Questions on the heads of the captain's daughter. Literary quiz "Clever and clever" based on the novel by A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter"


Lesson-quiz on the story of A.S. Pushkin " Captain's daughter»

Goals: checking knowledge of the content of the work, the quiz allows you to remember both the main events of the work, and minor, but important details to understand the author's position and issues; generalize and consolidate knowledge on the content of the story in a playful way; teach to read the work carefully and consciously, develop interest in artistic word; to develop the coherent speech of students, logical thinking.

Equipment; reproductions of portraits of A.S. Pushkin; dictionaries to define meaning obsolete words used by A.S. Pushkin in the story; Erudite orders, which are issued to students who answered correctly (at the end of the lesson, orders will be counted)

During the classes:

1. Introductory speech of the teacher.

2. The course of the quiz game:

Quiz questions:

1 round. Heroes of the story.

1. Name the name and surname of Savelich.

(Arkhip Saveliev.)

2. What progress did Savelich achieve in teaching Petrusha in seven years?

(The boy learned Russian literacy and could very sensibly judge the properties of a greyhound male

3. In what rank did Andrey Petrovich Grinev retire?

(Retired as prime minister.)

4. “No, let him serve in the army, pull the strap, sniff the gunpowder, let it be ...” Finish Grinev Sr.'s remark.

(“... a soldier, not a shamaton”.)

5. What request does Grinev Sr. make in a letter to his friend Andrei Karlovich

(“My rake ... keep it with a tight rein”.)

6. How did Pyotr Grinev define the genre of his poem dedicated to Masha?


7. Ivan Ignatievich, at the first meeting with Grinev, asked: “Which regiment did you deign to serve in? Why did you deign to move from the guard to the garrison? How on last question answered Grinev?

("This is the will of the authorities.")

8. How long was the wounded Grinev unconscious?

(Came to consciousness on the fifth day.)

9. How long did Shvabrin serve in the Belogorsk fortress?

(Fifth year.)

10. How does Shvabrin address Pugachev?


11. How did Shvabrin react to terrible words Pugacheva: “And you dared to deceive me? Do you know, slacker, what you deserve?

(Fell on his knees in front of Pugachev.)

12. Who was Shvabrin's literature teacher?

(Poet Trediakovsky: “Such verses are worthy of my teacher,

Vasily Kirilych Tredyakovsky...”)

13. How does Pugachev always address Grinev?

(your honor)

14. How long did Pugachev take the oath of the inhabitants of the Belogorsk fortress?

(About three hours.)

15. How was Pugachev dressed while taking the oath in the Belogorsk fortress?

(In a beautiful Cossack caftan trimmed with galloons, and in a high sable hat with gold tassels.)

16. “I fight anywhere,” Pugachev will say to Grinev. - Do you know in Orenburg about the battle near Yuzeeva? What is Pugachev boasting about next?

("Forty generals killed, four armies taken prisoner."

17. Why does Ivan Kuzmich advise Grinev to leave poetry?

(This is a deed contrary to service and leads to nothing good.)

18. What is Ivan Kuzmich's opinion about all poets?

(“They are all dissolute people and bitter drunkards”.)

19. How long does Ivan Kuzmich serve in the Belogorsk fortress?

(twenty second year.)

40 - How many soldiers served in the Belogorsk fortress under the command of Captain Mironov? ( 130 soldiers.)

2 round. Recognize the characters by quotes from the work

About whom A.S. Pushkin writes:

    “He was a hairdresser in his own country, then a soldier in Prussia, then he came to Russia ...”

(Monsieur Beaupré)

    “He read at the window the Court Calendar, which he receives every year. This book always had a strong influence on him, reading this always produced in him an amazing excitement of bile.

(father Petrusha)

    “I was busy with work. You need to know that a geographical map was issued for me from Moscow. I decided to make a snake out of her and, taking advantage of Beaupre's dream, set to work.

(Petrusha Grinev)

    “Then a girl of about eighteen entered, chubby, ruddy, with light blond hair, combed smoothly behind her ears, which she was on fire”

(Masha Mironova)

    “I felt guilty before Savelich. All this tormented me. I certainly wanted to make peace with him and didn’t know where to start.”

(Petrusha Grinev)

    “He seemed to be in his seventies. He had no nose or ears. His head was shaved, instead of a beard, a few gray hairs stuck out: he was short, thin and hunched, but his narrow eyes still sparkled with fire.

(captured Bashkirian)

    “I called the counselor, thanked him for the help and ordered Savelich to give half a ruble for vodka”

(Peter Grinev)

Who speaks to whom in the story?

