Former soloist of the reflex group. Ex-soloist of the Reflex group Irina Nelson received the medal "For Services to the Fatherland"


I never even thought about emigrating. I love Russia very much. When my husband and I finished work on my solo album in America, I immediately came to my homeland. And since 2011 I have been performing both with my solo program and again as a soloist of the Reflex group. In the eight months since my return, Reflex is back on top of the charts again with our new song "I'll Be Your Sky". And the video for this song has already been recognized as the best music video three times.

Two years ago, when my husband Vyacheslav Tyurin and I were packing our bags before going to America, we had many plans. First of all, we went to Los Angeles, the capital of world show business, to learn from them how to make music. After all, Slava and I have been our own producers all our lives, but our knowledge was not always enough, we wanted to learn something new and always be at the peak. And even then we planned to record my solo album “Sun Generation” there. Now it is ready and sold all over the world, and from December 5 in Russia! Finally! After all, my goal was to please Russian fans, but first of all I write my songs for them. It’s just that, unfortunately, our country was not yet ready for some of the latest sales technologies. music albums, which are in full use all over the world, through the Internet, for example, and the world's largest music store iTunes Store. On December 4, it was opened with us too! I, like all musicians, am very happy about this. For just 100 rubles, any listener can download my record.

In those days when I returned, I was greeted with resentment and skepticism: they say, I recorded an album in America - now go there and live there. And in the two years of absence, I realized that I was madly missing my homeland, my friends, my home. When I returned, I was amazed that Moscow had become a completely self-sufficient city with a developed infrastructure, cultured pedestrians and drivers. It is, don't be surprised. It's just that people have not yet realized this and by inertia continue to be skeptical of themselves and their country. By the way, I've never had this before. In the US, I always positioned myself as Russian singer. Even Barack Obama introduced herself that way.

- How did you manage to meet him?

I am a stubborn person, and when I set a goal for myself, I achieve it. While living in California, I read about Senator Barbara Boxer, and this woman fascinated me. Deciding to meet her at all costs, I found mutual friends and through them gave her my disk. She liked my songs, and she began to invite me to her official receptions, including the one where Obama was supposed to come. It was April 19, my birthday. After visiting the hairdresser, I dressed nicely, arrived early and stood next to the stage. Obama arrived, delivered a speech, and then "went to the people." He saw me, said hello, and when he heard that I was a Russian singer, he was very surprised, they say, how did I get here - so far from home. And at the end of the meeting, having learned that it was my birthday, he presented me with a beautiful glass hemisphere, on which was engraved: “Barack Obama. April 19th. Now this souvenir takes pride of place among the most expensive birthday gifts.

- You didn’t waste time in the USA ...

“Moreover, in these two years I received a yoga teacher diploma. Yoga has occupied all my thoughts for more than 10 years. When I first moved to Moscow from the provinces, life was difficult: sometimes I didn’t even have money for food. I was very worried, I thought: well, why exactly do all these troubles haunt me - global lack of money and life difficulties? I started reading philosophical books and gradually came to the conclusion that a person has colossal internal reserves and must be able to connect them to solving a problem, to make his own life, not relying on the government, or on relatives, or on fate. I began to look for these very reserves in myself. I bought books on yoga, did exercises on them and gradually accumulated a huge amount of knowledge over 10 years. Now I can cope with colds and depression exclusively with the help of my body, I know how not to slide into pessimism, resentment, irritation and anger. I learned how you can do it completely free of charge, without spending a dime on expensive drugs and cosmetics, put yourself in order, maintain beauty and harmony. And now, having a yoga teacher diploma, I can share this knowledge with others.

By the way, show business helps me with this: firstly, among the artists there are also many people who have a lot of complexes and problems, and yoga can solve them. And secondly, being famous, I gather a much larger audience - after all, people are more willing to trust a singer they have known for many years than some Indian guru with a hard-to-pronounce surname. And I, although not a guru, can also reveal many secrets to people. Among my fans there is a girl, a basketball player in the past, because of an old injury, the doctors recognized her as almost disabled - her knee did not bend. She heard one of my interviews, took the books that I recommended there, and began to do exercises on them regularly. Now she does not even remember about her knee. Or a friend who suffers from sinusitis recently came to me. “I’m going to the hospital now for a puncture, it’s completely impossible to endure. Wish me luck!" - he said. I showed him special exercise: sitting on your knees and crossing your arms behind your neck, you need to tilt your head with sharp inhalations and exhalations - immediately everything superfluous poured out of his nose, and he went from me not to the hospital, but home. And all this is not magic, but the knowledge that I possess.

“A lot depends on what we eat. I am a vegan, which means I don't eat animal products. Previously, when Vyacheslav and I invited guests, they were skeptical about dinners without meat, but gradually we were able to convince them. Now almost 80 percent of our friends, including men, have given up meat and feel great: they have lost weight, improved complexion, become more active and physically, and even, you won’t believe it, sexually! But they decided to take this step not at all because I advertise my veganism all the time. I just know the secret of how to make any dish delicious. All good chefs in any of the restaurants in the world know him. You just need to combine five flavors in one dish: salty, sweet, sour, bitter and tart. In different proportions, of course, but all shades must be present. Add a little sweet to the soup, and a pinch of salt to the dessert. This additive will not be felt, but your guest will be satisfied. This way you can cook eggplant, zucchini, and any other vegetables - it will be so tasty that you will not need other food, heavy and harmful.

