Together and apart the dispute of generations. Composition on the topic "Dispute of generations: together and apart"


(417 words) The conflict of generations is an eternal problem that humanity faces from year to year. It has not bypassed any nation, any era. Every time fathers and children are in conflict with each other, every time they find reasons to disagree. But what is this opposition? I think in the struggle of worldviews. Changing living conditions and moral norms entails a change in the paradigm of thinking. To clarify my idea, I will give literary examples.

In the epic novel by M. A. Sholokhov " Quiet Don"The conflict between Panteley Prokofievich and Grigory is depicted. My father served the royal power all his life, loved and revered the king. Its values ​​can be described as follows: “Orthodoxy. Autocracy. Nationality". He revered and family values, and Cossack traditions. However, his son grew and developed at a time when there was a paradigm shift: the people were tired social injustice, eternal war, difficult living conditions, so many people went against the king, obeying revolutionary propaganda. Due to this, traditional moral guidelines lost their meaning, like the customs of past generations. So, Gregory before the start revolutionary events goes against the will of the father - enters into a relationship with married woman. The war broke out, Melekhov went to the front, but deserted from there, violating the oath, betraying the king. IN civil war He for a long time fought on the side of the Red Army, whose representatives did not believe in God, hated the royal power, and wanted to remake the country and the people beyond recognition. The son contradicted his father in everything, but their conflict is not domestic disagreements, but the confrontation of the old and new times, the past and future of Russia.

In the play by A. S. Griboyedov “Woe from Wit”, the conflict of generations is also based on a change of orientation. Alexander Chatsky advocates progressive change, while the old Moscow nobility defends their conservative views. The generational difference is obvious: if Famusov grew up and built a career in noble Russia, relying on connections and capital, and at the same time did not travel beyond its borders, then many children of the landowners received an education abroad, which opened their eyes to the imperfection of the fatherland. Seeing more high level life, having learned about innovations in science and technology, new people like Chatsky wanted to remake the stagnant patriarchal Rus', which was ruled by greedy and narrow-minded slave owners. Famusov and his guests saw the situation differently: an upstart arrived who has no experience and authority, but tries to teach the aristocracy. The difference in education and upbringing divided two generations of nobles, whose conflict is a struggle between the old and the new way of life.

Thus, the confrontation between fathers and children is a confrontation between different ideologies and values ​​that an era imposes on a person. It is the youth who accept changes faster and more willingly, therefore they are the bearers of new views on the world. However, the older generation does not want to retreat and defends its worldview. And so it turns out the eternal struggle of opinions.

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The work of I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons" has not lost its relevance for many years, and the reason for this is main topic, which is also the main storyline, which, like bindweed, is wrapped around side. The problem of the dispute of generations lies at the heart of the novel.

In fact, it is worth looking deeper here - we are talking about the difference in the ways of thinking, perception and attitude to reality. The difference can be seen even in appearance heroes, if we take as a basis the images of Evgeny Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov, who, by the way, are one of the key and most colorful characters of the work. Pavel Petrovich is a man who, despite his age, watches how he looks, always appears before people in the very at its best. On the other hand, Evgeny Bazarov, whose gaze is turned to the world, is so obsessed with the global that he does not pay attention at all to something small, insignificant on the scale of the Universe, to something like his appearance.

Older generation perceives the world as it is, as it is open to the eyes of an ordinary layman, prefers not to look for the roots of problems. Pavel Petrovich, in disputes with Bazarov, admitted that the world has some imperfections, while Evgeny said that noticing mistakes in the world order is pointless, only attempts to change the world have weight. Nihilistic views young man were very radical. If the revolution begins in the heads of the people, then in the head of Yevgeny Bazarov the pillars of the entire universe were already demolished. He rejected ideals, the value of experience previous generations. While the Kirsanovs were much more conservative. Hearing that young people hold nihilistic views, Pavel Petrovich exclaimed: "We cherish civilization, we cherish its fruits."

For example, it is worth taking the dialogue of heroes about the Russian people. Kirsanov sees nothing wrong with the patriarchy of people, the desire to honor the higher, while Bazarov considers this a relic of the past that should be eliminated. This is what keeps people in place, prevents them from moving forward. It is easy to say that the truth here is still on the side of Eugene. However, at the same time, a person like Pavel Petrovich is much closer to an ordinary villager than young Bazarov, full of innovative ideas.

However, I believe that in fact the generations, despite their seeming polarity, have something in common. So, main character, rejecting ideals, love, aesthetics, beauty, falls in love. And this love, frightening and so unexpected, accompanies him until the very last minute of his life.

Undoubtedly ideological war two generations is a burning topic and always relevant. It is sometimes difficult for parents to understand their children, not at all because their ideals are worse - they are simply different, they perceive the reality around them differently, they look at their life differently. It will be difficult for them to understand each other, rather even impossible, it remains only to accept. Accept the fact that everything does not stand still and the era of traditions will have to give way to a new era. Accept each other, because the most important thing is to be different from each other, but at the same time not to lose closeness.

