Michael Jackson death from what. Michael Jackson: cause of death, official investigation, funeral

And so, dear friends, today I found out such news, and this is pure truth, everything was already pushed on TV on all the news ..... Here are a couple of articles already processed in newspapers and websites around the world.

Michael Jackson's cause of death is not a painkiller, but a chronic illness
Numerous plastic surgeries could provoke her.
Alexandra KUCHUK - 06/26/2009 13:00
The death of the king of pop Michael Jackson shocked the whole world. legendary singer, recall, died this morning in a hospital in Los Angeles.

The cause of Jackson's death has not yet been officially announced. But it's no secret that he has long felt unwell. According to experts, the disease that killed the pop legend could have been provoked by numerous plastic surgeries.

It can be seen with the naked eye that each subsequent rhinoplasty of the king of pop led to a reduction in the nose, says maxillofacial surgeon, candidate of medical sciences Tamara Chkadua. - Probably, the tip of the nose was already formed from the nearby facial tissue. And in the postoperative period, he had either inflammation or even necrosis of the tip of the nose.

The consequence of this: a decrease in nasal passages. Michael Jackson couldn't breathe normally. This leads to prolonged hypoxia - lack of oxygen. Which, of course, affects both the cardiovascular and nervous systems.

The way he was dying didn't seem like a reaction to any drug. The gradual "fading" of breathing is rather the result of a chronic disease, for example, of the cardiovascular system. Perhaps he did not have time to provide full medical care.

Lawyer: Michael Jackson's death was not a surprise
Michael Jackson. Photo: corbis.com On June 25, Michael Jackson, the legend of pop music, died in Los Angeles at the age of 50. A representative of the clinic to which the singer was taken said that death was allegedly due to a heart attack. Meanwhile, the British newspaper The Sun writes that Jackson stopped breathing after another injection of the anesthetic Demerol.

Doctors tried to start the patient's heart on the way to the hospital, but to no avail. An autopsy will be performed on June 26th.

Meanwhile, Jackson's family lawyer Brian Oxman told AFP that he was constantly taking strong drugs. Speaking about the death of the singer, he noted that it did not come as a surprise.

The king did not have time to say goodbye
Tax officials will destroy the middle class
Alcohol kills every second
50-year-old Jackson felt unwell in his home in Holmby Hills - the fashionable quarter of Los Angeles in the Westwood area, adjacent to the city of millionaires Beverly Hills. Two hours after arriving at the hospital, it was officially announced that Jackson had died.

AT last years the state of health of the "king of pop" was rapidly deteriorating. It is known for certain that the singer's health was undermined by endless plastic surgeries.

Photos of farewell to Jackson, you can see ....:

Named the probable cause of death of Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson stopped breathing after another injection of an anesthetic drug, the British tabloid The Sun reported on Friday, citing a source in the emergency department of the medical center at the University of California at Los Angeles.

According to those close to the pop singer, after an injection of Demerol, Jackson began to have difficulty breathing, he breathed more and more slowly until he stopped breathing altogether. A personal doctor who was nearby tried to give him artificial respiration and called ambulance. Medics arrived eight minutes later and began resuscitation.

Doctors tried to start the patient's heart on the way to the hospital, but to no avail. As reported, the call to the address of Michael Jackson came to the rescue service at 12:22 local time, and the death was ascertained by the doctors of the medical center at 14:26 (1:26 Moscow time on Friday). The preliminary cause is cardiac arrest.

Meanwhile, the Jackson family's lawyer, Brian Oxman, told Agence France-Presse that he was constantly on heavy drugs to keep fit ahead of a series of London concerts due to begin in mid-July. Speaking about the death of the singer, the lawyer noted that it did not come as a surprise.

"People who surrounded him pushed him all the time (to take strong drugs). If you think that in the case of Anna Nicole Smith we are talking about abuse, this can not be compared with what happened in the life of Michael Jackson, "said Oxman. Recall that the famous fashion model Smith was found dead in a hotel room in Florida in February 2007. It was found that she died from an overdose of painkillers .

Michael Jackson died on June 25, 2009 at UCLA Medical Center at the age of 50. The coroner, who officially confirmed the media reports, did not name the cause of death. The autopsy is scheduled to take place on Friday, he has already been taken to the morgue.

