Who killed Grushnitsky in a duel. The composition of the duel between Pechorin and Grushnitsky analysis of the episode of the scene


episode analysis. Duel Pechorin and Grushnitsky

  1. Grushnitsky died
  2. Pechorin confesses: for a long time I have been living not with my heart, but with my head. I weigh and analyze my own passions and deeds, both with strict curiosity and without participation. (recorded June 16).
    Is the hero certainly right in this statement of his? (Remember his state before the duel, his behavior when he heard about Vera's departure, and in general his attitude towards her). Does this quality enrich or impoverish his nature, which he does not notice in himself?
  3. A novel by M. Yu. Lermontov The hero of our time is a psychological one. He is dedicated outstanding personality, a person who, unfortunately, cannot find a use for his abilities. In order to reveal the character of the protagonist more deeply, the author depicts his friends and enemies. So, the suffering Pechorin is opposed by Grushnitsky his false mirror which wears a mask of disappointment, constantly plays with extraordinary feelings, sublime passions and exceptional suffering.

    This junker considers himself an honest and decent person, but if his pride is touched, he will immediately forget about his nobility. The best of that confirmation of the quarrel and duel of the hero with Pechorin. The episode of the duel is one of the key episodes in the novel: here, being between life and death, each of the rivals reveals his true face.

    The duel in Princess Mary is unlike any other in Russian literature, because this tragic way of resolving a quarrel usually excludes any deceit and is distinguished by the impeccable honesty of the participants. Here, at the heart of the duel, is a vile collusion between Grushnitsky and a certain dragoon captain. The latter, of course, does not think about the terrible outcome of the case, his goal is to have fun, presenting Pechorin as a coward and disgracing him, but this does not reduce guilt. Grushnitsky is stupid: he trusted a self-confident and irresponsible person. At the beginning of the duel, the captain is convinced that events will unfold according to his plan: We have been expecting you for a long time, he says with an ironic smile to Werner and Pechorin, hinting at their lateness. But the heroes arrived just in time! Instead of reconciling the participants in the duel, the captain is trying to intensify the conflict. Grushnitsky's second violates the first rule of conduct in a duel. But Werner diplomatically corrects the situation: you could, gentlemen, explain yourself and end this matter amicably. Pechorin expresses his readiness to make peace, but here the dragoon captain again steps in, winking at Grushnitsky. Here we understand how dangerous the junker's second is. He personifies the opinion of society, which will mock Grushnitsky with great pleasure if he refuses to duel. Now there is no turning back for the junker. We will shoot ourselves,” says Grushnitsky, not yet suspecting that he is signing his own death warrant.

    Pechorin is a good psychologist. I think he would also make an excellent teacher, because he skillfully tries to re-educate his opponent, to awaken his conscience. Grushnitsky would have repented, but he is so weak in spirit, and there is also a dragoon captain nearby!

    Pechorin's courage should also be noted. Risking death, he holds himself confidently. He even notices the beauty of the landscape. The hero complicates the already cruel conditions of the duel, continuing to test not only Grushnitsky, but also himself, and freeing himself from the coming pangs of conscience in advance. By lot, the junker falls to shoot first.

    He blushed; he was ashamed to kill an unarmed man, but how to admit to such a vile intent? . It is a pity for the poor fellow: he paid dearly for pride and selfishness. Grushnitsky aims at Pechorin's forehead. Does he want to commit murder? For what? There is only one answer: to get rid of shame, from accusations of cowardice. In a fatal moment for Pechorin, Werner behaves interestingly. He is obliged to prevent the tragedy, as an honest second who knows about the conspiracy, and finally, as a doctor who took the Hippocratic oath, but does not. How so? I condemn Werner and sympathize with Pechorin, who is doomed to proud loneliness among weak-willed people. Everyone obeys the main character, but this only makes it worse for him.

