Boris Moiseev: where is he now, where did he disappear to? Interesting facts about the singer. “But you still don’t have children and a wife?” Igor "Garik" Bogomazov


About some performers who in the nineties were the kings of Russian school discos, nothing has been heard for many years.

Other stars are still "afloat" - they participate in TV shows, record new songs, or even experience a second wave of all-Russian fame.

We invite you to find out how the life of the pop stars of the 90s.

Natalia Vetlitskaya

Natalya Vetlitskaya was one of the most beautiful women on the post-Soviet stage. And also one of the most daring - it was for her that Fyodor Bondarchuk shot a video for the song “Look into your eyes”, where in one of the frames the make-up artist powders the star’s ass. Since 2013, Natalya Vetlitskaya left her career and settled with her daughter in Spain. However, the star does not let herself be forgotten and periodically shares her opinions on her Facebook page.

Natalya Vetlitskaya - "Look into the eyes"

Andrey Gubin

The main object of sighing of all girls in the 90s, Andrei Gubin ruined the lives of those of them who were given the name "Lisa" at birth for decades: as soon as you introduce yourself, the interlocutor immediately begins to sing his hit. Gubin wrote many wonderful songs, but at some point he disappeared from television and radio broadcasts. In the middle of the 2000s, it turned out that the singer was seriously ill.

Andrey Gubin - "Liza"

Lyubov Uspenskaya

Since the late 70s, Lyubov Uspenskaya sang in a restaurant in Brighton, and in the 90s she returned to Russia and began performing with the songs "Cabriolet", "I'm Lost" and others. The editorial office of find out.rf recalls that at the beginning of the 2000s, almost nothing was heard about her - until Uspenskaya began working on the Channel One show. After returning to show business, her name regularly appears on the pages of the tabloids: Uspenskaya, who is already over 60, is being blamed for numerous plastic surgery and "beauty shots".

Lyubov Uspenskaya - "Cabriolet"


After the super-successful hit “The Wind Blowed from the Sea,” Natalie disappeared from the radar for several years. The singer was engaged in raising children and at home (she has three sons). However, in the noughties, she returned to the stage: she recorded a dubious track with Nikolai Baskov, and then repeated her initial success with an impossibly catchy song “Oh my God, what a man!”

Natalie - "The wind blew from the sea"

Irina Nelson

Irina Nelson started at the dawn of the 90s under the pseudonym "Diana", but did not have great success. In the noughties, she became a member Reflex groups and, among other things, recorded the hit "Go Crazy". Irina Nelson was remembered in 2017, when she quite unexpectedly received a medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree, with the wording "for services to the development of culture."

Video for the song "Go Crazy" by Reflex

Yuriy Shatunov

After leaving the group Tender May» Yuri Shatunov left Russia, but he did not give up music: he was educated as a sound engineer. After returning to his homeland, he recorded several albums, including the new hit "Grey Night". In 2015 he received an award for his contribution to Russian show business. Lives with his family in Germany.

"White Roses" - the immortal hit of the group "Tender May"


Kirill Tolmatsky, the producer's son, who became famous in the late 90s under the pseudonym Decl, has changed a lot since then. Now he has changed his pseudonym to LeTruk, instead of hip-hop fashionable in the past, he records music in the dancehall genre, works with Western and Asian musicians, and at his leisure sues the rapper Basta and swears at him on Twitter.

"Blood is my blood" - one of the main hits of Decl

A sad addition: on the night of February 3, 2019, Decl died from sudden cardiac arrest.

Arkady Ukupnik

Arkady Ukupnik became a legend of the 90s and a model of kitsch. Who does not remember his immortal hits about the passport and about "Sim-Sim, surrender" (the latter, by the way, painfully resembles the song of the Army Of Lovers group and deserved a place in our rating of Russian plagiarisms)? The editors of the site notes that in the 2000s, Arkady tried himself as an actor - he played in "Chicago" productions by Philip Kirkorov, and also organized jazz festivals.

Arkady Ukupnik's song "about the passport"

Sasha Zvereva

A cheerful girl who in the 90s sang in the Demo group about “The Sun in Hands” gave birth to three children and has been living in Los Angeles since 2014. Since 2011 Sasha Zvereva has been engaged in solo career as a singer and DJ and managed to record three albums. True, there were no big hits on them.

