Boris Moiseev what's wrong with him. Moiseev does not stop leading a wild life with alcohol


Boris Moiseev

Boris Moiseev's condition worsened

Not very optimistic information appears today on the Internet. Some media report that the singer Boris Moiseev is in a very deplorable state. Allegedly, his health deteriorated sharply.

The story of the stroke that happened to the singer made a lot of noise at the time. After the blow, Boris recovered for a long time, underwent therapy, but still managed to go on stage. A little later, the artist again began to shoot videos and go on tour. But after, according to rumors, Moiseev canceled several scheduled concerts, they started talking about the deterioration in the health of the performer. Allegedly, he was diagnosed with tumors in the brain, which severely crippled the singer.

But some three weeks ago, on Instagram, with a link to the artist’s official website, they reported that everything was in order with the performer. According to the microblog, Moiseev recently returned from Miami, where he spent his vacation. Moiseev arrived at the resort at the invitation of his own. There, as in Moscow, he actively took care of his health. And, in particular, addicted to yoga. As a coach, Moiseev hired a specialist well-known in star circles. Classes were held every day and lasted more than an hour. The new kind The performer liked the sport so much that he decided to continue his acquaintance with yoga even after returning home. But it seems that the love of yoga could not overcome the disease.

While the representatives of the artist do not comment, while on official page the performer, pictures and videos of Moiseev’s activity ceased to appear, only congratulations from colleagues and old archival records remained. But fans hope that the artist will certainly get better.

Moiseev Boris - odious, shocking, extraordinary figure domestic stage, without which not a single concert could have done before, suddenly ceased to be one of the central figures and moved into the shadows. A man who constantly changed his image and role is now selling his apartments in Jurmala, after the mayor's office published a list of persistent non-payers for public utilities and bank loans.

His fans are worried about the state of health of the once very popular artist today, but not a single one has reliable information about the well-being of the star. news publication. To draw attention to the traditional song of the year and the scandals of Lolita, Ksenia Sobchak and Valeria, yellow publications announce news about Boris Moiseev and his state of health today.

No news is news too

In publications entitled: the state of health today, there are old gossip, Rotaru in a bright yellow dress and sneakers, intimate details from the personal life of Boris Moiseev and his new role as a cashier selling tickets to Nadezhda Babkina's concerts.

On the state of health today of the once popular artist, and now a person, for personal affairs which his fans are trying to follow, almost nothing is known.

A number of Russian media announced that Boris Moiseev had oncology, which was immediately refuted by his PR manager Kirill, who gave an interview to the Days of Ru publication specifically for this refutation. The man with the country's position of "Director of Boris Moiseev", Sergey Gorokh, publicly denied the rumors spread by the yellow press that the star had oncology.

The presence on Moiseev's face of a rather large ulceration, which, according to some experts, is suspiciously similar to skin cancer, Peas, with his characteristic spontaneity, called "a sore that Boris Moiseev shaves off from time to time." On this occasion, a dialogue was published that took place between Moiseev and Vladimir Vinokur after the friendly embrace of two famous artists, and the friendly kiss that followed. After that, Vinokur asked about the origin of the sore on his friend's face, and he, smiling, told him that it was an infection and he, too, had already become infected.

Comments on social networks are striking in their diametrical opposite. Someone openly expresses that he was never interested in either the personality of Moiseev or his artistic career. There are overtly worried fans, and people who talk about the outward symptoms of cancer.

