And you haven't been to Tahiti. Interesting facts about the cartoon series "Return of the Prodigal Parrot"


Parrot Kesha - main character cartoon.

egocentric, demanding heightened attention, capricious and wayward. In all habits and external color, it most of all resembles a parrot of the macaw family.

The plumage is bright. Raspberry head. There are large white circles around the eyes. Lush green tuft. On the neck is a white "collar", resembling a frill. The wings are green at the base, with a pink stripe. The purple feathers at the ends serve as fingers in many cases. The body is pink. Paws are yellow, with three fingers (two in front, one behind). The tail consists of three green feathers with pink tips.

Often wears clothes:
In the first issue, only at the very beginning: he sits in a chair in sneakers.

In Issue 2, in the new owner's apartment, he wears a blue Mickey Mouse T-shirt.

At the beginning of the third issue, he appears in Vovka's white T-shirt. Then he changes into striped shorts with suspenders, a peaked cap and beach goggles. Further, in several episodes, he walks in Vasily's sweatshirt and his cap.

Favorite hobby: view television films and gears. Judging by vocabulary, completely different topics - from crime chronicle to lyrical concert programs.

Speech is sometimes incoherent, reminiscent of a set of quotes from watched programs and heard songs.

Vovka- Kesha's owner.

Boy school age. Constantly learning lessons. Often sick.

In the first two issues of the cartoon, he is dressed in a yellow turtleneck and blue school uniform. In the third issue, he appears in the beginning in a yellow T-shirt, at the end in a blue sweatshirt.

Patient with a capricious parrot. Takes care of him, worries. He tries his best to show Kesha his love.

Other characters

Fat red cat - lazy, imposing, swaggering, with ambition. Lives with wealthy owners. The principle of life: “Rested - in! Sour cream - in! Fish - in!

Crow - infantile, phlegmatic. Forced to constantly poking around in the garbage in search of food. Everything is optimistic. Favorite phrase: "Awesome! Just lovely!”

Puppy - First appears in the first issue, after Kesha's return. Does not play a key role in the cartoon. Sublimates Vovka's love for the parrot.

In issue #2 of storyline turns on new character: new owner Keshi is a fashionable guy from a wealthy family. The hero is intentionally shown a typical representative VIP-layers of the perestroika period. He is dressed in the latest fashion, lives in a luxurious apartment, but at the same time (in contrast to Vovka) is cruel and soulless.

Interesting Facts

Parrot Kesha is often compared by critics with Khlestakov. The version is confirmed by the creator of the character himself:

Valentin Karavaev once saw a parrot in winter, which, obviously, flew out through the window and now did not know how to return. Began to think: why flew out? Offended, quarreled with the boy. Why? Probably, he behaved impudently, mimicked everyone ... And gradually the image of a kind of bird Khlestakov arose - a talker, a dreamer, a braggart.

Sometimes in the cartoon they see the transcription of all Russian classics “in an animal way”: the cat is the cat Oblomov, the crow is the bird Anna Pavlovna Sherer, etc.

The economic crisis of the early 90s delayed the release of the fourth issue of the cartoon for a long time, although the script had been written. Kurlyandsky negotiated with German colleagues to create an animated series of 13 issues abroad, but the project was not completed.

The plot of the cartoon child psychologists use to resolve conflict situations with teenagers.

Parrot Kesha has long been a commercial brand that is actively promoted by copyright holders and pirates. So, video games were created (for example, "Freedom for parrots!" and "Kesha in the world of fairy tales"), coloring books, etc.

The popularity of the cartoon prompted A. Kurlyandsky to write a book, which included the stories “Have you been to Tahiti?”, “And they feed us well here too!” and "Lovely!"

In 2004, a textbook with the heroes of the popular cartoon was published. A. Kurlyandsky planned together with " Lomonosov school"to produce a series of 22 books in all core subjects from 1st to 7th grade.

At the apartment of his new owner (second series), Kesha watches, first the credits of the film "The Beast" (1977, Claude Zidi), then rewinding the film "The Umbrella Prick" (France, 1980, dir. Gerard Oury)

The second series won the Nika Award for Best Animated Film in 1987.


