100 to 1 which instrument is the loudest. What is the loudest instrument


Musical instruments capable of producing very loud sounds include drums, organs, loud electric guitars, many wind instruments. Among them, the organ is recognized as the loudest.

The loudest wind instruments

No matter how surprising it may sound, but the loudest among wind instruments is considered to be the usual harmonica. This applies even to the wooden harmonica. Despite the body, it has metal plates inside. The loudest sound is produced by a harmonica with plates made of copper.

Another very loud brass musical instrument- Swiss horn. Its length is over three meters. To play it, one end of such a horn has to be placed on the ground, since it simply cannot be held. The sound of the Swiss horn is so powerful that it can spread in the Alps for tens of kilometers. In China, the most loud instrument- This is a Chinese horn, also called sona. It is easy to distinguish and distinguish from other instruments, thanks to the loud sound.

Among wind instruments, the most powerful sound is inherent in pipes. Three pipes can drown out whole orchestra. Known to be made in last years nineteenth century contrabass tuba. Its height is two meters and twenty-eight centimeters, the diameter of the funnel is about a meter, and the total length of the pipes is eleven meters and eighty centimeters. It was made especially for the orchestra of John Owl South ( American composer) before the world tour. Another loudest musical instrument is the bagpipe. Among all known bagpipes, the first place in terms of the volume of the sound emitted is occupied by Scottish bagpipes. It should be noted that the sound they make is very unusual for us.

The Loudest Drums

The loudest musical instruments are percussion, namely drums. They have been known since antiquity, since the times when people used them to transmit certain signals and commands. As you know, with their help, certain people “talk” among themselves. African tribes located at a distance of tens of kilometers from each other.

The drum was recognized as the loudest, the diameter of which was three meters ninety-six centimeters. Due to the extremely powerful sound, it sounded only once in a concert - it happened on the last day of May 1987 in London at the Royal Festival Hall.

The war drum made of human skin enjoyed the loudest glory. So the Czech hero Jan Zizka bequeathed to use it after his death, so that, having gone to another world, to continue the fight against his enemies. It is known that in the 18th century famous instrument fell into the hands of the Prussian king Frederick the Great, after which he was taken to Germany. Further, the path of the drum is lost.

Loud electric guitars

Speaking of the loudest musical instruments, one cannot help but recall power tools. They make a very loud sound, but we must remember that this is not the merit of the instrument itself, its property. The strength of their sound directly depends on the amplification of the sound. Nevertheless, the electric guitar is recognized as the loudest among electric instruments.

Every guitarist knows about three best electric guitars. In first place is the Gibson Les Paul series, invented by Gibson in 1941. By 1960, such an electric guitar had become a symbol of rock music. Another well-known electric guitar with two pickups was invented by Leo Fender. In third place is the Stratocaster electric guitar. The presence of three pickups in it allows musicians to extract more juicy sounds. This guitar has a huge tonal variety. It is believed that this brand made it possible to make a breakthrough in the field of music. Today these guitars are already a rarity. Modern electric guitars are endowed with even greater sound diversity and great functionality.

The loudest musical instrument in the world

The organ is recognized as the loudest and at the same time the largest musical instrument in the world. The sound in it is born through pipes of different timbres: metal, wooden or made from other materials, with reeds and without reeds. When the valves open, air enters the pipes. This musical instrument is played using one or more keyboards. In addition, there is one pedal keyboard. The organ among musical instruments is in first place in terms of abundance. musical means and sonic richness. It is the organ that is called the “king” among all musical instruments ever created.

The largest and loudest organ is the concert organ, located in US state New Jersey in Atlantic City. This instrument was built in 1932. It is equipped with two keyboards, it has 33112 pipes and 1477 valves. The power of the sound it produces is comparable to that of twenty-five brass bands. Today this body functions only partially. The main reason is untimely repair. He at one time suffered from water, weather, insufficient budget and so on. It is known that this organ is listed in the Guinness Book of Records more than once, including as "The Loudest Musical Instrument". It's not easy to play it. It is safe to say that playing this organ is the work of a lifetime, because it includes full list switches and four manual controls.

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Different peoples have invented hundreds of musical instruments throughout their history. All of them differ in the principle of extracting sounds, timbre, range, volume. But it is the last indicator that determines whether the neighbors will bang on your door or just begin to quietly hate. Therefore, if you decide to take revenge for the morning perforator, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with our rating, choose the loudest instrument and start a war of art and repair.

Of course, you won’t be able to put it in an apartment, even if you really want to, but this particular instrument is considered the loudest. And even a specific sample is called the main organ concert hall Boardwalk from Atlantic City.

This monster of music is also considered the largest musical instrument. It is listed in the Guinness Book of Records. It has 6 keypads, one pedalboard and 33114 pipes. Some of them are made of reinforced concrete, because wooden and simply iron ones would not withstand such a loud sound.

But the volume is also impressive. The maximum is about 130 decibels, which is comparable to the noise from a rocket taking off. Such a sound can damage the eardrums of a person who is closer than 1-2 meters to him, therefore, when performing, the musician must measure the capabilities of the instrument and the ears of the listeners.

Unfortunately, now this giant is only partially functioning, since its restoration requires a colossal amount, which has not yet been collected.

Percussion instruments should be loud. After all, earlier they were used not only and not so much for extracting music, but for transmitting signals over long distances. A high-quality drum and a skilled drummer could announce breaking news neighbors who live 10-20 kilometers away.