    Grushnitsky did not have time to complete his dirty work: the same weakness prevented him. The bullet scratched Pechorin's knee, and he was able to stay on the narrow platform. We can say that here already fate gives Grushnitsky another chance. But instead of remorse, the hero continues his vile game. He is calm, even cheerful: it's all over. Now Grushnitsky is not interested in either God or the soul. But in vain. Doctor, these gentlemen, probably in a hurry, forgot to put the pool

  4. Pechorin fired, but missed, and Grushnitsky, because he was standing on the edge of the cliff, shuddered and fell and died.
  5. Pechorin and Grushnitsky in the duel scene
    chief actor novel by M. Yu. Lermontov The hero of our time is Pechorin.
    The events described in the work take place in the Caucasus. And this is probably not an accident, since at that time people were sent here, persecuted by the government. Pechorin, exiled to the Caucasus for some sensational story in St. Petersburg, belonged to their number. Here he met Grushnitsky, who had come to the waters to heal his wounds. Pechorin and Grushnitsky served together in the active detachment and met like old friends.
    A Grushnitsky cadet, he somehow wears his thick soldier's overcoat in a special way, speaks in magnificent phrases, the mask of disappointment does not leave his face. To produce an effect is his main pleasure. The goal of his life is to become the hero of the novel. He is selfish. Bored Pechorin, having nothing to do, decided to play on the pride of a friend, foreseeing in advance that one of them would be unhappy. And the case was not slow in coming. Pechorin was forced to challenge Grushnitsky to a duel for the vile slander that he spread about his friend. Incited by his friends, Grushnitsky, in order not to look like a coward, accepted the challenge.
    On the night before the duel, Pechorin could not fall asleep and mentally asked himself: Why did I live? For what purpose was I born? And with anguish I noticed that he had not guessed his high purpose, had lost forever the ardor of noble aspirations, best color life and played the role of an ax in the hands of fate. Pechorin feels the presence of two people in him: ... one lives in the full sense of the word, the other thinks and judges him ... Our hero, deeply and subtly feeling nature, peers into every dewdrop before the fight and says: I don’t remember the morning anymore blue and fresh...
    And here Pechorin stands at gunpoint. Dueling conditions are very tough. At the slightest injury, you can find yourself in the abyss. How much self-control, endurance he has! He knows that his gun is not loaded, that in a minute his life could end. He wants to test Grushnitsky to the end. But he forgets about honor, conscience and decency when his pride is affected. Generosity did not awaken in Grushnitsky's petty soul. And he shot an unarmed man. Fortunately, the bullet only grazed the opponent's knee. Contempt and anger seized Pechorin at the thought that this man could have killed him with such ease.
    But in spite of everything, Pechorin is ready to forgive his opponent and says: Grushnitsky, there is still time. Give up your slander, and I will forgive you everything, you failed to fool around, and my pride is satisfied. Grushnitsky, flashing his eyes, replied: Shoot. I hate myself, but I hate you... There is no place for us on earth together ... Pechorin did not miss.
    The author showed that in the face of death the hero of the novel turned out to be as dual as we saw him throughout the entire work. He is sincerely sorry for Grushnitsky, who, with the help of intriguers, has fallen into a stupid position. Pechorin was ready to forgive him, but at the same time he could not refuse the duel due to the prejudices that existed in society. Feeling his loneliness among the water society, among people like Grushnitsky, condemning this society, Pechorin himself is a slave to his Morality.
    Pechorin repeatedly speaks of his duality, and his duality, as we see, is not a mask, but a real state of mind.

One of the main characters in the novel "A Hero of Our Time" by M.Yu. Lermontov is Grigory Aleksandrovich Pechorin. The work is structured in such a way as to most fully reveal the character this hero. After all, the image of Pechorin is collective, in it the author wanted to show the hero of the time. That is why all the episodes are significant and in turn reveal one or the other facet of the hero's personality.

Pechorin's duel with Grushnitsky is a very revealing moment of Pechorin's character, and also shows how different he is from the same Grushnitsky and other heroes. Pechorin is forced to ask for a challenge to a duel, due to the fact that Grushnitsky began to weave intrigues and spread unscrupulous rumors.

Before the duel, Grigory Aleksandrovich is occupied important questions, he thinks about what he lived for. In the course of reflection, he comes to the conclusion that he could not guess his destiny. It is here that an important trait of Pechorin's character is revealed, this is his honesty with himself. The concentrated state allows him to see the beauty of the morning on the way to the duel site. Despite the great risk, Pechorin controls himself and is a model of self-control.

