Toad from Star Wars. List of Star Wars characters


The character of the Star Wars movie saga, created by the director and screenwriter. A gangster from the planet Nal Hutta, a huge non-humanoid alien from the Hutt race, less than four meters tall, similar to a slug or a toad with orange eyes. Hermaphrodite - has the sexual characteristics of a male and a female at the same time. Belongs to the Hutt clan.

History of creation

The concept of Jabba the Hutt changed from one film to another as the film industry grew and developed and new opportunities arose. Jabba was originally conceived by George Lucas as a furry, Wookie-like creature. Then came the concept of Jabba as a fat, slug-like creature with a huge, ugly mouth, eyes, and tentacles.

Invited to play Jabba, actor Declan Mulholland read out the character's lines during filming. The actor was dressed in a fluffy brown suit, and at the post-production stage they had to replace the person with a character created using puppet animation. The scene involving Jabba was supposed to be an important plot point, but George Lucas ended up cutting it out of the movie due to budgetary and time constraints.

In 1997, while working on the anniversary edition of A New Hope, George Lucas brought the scene back, and the broken narrative sequence was restored. Technology at that time made it possible to realize the image of Jabba at a higher level than in 1977. In 2004, during the next re-release, the scene was again finalized, and the appearance of the villain was further improved.

"Star Wars"

Jabba was first mentioned in Star Wars: A New Hope, episode IV, released in 1977. Jabba is an episodic character there - a crime boss and the leader of a gang of smugglers on the planet Tatooine. The smuggler pilot owed Jabba a tidy sum of money for failing to deliver the smuggled cargo.

Han Solo was supposed to bring a cargo of a banned drug to Jabba from an asteroid, but an Imperial patrol landed on the tail of Solo's ship. Solo chose to drop the dangerous cargo. Enraged, Jabba placed such a tempting bounty on Han Solo's head that every bounty hunter in the universe began chasing him.

In 1980, Jabba's name resurfaces in Episode V "The Empire Strikes Back". Han Solo never returned the favor, and Jabba sends a bounty hunter to search for the debtor, promising a decent jackpot for Solo's capture. Later, Han Solo is captured, and he sends the hero to Jabba, having previously frozen in carbonite so that Solo does not escape. Solo's friends at the end go to the rescue in order to snatch the hero from the clutches of Jabba.

The third film, Return of the Jedi, released in 1983, used a complex animatronic puppet to create Jabba's screen image. In the first film in 1977, Jabba the Hutt was played by Irish actor Declan Mulholland, dressed in a fluffy suit. But the scene where he appears was cut from the final version of the original film. In the 1997 re-release of A New Hope, the Jabba scene was returned, but the live actor was replaced with a CGI image and the voice was re-dubbed. The new Jabba spoke in a fictitious language of the Hutts.

In a cut scene, Jabba, accompanied by gangsters, arrives at the hangar where Han Solo is holding the ship. Jabba demands that the hero return the value of the lost cargo. Han Solo promises that he will return the money as soon as he receives payment for a new job. Han Solo was in the process of delivering , and their droid companions to Alderaan.

Jabba demands that Solo return with the money as soon as possible, and threatens to unleash all the criminals in the galaxy on Solo if he doesn't. Solo, however, would never fulfill his obligations to Jabba.

In the first part of Return of the Jedi, Jabba mocks numerous servants and assigns a generous reward to anyone who drags Han Solo's head to his feet. Bandit Boba Fett brings Han Solo to Jabba, and the crime boss exposes the frozen hero as part of an exhibit in his own throne room.

However, Han Solo's friends are on the alert and rush to help. They manage to infiltrate Jabba's palace, but luck turns away from the heroes. she herself is captured by Jabba, and the villain turns the girl into slavery. The gangster attempts to take down Luke Skywalker when he arrives to make a deal with Jabba to free Han Solo.

Under the throne room is a pit where a monstrous monster sits, and Luke is thrown into it. The hero destroys the monster, but Jabba doesn't stop there. A giant worm-like creature lives in the Dune Sea on Tatooine, and Jabba decides it would be a good idea to feed Luke and Han Solo to the monster.

However, the heroes manage to defeat Jabba's guards, and the villain himself is killed by Princess Leia during the confusion. Jabba is overtaken by a very symbolic death - Leia strangles him with slave chains. Jabba's sailing barge explodes and everyone on board is killed. However, Leia, Luke and the rest of the heroes manage to escape.

In the 1999 prequel The Phantom Menace, Jabba can be seen in a Podrace sequence. The villain sits on the podium, surrounded by henchmen, and is not at all interested in what is happening. Eventually Jabba takes a nap and misses the race finale.

Jabba the Hutt is depicted in the movie saga as a big crime boss, constantly surrounded by a retinue of bodyguards and smaller gangsters who work for him. Jabba is about six hundred years old. In submission to the villain are numerous assassins, smugglers and bounty hunters. The character stands at the center of the criminal empire he rules.

On the desert planet Tatooine, Jabba has his own palace, where numerous slaves, droids and all kinds of alien creatures serve the criminal. Jabba loves to torture those who turn up at hand, is not indifferent to young slaves and plentiful food, and is fond of gambling.


"If I told you half of what I heard about this Jabba the Hutt, you would most likely start to short-circuit!"
“By the time of our next meeting, he was already much more big figure- in all senses. And besides, he managed to hate me.

Jabba the Hutt Jabba Desilijic Tiure

One of the most notorious crime bosses in the galaxy, who ruled a vast criminal empire from his palace in the Tatooine desert. An ugly, slug-like creature with a vindictive and sadistic streak, Jabba pursued Han Solo for several years after a smuggler dropped a load of spice. With the help of Boba Fett, Jabba finally got Solo and then enslaved Princess Leia, who tried to save Han. However, the Hutt underestimated Leia, and she strangled him as the heroes escaped Jabba's sail barge.

Race: hutt.

Height: 1.75 meters (3.9 meters long).

Planet: Nel Hatta.

Affiliation: No.

First appearance:"Return of the Jedi" ("A New Hope" special edition).

