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Nekrasov's poem is based on real events- construction of a railway between St. Petersburg and Moscow. This topic is for the second half of XIX century was relevant. The appearance of the railway in Russia opened up unlimited possibilities. But did people really think about who paid what price for Russia to become a developed European power?

The railway was built by former serfs, who, having received freedom, simply did not know how to dispose of it. Hunger drove them to the construction site of the century. Several thousand people died during the construction, and Nekrasov really wanted to tell his readers about this. The whole poem is a revelation of the meaning of the epigraph (a dialogue accidentally heard in the carriage). To his son’s question, “daddy replies that the railway between St. Petersburg and Moscow was built by Count Klein-Mikhel, head of the department of communications under Nicholas 1. The epigraph is full of sarcasm, and the whole work serves as a passionate refutation of it.

The main theme of the poem is reflections on tragic fate Russian people, about its role in the creation of spiritual and material assets. Many researchers call "Railway" a poem that synthesizes elements of various genre forms: dramas, satires, songs and ballads. Composition structure The work is complex - it is built in the form of a conversation between passengers. The conditional companion is the author himself. The poem is divided into 4 chapters.

The first chapter begins landscape sketch"glorious autumn" lyrical hero admires the beauty of nature and remarks: “There is no ugliness in nature!” So the author prepared the reader for the perception of various oppositions, on the basis of which the entire poem is built. Nature, in which everything is reasonable and harmonious, he opposes the outrages that occur in human society.

The second chapter is the beginning and development of the action. The lyrical hero tells "smart Vanya" the truth about the construction of the railway - about the hard labor of the people driven by hunger to build. This picture is especially contrasting against the background of the image of harmony in nature, which is given in the first chapter.

The poet draws fantastic picture: from the bitter song of the dead we learn about their unfortunate fate. Nekrasov singles out the “Belarusian” from the general crowd: and, using the example of his fate, tells tragic story railroad construction. Here the lyrical hero indicates his position. The poet expresses great respect for the workers.

Nekrasov's people are shown both as a patient slave and as a great worker who deserves admiration. The lyrical hero believes in the strength of the Russian people, in their special destiny, in a bright future. The image of the road acquires a metaphorical meaning - this is a special path of the Russian people, long-suffering Russia.

The third chapter is opposed to the second. The transition from Vanya's dream to reality is abrupt. The awakening of the boy is unexpected - he is awakened by a deafening whistle. The whistle destroyed the dream, the general's laughter destroyed the poetry. Here there is a dispute between the lyrical hero and the general. Vanya's father, a general, expresses his attitude towards the peasant - he despises the mob. He accuses not even the people, but the peoples. The general advises Vanya to show the "bright side" of construction.

The fourth chapter is a household sketch. This is a kind of disconnect. With bitter irony, the lyrical hero paints a picture of the end of his labors. All that the peasants have earned by hard labor is a forgiven arrears and a barrel of wine. But this is not the most bitter - instead of the expected, it would seem, discontent and indignation. The “bright side” turns out to be even more hopeless and hopeless.

There are many different lyrical intonations in the poem: narrative, colloquial, declamatory; the scene with the image of the dead brings the work closer to the ballad genre. But the whole work is painted with the traditional song tonality for Nekrasov.

"Railway" Nekrasov

« Railway» analysis of the work - theme, idea, genre, plot, composition, characters, problems and other issues are disclosed in this article.

History of creation

The poem "Railway" was written by Nekrasov in 1864 and published in the Sovremennik magazine. The Nikolaev railway was built from 1942 to 1952. and made it possible to make a journey, which used to take a whole week, in a day. Nicholas I issued a decree on the construction of the first Moscow-Petersburg railway in a peculiar way: he drew a road on the map under the ruler, through forests and swamps. The price of such a project is human sacrifice and work in impossible conditions.

Construction was led by Kleinmichel, who by the time the poem was written had been removed from his post for cruelty. The topic of building a railway was also relevant in 1964, under Alexander II, who built railways with the help of workers and peasants liberated from serfdom in 1861.

Literary direction, genre

Nekrasov is considered a singer of civil lyrics, a poet realistic direction. In general, the poem is accusatory in nature and is indeed a model of civil lyrics. But its first part is a beautiful lyric poem.

Theme, main idea and composition

The poem consists of 4 parts. They are united by the plot, the image of the lyrical hero-narrator and his neighbors in the car: the general with his son Vanya, whose dialogue about the road builder is an epigraph.

The first part is a description of autumn Russian nature, which the narrator sees from the train window. There is no ugliness in nature, it is perfect.

The second part contrasts with the first. This is a monologue of the narrator, showing the imperfection of society. Vanya draws a picture of the suffering of the builders of the railway - the Russian people. The narrator describes the host of poor people who died during the construction, so that the impressionable boy even becomes shy. The main idea is contained in last three stanzas: must be respected hardworking people because he endured a lot and thanks to this endurance he will come to a happy future. Nekrasov accurately notices the mentality of the people, capable of enduring suffering for centuries. Today, the phrase “It’s only a pity - you won’t have to live at this beautiful time - neither me nor you” has acquired the ironic meaning “never”, which Nekrasov did not put into his poems.

