Electric guitar: when is it better to buy an electric guitar rather than an acoustic one. What is the difference between an electric guitar and an acoustic guitar


The guitar is a popular musical instrument. Everyone can master the basic three chords on it. Having mastered the game, you will be the center of attention in any company.

But the guitar is not as simple as it seems. As you develop your skills, you will see what a huge potential is fraught with such a simple "yard" tool. But in order to become a pro, the choice of guitar should be taken seriously. So which guitar is the best?

In this article, we will talk about how to choose a guitar for a beginner guitarist. After reading, you will understand by what criteria to choose a tool.

In the slang of professional guitarists there is a word "beaver". To them they call the instrument very Bad quality. Previously, there was a furniture factory in the city of Bobrov, which, oddly enough, also made stringed musical instruments. All the products that came out of the walls of the enterprise were of very poor quality. This is how the instruments from the city of Bobrov became a household name.

Tips for those who are going to buy their first guitar:

  1. Be sure to take a friend who has been playing the instrument with you to the store. An experienced musician himself was once a beginner and perfectly knows all your aspirations. Perhaps he will tell you based on own experience Which brand of guitar is better.
  2. The budget is an individual matter. But do not choose the cheapest or most expensive guitar. Naturally, you think that you are purchasing a tool in order to try your hand at the game. But the fact is that a guitar that costs less than 2000 rubles can even be difficult to tune. How are you going to learn how to play it? Let's say you have a fairly impressive amount and decide to give yourself an expensive tool. Doing this is not worth it. Beginners do not feel the difference between an instrument for 5,000 or 50,000 rubles. Opt for something in between.
  3. What is herself good guitar? The one you like the look of! Let it not be very professional advice, but it is impossible to play an instrument that does not give aesthetic pleasure!
  4. Choose the right size. There are different guitars: 4/4, 4/3, 2/4, 1/4. For an adult, 4/4 is usually suitable. Teenagers and petite girls choose 4/3. For children, there are sizes from 2/4 and 1/4. The latter is for very little ones, such options are rarely on sale. To understand what size instrument you need, just hold it in your hands as if you were already playing it.
  5. Beginners use nylon strings. Pros are metal. It happens that novice guitarists immediately learn to play metal and do not lose anything. Please note that classical guitar is not played. They are for acoustics.
  6. Did you like some tool in the store? Ask a sales assistant to set it up and play something. Keep the sound clean. There should be no rattling. Nothing should irritate your ears.
  7. Do not stop at the first option that you like. In any case, arrange an audition for 3-5 applicants. Only in this way will you understand which guitar is better to play.
  8. If you dream of playing an electric guitar, then buy it right away. Do not torture yourself with a classical instrument, the sound of which does not bring pleasure.

Which guitar is better to learn to play: acoustic or classical?

Before talking about manufacturers, you need to decide on the constructive types of tools.

Classics are immortal

Students music schools without options start with classical guitar. For beginners, this is the best option. The classical instrument has a wide and thin neck, which means that untrained fingers should not move out and interfere with each other. It is much easier to work out fingerings on such a guitar than on a narrow neck of an acoustic guitar. Nylon strings are installed on the "classics". This means that you will save your fingers from early learning.

It will be easier for you to learn how to tune the guitar by yourself, because the nylon is easy to clamp and tighten. Unfortunately, you can't put metal strings on a classical guitar. Rarely what classic model withstand strings of steel. Do not experiment, you may lose an expensive tool.

Nylon strings provide quiet and soft sound. Music genres that perform on this instrument are as follows:

  • ballads;
  • plays;
  • romances;
  • Latin American compositions;
  • Spanish compositions.

The “classics” have a much smaller case than the “acoustics”. Thanks to larger size Acoustic guitar bodies produce a deeper sound. The age of the classical guitar is three hundred years. It appeared in the 18th century in Spain. That is why the instrument is called "Spanish".

