Slam types. crowd surfing - a type of slam, when a person who has climbed up begins to be passed around the crowd in his arms, as if rolling him


what is slam?

  1. Slam is cool)))
  2. Slam is a rather violent form of physical contact between people. Participation in a concert rubilov, where other guys and girls are next to you ... .

    Slam is an indispensable attribute of punk and hardcore subcultures.
    Slam. There is a slam familiar to everyone, when everyone huddles around the stage. You can shove your shoulders - it's fun, and such a slam is unlikely to even leave bruises (if everyone jumps like that), move your elbows (at the level of the torso), jump, hugging someone by the shoulders, or just fly into the flea market. Yes, there are many ways to do it, the main thing is to respect other slammers !! !

  3. at concerts, everyone shoves each other, pushes, arranges a "mush" of people
  4. In the West, all types of aggressive dances are called mosh pits, moshing. In our country, the most common term is slam, which is a little wrong, but, nevertheless, true.

    As such, slam originated in the late 70s at numerous punk concerts. This dance form, which later spread to the metal scene, usually included headbang, pogo, and badi srf (body surfing, crowd surfing).

    In the mid-80s, slam became a regular part of thrash metal gigs and parties. In the late 80s, mid-90s, new styles in music appeared: Grunge, Nu-Metal. Since the alternative carried something new, the dances became different. The alternatives made them more aggressive. Gradually begins to appear mosh (mosh) of various kinds of jumping and pushing each other into the crowd.

    Moshing can be good or bad. There is a mosh, people just bleed (not to be confused with a fight), they take bandages, bandanas and various bandages with them in advance. The guys there are very strong, they are called tough guys. In fact, it should be tough, but at the same time correct and respectful towards others.

    Why are people drawn to slams? Pulls everyone into slam different reasons. People want to get the most out of the concert! Someone wakes up in the morning with bruises, someone is completely healthy. A person gets into a slam because he wants to show others that he can do it too (and even better). For many, this is a surge of energy and adrenaline in the blood!

    In slam you need to have a lot of stamina. Jumping the whole concert in a slam is a feat! There won't be any energy left. There are several types of slam: rapper, hardcore, punk, metal, industrial, skinny, a very hard type of slam, sometimes with intentional fights. In each subculture, slam breaks down into styles. Since we are all fans of heavy music here, then we will talk about hardcore and metal styles.

Hooray! Your favorite band is finally going to visit your city with a concert, and you, of course, are in the mood for a serious break. And so that the slam in the mosh pit - this is a patch in front of the stage at rock concerts, where the listeners frantically push and jump - does not injure you, arm yourself with our rules

1. Learn the repertoire

The danger of slam varies by genre performed music. If more positive style, then metal and punk sound much harder and provoke listeners to more aggressive dances. It doesn't hurt to know the structure musical compositions: in the lyrical pieces the crowd calms down, and on the crescendo abruptly breaks into a furious slam. Therefore, after concerts, fans with dissected eyebrows and lips turn to doctors. Dmitry Zubkov, traumatologist-orthopedist, member of the Presidium of the Association of Traumatologists-Orthopedists of Moscow, explains: “Everyone jumps, hits their heads, runs into exposed elbows, hence the nose fractures, and bruised injuries of the lips, eyebrows, and fractures of the ribs.” In a particularly energetic mix, it’s not far from concussions and even closed abdominal injuries, which are much more serious.

2. Pick the right clothes

At extreme concerts, you should wear those things that you don’t mind “killing”: two hours in a wild slam with a crowd of lathered and sometimes bloodied guys will not pass without a trace for your costume. In addition, Dmitry Zubkov warns: "There are three harsh components of heat stroke: high temperature, high humidity, lack of oxygen, and at any concert they are all present." Therefore, the doctor advises to periodically go to Fresh air, drink plenty of mineral water and wear loose-fitting clothes made from natural cotton. The ideal option will be lazy. Make sure your shoes are securely laced up, otherwise you run the risk of being left without them, and even with crushed feet. As for girls, they should never wear high heels. “Studs often break metatarsal bones or toes when they step on a neighbor’s foot,” Dmitry explains. Remove all spiked bracelets, chains, earrings, and even piercings, as this can injure not only others, but also you.