You know so much about cooking. In your new apartment Does the kitchen have a special place?

— Actually, I don't spend much time cooking, because my food consists mainly of lentils, legumes and fresh vegetables and fruits. But my husband cooks, and often does it for me. He is not such a strict adherent of vegan principles, but he has not eaten meat for a long time. So the kitchen, of course, in our new apartment occupies a certain place, but not at all central. In general, this apartment came to us rather unexpectedly, one might say, unplanned. After returning from the States, we were sure that we would live in our country house. But, huddled in Moscow traffic jams, they realized that the road home eats up too much time and nerves. Once I was talking with Sasha Ivanov from the Rondo group, who also has a country house, and asked if he was tired of driving 100 km every day? He says: “I discussed this issue with many artists, and we all agreed that a country house is wonderful, but there should be a Moscow apartment.” And then I realized: we just need urban housing. Together with our designer, we came to the conclusion that it would be some kind of headquarters - a place for interviews, meetings with friends and colleagues, business negotiations. And since this is the headquarters, they decided to make the interior in a classic style, like in the front halls, where official receptions are held. highest level. In the center of the whole composition we put a huge round table so that you can comfortably sit behind him big company, talk about business, and on pleasant topics. We planned a living room with a huge TV and sofas, a kitchen and a secluded resting place - our bedroom, from which a door leads to the bathroom. I have always believed that a bathroom to relax in is indispensable, even in a reception house. It turned out in a completely different style than the rest of the apartment - everything here is black and white, there is no gold and plush. Such a contrast with the main decoration looks very interesting. In the design of the apartment, we did not introduce any of our individual features, let it be strict and a little impersonal. True, I recently could not stand it and brought here several sacred figures dear to me: a real bell from a Tibetan monastery, figures of Buddha and Ganesha (this is the god of wisdom and prosperity in Hinduism) will live here. So far, only they, but we'll see. I love change very much, I like to experiment with styles in everything: in music, in clothes and even in the interior. And who knows what I want in a year or even a month.

Real last name: Tyurin

Family: husband - Vyacheslav Tyurin, producer of the Reflex group

Education: graduated from Novosibirsk School of Music(specialty - "piano teacher")

Career: began performing under the pseudonym Diana. She founded the Reflex group, now she sings solo and as part of Reflex. The group received three Golden Gramophone awards, two Stopud Hit awards. Irina Nelson was awarded the medal "For Professionalism and Business Reputation" for her great personal contribution to the development of popular music

Irina, tell us about the deluxe version of the "Adult Girls" album, which includes new songs. What are they about, what inspired them?


One of the songs that supplemented the main edition is "Talk to me". What is it, it would be more expedient to ask Vyacheslav Tyurin, the author of the entire album. I'm a little embarrassed to talk about it. Because when he is asked such questions, he always answers: "To the most best songs and hits were inspired by Irina, my unchanging muse!" Recently, he joked: "I recorded this song so as not to lose you at home! Talk to me so that I know where you are!" And all because in fact I am not a very talkative person, most often immersed in my thoughts.

There is no Alena Torganova on the cover. Did she leave the group?

Recently, Alena began to often go abroad. It must have something to do with her personal life. Everything would be fine, but concerts, joint broadcasts, and video clips began to break down. When to ignore this situation became impossible, we decided that it would be difficult to continue working like this. We couldn't help but give Alena a chance to pause and look around. Fans need not worry - this should not affect the fate of the group negatively. Our updated show will premiere in April, so those who wish will be able to verify my words in just a few weeks.

Together with the new version of the album, you release a video. What is it about, where was it filmed?

With the new version of the album, we released more than one clip. On the same day, the premieres of the video "All I Wanted" and "Adult Girls" took place. Moreover, we decided to make a video album - to shoot clips for all the songs of "Adult Girls". The task is not easy. Few can boast of such an experience. Beyonce, for example. Therefore, we feel excitement and great responsibility - we need to meet the expectations of the fans.

Now seven works are almost completely ready, the eighth clip is at the editing stage. This is a video for the song "Talk to me", which we will present in April. Despite the fact that the song is about positive love, we added spice and drama to the video. This is a story about the passionate love of a woman who is faced with betrayal. But the woman was strong. She overcame all grievances and found the strength to forgive. Therefore, in the clip - a happy ending. There was no homicide. Well, almost did not reach (laughs).

"Talk to me" was filmed in the Crimea, three more clips - in Thailand, some - in Moscow. Filmed by a small team. Completely managed on their own. Vyacheslav was a director and cameraman in many videos, I love editing, we worked on style together ... We looked for opportunities during the crisis, because such a grandiose idea as a whole requires a lot of money.

You have repeatedly said that a woman should not be too naked in front of strangers and should keep her sexual energy. At the same time, you are known for revealing stage costumes and outfits at social events, no less revealing clips, on the album cover you only have sparkles ... It turns out that you say one thing and do another?