    “Good, it’s time for him to serve. It’s enough for him to run around the girlish ones and climb the dovecotes ”

(Father Petrusha - mother)

    “Serve faithfully to whom you swear, obey your superiors; do not chase after their affection; don’t ask for service, don’t excuse yourself from service, and remember the proverb: take care of your dress again, and honor from a young age ”

(father - Petrusha Grinev)

    “It’s full of lies, give money here, or I’ll drive you out of your back”

(Pyotr Grinev - Savelich)

    “Please send me with my boy a hundred rubles, which you lost to me yesterday”

(Ivan Zurin - Petrusha Grinev)

    “Early ... early you start walking. And who did you go to? It seems that neither father nor grandfather were drunkards, there’s nothing to say about mother: from birth, except for kvass, she deigned to take nothing in her mouth. ”

(Savelyich - Petrusha)

    “Be quiet, uncle, it will rain, there will be fungi; and there will be fungi, there will be a body. And now plug the ax behind your back: the forester walks"

(Pugachev - to the owner of the inn)

7. “Have mercy, father! Why does he need your bunny sheepskin coat? He'll drink it, dog. In the first tavern"

(Savelyich to Petr Grinev)

8. “Why is the Belogorsk fortress unreliable? Thank God, we have been living in it for the twenty-second year. We saw both the Bashkirs and the Kirghiz; maybe we’ll sit out from Pugachev!”

(commandant's wife)

9. “I am not an old dog, but your faithful servant, I obey the master’s orders and have always served you diligently and lived to gray hair”

(Savelyich - to Petrusha's father)

10. “After all, there are rich people in the world! And we, father, have only one soul, Palashka; yes, thank God, we live little by little”

(Vasilisa Egorovna - Petrusha)

Third round


1. What proverb was taken by Pushkin as an epigraph to the entire story “The Captain's Daughter”?

(Take care of your honor from a young age.)

2. What proverb will Pugachev remember in response to Grinev's words: “Ah! I did and forgot to thank you for the horse and sheepskin coat. Without you, I would not have made it to the city and would have frozen on the road”?

(Debt good turn deserves another.)

3. Talking with Vasilisa Egorovna, Ivan Ignatievich will say: “God is merciful: we have enough soldiers, a lot of gunpowder, I cleaned the cannon. Perhaps we will rebuff Pugachev. And he ended his speech with a proverb. Which one?

(The Lord will not give out - the pig will not eat.)

4. What proverb does Savelich use twice in The Captain's Daughter? Hint: with it, he justifies the participation of a young master in a duel and the robbery of the Pugachevites in officer houses.

(A horse with four legs, but stumbles.)


To which chapter did Pushkin use this lyrical song in

as an epigraph?

(To the chapter "Love".)

2. What was Pugachev's favorite folk song?

(“Don't make noise, mother green oak tree...”)

3. “Pyotr Andreevich recently composed a song and today he sang it in my presence, and I sang my favorite ...” Tell me, what is Shvabrin’s favorite song, according to him?

(“Captain's daughter, don't go for a walk at midnight...”)

Outdated vocabulary

    “The hope of the Orthodox tsar will speak: // To serve you, child, peasant son...” - these are, as you remember, lines from the burlak song that the Pugachevites sang at the military council. And what is "execute"?

(Praise, glory.)

    “Well, if we sit out or wait for the securs,” Ivan Kuzmich will say. What is a "securs"?


    “... Until today, I was sitting in Orenburg with your adversaries” - this phrase is from the speech of Corporal Beloborodov. What is the meaning of the word "adversary"?

4. For what purpose was the cellar used in the 18th century?

(Travel chest for dishes and food.)


1. Outerwear made of thick cloth. ( Armenian.)

2. Upon arrival at the Belogorsk fortress, Grinev immediately goes to introduce himself to the commandant. He did not find him at home, but saw Vasilisa Yegorovna sitting at the window with a scarf on her head and in ... What exactly? ( In a quilted jacket.)

3. For the first time, Grinev saw Captain Mironov at the teaching of soldiers. What was the commandant of the fortress wearing? ( In a Chinese robe, and he had a cap on his head.)

4. Anna Vlasyevna wanted Masha to appear before the Empress not in her traveling dress, but in more solid clothes. Which one? ( In yellow armor wide dress .)


1. What drink did Beaupre prefer to the wines of his fatherland? ( Russian tincture.)

2. What kind of drink did Captain Zurin treat Petr Grinev to while teaching him how to play billiards? ( Punch.)

3. What drink does Savelyich offer to Petr Grinev: to get rid of a headache after drinking with Zurin? ( Cucumber brine with honey.)

4. What was the only soft drink used by Peter Andreevich's mother? ( “Of her birth, except for kvass, she deigned to take nothing in her mouth.”)

Military ranks

1. The first after the ordinary military rank in the Russian army. ( Corporal.)

2. At the beginning of the story, Zurin has the rank of captain, at the end of The Captain's Daughter he received a promotion. What rank did he have? ( rank of major.)

3. Masha Mironova and Pyotr Grinev are detained by Zurin's cavalry on the way. Remember the rank of the eldest among them. ( Wahmister.)

