Sayings of famous actors. The best sayings of famous actors and writers of the USA


Leonard Louis Levinson

Until tomorrow comes, you will not understand how good you were today.

Dale Carnegie

Owen D. Young, a well-known lawyer and one of the leaders of big American business, once said: “A person who can put himself in the shoes of other people and understand the course of their thoughts does not need to worry about what the future has in store for him.”

The famous Viennese psychologist Alfred Adler wrote in his book What Life Should Mean for You: “The individual who is not interested in his fellows experiences the greatest difficulties in his life and inflicts the greatest offenses on those around him. And it is from such people that losers are obtained. ”

Brilliant bits of wise advice on the subtle art of human relationships can be found in the sayings of Henry Ford. “If there is any secret to success,” he said, “it lies in the ability to accept the point of view of another person and see things through his eyes.”

Professor Harry A. Overstreet, in his instructive book Influencing Human Behavior, said: “Our actions are inspired by our innermost desires ... and best advice The one thing you can give to those who are going to excel in the art of inducing—whether in the business world, in the family, in school, or in politics—is this: first make your interlocutor crave something. Whoever can do this will conquer the whole world. Whoever fails is doomed to the path of loneliness.

Audrey Hepburn

The beauty of a woman is not the aesthetics of her face; it reflects in her soul. This is her love and attention, the passion that comes from her. The beauty of a woman grows with age.

If you need a helping hand, know that you have it - your own. When you get older, you will realize that you have two hands: one to help yourself, the other to help others.

I love people who make me laugh. I really think that laughing is what I love the most. It cures many diseases. Perhaps this is the most important thing in a person.

I don't need a bed to prove my femininity. I can be sexy just picking apples from a tree or standing in the rain.

Kate Winslet

Through our connection with others, we can touch the most beautiful thing in ourselves.

Beauty and naturalness are synonymous for me.

Any girl who has passed 15, well, just at the level of instinct begins to wait or look for a partner. When women say no, that they were striving for something else, I don't believe it. Everyone is looking for love, everyone!

Angelina Jolie

No matter how strong a woman is, she waits for a man stronger than herself, and not so that he would restrict her freedom, but so that he would give her the right to be weak.

Our ideas of how things should be prevent us from enjoying the way things are.

When someone loves you, and when you make someone happy, you suddenly start to feel like the most handsome man in the world.

When I trust logic and don't trust my instincts, that's when I get into trouble. When I get logical, and I don't trust my instincts - that's when I get in trouble

Jennifer Aniston

I now believe in cooperation as much as in love, in uncontrolled mutual attraction. I believe that only this module works in everything, in absolutely everything – the balance of interests, cooperation, mutual enrichment.

Robin Sharma

My friend, the stories about how you don't have time to work on your thoughts and your life are like the story about how you don't have time to pour gas into an empty tank because you have to go faster. It will still need to be done at some point.

Andrew Matthews

We ourselves create a cage for ourselves and think that it is real. In reality, we are limited only by what we have convinced ourselves. Each person himself determines how deep he swims.

If we are dissatisfied with the world around us, the world responds to us in the same way.

There is only one way to move forward - love what you do and do what you love. And this is equally true for the student and for the pensioner!

Ten commandments of life:

1. We came into this world to learn. And life teaches us a new lesson every day.
2. The universe has no favorites.3. Our life is a reflection of our beliefs.
4. When we get too attached to things, people, money - they elude us!
5. What we focus on tends to grow in size.
6. Listen to your heart and go where it calls you!7. The Lord will never come down from heaven and say: “From now on, I allow you to be happy!”
8. Entering the fight with life, remember that she will always win.
9. What does it mean to love people? Just accept them for who they are!
10. Our mission is not to change the world, but to change ourselves.

The most important thing in life is to be able to adapt.

Perpetual change is neither good nor bad. It's just an inherent property of the world!

Woody Allen

If you want to know a person, don't listen to what others say about him, listen to what he says about others.

Will Smith

Do whatever you want with your life. Write a book, get a tattoo, dye your hair a crazy color, confess your love at last. After all, someday only a dash between two dates will remain of you, and no one knows when this “someday” will come ...