Full biography

The son of a major clan leader and a representative of an ancient family of criminal tycoons, Jabba sought to become equal to his father. By the year 600, Jabba (whose Huttian name is Jabba Desiliyik Tiure) was at the head of a large criminal empire. Together with his vast fortune, Jabba flew away from the estate of his father Zorba the Hutt (Zorba the Hutt) to Nel Hutt to Tatooine, where he settled in a palace built on the ruins of the ancient monastery of the monks of B "Ommar.

The sour atmosphere of Jabba's palace soon attracted many unscrupulous villains who flocked to the fortress to drink and eat, have fun and find work. Thieves, smugglers, assassins, spies, and all sorts of criminals have always been around Jabba. He soon became involved in all kinds of criminal activity in the Outer Worlds, including smuggling, the glitterstim spice trade, the slave trade, assassinations, debt collection, racketeering, and piracy.

Pursuing his illegal activities, Jabba once hired a smuggler named Han Solo to deliver glitterstim spice from Kessel, where it was mined in the mines under the Imperial Correction Facility. After Solo dropped a load of glitterstim to get through the Imperial cordons, Jabba sent several bounty hunters to look for the pilot. Solo killed Greedo, one of Jabba's close friends, but was unable to escape the Hutt. Jabba met with Solo on Tatooine, but allowed him and his co-pilot Chewbacca to fly passengers to Alderaan in exchange for the proceeds from the flight. Solo did not return. Enraged, Jabba posted a massive reward for the smuggler, dead or alive.

After some time, Boba Fett delivered Jabba Solo, frozen in carbonite, but alive. Soon after, Khan's friends infiltrated Jabba's palace to rescue the smuggler. Jabba captured Princess Leia and put her on a chain, and then tried to feed Luke Skywalker first to his pet rancor and then to the Sarlacc. Standing on the edge of the Great Sinkhole of Karkoon, Luke escaped death with the help of his Jedi skills, and a fight broke out between the rebels and Jabba's men. In the fight, Jabba found his death at the hands of Leia. Moments later, most of his henchmen were killed in a sailing barge explosion set off by Luke and Leia. The rest of Jabba's fortune passed to his father Zorba, who vowed revenge on Leia and her friends.

Behind the scenes

The filmmakers worked on Jabba's appearance for a very long time before he could appear in the original Return of the Jedi in his final form. In his first incarnation, appearing in the novelization of A New Hope, the crime lord is described as "a moving carcass of muscle and fat, surmounted by a rough, scarred skull...". A scene was also filmed for A New Hope as the Hutt talks to Han Solo as he leaves Mos Eisley. In this scene, Jabba was played by a large man (Declan Mulholland) in fur clothes. Lucas intended to cut the actor out and replace him with some kind of mechanical creation, but the necessary technology was not available. Therefore, the scene was cut completely.

Ralph McQuarrie, Nilo Rodis-Jamero, and Phil Tippet collaborated with Lucas on Jabba's appearance for Return of the Jedi. Before coming to a final decision, they made over 76 sketches. Macquarrie first envisioned Jabba as a monstrous and agile primate resembling a giant ape, while Rodis-Jamero saw him as a refined, sophisticated humanoid. Tippett suggested the idea of ​​a huge slug. He came up with eight looks for Jabba, with early versions having several pairs of arms.

English studio Stuart Freeborn needed two tons of clay and 600 pounds (270 kilograms) of latex to make Jabba the Hutt. It was a giant puppet 18 feet (5.5 meters) long, controlled from the inside by three puppeteers. Two of them each moved one of Jabba's arms, and the third moved his tail. Two employees were responsible for the movements of Jabba's eyes (which were controlled by wires), and also inflated and deflated air bubbles under the skin of the Hutt, giving his face a variety of expressions. In addition, during the filming, Jabba constantly needed a make-up artist.

For the special edition of A New Hope, Lucas, armed with digital technology, returned to the scene of Jabba's first appearance in Mos Eisley. A fully computerized Jabba replaced Declan Mulholland in a "talk" with Harrison Ford.