Grushnitsky was unable to carry out his cunning plan and not shoot at Pechorin. But his pride does not allow him to confess everything. He becomes the victim of his unsuccessful venture against Pechorin, who behaves very nobly. Even knowing about the intention of the enemies, he still makes a chance for Grushnitsky.

After the duel, Pechorin feels depressed, the sun, which seemed bright before this event, now seems dim to him. The duel made the hero feel and change his mind a lot, and this is very important for the development of his personality.

In this episode, the author put the characters in the face of death. The contradictory nature of Pechorin is fully revealed here, as is the pettiness of Grushnitsky's nature. Pechorin does not kill him out of anger, rather he is not yet ready to step over public opinion. This scene shows the hero of time as his author saw it.

Composition on the Duel of Pechorin and Grushnitsky

With the help of the description of the duel, Lermontov wanted to more accurately convey the characters of the heroes. From the very beginning of the work, the reader is presented with two completely opposite hero. Grushnitsky is more of a romantic who follows fashion more than his soul. From this it follows that Grushnitsky plays his life and his feelings, adjusting to the environment. It is filled with fake feelings.

The duel played an important role for Pechorin. He is quite ready to die and ready to die. Pechorin decides to change the rules of the duel, chooses a dangerous place where there is no the slightest chance for survival. The top of the mountain was chosen as such a place.

Initially, Grushnitsky's hatred for Pechorin was noticeable, it is impossible to name the exact reason, but the enemy was clearly wiser and stronger.

Grushnitsky goes to the duel knowing that he will lose, and it so happens that he cannot even shoot. Pechorin tried in every possible way to go for reconciliation, gave the enemy the opportunity to leave, but he, in turn, continued to play his game without realizing that he was going too far.

The description of the duel can be divided into several parts, the first covering the day before the duel, and the second the incident itself. Pechorin always knew what he was doing and was aware of his actions, so he never doubted or regretted anything. Lermontov did not fully open the image of Pechorin, so the reader cannot fully answer the question of what exactly the hero was.

But the main thing is that the author built the work in such a way that every reader will find something for themselves. Also, the duel scene does not give us a clear picture of the person. The author added a lot internal monologues, which add atmosphere to the duel.

The main thing that can be taken away from the work is that the author, by conveying the image of Pechorin, encourages a person to look at himself from the outside and look into his soul in order to understand whether there are traces of Pechorin features in himself.

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"Hero of our time" of a lyric-psychological nature. It tells about the life of an outstanding person who, alas, cannot find an application for his abilities. The events described in the novel take place in the native Caucasus for the writer. The central theme was the problem of the individual, who is in deep conflict with society. Pechorin is a bored intellectual exiled from St. Petersburg for some sensational story.

In the Caucasus, he meets many interesting people and, of course, love. Since the novel is divided into stories that are not connected by a sequential presentation, we see how different stage Pechorin is looking for a definition of happiness, love and friendship in his life, but he never finds it. In the story dedicated to Princess Mary, during a trip to Pyatigorsk, he meets his longtime comrade Junker Grushnitsky, with whom he once served in a detachment. Grushnitsky, although he can be called his friend, but this is only an "outward" manifestation. In fact, Pechorin knows that someday they will have to collide on a narrow road and one of them will definitely be unhappy.

What caused such hostility towards Grushnitsky? From the first lines of the description of their meeting, it becomes clear that these two are absolutely different person. Grushnitsky is a superficial, mediocre person who loves pretense and pathos. This image does not fit at all with Pechorin, thoughtful and dissatisfied with life. The protagonist is so deeply disappointed in the people he meets on the way, that's why he cannot help but feel the junker's falseness. An even greater crack in the relationship is formed by a meeting with the young Princess Mary, with whom Grushnitsky is seriously in love.

The behavior of both heroes in relation to the princess does not cause much sympathy. One of them is a windbag who tends to exaggerate everything, and the other is a subtle cynic who enjoys playing on other people's feelings. It was because of his inherent cynicism that Pechorin decided to challenge his “friend” and start courting Mary. The key moment in the novel is the episode of the duel between Grushnitsky and Pechorin. This duel is strikingly different from those encountered earlier in Russian literature, if only because it is devoid of honesty and respect for the opponent.