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Roman I. S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons" - the most famous work a writer who raises questions that have remained relevant for centuries. Chief among them is the relationship between fathers and children. Therefore, it is no coincidence that today any school program provides an essay on the topic "The Dispute of Generations".

Curriculum vitae

Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev is a nobleman by birth. His childhood was spent in family estate where the boy was raised by personal teachers and tutors. In 1827 the family moved from Orel to Moscow. Here Turgenev enters a boarding school, and then to Moscow University, from which a year later he is transferred to St. Petersburg. He traveled a lot in his younger years in Europe, attended literary circles.

1843 was marked by the beginning of Turgenev's service in the Ministry of the Interior. The writer meets Belinsky, begins work on the first works. But only after the death of Nicholas II saw the light major works, including "Fathers and Sons". This became most famous largely due to the fact that each of us wrote an essay at school on the topic "Fathers and Sons - the conflict of two generations."

Ivan Sergeevich showed an incredible craving for Western literature, because of which he even moved to Baden-Baden. Here he participated in the literary and cultural life and got to know foreign writers: Dickens, Merimee, Hugo, Thackeray and many others. After some time, Turgenev began to translate the works of Russian writers into foreign languages. His tireless activity is eventually rewarded with a doctorate from the University of Oxford. The last took place in Paris, where he died in 1883.

Creativity Turgenev

An essay on the topic “The Dispute of Generations” is best to start with a small paragraph containing short review the entire work of the writer.

Belinsky and Gogol were the first to notice and appreciate Turgenev's talent. Having met the future writer at a young age, they immediately noticed the potential in his work. Belinsky succeeded in early works Turgenev to determine the features of the writer's work: observation, realism, lightness and elegance of style, attention to detail.

Turgenev could not be called a revolutionary, but his interest in the fate of the motherland, the desire to alleviate its fate and correct shortcomings is strongly manifested in his works. Many Russian revolutionaries were brought up precisely on these ideas of the writer.

The history of the creation of the novel "Fathers and Sons"

You can also start writing an essay on the topic “The Dispute of Generations” by describing the process of creating a work.

The idea of ​​writing a novel arose in 1860. Turgenev immediately gets to work, and the first chapters appear very quickly. However, for productive activity stagnation comes, and it resumes only after a year. But in general, the novel was written very quickly. The history of the creation of the work can be completed with a report on its last edition, which Turgenev carried out before publication in 1862. Later, the author himself never made any changes to his text.

The main conflict of the novel

The dispute between two generations in the novel by I. S. Turgenev “Fathers and Sons” is the main conflict of the work. The sharp controversy between senior and junior representatives of society became a plot-forming one and raised a number of serious issues: the inevitability of changing values, the perception of the experience of ancestors, its comprehension and transformation, the difference in worldview among representatives of different ages.

In addition to this leading conflict, the problem of social strata is also raised in the novel. From the origin of the hero depend on his Political Views and ideas about the world.

The image of Bazarov

Yevgeny Bazarov is the key character of the novel, he is a nihilist, he believes only in science and does not see the point in beauty and useless art. This is a strong and self-confident person, he is endowed with sharp mind and inclined to exact sciences. Bazarov is a materialist, the main thing for him is work, the strength of his personality is such that it is easy to fall under his influence. Everything ephemeral, abstract and not bringing concrete benefit in his understanding is useless. Eugene sometimes appears as a very tough, even cruel and ruthless person. He freely criticizes and insults his opponents without looking back at their feelings.

All this characteristic can be freely transferred to written work on the topic "Dispute of generations: together and apart". The final essay must necessarily include an analysis and its evolutions.

Changes in Eugene's worldview occur at the moment when he falls in love. After meeting with Odintsova, his former ideals and theories collapse. Bazarov finds himself at a crossroads, he can no longer hide behind cynicism, now he is aware of the complexity of human relationships.

Bazarov and Pavel Kirsanov

It is impossible, without considering these two images, to write an essay on the topic “The Dispute of Generations”. Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich are the characters on whose contradictions the entire conflict of the work is built. Bazarov rebels against what he calls the inventions of inactive aristocrats: art, friendship, love, soul, religion. Of course, his main adversary just one of the "inventors" of all this is Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov.

Kirsanov believes that the nobility is called upon to preserve the main values ​​​​of mankind - spiritual ones, therefore it is natural that Evgeny's reasoning leads him to anger and indignation. He is alien to "newfangled influences."

A mini-essay on the topic “The Problem of the Generation Conflict” can be started by describing the acquaintance of Pavel Petrovich and Bazarov and the quarrels that immediately begin to flare up between them. These heroes have different ideas about everything, be it science, politics, morality, feelings. Any topic leads them to confrontation.