Acoustics - rich sound

This type of guitar is much younger. He is only about a hundred years old. The instrument is from America. Here, in the middle of the 20th century, jazz and folk were fashionable, which sounded very picturesque to the accompaniment of an acoustic instrument.

This type of guitar has rigid springs, i.e. wooden slats, which are located under the top. Acoustic guitars have steel strings. The sounds she makes are much richer and louder.

To understand which acoustic or classical, you need to understand the features of both options. About the "classic" was discussed above. Now it's the turn of "acoustics".

The body of an acoustic guitar is quite large. This feature gives a deep sound. This tool has a metal rod in the middle of the section. It is located along the entire length of the neck and is called an anchor. It is needed in order to protect the string plucked instrument from damage due to the strong tension of the metal strings.

To understand which guitar is better, you should understand the types of strings that are installed on the acoustic version of the instrument. metal strings on "acoustics" they can have different types of braid. The sound directly depends on the metal.

Braid types

So which acoustic guitar better in terms of string sheathing?

  1. Phosphor bronze. It appears to be an orange-bronze color. Looks very aesthetic. The sound of such strings is velvety. The bass is thick, but the high frequencies are less clear.
  2. Steel or nickel-steel. The pros call them “silver” among themselves, but they know perfectly well that precious metal there isn't. The sound that such strings make is reminiscent of a silver ringing - bright and distinct. Braid color - gray-silver.
  3. Bronze plus tin. These strings are on models of the most famous manufacturers. The sound level of high and low frequencies for such strings is optimal.

To the accompaniment of "acoustics" they perform works that relate to rock and roll, pop, chanson. Learning to play the guitar with steel strings is very difficult. But if you take a chance and endure for about three weeks, then soon your fingers will get used to it and you will be able to enjoy a deep sound.

Which guitar is better: acoustic or classical?

  1. Nylon classical guitar strings are much softer. "Acoustics" will provide you with corns on your hands. Soon your fingers will become rough and you will get used to it.
  2. steel strings often torn, which is also not very pleasant. This does not happen with nylon.
  3. In the "classics" there are always six strings. In "acoustics" their number varies from 4 to 12.
  4. For children, a small classical guitar body is more preferable.
  5. Acoustic guitar is often played with a pick. This is a special metal plate. She makes the sound louder. When playing on classical instrument this device is not used.

General conclusion

Having considered all the features, it is difficult to say which one. This choice is individual, and you yourself must decide which option is more convenient for you.

We raised the question of which guitar is better to learn to play, in terms of physical properties tools. However, they are not decisive when choosing. First of all, the future guitarist should clearly understand their musical preferences.

"Acoustics" issues:

  • loud sounds;
  • high clear tones.

What is played on the acoustic guitar:

  • pop music;
  • rock and roll;
  • blues;
  • folk;
  • jazz.

On the "classic" you will play:

  • incendiary Spanish motives;
  • plays;
  • romances.

As practice shows, musicians who sincerely fall in love with the sound of the guitar acquire both options.

The best brands that produce "acoustics"

To answer the question of which acoustic guitar is best for beginners, you first need to get acquainted with the brands that exist in the music market.

Here is a list of recognized champions:

  1. Yamaha. Japanese manufacturer of musical instruments, whose name is on everyone's lips. Whether you choose a professional instrument or a beginner's model, you can be sure of the sound quality. The main thing that distinguishes this manufacturer is a worthy combination of price and quality.
  2. crafter. Korean trademark. Makes tools for both beginners and pros. The brand's products have a wide price range. A buyer with the most modest budget will be able to pick up a decent option from a Korean company.
  3. Martinez. A Chinese manufacturer that specializes in inexpensive goods. The company creates analogues of expensive acoustic models. The company makes a tool for both pros and beginners and amateurs.
  4. Ibanez. And again a brand from Japan. This manufacturer has proven itself in the production of bass guitars and power tools. However, the firm also makes guitars. Distinctive feature this brand is used in the manufacture of mahogany and rosewood.
  5. Gibson. This company makes luxury instruments. It does not need advertising, as it has long gained popularity all over the world. The products of this brand are distinguished by amazingly clear sound and chic quality materials.
  6. Fender. The manufacturer also specializes in elite "acoustics".