The drug Demerol (pethidine, meperidine), which sources told The Sun, is a strong analgesic with a moderate sedative effect. In high doses, it reduces myocardial contractility and, with prolonged use, causes dependence.

“If we take the imitation of the singer’s death as the main version, then a lot becomes clear. For the participants in this performance, it is important to throw as many versions and reservations into the agenda as possible, so that any assumptions can be made. The main thing in such a case is not to accidentally make a reservation, not to blurt out something that can lead to a real trail.

Why could Michael Jackson be killed? - an article with this title was posted on our website on June 30. Two weeks have passed since then, but the circumstances and causes of Michael Jackson's death have been, and remain, very dark. And the more "irrefutable" evidence of Jackson's death appears, the more doubt they cause, the more reason to think that "something is unclean here"!

Trying to focus on the most important points that should have finally dotted all the “i”, we were more and more convinced that we had to deal with much more questions than answers to them.

Judging by the publications and discussions in the Internet environment, print and electronic media, in last days there is a growing number of supporters of the version that Michael Jackson, with the help of interested friends, relatives and business associates, falsified the act of his death (regardless of whether he is going to officially “resurrect” or not). And if we consider the situation from this angle, then a lot of things begin to fall into place.


Since the publication of the article Why could Michael Jackson be killed?” arrived in the regiment of conspiracy theorists. In early July, the magazine "Secrets of the Stars" (No. 28 of 07/08/2009) published an interview with the producer of a Russian singer named Dima Bilan - Yana Rudkovskaya. The essence of the interview is that Rudkovskaya is sure: Michael Jackson is alive. Regardless of who and how may relate to Rudkovskaya, there are reasons in her considerations. In particular, she said the following:

“When Jackson's death was announced, I remembered how I talked with a Western music manager. It just became known that Jackson announced a 50-show tour. And this manager told me: “There will be no concerts. On the eve of them, Michael will disappear. And the whole world will shudder at the biggest scam of the century!” »

When asked who benefits from Jackson's death, Rudkovskaya also answers quite logically: “First of all, Jackson's death is beneficial to him! It's no secret that in recent years, the life of a star has gone downhill. Debts, persecution in the press, stagnation in creativity... […]. Immediately after the announcement of death around the world, Michael's songs soared to the first lines of the charts, and his CDs swept out of stores in one day […]. He also dreamed of being left alone, stopped following every step. Michael also wanted to get out of debt. And the best way out would be to make everyone think that he died. "Death" would solve all Michael's problems. No need to work out tedious concert tour and think about how to pay off debts.

Rudkovskaya also logically argues that Jackson’s “death” would be extremely beneficial for his business partners: “The organizers of Jackson’s tour break a huge jackpot: it is unlikely that people will go to return already purchased tickets. They are more likely to keep them as a keepsake. Plus, the tour was insured. In the global music scene […] everyone knows very well that Jackson is a fantastically creative artist and the most inventive PR person. He didn't think of that! And the version that he just played his death is finding more and more confirmation.

There is one strange phenomenon that has already been noticed by many attentive observers who are, so to speak, on both sides of the ocean. We are talking about rehearsals for Jackson's new show This Is It.

Almost on the day of Jackson's death, June 26, his spokesman - Brian Oxman - said that in recent times the musician took the most powerful painkillers in order to cope with back and leg pain. Moreover, according to Oksman, shortly before his death, Jackson injured his back and broke his leg as a result of a fall during a rehearsal for the concert that was supposed to start him. triumphant return to the stage.

And the president of AEG Live, which arranged a series of 50 London concerts of the singer, Randy Philips, according to him own words, attended Jackson's rehearsals, and last time saw the artist on stage the day before the tragedy. Michael then danced for three hours straight and was in great shape. Phillips's words were repeatedly quoted in a number of media outlets: “He danced as well or even better than the twenty-year-old dancers that we gave him as backup dancers. He drew attention to himself. And I thought this show was going to be the greatest show ever. He looked amazing."