I think that I used to be mistaken when I raised topics in an interview that needed a lot of explanation. This is deep, sacred information that has been kept secret for a long time, hidden religious figures, spiritual currents for a reason. And sometimes (with good intentions, of course) I immediately began to touch them ... It did not lead to anything good. Everything was taken head-on, superficially. So lately I have begun to clearly distinguish between my craft - work in show business, where sex and brightness are almost mandatory attributes in pop style, and yoga classes. She is ready to discuss all serious topics only in those circles where people are prepared, where people do not listen to information out of idle interest, but are in dire need of it. At their master classes, for example.

You practice yoga and often talk about the need to maintain beauty from the inside, to preserve purity. For you, yoga is more of a spiritual practice than physical education?

Of course, yoga is a spiritual practice for me, although the physical aspect is also very important. This is the second step of the teaching, which should not be skipped. After all, our body is a temple. In order to continue to climb the evolutionary ladder further, we must keep our divine vessel in impeccable purity, because we do this through it.

You have a diploma as a professional yoga teacher. Do not teach?

I began to have an independent system based on the knowledge gained at the Kundalini Research Institute in Los Angeles, where I studied kundalini yoga, and my life experience: the practice of working on stage, in show business, personal observations. Kundalini yoga was created several millennia ago and was intended for the elite stratum of society. She was called royal, royal. And all because it is several times more effective than some other practices. But time is running, everything changes, so it is necessary to make adjustments to your time. Which I did, combining ancient knowledge with the characteristics of modern society.

And so, unexpectedly, my own mix was born. This includes working with various types breathing, with voice, sound extraction, work with posture, gestures and even laughter therapy. I am ready to share this with people - but only with those who want to receive this knowledge and are ready to perceive everything correctly. Because when you communicate such information to the unprepared, dissatisfied remarks often arise, they say, what kind of aggressive imposition of a healthy lifestyle? There is skepticism, direct condemnation, and so on. There is no point in talking to the wrong address, wasting your time and energy.

Does such a conscious approach and the desire for self-improvement help you in your relationship with your husband? Do you have quarrels? Or have you already achieved enlightenment in family life?

The question of the relationship between a woman and a man is the most difficult in the history of mankind. It is a matter of combining the incompatible. Yin and Yang. White is black. Remember this Chinese badge? We were born as opposites, mirroring each other, and our task is to merge together. This great art, which can be honed over the years. After all, we must not forget that the evolution of each person in a pair goes at a different speed. Someone is rapidly evolving, becoming smarter, wiser, more perfect, someone is frozen in their development, someone is degrading. Naturally, an imbalance may arise, and against its background - conflicts, if, for example, one is ahead of the other in some time period. My husband and I are still learning to feel each other, because a person (and especially his subconscious) is such a complex mechanism that sometimes he himself may not understand what he wants, his life goal, desires. Therefore, to read a person, you need very great knowledge, intuition and endless patience.

All spiritual practices say that you need to leave as a last resort, when you are already firmly convinced that the moment has come when it is impossible to do anything and previous attempts have not brought results. All quarrels in their essence are a big trifle. If you get to the root of any conflict, you can laugh. In 90% of cases, another stupidity will be the cause. Therefore, you always need to look for it, constantly ask the question: why? Step into your partner's shoes more often.

My husband generally has a great sense of humor. He often tells jokes on this subject. Of course, we have conflicts, but mostly - like a producer and a singer. At home we live peacefully. Although, I remember, once we were on the verge of a divorce. When we came to America to record my solo album, everything went very well. Vyacheslav fell in love with this country, he liked a lot there: total positive, sun, smiles. And I really missed Russia. I couldn't imagine my life without my family. On the eve of our return, Vyacheslav received an offer from Disney to become their full-time producer. And we have already bought tickets, packed our bags ... I didn’t even know about it. Therefore, she categorically refused to stay. On this our family life could end, but still he went with me. Met us in Moscow difficult period- the very peak of the crisis, various difficulties, but love and the desire to understand each other helped to overcome it.

Do you get tired of each other? Do you live and work together? Maybe you like to relax separately?

Tried to rest separately only once. Last year. When we had time to rest, there were tickets on hand, I received an offer to take part in the filming. I was forced to stay in Moscow. For us, it was an unusual moment. Vyacheslav called every day, saying: “I don’t understand how to relax! Let’s stop shooting, come!” In general, this is not for us. Of course we get tired of each other. We stopped noticing where this line is - home and work. I can’t switch to family, dogs, cats, but this needs to be done. I even set rules at home: after eight, do not raise work moments! Unfortunately, all this remained on paper, but not in real life.

You always look great. It is known that you do not eat meat for a long time. Tell us more about your diet: what do you eat, how much water do you drink?

I haven't eaten meat since 1998. I have no fanaticism about water. Let everyone write, they say, drink plenty of water ... I drink as much as the body requires. Walking with a bottle, like Hollywood stars do it and it comes into fashion with us, I don’t like it. I wanted to drink - I drank, no - why force your body? As for the diet, I replace meat with milk protein, legumes, grains. I add variety by using exquisite seasonings and spices. You can get a range of different sensations by manipulating all sorts of options. The food becomes unrealistically delicious. Once I treated my friends with fish soup (fish is replaced by cheese), so they did not believe it. They said that it was absolutely no different from the usual dish.