Ivan Urgant popular Russian TV presenter, one of the best showmen in Russia, a talented actor. Born and raised in a family of actors, he inherited a passion for art from his parents and grandmother. He has a sparkling sense of humor and is in demand on radio and television. He is married and has a daughter, Nina, named after her grandmother, an actress.

Yuri Vladimirovich Nikulin is a native of the Smolensk region. Talented actor, beloved by all clown. He starred in Soviet comedies, which became cult, as well as films military theme. Wrote the book “Almost Seriously. He died and was buried in 1997 in Moscow.

Famous actor and TV presenter, Ph.D. in painting. In 2001, the host of the show " Last Hero". A talented screenwriter and director of many films. He tragically died in the Karmadon Gorge during the filming of the film "The Messenger". The glacier that covered his film crew will melt for 12 years.

Famous Soviet and Russian actor, circus performer. Honored Artist of Russia. Son of circus illusionist Harutyun Hakobyan, himself an illusionist. In films, he initially played magicians, then switched to characteristic roles. Hakobyan's quotes show all the mystery and magic of his nature.

Italian actor, crooner composer, director, public figure and TV presenter. In Italy, he received the nickname "Molleggiato" (Italian. On springs) - for his manner of moving on stage. Quotes by Adriano Celentano characterize him as a real hot Italian man.

Popular Canadian film actor, screenwriter. He is one of the highest paid comedians in the US. He is the owner of two Golden Globes and 11 MTV Movie Awards. Jim Carrey quotes show his nature in everyday life.

popular American actor cinema and theater, director Italian descent. The greatest fame gained thanks to the roles of a gangster in films such as Scarface and Scent of a Woman. Last film won him an Oscar for Best Actor. Al Pacino quotes show him from the side of everyday life.

Popular American and Hong Kong film actor, promoter of martial arts. IN total, starred in 36 films. It is noteworthy that about 30 films were made about his life and work. A true martial arts legend. Bruce Lee's quotes call to be brave and bold, they contain many philosophical teachings.

Making money in the acting industry may not be the most noble occupation, but quite profitable. In addition, this does not always require acting skills honed over the years.

Film scripts and actor play on set should always be brighter and more interesting than life. Only then will the viewer accept the picture and believe the actors.

The moment the system called "confidence" is created, future generations will be able to work with great desire, as it was back in the days of Savva Morozov and also the Demidovs.

As soon as passengers get into the cabin, they immediately become such believers.

IN real life the actor will gladly help the woman, but on the stage he will not have such an idea.

When a talented actor performs on stage, the audience in the hall sits with bated breath. This is real acting.

An unscrupulous person must have fear. A coward must have a conscience. But if both are missing, then we have what we have.

Actors do not go on a well-deserved rest, they simply stop getting roles and offers to act in films.

The performance of a loud-voiced actor must be perfect.

Continuation best aphorisms and quotes read on the pages:

Acting art is unacceptable.

Actors are like children, they just want to play.

The actor plays, but teaches seriously.

Actors play the better, the worse the play.

Men cannot stand the explosive mixture of beauty and intelligence.

The actor is the critic of the drama. Musical critic is a singer, or a violinist, or a flutist.

Children become very funny when they get to the foundational things. I remember my daughter sat down in front of me and said: Dad, I need to ask you questions. And she's four, you know. I have three. First: Is God afraid of dogs? “I had to think. No, I say. - Not afraid. And she: Okay. Did he catch dinosaurs? “I think I did. And then she says: Does he have a maid? But I don't know how to answer this question.

An actor is a person who does not listen until they are talking about him.

The whole world is an ACT. And the people in it are actors.

Real loneliness is a society of people who do not understand you.

All people are actors, with the possible exception of some actors.

I love what I do, but I'm tired of fighting someone else's stupidity, unprofessionalism.

The actor is a werewolf who adores numerous witnesses.

Acting is still in its infancy, when will it grow into our everyday acting?

Law of Actor Skill: The higher the dynamic range of an actor's skill, the wider his audience. Leonid S.

Need to live. Just live. Do not catch up and do not run away, do not envy and do not fuss.

Lord, send me good actors, and send me them cheaply!

Take the most important thing for yourself, apply it and get rid of the rest.

In Rus', it was fools and jesters who often said what smart people were afraid to even think about.