4. The highest military rank in Pugachev's army was the fugitive corporal Beloborodov. What is this rank? ( field marshal.)

Fourth round

IN last time Pyotr Andreevich Grinev saw Pugachev during the execution of the impostor. He recognized Grinev in the crowd and a minute before the dead and bloodied head was shown to the people, he greeted “his honor”. How exactly did you greet? Write your answer in one sentence. You have 15 seconds. ( I nodded my head.)

Final word teachers. Estimates.

"The Captain's Daughter", a quiz on the chapters of A.S. Pushkin
Chapter I Sergeant of the Guard
1. The author begins the story with an acquaintance with the main character - Peter
Grinev. Who talks about it? (Grinev himself tells in the first person about
own life.)
2. Pyotr Grinev is the only surviving child in the family of the prime minister in
retired and a poor noblewoman, lived in lordly family average wealth. How many
children born in this family? (9 children)
3. “Mother was still my belly,” Grinev recalled, “as I already was ...
restore text. (... recorded in the Semyonovsky regiment as a sergeant")
4. When Peter was five years old, his father assigned a servant to him to
raised a little gentleman. What was the servant's name? (Arkhip Savelich)
5. The servant taught the boy Russian literacy and understanding .... What did you learn
understand Savelich?
(in hunting dogs)
6. Wanting to give to the son a good education, father Andrey Petrovich Grinev
decided to educate his son. What did your father want to teach? ("languages ​​and all sciences")
7. How old was Petr Grinev when Andrei Petrovich invited
foreign teacher? (12 years old)
8. Father hires french teacher. What is the name of the teacher (Beaupre).
9. What does a Frenchman actually do? (He drinks more than teaches
10. Completely forgetting about his duties, Beaupre became addicted to vodka and did not
missed…. What did the “unfortunate teacher” not miss? (no skirt)
11. The upbringing of young Grinev came down to the fact that instead of teaching the sciences at
in French - he himself ... What does Petrusha really do? (Himself
teaches his French teacher to "talk Russian".)
12. Once the maids complained about the teacher, and Grinev's father appeared
straight to class. What picture did the father see? (The drunken Frenchman was sleeping, and Petya
made from geographical map kite).
13. Not finding significant benefit from such an education, the father kicks out
Beaupre. What later life the father chooses the son instead of the traditional
brilliant career Petersburg officer's father? (chooses for son
severe service in one of the fortresses on Yaik).
14. So, Grinev turns sixteen, and his father sends him to the service.
But not to Petersburg, but to his good friend. Where was sent
undergrowth Pyotr Grinev? (to Orenburg, to the Belogorsk fortress)
15. On the way to Orenburg, Peter stops in Simbirsk, where he
meets the hussar. What was the name of this hussar? (by Ivan Zurin)
16. What does the hussar undertake to teach Grinev? (playing billiards)

17. Taking advantage of Peter's simplicity, Ivan Zurin easily outperforms
him money. How much does he win? (100 rubles)
Chapter II Leader
1. What happened to Pyotr Grinev in the steppe on the way to Orenburg
province? (Peter gets into a snowstorm).
2. The coachman was already desperate to get the horses out, how did the travelers manage to avoid trouble?
(next to the cart is a certain man who offers to spend
misguided strangers).
3. The stranger correctly pointed the way, and the coachman managed to get his riders out,
including a new traveling companion, to the inn. Which dialect word
is a synonym for the phrase "inn"? (will know)
4. Grinev tells about prophetic dream, which he dreamed about in a wagon.
Tell him ( Summary sleep is this: he sees his home and mother,
who says that the father is dying. Then he sees a stranger with
beard in his father's bed, and his mother says that he is her named husband.
The stranger wants to give a "father's" blessing, but Peter refuses and
then the peasant takes up the ax, and corpses appear around. He is not Petra
5. Pyotr Grinev, his servant and a stranger drive up to the inn,
reminiscent of a thieves' haven. What does a stranger ask Petrusha,
frozen in the cold in one coat? (asks for wine, and he treats him).
6. In the house, a stranger starts an allegorical conversation with the owner. What
betrayed a “dashing person” in a stranger? (The language of their communication had features
thieves' vocabulary)
7. Having spent the night on your mind, Grinev is going on the road again, previously
thanking the stranger. With what subject did Grinev thank you
yesterday's counselor? (hare coat).
8. The escort pulls on a sheepskin coat, although he is bursting at the seams on it, and
promises ... What does a black-bearded man of about forty promise, strong, lively and
the most predatory kind? (a century to remember the kindness of a young master).
9. In Orenburg, Peter falls into the hands of General Andrei Karlovich,
old friend of his father. Where does the general give the young man direction? (V
Belogorsk fortress)
10. A link to such a wilderness upsets Peter, who has long dreamed of
guard uniform. Where is the fortress located? Answer with words from the text
(lost forty miles from the city, on the border with the "Kyrgyz steppes").
11. The general, on the advice of Petya's father, sends the young man to the Belogorsk fortress
under the command of the captain. Name the captain. (Ivan Kuzmich Mironov)
Chapter III Fortress
What is the Belogorsk fortress? (She represents
village surrounded by a palisade with a single cannon).
What does the commandant captain Mironov look like? (gray-haired old man)