Yana Rudkovskaya offers her own explanation for this: “People who were present at the last rehearsal of Jackson's new show assure: on stage, Michael did not look like a deeply ill, exhausted person. But a couple of months ago, he did not get up from a wheelchair, and he met his 50th birthday in it! And suddenly such a surge of strength! […] It is believed that on that day at the rehearsal was not Jackson himself, but his double“Jackson had a lot of them. And he used them when he did not want to go out. Therefore, they say that there was a double at the rehearsal! The man on stage never sang a single line live! But he danced well. Because Jackson's dance can be faked, but vocals can't! It's too "branded". This rehearsal was arranged specifically to ensure the peace.” latest photos Jackson." On them he looks not old and healthy. This is how Jackson would like to remain in the memory of people. To then return in a completely different way and again shock everyone.

Assuming how such a world-famous person as Michael Jackson could have disappeared without a trace and unnoticed, Yana Rudkovskaya gives quite logical arguments: “How do people know exactly what he looks like now? In recent years, Michael covered his face with glasses and scarves. It is possible that he changed his appearance a long time ago [...]. Doctors could well have mistaken any of his doubles for a singer! Jackson could also negotiate with doctors. But the strangest thing in this whole story seems to me personally the behavior of his relatives [...]. On TV[…] showed a brother who didn't look heartbroken at all! Already in the first hours after Michael's death, the brother made some statements, gave interviews ... People do not behave like this in the first hours of the death of a loved one. [And Jackson for a while] will live somewhere in forgotten by god place, rest, gain strength. At this time will go huge income from the sale of his unreleased songs, and there are more than 200 of them. Plus - books dedicated to him. There will be a huge demand for all this in the world all year round. And in a couple of years, Michael can return. And make the biggest splash in the history of music!” .


Rudkovskaya is not alone in her assumptions. On July 9, The Sun newspaper reported that the "King of Pop" Michael Jackson faked his death to get rid of debt and pressure from the press. The arguments of the journalists of the British weekly tabloid are practically identical to those cited by Yana Rudkovskaya.

Moreover, some sources of the newspaper suggested that the pop singer had been planning his "escape" for almost a year, and he is currently hiding in one of the countries. of Eastern Europe, and the man depicted in his last pictures is a doppelgänger who has been working for him for a long time.

The website www.michaeljacksonsightings.com has an open discussion of theories regarding the staging of his death. Some even claim that after death they saw the artist at the airport in another country. Moreover, the site published a photo, which, according to the public, depicts a “alive and healthy” pop king. From ourselves, we note that the photo is very small, and therefore it is extremely difficult to say whether Jackson or not is depicted in his background. In addition, the exact dating of this photo, I think, is generally impossible to carry out.

In addition, on July 9, the Internet resource Z avtra.com.ua, with a link to www.michaeljacksonsightings.com , told about the message of a man who works on the US-Mexico border. This citizen claims to have seen the artist on the day of his death: "I didn't know he was dead said the border guard. “I would never confuse him with anyone else. He was a little alarmed as he crossed the border. When an hour later I learned from the news about his death, I just laughed.

…When a certain famous person dies for one reason or another, this event, you see, is accompanied by quite understandable actions. The verdict of doctors on the causes of death is announced. For those wishing to say goodbye, the opportunity to pay the last debt is organized. The funeral process is underway. The text of the official will of the deceased is announced. If there is no will, the property and assets of the deceased are distributed among the heirs in accordance with applicable law. Everything is sad, but quite understandable, there are no mysteries and conspiracy theories.

In the case of Jackson's death, things are completely different! But if you try to look at the situation from the point of view that the death of Michael Jackson can be staged, many mysteries get a completely understandable explanation.


As announced in a number of media outlets, on July 1, the singer's will was submitted to the court. This document is dated July 7, 2002. According to the text of the will, the entire state of the singer should go to the Jackson Family Foundation. At that time, the assets of Michael Jackson were estimated at about $ 500 million. According to information circulated in early July 2009 by the Associated Press, dated June 2007 financial documents testify: the assets of Michael Jackson as of March 31, 2007 amounted to $ 567.6 million. These included Jackson's then-owned Neverland estate, a stake in Sony/ATV Music Publishing's publishing rights catalog, a selection of cars, collectibles, and art. The singer's debts at that time amounted to $ 331 million.

At the end of June, American and English tabloids reported that, according to the will, not a cent was left to Michael's father, 79-year-old Joe Jackson, due to very tensions father and son. With reference to CNN, information Agency On June 30, Interfax reported that the singer's property would be transferred to his mother, Katherine, and three children, and part of the money would go to charity.