3. Leave your phone and wallet at home

Valuable things can be lost both through negligence and malicious intent. The drummer of the "Montezuma's Revenge" group Vladimir Yurchenko at the Anthrax concert was personally convinced of this. “I didn’t immediately realize that it was a pincher, just some strange comrade very intensively pushed me on the shoulder,” the musician recalls. - And in the pause between the compositions, I realized that I no longer have an iPhone, but the thief had already managed to escape. Several phones were stolen that day, it is logical to assume that a criminal group is operating in the mosh pits. If you can see more or less well without glasses, go without them. Based on his own experience, Dmitry Zubkov explains that the glasses will fly off before the guy reaches someone, but if their owner manages to stick his face into someone's strong shoulder, then he cannot avoid a broken nose or a cut in the bridge of the nose.

4. Be careful with alcohol

Dmitry sighs: “Almost everyone I saw unconscious at concerts clearly leaned on strong alcohol.”

5. Don't fall and lift others

At any concert, several people rush to the fallen at once in order to raise them and save them from severe injuries. This rule saved the life of our ex-editor Dmitry Bykov .. “Memories begin with some flashes. When we were at the stage, where the hellish rubil was already going on, I said that we needed to get to the very center of the batch near the stage as soon as possible, and Sirotkin agreed with me, - says Dima Bykov. - Well, we ran, broke into the very mess, for some time I was still on my feet, with pleasure watching the masks spin past my eyes, all these faces, and then I was dragged somewhere and knocked down. For me, of course, some legs ran. It was uncomfortable at first, and then it hurt.” Fortunately, Dmitry was quickly picked up and pushed out of the mosh pit, and even returned the bag and jacket, which he managed to lose. However, not everyone is so lucky. Suffice it to recall the two fans who died in a horrendous stampede at a Guns N' Roses concert on August 20, 1988 at Castle Donington, Britain.

6. If you fall - fall forward

According to Dmitry Zubkov, in order not to break the coccyx, you should fall forward - like roller skates and skaters. And girls in general need to be doubly careful: “In the event of a fracture and displacement of the coccyx, the exit from the pelvis can be blocked, through which the fetus comes out during childbirth, this is first. Secondly, bruises of the mammary gland can lead to a hematoma, which in turn can eventually turn into a node, a thickening of the breast tissue. A blunt trauma to the abdomen can cause problems with the uterus - it can shift relative to its bed, which subsequently threatens with cicatricial processes in it and, as a result, infertility.

7. Don't get into a fight

If you accidentally hit someone in the face, then you should immediately shake the guy’s hand or pat on the shoulder, because no one will hear your apologies anyway because of the loud music. Did you get it yourself? Be patient and be careful. Remember: if you start a fight, you will immediately be surrounded and defeated, because your opponent's friends are always ready to help him.

8. Don't wave your arms

According to traumatologist Dmitry Zubkov, it is best to jump with your elbows pressed to your sides - this way you yourself will not injure anyone, and you will save your ribs from other people's elbows.

9. Don't let the mosh slam shut

Especially on big concerts there is such a tendency: the surrounding crowd covers the mosh pit more and more densely, and it gradually collapses. To prevent this from happening, experienced moshers have special strategies:

1) "crack back" - this is when several people with outstretched arms rush backwards into the surrounding crowd,

2) "slingshot" - when you use the momentum of another person to rush at the crowd and push it back,

3) "circle pit" - running in a circle that does not allow the crowd to crush the mosh pit.