But in these disputes, Bazarov invariably comes out victorious. All Kirsanov's arguments remain unsubstantiated. Pavel Petrovich does not have original thoughts and beliefs, he voices long-known and already outdated truths. Eugene expresses original ideas who can really change the world and help people. Bazarov is a man of physical and mental labor, Pavel Petrovich is a contemplator and philosopher. There can be nothing in common between these heroes, they are representatives of diametrically opposed worldviews.

Indicative in the characterization of the image of Pavel Petrovich is an episode in which his life abroad is described. The only reminder of the homeland that Kirsanov has preserved is an ashtray made in the form of a peasant's bast shoes.

Arkady's conflict with his father

Arkady's confrontation with his father is not as open as the conflict between Pavel Kirsanov and Bazarov. Therefore, an essay on the topic “The Dispute of Generations: Together and Apart” can include only a brief mention of these disagreements.

Nikolai Petrovich, unlike his brother, is endowed by Turgenev with wisdom and an exalted soul. The son is in many ways similar to his father, which does not allow these two heroes to finally move away and become irreconcilable enemies. Arkady himself is different from his idol Yevgeny, he is not so convinced of nihilistic ideas and theories. The cynicism and disregard for the feelings of Kirsanov Jr. are simulated, which leads Nikolai Petrovich to indignation. However, Kirsanov's wisdom is so great that he does not blame his son and does not try to convince him. He waits, and gradually Arkady returns home, abandoning false ideals. In fact, Kirsanov Jr. needs peace, prosperity and a quiet happy life from life. Therefore, the conflict of these two characters cannot be as strong as the confrontation between Bazarov and Uncle Arkady.


Thus, the essay on the topic “The Dispute of Generations: Together and Apart” should reflect the main conflict between the nihilist commoner Bazarov and the idealist aristocrat Pavel Petrovich. The contradiction between Arkady and his father is only a reflection of the desire of Kirsanov Jr. to appear independent and independent.

Preparation for the final essay in the 11th grade.

Dispute of generations: together and apart

Subject. Conflict and continuity of generations in the works of Russian literature.

Lesson #1


1. Check and consolidate knowledge of fiction.

2. Develop skills in working with text.

3. To reveal the essence of the relationship of the main characters of the works with the opposing other.

4. To conclude how the conflict and continuity of generations are reflected.


Analytical conversation, commentary reading, retelling of episodes, creative work students (writing essays).

During the classes.

1. Recording the theme and epigraphs:

"Honor your father and your mother,

and it will be good for you

and you will live long on earth

(Biblical commandment)

"The connection of times is broken"

(W. Shakespeare)

"Today Russian society

is in short supply

spiritual bonds"

(V.V. Putin)

2. The teacher's word about the goals and objectives of the lesson

Word-by-word thinking about the wording of the topic. The teacher emphasizes that every word is really important here. And the key words here are:

Conflict is a clash, irreconcilability, contradiction, protest.

Continuity is the continuation of what was started by the predecessors, following their path.

How do you understand epigraphs?

Introduction by the teacher.

“It hurts me to talk about it today, but I have to say it. Today, Russian society is experiencing a clear shortage of spiritual bonds,” these are the words from the message to the Federal Assembly of President V.V. Putin.

Indeed, our society has lost over the past decades traditional moral values. The disunity of "Fathers and Sons", misunderstanding even within one generation is especially acute now, when the former meanings and goals have been lost, and new ones cause confusion and uncertainty.

True, such disputes were obvious in the old days.

I propose to recall the essence of the disputes between fathers and children in the novel by I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons".

Remember what marked the arrival of Bazarov in Maryino?

First of all, Bazarov does not consider it necessary to change his usual behavior in order to please the elementary rules of courtesy. Once in the society of people of the older generation who do not share revolutionary democratic convictions, he shows intolerance towards their opinion, becomes rude among his comrades.

3. Examination homework(advance homework)

As an early homework assignment, you should have thought about the following questions:

- How did Turgenev oppose the nihilist Bazarov to the Kirsanov brothers?

Is Bazarov endowed with reflection, a certain discrepancy between words (beliefs) and deeds (willingness and ability to “get out of hand”)? In what episodes does it show up?

How do Bazarov characterize his cynical judgments about women and his deep, passionate love for Odintsova?

What can be said about the hero's rude statements about his parents and tender love for his old people?

In what episodes of the novel is Bazarov's "great heart" and the unconditional tragedy of his fate revealed? Where does the tragedy of senseless denial of what is beautiful (music, poetry, painting, nature) manifest itself?

4. Conversation behavior

The problem littered with Turgenev in the title of the novel is a problem for all time. Actually, this is the problem of rethinking the life values ​​of the generation that precedes the generation that comes to replace it. Not every generational change is accompanied by such a rethinking and such a break, as happened with Bazarov.

