Andrey Andrianov paintings. Parcel from Fernando


Andrianov Andrey. Optimism (Waiting for Fernando), cardboard/acrylic 50 cm x 40 cm, 2012

Lives in Russia wonderful artist Andrey Yurievich Andrianov. Who writes unusual, sincere pictures. Including about food.

They can be considered for a long time, unexpectedly finding new connections between objects and characters, and rejoicing at this sudden insight. Especially if you didn't think to read the title at first...))

And, sometimes, you can just admire the beauty and transparency of the water in glass vessel. Or a shiny skin (which you just want to grab and eat). Or the dazzling brightness of white-yellow fried eggs on a smoky, rusty frying pan with dented edges, standing on an old stove! Tasty, tangible, it feels like you are inside the picture, standing right there, next to the artist. With a fork. Or, with a hand trembling with impatience, you reach for that sausage. And next to it is a neat knife for your little hand.

Still life with delicious food

Have fun. How to buy paintings - see at the end.

March 8

Andrianov Andrey Yurievich. March 8. MDF/acrylic, 60 cm x 50 cm, 2011

I wonder if this is such a breakfast for your beloved (in honor of March 8) or for yourself while waiting for your beloved? Or for her - from circles of sausage, and for herself - scrambled eggs with bread?)))

Iishnitsa and sausage

Andrianov Andrey Yurievich. Eishnitsa and sausage, MDF/acrylic, 50 cm x 50 cm, 2013

In a time of severe trials, Russia cannot be understood with the mind

This picture of a traditional Russian bountiful table would have graced any Soviet cookery or other book about tasty and healthy food. And many generations of the family where such a cookbook is stored would return to the page with this illustration many times, remembering it for life as a standard for a home holiday table.

Andrianov Andrey Yurievich. In a time of severe trials, Russia cannot be understood with the mind. Primed paper/acrylic, 60 cm x 76 cm, 2015

With what love food is depicted here! The sharp-nosed sterlet in sliced ​​​​with lemon froze in some kind of gloomy bow (or in an attempt to swim away? See the wide-open fins-wings?) in front of a ruddy wary snout. Caviar: black - on a small saucer, and red - in a large wooden tub.

In a squat enameled pot - hot, which was just seasoned with sour cream. Generous hand. ladle. You can feed 15 people with this borscht! Nearby there is still sour cream (or cream?) in the jar, it is so greasy, it costs a spoon!

Andrianov Andrey Yurievich, “Provencal”, canvas/acryl 50 cm x 60 cm 2012

Outside the window of the hut - winter, frost (after all, this is the only way it should be in real New Year!) the hostess cuts the salad And the host, who has already opened a can of peas with a can opener (he tried so hard, he already crushed it!) and a can of cucumbers, is watching the order with a stack and a cigarette. And in that three-liter jar there is a cocktail tube - everything is for you, dear! And, for sure, the hostess gives him scraps from the salad. Which remain not because it is an edge or an uneven piece of sausage or egg (and you can’t put it in a salad). I think she specifically chooses pieces for him that seem to be trimmings. Because you want to please your loved one, to feed.

(judging by the image of the sausage in the pictures with Olivier and scrambled eggs, the owner respects Doktorskaya in a natural casing).

To everyone who has not yet eaten fish soup this summer

And here is a cheerful tasty summer picture about rest on fishing with fish soup.

Andrianov Andrey Yurievich. To everyone who has not yet eaten fish soup this summer. Canvas/acrylic, 40 cm x 50 cm, 2013

A bowl with fish soup is full of fish. She came out rich, the fisherman on the left already drips fat from a spoon onto bread. They say that real fish soup is boiled with vodka. Here is the stack. A large forms eaters, as if, enhance the deliciousness and attractiveness of this fish soup. People with such hands (and other parts of the body), for sure, will eat only the most satisfying, solid and tasty. And they won't let you die of hunger! The lady pouring the snake into bowls, even in nature, tries to be very attractive - these scarlet marigolds in shales, a protruding finger and a decollete! And nearby - large, cheerful, solid short peasants. Idyll.