Clip of the group Demo "The sun in the hands"

Bogdan Titomir

Bogdan Titomir was a real sex symbol of the 90s. At first he performed as part of the Kar-men group, and later took up a solo career. His biggest hit is "Do Like Me". In addition, a cover of Sofia Rotaru's song "Chervona Ruta" was popular as part of the project "Old songs about the main thing" by Konstantin Ernst. In the 2010s, Titomir continues to record songs and appear at parties, but so far no big hits have been heard from him.

"Chervona Ruta" - Bogdan Titomir

Tatyana Bulanova

Tanya Bulanova in the 90s was known as the "singer who cries." Among her then hits, most of them are about heavy female lobe. At some point, the producers decided to change her image and recorded the cheerful song “My Clear Light” with a deliberately kitsch video: kokoshniks, spindles, and other attributes of a “Russian woman”. In the 2000s, Bulanova returned to the stage in the Channel One show and it turned out that her timbre was the same as that of Patricia Kaas.

Tatyana Bulanova on the show "Just Like"

Alena Apina

Evgeny Osin

Evgeny Osin, the author of the hits “The girl in the machine is crying” and “I don’t believe”, so beloved by courtyard romantics of the 90s, at the beginning of his career performed under the auspices of the Moscow Rock Laboratory, for some time he sang in famous group"Bravo", until he was replaced by Valery Syutkin, later created the Avalon rock group and only in 1991 began solo career. Deciding to play on the nostalgia of listeners for the 70s, he recorded several songs with a guitar with simple lyrics: love, girls and betrayals. Among the admirers of Yevgeny Osin's work was President Boris Yeltsin - at one of the singer's concerts, he went up on stage and enthusiastically began to rock to the song "Yalta".

However, as the new decade dawned, his career began to decline. He got married, and after the birth of his daughter, he began to drink. New creativity did not appear, there were no concerts. Osin was interrupted by performances at corporate parties, but in the end the cash flow dried up. The wife left with her daughter, and the singer slipped into the black abyss of alcoholism. Now he is struggling with addiction to alcohol - with varying degrees of success.

Evgeny Osin - Crying girl in the machine

The nineties will now forever remain a time of nostalgia for those who are now in their thirties. Songs that annoyed school years, now awaken the most good memories about youth. Unfortunately, some artists are no longer alive, and they will not record new hits. The editorial office of find out.rf offers to remember the stars who passed away too early.
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In the 1990s, Andrei Derzhavin was one of the most popular domestic artists. Songs performed by him ("Someone else's wedding", "Katya-Katerina", "Brother" and many others) instantly became hits. Where did the singer go? And what is he doing now?

Some are still convinced that Andrei Derzhavin is the son of the famous artist Mikhail Derzhavin. In fact, they are just cousins. Andrei Vladimirovich's parents had nothing to do with the stage. Both of them were geophysicists and hoped that son will go in their footsteps. However, Derzhavin Jr. became interested in music, learned to play the piano and guitar, and even, while still a schoolboy, began performing in various groups on dance floors.

After graduating from school, Andrey applied to the construction department of the institute in the city of Ukhta, where his family lived at that moment. During his student days, Derzhavin, together with his comrades, founded a team called "Stalker". Then he first announced himself as a vocalist. Largely due to the performing talent of the soloist of the Stalker group, he became popular not only in his native Komi Republic, but throughout the Union.

Solo career

In 1992, Derzhavin decided to pursue a solo career. This was facilitated in particular resounding success, which hit the singer after performing the song "Don't cry, Alice." After "Don't cry, Alice" became a hit, the previously popular Stalker group broke up. Andrei set about writing new hits (“Someone else’s wedding”, “Brother”, “Cranes”, etc.) and was among the most famous artists countries. In addition, Derzhavin worked in the publication " TVNZ”And hosted the TV show“ Wider Circle ”. Then a legend appeared among the people that the singer was the son of Mikhail Derzhavin.

In the early 2000s, new stars came to the stage. Therefore, Andrei Derzhavin decided to join the Time Machine group, where he began to play keyboards. Nevertheless, Derzhavin continued to write music. AT this moment he left the Time Machine in order to continue working with the reunited Stalker.