  • Ajanta Poll is a Force-sensitive human male fallen Jedi, leader of a group of Dark Jedi who, at the end of the "Hundred Years Darkness", were eventually defeated by the Jedi and were expelled from the territory of the Republic. Wandering through the Unknown Regions, this group eventually discovered the planet Korriban is the home of the Sith race, who considered the newly arrived exiles to be gods. By cunning and intrigue, they achieved high position, and soon usurped power when Ajanta himself killed the then Sith king Hakagram Graush, and thus became the first Sith ruler of non-Sith origin, the first The Dark Lord of the Sith, and one of the founding fathers of the newly created Sith Empire. It is also known that he was a master of Sith alchemy. After the death of Ajanta, his body was placed in a tomb built for him, and his restless spirit remained there for a very long time, regretting what he had done during life. At least 2,500 years later, Revan, wandering the galaxy in search of knowledge necessary to defeat the Sith, visited Korriban and explored the ancient Sith tombs. In one of them, he found Ajanta Poll's lightsaber, but only touched it, how the long-repentant ghost of Ajanta Poll appeared to him, whom Revan helped to return to the Light, thanks to which he finally found the long-awaited peace. And Poll's sword, as a valuable artifact, Revan took with him.
  • Arden Lin is a female Force-sensitive, human, dark Jedi, martial artist Teras-kasi, a member of the "Disciples of Palava" order, located on the planet Bunduki, and specialized in the study of the Force, and midi-chlorians. Being a Jedi during the "First Great Schism" supported her lover, the fallen Jedi Xendor, after which, following her example, many of the Followers joined his army, the Legions of Lettow, or the Servants of Xendor. After his death, she made several unsuccessful attempts to resurrect Xendor, led the Legions of Lettow, until one day she was hunted down Grand Master of the Order Audrist Pina, who, despite his skill in battle with Lin, was mortally wounded, but before he died, he managed to use the Morikro technique against her, which made it possible to stop all body functions, because of which Arden Lin would inevitably die , however, she was saved by the intervention of the followers of the Dark Side, who, having stabilized her condition, plunged her into stasis for the next 24,000 years.
  • Ysanne Isard ( Ysanne Isard) is an agent, and later the director of the Imperial Security Service, who is cruel and uncompromising, known as the "Ice Heart" and the "Snow Queen".
  • Jial Akbar ( Gial Ackbar) - a former slave of the Empire, later one of the best commanders of the Rebel Alliance, led the attack of the Alliance forces on the second "Death Star", then the Supreme Commander of the Defense Forces New Republic.
  • Nie Alavar (Ni) - Senator from the Kanz sector during the Clone Wars, supporter of Senator Amidala, executed by order of the Emperor.
  • Stass Allie ( Stass Allie) - a woman from the Tholothian race, cousin of Adi Gallia, Jedi Master of the Galactic Republic during the Clone Wars. During Order 66, she was killed by clones on Saleucami.
  • Mas Amedda ( Mas Amedda) - Vice Speaker of the Senate of the Old Republic, participated in a vote of no confidence in Chancellor Valorum, later Palpatine's representative in the Senate.
  • Darth Andeddu ( Darth Andeddu) - The Dark Lord of the Sith, the Immortal God-King Prakita, who allegedly owned the secret of immortality. The first to use the title "Darth".
  • Luminara Anduli (Luminara Unduli, transcription variant - Unduli) - in the last years of the Galactic Republic Jedi Master and general of the Republican army. Aide to the Jedi Council, adviser to Supreme Chancellor Palpatine and the Galactic Senate. Teacher Barriss Offee.
  • Bail Antilles ( Bailey Antilles) is a member of the influential House Antilles, a prince, a senator from Alderaan before and during the events of the Invasion of Naboo, the leader of one of the two largest factions of the Senate - the Core faction, which supported the Supreme Chancellor Valorum. He also ran for the post of Supreme Chancellor of the Republic after the removal of Valorum, but Palpatine won the election.
  • Wedge Antilles ( Wedge Antilles) is a legendary fighter pilot, colleague of Luke Skywalker. Participated in the battles of Yavin and Endor, as well as in the destruction of the second Death Star. Together with Skywalker, he created the elite Rogue Squadron.
  • Antilles, Iella Vessiri - wife of Wedge Antilles, an officer in the Correlian Security Forces, later a New Republic scout.
  • Raymus Antilles ( Raymus Antilles) - veteran of the Clone Wars, captain of the ship " Broken heart", one of the best naval commanders of his time, was the captain of the Tantive IV corvette, captured along with Princess Leia by Darth Vader ("Star Wars. Episode IV: A New Hope").
  • B


    • Finiss Valorum was Chancellor of the Republic from 40 to 32 BBY, accused of corruption and bureaucracy. During the conflict between the Trade Federation and the planet Naboo, Queen Amidala (at the suggestion of Senator Palpatine) passed a vote of no confidence in Valorum, and by a general vote he was removed from the post of ruler of the Republic. Palpatine was soon elected to take his place.
    • Darth Vectivus was the director of the Jones 8 11 mining mine (star system MZX32905), near the planet Bimmiel. Faced with the dark side of the force at the mine, he began to study it, later became the Dark Lord of the Sith under the name Darth Vectivus. Despite his commitment to the Dark Side, he retained his old principles and moral principles, thanks to which he remained fair and balanced, not succumbing to the temptation of power.
    • Asajj Ventress ( Asajj Ventress) - a dark Jedi from Dathomir, in the past - an assistant to Count Dooku and a sister of the night, in the present - a bounty hunter. According to the novel "Dark Follower", she died on the planet Kristoffsis, once again trying to kill her sworn enemy, Count Dooku.
    • Ton Wee ( Town We) - Assistant to Prime Minister Kamino, accompanied Obi-Wan Kenobi during his visit to the cloning center and clone trooper training.
    • Mace Windu ( Mace Windu) is the youngest head of the Jedi High Council in the history of the Order.
    • Maximilian Wiers ( Maximilian Veers) - General of the armored forces of the Empire, one of the few Imperial officers who won the trust and respect of Darth Vader.
    • Quinlan Vos ( Quinlan Vos listen) is a Jedi Master who served as a general in the Republican Army during the Clone Wars.
    • Vosk ( Vosk) is one of the leaders of the Bounty Hunter Guild.
    • Adi Gallia - Jedi Master for a long time remained a member of the high council. After she died at the hands of Savage Opress.
    • Galen Marek ( Galen Marek, also known as "Starkiller" ( starkiller) and "Student" ( The Apprentice)) - the anti-hero of the Star Wars universe. After Darth Vader killed Galen's father, the boy grew up under the supervision of the Sith Lord and became his secret student under the name "Starkiller".
    • Nut Gunray ( Nute Gunray, transcription options - Nute Gunray, Newt Gunray) - viceroy (viceroy) of the Trade Federation. He personally took part in the occupation of Naboo, was the initiator of numerous assassination attempts on Padme Amidala. Under his leadership, the Trade Federation became one of the largest suppliers of battle droids to the military. He was killed by Darth Vader along with other members of the Separatist Council on Mustafar.
    • Hepta Rokar is the last of the Order of the Wizards of Tund.
    • General Grievous ( General Grievous, birth name - Kimaen jai Sheelal ( Qymaen jai Sheelal)) - Supreme Commander of the Confederate Independent Systems Droid Army.