How do you feel about a variety of detox diets?

The word "detox diet" sounds dull. I don't like diets. I love what can come naturally without breaking willpower. I love hungry days, which I approach very easily. As a rule, for two days I eat only grains and vegetables, then - a full vegetable day, then - only cleansing teas, and finally - a "hunger strike"! 36 hours without food pass quite calmly. Ideally, it is good to arrange them once a week or twice a month. For those who find it difficult, once a month or just try to unload vegetables.

Maybe there are some harmful products that you could not refuse?

A relatively harmful product that I could not refuse is coffee. Many argue about it - harmful or not. spiritual teacher, who inspired me to many feats, taught me a lot, said: it's up to you. If you can't get up in the morning, it's probably your peculiarity, you can take a cup, it won't do any harm. But it doesn't have to be done during the day. Harmful products can also be called those that sometimes have to be eaten on tour. Often I run up to the kiosk, take chips or a chocolate bar. I understand that there are all these thickeners, E ... But if I allow myself this, I do it with the firm conviction that fasting days will come and there will be no trace of harmful substances in the body!

Of the really non-standard - I like to lie on pins and needles, I like to jump into an icy pool. And now you will not surprise anyone with masks-scrubs.

Do you often go to beauty salons? What procedures do you like?

In salons, I like procedures that promote relaxation. For there is nothing worse for the skin when there are muscle clamps. Usually in such cases, an emotional clamp comes first. When I was tired, when there was an unpleasant conversation ... Yes, elementary - when I talked with unpleasant person, you have an internal spasm. It's important to take them off. Surprisingly, in yoga, Shavasana is considered the most difficult asana - the corpse pose when you lie on the floor with your arms and legs spread out. The posture requires maximum relaxation. AND modern man this is almost impossible to achieve. He is constantly stuck. Therefore, when relaxing masks, massages (with hot stones, for example), clay procedures are done, the body begins to breathe. There is a feeling of weightlessness.

You have an adult son, Anton, about whom you say almost nothing. What is the reason for this - do not want to destroy the image of an eternally young beauty? After all, this is a reason for pride - to look like this and be the mother of an adult son.

To hide something in our time, in the era of the Internet and digital technologies, doesn't make any sense. Although I agree: I try not to advertise my personal life. My fans like that time doesn't change me much. As do I, in fact, too. If my son shows a desire that I tell the press about him, star with him somewhere, I will do it with great joy. So far, he has never asked me about it. And he generally does not like it when I talk about him publicly. What is the son doing? Do you have a close relationship?

The son is into music. Writes music. I worked a lot with the repertoire that I performed before and perform now. For example, he had a hand in creating such hits as "Go Crazy", "First Time", "Because You Weren't There". In my English-language album there is his composition ... He writes music for films. Likes to work in different styles. Anton is a multi-instrumentalist, owns many instruments. In general, a born musician.

As for the relationship, we have excellent ones. We talk about any topic, he absolutely trusts me. But it wasn't always so smooth. Was difficult period after moving to Moscow, when he was torn from the usual circle of his relatives and friends. I missed Novosibirsk very much, I could not adapt for a long time. Because of permanent employment I was forced to send him to a day boarding school. We rarely saw each other, there was no opportunity to talk heart to heart. I felt that tension was growing, that he was withdrawing into himself, and about him, about him inner world I didn't know anything at all. It took a long time to fix this.

Your birthday is coming soon. How will you celebrate?

I decided to make a gift to myself - a party-presentation of our new album "Adult Girls", which has never happened before. On this day I will present my new concert program.

How do you usually celebrate your birthday?

Previously, Vyacheslav always arranged some kind of surprise on a grand scale. He is a big fan of all this - to make gifts, to surprise. Either he organizes a trip on a yacht, or he invites a real symphony orchestra that plays the whole holiday. But at some point, our relatives staged a real riot! (Laughs.) They began to complain that we rarely see each other, we don’t spend such important days together. Therefore, for the past few years we have been meeting with relatives and friends. I cook for family celebrations by myself! I love to "deceive" guests. They eat fish soup, for example, or olivier and do not even suspect that there is no fish there, no sausage! That's how cleverly for 20 years of vegetarianism learned to manage in the kitchen! Healthy bring together and save from overeating Board games. We have a whole collection of them already. I really appreciate such family evenings.

You give the impression of a harmonious and happy person. You always shine and wish everyone well ... But surely you also have difficult moments. What can upset you, unbalance you?

Let's just say that the most difficult moments are hunger and war. Everything else that seems difficult to us, we either invent ourselves or exaggerate. Yes, it’s unpleasant to get sick, it’s unpleasant to receive undeserved condemnation, it’s unpleasant to lose hard-earned money - I went through all this. But, having recently talked to people who survived the war, who talked about a real hunger blockade, I found my difficulties ridiculous.

What moment can you call the most difficult in life, when you had to mobilize all your strength and get together?