And how do you like the red-finned fish flying over the river? Could it be the souls of those in the hot broth?

Catering (memories of a working canteen)

Here is another borsh for you - now in a large saucepan with an iron ladle, which stands on a shabby stool in the working dining room.

Andrianov Andrey Yurievich. Public catering (memories of a working canteen). Paper/acrylic, 60 cm x 50 cm, 2012

Delicious, hot, with a head of garlic (where would it be without it ... Remember how garlic was squeezed into a plate or rubbed with dried bread?).

Memories of Soviet public catering continue in the picture with dumplings on a table in a dumplings shop on Herzen Street.

No one was embarrassed by the price in the dumplings on Herzen Street

Andrianov Andrey Yurievich. Nobody was embarrassed by the price in the dumplings on Herzen Street. Paper/acrylic, 50 cm x 50 cm, 2012

Lots and lots of dumplings (18 pieces?) on a plate with mustard. The nineteenth dumpling has already been pricked on a fork and an invisible hand is carrying it into the mouth of the eater! And he, hungry and cold, is so intoxicated by the heat of dumplings, the smells of food, the steam from a hot plate, that the windows of the catering are parting before his eyes. There is only a plate and a hot dumpling, which he will now eat!

Optimism (Waiting for Fernando)

But the owner is waiting for guests.

Andrianov Andrey. Optimism (Waiting for Fernando), cardboard/acrylic, 50 cm x 40 cm, 2012

Everything is clean and tidy at home. On the table - the best dishes with excellent food: herring and boiled potatoes, sprinkled with dill and onion rings. Slices of bread stand evenly and solemnly in a plate. Nearby is a bottle of something hot and strong, which will be so pleasant to drink with this excellent snack. There is pepper and salt in traditional ceramic salt shakers. The guest was even given a fork with a knife, which, apparently, emphasizes the degree of respect the hosts have for him. And the owner himself in a suit and a white shirt. Smart. But, apparently, there will be hands)) No wonder the plates are on large pink napkins. Come in handy.


Andrianov Andrey Yurievich. Rechflot. Primed cardboard/acrylic, 40 cm x 50 cm, 2012

This tureen floats like a ship on a white napkin with a blue border against the background of flying seagulls (apparently, seagulls are not interested in pasta). But I would eat. Appetizing.

Judith near Moscow

Andrianov Andrey Yurievich. Judith near Moscow. Canvas/acrylic, 50 cm x 40 cm, 2013

I don’t know if this Judith is a cook or a meat cutter, but how charming and fighting! "TO handsome in appearance and very attractive in the eye. Holofernes she only has some kind of not curly, with an earring in his ear)) but is also pleased with his fate.

Knight of the Sorrowful Image. self-portrait

Andrianov Andrey Yurievich. Knight of the Sorrowful Image. Self-portrait. Cardboard/acrylic, 50 cm x 40 cm, 2012

A full pot of potatoes, a bowl of clean water where the peeled tubers will be stored. Everything is strong, beautiful, clean. Who put things in such order in the kitchen?

old recipe

Andrianov Andrey Yurievich. Ancient recipe, canvas/acrylic, 50 cm x 40 cm, 2013

Looking at this cook in an old apron, one remembers soviet postcards With Dutch painting. The heroine, as if, combined the two heroines of Jan Vermmer: the Cook and the Girl reading the letter at the open window. tender, with pretty face, luxury hair. And he knows how to cook (judging by the already closed jam).

What's in that old recipe? How to make dumplings? Or some mince and garlic pie?

Battle of g'Arnir

Andrianov Andrey Yurievich. Battle of g'Arnir, canvas/acryl 50cm x 70cm 2012

Something very tasty, soaked in chicken juices, is sewn into these swordsmen fighting on a bow. Yes, and the side dish is good - potatoes with onion rings and, probably, stewed beans (or mushrooms?).

