The Great Battle watch online for free. Fortress of Annecy: Refuge of the Abandoned (2018)


Name: great battle
Original name: Ansiseong
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Synopsis for "The Great Battle"

Li Shimin, Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, after the defeat of the Eastern Turkic Khaganate in 630, decided to conquer Goguryeo, one of the early Korean states. The emperor's aggressive campaign was successful: the fortresses fell one after another, the Chinese army defeated the enemy's infantry and cavalry. Defeated in one of the battles, General Yong sends the cadet Sa-mul to kill the traitor Yang Man-chun, the commandant of the Ansi fortress. In 645, Li Shimin approached Anxi. Having an overwhelming numerical advantage, the emperor believed that the capture of the fortress was a matter of one day, but General Yang Man-chun with a few soldiers of the Koguryeo army would at all costs keep the defense of the Ansi fortress - the last frontier on the way to Pyongyang.

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(From "Sanguozhi")

From the city they saw the imperial banners, stepped on the walls and began to shout. The emperor was angry. Li Ji suggested to him that after taking the city on the same day, all the men should be put to death. The enemies found out about this and therefore fought desperately. Prince Daozong shot down big wall for a siege from the southeast side. The enemies defended themselves by raising the city wall. Li Ji besieged the city from the western side and whatever he destroyed with wall-beating machines was immediately blocked with log cages. The emperor, hearing the cry of chickens and pigs in the city, said: during the continuation of the siege, no black smoke was visible, but now the cry of chickens and pigs is heard. No doubt they are pricked to treat the warriors, and the enemy intends to set out at night: why he indicated to strictly watch the troops. During the night, several hundred enemies descended from the wall by rope, and they were all caught. Daozong ordered a high wall to be made a few sazhens from the city wall from lumps of earth wrapped in tree branches. The leader Fu Fu-ai was entrusted with watching. From a height they beat on the city wall, and it collapsed in parts. Fu-ai arbitrarily went to his comrades. At that time, the enemies left the city through the collapsed places, took possession of the city moat and, behind shields entwined with lit grass ropes, defended themselves firmly. The emperor was angry; executed Fu-ai and ordered the commanders to make a general attack. They fought for three days and could not win. The emperor ordered to stop the battle, take the inhabitants in the districts of Liao-zheu and Gai-zheu and start on the way back. The troops passed under the city wall. Everything was silent in the city, and the banners were rolled up. The elders climbed the city wall and performed a double bow before the emperor. The emperor praised their firmness in defense and presented them with a hundred pieces of silk fabrics.

Fall of Baekje and Goguryeo

(From "Sanguozhi")

In the sixth summer, 655, the Xinlo people brought a complaint that Gaoli and Mohe had taken thirty-six cities from them, and they were only expecting help from the son of heaven. Instructed to Chen Ming-zhen, the commander-in-chief in Ying-chjeu, and the commander Ding-fang, go to pacify Gaoli . Upon arrival in Xin-chen, they defeated the Gaoli army, burned the suburbs and villages, and set off on their way back. In the third year of the reign of Hyan-ching, 658, Chen Ming-zhen and Xiye Zhen-gui were also sent, but they had no success. After two years, 660, the son of heaven conquered Bo-chi.

The next year, 667, in the first month, Li Ji settled down near Xin-chen and, in consultation with other commanders, said: Xin-chen constitutes the western border of the enemies, and if this city is not taken first, then it will not be easy to take other cities. Why did they dug in on the southwestern mountains near the city. The city dwellers, having tied up their chiefs, left the city and submitted. Li Ji took 16 cities. Go Dai-feng with the fleet swam across the sea and whispered to Phin-hsiang. In the third year, 668, in the second moon, Li Ji and Xie Zhen-gui took the city of Fuyu by storm. Thirty other cities voluntarily submitted. Phai Thun-shan and Gao Khanh guarded Sin-chen. Nangyan 1 accidentally attacked them. This Zhen-gui came to the aid of Gao Khan, gave battle at Mount Gin-shan, but was not successful. Gaoli openly went forward - with unusual fervor. This Ren-gui hit them from the side and won a complete victory. Gaoli lost 50 thousand people killed. This Zhen-gui took the cities of Nan-su, Mu-di and Cang-yan by storm and, having gone further to occupy the lands, joined with Li Ji. The dignitary Gya Yang-chung returned from the army with a report on affairs. The emperor asked him what they say in the army? They will certainly win, Yang-chung answered, the late sovereign undertook a campaign to punish the guilty; and did not succeed in his enterprise, because then the enemies did not have disagreement among themselves. In a war without a deliberate goal, he returned halfway. Now Nansheng 2 is in a strong quarrel with his brothers and serves as a leader for us. The enemies are crafty, I know them very well; and therefore I said: inapplicably we will win. Beyond this, in Gaoli, in secret notes, it is said that before reaching nine hundred years, an eighty-year-old commander will destroy. House of Gao [finally from 37 BC e.] still under the Han dynasty received the throne; now nine hundred years have passed. Li Ji is 80 years old. However, the enemies now have crop failure. People grab each other and sell. The earth is shattered by an earthquake. Wolves and foxes enter the cities. Moles dig holes in gates. People are afraid of something. This trip will not happen again. Nangyan unexpectedly attacked Fuyu with 50,000 troops. Li Ji defeated him at the Sakha River; cut down 5 thousand and captured 30 thousand; in booty he received a commensurate amount of weapons, bulls and horses; then he took the city of Dahin-chen by storm. Liu Ren-yuan was supposed to connect with Li Chi, but he was late, so he was summoned and sentenced to death, but forgiven and exiled to Yao-chzheu. Kibi Hali connected with Li Ji's corps at Yalu. They took the city of Zhu-i-chen by storm and with all their strength encircled P'hin-hsiang. On the ninth moon, Cang 3 sent Nanchang 4 with a hundred senior officers to set up a simple flag and submit; moreover, he asked permission to appear before the Court. Li Ji ceremonially received him. But Nangyan was still firmly defending himself, cutting off some sorties. The commander-in-chief, the Buddhist monk Sin-chen, sent a spy to agree on internal compliance. After five days the gates were opened; The troops entered the city screaming. The city gates were lit, and thick smoke spread in all directions. Nangyan stabbed himself at the last extreme, but not fatally. Cang and Nangyan were taken From them were taken five generations, one hundred and seventy-six cities, six hundred and ninety thousand families.