A family

As for the personal life of Andrei Derzhavin, he married back in the 1980s. His chosen one was Elena Shakhutdinova, with whom he studied at the same university. In 1986, the first-born Vladislav appeared in the family. He, like his father, is engaged in music, sings and plays the guitar. In 2005, Elena gave birth to Andrei's daughter Anna.

To date, Andrei Vladimirovich is already the grandfather of 2 grandchildren Alice and Gerasim.

Singer Julian was very popular in the 1990s.

His performing talent was recognized even by the British Queen Elizabeth II, when Julian performed at a concert in honor of her visit to Moscow in 1994.

Then the vocalist was often shown on television.

Today, almost nothing is heard about him.

The youngest student

Julian is not a pseudonym of the performer at all, but his real name. He was born in the city of Kolomna in August 1973. At that time, the first series of the film "17 Moments of Spring" appeared on the screens, the script for which, as you know, was written by Yulian Semenov. It was in honor of him that the Vasina spouses named the future singer. Julian's father was an aeronautical engineer, and his mother taught music.

Julian was attracted by the scene from childhood. Therefore, after graduating from school, he immediately submitted documents to the capital's GITIS. He was accepted there, but only as an exception. The fact is that Julian turned out to be the youngest applicant. He attended school only until the 8th grade, and passed the exams for the remaining 2 years as an external student.

The youngest honored artist

First time on big stage Julian appeared when he was 18 years old. Then he won international competition pop artists, performing the song "Russian Waltz", which later became very popular. After 3 years, Julian had his first concert in central hall"Russia".

In general, despite his youth, in the 1990s, Julian was at the very peak of his career. He sang in front of Elizabeth II in the Kremlin when she came to Russia, he sang the Moscow anthem, and also founded a song theater. In addition, in 1999, Julian became the youngest Honored Artist of the Russian Federation. Then he was a frequent guest on television.

Most Secretive Public Person

Today, Julian rarely appears on television and radio broadcasts. Nevertheless, Julian is still remembered and invited to various events and concerts. The artist also has his own radio station, which is called “JulianRadio”. Songs performed by Julian sound there every hour.

As for his personal life, Julian does not like to advertise it. He is still unmarried and still has no children. He calls his parents his family, as well as a Shar Pei dog named Willy.

Singer Julian told about his disappearance and where he is now

A well-known performer has not appeared on television for a long time, and his songs are not aired on radio stations. Finally, the artist explained the reason for his disappearance.

Julian stated that he had not disappeared anywhere. . He cites as an example the boycott of artists announced by the station " Russian radio". Julian drew attention to the fact that he had never sung there. But what can I say - on the air of this station, the "Russian Waltz", recognized even by the Queen of England, never sounded. The artist spoke about the prices of radio stations. In order for the song to sound on the air, you need to buy a package at a price of 100,000 euros. Julian refuses to play such games and is proud that not a single penny was invested in him.

Also, there was no Julian in " Song of the Year ". The singer says that 10-15 people are now working on television, who are shown on different channels. In his opinion, it looks very comical. The singer notes that they just don’t broadcast on television, even for money. They demand the conclusion of a long-term contract, turning the artists into "serfs".

Julian is often asked by young people what needs to be done in order to become artists. The singer finds it difficult to answer, because earlier, when he first came to television, he was simply shown. And now you just can't go there. Not only will they not show you, but they won't even let you in - there are guards on each floor.

The artist notes that he has always been like White crow. At the time when he started, everyone was sure that nothing good would come of him. It was believed that it was necessary to perform songs in the style of the group " Tender May ”, with which Julian appeared at the same time. The producers persuaded the singer to stop singing "this mura" and start performing other songs, then they would have invested money. The artist refused and considers himself the winner.

Now Julian is stable. He gives a lot of concerts without overcharging tickets. The singer explains his loyal monetary policy with love for people and. The artist is busy beyond measure. He created his television and radio before she did Alla Pugacheva . Moreover, Julian's projects do not have formats, since, in his opinion, only paper can have a format.