Satsivi for Fernando

Andrianov Andrey Yurievich. Satsivi for Fernando. Canvas/acrylic, 50 cm x 60 cm, 2012

It's not a picture, it's a whole recipe. A large raw chicken that will soon (when cooked) be drizzled with garlic peanut sauce. Get satsivi. For the dear Colombian guest Fernando (I don't know if this is a real person or fictional character. But for him, obviously - all the best. However, like the fruits in gifts to the artist from him - the most ripe, juicy and fragrant).

Parcel from Fernando

Andrianov Andrey Yurievich. Parcel from Fernando. Cardboard/acrylic, 40 cm x 40 cm, 2012

Colombian fruits

Andrianov Andrey Yurievich. Colombian fruits. Primed paper/acrylic, 50 cm x 50 cm, 2014

Other still lifes with fruit

Pay attention to how in some paintings the objects go beyond their edges (the painting shows a picture standing on a stretcher, and fruit or a knife crawl out of its borders).

Some still lifes have bitten apples or pears, and the title of some works suggests what is happening in the life of the artist or the characters he paints about. Fruits and other objects in Andrei Andrianov's still lifes are not just inanimate nature, but heroes, characters paintings, with its history, games and intrigues.

Andrianov Andrey Yurievich. Midnight Visit of the Lady, Panel/Acrylic, 52 cm x 38 cm, 2012
Andrianov Andrey Yurievich. Lemons, MDF/acrylic, 47cm x 51cm, 2014
Andrianov Andrey Yurievich. Return visit of the Lady. Canvas/acrylic, 60 cm x 50 cm, 2012

Andrianov Andrey Yurievich. Mandarins and lemons. Primed paper/oil pastel, acrylic, 45 cm x 60 cm, 2014
Andrianov Andrey Yurievich. Afternoon dream. Primed cardboard/acrylic, 50 cm x 40 cm, 2011
Andrianov Andrey Yurievich. Lemongrass. Paper/acrylic, 50 cm x 40 cm, 2010

Andrianov Andrey Yurievich. Tangerines, canvas/acrylic, 30 cm x 40 cm, 2013 Andrianov Andrey Yurievich. Formula 1 Oil on canvas, 40 cm x 65 cm, 2012
Andrianov Andrey Yurievich. His Majesty August. Canvas/acrylic, 50 cm x 65 cm, 2012

Andrianov Andrey Yurievich. Apples and lemons. MDF/acrylic, 35 cm x 45 cm, 2011
Andrianov Andrey Yurievich. Wildlife. Prepared paper/acrylic, 37 cm x 25 cm, 2011
Andrey Yurievich Andrianov. Apples and Phloxes. Cardboard/acrylic, 50 cm x 40 cm, 2011

Andrianov Andrey Yurievich. Apples from China. Cardboard/acrylic, 32 cm x 42 cm, 2009
Andrianov Andrey Yurievich. Apples. Primed cardboard/acrylic, 49 cm x 39 cm, 2013 Andrey Yurievich Andrianov. Burnt out by the sun. Vinyl/acrylic, 50 cm x 50 cm, 2011

Andrianov Andrey Yurievich. Fruit basket. MDF/acrylic, 50 cm x 60 cm, 2013 Andrianov Andrey Yurievich. Peaches and apricots. Panel/acrylic, 39 cm x 29 cm, 2016
Andrianov Andrey Yurievich. Pear fruits. Vinyl/acrylic, 48 cm x 38 cm, 2011

Andrianov Andrey Yurievich. Dish with pears. Cardboard/acrylic, 30 cm x 30 cm, 2011 Andrianov Andrey Yurievich. 3D. Cardboard/acrylic, 68.5 cm x 48.5 cm, 2011 Andrianov Andrey Yurievich. Grappa near Moscow. Cardboard/acrylic, 60 cm x 30 cm, 2010