Inexpensive "acoustics" for beginners

What is the best acoustic guitar for beginners? Below is a list budget options good quality.

  1. MARTINEZ C-95. good tool from a famous brand. The guitar produces quite tolerable sounds, given its low cost. The instrument is made of very high quality, so, most likely, your children will also be able to learn to play it. It's a great option for beginner guitarists. As soon as you comprehend the basics, you will want to change it to something more perfect. The instrument has a classic design: 6 strings, 19 frets. The neck of the guitar is made of rosewood, the body is made of mahogany.
  2. YAMAHA C-70. Great tool for relatively little money. The brand does not need advertising. A guitar with excellent sound quality.
  3. FENDER ESC80 CLASSICAL. If you still do not know which acoustic guitar is better, then pay attention to this model. According to the pros, she has no flaws. The instrument is made of precious woods (spruce, nato, agatis). At the same time, the price is affordable. This model is recommended for students of music schools. Its sizes are designed for children and teenagers - ¾.

Budget "classic" for beginner guitarists

  1. CORT AC250 NAT. This guitar is made from three types of wood. The sound quality is high. Many people like her aesthetic appearance. Manufacturer: USA. Cost: 11600 rubles.
  2. FLIGHT C-250NA. The company gained popularity in the 80s. Since that time, this guitar model has been recommended to beginners (previously it was called the Flight C-100). The only negative is that if a beginner guitarist does not properly care for the instrument, then the glossy finish will quickly become unusable. Manufacturer: China. The cost is 9500 rubles.
  3. ANTONIO SANCHEZ S-1005 CEDAR. If your budget is unlimited, then pay attention to this model self made. This is the brainchild of the world famous Spanish brand Antonio Sanchez. The guitar, which produces a chic balanced sound, has excellent debugging. If you're still wondering which classical guitar is best for beginners, then if you're on a budget, check out this model. Naturally, not everyone can afford this tool (the cost is about 37,400 rubles). And, probably, you should not buy such an expensive model for children and teenagers who have not yet decided whether they want to play. The guitar is suitable for adult students who know for sure that the instrument will not gather dust in the corner.

  1. Check the tool for external defects. The fact is that if you choose an inexpensive model, you should know that in mass production tools are often made from insufficiently dry wood. This leads to the fact that the coasters immediately begin to peel off the deck. Check for cracks in the instrument.
  2. Inspect the entire guitar for gaps between its parts.
  3. Check if the neck is straight. It should not be bent outwards.
  4. Run your hand along the ends of the frets. If they cling to the palms, then in the future this will lead to microtrauma on the hands.
  5. The guitar must have the correct string height above the fretboard. How to measure it? There should be a margin of 2 mm above the sixth string. Above the first - 1.5 mm.

Even when buying an expensive guitar, you should understand that you will most likely need the help of a professional to tune it. Later you will do it yourself. We hope that this article answered the question: "What is the best guitar for beginners?".

Are you planning to learn to play the guitar? You are faced with a difficult dilemma. First, you need to decide where and how to study: take private lessons, online or video courses, etc. But it is even more important to decide for yourself what exactly you want to learn to play. All of these are difficult questions. But we will try to figure it out, because it can affect your career in the future and the choice of instrument in the present. For clarity, I will tell you how I myself began to learn to play the guitar.

WITH early childhood I have music in my head all the time. At some point, I decided to take the guitar in my hands and try to play on it what sounds in my head. Even then, the authorities for me were Mark Knopfler (Mark Knopfler, Dire Straits), George Harrison and Robert Smith (Robert Smith, The Cure). And I've had a few favorite examples of guitar sounds, like the Knopfler guitar on "Money For Nothing" and the filthy, fuzzy sound of The Beatles in Revolution. And so I ask my parents to buy me a guitar and my father says to me the words that I already foresaw and which plunged me into endless longing:

“For starters, you can try on acoustics, and if it works for you, then in a couple of years we will buy you an electric guitar.”