Real men have brains stronger than their penises. Wealth and sexuality alone cannot bring joy.

All my life I have swum in the toilet with a butterfly stroke”

There is no competition within me. I wouldn't say I'm loyal to anyone or anything. I am true to myself.

Actor - public trainer.

Today live today Monday. I took it in the morning, I sold it in the evening - and goodbye.

We ourselves became the guys we wanted to marry in our youth.

Acting is a game in which you are not you all the time, but someone else.

Be like children, but do not create in the same place where children make kaku.

Acting is a masochistic form of exhibitionism. This is not an activity for an adult.

The artist is a cemetery of unplayed images.

In an open field, any actor is better than a warrior.

Untalented actors are those who never fail.

If you fall behind in art, you won't catch up. You just get off the circle. Not a single athlete has managed to become a champion in more than a dozen years.

The heroic epoch of our life requires another actor.

Even the role of Othello is performed more truthfully when there is a personal interest.

In the process of looking for an image, many actors commit outrages.

Var lei!, - for some reason Natalya ordered.

Even good actor cannot play one role all his life.

All an actor needs is to learn the role and not bump into the furniture.

Acting is like roller skating: if you know how to do it, it doesn’t electrify or excite you at all.

Wishes are sure to come true, if not, then you have not yet learned how to make them.

Acting should be larger than life. The script must be larger than life. Everything must be larger than life.

Gambling of the actor is pursued not by law, but by fans.

Sexual intimacy can only be compared to music or prayer.

The actors and the audience must not meet. After the curtain falls, the actor must disappear as if by magic.

If you are smart, then you will be beautiful. There are no ugly ones. Someone is beautiful like a rose, someone like a cactus.

Even Hitler moved the meeting to another room when Oleg Yankovsky dozed off. (Not mine, I accidentally heard it)

Actors resemble children who have stopped in their development.

Don't be afraid of your enemies, be afraid of your friends. Friends betray, not enemies!

Being alone with your thoughts is a very dangerous activity... but very rewarding!

The game (acting) is one version of the unreal after another.

An artist is not a vocation, it is a state of mind, plus the capabilities of the body.

It's too easy to blame other people and circumstances in the past for your own self-hatred.

You can edit a movie, you can cut something in the transmission, with modern technology everything is possible. The only thing that is impossible is to deceive the audience in the theater.

When I see someone who just follows his dreams and succeeds, does only what he wants to do and does not answer to anyone for it, of course, without harming anyone, I think that is wonderful.

An actress in life should be invisible.

Love is like climbing an ice-covered mountain in the dark. One wrong step and you're dead!

The music endows the biggest undead with acting abilities.

Actors are the same puppets, only alive and more functional.

An actor is something less than a man; an actress is something more than a woman.

The actor is in principle unable to assess the impact of another actor's performance on the viewer: he is instinctively always on the THAT side of the curtain line, and can only judge his performance as "in itself".

Women can fake orgasm. But men imitate relationships.

In this life, it doesn't matter how you fall. It matters how you get up.

Great is the artist who makes the audience forget about the details.

In whose personal life millions do not climb, that as an actor has not yet taken place.

A great actor with a bad face will make a wonderful comedy.

The actor plays the image of a man - the sitter depicts his likeness.

In the creative nature of the actor, in all his nature creative process there is nothing that would not be peculiar to one degree or another to the nature of every person in general.

An actor is not a profession, but a diagnosis.

The actor is like a pianist, where feelings play the role of keys.

Each person is an actor and creates a repertoire for himself.

A real actor like everyone else real artist, has a direct line of communication with the collective heart.

A family should have either two artists, or none.

Actors are mirrors of life, and differ from them in that each reflects it in their own way. Leonid S. Sukhorukov

An actor, first of all, must be cultured and understand, be able to reach out to the geniuses of literature.