Andrianov Andrey Yurievich. A little red wine… Canvas/acrylic, 50 cm x 40 cm, 2011 Andrianov Andrey Yurievich. Sweet persimmon. MDF/oil, 30 cm x 60 cm, 2010 Andrianov Andrey Yurievich. Self-portrait with a sore leg. Oil on canvas, 65 cm x 50 cm, 2012

Andrianov Andrey Yurievich .. Fernando's watermelon dream. Canvas/acrylic, 35 cm x 50 cm, 2012
Andrianov Andrey Yurievich. Strawberry lovers. Canvas/acrylic, 40 cm x 50 cm, 2016
Andrianov Andrey Yurievich. Farewell, panel/acrylic, 35 cm x 50 cm, 2012

Andrianov Andrey Yurievich. Small basket with currants. Paper/acrylic, 35 cm x 35 cm, 2010
Andrianov Andrey Yurievich. Cherry soil. cardboard/acrylic, 30 cm x 40 cm, 2010
Andrianov Andrey Yurievich. Raspberry and currant. Paper/acrylic, 32 cm x 22 cm, 2009

Still lifes with tea in glass holders

And the artist also loves tea. In glasses with glass holders.

Andrianov Andrey Yurievich. Strong tea with lemon. Primed cardboard/acrylic, 45 cm x 35 cm, 2013 Andrei Andrianov. Green tea with jasmine primed cardboard/acrylic 50cm x 37cm 2013 Andrianov Andrey Yurievich. Escape to Egypt. Paper/acrylic, mixed media, 50 cm x 74 cm, 2013

Still life with drinks

Andrianov Andrey Yurievich. Napoleon and Josephine. Primed cardboard/acrylic, 50 cm x 39 cm, 2013 Andrianov Andrey Yurievich. Oktober Fest, primed paper/acrylic 56cm x 56cm 2014
Andrianov Andrey Yurievich. Get ready for winter brother! Canvas/acrylic, 50 cm x 60 cm, 2014

Andrianov Andrey Yurievich. His name was Sidor
MDF/acrylic, 50 cm x 60 cm, 2013

Still lifes with fish

Andrianov Andrey Yurievich. Fresh redfin fish., Primed cardboard/acrylic, 30 cm x 30 cm, 2013
Andrianov Andrey Yurievich. International Women's Day. Primed paper/acrylic, 57 cm x 57 cm, 2014
Andrey Yurievich Andrianov. Fresh fish. MDF/oil pastel, 41 cm x 50 cm, 2003
Andrianov Andrey Yurievich. Tulka. Vinyl/acrylic, 50 cm x 50 cm, 2011 Andrianov Andrey Yurievich. Still life with fish. MDF/oil pastel, 40 cm x 60 cm, 2005
Andrianov Andrey Yurievich. Saira mountains. smoking 124 rub. kg. Paper/acrylic 40 cm x 50 cm, 2010

Andrianov Andrey Yurievich. Yesterday there were large ones, but five each, and today they were small, but three each ... Canvas / acrylic, 50 cm x 60 cm, 2013

This will be sobriety day

Andrianov Andrey Yurievich. It will be a day of sobriety, Canvas / acrylic, 50 cm x 50 cm, 2012

The undeniable advantages of socialism

An ironic view of the world... If you want to think, grieve, smile, then get acquainted - the artist Andrianov Andrey Yuryevich

Andrianov Andrey. La batalla de los cancilleres de hierro

The works of A. Andrianov are an amazing ease of refusal familiar look on the surroundings: a crafty fox withdrawal from reality. It seems: the artist is acting weird, naughty, mischievous, but no! For all of us, it provides an opportunity to make sure that the world is not so poor and bad, and you can look at the world easily and ironically. SO look...!
Andrianov Andrey. Self-portrait with a sore leg

And his gaze, ironic, from under the eyelids.
And this thin line at the mouth -
irony distinguishing feature.

I like the ironic man.
He is, in essence, a heroic man.
I like his ironic look
things that make you angry.

And you can imagine him in pince-nez,
leafing through the day after tomorrow calendar.
And you can imagine in his letter
some old - sir.