It is important to note that the ideological conflict that arose in the novel between Bazarov and the "fathers" cannot be resolved by reconciliation. Worldview confrontation leads to a complete rupture - to a violation of connections of times. (see 1 epigraph). The figure of Bazarov is tragic because of his loneliness. He does not have real followers in his main field (do not think that medicine is his main field). He is lonely in his personal life. His old parents are almost afraid of him, and he misses them. And in relations with Odintsova, he fails. This story completely broke him.

It suddenly turns out that with the people, knowledge and understanding, of which he boasts so much, he also does not have a true affinity. A simple peasant pronounces a sentence on him: “It is known, master: does he understand anything?”

Skepticism embraces the hero. He himself ceases to believe in the necessity of any useful activity. Fatigue, inaction, longing of the hero lead to a tragic dead end of his life path.

5. Transition to the analysis of scenes from The Captain's Daughter


And yet, how good it is when not a war, not a protest against the older generation, but continuity, which gives an understanding of the meaning of the life of fathers, is established in the minds of children. "Spiritual bonds" forever connected Peter Grinev with his parents.

Recall the main episodes that reveal the behavior of the hero, following the father's covenant, in the story "The Captain's Daughter".

Students retell

The episode of the execution of the defenders of the Belogorsk fortress.

At Pugachev's headquarters.

In Berdskaya Sloboda.

We draw a conclusion

An example of perseverance, loyalty to one's convictions, to the tsar and the Fatherland and, of course, to God, is Pyotr Grinev. Despite the difficult dramatic circumstances in which he found himself, Pyotr Grinev did not drop his honor, remained faithful to the empress and did not dishonor the honor of his family. The hero always hoped for the mercy of the Lord and got out of the most difficult situations thanks to his moral qualities. IN difficult moments life, he is guided not by momentary interests, but by higher principles that help him make the right decisions. No matter how Pugachev persuaded him to go over to his side, Grinev did not betray himself, his convictions, while maintaining dignity and honor.

6. Transition to benchmarking two heroes: Molchalin from the comedy A.S. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit" and Chichikov from the poem by N.V. Gogol "Dead Souls".

What unites the two heroes Pavlusha Chichikov and Molchalin?

Both received the advice of their fathers, but these covenants carry an immoral element. Commentary by students and confirmation by texts.

Lesson number 2 Lesson for the development of speech.

Writing essays on the topic of lesson number 1.

Fragments of compositions.

Essay 1

Both heroes (Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich) felt hostility towards each other at the first meeting. Pavel Petrovich dubbed Bazarov a cynic, a plebeian, a doctor, a hairy, charlatan. Bazarov calls Kirsanov an aristocrat, an idiot. And the very first meeting over tea led to a verbal duel, which lasted until the real duel.

Argued over various issues that worried at that time: about backgammon, his life, about science, patriotism, religion, art. Here and below, the nihilistic views of Bazarov came to light. He believes that "a decent chemist is 20 times more useful than a poet", that "nature is not a temple, but a workshop, and man is a worker in it." Bazarov does not recognize feelings, believing that there are only sensations. Being a naturalist, the hero does not recognize any higher spiritual values.

But life begins to test Bazarov's views. Gradually, after meeting with Odintsova, Bazarov begins to realize his helplessness before eternity and the power of nature: “... And the part of the time that I manage to live is so insignificant before eternity, where I was not and will not be! ..” - he exclaims. We feel sadness and confusion in these words.

Yes, and love, which he also denied, enters his life. As it turned out, he is capable of a deep feeling. Although it remained unanswered, and in fact before he was so cynical in relation to a woman.

Bazarov's conflict with his parents gives particular sharpness and piercing. Bazarov's feelings are contradictory. On the one hand, in a burst of frankness, he admits that he loves his parents, and on the other hand, contempt for “ stupid life fathers", dictated by his life position, his firm convictions. This discord, apparently, cannot be resolved. Bazarov claims: "Every person should educate himself - well, at least like me." But he is wrong. Only thanks to the example of parents, their upbringing, was Bazarov's intellectual growth possible. Its tragedy is that having lost the opportunity to understand them, to accept them as they are. As it is, forgive. There is a great gulf between them, and Bazarov himself does not want to get close to them, considering this a step back.

“Honor your father and your mother, may it be good for you, may you live long on earth,” says the fifth commandment given by the Lord God. What is the right way to honor your father and mother? First of all, it is to love them, to be grateful to them for the life they gave, not to judge their actions, to take care of them until their death, to listen to them in everything.

Complete oblivion of this commandment in Bazarov: "be it good to you, you will have to on earth." I forgot about God, excluded him from my life: “I look at the sky when I want to sneeze,” says the hero. And here's why tragic ending story.