Each of the rivals shows his true face. Grushnitsky organizes a dastardly collusion with some dragoon captain so that Pechorin's pistol turns out to be unloaded during the duel. Pechorin, in turn, knowing this, agrees to a duel. Risking his life, he wants to teach the vile junker a lesson, and as a result he achieves his goal. All this leads to an open clash of young people, which ends in a tragic outcome - the death of Grushnitsky.

The author masterfully shows that this duel from beginning to end is a dirty game. Even the mere condition that the dead person can be thrown off at the expense of the Circassians speaks of the dishonesty of its participants. At the end of the duel, offering the rules of his game, Pechorin still leaves a narrow loophole for the opponent, but he, due to his stupidity and complacency, does not notice it, for which he pays with his own life.

The novel by M. Yu. Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time" is a novel about the struggle and contradictions in a person's character, deep introspection and self-awareness. Undoubtedly, it is these features that make it possible to attribute the work to psychologism. One of important episodes, revealing the inner world of two heroes: Pechorin and Grushnitsky, is the scene of their duel. But how exactly does this scene allow us to understand the characters' characters? How does Pechorin appear, how does Grushnitsky appear?

The main character, Pechorin, is a rather contradictory personality, which is typical of realism, to which M.Yu. Lermontov. In the duel scene, his character traits are especially pronounced.

First, Pechorin has sharp mind. When proposing to hold a duel on a platform from where the wounded man will fall on sharp rocks, he thinks first of all about the strength of the consequences of the duel. "... one more condition; since we will fight to the death, we must do everything possible so that this remains a secret and that our seconds are not held accountable." He instantly understands that in this way the murder will look like death by negligence.

Secondly, another character trait follows from this - deep self-confidence. Pechorin knew in advance that he would remain alive. Despite the plot, which he knew about, Grushnitsky's inflexibility and the difficult conditions that he himself proposed, the hero is confident in his victory, confident that Grushnitsky will lie on the rocks.

"I have not yet drained the cup of suffering," writes Pechorin, "and now I feel that I still have a long time to live."

Thirdly, despite the mask of indifference, coldness and detachment, the hero is still able to feel and experience. Calling Grushnitsky to a duel, he does not wish him death, he only defends the honor of Mary, whom Grushnitsky slandered, intending to offend Pechorin. Before the duel, he is excited, although on the outside he looks rather reserved. "Let me feel the pulse! .. Oh, feverish! .. but nothing is noticeable on the face ...". He also tries to dissuade Grushnitsky several times, because he does not want to impose a heavy burden of death ex-boyfriend on your shoulders. "You could, gentlemen, explain yourself and end this matter amicably. - I'm ready," Pechorin says with confidence. "- Grushnitsky! - I said, - there is still time; give up your slander, and I will forgive you everything. You did not manage to fool me, and my pride is satisfied; - remember - we were once friends ...". And then, when Grushnitsky still dies at the hands of Pechorin, the latter is very worried and writes. "I had a stone in my heart." Thanks to the duel scene, the inconsistency of Pechorin's character is confirmed once again: he is cold, but able to feel, self-confident, but knows how to worry about the fate of others. He appears as a man with a complex inner world, clashing concepts and a difficult fate.

Grushnitsky - former friend and current rival controversial Pechorin- is not so complex. His actions are understandable and somewhat predictable, he acts in accordance with the way that he already adheres to. for a long time. Grushnitsky is a romantic hero, but so imaginary that M.Yu. Lermontov, the author of the novel, treats the romantic mood with irony young man. His character is quite simple.

Firstly, Grushnitsky is not as smart as Pechorin. He rather follows the feelings and emotions that become especially strong at the time of the duel. "a dull pallor covered his cheeks", "his knees trembled." He is silent, although, as usual, very talkative, and feels an overwhelming fear.

Secondly, Grushnitsky, due to his young age and inexperience, is unable to overcome himself, to fight back. He only listens to the dragoon captain. To all Pechorin's proposals to stop the duel, to stop before it's too late, his answer is negative. "We will shoot ourselves ..." - he answers the next proposal of a former friend. His principles are too dear to him, he believes that Pechorin wants to dishonor him, to make him look like a coward in the eyes of society, and not a hero, whom he diligently tries to appear.