But in vain if he introduces himself to you as a jester.
Irony - she serves as his shield.
And you can imagine how this shield
wobbles under impact and cracks.

And yet, through this tragic age
he passes, the ironic man.
And you can imagine him with a sword,
swinging over his weak shoulder.

But it's not about how sharp his sword is,
but in how it goes with a smile to the fire
and how before that he says: - Yes,
hot day - isn't it, gentlemen!

When the last candle burns out
and the flames of heaven are barely purple,
embarrassed - I'm dying - he says,
as if apologizing - guilty.

And you can imagine a humble face,
and one can imagine the enormous growth,
but he leaves, just as simple and great,
how great and simple it was a moment before.

And he leaves - there is no one, they say, to reproach, -
as if he left the room to smoke,
went outside to get some air
and asks not to be at a loss, not to see off

(Yu. Levitansky)

And a certain Fernando, at the whim of the artist, either leaves or comes, leaving us fruits or tears of rain on the glass?

Andrianov Andrey. Pessimism. Fernando is gone

Andrianov Andrey. Optimism (Waiting for Fernando)

Andrianov Andrey. Parcel from Fernando

Andrianov Andrey. Fernando, are you back?

How do you like this funny erotica?

Andrianov Andrey. Sametz
Andrianov Andrey. Grushenka

In a man, the mind is a decisive value
and strength - to play and boil,
and in a woman captivates us sincerity
and many other parts of the body.

I. Huberman

Andrianov Andrey. Grunya, Grunechka, Grunhilda

Andrianov Andrey. Autumn offspring against the background of the worsening economic crisis in Western Europe

Before you have time to smile, you are brought back to modern troubled events...

Andrianov Andrey. Mommy, mommy! Bless and save!

For a long time I wanted to say, finally,
I hope I don't break my oath,
He knew how to give objects a living soul,
Not only our Creator and Father,
But also the Artist and Creator who carries his brush!

Ruby Tuesday

Artist Andrianov Andrey. Guarantor of independence

I wanted to buy a jar of stew,
But, stretching out her hand, she stopped, -
The pig gazed at the powder...
Got this Kyiv power!

Over the summer, half of the Donbass was bombed,
And there are no number of refugees in Rostov...
Let that pig for meat,
So that I could not grunt in English !!!

Ruby Tuesday
But suddenly, among the golden laughter and the sonorous turmoil of objects surrounding us, there appears "Somewhere in a field near Magadan" - an "uncomfortable" prickly work

Alexander Malov Somewhere in a field near Magadan Somewhere in a field near Magadan,
In the midst of dangers and troubles
In the fumes of frozen fog
They followed the sledges.

From the soldiers, from their tinned throats,
From bandits of a gang of thieves
Here they saved only about
Yes, outfits in the city for flour.

So they walked in their pea coats -
Two unfortunate Russian old men,
Remembering native huts
And longing for them from afar.

All their souls burned out
Far from family and friends
And fatigue, hunched over the body,
That night consumed their souls,

Life above them in images of nature
She moved in her turn.
Only stars, symbols of freedom,
They didn't look at people anymore.

Wonderful mystery of the universe
Walked in the theater of the northern luminaries,
But her fire is penetrating
It didn't reach people.

A blizzard whistled around the people,
Sweeping frozen stumps.
And on them, without looking at each other,
Freezing, the old men sat down.

The horses have stopped, the work is over,
Mortals are done...
Embraced them sweet slumber,
To a distant land, sobbing, she led.

Their guards will not overtake them anymore,
The camp convoy will not overtake,
Only one constellation of Magadan
They sparkle, standing over their heads.

Nikolay Zabolotsky. 1956

This silently and sternly left the memory - in the snow and the eternity of frozen stars: stop and look - it was so! And it can still be so if we live resignedly and unworthily, forgetting what it means to defend our point of view in this world, what it means to go against conscience, that is, against ourselves. To freeze under dumb distant stars is a refusal to submit to a huge, stupid and terrible mechanism. To freeze in the field, and then shine as a star, means to choose your own path and follow it, and not be afraid of it.