On Tuesday, June 30, the British Daily Mail reported that the 2002 will was drawn up by Michael Jackson's former lawyer, John Branca. However, the singer's current attorney, Londell McMillan, said he knew nothing about Jackson's 2002 will. Jackson's parents spoke in the same vein, believing that their son had died without leaving a will.

Not found, apparently, and direct instructions from Jackson about who will be left in the care of his three children - 12-year-old Prince Michael, 11-year-old Paris Michael Catherine, and 7-year-old Prince Michael II. The singer's mother, Katherine, expressed before the court her readiness to become the permanent guardian of her son's children.

What in the above set of messages is surprising? Yes, almost everything!

It is known that Michael Jackson - no matter what they say about him! - He was very kind to his children. It is not difficult to assume that Jackson would not be indifferent to the fate of his two sons and daughter. Feeling sick, so to speak, on the edge of the grave, he would certainly have left a legally competent and unambiguous order regarding the future of his children. But for some reason, Jackson didn't.

Of course, this contradiction could be attributed to the machinations of his greedy "friends" who coveted Jackson's assets. And for whom, in this situation, it would even be beneficial for Jackson's children to have as little money and property left as possible. But in this case, the lack of a clear expression of Jackson's will would just create an opportunity for additional judicial trial, to find out the size of the singer's fortune, to determine the amount of monetary and property assets that would be assigned to his two sons and daughter.

The uncertainty about the text of Jackson's will is in the same category of mysteries. The presence of a legally well-formed expression of the will of the singer, whatever one may say, would be beneficial to all participants in the "event". And his relatives, and friends, and enemies. We see the opposite picture.

If we assume that all the assets of Michael Jackson have already been transferred to a third party, then everything more or less falls into place. And when Jackson is "resurrected", he will be quite wealthy man. Who, in fact, was before his death.


As you know, the funeral ceremony of farewell to Michael Jackson was held on July 7 at the Staples Center sports complex, where the singer was preparing for a series of concerts "This Is It". The ceremony was attended by relatives, friends and relatives of Jackson, as well as thousands of his fans; the broadcast of the farewell ceremony with the singer was watched on television by about 31 million Americans.

After that, there were reports in the media that relatives took away the remains of the pop king in an "unknown direction." About a week later, by July 13, it turned out that the singer's coffin was where it should be, according to the published death certificate of Michael Jackson. In it, as a place of "temporary" burial, named memorial cemetery Forest Lawn in the Hollywood Hills, Los Angeles. Now the coffin is in the crypt, which belongs to the head and founder of the famous record company"Motown" by Berry Gordy (with this company Michael Jackson began his musical career in the early 1970s). Moreover, the coffin with the body of Jackson, according to The New York Post, was secretly transported to the crypt, and will remain there until the family of the singer, who died on June 25, determines the place of burial.

Moreover, according to the publication, Gordy himself turned to Jackson's relatives with a proposal to place the body of the "king of pop" in the tomb. Sources close to the Jackson family told The New York Post that the singer's father and one of his brothers, Jermaine, would like to bury the singer at his California ranch, Neverland. However, Jackson's mother, Katherine, strongly opposed the proposal. She stated that after the hearings on Jackson's child molestation allegations ended, the "King of Pop" promised himself that he would never return to the Neverland estate, and she intends to do his will.

Further more. “She is very upset that Michael is still not buried. It seems that this dispute will never end. This is terribly unfair. Michael's father and brother want to make money on him even after death, ”the source of The New York Post noted. As it turned out, disputes over the place of burial began shortly after the farewell ceremony with Jackson, which, let me remind you, was held in Los Angeles on July 7.

Moreover, already on July 8, the American TV channel FOX NEWS and a number of others foreign sources began to talk about the fact that the coffin, which was supposed to be the body of the king of pop Michael Jackson, was empty. For example, British tabloids claim that the body of Jackson, who died suddenly on June 25, was buried earlier, without undue hype, in a place inaccessible to fans, and the “wooden vale” that stood on the stage during the long funeral ceremony and farewell to the idol was empty initially. And in order not to embarrass the fans, the coffin was not made of transparent plastic, as previously mentioned.