An actor is something less than a man; an actress is something more than a woman. - Richard Burton

Actor is an inconvertible profession. - Konstantin Raikin

The actor must make the audience forget the existence of the author, the existence of the director, and even the existence of the actor. - Paul Scofield

An actor has to protect himself – and at the same time be very open. It is very difficult to achieve such a balance - in fact, even impossible. - Alan Rickman

An actor must be equally able to wait and hurry. - Andrey Mironov

An actor must bring to life everything he touches. - Vladimir Vysotsky

An actor and a politician are almost the same thing. In both cases, you play a role, never meet the budget and are late everywhere. - Arnold Schwarzenegger

The actor today played in the film, and tomorrow the whole country knows him. It's harder for an artist. Do you know why I have many orders from worldwide famous people? Because they understand: they will leave, and I will stay ... - Nikas Safronov

An actor is a person who does not listen until they are talking about him. - Marlon Brando

The acting profession is one of the few professions protected from corruption risks. For an actor, by definition, cannot be bribed. It can be bought, but this is the condition of the game: the artist sells his talent and his time for a fixed price. And leftist money is not here. - Maxim Zausalin

The acting profession is a climb up a mountain that has no top. - Ivan Yankovsky

The acting profession is the profession of an artist, a creator. - Chulpan Khamatova

Acting requires me to be observant. This means that I should be able to sit in cafes for hours and watch people. - Keira Knightley

Acting is my life! - Robert Pattison

The actor needs space, self-expression in the role. Without that space, he's a robot with buttons on his chest. - James Dean

Actors are just a tool in the hands of the director. - Yuri Lyubimov

Actors are long-distance runners. At a distance not only in a film or a play - in life. - Gleb Panfilov

Actors and prostitutes are two of the oldest professions in the world, brought to decline by amateurs. - Alexander Woolcott

Ilya Ilf, Evgeny Petrov

Actors don't like being killed in the second act of a four-act play. - Ilya Ilf, Evgeny Petrov

Actors, especially cool ones, should take care of themselves. - Mark Zakharov

The artist and the director at all times have said things that need to be said to society. - Yuri Lyubimov

The trouble is that you understand how to play Hamlet at seventy, but you have to play him at seventeen. - Ernesto Rossi

Great actor - great stage.

There are surprisingly timely inventions, for example, widescreen cinema, which appeared just when the actors on the screen began to spend most of their time lying down. - Max Favelli

Being an actor is quite difficult. The fact is that everyone is trying, how to say it, to insure against an unsuccessfully chosen role. - Daniel Craig

Being an actress is highest degree femininity. - Monica Bellucci

In the acting profession, past merits are not considered. -Andrey Mironov

There are no rules in acting, I play on pure instinct. - Heath Ledger

As a child, I made a vow to myself to become an actress. She went to the dark stairs and there she cut her finger with something sharp. And in the diary she wrote: I will be an actress. I did this so as not to turn off the intended path. Cut off all escape routes. I still have this diary at home. - Tatyana Vasilyeva

In the movie business, fame doesn't last long. Today I am famous. Tomorrow I won't. This is fine. I understand that this will end as it began - in a moment. But I will move on. If you are an actor and are sad about it, then you have chosen the wrong profession. - Keira Knightley

In the theater - as in nature. Sorry for naturalism, but two dogs are running. They sniffed each other and ran on together. Or they didn't run, they ran away. The director, the partner sniffed each other - and you can say: the role will turn out, the performance or it won't work out. - Armen Dzhigarkhanyan

In the theater, the director is God, but the actors, alas, are atheists. - Hot Petan

Valaam's donkey spoke human voice. Other actors should follow suit. - Stanislav Lets

You need to stop mixing two things - the ability to appreciate and understand roles, even whole plays, and the ability to embody them in the game ... Between an actor and an author, the relationship is about the same as between a carpenter or a bricklayer and an architect. They don't have to understand. - Bernard Show

Great is the artist who makes the audience forget about the details. - Sarah Bernard

The relationship between the director and the actor is worse than that of a woman and a man. - Armen Dzhigarkhanyan

All actresses have sleeping beauties inside, and every time they play a role, one of these beauties wakes up. - Monica Bellucci

I always create a conscious staff turnover in the acting shop. An artist, when he is hired, often begins to get fat and lose his creative passion. Therefore, you need an influx of young and, to put it in a nasty language, intriguing actors who want to play your roles. This creates a "string", an inconvenience in the sensations of the artist and does not allow him to relax creatively. - Konstantin Raikin

They say that the artist is so tired, so tired, and the mother-in-law asks: "Is he a miner?" - Oleg Menshikov

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