10. And be careful with this

Stage diving (stage diving) best advice to a person about to jump head first off the stage: don't do it. If you still decide, make sure that the musicians do not mind, and the audience is ready to catch you. Ignorance of this rule turned out to be very sad for the 19-year-old fan of Lamb of God. At one of the group's concerts, the guy climbed onto the stage, vocalist Randy Blythe pushed him back into the crowd, but the young man fell to the concrete floor and died two weeks later from his injuries. “You can die from a chair if you are too lucky,” warns traumatologist Zubkov, “and a fall from the stage can result in such consequences as a traumatic brain injury, leading to an intracranial hematoma, or blunt abdominal trauma with a possible rupture of the capsule liver or rupture of the spleen or mesentery. If you still decide to dive from the stage, try to do it not gracefully as a “fish”, but as a “toad” - that is, spread out in the air, so as not to fall to the floor.

Crowdsurfing (sliding on the hands of the crowd) You can do it either after stage diving, or by asking to be thrown into the arms of your neighbors. And expose yourself to the same dangers as stage diving.

Headbanging (shaking your head to the beat of the music) It looks especially impressive if you have at least a bang, not to mention long hair. But be careful. A couple of years ago, a 50-year-old Motorhead fan went to the doctors about a headache that didn't stop after attending a concert of his favorite band. The examination showed the presence of a thrombus and hematoma in the right hemisphere of the brain. The music lover had to go under the surgeon's knife, and his doctor Aryan Pirayesh Islamian concluded: "The brain experiences a significant load during headbanging - simply put, it hits the skull, which is extremely harmful for it." In some cases, this can lead to a stroke, which happened in 2005 with a guitarist Evanescence bands Terry Balsamo. Due to the active head shaking, the musician suffered an injury to the cervical artery, which led to a stroke and paralysis of the entire left half of the body. He even had to learn to play the guitar again. Fortunately, as doctors note, the risk of “shaking” such an injury is negligible. But nonetheless.

    A conscious hustle at a concert, when people bump into each other, trying to hit each other with their shoulders, arms, backs. The one who was thrown by the instigator of the slam flies off and pushes another fan, he pushes back and a chain reaction covers most of those present at the concert. Slam sometimes also includes jumping on the spot, waving arms and other types of unprofessional dances at rock band concerts.

    The concept of slam originated in the punk environment, but very quickly spread to other subcultures. Today, not a single concert of a rock band, especially alternative and punk rock performers, is complete without a slam. This active and often traumatic entertainment came to us from the 70s of the twentieth century, when rock concerts spread in the West as a form of youth leisure.

    Even before the advent of slam, pogo dances were performed at punk concerts - these were simple bouncing "soldier" - with a straight back and arms pressed to the body. The legs were also kept together. But over time, the people got tired of such a simple and primitive body movement and the jumps were transformed into the “akuki” dance, when the arms and legs were no longer pressed to the body and brought together, but scattered around and lifted up. It's hard to say at which high-density concert the collision first occurred - but with legs and arms flying in the air, jolts in the crowd of fans were unavoidable. And so it began slam.

    In the West, everything that we unite with the term slam is called in two words - mosh and actually slam. During the mosh, they do not push, but make separate swings with their fists, elbows, and even legs towards the neighbors, but at the same time they try not to hurt them. During the slam, they hurt just deliberately - to push around. In the Russian-speaking environment, all active actions in the crowd at a concert are called slam, although in the first place they are pushes.

    Slam has certain rules. It is usually started by the fans lined up in a circle in front of the stage. It is understandable, because the most zealous and reckless admirers gather closer to the adored stars, who are not averse to a little mischief, having lost their heads from the energy beating from the stage.

    Such a slam in a circle is called "circle pit". During the pit, one person is pushed to the center, he, in turn, tries to "knock out" someone else.

    arrange for slam concerts Nobody forbids it - it is considered a positive reaction to the group's music, but certain safety precautions must still be observed. According to the so-called slam ethics, a person who has fallen to the ground from shocks must be protected and immediately raised so that he is not trampled. Before the slam, it is customary to remove all traumatic items - studded bracelets and collars, leather jackets with metal inserts, and so on. And for your own safety, it is better to take off your glasses, put them away mobile phone and coming to a concert without a piercing, which can do a disservice by catching and tearing the pierced place.