    • Datka Graush is a Force-sensitive pure-blood male Sith, a Dark Lord of the Sith who lived approximately 7,000 years before the Battle of Yavin. He took an active part in one of the intermittent civil wars on Korriban. in Sith alchemy and magic, he eventually combined these two sciences into one, in fact becoming the founding father of the traditions of Sith necromancy, and with its help he created an army of the living dead, the so-called "Korriban zombies", thanks to which he eventually won, and took control of two-thirds of the planet. His rule, which lasted 50 years, was marked by unprecedented cruelty and terror, excessive even for the Sith. in 6,950 BBY, he died, almost at the very beginning of the Hundred Years' Darkness, as it is believed as a result of a terrorist attack. It is possible that the Jedi exiles, led by Ajanta Poll, who arrived on Korriban at about the same time Datka tradition, along with his sword, holocron, and Sith amulet, was buried in a tomb in the Golg Valley, and his spirit, as was often the case in those days, remained in the tomb where his body rested. Many thousands of years later, about half a year before the Battle of Yavin, the pirate ship Ginny's Courage under the command of Captain Naz Felhoda was wrecked on Korriban. Entries in the logbook indicate that the ghost of Datka Graush still did not calm down by that time.
    • Darth Desolous ( Darth Desolous) - a Jedi who became a Sith.
    • Jabba the Hutt ( Jabba the Hutt, full name- Jabba Desilijk Tiure) is a crime boss and gangster, the most powerful leader of the Hutt crime families.
    • Dexter "Dex" Jettster ( Dexter Jettster) - a former prospector on Subterrel, then an arms dealer, later a restaurateur. He was known as a good and reliable informant for the Jedi, a member of the anti-Imperial resistance.
    • Vrad Dodonna ( Vrad Dodonna) is the son of General Jan Dodonna, a starfighter pilot of the Rebel Alliance. He died after the Battle of Yavin, destroying the Executor super star destroyer, with which Darth Vader was going to destroy the rebels along with the planet Yavin IV.
    • Jan Dodonna ( Jan Dodonna) - a brilliant tactician and strategist, the captain of one of the first "Star Destroyers" of the times of the Galactic Republic, then one of the first generals of the Rebel Alliance. Together with Adar Tallon, he wrote a book about modern space combat.
    • Mara Jade Skywalker ( Mara Jade Skywalker) - was alternately the "Hand of the Emperor", a smuggler (deputy of Talon Karrda), later - a Jedi Master and a member of the Jedi High Council, wife of Luke Skywalker, Jaina Solo's teacher.
    • Admiral Jerjerrod ( Jerjerrod listen)) was an Admiral of the Old Republic who was a friend and supporter of Supreme Chancellor Palpatine.
    • Tyanne Jerjerrod ( Tiaan Jerjerrod) - grandson of Admiral Jerjerrod, imperial general, then moff (governor) of the Quanta Sector, led the construction of the second Death Star over Endor
    • Durge - a representative of the Gen "Dai race, one of the most famous bounty hunters in recent decades existence of the Old Republic. He was hired by Jabba the Hutt and had to work with ten-year-old Boba Fett. Considered dead on Muunilinst, he nevertheless survived, and in 20 BBY he was killed by Anakin Skywalker, who during the battle on board the ship drove the mercenary into an escape pod, and then, using the Force, threw it into the bowels of the central star of the Karthakk system.
    • Dio Lexi is a senator from the planet Uyther at the beginning of the Clone Wars, and a member of the Loyalist Committee who opposed the limitation of the Senate's powers and the expansion of the power of the central government. Killed.
    • Durga Hutt (full name Durga Besadi Tai, also known as His Great Obesity Lord Durga) is a Hutt from the kajidika (clan) of Besadi, the successor of the former head of this clan-Hatta Aruka, a hermaphrodite with a male personality, orange eyes, and a large birthmark on left eye, a gangster (like all Hutts), he is already at the age of 100 years ( adolescence for Hutts) began to comprehend the basics doing business, and became right hand his parent Aruka, and when he died, Durga suspected that his father had been killed. In desperation, Durga turned to the head of the Black Sun criminal syndicate, Prince Xizor, for help, and in exchange for a considerable percentage of the Besadi clan's spice processing business on the planet Ilesia, he agreed, and later found out that the then head of the Kajidik Desilijk, Jilliak Desilijk Tiron, the uncle of Jabba the Hutt, who ordered to poison Aruk with one very rare and powerful drug, was involved in the murder, because of which, as a result, Aruk died in excruciating withdrawal. Upon learning of this, Durga, enraged, according to the old Huttian traditions, called Gilliak to duel and killed later, for some time, he became one of the vigos (members of the Ruling Council) in the Black Sun syndicate, however, after the death of the head of the organization, Prince Xizor, he decided to act independently. and then he decided to destroy the New Republic, creating for this a new superweapon, the so-called "Sword of Darkness", built on the basis of the drawings of the "Death Star" stolen from the archive on Coruscant, the design of which was replete with various technical miscalculations, in particular due to the stinginess of Durga when purchasing the necessary materials, and because of the involvement in the construction of the station of representatives of the doubtfully intelligent Taurill race, who were very easily distracted from their work. In addition, when the New Republic found out what exactly Durga was up to, a sabotage group was sent to destroy the ship , however, failed (two of its members died, and the group commander, Republican intelligence general Crix Madina was shot by Durga himself), and when the Republican fleet appeared to destroy the "Sword of Darkness", Durga tried to escape from them on his ship through the asteroid field, which, however, was crushed by two massive asteroids, without having time to fire a single shot, and Durga himself died ingloriously with him. he managed to maintain control of the Besadii clan over the planet Nal Hutta.
    • Count Dooku, aka Darth Tyranus ( Count Dooku / Darth Tyranus) is the Crown Earl of Serenno, one of Yoda's students and Qui-Gon's teacher. He was one of the greatest Jedi in the galaxy, having a great gift for connecting with the Force as an orator, philosopher, and lightsaber fighter. Going to dark side forces became the Dark Lord of the Sith, created and led the Confederation of Independent Systems. Killed by Anakin Skywalker on Palpatine's orders.
    • Po Dameron ( Poe Dameron) - Resistance pilot, squadron commander.
    • Kip Durron ( Kyp Durron) - the son of political prisoners, in his youth, under the influence of the spirit of the ancient Sith Lord Exar Kun, he ended up on the Dark side of the force, and, consumed by a thirst for revenge for the death of his parents, with the help of the Sun Crusher superweapon, destroyed the Karrida system, in which the largest center for training Imperial stormtroopers, but later returned to the light. One of Luke Skywalker's first apprentices, a Jedi Master with a tendency to act aggressively participated in the war against the Yuuzhan Vong.


    • Tyber Zann ( Tyber Zann) is a criminal leader, the creator of a criminal organization known as the Zann Consortium
    • Darth Zanna is a Sith apprentice of Darth Bane.
    • Zen Mitov - Jedi, born after the Battle of Yavin. He was the only Jedi to wield a dark lightsaber.