Where did Boris Moiseev go? This question is asked by many fans of the work of the bright and memorable dancer and singer Boris Mikhailovich Moiseev. Where is he now, where did he disappear from the screen? Boris Moiseev really has not released new hits and video clips for a long time. And about the state of health of the singer in the means mass media disturbing information emerges. In our article we will talk about what happened to the singer and where Boris Moiseev disappeared.

Artist biography

Soviet and Russian dancer, choreographer and famous crooner was born in March 1954 in prison. The boy did not know his father, and his mother, Genya Borisovna, was a political prisoner. Childhood and youth artist were held in the Jewish district of Mogilev.

Honored Artist of Russia. However, not so long ago, Boris Moiseev disappeared from the stage. Where and why?

The reason for the disappearance of the artist

Not so long ago, namely about 9 years ago, famous singer demonstrated anniversary concert called "Dessert", which was dedicated to his 55th birthday. A year later, Boris Mikhailovich presented a new show, the premiere of which took place in northern capital Russian Federation in March 2010.

Six months later, the pop singer was hospitalized due to suspicions of a post-stroke condition. The next day, the doctors of the clinic confirmed the earlier diagnosis. Every day, Boris Mikhailovich's condition worsened, as a result of which the left side of the body was paralyzed. After some time, the artist was connected to a ventilator. A month later he was discharged from the clinic and sent home.

In the spring of 2011, Moiseev performed at the show at Orbakaite, and in the summer he became a guest on the New Wave. A little later, the Russian singer released 2 discs, and then announced a creative break, which was associated with a deterioration in the artist's well-being. Unfortunately, the pop star did not manage to fully recover after suffering a stroke. His facial muscles are still disrupted, and he also has speech problems.

In 2012, Boris Mikhailovich worked on recording a new album called “Pastor. The best of men ”, which differed from previous projects in the philosophical depth of the texts. But after the release of the CD, the singer disappeared from the screens. Where did Boris Moiseev go? And why doesn't he sing anymore?

Where did the singer Boris Moiseev disappear to?

And indeed the pop star disappeared from sight. He stopped giving concerts and releasing new videos. Also, the singer stopped attending social events. Where did Boris Moiseev go? And what caused this?

The answer to this question, as it turned out, is related to the artist's illness. After suffering a severe stroke and intensive therapy, which lasted about a year, return to former life pop singer, unfortunately, can no longer.

It is known that he continues to live in Moscow. From time to time, fans see how the singer makes bike rides.

Personal life

As it turned out after the creation of the show ZERO popular singer repeatedly announced his imminent marriage to a resident of the United States of America, Adele Todd, with whom he wanted to tie the knot in the early 2000s. A little later, news appeared in the media that the artist was allegedly going to move to permanent place residence in Miami. However, it later turned out that Boris Mikhailovich went there to undergo examinations.

It is also known that Boris Moiseev has illegitimate son whose name is Amadeus. His mother was Lithuanian actress. The man is about 40 years old, he lives in the Polish city of Krakow. Amadeus gave the famous Russian singer grandson named Matvey, who is now 10 years old. However, Boris Mikhailovich does not maintain relations with either his son or his grandson, which, judging from the interview, he regrets very much.

Boris Moiseev today

In 2017, the outrageous singer appeared in a new unexpected role. Moiseev went to work for Nadezhda Babkina as a ticket clerk at her concerts. Initially to Russian singer the concert director of Boris Mikhailovich came to work, and later the singer himself tried to work behind the scenes. Fans of his talent were surprised to see the artist doing such work. But the pop star did not attach any importance to this and continued to fulfill his duties.

Now the singer is actively restoring his health. He is engaged in special simulators, refused alcohol, adheres to the recommendations of doctors, and also regularly takes prescribed medications.

As it became known from the media, the musician became a believer. Such changes in the singer's worldview occurred after he suffered a stroke.

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Name American musician and producer Marshall Bruce Mathers, acting under the pseudonym Eminem, whom the magazine Rolling stone inscribed in the top 100 great artists of our time, sounded loud in the music industry 19 years ago.

Then, in 1999, the song My Name Is was played literally around the clock on MTV, and a little-known guy with bleached hair and shocking lyrics overnight became the idol of hundreds of thousands of fans.