    During the slam try not to inflict injuries. Those participating in the crush do not smoke, so that a burning cigarette does not leave a burn on anyone. Guys, whose dimensions are clearly larger than the rest of the participants, push less aggressively and half-heartedly. But, nevertheless, painful blows and injuries during the slam do happen. The most notorious lovers of fun take a bandage and a band-aid with them to the concert - in case when pushes and swings of arms and legs end in a fight or accidental abrasions.

    It is quite difficult to get out of the slam: once launched, the wave of shocks does not stop for a long time, spreading throughout the territory. Slam can be physically difficult to endure, so girls usually prefer to stay away from him, leaving slam as a male game. Those who have moved away from the participants in the slam by a couple of meters, it is customary not to hurt them again.

    At rock concerts, entertainment related to slam is sometimes arranged. The performers in the heat of the moment jump from the stage into the crowd, which picks up the favorite of the audience and shakes or throws it up in their arms. This is possible only at concerts with a large number of visitors - and, of course, the performer rushes into a circle of slammed fans who are not busy with their work.

    You can also often see

    crowd surfing - a kind of slam, when a person who has climbed up begins to be passed around the crowd in his arms, as if rolling him.

    Such surfing is often arranged for stars who have jumped off the stage or distinguished slam participants who, with the help of friends, were able to climb up.

    The slam itself also comes with variations.

    The most interesting and dangerous of them is the wall of death. It is initiated by one of the performers, usually the band's frontman. He divides all the fans in half, creating a passage, on both sides of which the participants line up facing each other. On a signal in the form of the beginning of the song, the rockers rush at each other - "wall to wall".

    The team that pushes the other further from the middle wins. In this type of slam, serious injuries are often received.
    Slam is arranged at most rock concerts, regardless of the direction of music and the venue of the event - from enclosed space club before the outdoor festival.

    Nata Zinkevich

    Usually used as synonyms, but differences are sometimes distinguished. Slam refers to more active actions, which include, for example, waving your arms while mosh slower and more complicated (1999 information). However, in contemporary culture concepts slam And mosh became more distinct. Namely, slam means chaotic actions to push the participants apart. slam, while under mosh- chaotic actions of striking with elbows, less often with fists, and even less often with kicks towards the participants mosha.

    Although slam perceived as a positive audience reaction to the music, it is dangerous for the participants. It is believed that the participants do not seek to harm each other and observe the so-called. slam ethics, which includes certain security rules. For example, if a person falls, other participants help him up as soon as possible so that he is not trampled.


    The predecessor of slam is considered to be the akuki dance, a type of pogo that originated at punk concerts in the 1970s, transformed into slam at hardcore punk concerts in the 80s. Slam is believed to have originated in Orange County, California, during the first wave of American hardcore concerts in the early 80s. The crowd cheered to Los Angeles bands like Black Flag and Circle Jerks. Their more rhythmic and heavier variety of punk was later called hardcore.


    Slam has its separate currents and schools.


    There is a slam familiar to most, in which participants push each other near the stage. It is allowed to push with the shoulders, as it is reasonably safe and does not lead to injury (provided that the other participants follow similar rules), to move the elbows (at the level of the body), to jump, hugging someone by the shoulders, or just gently push the slamming. There are enough variations, the main rule is to respect other slammers.

    Stage Diving

    Main article: stage diving

    Jumping from the stage into the crowd (and not into the slam) with your back or head first. Usually practiced in big clubs. A very common type of slam.

    Crowd Surfing

    This style is more common in open festivals. Many Crowd Surfing clubs are difficult to run as they are too small and there is a chance of hitting the wall. The method is as follows: a concert participant using closest people rises up, and the crowd carries him in their arms. It is best to do this in a place where there is a higher density of people. Usually this place is closer to the stage.


    The softest and relatively non-contact type of slam that traditionally takes place at ska-punk concerts. rises left leg, and with it right hand, and vice versa, alternating. Taking its origins in the rhythm of the reggae style, the skunk technique is quite interesting and original, and from the side it resembles running in place or skipping in a circle.

    circle pit

    An empty circle is formed, and a round dance begins in it. Only at the edges of the circle should there be enough people so that there is someone to push off from.

    high jump

    Group high jump. To begin with, several people start jumping to the beat of the music at the same time, the rest pick up and also jump all together synchronously. It is necessary to gradually involve as many people as possible in the action.