1 In Korean reading, Namgon is one of the sons of Kaesomun. Kaesomun himself had already died by this time.

2 In Korean reading, Namsen is the son of Kaesomun.

3 last van Goguryeo; in Korean sources it is called Wang Pojang.

4 In Korean reading, Namsan is the third of Kaesomun's sons.

We were not taught to retreat!
We were not taught to kneel!
We weren't taught to give up!

The emperor of the Tang Dynasty named Tae Jeong, intending to occupy the entire Korean Peninsula, mobilizes several hundred thousand soldiers and attacks the border castle of Anxi of the state of Goguryeo.
200 thousand soldiers strongest empire Tang against 5 thousand soldiers of Annecy castle.

Despite huge difference in strength, the caretaker of the castle, Yang Man Chung, and his warriors decide to give battle to the enemy.
This is a fierce battle at the castle of Annecy, ending in the greatest battle in history. East Asia victory!

The 2nd Seoul Awards Best new actor- Nam Joo Hyuk

Historical reference

The Goguryeo-Tang Wars are a series of military conflicts between the early Korean state of Goguryeo on the one hand, and the Chinese Tang empire in alliance with the early Korean state of Silla on the other.

After the Chinese Sui Empire failed to subdue Goguryeo, it fell as a result of the rebellion, and the Tang Empire was formed in its place. The second emperor of the Tang dynasty, Li Shimin, who went down in history under the dynastic name Taizong, attacked the Eastern Turkic Khaganate and defeated it by 630, after which he proceeded to conquer their ally, Koguryeo. The formal reason was the coup carried out by Minister Yeo Kaesomun. Taizong received a pretext for an invasion in order to restore the power of the legitimate vassal of Tang - the Goguryeo van and punish the rebel Kaesomun

War of 645
Li Shimin, not without hesitation, decided that the campaign against Goguryeo should take place.
In the spring of 645, the army set out from Luoyang. The emperor personally greeted each warrior and was himself equipped for the campaign, his saddle had two quivers of arrows.
At a military council, Shiji insisted on taking the northern fortress of Ansi (or Ansi), which was considered impregnable. The assault on Annecy did not bring results. Yongsu and Hejin were advised to attack the Ogol fortress, where there was an old and weak commandant, then it was possible to open the road to Pyongyang. Wuji advised against it, concluding that leaving 100,000 Koreans in the north behind the lines was risking the emperor.

Annecy began to besieged, using siege towers from the east and stone throwers from the west. The emperor heard the squealing of pigs and the cry of chickens in the city, he decided that they were preparing food for the soldiers who would go on a night outing. Indeed, several hundred Koguryeo people were caught at night.
Although the Chinese siege machines destroyed the walls and towers, the city could not be taken, and the Koreans managed to change the soldiers and officers on the walls and close up the gaps. Once a day there were 67 skirmishes. From the earth and tree trunks, the Chinese built a hill near the southeastern wall from which it was possible to observe what was happening in the fortress. The hill was so large that the people of Goguryeo thought that at least 500,000 people could have built it. Officer Fu Fuai (傅伏愛) with soldiers was supposed to take the top of the hill. The embankment sank and, pressing on the wall of the fortress, brought it down. The Koguryeo people came out of the gap and captured the embankment, made trenches there with barriers from burning branches and took up a circular defense. The emperor executed Fu Fuai and exposed his head. For the next three days, the Chinese hopelessly stormed the fortress.

Autumn began (Gangmu: October), seeing the reduction in food and fodder, Li Shimin ordered to deploy troops and go home. The commandant (Rank "songju". His name did not remain in Korean records. In the 18th century, the Korean historian Son Jung-gil wrote that the commandant's name was Yang Manchun. Allegedly, this name was preserved in unnamed Chinese records) of the fortress went to the wall and bowed to the emperor twice, he granted him 100 pieces of lye and praised his loyalty and steadfastness.

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