Then the following happened. Santa Claus brought me New Year acoustic guitar with nylon strings(apparently, he overheard that conversation), and I began to learn everything I could. I learned quickly, perhaps even too much, because I easily filmed parts by ear and was too lazy to once again look at notes and tabs, as a result of which it took me years to start playing some songs correctly. But I really got it. However, something always pissed me off. Everything I played didn't sound the way I wanted it to. I went to all sorts of tricks to bring my sound closer to the sound of electric guitars that I heard on TV and on records. I have found that the sound will be sharper, nasal, and tighter if the strings are struck very close to the saddle. But still, it was not at all like Bon Jovi's Richie Sambora on Slippery When Wet. I tried to put a microphone inside the guitar through the sound hole and connected it to the amplifier (and who hasn't tried?!), but the sound came out booming and strange and never like Gary Moore's "Still Got The Blues".

Two years later, Santa Claus returned with a new gift. This time he brought me a fairly cheap electric guitar. And it was cool, for several reasons: firstly, the electric guitar itself looks awesome, and secondly, since it was a cheap model, something always fell off from it, thanks to which at the age of 12 I already knew a lot about the device guitar and learned how to fix it. in an amazing way For me, this minus turned into a big and fat plus. Still, my guitar sound did not sound like my favorite records, but I already knew enough about guitars to understand why: my inexpensive combo amplifier had only two knobs - volume and tone. No overload. Overdrive and distortion is what most of us think of when we talk about the sound of an electric guitar. In short, I had to wait for my birthday to get the overdrive pedal. Then, finally, I had the opportunity to play for real. And really loud.

Many years later, when I began teaching guitar, I was often asked by both students and their parents: “Which is better to start learning on - acoustic or electric guitar?” I always answered like this: “Whatever you want to play in the future, learn from it.” An acoustic guitar is not a tricycle, from which you then change to an adult bike. This is especially true for nylon-stringed classical guitars, where the height and spacing of the strings, as well as the width of the neck, are like day and night different from what you will have to face when you “grow up” to an electric guitar. Acoustic guitar is worth learning if you initially plan to play acoustic. Only in this case you will hear from under your fingers precisely those sounds that inspire and guide you. If you see yourself playing the electric guitar in the future, start with it! So your real sound will be much closer to the idea that you have in your head.

I had one student who loved metal, but dad bought her an acoustic guitar with a very high position strings. No matter what she did, the sound still did not turn out the way she wanted. Another student was in a similar situation, but after six months of stable progress, she bought herself an Epiphone. Les Paul, after which her game literally changed - for example, she began to shoot Muse songs easily and actively compose her own. The moral of the story is that if your guitar sounds like the instrument that inspired you to start learning, you are much more likely to develop your own. musical ability and don't get frustrated and quit. But the world so lacks good guitarists! 

translation: site

Guitars are acoustic electric guitar and semi-acoustic. What is the difference between guitars and which one to buy for a beginner? Here we will tell you why it is better, and not acoustics.

Electric guitar: why is it better to buy an electric guitar

An acoustic guitar uses its body to improve sound quality. Here's what happens if you go into a completely empty room without furniture and shout ay? There will be echoes and amplification of the sound, especially if the room is not large and has a round acoustic shape! Remember for yourself what good acoustics are in temples and churches. The same principle applies to the acoustic guitar. The string sounds quiet, but thanks to the acoustics (the correct body of the guitar), the sound is amplified and changed. In an electric guitar, the body does not play like this important role for sound, this is an ordinary plastic (or piece of wood), which does not change the sound of the strings in any way. But thanks to the guitar amplifier, the sound of the strings is greatly enhanced, and the electric guitar sounds very quiet. Like this approximate essence differences between electric and acoustic guitars. But still, many people prefer it. Why?