This is the moment when, due to total overwork, I had a severe breakdown. Then I thought that I had left the stage forever and would never return to show business again. I couldn't listen to music for almost a year, and it took even longer to fully recover. But there is no evil without good. I helped myself get back on track. I have been looking for the right way for a long time. At first - in books, then I met enlightened people, absorbed information from everywhere. So I got acquainted with various ancient practices and completely avoided treatment with pills. Now, thanks to this period, I can help not only myself. I'm sure you can handle anyone, even incurable disease(or at least prevent it) - you just need to control your mind and listen carefully to yourself. This is the most important thing - to be a man of awareness. Are there any qualities in people that you cannot accept? Actions after which you understand that you will not maintain a relationship with a person?

I do not like muddy, secretive people. Secretive? So there is something to hide! I love people with whom it is easy and understandable. It is difficult to communicate with touchy people who can hold a grudge for a long time, which later results or can result in something bad. I would not maintain relations with such people, because you need to constantly make excuses, reassure him ... It's hard, in general.

What qualities do you consider the most important in a woman? And in a man?

The main thing in both women and men is optimism, a sense of humor. I think it's fundamental features who help anytime, anywhere. Our time, of course, corrects male and female qualities. It happens that you look, communicate and cannot understand who is in front of you. Meet typical representative the stronger sex, as it was previously described in books, - a hero, a hero - almost from the realm of fantasy. This applies to women as well. Instead of the idea of ​​a woman as meek, gentle, patient, mysterious, caring, something comes in the style of a vampa woman, a warrior woman. Of course, I would like everything to return to normal. Then it would be easier for us women. Perhaps if there were strong creatures nearby, we would work less, devote more time to children. We would be freer and happier. But guys, of course, this option may not suit. (Laughs.)

You are constantly working on yourself, keeping yourself in shape. You are an example for many. Especially for those who find it difficult to take the first step and embark on the true path. Motivate women who find it difficult to give up unhealthy foods and move from the couch to the yoga mat. Where to start and how to convince yourself?

For me, the motivation is that now I imagine my third segment of my life and in the future, at a more mature age, I want to remain active and absolutely sober. Do not be a burden, help children, society. It's a pity to watch the weak. Nature itself does not put weakness into our program. According to its laws, people should die healthy, wise and do it at will. Therefore, I respect the elderly who work until the end of their lives, keeping a clear mind.

And also, when you understand that a person is a storehouse of undiscovered possibilities, when you discover some new facet in yourself, an extraordinary feeling of bliss sets in. I believe that at any age you can start, learn anything. I am not at all constrained by age principles. Our life is full of miracles. There are an infinite number of them in it, so you just need to believe in them and enjoy the process. What is the most best advice have you been given in life?

Once my grandmother said: "Granddaughter, you better go to the shopping mall, why do you need this music?" Now I often remember these words when work takes all my strength and time, when I don’t see children, family and I think: my God, what kind of difficult profession Why did I become an artist? No routine, no guarantees! Every day you get up and every day adrenaline! Then, of course, love for your work takes over.

How do you like to spend free time? Maybe you have some hobby unknown to your fan that will reveal you with new side? Some paint pictures or collect something...

I love to sit by the fire. Everyone has a fireplace, a fire, no matter what. Even if there is a small candle on the table, this is already a hearth of heat that warms from the inside and creates a unique atmosphere. You can watch this for hours. Actually, the love of fire led to such a small hobby - collecting candles! Especially from natural ingredients. After combustion, the molten mass can be used as a hand cream. Sometimes I make them myself. I like to add natural aroma oils that thin out the divine smell. Sandalwood, bergamot - favorite smells.

Do you go to concerts of your colleagues? What kind of music do you like?

I enjoy attending concerts of colleagues if they do not coincide with my own. I like to listen to different music- starting from mantras and ending with alternative. Style doesn't matter when done with talent. Then it's exciting anyway. I remember Sting's concerts in Moscow, the Hurts bands ... In the USA we went to a Coldplay concert - an absolutely amazing band. Sometimes I go to the show just to see some new technology that is being used. And at the same time we are preparing our own. I have accumulated a whole notebook of ideas, we need to gradually implement them.

Which movie you've seen recently made an impression on you? And the book?

It's hard to single out one movie. I can say that I love pictures with Cumberbatch. I liked the imitation game a lot. I don't miss Mel Brooks movies. I'll mark it as "Best Offer". Of the actresses, I consider Cate Blanchett a multifaceted and deepest personality. Impressed by the film "Valley of Flowers". From books, lately, I've been drawn to fairy tales. They are very interesting to read from the point of view of an adult, when you understand this disguised language, hidden messages on real events and people… Recently, a book about Russian bogatyrs was presented. I read it! When Bad mood, I open Tove Jansson - "All about the Moomins", immediately becomes sweet and warm in my soul. From time to time I re-read Dunno. Among serious books, I recently read Journey Home, the autobiography of Radhanath Swami, a famous yogi. A book about finding yourself. It will definitely make you remember that you need to accept both victories and mistakes with equal gratitude. Only mistakes make you move forward.

Another modern star Russian stage about which we want to tell - Irina Nelson. The biography of the singer is rich in creative events and sharp turns about which fans will be interested to know.

How old is Irina Nelson?

Tereshina Irina Anatolyevna(before marriage) was born on April 19, 1972 in the small town of Barabinsk near Novosibirsk. From childhood, the girl was fond of music and sang well, which was her fate, already at the music school she became a soloist in a jazz project. Then there was a competition in Yalta, where the young artist catches the eye of the musician V. Tyurin and he invites her to become a member of the Electroversion team.