Other sources, while supporting the idea of ​​an initially empty sarcophagus on stage, however, believe that Jackson's body is still not interred, but is in a secret place. They argue that only after the excitement around the funeral of the "king" subsides, he will be buried.

Like it or not, we observe a great number of riddles, innuendos, attempts to lead on the wrong track. A man is dead, bury him. Perhaps they don’t want to bury Jackson’s body with a wide announcement of the place of burial in case of a completely possible exhumation of the body, which can be carried out at the request of the most unexpected applicants (for example, the singer’s creditors who showed up)? Then it turns out that there is a body in the grave, but it does not belong to Michael Jackson? Otherwise - why all these evasions and omissions?


53-year-old sister of Michael Jackson - La Toya - gave interviews to several British newspapers, which were published on Sunday, July 12. She stated that her brother fell victim to a conspiracy by his shady entourage. La Toya said that she knew who was behind her brother's death and vowed to prove that it was not accidental and that several people were involved in the conspiracy.

Mystery of death

The death of Michael Jackson was ascertained at the UCLA Medical Center clinic, where the musician was taken from his rented mansion in Los Angeles already without signs of life - in a state of deep coma. Attempts to bring the musician back to consciousness continued on the way to the medical center and for an hour after arrival. But it was not possible to bring Jackson back to life - he died of cardiac arrest shortly after he was brought to the clinic. On the same day, his body was transported by helicopter to Boyle Heights, home of the Los Angeles coroner's office. The next day, June 26, an autopsy was performed.

Despite the fact that the police did not reveal signs of a violent death, the musician's family insisted on conducting the most thorough toxicological examination, since the relatives immediately arose that Michael could have died from an overdose of an anesthetic drug, on which he allegedly suffered from the last 20 years of his life. It is now reliably known that, as expected, death was due to an overdose of the powerful anesthetic propofol (propofol), or, according to some sources close to the investigation, the cause of death was a “lethal combination of drugs”, including propofol. It is known that in the weeks before his death, Michael Jackson took a combination of eight medications that are incompatible with each other. Three of them are painkillers, and so strong that the combination of two of them can be fatal. In addition to them, Jackson hosted several others. medicines, which were supposed to help him withstand the load during future tours.

Even for a young, healthy and hardy body, such a combination of drugs could be fatal, and Jackson's physical condition has long been alarming. People who knew the musician attribute the addiction to sedatives and painkillers to the stress of the upcoming performances, which were supposed to officially end his career. Jay Coleman, one of Jackson's publicists in the 1980s, told the Edmonton Sun that although the news of the singer's death shocked him, it was not surprising: this summer of performances and the expectations of his fans must have weighed heavily on him,” said Coleman, who also said that Jackson was a perfectionist, extremely image-conscious. “He never wanted his face to be filmed for more than three seconds,” he said. "He didn't want to be too open, so we had to look for alternatives, like taking off his famous glove."

The death of the idol of millions gave rise to many questions. The most important of them - was the overdose accidental or was the musician intentionally injected with a lethal dose of the drug? There is still no answer to this question. Investigators who are leading the complicated case of the death of Michael Jackson are seeking to establish whether the singer's personal attending physician, Dr. Conrad Murray, who was next to his patient on the day of death, is to blame. According to Murray's testimony, on the day of Michael Jackson's death, he injected him with 25 milligrams of propofol, in addition to this, the singer took several more that night. sedatives. Murray claimed that he constantly monitored Jackson's condition and left his patient for no more than two minutes, but when he returned, the singer was no longer breathing. Conrad Murray fell under suspicion also because immediately after the news of Jackson's death he fled in an unknown direction, appearing only a day later. The mystery of this story is also added by the fact that Murray, 11 days before the death of the most “star” client, announced that he was temporarily ceasing medical activities without explaining the reasons. In addition, Jackson did not hire Murray on his own - the cardiologist was introduced to him by the company organizing the London tour. In early 2010, the prosecutor's office is going to charge the doctor with premeditated murder.