How many people serve under Captain Mironov? (near
hundreds of old soldiers and two officers)
The owner of the Belgorod garrison was Ivan Kuzmich Mironov, but who
actually ruled everything? (his wife - Vasilisa Egorovna)
Describe the officers of the fortress. (One of them is an elderly one-eyed lieutenant
Ivan Ignatich, second - Alexey Shvabrin)
Simple and good people immediately liked Grinev. Big interest at
Grinev is summoned by the witty officer Shvabrin. Tell about it. (He
transferred to the fortress from St. Petersburg for violation of discipline and
Aleksey Shvabrin, prone to unflattering reviews about others, often
spoke caustically about Masha, the captain's daughter. What according to him was
Masha? (He made her look like a very narrow-minded special, terrible coward)
Grinev himself gets acquainted with the daughter of the commander and is convinced ... What is he
convinced? (He is convinced of the erroneous opinion of Lieutenant Shvabrin)
Grinev himself gets acquainted with Mironov and his family, as well as with the constable
Maksimych. He is horrified by the upcoming service, how does he see it?
(seems to him endless and boring).
Chapter IV Duel
1. The concept of service turned out to be wrong. Grinev quickly liked
in the Belogorsk fortress. There are no guards and exercises here. Captain sometimes
the soldier drills, but so far he cannot achieve. What cannot be achieved
captain? (so that they distinguish between "left" and "right").
2. The service no longer burdens Grinev, he became interested in reading books, exercising
translations. Name another hobby of Pyotr Grinev. (got carried away and
writing poetry)
3. Grinev becomes almost his own in Mironov's house and falls in love with Masha. A
He likes Shvabrin less and less. Why? (Aleksey makes fun of everyone, bad
speaks about people).
4. Grinev dedicates poetry to Masha and reads them to Shvabrin, since this
the only person in the fortress who understands poetry. How does it relate to
poems by Shvabrin? (But Alexei cruelly ridicules the young author and his
5. What advice does Shvabrin give and assures that he himself has experienced correctness
such an approach. (instead of poetry, give Masha earrings)
6. Grinev is offended and calls Shvabrin a liar. How does Shvabrin react?
(Alexey challenges the young man to a duel).
7. Whom does Petr Grinev ask to become a second? (Ivan Ignatich).
8. How does the old lieutenant react to such a decision? (However, he does not understand
such a cruel showdown).
9. After dinner, Grinev informs Shvabrin about his failure. How does
Shvabrin and Grinev? (Then Alexei suggests doing without seconds.)

10. Opponents agree to meet in the morning, but as soon as they converge with
swords in hand... What happened? (they are arrested by soldiers led by
11. Who makes the duelists reconcile? (Vasilisa Egorovna)
12. Shvabrin and Grinev pretend to reconcile, they are released. What did she tell
Grinev Masha? Now Peter understands the malice with which Shvabrin slanders
girl. (Masha says that Aleksei has already wooed her and received
13. What do the opponents do the next day? (Next day
opponents again converge at the river. Shvabrin is surprised that Grinev can give
such a worthy rebuff).
14. Why does Peter, who manages to push the officer, get wounded in
breast? (At this time, Savelich calls out to the young man. Grinev turns around sharply and
gets hurt)
Chapter V Love
1. How serious is the injury? After what time Pyotr Grinev
comes to life? (The wound is serious. Peter comes to his senses only on the following
2. Who cares for Grinev? How is the treatment going? (Wounded Grinev
thanks to the care of the regimental barber and Masha, he quickly goes to
3. Did Shvabrin receive forgiveness from Grinev and why? (He forgives
Shvabrina, because she sees in his actions a sign of wounded pride
rejected lover)
4. Petr Grinev asks for Masha's hand. What response was received? (Young woman
5. A young man composes a touching letter to his father with a purpose
to beg his blessing for an alliance with Marya Mironova. But why
father angry? What response was received? (The father, who learned about the duel, is indignant and
replies with a refusal. In a fit of anger, Grinev senior hints to his son that he is ready
transfer him to another location).
6. What other news about family affairs does Pyotr Grinev learn in a letter? (In a letter
it is also said that mother Grineva fell ill).
7. Peter in a depressed state. He wrote nothing to his father about the duel. Where did
did her mother know about it? Grinev decides that it was Savelich who reported it. Is it true
whether it? (But the old servant is offended by this suspicion. In proof
Savelich brings a letter from Grinev's father, in which he scolds the old man for
that he did not report the injury).
8. Peter learns that Mironov also did not write to his parents and did not report
general. So who, according to Grinev, did this and why? (Now
the young man is sure that Shvabrin did this to upset their marriage with Masha).
9. However, the father's refusal to bless does not change Peter's intentions. How
Masha does when she learns that there will be no parental blessing? (Masha
refuses to marry, she is against secret marriage)