There is simply no reliable information, but if we analyze some facts, the picture is far from being the most rosy:

  1. More and more news is spreading that civil wife Moiseeva Adele Todd calls him to the USA, where she lives herself. Before that, they got along well and lived, soul to soul according to different sides ocean. Official version is that they were going to legalize their relationship, unofficial - Boris Moiseev goes there for treatment. Recall that there was already a precedent when Moiseev announced that he was going to Miami for career and money matters, and then it accidentally turned out that he was undergoing treatment and rehabilitation there.
  2. Some publications are almost happy to say that the artist has not paid utility bills for a Moscow apartment for several years. For the same reason, he is forced to sell apartments in Jurmala, which he was one of the first to buy in a very expensive elite new building. The mayor's office of Jurmala put him on the list of bad debtors, but, apparently, this circumstance did not make him put up for sale elite apartments.
  3. In 2010, the once super popular artist and outrageous master had a stroke. The whole country was concerned about his state of health, the forecasts steadily worsened, and doctors did not give any guarantees. However, then he nevertheless went on the mend, and, unlike many such patients, he began to move and talk quite successfully. However, in a conversation with one of his close friends, information slipped that one of his hands had not fully recovered, as well as one lip. It is clear that there can be no talk of performing on stage in such a state.
  4. From the moment he was released from the hospital until 2016, no news about his state of health or about his intended pastime appeared in the press. It is not even known whether he was in Moscow at that time, or was leaving, although some fans allegedly saw him on bicycle rides. Somewhat strange information, about a person whose one arm does not work.
  5. News also leaked out that Moiseev was selling property abroad, which he previously had. And the work of a cashier for Nadezhda Babkina is not at all a new outrageous role, but an attempt to earn money at least in this way, since it does not work out with previous activities.

The spreading rumors about the refusal to work as a choreographer in the theater and the new business project in America that he is engaged in are nothing more than an attempt to hide the sad truth about the state of health.

Some news portals supplemented the missing information about the once popular pop star long list famous people who passed away in 2017 terrible diagnosis- oncology.

The truth about health

Media representatives are inclined to believe that Moiseev has inoperable brain cancer, provoked by a severe stroke eight years ago. The paparazzi have another version - Moiseev is sick with progressive melanoma, and he masks this on his face with a foundation.

The famous singer with his wife Adele Todd

At creative people it is not customary to advertise their illnesses, and even in a critical condition, their relatives and friends deny the seriousness of the condition, as has happened many times already, and it was in the cases with and Oleg Tabakov in recent times.

Artists do not want sympathetic looks, or impartial assessment of how serious their condition is, or reasoning about the fact that a sick person is not able to play as before. Perhaps their role in the reluctance to make diseases public.

Daughter of Boris Moiseev photo

The paternity of Boris Moiseev is still shrouded in mystery.

As of today, January 2018, the state of health popular singer and outrageous artist Boris Moiseev remains a secret with seven seals. After the release of the joint video “I am a baller”, filmed for the song performed by Moiseev and Kostyushkin, the artist disappeared from the air and broadcasts. Worried fans are flipping through old messages on the Web about the deterioration of their pet’s well-being and are trying to justify his absence with a new project, which Moiseev talked a lot about in mid-2017.

Rumors of financial problems

Not so long ago, cunning journalists spread the news that the shocking singer has problems today, January 13, 2018, not only with health - according to some reports, his financial condition is in decline due to the cancellation of touring activities and performances in concert halls capital Cities.

Boris Moiseev himself is outraged by such a lie and wonders why it is important for someone to talk on the Internet about his problems with the mayor's office of Jurmala.

Boris Moiseev has big financial problems

According to the artist after arriving in own house on the coast of the Baltic Sea, he regularly paid all taxes in advance for a year and paid off utility bills. All those who doubt the solvency of Boris Moiseev can familiarize themselves with the list of debtors published on the corresponding website. In addition, it will not be difficult for an artist to post a screenshot of payment messages for the past year on his page, in which there is all the necessary confirmation of his financial solvency.

Not about any seizure of his property - in this case we are talking about the house of the outrageous Master - there are no truthful reports anywhere. The artist himself loves to relax on the coast, often visiting Laima Vaikule and gathering his strength to accept Alla Borisovna's invitation. Here he undergoes a kind of rehabilitation, cycling along the shady paths of the local city park.

The doctors advised the musician to give up driving

The artist's friends support the doctors - this is how Vladimir Vinokur presented his infamous friend with a snow-white Mercedes bicycle, on which the star rides through the streets of Jurmala, following the orders of doctors.