The death of the singer raised other questions. What to do with his unreleased material? Who owns the rights to them? Who will inherit Michael Jackson's fortune, as well as his many debts? Even the question of where and when the funeral of the star idol will take place remained open for a long time. Plans for the farewell ceremony and even the date of the funeral have changed several times. Initially, Jackson's funeral was to take place on August 29 - the day when the singer would have turned 51 years old. But they were postponed for five days, because part of Jackson's family opposed the burial on his birthday.

Michael Jackson, who died on June 25, was buried only on September 4, more than two months after his death. The funeral ceremony was held at the Glendale Forest Lawn Cemetery in the suburbs of Los Angeles. The day before, Los Angeles County authorities issued a death certificate for Jackson, stating that the cause of the singer's death was "murder by injection of drugs by strangers." Michael Jackson was buried on the so-called "Holy Terrace", where such stars of American cinema as Clark Gable, Carole Lombard, Jean Harlow and Humphrey Bogart rest.

The closed ceremony, which was only accessible by special invitation, began two hours later than the announced time. In addition to relatives, his closest friends came to say goodbye to Michael Jackson - Elizabeth Taylor, Barry Bonds, Macaulay Culkin and Stevie Wonder. The "King of Pop" was buried in a gilded sarcophagus adorned with flowers and wreaths. During the ceremony in front of those gathered to see off the musician to last way a friend of the Jackson family, a well-known Negro activist, preacher and human rights activist Al Sharpton, spoke. Singer Gladys Knight performed a song in honor of the deceased. On the sleeves of the relatives were gray mourning bands with the image of a crown. After the farewell ceremony, a memorial service was held, and the coffin with the body of Jackson was transferred to the Great Mausoleum of the cemetery, which serves as the last refuge of many Hollywood celebrities. It is noteworthy that what is happening under the spotlight, intended for the failed concert of the King of Pop in London, was not broadcast by TV channels, but more than five hundred journalists from 60 publications were accredited to the ceremony. Meanwhile, hundreds of fans gathered outside the cemetery fence, who unsuccessfully tried to penetrate the security system a day before the funeral. Dressed in white T-shirts and narrow-brimmed black hats, they unfurled a banner with the words, "The King of Pop, Michael Jackson, Gone Too Soon."

Fans were able to say goodbye to their idol two months earlier. On July 7, 2009, a farewell ceremony was held in Los Angeles, consisting of a family service at Liberty Hall at Forest Lawn Memorial Park in the Hollywood Hills, followed by a public farewell at Staples Center 7. The ceremony was broadcast at live broadcast by TV channels of many countries of the world, it was watched by about a billion people. Farewell to the "King of Pop" was also shown in cinemas and on television screens installed in the squares in many major cities, including New York, Tokyo, London and Melbourne. Michael Jackson's brothers carried Michael Jackson's gilded bronze coffin to the stage at the Staples Center, with a church stained-glass backdrop, each donning a single glistening glove, considered the signature of the late singer. legends, fairy tale character, the icon of pop culture, the brilliant singer and composer was no more. There was just a dead person who was remembered with sincere sadness, like any other dead person.

The musical part of the funeral ceremony was opened by Mariah Carey and Trey Lorenz, who performed Michael Jackson's "I'll Be There". Also on stage were Lionel Richie on "Jesus is Love", Stevie Wonder on "Never Dreamed You'd Leave in Summer", Jennifer Hudson on a version of Jackson's "Will You Be There", and Usher on "Gone Too Soon". ". The brother of the deceased - Jermaine Jackson - sang "Smile" - the favorite song of the "King of Pop". At the end of the mourning ceremony, members of the Jackson family and guests together performed one of the most famous compositions late singer - "Heal the World". Also on stage at the Staples Center were the son of famed black rights activist Martin Luther King III, actress Brooke Shields and Motown Records founder Berry Gordy. The Reverend El Sherpton received applause from the audience when he said to the Jackson children, “There was nothing strange about your father. It was strange what your father faced." Jackson's 11-year-old daughter - Paris Katherine - said with tears: "From the moment I was born, daddy has been the best father, which you can only imagine ... I just wanted to say that I love him so much!