Today she is a world-famous performer, winner of many awards and recognitions:

  • FHM magazine includes the star in the top 100 most beautiful women in the universe;
  • Video clips for her solo performances get millions of views on the Internet;
  • This is the first singer in the world to hit the American Billboard chart within six months after the release of one of the songs.

And this is not all of her achievements. At 45, she has achieved incredible popularity. The singer combines work in a group and became famous as a solo artist, is a producer, author of many songs, wife and mother, and even a grandmother.

Career and popularity

Irina's creative path is an endless search. After "Electroversion", the girl tries herself as solo singer and performs under the pseudonym Diana in honor of her favorite singer Diana Ross. But after releasing six albums and touring, she leaves Diana and starts working on a group project.

Nelson, together with Tyurin, launch the Reflex group, it is with her that real popularity will come to the young performer:

  1. One of the compositions "Go crazy" occupies a leading position in the main musical tops of Russia in 2001, as well as on radio Europe plus;
  2. In 2002, the team received the popular Golden Gramophone Award (there will be five in total);
  3. In 2003, the fifth album "Non-Stop" was released, which breaks all records. For several years, songs from it do not leave the air of all radio stations, and clips shot on compositions from this disc are constantly played on the screen;
  4. Tyurin organizes the company Reflexmusic, which begins cooperation with well-known London music labels. Reflex records a joint project With German composer DJ Bobo.

In 2007, the soloist announces her decision to leave the project for further creative search, she is going to make a solo career, but in 2012 she returns and combines positions.

Irina's personal life: husband and children

Ira received the surname Nelson from her first husband, a Swedish citizen, Andreas Nelson. The marriage did not last long, the couple soon divorced. Irina had a son, Anton, from this union. Now this is an adult young man who followed in the footsteps of his mother and devoted himself to music. Anton graduated from one of the Moscow universities with a degree in show business manager, but he is not only involved in managerial and organizational work. The young man is talented and knows how to play many musical instruments.

The second time Ira married her longtime colleague Vyacheslav Tyurin . Their longstanding collaboration has grown over time into more than just a job. The couple did not sign for a long time, living in a civil marriage, but in 2000 they registered a relationship without unnecessary celebrations. Now this is a happy family, for many years the husband and wife have been living practically without swearing. Just a few contentious issues arise on professional level, but they can also be solved quickly, according to the star herself.

During her life abroad, the singer discovered oriental culture for herself. Today, Nelson is a yoga teacher, which entitles her to a diploma from Kundalini University.

Also, the singer forever refused meat and eats only plant foods in the form of vegetables, fruits and legumes.

Irina Nelson: instagram

Among others social networks the singer has page on instagram. Here, fans can see great shots from concerts and other events, as well as family photos and posters about upcoming events with her participation.

But the star did not stop only on the pages on social networks, interested users can visit the project of the artist "life 108". It is dedicated to beauty and health. Here Ira, as a yoga teacher and just a beautiful woman, shares her advice with those who dream of creating harmony between body and soul.

Regular yoga practices with her participation are very popular, people are very satisfied with them, you can find out about them on this site.

The blog on life 108, which is maintained by the hostess, will turn out to be interesting topics who loves the philosophy of knowing himself and others, is trying to comprehend the science of ideal relationships with people and find inner harmony.

Irina Nelson: "Order of Merit for the Fatherland"

The star herself reacted emotionally to the award, expressing her deep gratitude to the Fatherland for such high attention. The girl does not react to rough criticism from the public, as a wise person should.

It is indeed a serious responsibility to have such an award, and it is impossible to please everyone. Such a number of critical statements speaks of a popularity that not everyone can achieve.

In addition to ill-wishers, Nelson's work has many fans who are sincerely happy for their idol, they believe that the artist, like no other, is worthy of the order.

For our part, we congratulate the singer and wish her new creative achievements.

So, another star has become a little closer to the people. We told you about who Irina Nelson is, whose biography interests so many. This is a person who has achieved respect and recognition not only in our country, but also abroad, thanks to his huge creativity, charm and ability to work.

Video: is the award deserved?

This report tells about the awarding of Irina Nelson with the medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland:

Irina Nelson(real name - Irina Anatolyevna Tyurina) (born April 19, 1972, Barabinsk, Novosibirsk region) is a Russian singer, songwriter and producer. In 1992, she began performing under the pseudonym "Diana", but before that she was a vocalist in the group "Electroversion". In 1999 Irina left the stage and left Russia. In 2000 she created dance group"Reflex", which quickly became successful. In 2007 Irina Nelson left the group and left the stage again. In 2009, she released her first English single "Sunrise" which was an international success and peaked at number 35 on the Billboard Hot Dance/Club Songs chart on February 1, 2012. Irina Nelson Irina Nelson again becomes its leader. In parallel, the singer is preparing for the world premiere of her solo album "Sun generation", which will take place in March 2012.