Perhaps the largest and loudest can be considered japanese drums taiko. The largest one, 4.5 meters in diameter, is stored in the Museum of the Big Drum (which appropriate name!). To play it, it is placed on special stands, so that the "strike surface" is located in front of the musician's face.

This word alone causes many football fans to have nervous spasms, because cheerful African fans decorated them with the 2010 FIFA World Cup. The device of this instrument is the most primitive - an ordinary pipe with a bell, but it is capable of producing a characteristic and very loud sound. One such instrument, of course, is loud, but when a whole stadium of musicians gathered, the total volume was comparable to the same rocket takeoff.

It got to the point that many companies began to produce televisions that purposefully filtered out the sound of the vuvuzela. YouTube, on the other hand, went the opposite way, and during the last World Cup invited its viewers to overlay the sound of this tool on football videos "for greater realism." True, there are no statistics on how often this opportunity was used.

Calling it a "horn" somehow does not work, it's painfully big and loud. A long shaft with an extension at the end is capable of extracting sounds that, in the mountainous terrain of the Alps, are carried for tens of meters around. That's how they communicated with each other. locals.

It's interesting that similar instruments many other nations also have it, for example, the Japanese or the Hutsuls. So, the Ukrainian trembita reaches 2-3 meters in length. It was also used for signaling. The secret of this tool is in the special selection of wood. For its manufacture, Carpathian pines were taken, which were struck by lightning. The current passing through the trunk changes the structure of the wood, providing the future instrument with a bright and ringing voice.

Our ears are somewhat unaccustomed to the sounds of this instrument, although we must admit that there is a certain charm in it. And the volume - more than enough. The large leather pouch amplifies the player's lungs, making it possible to play really powerful notes from this instrument.

In a good way, it would have to be put in the first place, because this instrument can make sounds much louder than all of the above.

But this would not be entirely fair, because here it is not the skill of the musician and the secrets of making the instrument that come into play, but digital technologies. By passing the sound of the guitar through an amplifier and powerful speakers, you can easily drown out the most big organ, which is accompanied by the vuvuzel stadium.

Now you know which musical instrument is the loudest, and you can come up with a worthy revenge on the neighbors who are tired of the protracted Saturday and Sunday repairs. What could be more insidious than sending a child to learn to be a piper? The main thing is to get yourself some really high-quality earplugs.

    Probably the smallest is a whistle, also a harmonica, a flute is not a big (comparatively) triangle (drummers use it), a pipe that shepherds use. Mini accordion (there is one). The horn is also not a great instrument.

    Based on the size of the smallest musical instruments, then they should probably be listed in this order -

    • shepherd's pipe
    • whistle
    • harmonica
    • horn
    • piccolo flute
    • triangle.

    Of course, there are many more national instruments small enough.

    What is the most little muses. tool? Right answers

    The most popular answer is violin - 164 points;

    The second most popular - flute - forty-four points;

    The next answer is harmonica - eighteen points;

    • pipe - forty-eight points;
    • balalaika - five points;

    The least popular answer is a tambourine - two points.

    You can also add an answer - small tool triangle percussion musical instrument

    The problem is that you can imagine what this instrument looks like, but you don’t know the name, but it’s not among the answers that 100 to 1 players considered correct (such a rope that they blow and play with a finger, Valdis Pelsh on such piece played once).

    The answers should be as follows, in order to score the maximum points:

    • VIOLIN(definitely not among the small musical instruments) - 41 points;
    • FLUTE- 22 points;
    • harmonica(this is already warmer) - 18 points;
    • DUDKA(with flute roll call) - 12 points;
    • BALALAIKA(wow, small musical instrument) - 5 points;
    • TAMBOURINE(there is no harp, give a tambourine - how can you not remember Leonid Bykov) - 2 points.

    In an exciting game 100 to 1. To the question What is the smallest musical instrument? there will be answers like this:



    Harmonica, since childhood I like it the most :)

    In fact, there are several musical instruments that are very miniature in size. But the smallest of them, in my opinion, is the harmonica. Among the harmonicas there are specimens no larger than a matchbox.

    Perhaps there are smaller musical instruments, but I have not seen them.

    If the whistle can be considered a musical instrument, then in its parameters it also fits into the ranks of the smallest musical instruments.)

    Musical instruments come in a variety of sizes, the smallest being those that have the simplest design and fit in the hand. Obviously, these are various kinds of pipes: this is a piccolo flute (translated from Italian - small), a flute, a harmonica, a horn. Interesting material about the smallest musical instruments in the world is here.

    The smallest musical instrument:

    1. harmonica;
    2. Pipe;
    3. Pipe;
    4. Horn;
    5. Flute;
    6. spoons;
    7. Triangle;
    8. Clarinet

    There are probably other small instruments, but only professional musicians know them.

    Flute - piccolo, harmonica, whistle, pipe, whistle, triangle. These are the smallest, so to speak, miniature instruments in my opinion. The rest are already a little larger, a little louder. Surely these options will fall into the most popular ones, but there will be others, interesting ones.

    answer to your musical riddle- a question of 100 to 1. What musical instrument will be the smallest.

    In the first place will be - Flute.

    The second place will be taken by the Armenian Duduk.

    In third place will be - Harmonica.

    The smallest musical instruments are harmonica, piccolo flute, jew's harp or drymba, piccolo saxophone, flute, sniffle (sniffle), triangle ( percussion instrument), accordion, pipe, castanets, box (percussion instrument).

    The smallest musical instrument is probably the harmonica, flute, flute, pipe, tambourine, castanets, gong, pity, pipe, horn, duduk. Maybe of course they are not the smallest, but something will definitely fall out.

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