Essay No. 2

So what is the novel about? About the tragedy of a man corroded with the world of his fathers. A novel about a man who trampled on many universal, Christian values: love for one's neighbor, the commandments "thou shalt not kill" (he still shot himself in a duel) and "what is his father and mother."

What else can be blamed on him. Guilty, because he was burdened by his parents, was condescending and arrogant in friendship, cynical in relation to a woman, treated Sitnikov and Kukshina with contempt, people, albeit miserable and narrow-minded, but still people. And most importantly, he excluded the thought of God. So all the same, apart, and not together with the fathers of the mountain. He never changed his beliefs. The extremes in the views of Bazarov were brought to all subsequent times, because they carried a destructive, immoral beginning.

Essay No. 3

Problems of fathers and children exist in many works of literature. In the family, from his parents, a person receives the first knowledge about life, about relationships between people. Therefore, the relationship in the family, between parents and children, depends on how a person will treat other people in the future, what moral principles he will choose for himself, what will be the main and sacred for him.

“Take care of honor from a young age,” this is how the father of his son Peter, setting off for military service. And Peter Grinev fulfilled this covenant to the end. In difficult circumstances, the hero often finds himself, but he never sullied his honor or dropped his dignity. Spiritual bonds, speaking modern language, tied him to his roots forever. Nowhere in the story does Grinev retreat from honor out of cowardice, out of fear. Here in the Belogorsk fortress, the captured Grinev, recognized and spared by Pugachev, is dragged to the chieftain to kiss the hand of the “sovereign”. "Kiss the hand, kiss the hand!" they were talking about me. But I would have preferred the cruelest execution to such vile humiliation.”

In the story, nowhere does Grinev consciously compromise his officer's honor. He is spared, he is given gifts and Pugachev helps to free his bride. Grinev himself does not help the impostor in any way, except for moral help. Moreover, he forces Pugachev to treat his ideas of honor and oath with a certain respect.

“God sees that with my life I would be glad to pay you for what you have done for me. Just do not demand what is contrary to my honor and Christian conscience, ”Grinev says to Pugachev when Masha is released.

Essay No. 4

Nowhere in the story does honor contradict conscience. What to hold on to What won't let you down? It is necessary to hold on to conscience, to honor in the eyes of God (I think this was what the father had in mind when instructing his son), for God. This will help to maintain honor in the eyes of people. Such a deeply Christian, deeply Russian answer is given by Pushkin in the story The Captain's Daughter. His hero, of course, from an early age, knew the commandment to honor parents. And it was good for him, but he was long-lived on earth, for he remained a true citizen, good family man and a true Christian.

Essay No. 5

Fathers are different. There were also those who in their instructions, which for them was the most important thing in life. Father punished Pavlusha Chichikov most of all to please teachers and mentors, to save and save a penny. "You will do everything and break through the world with a penny." Spiritual emptiness and carrion emanates from the hero. All thoughts and feelings of this person are subordinated to one desire - to become rich at any cost. For the sake of the cherished goal, he resorts to cunning and deceit, showing the most disgusting qualities: resourcefulness, dexterity, flattery, fraud. There is nothing sacred in this man, and it could not be, judging by the instruction, which he clearly surpassed. Gogol calls Chichikov a scoundrel.

But another character is Molchalin. He fully shares the views of the older generation. It helps him a lot in life. He also achieved the rank of assessor, and became the secretary of Famusov, the Moscow ace, he is loved by the daughter of a rich man. And all this because he adhered to the covenant of his father:

First, to please all people without exception-

the owner, where you happen to live,

the boss with whom I will serve,

his servant who cleans the dress,

doorman, janitor to avoid evil,

janitor's dog, so that it was affectionate.

In addition to this servility and servility, "moderation and accuracy" brought him significant success. But the reader is not mistaken: everything is disgusting in this man, everything is hidden, concealed. Clever Chatsky can see the insignificance and stupidity of Molchalin, his voicelessness and cringing. At the end of the play, the cowardice and meanness of Molchalin, his prudence and hypocrisy, his sycophancy and insincerity were revealed to Sofya.

Final word teachers.

This is how we talk in the lesson about the conflict and continuity of generations, the problem of fathers and children. This problem has always existed and remains relevant today.

What values ​​will the younger generation inherit from the older ones? What “spiritual bonds will unite people in a family, society? What basic values ​​are most in demand by young people today? And what to do, what would still " Eternal values» the highest human qualities - such as faith, honor and nobility, service to one's cause, work in revealing the talents given to a person by God, kindness, love for people, one's Fatherland, loyalty to it - were honored by everyone who enters adulthood life. For forgetfulness, neglect of them leads to misunderstanding between people and generations, tragic breaks.

The problem of intergenerational relationships is considered one of the eternal questions morals. Time speeds up, people can't keep up with it. Social institutions, codes, norms keep the traditions of the past. The trends of today, not to mention the future, turn into a storm in the musty crypt of the past.