And then suddenly a series of paintings about three heroes...

Andrianov Andrey. Three heroes in the South

Andrianov Andrey. Three heroes in the North

Andrianov Andrey. Three heroes in the West

Andrianov Andrey. Three heroes

Andrianov Andrei Yurievich was born in Albania, the city of Tirana. Educated at the Moscow Architectural Institute and the All-Union Academy of Foreign Trade. Traveled in India and Nepal.
Currently lives in a remote village near Moscow, comprehending the delights of "the idiocy of village life."
Works are in private collections in Estonia, USA, Germany, Switzerland, India, Israel, Ukraine and Russia.

Andrianov Andrey. Knight of the Sorrowful Image. self-portrait

We look at the works of the artist Andrianov Andrey Yuryevich

Andrianov Andrey. Young lady holding a grudge

Andrianov Andrey. Battle of Mr. Arnir


Andrianov Andrey. The day didn't work

Andrianov Andrey. His name was Sidor
>/img0..jpg" width="700" height="549" alt="Андрианов Андрей. Кораблик 78 (700x549, 397Kb)" />!}
Andrianov Andrey. ship
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Andrianov Andrey. Cool

Andrianov Andrey. Best holiday- to Capri!

Andrianov Andrey. The undeniable advantages of socialism

Andrianov Andrey. A fish swam up to me and asked...

Andrianov Andrey. provencal

Andrianov Andrey. Parting

Andrianov Andrey. Russian cross

Andrianov Andrey. Glory to October!

Andrianov Andrey. Uchkuduk

Andrianov Andrey. King Arthur (Arthur Uterovich Pendragon and Lady Guinevere Lodengransovna)

"Arthur is the son of King Uther Pendragon of Britain. Uther fell in love with the beautiful Igraine, the wife of the old duke of Tintagel Castle. To spend the night with her, the king asked the wizard Merlin to give him the appearance of the Duke of Tintagel...."
Pendragons were treacherous...

Andrianov Andrey. Anna Karenina

Andrianov Andrey. mother-of-pearl

Andrianov Andrey. polyphony

And there's a celebration
In his forests, in his ears.
I always hear him

Y. Vizbor

Andrianov Andrey. Golden autumn Akimovna

Andrianov Andrey. Youth is an illusion

Andrianov Andrey. Business trip

Will you let me?!..
- Well, yes…
- "Bon appetit"! ..
- I didn’t understand about “bon”, I understand about appetite ...
- Aren't you sick of going with a companion?! ..
- Don’t, don’t think, on the contrary - it’s nice ...

Are you going far?
- That one, in Barnaul ...
They sent, you know, a male on a business trip! ..
- A bow to the management that this is not a village,
This is where you really need to show skill! ..

That’s clear ... Eat ... The conductor has tea ...
- Thank you, I already drank ... Always, before the road ...
- Although there are no pickles - help out a neighbor ...
- So after all, we are already accustomed to a miserable meal ...

The eggs are fresh, as needed, boiled ...
- I beg your pardon, an egg, not an egg! ..
- That I, you know, always said so ...
- Sounds tempting, but, nevertheless, indecent ...

I am without wisdom ... An ordinary engineer ...
I am not at all ashamed of my nationality ...
- And I without these, well, refined manners,
But in the new society I can express myself decently...

Well, yes, dissemble, hide your face,
Travelers duplicitous nature ...
- And I'll try, perhaps, an egg,
I haven’t cherished either appearance or figure for a long time ...

So you are not married, well, that is, not married?! ..
- Work, you know, I dangle a lot! ..
- And I “went” once ... I was, so to speak, a young naturalist,
Here I tried...
- I crushed your leg!

That is not, then the little things ... And I will come to you,
So that they don’t quarrel! .. Here we will be quits! ..
- There is a jar of sprats, so I will give you ...
Chekushka "little white"! .. But then, as it seems, "kviti"! ..