    Center Slam

    Variety circle pit. When a group of slammers leaves the mosh pit empty, one or more people go to the center of the circle (usually before the most difficult moment in the composition) and, on a signal, the slam group runs from all sides to the center on those who are standing there.

    wall of death

    "Wall of Death" Pretty traumatic kind of slam. One of the musicians divides the crowd into two parts, freeing up space in front of the stage; then the band starts to play another song - and both sides move towards each other, colliding in the center of the "mosh pit" in the style of "wall to wall".

    1. Respect people, you listen to the same music with them and came to the same concert;
    2. Before participation, it is customary to remove all items of clothing with traumatic details (everything that has spikes, for example: spiked armlets, bracelets, jackets, etc.);
    3. If one of the nearby participants was knocked down, he should immediately be helped to get up. This is one of the basic rules of ethics in slam;
    4. If the bulk of the participants have significantly larger dimensions (several tens of kilograms heavier), you should refrain from an aggressive slam. Also, do not participate if the participants are significantly superior in height (their elbows are at the level of your face);
    5. For safety reasons, the piercing should be removed. In the process, they can injure others or get caught and lose jewelry, injuring themselves;
    6. Fragile items such as glasses or a phone are also worth laying out;
    7. Slam is not a fight, and one should not seek to harm others, but it is not customary to apologize for accidental blows;
    8. If you are going to perform a hard mosh, you should first push or attract the attention of others;
    9. If someone begins to make dangerous movements with their arms and legs (hard mosh), the participants will part, forming a ring of empty space;
    10. Do not raise your elbows above your stomach and try not to put them far from the body, so you protect yourself and do not harm others;
    11. Everyone who moves at a distance of less than one or two meters from the mass is considered to be participating in the slam. People who do not take part in the slam should stay as far away as possible;
    12. For safety reasons, you should also not smoke while participating in the slam, this can be fraught with burns for both the smoker and other participants.

    Attitude towards slam

    At some events, the organizers try to ban slam and related activities. Sometimes the guards try to stop the slam (which, on a large scale, is extremely difficult and, at times, belongs to something from the category of fantasy).

    Performers also have different attitudes towards slam. From Russian performers at their concerts, slam is provoked by DISTEMPER, Noize MC, Jane Air, SLOT, Tracktor Bowling, Louna, Maio, My heart is on the right, Naraka, ANACONDAZ, F.P.G. , Lumen , AMATORY , Lyapis Trubetskoy , Purgen (the group's vocalist Ruslan Gvozdev sometimes advises from the stage on how best to slam), Az, Stigmata , ##### and Psyche, although the latter have a negative attitude towards stage diving.

    Slam in popular culture

    Slam is often mentioned in songs, movies, cartoons. In one episode of South Park, Kenny died in a slam. Slam also appears in one of the episodes of the animated series Futurama.

    see also



    • Berger, Tom (2004) In the Pit - How to survive mosh pits and bodysurfing!
    • Coalition Against Moshing at Ska Shows - Because ska is for skanking.

    Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .


    (the so-called "Circle Pit"). Words slam And mosh usually used interchangeably, but differences are sometimes distinguished. Slam refers to more active actions, which include, for example, waving your arms while mosh slower and more complicated (1999 information). However, in modern culture, concepts slam And mosh became more distinct. Namely, slam means chaotic actions to push the participants apart. slam, while under mosh- chaotic actions of striking with elbows, less often with fists, and even less often with kicks towards the participants mosha.

    Although slam perceived as a positive audience reaction to the music, it is dangerous for the participants. It is believed that the participants do not seek to harm each other and observe the so-called. slam ethics, which includes certain security rules. For example, if a person falls, other participants help him up as soon as possible so that he is not trampled.