In this article, we will try to highlight not only the relationship between generations, but also the study of this issue in the works of Russian writers.

The essence and origins of the problem

Today, in our rapidly rushing world, in the context of total intergenerational relationships, it becomes noticeably acute. It seems that children move away from their parents not one, but several steps at once.

The peculiarity of the struggle between the new and the old is that the first does not always emerge victorious from it. Adults have more leverage, confidence in their unshakable rightness, the need to be an authority and leader for the child.

In what follows, we will look at this problem from the perspective of the psychologists, as well as how it was seen by writers in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The material will be of particular interest to students who are preparing for exams. Often one of the topics is the following: "Problems of relationships between generations." You can easily write an essay on this assignment after reading this article.

Today, the emphasis has shifted from the experience of older generations to the achievements of peers. Practically all knowledge from parents the child receives already in the "outdated" form. Nowadays, the life of an innovation sometimes fluctuates within a few days or hours.

In adolescence, boys and girls are forced to go through a kind of initiation stage. They need to learn to control emotions, become reasonable and wise. It's called "growing up". The difficulty is that with the acceleration of the pace of life, parents themselves often have not yet fully formed into a holistic mature personality. Or their image is suitable only for the heroes of the novel of the nineteenth century.

The problem is that often parents cannot even tell their offspring what to do in this or that situation. After all, they never spent their youth in the conditions of the present. What was previously considered revolutionary, today young people refer to the Stone Age.

Let's look at the issue of disagreements between parents and children. How do psychologists and writers see it?

What psychologists say

If the task concerns the problem of relationships between generations, the essay can begin with the opinion of experts on this topic.

Now we will talk about some of the studies carried out by scientists to study the psychology of the adult generation. They believe that the main problem lies in the inability of the elders to understand their failure in matters of education.

It turns out that self-satisfaction and the belief that past life experience is the standard against which to measure the "correctness" of the child, serves as the foundation for contention. It turns out that adults speak one language, and children speak a completely different one.

Moreover, from the point of view of psychologists, the problem of relationships between generations often comes from the parents. The most common complaint from children: "They don't want to hear me."

Experiments were carried out to confirm this hypothesis. We present a description and results of one of them.

The school asked tenth grade students to rate themselves on a five-point scale. It was necessary to measure internal qualities, such as kindness, sociability, initiative and others. The second task was to determine how these same qualities would be assessed by their parents. The older generation was asked to evaluate their children, and then predict their self-esteem.

As a result, it turned out that children accurately imagine what their parents think of them, and fathers and mothers, in turn, know absolutely nothing about their offspring.
The rest of the studies have proved, in addition to this point, a number of difficulties in the relationship between children and adults. So, it was revealed that the child is more frank with the mother than with the father. The second unpleasant moment is that many things that interest a teenager are not customary to discuss in our society.

Themes of feelings, openness, sexual life put an insurmountable barrier between generations in the family. This turn of events leads to formal communication and routinization of relationships.

Turgenev, "Fathers and Sons"

According to many critics, the problem of intergenerational relationships is most fully covered in the novel "Fathers and Sons". In principle, here it is given the most attention, but you will soon see that there are other works that touch on this issue.

Ivan Sergeevich in his novel shows not just the confrontation between father and son in a single family. The problem of intergenerational relationships is depicted here, since Kirsanov and Bazarov are not relatives.

The first is young, nihilist, democrat and revolutionary. Pavel Petrovich is shown as a monarchist and an aristocrat to the marrow of his bones. The clash of their worldviews is the basis of the plot.

We see that Yevgeny Bazarov is inclined to deny everything, putting science above all other values. The image of the landscape of Switzerland, for example, is interesting to him only from a geological point of view. He is pragmatic, trying to prove the advantage of new views. However, at the end, Eugene dies with the thought that Russia did not accept him.

Bazarov's antagonist is Kirsanov. He likes to talk about the "Russian idea", the simplicity of a peasant's life. But in fact, all his words turn out to be an illusion. He is inclined to only talk about it, but by his actions he shows the opposite.

Like many other writers of the nineteenth century, Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev is on the side younger generation. He shows through the prism of the novel the agony of the old worldview and the birth in the throes of a new philosophy of society.

Tolstoy, "War and Peace"

Next, we will consider the problem of intergenerational relationships in the novel "War and Peace". Here Tolstoy, being a fine connoisseur of human souls and motives of behavior, shows three different families. They have different social status, values ​​and traditions. On the example of the Bolkonskys, Kuragins and Rostovs, we see almost the entire palette of Russian townspeople of the nineteenth century.

However, the novel shows not only the relationship between different generations but also the friction of different strata of society. Bolkonsky, for example, brings up children as part of the service to the Fatherland. He puts honor and benefit for other people above all else. Andrey and Maria grow up like that. However old prince often went too far in education, about which he laments on his deathbed.

