The meaning of the phraseological unit white crow. What does the White Crow mean: what is the meaning of phraseology

White crow - a special symbol, it denotes both uniqueness and originality, which is associated with alienation and rejection by others. Most citizens use the "white crow" idiom to denote strange and something unusual person, with behavior and conversations fundamentally different from the rest of the people around him.

Why is it so rare to find albinos in nature?

In fact, it is almost impossible to meet a "white crow". This is an extremely rare event resulting from a strong mutation of the genes responsible for pigmentation. Since it is much easier to notice the "white crow" than the same bird with a natural color, it becomes much more vulnerable and easily detected by all kinds of predators.
Therefore, the second meaning of the expression "white crow" is associated by many with such concepts as suffering, chosenness and defenselessness. The great rarity of these birds in nature began to be mentioned in many works, and the first the mention of white crows is considered to be the poet Juvenal, who lived in Ancient Rome.His work was published in the 1st century AD.
Here is what this satirist poet wrote about the "white crows":
"The slave has a chance to become a king, the captives will be able to get freedom and only a white crow will remain a white crow"
This comparison made the whole of Rome applaud the talented poet. Similar phrases that are associated with the peculiarity of appearance and uniqueness can be found among other peoples.
A similar metaphor appeared in the East - there, instead of the expression "white crow" they use the phrase "white elephant". Since the albino elephant is an extremely rare occurrence, this idiom was to the taste of oriental people.
White elephants are equated with the sex of divine beings and are highly revered in Indochina.

The metaphor "black sheep" in the same way became an analogue of the Russian phrase "white crow". Since the sheep in the soybean mass are white, the appearance of a black sheep among them is a unique phenomenon.

The main meaning of the Russian metaphor "white crow" is conveyed by idioms of other peoples:

  • in German "Ein weißer Rabe", which means the same white crow
  • in French "Un moution a cinq pattes", which means a ram with five legs
  • in Spanish "Mirlo blanco" which means blackbird.

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Nature surprises with its mysteries, and one of them - albinism. This phenomenon occurs due to a failure in genetic code animals, while the skin and hair cover are deprived of a special pigment responsible for their color. Such an animal is born and remains white throughout its life. These individuals in the animal kingdom are called albinos (from Latin word"albus" - white).

In nature, you can find white horses and cows, mice and rabbits, deer and squirrels. Less often you can find a white elephant or a tiger, a toad and a sturgeon. But the most rare White crow. Usually these birds are black or gray in color. That is why she is mentioned in famous phraseological unit"White crow".

Expression value

This phrase is used to describe a person who is radically different from others in their appearance, behavior, attitudes or interests. All this is manifested in the actions or statements of this person. Society may consider him strange or mentally unhealthy, although this is completely untrue.

Controversy - main feature"white crows". On the one hand, it is a unique interesting person, bright personality. On the other hand, he is always considered an outcast, he is not accepted or feared by society.

When using this phrase in sentences, people mean those who go beyond the generally accepted framework and violate the established rules with their extraordinary behavior.

Many are unsettled by the fact that someone may not pay attention to established canons and act solely at their own discretion. IN last years the value of the expression is used in positive aspect, because bright personalities become a role model.

The history of the appearance of phraseology

The origin of the phraseologism "white crow" is associated with the poet Junius, who lived in Rome at the end of the first and beginning of the second century. History claims: the phrase was first heard in his poem, where the poet said that only the will of chance can provide a slave with a kingdom, and a triumph for a captive, and such a case is even rarer than a white crow.

Knowing what was the hierarchical structure of society in ancient roman empire It's hard to disagree with these words. In the seventh satire of Junius, this phrase is literally indicated. In eastern countries, an analogue of this phraseological unit is used - “white elephant”, since albino elephants can be found very rarely there.

How people become white crows

It is easy to be judged by society. For this, a person is enough go against stereotypes, to have radically opposite habitual views , strange appearance And unusual hobbies. Independence from established norms, rejection of branded clothing and household items, social networks distinguish a person in the same way as belonging to subcultures, strange addictions or refusal to create a family.

It is difficult for the "White Crow" to fight the opinions of others, but she should not be afraid to express her individuality. In order to stop feeling oppressed because of being different from others, you must:

  • Present your views and opinions as original idea;
  • Bring interests and hobbies to the public and surprise society with them;
  • Learn to communicate, trust people and share both your interests with them, and accept their hobbies.

Is it easy to be unique

Those who are called the "white crow" do not seek to impose their views on others, but consider their point of view to be more correct. It is with this that society is trying to fight, which does not like dissident people. It is difficult for them to adapt in groups, among friends and acquaintances, because:

  • They are subjected to insults, contempt and insults;
  • Their individuality is being suppressed;
  • So strange people few people want to communicate, so they have few friends. Usually "white crows" are looking for comrades among the supporters of their views.
  • Society often ignores the opinion of people.

How to behave as a white crow

Most often, teenagers are distinguished by dissimilarity, but it is easier for them to endure loneliness and unacceptability on the part of society. Sometimes they themselves want to stand out among their peers. Although children can be very cruel to those who do not merge with the general mass. But adults are also ridiculed, and it is much more difficult for them to be around those who do not share their hobbies.