Thirdly, the image of a "romantic hero" becomes a feature of his character, which is incredibly important for him, he does not leave him for a moment. This is how he appears in the duel scene. His desperately romantic phrases sound here too: "There is no place for us on earth together ..." - he says before his death. Grushnitsky is not so complex and contradictory, he is predictable and dependent on the image of a romantic hero, and this is how he appears in the scene of the duel with Pechorin.

Of course, the duel scene is one of the important scenes of M.Yu. Lermontov's novel "A Hero of Our Time". It helps to reveal the images of Pechorin and Grushnitsky more fully. Pechorin appears restrained and self-confident - the way he shows himself in any situation. Grushnitsky, on the other hand, appears as an unchanging romantic hero, dependent on feelings and emotions, but unusually frightened and silent. In the duel scene, the heroes are opposed to each other, and this is its peculiarity, which helps to show them inner worlds quite openly and show the characteristic traits of both.

"Princess Mary", the chapter of Lermontov's work "A Hero of Our Time", tells us about the vain human passions, heartlessness, irresponsibility, and finally - immorality contemporary author society.

The protagonist of the work, a man endowed with a sharp mind and inner nobility, used them for insignificant entertainment, which the language does not dare to call innocent. He himself looks "on the sufferings and joys of others ... as food that supports my spiritual strength." Largely due to this “energy vampirism”, the duel between Pechorin and Grushnitsky took place. Analysis of the episode, as well as all previous events, allows us to come to this conclusion.

Grushnitsky's character

The dynamics of the development of relations between these characters is one of the main ones in the story. The author shows the reader a short way from hostility to hatred, from stupidity to meanness, from narcissism to aggression. Before starting an analysis of the duel, it is necessary to understand what made the young people take up arms.

So, in Pyatigorsk, on the waters, two people meet. They don't like each other, but they support each other friendly relations. Pechorin despises Grushnitsky. In his opinion, he is stupid, pompous, little capable of sincere feeling. The whole life of a young cadet is a pretense, even the soldier's overcoat, which he wears, following the new Caucasian fashion, means nothing, because soon the young man will be promoted to officer.

Personality Pechorin

Everything that Grushnitsky is trying to demonstrate, Pechorin possesses. And disappointment in life, and a rich past, and power over woman's heart. In principle, the analysis of the duel between Pechorin and Grushnitsky should indeed begin with a description of the opponents.

There is no positive hero in this work, although the character on whose behalf the narration is being conducted still looks preferable. Pechorin, at least undeniably, is smart and able not to lie at least to himself. And this quality is generally quite rare in people.

The protagonist's habit of constantly dissecting own feelings, perhaps somewhere played with him bad joke. He himself admits that his personality is bifurcated: one Pechorin lives, the other closely watches him. I must say that he copes with this task perfectly, not sparing his "alter ego" even a bit. It is not surprising that those around them become the object of equally unfriendly attention.

In every person, Pechorin sees weaknesses and vices - and cannot find in himself either the strength or the desire to forgive them.

illusory love

But back to the story, the key to which is the analysis of the duel between Pechorin and Grushnitsky: summary their quarrel in is quite capable of proving that the reason was not so much the woman, but the character traits of the characters.

The young cadet begins courting the Moscow princess. The reason is her touching participation to the wounded soldier (after all, Grushnitsky flaunts in his overcoat) - the girl gives him a dropped glass.

A minor event is enough to romantic hero rushed rapturously to play the role of a madly in love. Watching him amuses Pechorin - Grushnitsky is completely devoid of both a sense of proportion and the ability to self-criticize. The young man not only thinks that he is in power sincere feeling- he immediately convinces himself of his reciprocity and presents his non-existent rights to an outsider, in essence, a woman.

“You can’t confuse real tenderness…”

The subsequent analysis of the duel between Pechorin and Grushnitsky clearly shows how little love is in the heart of a young cadet and how much wounded pride is. After all, he does not hesitate to slander his beloved, trying to denigrate her name - and after all, Princess Mary did nothing wrong to him. Inclined to exaggerate everything in the world, Grushnitsky interpreted her innocent interest and affection as love. But is it the girl's fault?

