered into a contract with the prestigious Deutschen Grammophon record label on his behalf. “I remember how my father came to a meeting at Deutschen Grammophon and offered to record a disc - all twenty-four caprices of Paganini. It was his ambitious idea, no one consulted with me either on the repertoire or on other terms of the contract. I sit there and think: not a bad idea, but I only know two caprices ... We recorded everything, but at that time it was the most powerful pressure that I have ever experienced.

"It's terrible when what you love hurts"

Diligence and perseverance backfired tragically: due to intense rehearsals until late at night, and even until the morning, obligations to a recording studio, pressure from his father and his own desire to play everything as best as possible, he “outplayed” his hand at the age of fifteen and suffered from pain for several years .

“I didn’t even want to talk about it. It seemed to me that these were all my problems, and I should keep a secret. I now understand that it was stupid. When you have problems, you need to talk about them. But then I was very afraid. For three years I gave concerts and rehearsed, experiencing unbearable pain in my arm. And it's terrible when what you love hurts. I felt like I couldn't find a way out, that everything around me was collapsing."

"The Biggest Compliment Ever"

“My teacher Isaac Stern was always very hard on me, I was thirteen or fourteen years old. I couldn't figure out if he liked me as a performer or if he thought I wasn't good enough for him. I somehow made up my mind and asked him after the lesson: why do you always criticize me so sharply? With others, you are the sweetest person... He replied, "I don't care about others." It was the biggest compliment I've ever received in my entire life."

"We won't sell five copies"

Now, when David Garrett's crossover concerts gather hundreds of thousands of halls, it's hard to believe that at first no one supported his stylistic idea:

“A lot of people said it would never work. The head of Universal Germany was damn hard to convince, he said: “We have no idea where to put it. It's completely unclaimed, we won't sell five copies, I guarantee." And this is just one example out of ten thousand people have told me it won't work! Including my parents who kept repeating: this is a waste of time, a waste of energy, you will ruin your classical music career.”

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The pursuit of perfection forces David Garrett to rehearse and hone his technique constantly, not only for classical concerts: “My playing at any crossover tour concert is based on the classics. And I'm not cheating: one would think that I only play easy material, because the Beethoven concerto is beyond my power. Everything I play in a crossover concert is on the same technical level as a Beethoven concerto. So I keep myself in shape."

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"If I didn't feel lonely, I wouldn't be a good musician"

Thousands of fans look at him with loving eyes. Was David himself truly in love, did anyone break his heart? “Of course, many times,” the violinist replies. But it's very hard to find true love when I'm on the road all the time."

“I think the feeling of loneliness is one of the most beautiful things. Especially when the profession allows you to use this emotion. If I didn't feel lonely, I wouldn't be a good musician. I live music even in my sleep.

Producer Peter Shvenkov, organizer of crossover tours, confirms Garrett's point: “I think it's important that people like him. Women love him, men tolerate him. I don't think you would ever be jealous if your wife loved David Garrett. You can live with it easily."

So what is the price of success, the delight of the public, the admiration and love of the audience? “It’s continuous day-to-day work, dedication, sacrifice and a drop of luck,” says David Garrett himself. “But you know, it’s very small, just a couple percent, the other ninety-eight is hard work.”

David Garrett will perform in Minsk with the album Explosive on December 11 at the Palace of the Republic. Start at 20.00.

You can buy tickets on the site website.

Ticket prices: 65-200 (650,000-2,000,000 non-denominated) rubles.

Infoline: +375-29-716-11-77, +375-29-106-000-2.

An incredible guy, crazy energy, hurricane charisma and an abyss of charm. I’ll warn you right away: you need to see it in dynamics, the photo is half the battle. I spread the minimum (so as not to clutter up), do not be lazy, go to YouTube!

David Garrett, David Garrett (according to the documents - David Bongartz, David Bongartz, pseudonym - maiden name mother) was born on September 4, 1980 in Aachen (Germany). Mother is an American ballerina, father is a lawyer and auctioneer, he was engaged in the sale of violins (which explains a lot)). According to a widespread legend, the father gave the violin to his eldest son, but four-year-old David grabbed the instrument and does not let go of it to this day.

