In Yakutia, for the New Year, they made a huge rooster out of manure. “This is a masterpiece!”: A huge rooster made of manure struck down the inhabitants of Buryatia


photo, and screenshot from YouTube / channel

The new work of the Yakut master "blew up" social networks

The height of the unusual sculpture is three and a half, and the length is 4.2 meters. Its author is Mikhail Bopposov, a resident of the village of Volba. Thanks to his sculptures made of balbach - this is how cow cakes are called in Yakutia - the man became famous throughout the country. Last year he made a whole family of monkeys, in 2015 he made several goats. Before that, there were horses, a huge two-meter snake, a dragon, but the very first work in Mikhail's collection was ... a tank.

This time the village was almost left without traditional decoration- right before the New Year, the master went to the hospital with a leg injury. On December 22, the Yakutian moved with the help of a crutch, reports SakhaLife. And as soon as there was an improvement, he set to work. Relatives helped Mikhail Bopposov to withstand the battle with frost and not “fall face down in balbs”. And by December 31, the giant dung rooster was ready. By the way, it has already become a local landmark.

New job the Yakut master was literally “blown up” by the Network: not only local, but also leading federal, and even Ukrainian media reported about a huge rooster from manure. Most Internet users were delighted with the sculpture. The residents of Buryatia did not stand aside either. “It turns out beautifully!”, “This is a masterpiece! Everything is very nice and pleases the heart with its unusualness!”, “Well done!”, “Yakut masterpieces!”, - write the participants of the popular public “Buryatia Online”. Others do not share the general enthusiasm: “I don’t understand anything in art ...”, “Everyone goes crazy in their own way.” And still others expressed their “fi” at all: “Why not from the human? Maybe it would have turned out more masterpiece”, “Small. There is no scope and patriotism.

Note real hype on social networks on the eve of the holidays, the "dung" Christmas tree caused - despite the fact that it appeared in Walb last year. The New Year's "beauty", as expected, was decorated with toys, and a traditional attribute of the Soviet era - a red star - was hoisted on top. The villagers and guests willingly took selfies against its background, and users of the Anonymous 03 public immediately dubbed the original building a “New Year's village life hack” and promised to try to make a copy. By the way, the creator of the eco-Christmas tree is the same Mikhail Bopposov.

The “material” for the sculptures is supplied to the Yakut craftsman by his own cows. The idea to use fertilizers for unusual purposes was also infected by Mikhail's brother, Innokenty Bopposov. A couple of years ago, he even built for the International women's day inscription from manure "Happy March 8!" on the roof of his barn.

Sculptor Mikhail Bopposov from the village of Volba, Yakutia, told Life why he makes sculptures from manure every year. This year he surprised the Russians with a huge rooster - the symbol of 2017.

In Yakutia, in winter, everyone who keeps a cowshed molds manure from the cowshed into a tank (as if it looks like a box on a sled). So the manure is compactly stored and takes up less space. In the spring, the tank is taken outside the village or left for fertilization in the black soil. I sculpted a real tank in one year, I thought, sculpt anyway, why not do something beautiful and meaningful than just a pile of manure? So it went and went, ”recalls Mikhail.

For the sixth year I have been making sculptures from cow dung Chinese horoscope. Previously, he made a dragon, a snake, a trio of horses, a family of goats and monkeys, this year they made a rooster. It has already become family tradition“My brothers help me sculpt sculptures,” he added.

According to the man, he has a lot of material for sculptures: the sculptor has 17 heads of cattle on the farm, and the cowshed has to be cleaned every day.

Recall that the last sculpture of Mikhail - a dung rooster 3.5 meters high and 4.2 meters long - stands in the village of Wolba. The symbol of 2017 has become a local landmark with which everyone takes pictures.

I love news from the hinterland as presented by the regional press. On these holidays breaking news Yakutia was the construction of a giant statue of a rooster from manure.

A resident of the village of Walba on New Year's Eve blinded the symbol of the year from a very unusual material. The self-taught sculptor has been doing this for several years in a row: he has already made a two-meter cobra, a team of horses, a fire-breathing dragon and a family of goats.

I have prepared for you a selection of master's masterpieces.

A resident of the village of Walba, Tattinsky district, became famous for his dung sculptures. "The master managed to sculpt a giant rooster!" - Reports Mikhail BOPPOSOV from the village of Walba is late today with the manufacture of a traditional sculpture of the symbol of the year from manure. The reason for the delay was a leg injury, due to which the master was in the hospital.

But as soon as he felt better, his fellow countrymen insisted, and he set to work. The brothers helped him to survive in the battle with the frost and not fall on his face in the balls. And on December 31, the giant dung rooster, 3.5 meters high and 4.2 meters long, was completed! And now Walba was with the symbol of the year.

Last year, Mikhail sculpted a whole composition with monkeys on a palm tree. The composition consists of five monkeys - three of them climb palm trees and vines, and two sit thoughtfully on a mound. One of the monkeys is holding a poem about the importance of manure.

It's good that smells are not transmitted via the Internet!