    • IG-88 ( IG-88) - a series of battle droids of the 4th class, developed by Holovan Laboratories. A total of 4 IG-88s were made, making them one of the most infamous "bounty hunters" in the galaxy. They were in the service of Jabba the Hutt.


    • Yoda ( Yoda) is a Grand Jedi Master, one of the oldest members of the Jedi Council, one of the wisest and strongest members of the Order. Teacher of Count Dooku, Cin Drallig, Kit Fisto, Ki-Adi-Mundi, Oppo Rancisis, Qui-Gon Jinn, Luke Skywalker and many other Jedi.


    • Karrd, Talon ( Talon Karrde, aka "Claw") - a smuggler and information broker, forced to join the New Republic.
    • Kyle Katarn ( Kyle Katarn) - was an Imperial stormtrooper, later learning that his father was not killed by the rebels, but, on the contrary, for participating in the Rebel Alliance, went over to his side. Considered one of the strongest fighters in the Star Wars Expanded Universe.
    • Captain Rex is the commander of the 501st Clone Legion, a participant in the Battle of Geonosis, as well as many other battles in the history of the clone wars.
    • Obi-Wan "Ben" Kenobi ( Obi-Wan "Ben" Kenobi) - Jedi Master, Master of the Jedi Council, Supreme General of the Republic. Pupil of Qui-Gon Jinn and Yoda, teacher of Anakin and Luke Skywalker.
    • K "Kruhk ( K"Kruhk) - a Force-sensitive male from the Whifid race, a Jedi of the twilight years of the Old Republic, a student of Lilith Tusiz, safely survived the Clone Wars, Order 66, the time of the Empire, the war with the Yuuzhan Vong, and the time of the rise of the One Sith of Darth Krayt. Member of the New Jedi Order since 137 ABY, and a member of the Jedi High Council. Cade Skywalker's teacher, and by that time, perhaps the oldest Jedi in the entire Order.
    • Ki-Adi-Mundi ( Ki-Adi-Mundi) - Jedi Master, Jedi Protector, member of the Jedi High Council, general of the Republican army. Killed by clone troopers after order 66.
    • Agen Kolar was a Jedi Master of the Zabrak race of Iridonia. A member of the Jedi Council, a military leader, he was known as a master of lightsaber combat. Killed by Palpatine during the latter's arrest.
    • Jayden Corr ( Jaden Corr) is a Jedi from Coruscant, a student of Kyle Katarn. Believed to be a clone of Grand Admiral Thrawn.
    • Kradossk ( Cradossk listen)) is a Trandoshan, one of the leaders of the Bounty Hunter Guild. Bossk's father. Killed by his son, causing the Guild to split.
    • Xanatos is Qui-Gon Jinn's second Padawan, unable to overcome the negative qualities and allowed himself to be drawn into the dark side of the Force. The owner of the Distant Worlds Corporation. He was killed in a duel by Qui-Gon and his new Padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi.
    • Xendor is a Force-sensitive man, a man, a representative of the Kashi-Mer dynasty, who became a Jedi, but later became interested in the teachings of the Dark Side. He founded the "Lettow Legions" movement, and, together with his mistress Arden Lin, unleashed a war with the Jedi Order, which later became known as the "First Great Schism". However, in 24,500 BBY, in a decisive battle on the planet Columus, his army suffered a crushing defeat, he himself was killed, and most of his legions-destroyed.
    • Xizor ( Xizor) - the owner of the Xizor Transport Company travel company, a member and then the leader of the Black Sun crime syndicate, the dark prince. He was the third most powerful person in the Galaxy after Emperor Palpatine and Darth Vader. He died aboard his personal orbital station, which was subjected to artillery fire from the guns of the battleship "Executioner", by order of Darth Vader.
    • Danny Kui ( Danny Quee) is a New Republic biotic scientist, Yuuzhan Vong biotechnologist, and an unofficial member of the New Jedi Order.
    • Plo Koon ( Plo Kuun listen)) was a Jedi Master and member of the Jedi Council during the waning years of the Galactic Republic, and a general in the Republic Army. Pupil of Tivokka, teacher of Bultar Swan and Lissark. He was an excellent pilot and an experienced swordsman.
    • Exar Kun ( Exar Kun) - a gifted Jedi and the best student of Vodo-Siosk Baas, later switched to the dark side of the Force, becoming the greatest Sith Lord. A student of the resurrected Freedon Nadd. One of the most dangerous enemies of the Republic and the Jedi Order, began great war Sith. He was the first to be able to keep his mind separate from his body, and is also considered the inventor of the first double-bladed lightsaber, also known as the "light staff". Four thousand years later, the ghost of Kun returned and, intent on destroying all Jedi, wreaked havoc among Luke Skywalker's students at the Academy on Yavin IV, seducing several of them into dark side, and also killing many, and was defeated only with great difficulty by the combined efforts of all the young Jedi.


    • Cliegg Lars ( Cliegg Lars) - a farmer from Tatooine, bought Shmi Skywalker, mother of Anakin Skywalker, and made her his wife. Father of Owen Lars.
    • Owen Lars ( Owen Lars) is a farmer from Tatooine, along with his wife Beru Whitsun Lars ( Beru Lars) at the request of Obi-Wan, Kenobi adopted Luke Skywalker. Killed by Imperial stormtroopers on the orders of their half-brother, Darth Vader.
    • Lana Amidala
    • Lumiya ( Lumiya) - the real name of the Shira Elan Colla Brie, was the "Hand of the Emperor", who worked undercover in the Rebel Alliance, during the battle her ship was shot down by Luke Skywalker, through the Force, who recognized the enemy in her. She was saved by the Emperor, who turned her into a Sith cyborg, after which she took the name "Lumiya". She founded her own sect of adepts of the dark side, persuaded Jacen Solo to dark side, and She was executed by Luke Skywalker, who blamed her for the death of his wife, Mara Jade.
    • Lando Calrissian ( Lando Calrissian, transcription option - Lando) - entrepreneur, friend of Khan Solo, baron administrator of Cloud City, later general of the Rebel Alliance.