There are software emulations of acoustics for electric guitars, and an acoustic guitar can also be connected to an amplifier. In any case, the guitar must be properly tuned, for example, by ear gitarre stimmen, or with the help of a guitar tuner. In addition, it is recommended to check the tuning of the strings from time to time, as they are out of tune on their own. In today's article will go It's about when you should prefer an electric guitar over an acoustic one. Everything has both advantages and disadvantages. On this basis, you need to make your choice in favor of one or another decision.

Benefits of an electric guitar

  1. Quiet playing the electric guitar without an amplifier is very relevant when there are small children in the house, or irritable neighbors through the wall. Without turning on the guitar amplifier, the guitar will sound so quiet that the sound will not be heard even in the next room
  2. Reefs and tricks for rock songs are kind of awkward to play on an acoustic guitar
  3. Chords are easier to play on an electric guitar due to the fact that the neck is slightly narrower and the strings are closer to the neck.
  4. Each note is heard well if the sounds of the strings are amplified by the amplifier
  5. It is easy to use sound distortion and a variety of gadgets that are applicable to rock music.

We have listed the main electric guitar advantages before acoustic. If they are important to you, then feel free to buy an electruha. But in general, advanced guitarists and gourmets should buy an electric guitar, and acoustics for beginners. The acoustic guitar is a versatile musical instrument that can be played anywhere, even in the woods or on the beach. And here electric guitar refers to specific additional tools.

This publication was prepared based on the materials of the akustik gitarre lernen website, where you can find a lot of useful information at http://akustik-gitarre-lernen.ch about music, guitars and self-study tool.

When potential students contact me, they usually give some brief backstory about what it was that brought them to the teacher. All these stories are quite different, however, during my professional career, I began to notice in them common features. In this article, I would like to dwell on one of the situations often described by potential students: “I really want to learn how to play the electric guitar, but I have a problem. I have never played an acoustic (classical) guitar, and many people say, and I myself have read various articles that Before learning to play the electric guitar, you need to master the basics on acoustic or classical. But acoustic or classical guitars do not attract me at all, but the electric guitar is the opposite. How critical is the lack of ability to play acoustic (classical) guitar in order to start learning electric guitar?

The fact is that the classical guitar, acoustic guitar and electric guitar are three completely different musical instruments that differ not only in sound, but also in their functionality. Consequently, they also differ in the technique of sound production. To make it clearer, I will give a couple of analogies as an example. If a person wanted to learn how to drive a car and for this purpose came to a driving school, it is unlikely that the local teachers will offer him to learn how to ride a motorcycle or a dump truck. Despite the fact that these modes of transport travel on the same roads, they are still fundamentally different from each other. In the same way, people who want to train in boxing are likely not to go to a boxing trainer. Greco-Roman wrestling, since it is obvious that these two are absolutely different types martial arts. And if these statements almost no one doubts, then with guitars, the situation is completely different.

Unfortunately enough a large number of people don't really understand the difference between classical, acoustic and electric guitar. Of course, quite a lot of people are aware that the above tools have little to do with each other. However, among them there are those who are convinced that it is impossible to start learning to play the electric guitar without learning how to play acoustic or classical. With all responsibility, I dare to assure that these beliefs are only a stereotype and do not represent any informational value. Following these unfounded speculations is a gross mistake that will lead to nothing but wasted money and time. Where does this stereotype come from, the second question. Someone read it on the Internet, someone guessed it himself, someone explained it to a teacher who is either incompetent and believes in this nonsense himself, or just a scammer trying to keep a student as long as possible at any cost.

In fact, there is not the slightest connection between acoustic, classical and electric guitars, except for the number of strings (and even then not always). As mentioned earlier, each of these musical instruments has its own specifics and functionality, which impose certain features on it, expressed in the sound production technique. That is, if a musician is good at, for example, an acoustic guitar, this does not mean at all that he will be able to master an electric guitar or a classical guitar without training.