Kesha, be quiet!
- I can't hear it!
- And Vovka loved me so much ... He carried me right in his arms ...
- What do I wear? In tatters, in tatters! Like Cinderella!
- Tahiti, Tahiti ... We have not been to any Tahiti. We are here ... well fed.
- Clothes are given to all cats by a gray-haired ferryman ...
- Well, after such a rain, wait for a good calving ...
- Rested - in! Sour cream - in! Fish - in!
- Parent-and-child house ...
- Freedom to the parrots! Its! Bo! Doo! By! Pu! Ha! Yam! May there always be sun, may there always be sky, may [reached out for the teapot, drank] may there always be Vovka, may there always be me!
- How many tons of clover from each laying hen will be put into incubators after threshing?
- Everyone has summer, sea, sun, air and water - I am the only one in the realm of hot concrete and stuffy asphalt! What kind of life is this?!
- What Kesha?! I'm a hundred years Kesha!
- Oh you! Life is not sniffed! And I am a whole summer, a whole summer ... In the morning - mowing, in the evening - milk. Now the cow is overgrown, then the chickens have rushed ... and then the cherry tree has risen, the beetroot has begun to grow ... You plow, you plow ... And if it rains during drying, huh?
- Oh, you dullness! It's Bubble Gum!
- What am I, I'm nothing. He doesn't hear it.
- Comrade lieutenant, reports ... Polishchuk. Chasing criminals on a motorcycle.
- Well, as always! Actually interesting place!..
- Everything, the end! Farewell forever! Only death will save me from the torment of the heart ... Goodbye, my love, goodbye ...
- Pr-r-relest!
- Somehow I arrive in Tahiti ... Have you been to Tahiti? I arrive, and Major Tomin says to me: “The savings bank was robbed by Mrs. Monika from the culinary college.” Missing "Million-million-million Red roses... "And I told him:" Shurik, be careful, the criminal is armed. And he told me: "In the Greek hall, in the Greek hall - a white mouse."
- Goodbye, May Laf! (Good bye, my love!)

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Sayings, quotes and phrases from the cartoon Return of the Prodigal Parrot:

  • Oh, Vovka loved me so much ... He literally carried me in his arms ...
  • I can! I'll prove! I'll show you!.. They'll find out about me. They will talk about me!
  • - Hello? Hello? Is that you, Kesha? Well answer, please! - Yes it's me. I live well, swim in the pool, drink juice, orangeade ... Yes, yes - right without leaving the pool. I have many friends, a car, a personal chauffeur… (hurriedly) Sorry, old man, Celentano came to see me.
  • - Ah well! Ah, ah, there you are! Ah, so what are you, right? At the most interesting place!.. And I thought!.. Only Polishchuk on a motorcycle... And you!..
  • - Oh you! Didn't sniff life?! And I am a whole summer, a whole summer: mowing in the morning, milking in the evening, then the cow will farrow, then the chickens rushed ... And then the cherry rose! The beets are spitting!.. You plow like a tractor... And if it rains during drying, huh?
  • - Attention, all traffic police posts! Stop the blue Zhiguli! Be careful: the criminal is armed! - Kesha, you again? - And me, what am I? I'm nothing! I... I'm nothing! He can't hear it!
  • - What - "Kesha" ?! I'm a hundred years Kesha!
  • - That's it, they've arrived. - Where did you take me? - State farm "Bright way". - What "light"?! Nothing is visible! - Tomorrow dawn, you'll see everything.
  • - You know, Vovka, how bad I felt! I was alone, all alone! And they are a crowd of scoundrels with guns, bazookas ... helicopters! .. I'm there once, twice - twice! .. Well. The one at me with pistols, I kicked him - bam, cue, cue! This one is behind, and I am his chair ... - That's how it always is! At the most interesting point!..
  • - Yes ... This is not Tahiti for you ...
  • - Tell me, how many tons of clover from each laying hen will be poured into incubators after threshing the fallow? ..
  • - How you? - Basil! - Innocent...
  • - WITH Good morning, dear viewers! - Lovely! - We start the program "Alarm Clock" for those who do not sleep on working noon, before sixteen and after midnight. At our microphone ... Yes, yes, of course, you guessed it: Yuri Antonov sings. Ask! “We were all in a hurry for the clock…”
  • - Well, after such a rain, wait for a good calving ...
  • - Goodbye! Our meeting was a mistake!..
  • - Ooo?! Do you have an addition? And who are we waiting for? Boy or girl?
  • - I arrive once in Tahiti ... Have you been to Tahiti? So. And Major Tomin told me: “The savings bank was robbed by Mrs. Monika from the culinary college.” “A million-million-million scarlet roses…” disappeared, and I told him: “Shurik, be careful, the criminal is armed.” And he told me: "In the Greek hall, in the Greek hall - a white mouse."
  • - According to your numerous requests, the Weiner brothers will perform the song Modern Talking!
  • - I arrive once in Tahiti, in the region - fog, north wind, gusty ...
  • - Lovely, lovely!
  • - I arrive somehow in Tahiti ... And Shurik says to me: “Maltsev intercepted the puck, quickly handed it to Krutov, he was even further away - to Vakhtang Kikabidze, throw! .. And, roughly speaking, Polishchuk ... on a motorcycle ... "
  • - Rested - in! Sour cream - in! Fish - in!
  • - I'm flying to Tahiti ... Have you been to Tahiti? - Haiti, Haiti ... We have not been to any Haiti! We are well fed here.
  • - Clothes are given to all cats by a gray-haired ferryman ...
  • - The parent-and-child house ... Start-a-alo began ...
  • - Kesha, please be quiet! Kesha, can you hear me? - Firstly, not Kesha, but Innokenty, and secondly ... the criminal is armed!
  • - Freedom to the parrots! Its! Bo! Doo! By! Pu! Ha! Yam! May there always be sun, may there always be sky, may ... (reached out for the teapot, gargled) ... there will always be Vovka, may there always be me!
  • - Dear viewers! We are starting the program "Village Hour" for the extreme inhabitants of the North, oh-oh, that is, for the inhabitants Far North. The polar night has not yet ended, and the workers of the village are already in the field. Family contracts have become an inexhaustible source of everything new in the countryside.
  • - Comrade Major, Sergeant Major Polishchuk reports. Chasing criminals on a motorcycle.
  • – The meeting ended with a score of two-zero in our favor.
  • - Everyone has summer, sea, sun, air and water - I am the only one in the realm of hot concrete and stuffy asphalt! What kind of life is this?!
  • - That's how it always is: in the most interesting place!
  • - What do you allow yourself? How do you treat me???
  • - What do I wear? In tatters, in tatters! Like Cinderella!
  • - Oh, you dullness! It's bubblegum! The owner brought With this very, well, how is it ... - Tahiti? - Exactly. And he also brought... he puts on his ears... well, this one... - A hat? - Heh, a hat! Player, that's what!
  • - Ah well! Oh, that's how you are! Oh, how are you with a friend, right? How are you with a friend? Well, you know! I do not regret my life for him, but he! .. No! No, it's all! End! Farewell forever! Only death will save me from heartache! Goodbye, my love, goodbye!..
  • - I'm a scoundrel! I am a scoundrel! I am a pathetic, insignificant person!
  • - And I'm tired of everything ... Boring. I want to easily, with the people - like you! simple guys, which we have at every step! ...