    • Maz Kanata ( Maz Kanata) is a female Force-sensitive humanoid pirate queen on the planet Takodana.
    • Mai Shu ( Shu Mai) - President of the Commerce Guild before and during the Clone Wars, member of the Separatist Council.
    • Male-Dee is a senator from the planet Yuyter, the successor to Lexi Dio, a member of the so-called "Delegation 2000" - a group of senators who spoke out in defense of democracy and in favor of Palpatine's relinquishing the emergency powers he received during the Separatist Crisis.
    • Dart Maul ( Darth Maul) - the dark lord of the Sith, a student of Darth Sidious, the teacher of his brother Savage Opress.
    • Mont Motna is a senator.


    • Freedon Nadd ( Freedon Nadd) - was a Jedi, then switched to the dark side of the Force, becoming a Sith and the ruler of Onderon.
    • Rugor Nass ( Rugor Nass) - Gungan, a descendant of the legendary Halo, was elected Boss of the underwater city of Oto Gunga, during the attack of the Trade Federation on the planet Naboo, entered into a defensive alliance with Queen Padme Amidala, during the reign of Palpatine fought against the imperial invaders.
    • Lorth Needa ( Lorth Needa listen)) was an officer in the Republic Navy during the Clone Wars and later served with the Empire. He was one of Admiral Kendal Ozzel's advisers. Killed by Darth Vader after Needa missed the Millennium Falcon.
    • Calo Nord ( Calo Nord listen)) is a famous Old Republic-era bounty hunter who worked for the Exchange crime syndicate. Killed while trying to kill Revan.
    • Nien Nunb ( Nien Nunb) is a talented merchant, a successful smuggler, and a skilled pilot of his own ship, the Sublight Queen. After losing his ship, he joined the Rebel Alliance. He was co-pilot of the Millennium Falcon during the Battle of Endor.


    • Kendal Ozzel - Admiral of the Imperial Navy. Strangled by Darth Vader for failing to follow orders.
    • Bail Prestor Organa ( Bailey Prestor Organa) - Prince Consort and Viceroy of Alderaan, adoptive father of Princess Leia Organa, senator, one of the founders of the Rebel Alliance
    • Breha Antilles Organa ( Queen Breha Organa listen)) is the queen and minister of education of Alderaan, wife of Bail Organa, and adoptive mother of Leia Organa.
    • Savage Opress is the brother of the Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Maul, apprentice of Count Dooku, and former servant of the Sith Lady Asajj Ventress.
    • Canderus Ordo ( Canderous Ordo) is one of the best warriors of the Ordo Mandalorian clan. After the defeat of the Mandalorians, he helped Revan in his search for the Star Forge. After the Jedi Civil War, Mand "alor na mando" a ("sole ruler") became the title given to the leader of the Mandalorians.
    • Barriss Offee ( Barris Offee) is a Padawan of Luminara Unduli and a talented healer. During the Clone Wars, she betrayed the Jedi Order by bombing the Jedi Temple using a suicide bomber and framing Ahsoka Tano. She was convicted of treason by the Senate of the Republic. According to one version, she died during the execution of Order No. 66.


    • Admiral Firmus Piett ( Admiral Firmus Piett) - admiral of the Imperial Navy, acting under the command of Darth Vader
    • Padme Amidala Naberry ( Padme Amidala Naberrie) is the queen of the planet Naboo, later a senator
    • Palpatine ( Palpatine) - Chancellor of the Republic, in fact Darth Sidious ( Darth Sidious), dark lord of the Sith, later emperor ( The Emperor)
    • Unkar Platt ( Unkar Plutt) is a male Krolut, junk dealer, owner of a flea market on the planet Jakku.
    • Plo Koon is the Master of the Jedi Order.
    • Pooja Naberri ( Pudhie Naberrie) is a politician, senator from the planet Naboo in the Imperial Senate, niece of Padmé Amidala Naberri.
    • Darth Plagueis the Wise ( Darth Plagueis the Wise) is a Force-sensitive male Muun, born under the name Hego Damascus, becoming the Dark Lord of the Sith, received the title of Darth Plagueis the Wise, is the heir to the teachings of Darth Bane and a master of Sith alchemy and magic. Darth Sidious' teacher.