10. For a while, young people in love move away from each other. What
worries Grinev? (He understands that unhappy love can deprive him of
reason and lead to debauchery).
Chapter VI Pugachevshchina
1. Why at the beginning of October 1773 in Belgorod fortress starts
anxiety? (Commandant Mironov receives a notice from Orenburg about
the appearance on Yaik of the "gang" of Emelyan Pugachev)
2. What order does commandant Mironov receive? (Mironov ordered
prepare the fortress for the attack of rebels and robbers).
3. What task does the captain Mironov give to the officer? (The captain sends
constable Maksimych in intelligence)
4. Soon everyone was talking about Pugachev. A Bashkirian was captured in the fortress
"outrageous sheets". Why was it impossible to interrogate him? (him
tongue was torn out).
5. The baptized Kalmyk Yulai reports that Maksimych saw Pugachev and
went over to his side, and now he is inciting the Cossacks to revolt. How does
Captain Mironov? (Mironov arrests Maksimych, and Yulaya bets on him
6. Events are developing rapidly. Breaks into a meeting of officers
Vasilisa Egorovna with bad news. What was the news? (taken
nearby fortress, officers executed)
7. It becomes clear that soon the rebels will be under the walls of Belogorskaya
fortresses. Tell us about the decision made at the meeting. (Decided to send
Masha and Egorovna in Orenburg).

1) A quiz based on the story of A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter".

1. For the first time, Grinev saw Captain Mironov at the teaching of soldiers. What was the commandant wearing?

2. What was the name of the main character's father?

3. Who was Monsieur Beaupré in his "fatherland" who taught Petrusha French, German and "all sciences"?

4. Under whose supervision main character learned Russian literacy? (Savelich)

5. Throughout the story, Savelich cries only once. When exactly?

6. What was the weather like during the first meeting between Grinev and Pugachev?

7. Why did Aleksey Ivanovich Shvabrin join the Belogorsk Fortress?

8. Who distracted Grinev during the duel?

9. For what virtues did the stirrup Savelich receive a “promotion” by becoming an uncle?

10. Why did the priest drive Beaupre out of the yard?

11. What name did Pugachev take?

12. Whom did Pugachev appoint as the new commandant of the fortress?

13. How did Peter Grinev thank the counselor?

14. How many years did Ivan Kuzmich and Vasilisa Yegorovna live in the fortress?

15. Where did the father send his son, Pyotr Grinev, to serve?

16. What did Pyotr Grinev do to save Masha from Shvabrin?

17. What did Shvabrin do when Pugachev found out that he was deceiving him?

18. What caused the duel between Grinev and Shvabrin?

19. Where and when did Marya Ivanovna meet Empress Elizabeth II?

20. How much did Petr Grinev lose to Ivan Ivanovich Zurin and in what game?

21. Under what circumstances did Grinev see Pugachev for the last time?

22. What did Pugachev grant to Grinev before he left for Orenburg?

23. Where did Grinev offer Marya Ivanovna to hide after her release?

24. How did the parents of Grinev Marya Ivanovna receive?

25. Why did Marya Ivanovna leave for Petersburg?

26. What answer did Pyotr Grinev receive from his father to a request to bless him for marriage with Marya Ivanovna Mironova?

27. Who denounced Grinev?

28. Where did the Publisher get Pyotr Andreevich Grinev's manuscript from?

For a mark of "3" - answer 17-18 questions.

For a mark of "4" - answer 19-22 questions.

For a score of "5" - answer 23-28 questions.

2) Who am I?

Questions and tasks.

According to the description, you are a person of “remarkable appearance: about forty years old, medium height, thin and broad-shouldered.” Your face "had an expression rather pleasant, but picaresque." Did you recognize yourself? Introduce yourself. (Counsellor, E. Pugachev, “The Captain's Daughter”; Ch. II, p. 240).

You are a person of about forty, the owner of " pleasant voice but overbearing." Your face was “full and ruddy, expressed importance and calmness, and Blue eyes and a slight smile had an inexplicable charm. Name yourself. (Empress Catherine; Ch. XIV, p. 315).

What Russian folk song Pushkin uses twice in his works? (“Don’t make noise, mother, green dubrovushka ...”: “Dubrovsky”, “The Captain’s Daughter”).