The reason for the loss of interest in Grushnitsky was, among other things, Pechorin, who partly out of boredom, partly out of spite of the so-called. friend, achieves a great feeling from the young princess. He is smart, educated, interesting as an interlocutor. It is all the more easy for him because he himself is cold-blooded - which means that the probability of making a mistake is small. Taking advantage of knowledge female nature, Pechorin becomes the cause of sleepless nights and deep sadness of an innocent creature.

Irresponsibility and vice

In this sense main character the story does not cause sympathy - at least in the female part of the audience. He behaved not in the best way and with Princess Mary, and with her old love Vera, and even with her husband. Such behavior is all the more unforgivable, since nobility is not at all alien to the hero: an analysis of the duel between Pechorin and Grushnitsky does not contradict this version.

The events of the story begin to rush at a gallop after the young cadet is finally convinced that the opponent turned out to be more successful. He does not disdain anything to deprive Princess Mary of Pechorin's society - and does big mistake. Grushnitsky cannot offer anything in return: his conversation is boring and monotonous, he himself is ridiculous. Quick-witted Mary quickly becomes disillusioned with her boyfriend, which infuriates him.

Formally, it was thanks to this unsuccessful passion that the duel between Pechorin and Grushnitsky took place. An analysis of the behavior of both characters makes us pay tribute to the protagonist of the story. He, at least, cannot be charged with cowardice and meanness.

His Majesty Chance

A case helped Pechorin not to be a laughing stock: a young officer accidentally becomes a secret witness to a shameful agreement between Grushnitsky and his new friend, a dragoon captain. This person is very interesting and acts as a kind of demon-instigator in the story, which is confirmed by the analysis of the duel between Pechorin and Grushnitsky. According to the plan of the scoundrel (with whom, however, the young officer agreed), the conditions of the duel were to force the hated "darling of fate" to show cowardice. To put opponents at six paces, give them unloaded pistols and amuse themselves with the fright of the victim - such was the original plan of the “Grushnitsky gang”.

After the incident in the garden, when the protagonist was seen near the balcony of the princess (and in fact, returning from a date with the married Vera), the plans of the dragoon captain changed. The reason was the blow that Pechorin inflicted on him in the dark. Enraged, the scoundrel set out to destroy the offender, using his young friend for low purposes. Now an analysis of the duel between Pechorin and Grushnitsky, the causes of which, in essence, lie in idleness and unimportant spiritual qualities participants, acquires even more food for thought: the unlucky contender for the heart of Princess Mary agrees to the duel taking place on other conditions. It was decided to load only one pistol - even if it would be cold-blooded murder.

Test of endurance

All these secret plans become known to the main character: an analysis of the duel between Pechorin and Grushnitsky, in short, gives reason to think that main character The story is also looking for an excuse to kill yesterday's friend. Only before that he wants to finally ascertain the baseness of the enemy, in order to “give himself full right do not spare him."

Already in preparation for the fight, Pechorin changes his conditions to even more severe ones. Now each of the duelists must wait for a shot at the very edge of the mountain platform - then almost any wound will be fatal, since the enemy hit by the bullet will certainly fall on sharp stones. Pechorin patiently waits for the hesitant Grushnitsky's shot - and only after the bullet has scratched his leg, he orders to load his pistol.

The price of fun

A young man who has shown himself not in the best way does not resist and even gives a fair assessment of his own actions, responding to the enemy’s proposal to make peace: “I despise myself, but I hate you ... there is no place for us on earth together.”

Only now, having achieved what he wanted, Pechorin shoots. When the smoke clears, everyone sees that the edge of the site is empty, and true to the image of a cynic, the winner gives a peculiar assessment of what happened: stunning even his own second.

Thus ends the duel between Pechorin and Grushnitsky. An analysis of the feelings of the protagonist tells the reader that what happened did not bring him any pleasure at all - his heart is heavy.

The denouement can hardly be considered happy: Grushnitsky died, the life of Vera was destroyed, who, in the frenzy of anxiety for her lover, confessed to her husband of treason, the heart of the young princess was broken. It must be admitted that Pechorin had a great time ...

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