New activities

According to the artist, in the last six months of 2017 he was busy opening rehabilitation center for stroke patients. To do this, the singer had to devote a lot of time to a new occupation and perform in an unusual role for himself. A suitable location had to be found. Develop a work plan and contracts with future staff. According to the artist, the institution will have everything necessary to restore motor and speech functions in patients with neurological and brain disorders resulting from cerebral hemorrhage.

In 2010, Moiseev suffered a stroke

We remind you that in 2010 Boris Moiseev, whose state of health for today is 2017-2018. of little concern, suffered a stroke in 2010 that left the entire left side of his body paralyzed. Then the doctors had to introduce him into a medical coma so that the consequences of the disease were not so severe. Then there were long months of recovery procedures, often painful and unpleasant.

The exact opening date of the Center and the price list for its services will be known soon - a large advertising campaign is planned, which, given the popularity of the owner, will become very profitable.

The artist has always been a supporter of unusual manifestations of his charismatic personality. So in March last year, he went to work with his longtime friend Nadezhda Babkina to work in the Russian Song Theater as a simple cashier. It brought unexpected success, and tickets were sold several times more.

Boris Moiseev and Nikolai Trubach

Then the hostess herself joined the action "Star Cashier" cultural institution. A few days later, Elena Vorobey, a popular clown and parodist, changed her colleagues at a combat post at a window with a loudspeaker. Will there be a continuation of such an initiative popular artists, which are live advertisements for viewers different generation- not yet known.

cancer or not cancer

At the end of last year new wave concern gripped the fans of Boris Moiseev. The photographs showed a neoplasm on the artist's face, suspiciously similar to melanoma.

Some strange sore appeared on the face of the musician

No matter how hard the maestro tried to tint it with cream, an unpleasant sore is clearly visible in the pictures, moreover, when entering the last performance in Jurmala he was supported by an assistant - it was clear that it was very difficult for Moiseev to move independently. Therefore, the journalists instantly compared these facts and decided that the favorite of the public and the outrageous singer unconventional love oncology began.

All fears were dispelled by the director of the artist. According to him, Boris Moiseev feels great, he does not have any cancer, and the artist’s health condition for today, 2018, is quite satisfactory.

Aquarium leader has pneumonia with a possible heart complication

Boris Grebenshchikov was urgently hospitalized in St. Petersburg. This information was confirmed by the director of "Aquarium" Maxim Lande.

"Thank you for your trouble. The best course of action in this case is to pray for health, go and light a candle, ”said Lande.

Grebenshchikov's friend director Viktor Tikhomirov says that the Aquarium leader has pneumonia.

BG in intensive care: rock legend's family asked not to disturb her

On official pages musician Boris Grebenshchikov on Facebook and Twitter published a refutation of reports about "heart problems" with the leader of the "Aquarium". The relevant information is called "a lie", it is specified that the musician "had a bad cold, like many this winter." Representatives of Grebenshchikov are asked not to disturb his family and group, but only to wish him recovery.

A source close to Grebenshchikov confirmed to TASS his hospitalization, the musician's close families refused to comment on the situation for the agency. March 16 in St. Petersburg should be a concert of "Aquarium". The club A2, where the event is planned, reported that there was no information about the cancellation of the concert.

Earlier it was reported that the cause of Grebenshchikov's hospitalization could be a heart problem: the 64-year-old musician underwent bypass surgery nine years ago. There is no information on the band's website about the cancellation of performances scheduled for March 16 in St. Petersburg and March 18 in Moscow.

According to Grebenshchikov's friend, director Boris Tikhomirov, the Aquarium leader was taken to intensive care early in the morning on March 3.

“Friends say that he has pneumonia. But Boris is conscious!” Tikhomirov said.

Meanwhile, he remains in intensive care serious condition actor Valery Garkalin. He was hospitalized with pneumonia during a tour of the play "The Passion of Apollo".