    • R2-D2 ( R2-D2 / Artoodeetoo) is an astromech droid.
    • Rancisis Oppo - Force-sensitive male Thisspian member Supreme Council Jedi, senior Jedi general during clone wars, In 19 BBY, he was killed on Saleucami by the renegade Jedi Sora Bulk.
    • Revan ( Revan) is a Jedi who became the Dark Lord of the Sith under the name Darth Revan. Defeated and captured by the Jedi, who erased his memory, turning him back into a Jedi.
    • Kylo Ren aka Ben Solo Kylo Ren/Ben Solo) - Commander of the First Order, Master of the Knights of Ren, son of Khan Solo and
    • Naga Sadow was a Sith Lord during the first Sith Empire who became the Dark Lord of the Sith after the death of Marka Ragnos. The mastermind behind the Great Hyperspace War that ended with the destruction of the Empire.
    • Sifo-Dyas is a member of the Jedi High Council, a seer who foresaw future events, it was he who ordered the creation of an army of clones.
    • Raitt Seinar is a spaceship designer and designer, creator of the TIE Fighters and the Death Star.
    • Eila Secura ( Aayla Secura, transcription option - Ayla) - Jedi Knight, student of Quinlan Vos, general of the Republican army.
    • Aurra Sing ( Aurra Sing) - also known as "Nashtah", formerly a Padawan, later a "bounty hunter" of the Jedi.
    • Jaina Solo Fel ( Jaina Solo Fel listen) is a Jedi Master and member of the Jedi High Council of the New Jedi Order, wife of Jagged Fel. Daughter of Leia Organa and Han Solo, twin sister of the Sith Jacen Solo, older sister of Anakin Solo.
    • Jacen Solo ( Jasen Solo) - Jedi, student of Luke Skywalker, mentor of Ben Skywalker, then switched to the dark side of the force, becoming the third and last student of Lumiya. After killing Mara Jade Skywalker, he declared himself Darth Caedus, the Dark Lord of the Sith. Killed by Sister Jaina Solo. Son of Han and Leia Organa Solo, twin of Jaina and older brother of Anakin Solo.
    • Han Solo ( Han Solo) - smuggler, captain of the Millennium Falcon, later general of the Rebel Alliance. Husband of Princess Leia Organa, father of Jedi Jaina Solo Fel and Sith Jacen Solo. In the film version, he is the father of the former Jedi Ben Solo, who fell to the Dark Side, taking the name "Kylo Ren", and took a direct part in the extermination of the New Jedi Order. Tried to return his son to the side of the Light, but did not succeed, and was killed by him.
    • George Lucas. In the animated series "Star Wars: Rebels" - saves the team.
    • Wilhuff Tarkin ( Wilhuff Tarkin) - the military governor of a number of star systems of the Empire, the author of the Doctrine of Terror and the initiator of the construction of the Death Star.
    • Booster Terrik is a smuggler who raised Wedge Antilles after his parents died.
    • Mirax Terrik - smuggler, daughter of Booster Terrik, childhood friend of Wedge Antilles, wife of Corran Horn
    • Shaak Ti is a Jedi Master, member of the Jedi High Council, and High Jedi General. She survived the Clone Wars and Order 66, but around 4 BBY, on the planet Felucia, she was killed by Darth Vader's secret apprentice, Starkiller.
    • Tivokka - Wookiee, Jedi Master, honorary member of the Jedi Council, student of Yoda, teacher of Plo Koon.
    • Saessie Tiin (Sesi) is a Jedi Master and a member of the Jedi Council.
    • tholme ( Tholme) - Jedi Master of the times of the decline of the Galactic Republic, teacher of Quinlan Vos and Aela Secura.
    • Thrawn (full name - Mith Traun uuroodo, Mit th'raw'n uruodo) - Grand Admiral, Commander of the Empire.
    • Tulak Hord was a Force-sensitive human male Dark Lord of the Sith who ruled the Sith Empire between approximately 6900 and 5100 years before the Battle of Yavin, when lightsabers became much more common. About him life and reign Very little is known, however, in the Sith annals, fragmentary information has been preserved about his ability to control the Dark Side, as well as about his extraordinary skill with a lightsaber, which was highly regarded even by the Jedi who lived thousands of years after the death of Hord, considering him the greatest Sith master. - a swordsman of antiquity. Nothing is known about the circumstances of the death of Tulak Hord, however, his power and greatness were so significant that the Sith, paying tribute to his skill and merit, built for him a majestic tomb in the Valley of the Dark Lords, where, according to legend, except the body of Hord himself, his Sith holocron was also placed, containing his recommendations regarding training in the art of wielding a lightsaber. It is known that during his lifetime, Tulak Hord, following the Sith tradition, wore heavy battle armor, and a Sith helmet with a mask that inspired horror to anyone who saw her .Many thousands of years later, Revan and subsequently turn him to the side of the world.


    • Aihanna Alenaih was a Kaitanian Jedi who survived Order 66. She later joined the new order founded by Luke Skywalker.

    "If I told you half of what I've heard about this Jabba the Hutt, you'd probably have a short circuit!"
    - C-3PO tells R2-D2 about Jabba

    P The full name of Jabba the Hutt is Jabba Desilijk Tiure, he was a representative of the Hutt race and eventually managed to become one of the most powerful criminals in the galaxy. Jabba managed to build his own criminal organization, which he placed on a remote planet called Tatooine. Its base is located in the ancient monastery of B'omarr, where it was very difficult for a simple layman to get into. Jabba was engaged in any activity that could bring a solid income. He was not at all shy about smuggling, distributing various drugs, committing murders, piracy, extortion and the slave trade.

    While on Tatooine, Jabba the Hutt took bets on podrace races, but he often lost because his personal astromech droid made incorrect recommendations. In truth, Hutt had little to no interest in sports per se, he was only interested in profit. This caused him to occasionally fall asleep during races. However, he was always located in the best places and often opened the race. Yet Jabba was never a complete loser, even when he was losing substantial sums. There have always been people who lost much more than the king of the underworld, Tatooine. Hutt has always made money on the races, receiving either loans or young slaves.

    After some time, a young and incredibly talented smuggler named Han Solo caught the eye of Jabba the Hutt. Gangster Tatooine was impressed by the courage and determination of the man in matters of illegal cargo transportation, so much so that he decided to hire Khan to work. Solo agreed to Jabba's offer, after which he began to transport an illegal drug called "Spice" throughout the galaxy.

    While on a mission to transport a banned substance, Han Solo collided with an Imperial flagship in his ship, the Millennium Falcon. In order not to be arrested, the smuggler had to throw the entire cargo overboard. Jabba the Hutt was so upset by the lost profits that he sent a mercenary named Greedo after Khan. Solo managed to kill a member of the Rodian race, after which Jabba met Khan near his ship.

    speaks out his grievances to Han Solo

    The smuggler managed to convince the king of the underworld, Tatooine, that he would be able to pay off the entire debt and even pay an additional 15% of the entire debt. Jabba was good at counting money and gladly agreed to the man's condition. When the debt came due, Khan never showed up, and Jabba realized that the smuggler had deceived him again. The Hutt gave his mercenaries the task of finding Solo throughout the galaxy, but delivering him to the palace in order to personally punish the man. Meanwhile, Han Solo and his friends were captured by Darth Vader in Cloud City. The smuggler's best friend, Lando Calrissian, betrayed his comrade and handed him over to the Empire. Solo was frozen in carbon, and Vader handed him over to the mercenary Boba Fett in gratitude. The criminal delivered the frozen man to Tatooine, where he handed over to Jabba the Hutt.

    The main criminal of Tatooine was very pleased with such a gift. He placed Khan in his residence, where he watched him every day. Meanwhile, Solo's friends did not sit idly by. The droids C-3PO and R2-D2 went to Jabba to deliver a message from the Jedi Luke Skywalker, who offered the Hutt robots to replace Solo. The gangster refused Luke's offer, but still took the droids for himself.