You are a sergeant of the Semyonovsky regiment, you were brought up at home under the supervision of an uncle, therefore you knew “Russian letters and could judge (very sensibly) about the properties of a greyhound dog”. You were sent to serve in the Yaik steppes. Introduce yourself. (Pyotr Andreevich Grinev).

You are "a young officer of short stature with a swarthy face and remarkably ugly, but extremely lively." Introduce yourself. (Shvabrin Alexey Ivanovich).

You are about eighteen years old, a girl of marriageable age, You are chubby, blush, very modest, timid. Who you are? (Maria Ivanovna Mironova).

Test based on the novel by A. S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter"

Dear students! Be careful! Questions can have one or more correct answers!

Chapter 1 "Sergeant of the Guard"

1. Name the father of the main character.

A) Petr Andreevich GrinevB) Andrei Petrovich GrinevC) Alexey Andreevich Grinev

2. Name military rank father.

A) major general B) lieutenant colonel C) prime minister

3. Name the main character of the novel.

A) Pyotr Andreevich GrinevB) Grigory Petrovich GrinevC) Pyotr Alekseevich Grinev

4. How many children were there in the Grinev family?

A) 12B) 14C) 9

5. In which regiment was the main character recorded?

A) Preobrazhensky B) Semyonovsky

6. What did Savelich teach the main character?

A) mathematics B) spoke about the greyhound cable C) Russian literacy

7. Who became the next teacher of the protagonist?

A) German Paul B) Frenchman BopreV) Englishman Pierre

8. Who was he in his homeland?

A) salesman B) janitor C) hairdresser

9. What inclinations did the teacher have?

A) loved to sing B) liked to drink C) followed women

10. What did you teach new teacher boy?

A) speak French B) nothing C) speak German

11. What did the teacher's boy teach?

A) dance Russian dances B) ride a horse C) chat in Russian

12. Why was the teacher expelled?

A) for stealing

B) for drunkenness

C) for seducing the washerwoman Palashka and the cowshed Akulka

13. Who was called an undergrowth in those days?

A) a young nobleman who has not reached the age of majority

B) people who are unable to learn

B) short people

14. How old was the main character?

A) 15B) 16C) 17

15. What important decision accepted by the father after the unsuccessful training of his son?

A) send him to the city gymnasium

B) send him to Moscow to relatives

B) send him to military service

16. How did the son react to the father's decision?

A) burst into tears B) rejoiced C) closed in on himself

17. What city was the hero sent to?

A) to Moscow B) to St. Petersburg C) to Orenburg

18. What proverb did the father of the son from the parental home say?

A) to live - to serve the Motherland B) take care of the dress again, and honor from a young age

C) you can’t take a fish out of the pond without difficulty

19. Who did he meet in a tavern in the city of Simbirsk?

A) Vasily Petrovich Zverev

B) Nikolai Ivanovich Zorin

C) Ivan Ivanovich Zurin

20. How much money did he lose to the captain?

A) 50 rubles B) 75 rubles C) 100 rubles

21. What bad deeds has the hero done yet?

A) got drunk B) got into a fight C) insulted the participants in the game?

22. What instructive words did Savelich say to him?

A) drink - harm yourself

B) drunkenness will not lead to good

C) a drunk person, good for nothing

Answers to the test for chapter number 1

1. B, 2. IN, 3. A, 4. IN, 5. B, 6. B, 7. B, 8. IN, 9. B, V. 10. B, 11. IN,

12. B, C, 13. A, 14. IN, 15. IN, 16. B, 17. IN, 18. IN, 19. IN, 20. IN, 21. A, 22. IN

Evaluation criterion

"5" 20-22 points

"4" - 17 - 19

"3" - 12 - 16

"2" - 11 or less

Test for chapter number 7 "Attack"

1. What feelings did P. A. Grinev overcome?

A) fear of the future

B) impatient expectation of dangers;

C) sweet hopes for a relationship with Masha;

D) a feeling of grateful ambition.

2. What was the fortress surrounded by?

A) a rampart - an elevation formed by nature;

B) a palisade;

C) a deep, water-filled moat.

3. With what report did the corporal arrive at P. A. Grinev?

A) that unknown people are driving around the fortress;

B) that Pugachev entered the fortress;

C) that Pugachev's army launched an attack on a neighboring fortress.

4. Who were these people?

A) Cossacks

B) Tatars;

B) Russians

D) Bashkirs, who could easily be recognized by their lynx hats and quivers;

5. What was Pugachev's army like?

A) a small gang of armed men;

B) horse crowds and the whole steppe, dotted with many people;

C) a hundred people armed with bows and arrows.

6. How did the capture of the fortress take place?

A) the garrison led by Ivan Kuzmich fought desperately, the battle was long and bloody;

B) Pugachev's army captured the fortress without a single shot;

C) the garrison of soldiers did not budge, only the commandant Ivan Ignatich and Grinev were behind the ramparts, the rebels broke into the fortress, the garrison threw their guns.