    The predecessor of slam is considered to be the akuki dance, a type of pogo that originated at punk concerts in the 1970s, transformed into slam at hardcore punk concerts in the 80s. Slam is believed to have originated in Orange County, California, at concerts of the first wave of American hardcore in the early 80s. The crowd cheered to Los Angeles bands like Black Flag and Circle Jerks. Their more rhythmic and heavier variety of punk was later called hardcore. Bash is synonymous with slam.


    Slam has its own separate currents and schools.


    There is a slam familiar to most, in which participants push each other near the stage. It is allowed to push with the shoulders, as it is reasonably safe and does not lead to injury (provided that the other participants follow similar rules), move the elbows (at the level of the body), jump while hugging someone by the shoulders, or just gently push the slamming. There are enough variations, the main rule is to respect other slammers.

    Stage Diving

    Jumping from the stage into the crowd (and not into the slam) with your back or head first. Usually practiced in big clubs. A very common type of slam.

    Crowd Surfing

    This style is more common at outdoor festivals. Many Crowd Surfing clubs are difficult to run as they are too small and there is a chance of hitting the wall. The method is as follows: the participant of the concert, with the help of the nearest people, rises up, and the crowd carries him in his arms. It is best to do this in a place where there is a higher density of people. Usually this place is closer to the stage.


    The softest and relatively non-contact type of slam that traditionally takes place at ska-punk concerts. The left leg rises, and with it the right arm, and vice versa, alternating. Taking its origins in the rhythm of the reggae style, the skunk technique is quite interesting and original, and from the side it resembles running in place or skipping in a circle.

    circle pit

    Participants begin to run in a circle, forming a kind of "round dance". A slam may take place in the center of the circle. Sometimes the movement can stop, so that on a signal everyone rushes to the center.

    high jump

    Group high jump. To begin with, several people start jumping to the beat of the music at the same time, the rest pick up and also jump all together synchronously. It is necessary to gradually involve as many people as possible in the action.

    Center Slam

    Variation of Circle Pit. When a group of slammers leave the mosh pit empty, one or more people go to the center of the circle (usually before the most difficult moment in the composition) and, on a signal, the slam group runs from all sides to the center on those who are standing there.

    wall of death

    1. If one of the nearby participants was knocked down, he should immediately be helped to get up. This is one of the basic rules of ethics in slam.
    2. Before participation, it is customary to remove all items of clothing with traumatic details (everything that has spikes, for example: spiked armlets, bracelets, jackets, etc.).
    3. Respect people, you listen to the same music with them and came to the same concert.
    4. If the bulk of the participants have significantly larger dimensions (several tens of kilograms heavier), you should refrain from aggressive slamming. Also, do not participate in the slam if the participants are significantly taller than you (their elbows are at the level of your face).
    5. For safety reasons, the piercing should be removed. In the process, they can injure others or get caught and lose jewelry, injuring themselves.
    6. Fragile items such as glasses or a phone are also worth laying out.
    7. A slam is not a fight, and one should not seek to harm others, but it is not customary to apologize for accidental blows.
    8. If you are going to perform a hard mosh, you should first move it away or attract the attention of others.
    9. If someone begins to make dangerous movements with their arms and legs (hard mosh), the participants will part, forming a ring of empty space.
    10. Do not raise your elbows above your stomach and try not to put them far from the body, so you protect yourself and do not harm others.
    11. Everyone who moves at a distance of less than one or two meters from the mass is considered to be participating in the slam. People who are not taking part in the slam should stay as far away as possible.
    12. For safety reasons, you should also not smoke while participating in the slam, this can be fraught with burns for both the smoker and other participants.

    Attitude towards slam

    At some events, the organizers try to ban slam and related activities. Sometimes the guards try to stop the slam (which is extremely difficult on a large scale). Performers also have different attitudes towards slam. From Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian performers at their concerts, slam is approved by DISTEMPER, Jane Air, Origami, SLOT, Tracktor Bowling, Louna, Anacondaz, Noize MC, Little Big, F.P.G. , Lumen , Give it a go! , AMATORY ,

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