Apparently, morals in the family were severe. The conversations were about music and about business, the element of humanity was somehow missed (David is determined to take into account mistakes. However, now he has a warm relationship with his parents). My father was very authoritarian. (David: "I think I'll be a pretty anti-authoritarian father and give my kids total freedom. Basically the opposite of what I had to learn in my upbringing. But that's the way it is most of the time.") The mother taught the children to order, David is still very strict in this regard - “he learned early household”, Does not like chaos in the house and does cleaning (washes the floors!), If there is time (by the way, quoting Eric from Trueblood - “I am a Virgo according to the horoscope. Obsessed with cleanliness.” Also worth considering - David is still a Virgo)). As he himself says, “My mother raised me very well. Cleaning for me seems to be something meditative. While cleaning, you can think about a lot and let your thoughts "scroll" in your head. If I'm at home, I mostly prepare for concerts. And I just need a certain order around, otherwise it’s hard for me to concentrate.”

Childhood was peculiar. For the first 17 years of his life, he lived practically in a bubble - he did not go to school, studied with tutors, did not communicate with his peers, only with his brother and sister, and - worked, worked, worked. When the capable boy was ten years old, he was found the best possible teacher - a professor at the Cologne Conservatory, the legendary violin teacher Zakhar Nukhimovich Bron. Already at the age of eight he played with world-famous symphony orchestras, at 13 he performed with Yehudi Menuhin (who, for a moment, called him the greatest violinist his generation).

He appeared on German and Dutch television, gave a concert at the residence of the President of Germany at the Hammerschmidt Villa at the personal invitation of Richard von Weizsacker (1984-1994 - federal president Germany). The first Stradivari violin was presented to him by the President of Germany (since then there have been several unique violins, as David himself says, he likes to change instruments, because everyone has his own soul and his own voice. Now he plays a Stradivarius of 1703). At the age of 14 he signed an exclusive contract with Deutsche Grammophon Gesellschaft as the youngest soloist in the history of the company. At 17 he played with the Munich Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Zubin Mehta in Delhi and Bombay in concerts on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of India's independence. At 19 he played with the Rundfunk Symphony Orchestra in Berlin, under the direction of Raphael Frübeck de Burgos, and was received very positively by music critics. After that, he was invited to speak at the world famous exhibition - Expo 2000 in Hannover.

Pop and rock music was not welcome in the house, David grew up on Bach, Beethoven and Shostakovich. Then he discovered AC/DC, Metallica and Queen. According to him, the first non-classical album he bought was A Night at the Opera, Queen.

From the interview:
- On your first album, recorded at the age of thirteen, you stand in a black suit, a kind of good boy. It doesn't sound like you're very happy with life, though.
- Then others made decisions for me. Today I myself am the master of my destiny, and I am very pleased with this.

It was hardly a rebellion in the full sense, but at 17 David accepted the first independent solution, which determined his whole life, went to New York, to the Juilliard School, the most famous conservatory in the world. Against the will of the parents, breaking all contracts. Uch :) paid for it himself - "grabbing for any work." The list is still the same: promotion in clubs, women's clothing department, toilet cleaner ... He also worked as a model, he was described as "David Beckham classical scene". (He still looks more like a rock star than a classical musician. As David himself says, "why not. It's good if someone looks at the photo and says "Oh, yes he's cute!")

Today he is 31, he proved everything to everyone a long time ago and now he is just doing what he loves, getting tremendous pleasure from it (and this is obvious!). "I'm not pretending - on stage I'm the same as in life." That's right - mischievous, sunny, charming, he stuns both on stage and in interviews. Torn jeans, heavy boots (always flabby, by the way), a velvet tuxedo and carelessly tied hair with almost a pharmacy rubber band - who else could look so natural in this wild outfit! He doesn’t bother with clothes at all, wears what is comfortable and what “mother sends for Christmas.” He lives between Germany and New York, spends two or three months a year in Yabloko, but is not going to give up an apartment there. Constantly touring, his schedule is just a plague, scheduled for a year ahead (seriously, until the end of 2012), Scandinavia will begin from the end of November, every day new town(tickets - from 50 euros, quite democratic). How much power is enough? “Oh, I really like doing nothing sometimes. But in principle, one day is enough for me to have a good rest.