Relationship psychologists offer the following advice to adult “black sheep” and unusual teenagers:

  • It is necessary to learn to understand and respect the views and opinions of other people, to treat them kindly.
  • Observe those around you and notice what you can learn.
  • Explain your views and position not categorically and calmly, do not offend opposing judgments.
  • In the case of ridiculing physical shortcomings, it is worth using them as the main advantage. High growth, for example, will allow women to get a job in modeling agency and men to start playing basketball.
  • You need to get used to your dissimilarity, to emphasize individuality.

There is a parable about the white crow. An unusual bird lived among its black relatives and was constantly ridiculed by them without explaining the reason for such behavior. The white bird responded to the evil done only with kindness. Trying to communicate as little as possible with other crows, she took off and soared high in the sky. Due to oppression, the white crow matured early, became independent and independent, for which hatred and envy towards her only intensified.

White bird I decided to fly away in search of the same crows, in order to finally become ordinary and not stand out among the flock. The white crow flew away, but its disappearance was noticed. Relatives of the bird remembered her good qualities, admitted their mistakes and regretted that the white crow left them.

Moral of the parable: no need to pay attention to the ridicule of others. It is important to preserve your dignity and individuality, look for like-minded people and behave naturally.

Often we hear in conversations such an expression as "white crow". The meaning is not clear to everyone. It's about, as a rule, about a person who is very different from others. Compare it with an albino crow. Sometimes there is a glitch in the genetic code of animals and birds.

As a result, the pigment that is responsible for the color of the skin and hair in the body is simply absent. That is why there are absolutely white crows, horses, cows, squirrels and even elephants in the world.

The white crow, I must say, is the least common. We do not even think that these birds may not be black or gray.

The white crow is a metaphor that denotes a person who has a different behavior, appearance or value system from those around him.

A white crow is called someone who is too unlike his surroundings. It can be differences in clothes, manners, outlook on life and hobbies. Sometimes society calls those who stand out weird.

There are often rumors about such people that they are not all right with their heads. Most of them are social outcasts. Because not everyone is ready to accept those who are different from them. Not everyone is ready to put up with the fact that a person nearby is independent of the rules adopted in society.

This is interesting! Sometimes the term "white crow" is endowed with a positive meaning. So called bright and extraordinary people.

The phrase first appeared in ancient Rome. At the end of the 1st - beginning of the 2nd century, the poet Junius in his writings stated that only by chance a slave can become a king, and a prisoner achieve a triumph. This happens less often than you can meet a white crow.

Who is considered a white crow

Teenagers usually oppose themselves to society. They easily endure rejection from society and the absence of like-minded people. Many are afraid to stand out among their peers so as not to face ridicule.

But often the “white crows” are already adults and mature personalities. They, as a rule, are more difficult to tolerate criticism from the environment.

It is not difficult to catch the views of society full of bewilderment and earn the nickname "white crow".

Here's what you need for this:

  • Go against the established foundations and norms.
  • Show that your views are different from the views of others.
  • Have an unusual appearance. Don't follow fashion trends.
  • Get involved in something special.

To pass for a white crow is enough to have an unusual appearance

Unfortunately, even these simple signs enough to deserve the ridicule of others. But in no case should the “black sheep” strive to adapt to them, to become ordinary. Don't shut yourself up and become an outcast. No need to endure insults, contempt. Many will try to suppress the personality of such people. But you need to defend your views and be confident in yourself.

Of course, you should not go into conflict with the rest. The opinions of others must be taken with respect. In the process of communication, you need to pay attention to their wishes and advice. Explain your point of view calmly. And it is advisable not to be offended.

Fact! Remember that your features can play into your hands. For example, tall girls can make a modeling career. People with original thinking become famous writers and screenwriters.

Useful video: where did the expression come from?

The Parable of the White Crow

There is a legend about the white crow. Among ordinary crows, there lived one with white plumage. The rest of the birds often laughed at her. But the white crow was friendly and did not respond with evil to ridicule. True, she strove to spend less time with the others. Therefore, the crow often soared high in the sky all alone.

The black birds didn't like it. They did not understand why the white woman does not worry about her "inferiority", does not seek to please them. Every day they hated her more and more, envied her strength and freedom.

The crow felt it. That's why she dreamed of finding birds like her and no longer standing out. When she flew away, the others began to regret what had happened. They remembered the good qualities of the white crow and finally admitted that they had behaved wrong.

From this parable, we can draw the following conclusion: you do not need to worry about the behavior of your environment. Maintain dignity and appreciate your features.

Use of metaphor

The term "white crow" is often used in culture.