Used photos News.Ykt.Ru

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Elena Stepovaya

Writer, blogger, lawyer

Elena Stepovaya, writer, blogger, lawyer

The mentality of nations, the mentality, the genetic memory, no matter how the lovers of the word “nation” make their faces sourly twisted, nevertheless makes itself felt. We are different! We are Ukrainians, they are Russians, and we are different. There is an abyss between us in science, culture and even religion. And if it weren’t for the war arranged by the Russians, the shed blood of the “brothers”, the lands squeezed from us and our cities destroyed by the Russians, we would never have thought about this difference of nations. So they would live quietly. Without looking into the plates, without teaching the neighbor to the mind, without lamenting about the decisions made by the neighbor. It's just that this upbringing and mentality is Ukrainian. Realize what you are the globe not one, there are many nations and nationalities, countries and continents, not all of them can (and why should it) belong to us, and even more so. live by our rules.

Probably, this awareness is the pinnacle of evolutionary development, and not the ability to knock down a banana with a stick.

Respect for neighbors, peoples, countries and nationalities is also a guarantee of your personal peace. Yes, who will climb over the fence to you if every neighbor respects the right of property and the inviolability of independence. In your own country, even go on your head, but you have nothing to do with your neighbor with your writing in parliament.

Most Russians don't understand this. Eat normal people, but there are few of them there against the background of the great ones, which is even scary for them.

The Russians should all be like them, under the poop and bast shoes sharpened. If anyone stands out - a fascist or a psycho. Therefore, it is dangerous to be different in Russia.

They carry their “culture” to the masses: speak Russian, even if you are a Finn (Estonian, Ukrainian, American, German) by birth, or you “ brotherly people”Immediately identify as “fascists”, “Pindos”, “black-assed” and determine for destruction.

Explain to a Russian that his Russians are not at all National language, but a whole literature borrowed from various nationalities (in Russian, predominant words are from Ugric, Finnish, Mordovian, Bulgarian, Ukrainian, French, German, English and Latin). Therefore, to say that this is their language, Russian, is stupid and uneducated. And Russian, against the background of Russian Buryats, Yakuts and other nationalities pushed into the Russian Federation by the horde, sounds somehow strange. Russian Buryat. Russian Georgian. Russian Chinese. Russian Mordvin.

Tutumbekov, nationality-Russian. Something like that, right?

To explain to a Russian that love for the Motherland and the protection of national interests are universal principles is just as unrealistic. Bulging eyes, a wild cry “Glory to the CPSU in the name of the father, tsar and Fatherland”, a cross with two fingers, a tap dance is knocked out with your teeth, because that’s it, you are a Nazi!

They do not understand the difference between a Nazi and a nationalist, and even the fact that their sacred love for Russia is the notorious nationalism. Even if you carve a two-headed eagle on their foreheads.

But at least they would live in themselves, that is, in their own country, on their own, so to speak, threshing floor, and not climb with "protection", "compulsion to love" and "education" to the whole world.

After all, then the world will shudder, and will go to see what is there at ...

And there is nothing to show the world. The vaunted petrodollar, like oil flows, is of no interest to anyone, satellites do not blink, rockets do not reach, the people have reached a hawthorn-antifreeze coma, science is at the level of pithecanthropus, all technology in the Russian Federation is American or Chinese, German cars, stupid * bism - this is the only national product, but no one needs it.

You see, those who live in developed countries, although, in this example, I think that even in the undeveloped, they will never understand the Russian national fun of sculpting a lyalechka out of shit.

The Yakuts (and this, so you know, the citizens of the Russian Federation, that is, the Russians) merrily and provocatively blinded New Year from shit of animal origin, that is, manure, a symbol of the year, the Rooster.

While the Ukrainians were eating fried stuffed with apples, buckwheat, prunes, in various sauces (well, or in aspic, as anyone likes) a 3-kilogram national product with a stamp “grown in Ukraine”, the Russians licked their lips and were touched by their own resourcefulness in import substitution sculpted a rooster from kaka.

Hey, great citizens of Ukraine, who else was bitten by the kokoshnik in Ukraine, and he sings Russian songs at the railway stations to the balalaika, are we “one people”? With poop? With the old ones? Do you want these great traditions in your country? Or is it visa-free, tours to Europe, modern technologies, tablet, internet, microwave and normal food?

"Novorossy", out, for two years they sat with the Russians and turned gray. Now they do not know how to return to normal life. A friend calls me and says:

“Can you imagine, I came to Ukraine from Luganda, I’m standing like a fool, all around is light, peace, illumination, children laugh, people are walking, communication works, products in stores are full of any manufacturer, and not the Luhansk cadaver processing shop, and an ATM. And I look at him, I want to cry, but I forgot how it is, to earn money, get a text message about my salary, come up, insert a card and pick up banknotes. I forgot! We, who got out of Mordor, are scared even in stores. So we are waiting for raiders, submachine gunners, shouting "face to the floor, fell, bitches." In general, you are holding on to life there. You don't even understand what it's like to live in the "Russian world". It's like from a man to a monkey, but some memory of past life remains and torments you with memories with the smell of sausage and tangerines.

But, speaking of respect for nations, neighbors, and nationalities. If the Russian nation believes that sculpting something out of manure, even if it’s their own shit, is a tradition, just like reveling in death, wallowing under a fence with no pants or full of sculpting material, this is fun, this national games Remember, it's their right.

But it is not our duty to participate in this. It's probably better to take an example from someone more developed and less asocial, isn't it?

For those who are still attracted to Ukraine by this mysterious Russian world, with its amusements, smells and heaps of manure, go ahead, suitcase, railway station, Russia, dragging these dung ties here is not necessary and dangerous.

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