Tereshina Irina Anatolyevna was born on April 19, 1972 in the small town of Barabinsk, Novosibirsk Region, the future singer Irina Nelson was involved in the world of beauty with early childhood. Her first musical impressions are connected with her grandmother, who often sang Ukrainian songs, and her mother, who had a beautiful timbre of voice, who, during frequent visits of guests, loved to sing romances and ethnic melodies. From the teacher of the music school where she studied Irina, she inherited a love for Scandinavian motifs and classical music. Ira quickly gained her first popularity among friends and school acquaintances, performing popular Western hits at home and in the school ensemble, among which the songs of the ABBA group were her favorites.

After 10th grade Nelson enters the Music College of Novosibirsk, where he continues his studies as a piano teacher. The obligatory program included visiting concerts of academic music and opera houses, whereby Irina already from an early age she was well versed in polyphony, complex sizes, harmonies and structural forms, managing, despite the geographical distance from the capital, to keep abreast of fashionable musical trends. Irina's voice and artistry impressed the head of the jazz orchestra, who immediately invited her to become a soloist. Over time, the popularity of the big band gradually goes beyond the walls of the school, the orchestra participates a lot and wins many awards at all-Union festivals. Irina in turn, she gained a lot of experience performing famous jazz compositions by Gershwin, Armstrong, songs from the repertoire of Ella Fitzgerald, as well as famous blues and Negro spirituals.

In this period Irina listens a lot opera music performed by her favorite singers Maria Callas and Joan Sutherland, later she became interested in rock and art rock - such bands as King Crimson, Yes, Led Zeppelin, The Beatles and many others.

Inspired by classic rock Irina gathers an ensemble where he sings songs own composition. At the same time, she writes the compositions "The Winner" and "When Apples Fall to the Sky", which she will return to later, while working on her soft rock material.

Soon Irina Nelson receives a proposal for cooperation from the musician and composer Vyacheslav Vladimirovich Tyurin, with whom he begins to work on the creation of the Diana project. Nickname Irina chooses in tribute to the singer Diana Ross, who fell in love with Nelson charm of his recognizable and flexible voice. Variety project Diana had big success thanks to the memorable timbre of the voice, understandable to the people theme of the songs and the bright, outrageous image of the soloist. Having released in 1993-1997 6 successful records sold in millions of copies, an album of remixes, a compilation "The Best of Diana", and having carried out a tour, Irina stopped solo performances and left with Vyacheslav for Germany.

In Germany, the idea of ​​​​creating a new Reflex project was born. In 2000, Reflex's first single "Far Light" topped the "Eurohit Top 40" radio "Europe +". In 2000, the group was awarded the first "Musical Podium" award for "The Most Fashionable Achievements in Music".

During Irina's work in the team, he received such honorary awards as the national award "Ovation" (song "Go Crazy", 2001), two radio awards "Stopudov Hit" (for the songs "Stars Fall"), two titles "Bomb of the Year" as the most popular group among young people, three national awards "Golden Gramophone" (for the song "Go Crazy"), "Popov Award in the field of radio broadcasting" as the most frequently rotated group on Russian radio stations, two awards of the most widely circulated Russian newspaper "MK" - "ZD Awards" in the category "Best dance project"and many others.

In 2002 Irina Nelson and Vyacheslav Tyurin form their own record company Reflexmusic.

Early 2007 Irina Nelson entered the top 100 most beautiful women in the universe according to FHM magazine. During the period of work in the Reflex group Irina and Vyacheslav record the hit "Go Crazy", which lasted several months in the top charts. In 2002, the creative duo formed the REFLEXMUSIC record company, on which Paul van Dyk released the Russian release of his album "Reflection" two years later. In early 2007, according to a survey conducted by the weekly "7 Days" and Gallop Media, Reflex was recognized as the most desired group by more than 20 million Russians, took third place in the ranking of 50 Russian groups and tenth place among the represented artists of the country (100 personalities ). During the presentation of the third Golden Gramophone to the Reflex group Irina, right on the stage of the Kremlin Palace of Congresses, on the air of Channel One, announces her departure from the group, explaining her decision by the fact that she became cramped as part of the role of the leader of the pop group.

February 1, 2012 Irina Nelson decides to combine her solo career with participation in the group Reflex as the main vocalist. Thus, the legendary duo Reflex reunited again, and Irina Nelson again becomes its leader.

Irina filled in information gaps by listening to modern English and American music - Coldplay, Alanis Morissette, Ian Brown, Chris Cornell, James Blunt, Jim Morrison, etc. To record new material, a creative duet Nelson- Tyurin chose the legendary "Air" studio in London, owned by The Beatles producer George Martin. London and the studio staff were another positive and inspiring shock.

“In this studio we found an atmosphere and conditions for boundless creativity,” says composer Vyacheslav Tyurin, “but no technique can replace a person. The people working for Air are real masters of their craft.”

The team of professionals who worked on recording songs together with Vyacheslav was led by Steve Orchard, who collaborated with U2, Paul McCartney, Sting, George Michael, Coldplay, Peter Gabriel, Dido and other artists. Steve is also the sound producer of Sting's song for the film Sabrina, nominated for an Oscar and a Golden Globe, and a Grammy winner for Bella Flex's album "Perpetual Motion" Musician and composer Vyacheslav Tyurin had a chance to work with unique technique: the main shock was the Neve console, one of three existing in the world, made by special order of George Martin. And in the song "Escape" there is an organ part played on a 62 Hammond, with which Peter Gabriel and U2 musicians recorded their works.