7. How did the inhabitants of the fortress behave?

A) met the rebels with bread and salt;

B) hid in their homes, there was not a soul on the streets;

C) defended, who, with what they could;

8. How did the commandant of the fortress die?

A) asked for mercy, but was shot;

B) was first wounded in the head, named Pugachev a thief and an impostor, then was hanged; C) was killed in battle.

9. Who saved Pyotr Andreevich Grinev?

A) Savelich asked to pardon the lord's child;

B) Pugachev felt sorry for the young officer;

C) Shvabrin called Grinev his friend and asked for mercy.

10. How did Alexey Ivanovich Shvabrin act?

A) until the last he was with his garrison, did not swear allegiance to Pugachev;

B) hid somewhere, no one knew where he was;

C) went over to the side of the rebels, was cut in a circle, dressed in a Cossack caftan.

11. How did the rebels deal with Vasilisa Yegorovna?

A) they dragged her disheveled and stripped naked onto the porch, a young Cossack hacked her to death with a saber;

B) was hanged;

B) was shot.

Answers for chapter 7

1. B, C, D, 2. A, B 3. A, 4. G, 5. B, 6. IN, 7. A, 8. B, 9. A, 10. IN, 11. A, 12. A

Evaluation criterion

"5" -11 -12

"4" -9-10

"3" - 7 - 8

"2" - 6 or less

Chapter test №14 "COURT"

1. How did P. A. Grinev decide to behave before the court?

A) do not explain anything, because they will not believe anyway; B) declare the absolute truth;

C) to deny his acquaintance with Pugachev.

2. What city was P. A. Grinev brought to?

A) Kazan B) Orenburg C) Petersburg

3. Who turned out to be the "chief informer"?

A) A. I. Shvabrin; B) I. I. Zurin; C) Arkhip Savelich.

4. What changes have occurred in the appearance of the "informer"?

A) was clean-shaven, dressed in a new uniform; B) was terribly thin and pale;

C) shaved bald, dressed in rags, huge bruises on his face;

D) hair, recently black as pitch, completely turned gray, long beard was flustered.

5. What did A. I. Shvabrin blame Grinev for?

A) that P. A. Grinev was a spy sent to Orenburg;

B) that he ruined his life by separating him from Masha;

C) that he helped E. Pugachev to destroy his comrades;

D) that P. A. Grinev gave Pugachev Masha Mironova, the captain's daughter;

E) that P. A. Grinev transmitted written news to E. Pugachev about all the events that took place in the besieged Orenburg.

6. How did the parents of P. A. Grinev accept Masha?

A) cordially, sincerely attached, fell in love with her; B) restrained, silent;

C) rudely, in every possible way showing her that she is superfluous here.

7. What sentence was passed on P. A. Grinev by the Empress?

A) execute; B) justify; C) exile to a remote region of Siberia for an eternal settlement.

8. What does Masha decide to do?

A) go to Petersburg, try to save Pyotr Andreevich;

B) to leave for the Belogorsk fortress, so as not to be a burden for the parents of Pyotr Andreevich;

C) go to Moscow to distant relatives, hoping to find shelter and comfort there.

9. What did the woman that Masha met in the garden look like in the morning?

A) young, in a bright red dress, a luxurious pink hat;

B) a lady of about forty, in a white dress, a night cap, a warm jacket; his face was full and ruddy, and his blue eyes and a slight smile had an unusual charm;

C) an elderly woman, with a flabby wrinkled face, sharp, angry eyes; unkemptly dressed.

10. Why did the empress decide to remain unrecognized?

A) to find out the whole truth from Masha about P. A. Grinev;

B) was shy about her morning dress;

C) did not consider it necessary to introduce herself to a simple girl.

11. What decision did the empress make?

A) not to change his decision, to carry out the sentence;

B) recognize the innocence of Masha's fiancé;

C) decided to leave Grinev at the royal court.

12. How was the fate of Masha decided?

A) the Empress promised to take care of her condition, for the merits of her father, Captain Mironov;

B) the empress invited her to stay at the royal court;

C) the empress offered to leave for the Belogorsk fortress and forget about Grinev.

13. How did the story "The Captain's Daughter" end?

A) P. A. Grinev married Marya Ivanovna; their offspring prosper in the Simbirsk province;

B) P. A. Grinev left in an unknown direction without telling anyone;

C) P. A. Grinev and Masha decided to leave, since everything experienced will prevent them from becoming happy.

14. How was the fate of E. Pugachev decided?

a) was killed in action

B) was executed, the dead and bloodied head was shown to the people;

IN) in a strange way fled from custody, no one else ever saw him.

Answers on the 14th chapter.