    Princess Leia soon arrived at Jabba, disguised as a bounty hunter. The girl brought the captive Chewbacca to the Hutt, whom the criminal imprisoned in a cell. Disguised as a mercenary, Leia stayed at Jabba's residence. At night, she made her way to carbon and freed Han Solo. At that moment, the Hutt's penetrating laughter rang out. He guessed that the whole performance was meant to be a distraction. Jabba threw the smuggler into Chewbacca's cell, and he ordered Leia to undress and put on her slave costume. His previous slave was fed to the terrible creature Rancor. According to the Hutt, Leia should have been an ideal replacement for his previous assistant. Some time later, Luke Skywalker arrived on Tatooine to provide Jabba last chance, however, the king of crime only laughed at such an offer and refused to fulfill the will of the Jedi. Luke used the Force to draw a blaster towards him to attack, but the Hutt managed to react in time, causing Skywalker to fall towards the terrible creature Rancor.

    Princess Leia strangles Jabba the Hutt with a chain

    Outwardly, Jabba the Hutt resembles not so much a powerful crime boss as a cave monster; Behind the unsightly appearance, however, lies an impressive business acumen, coupled with general cruelty, making the Hutt a powerful adversary. Since its release in 1983, the Hutt has become one of the most memorable characters in the entire Star Wars universe.

    Jabba the Hutt is a fictional alien from George Lucas' Star Wars film series and a number of spin-offs. It is a huge slug-like alien; the famous film critic Roger Ebert (Roger Ebert) has been described as a mixture of a toad and the Cheshire Cat.

    Jabba the Hutt first appeared on the screen in 1983, in the third part of the "classic" Star Wars, the movie "Return of the Jedi" ("Return of the Jedi"). It should be noted that the Hutt was mentioned in the first films of the series, but he did not have to personally appear before the audience right away. Jabba was a powerful crime lord from the planet Tatooine, who controlled an entire criminal empire of various kinds of criminals, smugglers, assassins and mercenaries. On Tatooine, Jabba lived in his own palace, where he indulged in his favorite pastimes - gambling, torture, sumptuous meals and abuse of slaves. The main characters were brought to the Hutt's palace by a harsh necessity - they went to rescue their friend Han Solo, who was captured by Jabba's agent in the previous film. On behalf of the Hutt, mercenary Boba Fett managed to track down and neutralize Solo; encased in carbonite, the smuggler was paraded in the Mafiosi's throne room. The plan to save Khan did not go as easily as the heroes had hoped; Princess Leia Organa was captured and became one of Jabba's slaves, and Luke Skywalker was thrown into a pit by a monstrous rancor. The Jedi managed to defeat the monster, but the misadventures of the heroes did not end there - Jabba ordered the captives to be thrown to the giant desert monster sarlacc. The planned execution, however, Jabba failed - the battle that broke out ended in the flight of the main characters. Leia managed to strangle Jabba herself with her own shackles; later, after the heroes had fled, Jabba's barge exploded, presumably killing everyone on it.

    With his death, the story of Jabba seemed to have ended, but in 1997 the space gangster returned to the screens in a modified version of the film "New Hope" ("New Hope"). Jabba's line in this film began with the conflict between Han Solo and the alien mercenary Greedo (Greedo) - costing the latter his life. During the conversation, Greedo mentioned that Jabba had little regard for the smugglers who dropped their assigned cargo at the first appearance of Imperial cruisers on the horizon. Apparently, Khan was previously hired by Jabba to smuggle an illegal drug spice from the asteroid Kessel; Khan, however, was unfortunate enough to stumble upon the Imperial spaceships - and just in case, he dropped a dangerous cargo into space. As Greedo himself had warned Solo, Jabba was quite capable of placing such a price on the head of a smuggler that mercenaries from all over the galaxy would open the hunt for him. Later in the film, a scene cut from the original version was shown - Jabba and a group of his mercenaries looking for Han Solo in a hangar near the Falcon. Meeting with Solo, Jabba confirmed everything Greedo had said earlier and demanded that Khan pay for the lost cargo. Solo does not argue with the gangster, promising to return the money after the delivery of a new cargo - which, by the way, are Leia, Luke and Obi-Wan Kenobi (Obi-Wan Kenobi). The gangster agrees to a delay, but in case of deceit, he really promises to set a huge price for Khan's head. Subsequently, Jabba Solo fails to pay off - which leads to subsequent events.

    In 1999, the film "The Phantom Menace" ("Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace"); its plot unfolds even before the events of the original trilogy, but Jabba still has a place in it. This time the Hutt plays a relatively small role and acts more like a gift to the fans; he organizes the very race in which Anakin Skywalker wins his freedom and, despite the position of the organizer, shows practically no interest in what is happening, even openly falling asleep at the very end.

    IN animated film 2008 "The Clone Wars" ("Star Wars: The Clone Wars") Anakin and his student Ahsoka (Ahsoka Tano) again have to deal with Jabba. The Separatists, who want to quarrel with the Republic and the Jedi, kidnap Jabba's son, Rotta (Rotta). The heroes manage to save Rotta and bring him back home; in gratitude, Jabba guarantees Republic ships free passage through his territory. Jabba later returns in the Clone Wars television animated series. In one of the episodes, Jabba has to deal with an alien whose daughters are kidnapped by a mercenary Greedo; The Hutt willingly allows a blood sample to be taken from Greedo for comparison, but the cowardly behavior of the mercenary already betrays him as a kidnapper. In another episode, Jabba hires a certain Cad Bane to obtain plans for the Senate building; Bane copes with the task, after which the Hutt sends him to rescue his own uncle Ziro the Hutt from prison. The latter, most likely, is the decision not so much of Jabba himself, but of the Hutt Council as a whole - Jabba himself does not have particularly warm feelings for his uncle, remembering the role he played in the kidnapping of Rotta. Zero fails to run far; Jabba's uncle's death causes genuine joy, after which he pays separately for the delivery of his now deceased relative's holo-diary. In the future, the Hutts have to deal with the Collective of Shadows; Darth Maul, Savage Opress ( Savage Opress) and Pre Vizsla (Pre Vizsla) are trying to enlist the support of gangsters. Unable to pay for the services of the Hutts, they try to threaten the Council - and in return receive a visit from a team of unfriendly mercenaries. Later, agents of the Collective of Shadows turn to Jabba again, already in his palace on Tatooine - and impressed by their tenacity, the slug-like gangster promises his support and agrees to form an alliance.

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