Differences between guitars in terms of picking technique

What is the difference between an electric guitar and an acoustic guitar? Take, for example, such a parameter as the purity of sound extraction. Electric guitar, unlike acoustic or classical, in fact, is a hypersensitive instrument, as in the vast majority of cases it is used when playing overdrive. It is so sensitive that it requires constant total control over the muting of extra strings. Pronounced dirty playing on an acoustic or classical guitar involves the direct attack of extra strings instead of/together with the play strings. With an electric guitar, everything is much more complicated. Even if the mediator hits the playing strings perfectly accurately, the extra strings will still resonate in the absence of muting, which will instantly be heard from the amp speaker in the form of a pile of dirt and all kinds of overtones. That is why one of the main problems encountered in the path of beginner electric guitarists is pure sound production. On acoustic and classical guitars, this situation is also possible, but it will not be as obvious to people with undeveloped hearing. To learn to hear on acoustics and classical music the resonation of adjacent strings and the imposition of out-of-sonance (dissonant) notes caused by side vibration of extra strings, you need a certain experience in playing these musical instruments, which beginners, of course, do not have. Consequently, hands when playing different types of guitars will work in a completely different mode.

Obviously, count on clean game on the electric guitar, while learning only on the classics or acoustics, it is not worth it. This does not mean at all that an electric guitar is better than an acoustic or classical guitar - they are just different. But which one is better (or rather, I like it more), everyone should decide for himself, relying solely on taste (musical) preferences. There is no other way to answer such a subjective question.

On the universality of teachers

The example of pure sound production is just one of many parameters, one way or another, interpreted in its own way when playing different types of guitars. And each parameter makes significant adjustments to the technique of playing these instruments. I personally felt the significance of these differences in 2003, when, having studied for three years in the specialty “classical guitar” with one of the best teachers in Russia, Leonid Reznik, I could not cope with the electric guitar, spending a lot of time on futile attempts self-mastery of this musical instrument. Subsequently, between 2004 and 2006, I managed to pass full course learning to play the electric guitar with one of the best and most sought-after teachers in Moscow, Yuri Sergeev.

In life, I always try to be wary of universal solutions. No matter how great modern smartphones are, they will never record sound like a separate good microphone will, they will never take pictures as well as a decent SLR camera will, they will not sound like an adequate speaker system, etc. d. No matter how cynical it may sound, in my opinion, the situation is similar with specialists. The more versatile the specialist, the worse he performs each of his functions. This applies to both musicians and teachers. However, in this rule there may be exceptions (and I know people who have demonstrated this by personal example), but they are possible only if a number of certain requirements are met.

Of course, one of the necessary requirements is the ability to adequately play on musical instrument. But, as you know, a good musician is not always a good teacher. In my understanding, the competence of a teacher lies, first of all, in the presence of a program for teaching him to play exactly the musical instrument, the lessons of which he offers. Let me remind you that under training program in my understanding, it means a whole range of educational and methodological elements, the implementation of which is aimed at achieving specific results in mastering a particular musical instrument. It is not difficult to guess that since the classical, acoustic and electric guitars are so different from each other, then the training programs for playing these instruments will not coincide much.

Quite a long time ago I decided to connect my professional career with the electric guitar. A few years ago, I managed to compile and skate my own training program, which is the basis of my current teaching activity. Development of a training program in my understanding is a painstaking work that requires a certain amount time, teaching experience, stable flow of students, collection of statistical data, systematic analysis the results obtained, on the basis of which the program will be modernized, etc. and so on. It is my deep conviction that in order to teach on another musical instrument without turning into another “universal” specialist in a bad sense of the word, it will be necessary to go all this way from the very beginning.


It is no secret that the work of a handyman is paid much less than the work of a specialist in a narrow profile. Coincidence? No, rather an objective pattern. A boxer should teach boxing, ride passenger car- an instructor with the rights of category "B" ... Absolutely, music, and even more so teaching, is no exception here. Therefore, if you want to learn acoustic guitar, I highly recommend contacting an acoustic guitar teacher. If you want to learn classical guitar, look for a teacher who specializes in classical guitar. And if you want to learn how to play the electric guitar, then I am at your service!