From the interview:
Aachen, New York, Berlin - and besides these are also hotels. Where do you feel like HOME?
It is difficult to answer, because there really was no such thing as a HOUSE in my life. I started traveling early. This feeling that "here is my place, here is my school, and here are my friends and my family" - I almost never had. But still I'll say New York is mine permanent place residence. And I am very proud that I was able to create my own circle of friends over time in many cities. Therefore, for me, such trips are not strained)

As you can see, he is by no means a hardened ascetic, a martyr of an idea. And certainly not a fanatical missionary))

David, in your programs you try to combine classical music with pop and crossover numbers. Do you see your "mission" in attracting young people to concert halls?
Well, "mission" is a bit of an exaggeration. But I think that classical music today is paying the price for having led an elitist existence for many decades and lost contact with real life. Therefore, today young people need first bring in concert hall, to convince them that the classics do not hurt.

Still doing “about 4-5 hours a day, but I don't look at the clock. Of course, there are days so full of different meetings that there is no time left for classes, but then this makes itself felt. If I don't exercise for 24 hours, I get antsy. Fortunately, this rarely happens. And when there are days where I have nothing to do, then I make up for lost time.

And at the same time, he is not alien to anything human ... He tells how once he “drank a lot of strong alcohol)) ... that night it wasn’t bad, on the contrary, it was delicious and fun, but the next day ... it was bad as hell)))... spent the night with a friend, went home, stopped halfway, had to get out of the car.... Well, you can guess what happened next ")))...

At concerts, he constantly tells stories, people laugh, and I terribly regret that I don’t know German ... For example. “This story happened in an old English hotel. As always, I didn't have time to work out during the day (I'm getting ready to release a new CLASSIC album), so I had to do it in my room quite late in the evening. After some time, I heard quiet applause from the next room, and I thought that in this way true English gentlemen hinted to me that it was already two in the morning and it was time to finish ... ok, I stopped playing ... after half a minute I heard A LOUD knock from the same room and a shout of "Play some more!" Well, I don’t need to be persuaded twice for this, and I lost before dawn.

And yet - a wonderful conversationalist and just smart. Sometimes he says very deep things, and sometimes something simple, but so close, humane. Quotes.

Fear is when you feel insecure, do not trust others, thereby limiting your own freedom...
Angst hat viel damit zu tun, dass man sich etwas nic ht zutraut, anderen nicht vertraut und dabei auf die eigene Freiheit verzichtet

My life is fantastically beautiful, and I want to live it in reality. I think it's more pleasant than dreaming...
Mein Leben ist traumhaft schön, und ich will es wach erleben. Das finde ich angenehmer als zu träumen.

My only wish- keep your irrationality. This is very important for my creativity and with it (irrationality) I am not bored...
Mein einziger Wunsch ist, dass ich meine Unvernunft behalte. Die ist fur meine Kreativität sehr wichtig und mit ihr langweile ich mich auch nicht.

Music is what brings the soul into balance...
Musik ist etwas, das die Seele wieder ausgleicht.

You need to look for your own qualities. I don't think you can be different just because you WANT to be different. You just need to be yourself, both in music and in life...
Man muss nach den eigenen Qualitäten suchen. Ich glaube nicht, dass man anders sein kann, nur weil man anders sein will. Man muss einfach man selbst sein, in der Musik wie im Leben.

Music is the expression of life. Music can never be HATE. Music is always POSITIVE EMOTIONS. They may be sad, but they are always HOPE. Music changes thoughts for the BETTER...
Musik ist ein Ausdruck von Liebe. Musik kann nie Hass sein. Musik ist immer eine Positive Emotion. Sie kann traurig sein, aber sie ist immer die Hoffnung. Musik kann Gedanken zum Guten verändern.

You must always be in search of the GOOD and in search of what is not yet - in general, in search of YOURSELF)))...
Man muss suchen, was gut ist und was noch nicht da ist - also nach sich selbst.

Talent helps, but only diligence and work lead you to the goal...
Talent hilft, aber nur Arbeit bringt dich ans Ziel.