Childhood on wheels

And it all started with the musician is not so rosy. Right from childhood, it didn’t work out, and everything rolled for many years in a row. His mother Debbie Nielson gave birth to a son at the age of 15, his father ran away soon after. And then began life in a trailer and traveling from city to city: Debbie did not become attached to one place, and she did not have a home to which she could become attached. But once this house was, and Marshall, in order not to forget it, carried with him a toy copy of it in his childhood.

One day they stayed for a while in Detroit. A white boy among predominantly African-American peers ... It's hard to imagine how much bullying the guy had to endure in schools (and he had to change them more than once).

Then their trailer returned to native city Kansas City. And then thanks to Ronnie, his mother's brother, who was a musician, the teenager gets acquainted with rap. It changed everything Marshall thought about music. Rap has become his main passion, and at the age of 15 he has his own peer group and the pseudonym Eminem.

Soon, Marshall takes on another pseudonym - Slim Shady, who embodies the alter ego - his second self, all dark side soul of Eminem. Under this name, he sang the toughest songs, often with a negative connotation and rather evil humor.

Cover album The Marshall Mathers LP with a photo of the house in Detroit where Eminem lived as a child. Source: Globallookpress

On the road to fame

The first trial album, Infinite, released in 1996 by a young white rapper, was not successful. But the next disc, which appeared two years later, became more famous, thanks to which one of the best hip hop producers, Dr. Dre and started promoting it. And already in 1999 they together released the next album, The Slim Shady LP, which would go triple platinum. For him, Eminem receives an MTV award as best newcomer and two statuettes at the Grammy ceremony.

Eminem at the MTV Awards. Source: Globallookpress

lawsuit from mother

The authoritative magazine Rolling Stone also became interested in the guy. In an interview that Eminem gave in 1999 to a journalist for the publication, he first spoke about the "drug addict mom." Of course, Debbie found out about this and took note of her son's feedback. But when she realized that Eminem had serious money, the woman immediately went to court with a lawsuit, accusing him of slander.

In addition, Debbie felt that Eminem should compensate her for the "nervous exhaustion, lack of self-esteem and loss of reputation" caused by the lyrics from the new album. All of the above Debbie estimated at $ 10 million. Her litigation with her son continued for several years.

Shot from the movie "8 Mile"

8 Mile and Oscar

In 2000, two more albums, The Marshall Mathers LP and The Eminem Show, appeared, which also brought Eminem a Grammy victory. So the rapper became the first artist to win the award for the best rap album three times in a row.

Two years later, the film "8 Mile" appeared, in which Eminem partly played himself. The picture made the rapper even more famous. The soundtrack to the film Lose Yourself earned Marshall an Oscar. AT total To date, Eminem has sold over a hundred million of his albums worldwide.

By the way, in 2002, being already famous performer Eminem still didn't have own car and used a rented car. At the same time, the first major purchase of the musician was own house. However, his rapper was forced to sell soon: the fans did not give him rest, tried to break into the yard and even jumped into the pool.

Drug problems

It would probably be strange not to mention Eminem's main enemy - drug addiction. The rapper himself admitted this in an interview with Vibe magazine in 2009:

“It's no secret that I had drug problems. How many tablets did I take per day? From 10 to 20. In the end, I stopped paying attention to what I was taking there.

The rehabilitation course that the musician took in 2005 did not help. Eminem soon got hooked on drugs again and almost died from an overdose. However, this did not stop him. By the way, Eminem was “buried” because of this at least four times.

“Rap was my drug. He made me feel like I was high, but then it stopped. Then I began to resort to other things ... But now I'm getting high on rap again, ”he said.

The artist began to increasingly refuse touring tours due to the fact that the active concert activity too much drug related. Eminem was treated for addiction in one of the best American rehabilitation centers.

He talked a lot with people who also went through such an ordeal, including Elton John. And the rapper took up running. According to him, it also helped him a lot.

“I started running like a maniac. 30 kilometers a day, every day. I just changed one addiction for another. There were days when I could hardly stand on my feet. I just had a task in my head - to burn some calories, and I could not help myself, ”said Eminem.

In April of this year, the rapper shared with subscribers on Instagram good news: last time he tried drugs 10 years ago

By the way, a few years ago, Eminem noticeably changed his image: he grew a beard and generally began to look much more brutal. It is understandable: the time of the fair-haired young rapper has already passed.

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