What happened to BG?

“According to my information, Boris Borisovich ended up in intensive care on Saturday early in the morning. Friends say he has pneumonia. But Boris is conscious!” - he told the publication "Komsomolskaya Pravda".

"To everyone who distributes channel information" Saint Petersburg” about Boris Grebenshchikov’s “heart problems”, we report that this is a lie. Boris caught a bad cold, like many this winter. Please do not disturb the family and the group, but simply wish Boris a speedy recovery. Thanks!" — said in the message.

The Saint Petersburg TV channel reported that Grebenshchikov had heart problems. Nine years ago, the musician had bypass surgery.

"Aquarium" recently performed in Chelyabinsk; the band's concerts are scheduled for mid-March in St. Petersburg and Moscow.

Boris Grebenshchikov urgently hospitalized

The leader of the Aquarium group, Boris Grebenshchikov, was urgently hospitalized in St. Petersburg. On Sunday, March 4, Komsomolskaya Pravda reports.

According to the newspaper, the rock musician was taken to one of the St. Petersburg hospitals due to heart problems. As noted, in 2009, Grebenshchikov underwent surgery - he underwent bypass surgery.

A friend of the musician, director Viktor Tikhomirov, said: Komsomolskaya Pravda”, that Grebenshchikov could have ended up in the hospital due to pneumonia. “According to my information, Boris Borisovich ended up in intensive care on Saturday early in the morning. Friends say he has pneumonia. But Boris is conscious!” he explained.

The director of the Aquarium group, Maxim Lande, did not confirm or deny the fact of hospitalization. "Thank you for your trouble. However The best way action in this case is to pray for health or go to light a candle,” he said.

The daughter of the musician Alisa Grebenshchikova also refused to comment on the information that appeared.

Boris Grebenshchikov hospitalized

Nine years ago, Grebenshchikov underwent bypass surgery in a German clinic.

However, according to KP, the musician was in intensive care the day before. According to his friend director Viktor Tikhomirov, Grebenshchikov has pneumonia.

The leader of the Aquarium group, 64-year-old Boris Grebenshchikov, was urgently hospitalized. The media reported that he was in intensive care. The fact that one of the founders of Russian rock was hospitalized due to heart problems was reported by the St. Petersburg TV channel.

Most recently, the musicians returned from Chelyabinsk, where they performed on March 1. The next concert of the band is to take place on March 16 in St. Petersburg.

Boris Grebenshchikov in intensive care: what happened to him

In St. Petersburg, the founder of the rock group "Aquarium" Boris Grebenshchikov was urgently hospitalized.

This is reported by "Rosbalt".

The director of the team, Maxim Lande, did not specify the reasons for the hospitalization, turning to journalists with a request to show restraint.

“I would like to take this opportunity to address journalists. Please, if you are really worried about the fate of a sick person, then the best way is to pray for his health or light a candle. We urge everyone to return to the field of decorum and just try to help the person,” Lande told reporters.

A friend of Grebenshchikov, director Viktor Tikhomirov, claims that the musician has pneumonia, reports

“Yesterday morning (March 3. - Ed.) He was in intensive care. He has pneumonia. He is now conscious,” he says.

At the same time, according to the Saint Petersburg TV channel, the situation is serious, as the musician had heart problems after a previous bypass.

Note that nine years ago Grebenshchikov was operated on in Germany. The operation cost 35 thousand euros. Then the musician decided to talk about his state of health as little as possible, reports

Boris Grebenshchikov (BG) is a Russian poet and musician, composer, singer and guitarist of the rock band Aquarium, one of the founders of Russian rock music. On this moment he is 64 years old.

The leader of the famous group is also known for producing the first album of the KINO group, which was called 45. It was Grebenshchikov who managed to appreciate the talent of Viktor Tsoi, in early period creativity that created surprisingly lyrical compositions, but at the same time used a brutal image.

In addition, Boris Grebenshchikov is also known as an artist.