The collection contains dialogues, famous phrases and quotes from the cartoon Return of the Prodigal Parrot.

All the most best quotes from cartoons about parrot Kesha! The first issue: - Attention, all traffic police posts! Stop the white Zhiguli! Be careful: the criminal is armed! - Kesha, please be quiet! Kesha, can you hear me? - Firstly, not Kesha, but Innokenty, and secondly ... the criminal is armed! - Comrade Major, Sergeant Major Polishchuk reports. Chasing criminals on a motorcycle. - Ah well! Ah, ah, there you are! Ah, so what are you, right? At the most interesting place!.. And I thought!.. Only Polishchuk on a motorcycle... And you!.. - Oh, so! Oh, that's how you are! Oh, how are you with a friend, right? How are you with a friend? Well, you know! I do not regret my life for him, but he! .. No! No, it's all! End! Farewell forever! Only death will save me from heartache! Good bye, my love, good bye!!.. - Parents-and-children's home... Started-a-alo started... - I'm flying to Africa somehow... Have you been to Africa? So. And Major Kedrov told me: “The savings bank was robbed by Mrs. Monika from the culinary college.” “A million-million-million scarlet roses…” disappeared, and I told him: “Shurik, be careful, the criminal is armed.” And he told me: "In the Greek hall, in the Greek hall - a white mouse." - Charming, charming! .. - I fly somehow to Tahiti ... And Shurik told me: “Maltsev intercepted the puck, quickly handed it to Krutov, he was even further away - Vakhtang Kikabidze, throw! .. And, roughly speaking, Polishchuk ... on a motorcycle ... "- I arrive once in Tahiti, in the region - fog, north wind, gusty ... - I arrive in Tahiti ... Have you been to Tahiti? - Tahiti, Tahiti ... We were not in any Tahiti! We are well fed here. - Yes ... This is not Tahiti for you ... - Attention, all traffic police posts! Stop the blue Zhiguli! Be careful: the criminal is armed! - Kesha, you again? - And me, what am I? I'm nothing! I... I'm nothing! He can't hear it! The second issue: - We start the program "Alarm clock" for those who do not sleep. On working afternoons until sixteen and after midnight. - Oh, you dullness! It's bubble gum! - We were all in a hurry for the clock, but there is nothing better than in those firewood under the sky, under the roof of our house ... ". - I drink juice ... orangeade ... yes, right without leaving the pool. I have many friends, a car, a personal driver… Sorry, old man, Celentano came to see me. “There are so many separations in the spring near a quiet grove, a gray-haired ferryman gives clothes to all cats ...”. - Freedom to the parrots! Svo-bo-du in-po-ga-yam! May there always be sun, may there always be sky, may there always be Vovka, may there always be me! - Do you know, Vovka, how bad I felt? I was alone, completely alone, and they ... a crowd of scoundrels ... all with bazookas! With helicopters! .. I'm alone - once! Another two!<…>This one is in the back! And I'm his chair! Third issue: - Rested - in! Sour cream - in! Fish - in! - How many tons of clover from each laying hen will be put into incubators after threshing? - Oh, you didn't sniff life! And I’m a whole summer, a whole summer ... In the morning - mowing, in the evening milk, then the cow will farrow, then the chickens rushed ... And then the cherry rose! The beets are spitting!.. You plow like a tractor... And if it rains during drying, huh? - They will know about me. They will talk about me! - Well, after such a rain, wait for a good calving! - I'm a scoundrel! I'm a scoundrel! I'm a pathetic, worthless person!

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