The third part is the objections of the father-general. In his opinion, a people prone to drunkenness is not capable of creating anything great, but can only destroy. Dad offers to show Vanya the bright side.

In the fourth part, the narrator informs Vanya that after the construction of the road, the workers were rewarded with a barrel of wine and forgiveness of the arrears, which were counted by cunning contractors for everyone.

Size and rhyme

The poem is written in four-foot dactyl in the first part, which in other parts alternates with three-foot with a shortened last foot. This rhythm best conveys the sound of train wheels. The alternation of feminine and masculine rhyme in the first stanza describing nature is replaced by the alternation of dactylic and masculine in some stanzas and feminine and masculine in others. The rhyme in the poem is cross.

Paths and images

The first part is written in the best traditions of landscape lyrics. Nature is characterized by epithets glorious autumn, healthy, vigorous air, fragile ice, icy river, clear, quiet days. Nekrasov uses vivid comparisons: ice is like melting sugar, you can sleep in the leaves like in bed.

Nekrasov uses personification to describe hunger as the root cause of people's misfortunes. Words with diminutive suffixes contrast with scary picture of death: path, columns, Vanechka - and Russian bones. True skill was shown by Nekrasov, describing the portraits of the unfortunate. It is impossible to forget the tall, sick Belarusian. Such a detail is especially touching: even after death, the ghost of a Belarusian mechanically hammers the frozen ground with a shovel. The habit of work has been brought among the people to automatism. The second part ends symbolically wide clear road and beautiful time.

In the third part, the general's monologue, there are almost no tropes. The general's speech is clear, unambiguous and devoid of images; logic prevails in it. Only an epithet bright side vague, which the narrator is in a hurry to take advantage of.

In the fourth part, keeping the short and logical style of the general, the lyrical hero describes the "bright future" of the workers.

Nekrasov Railway analysis of the poem


1.History of creation


3. Main idea



6. Expressive means

7. Main idea

1.History of creation. The work "Railway" was written by the poet in 1864 and is dedicated to the construction of the first Nikolaev railway in Russia (1842-1852). Nicholas I, not taking into account the peculiarities of the area, simply drew a line on the map along the line. This monstrous carelessness turned into a huge number of dead workers during construction in impenetrable swamps and forests.

2.Genre of the poem- beloved and perfected by the poet civil lyrics.

3. main idea poems - plight common people forced to pay with their lives for progress in Russia. The king and his entourage did not at all consider the price for a grandiose project. Driven from all parts of Rus', the peasants worked in inhuman conditions, covering the vast expanses of their land with their bones. It is no coincidence that the first part of the poem lovingly describes a beautiful landscape that was destined to become huge. mass grave. In sharp contrast to this description is the picture that arose in the imagination of the narrator of a heavy physical labor. The souls of all those who perished in the construction are passing before us. They did not understand the significance of their great cause. The peasants were forced to work by the earthly king and the invisible king - hunger. The general's monologue reveals a cynical attitude high society to the workers. The lot of serfs is drunkenness and theft, and therefore there is nothing to pity them. This shows the absolute illiteracy and stupidity of the general, who does not understand that all the achievements and successes of the state are based on the overwhelming mass of the downtrodden and humiliated peasantry. The “bright” picture that completes the work is the settlement with the workers. Exhausted peasants, heroes of labor, receive a reward - ... a barrel of vodka. And the manifestation of the “immeasurable generosity” of the authorities is the forgiveness of all arrears and absenteeism. The country is making a huge step forward, the chiefs are triumphant, but the people, as always, turn out to be fools.

4.Composition. The poem "Railroad" consists of four parts. First - lyrical description passing by travelers Russian landscape. The second is a terrible picture of overwork. The third part describes the general's primitive thoughts and opinion. The final part is a "joyful" picture, the result of the work.

5. Poem size- alternation of four- and three-foot dactyl with cross rhyme.

6.Expressive means. Nekrasov widely uses epithets in describing nature (“glorious”, “vigorous”, “cold”) and the suffering of workers (“huge”, “terrible”, “barren”). The first part is rich in comparisons: “like melting sugar”, “like in a soft bed”, “like a carpet”. Hunger is described with vivid personifications: “the king is merciless”, he “drives”, “drives”, “walks”. In general, the first parts are built in sharp contrast with each other. The third and fourth parts are written extremely short language without much use means of expression. Significantly closer to reality live Speaking chief "... something ... well done! .. well done! ...".

7. Main thought works - the suffering of the common people is incalculable. He has to carry on his shoulders civilizational development Russia. At the end of the second part, Nekrasov makes the main statement that the Russian people will endure everything and come to a happy future. But that is still a long way off, great time» in the misty obscurity.

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