If there is no desire to become better and better, then automatically you become worse. It is necessary to develop further. If you do not develop and do not go further, then you are dead. Maybe sometimes you reach your limit, but you don't need to know about it...
Wenn man nicht die Inspiration hat besser zu werden, wird man automatisch schlechter. Es muss immer weiter gehen. Wenn es nicht weitergeht, dann bis Du tot. Vielleicht kommt man mal an sein eigenens Limit, aber man sollte es nicht wissen.

You have to be able to accept compliments! People who don't love themselves don't love others...
Man muss sich auch Complimente geben können. Leute, die sich selbst nicht mögen, mögen auch Andere nicht.

Character should not change with age (unless it was a BAD character)
Alter sollte den Charakter nicht verändern, es sei denn man hat einen schlechten.

Life is not given in order to SIMPLIFY something, but in order to do it RIGHT ...
Das Leben ist nicht dafür da, es einfach zu haben, sondern ist dafür da, etwas richtig zu machen!

The most beautiful moments (events) of life must be shared with someone, otherwise they are not so valuable.
Die schönsten Sachen im Leben muss man mit jemandem teilen, sonst sind sie nichts wert!

The artist has no right to rely on his past achievements. Nobody cares how you played YESTERDAY. Important - TODAY. And if you played poorly TODAY, it doesn't matter that in the past you played at least 500 times grandiosely - today you can throw it in the trash!
Als Künstler darf man sich nicht auf die Vergangenheit berufen. Keinen interessiert "s, wie Du gestern gespielt hast. Heute ist eigentlich der wichtigste Tag, und wenn Du heute schlecht spielst, dann ist es egal, ob Du 500 mal grandios gespielt hast - der heutige Tag ist Müll. Kannst Du wegschmeissen

In art, it is important not to please someone, but to express your own convictions...
In der Kunst ist es ganz wichtig, nicht zu gefallen, sondern seine eigene Überzeugung auszudrücken

Free (2007)
Virtuoso (2007)
Encore (2008)
David Garrett (2009)
Classic Romance (2009)
Rock Symphonies (2010)

The last one is of crossover format ( musical style, connecting different directions), arrangements of classic rock "for violin and orchestra".

About your Rock Symphonies album, you said it was your best job from all previous ones. Do you set a specific goal - with the release of each new album to overshadow the success of the previous one?
I meant crossover projects. And Rock Symphonies is really my best work in this direction. This is closely related to the fact that the older you get, the better you understand this material and you know better what is possible to "pull" out of the tool and what is not. Only then can you explore your limits. A very important point in such a project is not to be afraid to do what you have in mind, but to try to define new dimensions for yourself. I worked on this album for a very long time and took a lot of risks, but also experienced a lot of joy - and I think you can hear it. I am really very proud of the result.

You "transferred" to the violin such modern things as Master of Puppets (Metallica), Vertigo (U2), Smells like Teen Spirit (Nirvana) and partially "diluted" them classic elements. How did these rock bands react?
To get started: in music world it is so established that you do not have the right to arbitrarily dispose of the creations of others. That's why I asked permission. There were no problems with Metallica. I've already "processed" their stuff once, and they wrote to me that my interpretation of Master of Puppets is super! Of course I was very happy about it. From Bono personally, I also received permission. And for having the right to interpret Smells like Teen Spirit, I am grateful to Courtney Love. I'm especially proud of it because it's a classic...

How long did it take you to make these pieces?
I can not say exactly. Because there are many different factors brought together. The arrangement itself, that is, how to "shift" the vocals and guitars to the violin, is a rather boring process. and then, you don't sit in the studio for a whole week and then the thing is ready. The last album contains the work of two years, during which I was busy with various works and experimented all the time.

Plus David writes the music himself(but rarely performs it at concerts, which is a pity ...)
80's Anthem
Chelsea Girl
Rock Prelude
Eliza's Song
New Day (!!!)
Rock Toccata

Well, for those who think that he is too good - please, the opinion of a professional:
- Let's be honest: people do not come to the music, but to the star.
- No decent conductor, no good orchestra will agree to play with you just because you are popular or good looking. There is a concept of quality in music.