First serious question, which novice guitarists and guitarists face when they come to a music store is: “Which guitar to choose and how do they differ at all?”. Often, this situation makes you seriously reconsider the decision to buy a guitar and spend another couple of weeks on the Internet, in search of a suitable instrument. To save you valuable time, in this article we will provide all the information you need on how to choose a guitar for a beginner.

Types of guitars

The first thing you need to know is what guitars are. Otherwise, what to choose from? J

Guitars are divided into 3 types:

  • classical;
  • acoustic (pop, western, folk, concert);
  • and electric guitar.

If the difference between electro and acoustics is immediately clear, then the question is, “what is the difference between the first two?” causes confusion for beginners. “After all, both have 6 strings and they look the same!”.

Well, they look completely different, you can see it in the photo below. As you can see, their cases are different. In the classics, it is rounder and smaller in size.

In addition, only nylon strings are placed on the classical guitar, which is convenient for the still delicate fingers of beginners, besides, its neck is wider and shorter than that of acoustics, which makes it easier to learn. Combining these factors (body size, string material) we get a completely different timbre of sound and purpose of the guitar.

As you probably guessed, this is an incomplete list of guitars. There are also seven, ten and twelve string guitars and even a four-string ukulele - a Hawaiian guitar with a sonorous sound. Of course, you can start learning from them, but professional guitarists do not recommend J

Why do I need a tool?

So, now you have become familiar with the types of guitar, but it is unlikely that this helped you make a choice, right? The next step, on the way to getting your first instrument, is an honest answer to the question “Why do I even need a guitar?”. Why answer it? The fact is that, as noted above, all guitars sound differently, and different techniques and techniques are used to play them.

Acoustic guitar

The acoustic guitar has metal strings, thanks to which it has a sonorous, rich timbre and loud sound. If your goal is to learn to accompany yourself to songs, then acoustics are ideal. Metal strings are great for playing with a pick, and the narrow neck makes it much easier to play barre chords.

Of course, "strumming chords" is not the only purpose of an acoustic guitar. Thanks to its sonorous and rich sound, it is well suited for playing jazz, blues, rock, pop music, chanson, etc. In fact, the instrument is universal and you can play anything with the exception of classical works and flamenco. So, if you see yourself as a performer or performer of pop genres, feel free to buy an acoustic guitar.

But keep in mind that it is much more difficult for unprepared hands of beginners to learn finger technique (that is, without a pick) on acoustics and in places it even hurts. Therefore, many professionals believe that it is right to first master the classics, and then the acoustics.


With a wide neck and soft nylon strings, the classic is perfect for the beginner:

  • it is convenient to heal the strings on it;
  • fingers get used to nylon much easier.

What to play on the classic? Traditionally, it is performed classical music, flamenco, romances and other lyrical compositions. But over time, everything changes and today the classics are as universal as the acoustic guitar. It is played in combat, rock, jazz and blues. The fundamental difference is only in the timbre and the number of frets. The classical guitar has a soft, deep sound, for which many musicians appreciate it. But on the other hand, it is inferior to the acoustic one in terms of the number of frets (18 versus 20 or 21) and the sound volume.

Electroacoustic guitar

This is such an intermediate option between acoustics and electro. In fact, this is the same acoustics or classics with a pickup. The instrument can be connected to speakers and amplify the sound, and in some cases, change the tone. This guitar is a must buy if you want to play loud or perform.

Electric guitar

The instrument is intended for playing through an amplifier (without it, you will practically not hear yourself). Most often, such a guitar is purchased for playing rock music, but it is also suitable for other genres. Now it can be heard in folk and ethno music, in pop, jazz and blues. And thanks to various special effects, with the help of an electric guitar, you can realize almost any idea.

hollow electric guitar

It is a synthesis of acoustics and electro. Outwardly, it looks like an acoustic one, only instead of a “socket”, as resonating holes, “efs”, like a violin. The body may be completely hollow or partially hollow. Due to its specific soft timbre, the instrument is used to perform jazz, blues and rock and roll music. And of course, it can be connected to an amplifier.