Here are some examples:

  • Valery Leontiev has the song "White Crow". The Chaif ​​group has a composition with the same name. She came out in 1987.
  • Phraseologism was also used in the song "Our Family" by the group "Nautilus Pompilius".
  • In the publication "Soviet Sport" about thirty years ago, the heading "Club of the White Crows" was published. It included notes for those who love sports and are committed to healthy lifestyle life.
  • In 1990, a group of actors "The Theater of Rains" was formed in the city of St. Petersburg. It was the crow of an unusual color that began to symbolize this team. The fact is that the actors consider themselves and their fans to be extraordinary personalities. And in our time, those who are tired of the cruelty and anger that are happening around come to see the performances of the group.

Useful video: white crow in verse for children


Now you know the origin of the phraseologism "white crow" and its explanation. This is not an offensive expression, but a term that means a person who stands out from the rest. Interestingly, there are many other expressions with similar meaning: "black sheep", " ugly duck". In the East, another analogue is used - “white elephant”. There are plenty of ordinary elephants, but white ones are considered very rare and valuable.

How to call a person who is not like the majority? One of the options is the "white crow". The meaning of phraseologism will be considered on understandable examples.


Let's start with the obvious. Ravens are usually black, sometimes black and grey, but by no means white. Albinos are generally rare.

Hence the white crow (see below for the meaning of the phraseological unit) is an object that stands out strongly from the general series. This is not just a quantitative difference, but a natural inside line something that creates a completely different view of the state of affairs. Foggy wording. Examples will help us to clarify it.


Imagine a typical school environment. With the usual division into "hooligans" and "nerds". Hooligans don't learn, they like to make trouble in the broadest sense of the word. Botanists, on the contrary, are diligent students, do not drink alcohol, read books. The reader knows for sure both those and those. So, the white crow (the meaning of the phraseologism is being studied with all care) is a bully, to the point of trembling in his hands book loving, and absolutely any: historical, artistic, scientific.

He is considered a man "out of this world" by fellow hooligans and nerds alike. People are prone to maximalism, so you have to be a hooligan or a nerd, but to the very end, “to the bottom”, as V. V. Mayakovsky said. A person who perceives reality as a mosaic in which elements can be freely shuffled makes a strange and wonderful impression on those around him. They say things like, “Oh! There's a white crow." The meaning of phraseologism now does not cause difficulties.

This is not a judgment

In fact, being very different from your surroundings is not so bad, because it can be so-so. But we must understand that this characteristic does not mean anything. Among hooligans, a person who reads books is a white crow. Then in force different reasons the company can change, and a person will find himself in an environment where it is a shame not to read, not to be interested in something, not to develop.

There is a wonderful literary analogy a person to whom the definition of “white crow” is suitable (the meaning of a phraseological unit, an example with it was a little earlier, but we still decided to concretize our reasoning). This, of course, is about Alex from the work of Burgess " Clockwork orange». Main character works, no doubt, a terrible person, but at the same time he has a developed (or innate) sense of beauty and some kind of mind. This is what makes him stand out from the crowd.

0 Wherever we spend our time, at work, leisure or at home, there are a huge number of ironic people and jokers among us. Their mindset is built in such a way as to stick out ordinary things, to focus on them. Today we're going to talk about an old expression that a sarcastic person came up with, which is White crow, you can find out the value a little lower. Our site is full of surprises and useful information, so read it, knowing the very essence of things. I recommend visiting this resource, as we regularly post interesting news.
However, before I continue, I would like to recommend a couple of other publications on the subject of phraseological units. For example, how to understand Make an elephant out of a fly; the meaning of the expression They carry water to the offended; what does the dead hour mean; what does the Earth rest in peace, etc.
So let's continue what does white crow mean?

White crow is a metaphor intended to refer to a person who has a value system or behavior that is different from other people in that society

White crow- so they say about a person who is somehow sharply different from others in his deeds and thoughts

If you live in countryside, then it is not something surprising for you to see a white mouse or a white rabbit. On TV, we were shown more than once white cows, horses, deer, and even white blackbirds. There are places in the USA where you can stumble upon white squirrels. IN Tsarist Russia more than once they pulled sturgeons out of the river white color. Maybe you think that among amphibians there is no such " perversions"? You are wrong, toads white colors, and even with eyes red as hot coals, are quite common in nature.

Some particularly inquisitive citizens will be interested in the nature of such an anomaly. However, " the casket just opened' need not be mentioned here. evil spirit, it's all about a special pigment, which is practically absent in white animals. Creatures with a similar deviation are called albinos. It is worth noting that albino crows are an extraordinary rarity.

For the first time this expression was used by a satirist and poet Juvenal, who in one of his works suggested that " A slave can become a king, a prisoner can run away, however, such lucky ones are less common than a white crow..."

His contemporaries liked this comparison very much, and subsequently began to be used everywhere. A lot of time has passed since then, but this expression is so " ingrained"in our speech, that seeing an unusual person who stands out from his surroundings with strange qualities, immediately" sculpt" label on him - " White crow".

At that time, the thought seemed to go in many peoples in the same direction. Since a similar saying was also born in the east - "White elephant". Among the natives of the Indochina peninsula, elephants with a white skin and red eyes are very much valued, mainly because of their rarity.

After reading this short article, you will now be aware of White crow meaning phraseological unit. And it's up to you to decide whether to be offended by this innocent nickname or not.

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