Oh, yes ... personal life ... Here "everything is covered with unknown darkness." David doesn't obscure, he just doesn't elaborate, arguing abstractly.

I can be romantic. But I'm not the kind of person who's attracted to a picnic in the park. The best is a good restaurant or the Eiffel Tower. Those were my most beautiful dates. Yes, cliché, but it was great.

In my current life situation, it is very difficult to build a serious relationship, because I tour a lot. Too much distance for a long time is destructive to love.

Reportedly, he had something to do with German model Tatjana Gellert. At least in 2009, she participated in the show at New York Fashion Week, he came backstage, they held hands in a very touching way, dumped together and generally looked like natural pigeons. And silence…

Again, he seems to have met with Yana Fletotto, a German model. Well, I don’t know here - maybe harmful lies.

He himself periodically said, they say, single. Haven't heard from it in a long time though. God bless...

And yes! Recently (26.10.11) he presented his perfume David Garrett for man and for woman in Berlin.

Well, here is a selection of photos, including those of children and teenagers, where he is shorn) A completely different person. I don’t know, he himself thought of growing hair or who advised, but it was brilliant))

, Germany

Releasing an album Encore in 2008, Garrett aims to generate youth interest in classical music. The album includes his own arrangements and compositions of musical fragments and melodies that have accompanied him through life. Together with his musical group, consisting of "keys", guitar and drums, he gives concerts, where, along with classical sonatas accompanied by a piano, arrangements and compositions, rock songs and musical themes from films are performed.

He was on the jury of the 9th annual Independent Music Awards to help the career of independent musicians.

Songs he has covered: "Viva La Vida", "Smooth Criminal", "Whole Lotta Bond" and many more.


He starred in the title role in the film Paganini: The Devil's Violinist, which was released worldwide on October 31, 2013. In addition, he also participated in the project as a composer, and also created an author's arrangement especially for the film.

Studio albums

  • Free (2007)
  • Virtuoso (2007)
  • Encore (2008)
  • David Garrett (2009)
  • Classic Romance (2009)
  • Rock Symphonies (2010)
  • Legacy (2011)
  • Music (2012)
  • 14 (2013)
  • Garrett vs. Paganini (Deluxe Edition) (2013) (Classical, Instrumental, Symphonic Rock)
  • Caprice (2014)
  • Explosive (2015)

Other albums

  • Nokia Night of the Proms (2004) The New Classical Generation 2008 (2008)

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Excerpt characterizing Garrett, David