Note that BG was included in the "black list" of unreliable musicians in Russia. The artist speaks in support of Ukrainian political prisoners in Russia, film director Oleg Sentsov and Alexander Kolchenko. Not so long ago, the musician spoke about the stupidity of the Russian authorities.

As the Observer previously reported, Russian actor Valery Garkalin was urgently hospitalized during the tour.

"Child of Vice" Boris Moiseev changed his role. Now the singer can be seen not on stage, but in ticket office his girlfriend Nadezhda Babkina. About what made him change his place of service, as well as come to God, Moiseev told the correspondents of "ProZvezd"

"Only if you kiss me!"

Recently, Boris Moiseev can rarely be seen at social events, he deliberately went into the shadows: I don’t want too much fuss.

- Recently, Boris and I were on vacation, and he told me: “You know, I have already reconciled that you went to work for Nadezhda Babkina. I'm not jealous of you anymore. Think about what I can do in her theater? - says the director of the singer Sergei Gorokh. - I offered him to become a director or choreographer, but Boris flatly refused. “It's all in the past,” he told me. - I want to go to the checkout. I will work from ten in the morning until two in the afternoon, and then from three to seven in the evening! I told Nadezhda Georgievna about this, and she gave her go-ahead.

First exit to new job Boris Mikhailovich was quite successful. Seeing him at the cash register, the audience could not believe their eyes. But Moiseev was only amused. Seeing young man, who decided to buy tickets, began to tease him: “Only if you kiss me!”

The guy from such a proposal was very confused, and Boris laughed contentedly. It must be said that good places he gave without kissing.

Moiseev himself admits: now he is more concerned not with love, but with his own health. The effects of a stroke that happened a few years ago are still noticeable. Despite external well-being, the reaction and speech of the singer have not yet fully recovered. Boris recently returned from Miami, where better doctors conjured over him.

- There have been no significant improvements this year, but the negative dynamics has gone away, - Sergey Gorokh confirms. – Boris' condition has stabilized. After the first situation, he did not take any pills for a year. Was categorically against it. Then we had a serious talk with him, he listened and began to strictly follow the recommendations of the doctors. Now he is actively engaged in himself.

This was noted by the audience, who decided to buy tickets from him. The star cashier coped with his duties willingly.

- I like my position: I love money, - admitted Boris Mikhailovich, and then continued: - I love learning new professions! And I always agree to different experiments. A few years ago, he worked at McDonald's, moonlighting at a gas station - refueling cars. And he was also a traffic cop - and, by the way, did not take bribes!

By the way, Boris admitted that he did not intend to stay in Moscow for a long time. Very soon he will again go to Miami. Presumably by the summer will open its arts for children. Now Moiseev, together with his assistants, is actively working in this direction.

“At first I wanted to open a children's school in Moscow,” the star does not hide. - We found a room for this, made repairs there. But when the crisis happened, this business had to be abandoned. The rent was prohibitive. It's cheaper in Miami.

In the USA, Moiseev lives in a rented apartment. But, if the issue with the school is resolved positively, he will acquire his own housing in America. Now he has apartments in Moscow, Bulgaria and Latvia. He has money to buy American real estate. Moiseev receives royalties, and also gives concerts. True, he does not go on tour, as in the old days.

“Now we only work with closed corporate parties,” says Sergey. – There we perform from five to ten songs. We are trying to balance the load. At one time we had up to 25 concerts a month - this is a colossal burden for any healthy person. He just pushed himself.

However, on big stage Moiseev still plans to return. According to the artist, he intends to present a new one for his 65th birthday next March. Boris promises that his audience will not be bored.

“There will be a triumph,” he assures. - Now I'm taking new material I think over the numbers. I will definitely surprise you, and more than once.

After terrible disease Boris Moiseev reviewed his life. He came to God.

“I used to be a believer, but not to such a degree,” says the artist. “After the stroke, I had a fracture. I often go to temples, pray, talk with God.

Moiseev left his new place of work in high spirits. He obviously liked selling tickets.

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