Flowers, buttercups... I'm on two fingers... stop!..
And you have, however, skill! ..
- In the “reserved seat”, you know, to spill it to everyone for sure - sport ...
Why are we raising a toast?
- So for a business trip! ..

Andrianov Andrey. Desperados (desperate)

Born in Albania, the city of Tirana. Educated at the Moscow Architectural Institute and the All-Union Academy of Foreign Trade. Traveled in India and Nepal.
Currently lives in a remote village near Moscow, comprehending the delights of "the idiocy of village life."
Works are in private collections in Estonia, USA, Germany, Switzerland, India, Israel, Ukraine and Russia.

The works of A. Andrianov are an amazing ease of abandoning the usual view of the environment: a crafty fox withdrawal from reality. It seems: the artist is acting weird, naughty, mischievous, but no! For all of us, it provides an opportunity to make sure that the world is not so poor and bad, and you can look at the world easily and ironically. T and to look!
Why, for example, can't coffee pots fight or hug? And a certain Fernando, at the whim of the artist, either leaves or comes, leaving us fruits or tears of rain on the glass?
But suddenly, amidst the golden laughter and ringing turmoil of the objects around us,
there is "Somewhere in a field near Magadan" - "uncomfortable" prickly work.
This silently and sternly left the memory - in the snow and the eternity of frozen stars: stop and look - it was so! And it can still be so if we live resignedly and unworthily, forgetting what it means to defend our point of view in this world, what it means to go against conscience, that is, against ourselves. To freeze under dumb distant stars is a refusal to submit to a huge, stupid and terrible mechanism. To freeze in the field, and then shine as a star, means to choose your own path and follow it, and not be afraid of it.
And, if you want to think, grieve, smile, then get acquainted, please, it will not be boring. And… you can't go wrong!

What was the yard for? He was a trumpet
He was a tunnel to those parts
Where I was and I'm driven by fate,
Where my life has gone.
Where through the attic window
At moonlight, all trembling,
A cat looked into my eyes
Like the spirit of the seventh floor.

N. Zabolotsky

Somewhere in a field near Magadan,
In the midst of dangers and troubles
In the fumes of frozen fog
They followed the sledges.

From the soldiers, from their tinned throats,
From bandits of a gang of thieves
Here they saved only about
Yes, outfits in the city for flour.

So they went in their jackets -
Two unfortunate Russian old men,
Remembering native huts
And longing for them from afar.

All their souls burned out
Far from family and friends
And fatigue, hunched over the body,
That night she consumed their souls.

Life above them in images of nature
She moved in her turn.
Only stars, symbols of freedom,
They didn't look at people anymore.

Wonderful mystery of the universe
Walked in the theater of the northern luminaries,
But her fire is penetrating
It didn't reach people.

A blizzard whistled around the people,
Sweeping frozen stumps.
And on them, without looking at each other,
Freezing, the old men sat down.

The horses have stopped, the work is over,
The mortals have done their work:
Embraced them sweet slumber,
To a distant land, sobbing, she led.

Their guards will not overtake them anymore,
The camp convoy will not overtake,
Only one constellation of Magadan
They sparkle, standing over their heads.

N. Zabolotsky

The uninvented story of the feat of comrade. Kaplan.

From cozy fates, in autumn and summer,
People go into the distance for unearthly light.
Silently from the song, angering caution,
By autumn leaves and off-road
Listening equally to people and rocks,
Falling and rising again.

The silver-eyed evening hides the stars in the wind,
Difficult is the long way on this chilly evening.
For those who get tired, for those who get cold,
The door is wide open, the light shines in the windows.
Warm walls beckon from afar,
Find the desired peace.

But they go stubbornly but pass by,
Behind the alluringly strange and unattainable.
Who will hold them, what will stop them,
There is no such hope, there is no such word.
And strange sparks will not go out
In their eyes, prophetically pure.

B. Barkas

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