Anatole kissed the old man and looked at him curiously and completely calmly, waiting to see if the eccentric promised by his father would soon happen from him.
Prince Nikolai Andreevich sat down in his usual place in the corner of the sofa, pulled up an armchair for Prince Vasily, pointed to it and began to ask about political affairs and news. He listened as if with attention to the story of Prince Vasily, but incessantly glanced at Princess Marya.
- So they write from Potsdam? - he repeated the last words of Prince Vasily, and suddenly, getting up, he went up to his daughter.
- You cleaned up for the guests like that, huh? - he said. - Good, very good. You have your hair done in a new way in front of the guests, and I tell you in front of the guests that you don’t dare to change clothes without my asking.
“It’s me, mon pire, [father] is to blame,” blushing, interceded the little princess.
“You have complete freedom,” said Prince Nikolai Andreevich, bowing in front of his daughter-in-law, “but she has nothing to disfigure herself - and she is so bad.
And he again sat down in his place, no longer paying attention to his daughter, brought to tears.
“On the contrary, this hairstyle suits the princess very well,” said Prince Vasily.
- Well, father, young prince, what is his name? - said Prince Nikolai Andreevich, turning to Anatoly, - come here, we'll talk, we'll get to know each other.
“That's when the fun begins,” thought Anatole, and sat down with the old prince with a smile.
- Well, here's what: you, my dear, they say, were brought up abroad. Not the way the deacon taught us to read and write with your father. Tell me, my dear, are you now serving in the Horse Guards? asked the old man, looking closely and intently at Anatole.
“No, I joined the army,” answered Anatole, barely able to keep from laughing.
- A! good deal. Well, do you want, my dear, to serve the king and the fatherland? Military time. Such a young man must serve, must serve. Well, in the front?
- No, prince. Our regiment set out. And I'm counting. What am I, dad? Anatole turned to his father with a laugh.
- Nice service, nice. What do I count! Ha ha ha! Prince Nikolai Andreevich laughed.
And Anatole laughed even louder. Suddenly Prince Nikolai Andreevich frowned.
“Well, go ahead,” he said to Anatole.
Anatole again approached the ladies with a smile.
- After all, you brought them up abroad, Prince Vasily? A? - the old prince turned to Prince Vasily.
- I did what I could; and I will tell you that the upbringing there is much better than ours.
– Yes, now everything is different, everything is new. Well done little one! Well done! Well, come to me.
He took Prince Vasily by the arm and led him into the office.
Prince Vasily, left alone with the prince, immediately announced to him his desire and hopes.
“What do you think,” said the old prince angrily, “that I am holding her, that I cannot part with her? Imagine! he said angrily. - To me at least tomorrow! I'll just tell you that I want to know my son-in-law better. You know my rules: everything is open! Tomorrow I'll ask you in front of you: if she wants, then let him live. Let him live, I'll see. The prince snorted.
“Let him go, I don’t care,” he shouted in that piercing voice with which he shouted at parting with his son.
“I’ll tell you straight out,” said Prince Vasily in the tone of a cunning man who was convinced of the need for cunning in front of the insight of his interlocutor. You can see right through people. Anatole is not a genius, but an honest, kind fellow, a wonderful son and dear.
- Well, well, well, we'll see.
As it always does for single women who have lived long without male society, when Anatole appeared, all three women in the house of Prince Nikolai Andreevich equally felt that their life was not life before that time. The power to think, to feel, to observe instantly multiplied tenfold in all of them, and, as if up to now, taking place in darkness, their life was suddenly illuminated by a new, full of meaning light.
Princess Mary did not think at all and did not remember her face and hairstyle. The handsome, open face of the man who might be her husband consumed all her attention. He seemed to her kind, brave, resolute, courageous and generous. She was convinced of it. Thousands of dreams about a future family life constantly arose in her imagination. She drove away and tried to hide them.
“But am I too cold with him? thought Princess Mary. - I try to restrain myself, because deep down I feel too close to him; but he does not know all that I think of him, and can imagine that he is unpleasant to me.
And Princess Mary tried and did not know how to be amiable with the new guest. "La pauvre fille! Elle est diablement laide", [ A poor girl, she is devilishly ugly,] Anatole thought about her.
M lle Bourienne, also cocked by Anatole's arrival to a high degree of excitement, thought in a different way. Of course, a beautiful young girl without a certain position in the world, without relatives and friends, and even a homeland, did not think to devote her life to the services of Prince Nikolai Andreevich, reading books to him and friendship with Princess Mary. M lle Bourienne has long been waiting for that Russian prince who will immediately be able to appreciate her superiority over Russian, bad, badly dressed, awkward princesses, fall in love with her and take her away; and this Russian prince finally arrived. M lle Bourienne had a story she heard from her aunt, finished by herself, which she liked to repeat in her imagination. It was a story about how a seduced girl imagined her poor mother, sa pauvre mere, and reproached her for having given herself to a man without marriage. M lle Bourienne often moved to tears, in her imagination telling him, the seducer, this story. Now this he, the real Russian prince, has appeared. He will take her away, then ma pauvre mere will appear, and he will marry her. This is how m lle Bourienne's whole future history took shape in her head, at the very time she was talking to him about Paris. It was not calculations that guided m lle Bourienne (she did not even think for a minute about what she should do), but all this had long been ready in her and now it was only grouped around the appeared Anatole, whom she wished and tried to please as much as possible.
The little princess, like an old regimental horse, having heard the sound of a trumpet, unconsciously and forgetting her position, prepared for the usual gallop of coquetry, without any ulterior motive or struggle, but with naive, frivolous fun.
Despite the fact that Anatole sorority he usually put himself in the position of a man who was tired of women running after him, he felt vainglorious pleasure, seeing his influence on these three women. In addition, he began to feel for the pretty and defiant Bourienne that passionate, bestial feeling, which came over him with extreme speed and prompted him to the most rude and daring deeds.

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