Kuragins are shown as the complete opposite of Bolkonsky. These are careerists who put their social position above all else. Their example illustrates the cold attitude of parents towards children. The lack of sensuality and trust becomes natural for Helen and Anatole.

In fact, Tolstoy shows with the help of empty people who are exclusively interested material values and external shine.

The Rostovs are the complete opposite. Here the parents fully support Nikolai and Natasha. Children can always turn to them for help when they need it. This clan is completely different from the aristocratic Bolkonskys and from the careerists Kuragins.

Thus, in the first two works mentioned by us, the problem of intergenerational relationships is most fully disclosed. An essay (USE) would be best written based on these novels.

Paustovsky, "Telegram"

When discussing the problem of relationships between generations, arguments "from life" will be the best. The story will touch the most painful strings human soul. It highlights the situation when children forget their parents.

This is the second extreme that a family can fall into. Often the cause is not so much as the harmful moments of social influence.

Sometimes unprepared for aggression real world teenagers fall into the whirlpool of other people's goals. They live by the ideals of other people and lose themselves. If the parents failed to accustom the child from childhood to the fact that they will be accepted at home in any condition, then the young man will move away.

Thus, we face a multifaceted problem of relationships between generations. Arguments in favor of proper upbringing and others can be given, but it is better to show horrible consequences deepening abyss.

We see such examples in the works of many writers. In Telegram, in particular, my daughter was late. When the girl came to her senses and came to visit her mother in the village, she found only a grave mound and a simple tombstone.

Paustovsky shows that pride, hidden malice and other barriers that prevent warm relations between relatives, always lead to the tragedy of the “offended”. That's why the best way solving the problem of relationships between generations will be forgiveness and sincere desire understand the interlocutor.

Gogol, "Taras Bulba"

The problem of relations between generations in Russian literature is quite acute in Gogol's work. He addresses the unexpected and terrible side of the realization of this moment.

The story illustrates the murder of the father of his child for the sake of own feeling honor and pride. Taras Bulba could not forgive and survive Andrei's betrayal of ideals. He takes revenge on him for the fact that the young man did not grow up as he was brought up.

On the other hand, he punishes the Poles for death younger son- Ostap.

Thus, in this work we see the bitter truth of reality. Fathers rarely seek to understand their children. They just want to realize their concept of "ideal life" in them.

That is why it is eternal problem intergenerational relationships. You will find the arguments of Russian writers in favor of the impossibility of solving it in our article. Next, we will consider different areas this question.

But after reading most of the works and studies, the impression remains that along with age, the ideals of house building wake up in people at the gene level.

Eldest Son - play and film

We are now discussing the problem of intergenerational relationships (the USE often includes it in the list of tasks). Let's look at Vampilov's comedy "The Elder Son". It was written in the late sixties of the twentieth century.

The significance of the work is that several generations are intertwined here. We see relationships between three: fathers, adults, and younger children.

The essence of comedy lies in an innocent joke that turned into milestone the life of the whole family. Two friends (Busygin and Silva) stay up late in a strange city, they are late for transport. They are looking for lodging for the night.

In the city they meet with the Sarafanov family. Silva tells their new acquaintance that Busygin is his son. The man takes the message at face value because he "had a sin of youth".

The essence of the work lies in the fact that Busygin has to become a link between the father and the children, who do not put their parent in anything.

We see already quite mature "younger" Vasenka, who, out of jealousy, burns down Natalya's house. Nina, the named sister of Busygin, wants to run away with her fiancé to Far East, but the newly-born brother keeps her.

Obeying the impulse of feelings, the deceiver confesses everything. Everything in the story ends well. But the main focus is still set. The situation is created in a comic form for convenient perception and a comfortable introduction to the comedy "family friend".

It is through the prism of a third-party view of the family that the problem of intergenerational relationships is revealed. Vampilov's writing is fundamentally different from similar works of the nineteenth and eighteenth centuries. It is here that we see the picture that exists in our time.

House building traditions have actually become obsolete, but the softness and thoughtless love of many parents plays with them. bad joke when the kids grow up.

Griboyedov and Fonvizin

The problem of relationships between generations in "Woe from Wit" is revealed on the example of Famusov and Chatsky. Let's take a closer look at these symbolic images.

The old generation is characterized by the worship of rank, wealth and position in society. It is afraid, does not understand and hates new trends. Famusov is stuck in the petty-bourgeois worldview of the last century. His only desire is to find a son-in-law for his daughter with ranks and stars on his chest.

Chatsky is the exact opposite of Pavel Afanasyevich. He not only denounces the domostroy foundations of the past in words, but also shows with his whole behavior the depravity of the old and the power of the new worldview.

Molchalin is a peer of Chatsky, but contrasts with him in thoughts, goals and behavior. He is pragmatic, two-faced and hypocritical. Above all for him - a warm and money place. That is why the young man pleases Famusov in everything, is quiet and modest with Sophia.