At the arena itself, in addition to sports and show business stars, as well as friends of the Jackson family, more than 17 thousand fans of the singer were present. Free tickets for the funeral ceremony were distributed randomly among the applications left on a special website. 1.6 million people left applications for tickets, and 8,750 people received invitations to the ceremony for two people. Ensuring security and law and order during its implementation cost the budget of Los Angeles in the amount of 2 to 4 million dollars. The city authorities said they would fully cover all costs, but called on the singer's fans to make donations to the budget. Jackson's funeral costs are approaching an astronomical sum. However, the day before, Judge Mitchell Bekloff in Los Angeles ruled that all costs will be covered from the singer's own fortune, which increased significantly after his death due to record-breaking sales of his CDs. After the death of the singer, a real jackson mania really began in the world.

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AT civilized world there is no person who does not know who Michael Jackson is. Legendary man, singer, songwriter, dancer, choreographer, screenwriter, actor and producer, Man, with a huge good heart and incredible flight creative fantasy; philanthropist who donated huge sums of money to those in need.

Childhood and the road to fame

AT big family Joseph and Katherine Jackson had 10 children. One of the twins, Brandon, died shortly after birth. One and a half years after this tragedy, on August 29, 1958, Michael Joseph Jackson was born. All children in the family became professional musicians.

Since childhood, Michael was surrounded by the atmosphere of music, the older brothers were already working in the music industry under the guidance of their father. At the age of four, Michael began to join the stage, and from the age of six he already became a member of the family group The Jackson 5. Despite his young age, Michael was the most talented, from the first minute he delighted the audience. The group mainly worked in nightclubs.

The main breakthrough in his creative career at that time, Michael considered signing a contract with Motown Records in the late 60s. This event allowed the Jacksons to rise to the national level. Over the next decade, the group released many hot hits and occupied the first lines of the American music charts.

In spite of creative success, Michael Jackson's childhood was not cloudless. The father strictly followed not only the discipline in the family, but squeezed everything possible out of the children in the professional field. Often he was present at rehearsals with a belt, any mistake in vocal performance could end in assault. Being already an accomplished artist, Michael spoke about the humiliation of his father, about the feeling of loneliness and nightmares in childhood. I had to work hard and unquestioningly obey my father.

Striving for autonomy, independence and the realization of their own creative ideas, Michael at the same time exercised and solo projects. 1978 was one of the gifts of fate for Jackson. The singer met Quincy Jones, who became the producer of the most famous albums Michael Jackson and helped him grow into a superstar.

The "golden era" in the career of Michael Jackson was the 80s. The release of the Thriller album broke all world records and is still considered the best-selling album in the world. Taking part in Motown's 25th Anniversary Anniversary Show, Michael showed his " moonwalk”, which then became his original calling card.

Reasons for Michael Jackson's death

Despite the achievements and records, during the period of the 80s, unpleasant events occurred in the life of the king of pop music that negatively affected his health and subsequently indirectly influenced the causes of Jackson's death.

On January 27, 1984, on the set of a Pepsi commercial, a pyrotechnic incident occurred and Michael Jackson's hair caught fire, resulting in a 3rd degree scalp burn. I had to undergo plastic surgery to restore the skin and hairline. It was followed by other operations: to change the shape of the nose and chin. Due to such a load on the body, a skin disease began to develop rapidly, violating pigmentation - vitiligo.

Injuries and the frequent use of anesthesia adversely affected Jackson's health. He got severe pain in the body that haunted him all later life. He began taking painkillers, to which he later became addicted.

Coping with illnesses, Michael Jackson continued to work hard and conquer new heights of show business. But some negative events related to slander and extortion of money crippled not only the singer's health, but also created problems for his image and financial situation.

In 1993, Jackson was accused of molesting underage Jordan Chandler. Lawyers advised Michael to pay money to the father of the boy in order to litigation did not extend over many years. After receiving the amount of about $20 million, the boy refused to testify and the case was closed. After the death of the pop star, Jordan admitted that his stepfather forced him to slander Jackson because of the money.

In the spring of 2009, Michael Jackson announced the last tour, which was to take place in London. But these plans were not given to be fulfilled due to sudden death Michael Jackson.

How and when did Michael Jackson die?

On June 25, 2009, unexpected and mournful news spread around the world: in Los Angeles, at the 51st year of his life, Michael Jackson died. Later it turned out that the singer's heart stopped from an overdose of a powerful painkiller. Death was pronounced at 2:26 p.m. local time.