If the beginner is a child

If you are buying a guitar for a child, it is very important to consider his age and physical features. Perfect option for a baby - a classic with nylon strings, children under 12 are generally not recommended to play on metal strings.

It is important to choose the right tool for the growth of the baby so that it is convenient for him to hold it. Today in stores you can find "various" tools. The table below will help guide you:

If the child is under the age of 4, then good option will serve as a ukulele or guitarlele (the size of a ukulele but has six strings).

What material to give preference?

So, you have decided on the type of guitar and are already enthusiastically flying to the store in anticipation of the purchase ... but what is the difference between "all these same guitars" that also differ in price for some reason? Let's find out below.

The main difference between instruments of the “same type” is the material from which they are made. All guitars today are made from wood, plywood or MDF. What is the difference? First, when it comes to acoustic guitars, wood instruments are always lighter. Secondly, this is the sound quality: the more "wood" in the guitar, the better it sounds, regardless of whether it is classical or electro.

Electric guitar

Electric guitars are made of mahogany, ash, alder, maple, linden. Mahogany gives a rich, voluminous sound, enhances the lower register. However, this material is only used for expensive brand name guitars. Alder gives the instrument a high, ringing sound, ash also enhances the upper register, but it sounds harder. Maple and linden have a powerful and rich sound in the middle register.

Classics and acoustics

The bodies of these guitars are made from rosewood, spruce, cedar, walnut or mahogany.

It is important to note that guitars made entirely of wood are very expensive, so for a beginner, the best option is to buy a semi-wooden instrument with plywood or MDF inserts. The sound, of course, is different, but at the beginning of training it is not important and not even noticeable.


Brands are controversial issue. Some people like some manufacturers, others - it's a matter of taste. However, there are brands with a "good" and a "bad reputation".

electric guitars

Among branded budget instruments, the Fender Squier Bullet strat, Ibanez GRG150 and any GIO series, Epiphone LP 100, Yamaha Pacifica 112 are well suited for a beginner. tuner, case and other accessories, which is also true for other types of guitars.


Traditional options for beginners with the best combination of price and quality are the Ibanez GA3, Yamaha C40 and C70 instruments. The next option in terms of sound quality is ProArt guitars. They are roughly in the same price range as the Yamaha, but have a deeper and more sonorous tone.


Among the best inexpensive options, Ibanez v50, Takamine Jasmine JD36-NAT, Yamaha F310 and Fender CD-60 stand out.

How not to get married

In order not to encounter a defective instrument, the guitar must be carefully examined, whether it “builds” according to the frets, and to make sure that there are no distortions and curvature of the neck. In most cases, it is not possible for a beginner to carry out such a check correctly. Therefore, our advice to you is to find a guitar teacher and ask him to go choose a guitar with you, so you will definitely choose a high-quality, reliable instrument for yourself.

If you came to the store alone, then carefully inspect the selected tool:

  1. The guitar should not have cracks and scratches, cracked or swollen varnish, unglued joints.
  2. Check the straightness of the neck, for this, take a tool like a gun and inspect the side line of the neck, it should be straight along the entire length.
  3. Inspect the strings, the extreme ones should not go beyond the plane of the fretboard.
  4. Twist the pegs, the smoothness and noiselessness of their work is an indicator of quality.
  5. Listen to the sound of the strings, ideally all strings sound approximately the same amount of time.

In the case of guitars, everything is simple: The more expensive, the better! But it doesn't make sense to buy the most expensive tool to start with, you won't feel the difference anyway. But it's also not worth saving and buying the cheapest. If you have any questions - write in the comments, we will try to help you with the choice.

OK it's all over Now! Good luck and safe shopping!

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