There is drama in Chatsky's personal life. The beloved girl calls him crazy and pushes him away, preferring "a serviceman with a rank." But, despite this, the result of the comedy is shown to readers openly. It is the "carbonari" and rebels who will replace the traditional ceremonial worship and mossiness of the old nobles.

The Undergrowth also highlights the problem of intergenerational relationships. The essay is an amazing decoding of the proverb: "The apple does not fall far from the apple tree." Here we see a separate aspect of the relationship between parents and children. Education, which is designed not to help the child find himself in life and realize himself, but to reflect the mother's outdated picture of the world.

So, in the comedy "Undergrowth" we see the result that Mrs. Prostakova received. She did her best to protect the child from the "hated" world and corrupted society. Teachers were hired to him only because Peter the Great “bequeathed” so. And the teachers at Mitrofanushka were not distinguished by scholarship.

The comedy is written in the vein of classicism, so all the names in it speak. Teachers Tsifirkin, Kuteikin, Vralman. Son Mitrofan, which in Greek means "like a mother", and Prostakova herself.

We see the disappointing results of blindly following dead dogmas without the slightest attempt to comprehend them.

Starodum, Pravdin and some other characters oppose the old traditions. They reflect the desire of the new society to see a soul in a person, and not an empty gilded shell.

As a result of the conflict, we get a completely merciless, greedy and stupid "undergrowth". "I don't want to study, but I want to get married" - this is the most accurate reflection of its essence.

Coverage of the problem in the works of Pushkin

One of the eternal moral issues It is a problem of intergenerational relations. Arguments from life modern society rarely match perfectly. literary images. The closest situation is mentioned in the Elder Son, which we talked about earlier.

The writings of the classics of the nineteenth century are often useful to young people only in a global sense. The general ethical and moral topics that are touched upon in them will be relevant for more than one century.

The problems of relationships between generations in Pushkin's works are covered many times. Examples include the following: "The Captain's Daughter", "The Stationmaster", "Boris Godunov", " Miserly knight" and some others.

Alexander Sergeevich, most likely, did not set himself the goal of reflecting this particular conflict, like Tolstoy and Turgenev. The clash of generations has been part of everyday life ever since primitive people. It's just that over time, the gap between parents and children is getting bigger. This is influenced by progress, changes in social values, globalization and many other factors.

In particular, in stationmaster"The situation is similar to the one that Paustovsky later highlighted (we talked about this above). Here, Samson's daughter Vyrin escapes from her father's house with a hussar. She falls into urban society, becomes a rich and respectable lady.

When her father finds her, he does not recognize and does not want to accept new look daughters. Samson returns to the station, where he becomes an inveterate drunkard and dies. Here the conflict is formed in view of different meanings, which the characters invest in the concept of "happiness".

IN " Captain's daughter We see a completely different picture. Here Peter Grinev tightly remembered the traditional teachings of his father. Following these rules helped him save face and honor in difficult situations.

The old baron in The Miserly Knight loses his own son because he is committed to the old philistine ways. He does not want to change the ossified worldview, feudal views. In this essay, we see too big a gulf between father and son. The result is a final rupture of ties.

Ostrovsky, "Thunderstorm"

As you have already seen, if the problem of intergenerational relationships is to be touched upon in the essay, arguments (literary, life and others) will easily help to do this.

At the end of our article, we give one more example, which is the best fit for the task. Now we will talk about Ostrovsky's drama "Thunderstorm".

In this amazing work, the collision of the old Domostroevsky and From all actors decides to resist the ossified tyranny of the elders only main character- Catherine.

There is a saying that Russia is a country of facades. It is in this play given phrase and deciphered in frightening nakedness. Behind the apparent prosperity and piety of an ordinary Volga town, we discover the true evil hidden in the souls of people.

The problem lies not only in the cruelty, stupidity and hypocrisy of the older generation. Kabanikha, Wild tyrannize youth only when society does not see them. By such actions, they are just trying to "set the true path" of their unlucky children. However, the difficulty is that all the knowledge and traditions inherent in house building have long turned from norms of behavior into an unnecessary burden.

reverse side this issue becomes weak-willedness, weakness and bestial humility of the younger ones, as well as the indifference of the rest of the townspeople to what is happening before their eyes.

The problems of relationships between generations in the drama are shown in parallel with the impending storm. Just as nature seeks to free itself from what has been accumulated, sending life-giving rain on petrified soil, so Katerina's suicide makes the indifferent souls of people tremble.

Thus, we have examined the relationship of generations on examples from life, the origins and manifestations of this problem. In addition, we got acquainted with the works of many Russian writers who accurately, sharply and frighteningly truthfully shed light on this issue.

Good luck, dear readers! Try to find the strength in yourself to be better, so as not to become boars, simpletons and other house builders.

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