The pursuit of perfection led Irina to vocal training with Terry Ronald, who taught the pronunciation and vocals of Kylie and Dannii Minogue, Girls Aloud, Atomic Kitten and other artists.

In 2008 Irina Nelson gives first live solo concert, after a creative time-out, in the club "Orange". Irina appeared before the public in a new image, presenting several compositions in the soft rock style, written together with Vyacheslav Tyurin while working at the Dubai studio. This concert will mark the beginning of a new stage in the work of Irina Nelson as a solo singer. In 2009 Irina and Vyacheslav create their own label NTMG and sign a contract with the largest company in the music industry, Bungalo/Universal Music Group. The video for the song "Sunrise" has over a million views worldwide.

In early May 2011, a new song was premiered on the official website " warm sun". And from July 6 to 7, the shooting of the video for this composition took place. The premiere took place on August 27.

In March 2012, Irina's debut solo album will be officially released in the USA Nelson Sun generation

- The legend of marriage with the Swede Andreas Nelson(All her life the singer was married only to the composer and her producer Vyacheslav Tyurin).
- Since the appearance of Irina Nelson on stage as part of the Reflex group, unconfirmed reports began to appear on the Internet that the singer was born in 1962, which is actually not true. False data was deliberately spread by a disgraced journalist of one of the yellow Moscow newspapers, after he was expelled from the hall for rude and indecent questions during the presentation of the new Reflex album in 2003. These rumors are refuted by the existence of open access documentary evidence that Irina Nelson was born on 04/19/1972.

- Irina Nelson is a professional teacher of Kundalini Yoga. She has an international diploma, which she received after passing special training at the Kundalini Research Institute in Los Angeles. She has been practicing yoga for over ten years. Irina- supporter of veganism, the most consistent form of vegetarianism. She only eats fruits, vegetables, legumes and milk. In the future, she plans to open her own yoga studio.

Like Diana
- 1993 - I want to love
- 1994 - I'll be back
- 1996 - Don't say
- 1997 - Burn, burn clear!
- 1998 - Good riddance
- 1998 - Don't kiss her
- 1998 - The Best
- 1999 - Take a step

As part of the Reflex group
- 2001 - Meet the new day
- 2002 - Go crazy
- 2002 - I will always wait for you
- 2002 - This is Love
- 2003 - Non stop
- 2005 - Lyrics. I love.
- 2005 - Pulse
- 2006 - Harem (Lounge & Chillout remixes)

Official website of Irina Nelson-

What lies within star biography? Irina Nelson (Tereshina) was born in the city of Barabinsk, Novosibirsk Region. According to some sources, her date of birth is April 19, 1972, while other sources say that it is 1962. By the way, the year of birth is not the only controversial moment in the history of the singer's life.

Biography. Irina Nelson in youth

The future singer always knew that she wanted to connect her life with music. IN hometown she graduated externally music school and ran away from home at the age of 17. Brave and desperate Irina decided that her life would be more successful and better in Novosibirsk. IN unfamiliar city she entered a music school and began an independent life. In her youth, the singer was fond of jazz, after the Yalta-91 competition, Vyacheslav Tyurin invited her to the Electroversion group. Together they recorded the album "Evening with Diana". In the 90s, under the pseudonym "Diana", she begins a solo career. The girl managed to go abroad and work there. In 2000, Irina Nelson returned to Russia and, together with Tyurin, founded the Reflex group.

Biography. Irina Nelson and "Reflex"

The idea of ​​creating a group came to Irina in Germany. So, already in 2000, their first track "Distant Light" was recorded, which became successful on many radio stations. In a matter of months, the group reaches the top of the best in the country, collects the awards "Ovation", "Stop hit", "Muz-TV Award" and so on. In 2003, the team achieved international fame. The girls represented Russia at the Pop Komm festival in Cologne. Dance music conquered Paul Van Dyke himself. At home, "Reflex" enjoyed insane popularity among young people. The group's compositions were heard on radio and television, the songs were known by heart. Young girls tried to parody the aggressive sexuality of pretty blondes, and men on soloists.

Biography. Irina Nelson. Return to solo career

In 2007, on stage during the Golden Gramophone award, Irina announces to the public her decision to leave the group. The girl wished to return to solo work, and was convinced that Reflex no longer allowed her to be creatively realized.

For some time, Irina flies out of the country to Dubai, where she begins her solo activity. As the singer herself tells about the time spent abroad, it was a time-out, drawing inspiration. She listened to different music and immersed herself in creativity. The singer studied vocals with world-class professionals and recorded songs. Irina Nelson, whose biography has always had many dark spots, is silent and hides a lot from fans. Nevertheless, we see the fruits of her creativity and we know that the girl continues her singing activity.

Irina Nelson. Biography. Children

Little is known about the girl's personal life. However, we know that Irina is happily married to her producer Alexander Tyurin. The singer has an adult son from her first marriage. In her free time, the girl does yoga and writes poetry. It is also interesting that for a long time the singer refused meat and now uses exclusively vegetarian food.

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