1. B, 2. A, 3. A, 4. G, B, 5. A, D, 6. A, 7. A, 8. A, 9. B, 10. A, 11. B, 12. A,

13. A, 14. B

Evaluation criterion

"5" - 14-13

"4" - 11-12

"3" - 8 - 10

Chapter test №12 " ORPHAN"

1. How did Shvabrin behave when meeting with Pugachev and Grinev?

A) helped Pugachev get out of the wagon, in vile expressions expressing his joy and zeal;

B) having heard the bell of the approaching wagon, he hid, afraid to appear in front of Pugachev;

C) when he saw Grinev, he was embarrassed, but soon recovered, extended his hand to him; D) fell to his knees and began to ask Pugachev to spare him.

2. What did Masha Grinev see?

A) beaten, she lay in a closet, her clothes were torn to shreds;

B) on the floor, in a tattered peasant dress, sat Marya Ivanovna, pale, thin, with disheveled hair;

C) Masha was sitting on the bed in her room, in a beautiful bright dress, but with very sad eyes.

3. Because of what Pugachev was clouded over further fate Grinev and Masha?

A) Shvabrin told him that P. A. Grinev was deceiving him that Masha was not the niece of the local priest, but the daughter of Captain Mironov;

B) because Masha fell unconscious at the sight of him;

C) because disorder and drunkenness reigned in the Belogorsk fortress.

4. What decision did Pugachev make about the future fate of Grinevaya Masha?

A) ordered Shvabrin to keep them under guard until his return; B) ordered to go with him to serve him faithfully; C) let them go and wished them advice and love.

5. P. A. Grinev had a great desire: A) to leave with Pugachev in his army as a token of gratitude for his sympathy for him and Masha;

B) ardently desired to tear Pugachev out of the midst of the villains whom he led and save his sinful soul;

B) let it go terrible person and never meet him again on your life path.

Answers for the 12th chapter

1. A, B 2. B, 3. A, 4. IN, 5. B

Evaluation criterion

"5" - 6

"4" - 5

"3" - 4

"2" - 3 or less

Tell us about the life of a noble undergrowth.

The whole life of Petrusha Grinev before his military service is described in the chapter "Sergeant of the Guard". It also tells what happened even before his birth: the unborn child was enrolled in the Semenov Guards Regiment as a sergeant (why the chapter got such a name).

Petrusha was brought up “not in the usual way”: from the age of five he was engaged in by the stirrup Savelyich (“uncle”), with whom Petrusha learned to read and write. In the twelfth year, the father hired a Frenchman, Monsieur Beaupré, a former barber and soldier. Having learned colloquial Russian, Beaupré lived with his student "soul to soul." One of the scenes of such a life is described in the story: the father came to a geography lesson when Petrusha was making a snake from a geographic map he had just received. Monsieur was driven away, and until the age of sixteen, Petrusha's occupations were pigeons, leapfrog and other domestic entertainments.

When Grinev was sixteen years old, his father said: "It's time for him to serve." So the life of Petrusha Grinev changed.

Create brief portraits-characteristics of Petrusha's parents. How does the author feel about his characters?

Petrusha Grinev's parents, simple and kind people who lived according to the customs of their time, were like many Russian poor nobles. After retiring as prime minister, Andrei Petrovich Grinev married the daughter of one of his neighbors, a poor Simbirsk nobleman, and began to live on his estate. Of the nine children in their family, only one Petrusha remained. Matushka was busy with the housework, the father watched over the estate and sometimes even read the Court Calendar.

What reasons caused the change in the fate of Petrusha? What role did the Court Calendar play in my father's decisions?

Underage noblemen usually began to carry out military service, approaching adulthood, the exact date was not established. Much depended on their development, and on their health, and on the desire of the family. We see confirmation of this when reading about the fate of Petrusha Grinev. Once, leafing through the Court Calendar, Grinev Sr. found out about the promotion of his fellow soldiers and was clearly annoyed by their successes. This circumstance made him think about the fate of his own son, who had to start military service. It was then that the father remembered that his son was listed as a guard sergeant!

Explain how the proverb used as an epigraph to the whole story reveals the meaning of the chapter.

The story opens with a proverb: "Take care of honor from a young age." Already in the first chapter, it becomes clear to us that in families like the Grinevs, everything obeys certain laws. And among them, one of the main ones is contained in this proverb. For all the patriarchal nature of life and its seeming unpretentiousness, the life of these people is based on serving the fatherland.

Describe the beginning of the young officer's journey to the duty station.

Petrusha Grinev really hoped that he would be sent to serve in St. Petersburg. But, to his great regret, the destination turned out to be Orenburg. Seeing off his son, the father remembered the proverb: "Take care of honor from a young age." However, already at the beginning of the journey, in Simbirsk, the young sergeant plays with the captain Zurin and loses to him. a large amount. The debt had to be repaid. And Petrusha did it. “With a troubled conscience and with silent repentance, I left Simbirsk.”

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  • what reasons caused a change in the fate of parsley

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