In the morning, Jackson's personal physician, Conrad Murray, injected the singer with Diprivan, a painkiller containing propofol. The drug is usually used in small doses during operations, if general anesthesia is needed. Michael used it as a sleeping pill. Two hours later, returning to the bedroom, the doctor saw Michael, lifeless, lying on the bed with wide open eyes and mouth. The doctor panicked, trying unsuccessfully to revive him. More than 20 minutes passed before Murray found bodyguards who called an ambulance through the 911 service. Doctors tried to resuscitate the artist on the spot and on the way to the Medical Center, where they fought for the life of Michael Jackson for another hour. But death left him no chance.

Later, the investigation found: Murray gave the singer an excessive dose of the drug that caused the death of Michael Jackson. The court sentenced Conrad Murray to four years in prison for manslaughter. Due to forensic investigations and disagreements within the family over the place of burial, the funeral ceremony took place 70 days after the death of the pop star at Glendale Forest Lawn Cemetery near Los Angeles.

The phenomenon of Michael Jackson cannot be understood with a rational mind, there is something cosmic, unearthly in it. There is - because, despite the physical death, the spirit of Michael Jackson is present on Earth. He lives in songs, videos, numerous TV programs and in the hearts of all the fans, many of whom still cannot believe that Michael is gone forever. Thanks to Michael Jackson, our world has become kinder and brighter.

Michael Jackson was born in the American town of Gary, in a large family of nine children. As a child, he performed with his brothers in the Jackson 5, created by his father. Even then, the boy drew attention to himself with a peculiar manner of singing and unusual dance movements.

In 1978, Michael was offered to star in the film adaptation of the popular children's book The Wizard of Oz. During filming, Michael Jackson met music director Quincy Jones, who saw young singer great talent and became his producer. A year later, Michael Jackson's first solo album, Off the Wall, was released, selling more than 20 million copies.

Singer's Star Trek

In 1982, another record, Thriller, saw the light, which turned out to be “revolutionary” in the world of show business. The way Michael Jackson sang, no one has ever sung popular artists. A video clip was shot for the album's main song of the same name, which is believed to have marked the beginning of active development music video. Seven songs from this album turned into super hits, and the disc itself got into the Guinness Book of Records as “the best-selling album in the world.”

The peak of Jackson's popularity came in the mid-1980s. At one of the concerts in 1983, Michael Jackson walked for the first time with his famous "moonwalk". In 1984 he was awarded eight times grammy awards. Until 1992, the singer released two more records - Bad and Dangerous - which gave the world such super hits as The Way You Make Me Feel, Man in the Mirror, Black or White, Remember the Time, Will You Be There.

In ten years after 1993, three more records of the singer were released. This is a double album HIStory: Past, Present and Future - Book I, then Invincible, and Number Ones. In 2009, the king of pop promised to release a new disc, but never had time to do it.

Cause of Michael Jackson's death

Michael Jackson died on June 25, 2009 as a result of an overdose of propofol administered to him by physician Conrad Murray. The doctor was later formally charged with manslaughter musician.

Michael Jackson's personal life

Michael Jackson has been married twice. The first time was on Elvis Presley's daughter, Lisa Marie Presley. The marriage did not last long, from 1994 to 1996, but the stars remained friends. In 1996, Michael Jackson married former nurse Debbie Rowe. For three years of marriage, they had two children: a son, Prince Michael Joseph Jackson Sr., and a daughter, Paris-Michael Katherine Jackson. Jackson's third child, Prince Michael Jackson II, was born via a surrogate mother.

Throughout his life, Michael Jackson has experienced many plastic surgeries, some of which he had to do because of a rare genetic disease - vitiligo. Jackson's skin began to lighten from the 80s. The singer denied that he intentionally wants to change his skin color: "I'm African American and I'm proud of it."

Jackson's health was undermined not only by frequent illnesses and operations. Michael Jackson was tried twice on charges of child molestation, in 1993 and 2003. In the first case, Michael Jackson paid the child's parents $22 million, after which they withdrew the application. As a result of the second process, Jackson was fully acquitted, but the services of the best lawyers led the performer to bankruptcy. By this time, Michael Jackson could no longer do without painkillers and sedatives.

Photo by Michael Jackson: Rex Features/Fotobank.ru

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