Dr. House appreciated the Russian "Interns. Interns and Clinic or Doctor House vs


Nothing foreshadowed Dr. Bykov ( Ivan Okhlobystin) a bad working day, when the head physician Kisegach ( Svetlana Kamynina) entrusted him, as the head of the therapeutic department, with patronage of the interns who arrived at the hospital for practice. The ironic misanthrope Bykov, of course, is not at all happy that this yellow-mouthed four fell on his head: the virgin botanist Boris Levin ( Dmitry Sharakois), the blue-eyed idealist Varvara Chernous ( Christine Asmus), rustic as a closet Semyon Lobanov ( Alexander Ilyin) and who turned out to be the son of the head physician, the boy-major Gleb Romanenko ( Ilya Glinnikov). Young and ambitious, they still know little and therefore often find themselves in idiotic situations. Bykov enjoys watching the failures of the interns, and sometimes himself, along with an old friend, a venereologist Kupitman ( Vadim Demchog), teases young people, forcing them to learn from their own mistakes. The creators of "Interns" promise that by the 60th episode - while there are just so many planned - the main characters, not without the help of Dr. Bykov, will become excellent doctors themselves.

Young interns go through a school of life in a hospital under the supervision of a misanthropic doctor - does it remind you of anything? That's it. Therefore, when it became known that TNT was launching Interns, many decided that the series would be a copy of Scrubs, the cult American youth sitcom, the characters of which were once introduced to us by the MTV-Russia channel. At least, this could be expected, given that other popular projects of the TNT channel - “Our Russia” and “Happy Together” - are, to one degree or another, successful adaptations of hit songs. foreign shows(English Little Britain and American Married ... with Children, respectively).
However, medicine and the humor associated with it, as you know, is such a thin sphere that it’s definitely better for localizers not to meddle in it. Even if we want to do well, we still get shame, disgrace and antics. Transplant to Russian soil "Clinic"- the same pointless exercise as the adaptation that scared everyone some time ago "Doctor House" with Mikhail Porechenkov as Hugh Laurie. It seems to be the same garbage, only in profile, but still - like fake Christmas decorations from famous joke. Not happy. However, the first episodes of "Interns", shown to journalists a week before the broadcast, speak for themselves.

Firstly, this is not “ Clinic“. Screenwriter Vyacheslav Dusmukhametov, director Maxim Pezhemsky and producer Semyon Slepakov know that in domestic medicine there is a lot of funny and without regard to Foreign experience. The attitude of doctors towards interns is familiar to the creators of the series firsthand: many of them have a medical education and their own experience of communicating with doctors.

Secondly, this is a really funny series. The humor of the "Interns", sometimes black, leaves a favorable impression. Even the most cynical jokes still seem kind. Perhaps the key to a bright start in the series is the presence in the frame of Ivan Okhlobystin, who himself glows from the inside, although Patriarch Kirill removed him, as you know, from the priesthood. The third conclusion after watching the first episodes is this: “Interns” does not look like a standard Russian sitcom. And not even because they shoot it on a Red One digital video camera, which allows you to make a picture close in quality to film. The main thing is that in “Interns” there is no behind-the-scenes laughter, which is fed up with everyone, and the actors do not behave as if they were told “Play the fools, and we will figure it out during the editing”. This series is a pleasure to watch, and I really want it to set a certain bar for the sitcoms that will appear on Russian television in future. No one should be ashamed of them.

Banderlog tamer and subtle soul: Meet Dr. Bykov!

A person dedicated to medicine. Definitely has a sense of humor. Bad character. Not married.

No, this is not Dr. Livesey from Treasure Island. This Dr. Bykov from the series "Interns".

Whether he has a bad character is still a moot point. It seems that, apart from interns-slobs, so few people think so. Remember how Lyuba cried when Andrei Evgenievich "died" in episode 12! With what joy, despite a heavy hangover, Dr. Kupitman greets Bykov in the morning! And, finally, as it again seems to him "in last time» the inexorable heart of the head physician Kisegach.

And only four young loafers and swindlers exhaust Bykov's nerves day after day. They administer the wrong drugs to patients, prescribe the wrong tests, sleep in the staff room and drink in the back room, bring cognac to patients and bring them to the ward lung girls behavior. Well, what do they hope to hear after that in their address? “Banderlogs!”, “Stuffed fools!”, “Doctor Barbarian!”, “Everyone - on night duty!”.

When the series was just beginning, the audience was ready to place bets: how will it end - will the interns become full-fledged specialists or will Dr. Bykov go crazy before? But now it is already clear that this nut is too tough for them - the "tyrant and despot" decided to make them doctors at all costs. It's just scary for the patients, but let's hope that everything will work out.

Ungrateful interns see only cynicism and misanthropy, but few people notice the subtle and sensitive soul of Dr. Bykov. What is even the "tame" plant Igor worth, which (or which?) So easily sent to the other world by the soulless Levin? Or friendship with Kupitman, which was once misinterpreted by idle Lyuba? And most importantly - indifference to patients. It is this that causes Bykov to shudder at the mere thought that in a year and a half these “banderlogs” will have full right heal people. And his mission is to fix everything.

Semyon Lobanov (Alexander Ilyin)

I came into medicine because it happened. Served in the army. Works on an ambulance, all the time does not get enough sleep. Simple guy. Married. He never has any money, so he borrows money from colleagues all the time and shoots cigarettes. Constantly gets involved in some dubious enterprises. Science is not given to him. As soon as he picks up a textbook, he falls asleep.

He acted in films and TV series: "Playing a victim", "Little things in life", "Schizophrenia", "Simple Truths", "Cadets", "Your Honor", "Ostrog". “The Case of Fyodor Sechenov”, “Stronger than Fire”, “Ivan the Terrible and Metropolitan Philip”, “Not a Step Back”, “Wild Field”, “The Cranes Will Scream”.

Boris Levin (Dmitry Sharakois)

I came to medicine because all my relatives are doctors. Typical nerd with glasses. From the sight of blood can faint. The most painful and impressionable. He knows Latin very well. True, except for Bykov in Latin, he has no one to talk to. Levin is the most educated of the interns. Dreams of becoming a great scientist and getting Nobel Prize. He is afraid of women and idolizes (because he never had them), but in the hospital he is quickly treated for this.

He starred in films and TV shows: “Nobody Knows About Sex”, “9th Company”, “Love and Colors”, “Opera. Chronicles of the Homicide Department", "Mayonnaise", "Kidnapping of the Goddess", "Prodigal Children", "Squad", " new earth”, “School No. 1”, “Treasure”, “Life by surprise”, “Cliff”, “Artist”, “On a low frequency”, “Last confession”, “My fair nanny”.

Varya Chernous (Kristina Asmus)

A girl with ideals. Clean, honest, kind. I came to medicine not for the sake of money, but to save human lives. Does not tolerate any injustice. He believes that love should be one and for life. Varya initially rejects courtship of Romanenko, but then she will like it.

The only sitcom actress to have a double debut - in film and in medicine.

Vari's relationship with Gleb Romanenko- This is a separate issue altogether. Why did she reject his advances so harshly from the start? Well, yes - he is a lazy, spoiled son of the head physician, a major boy who has only cool parties and other nonsense in his mind ... but it’s hard to deny that Varya still likes him. So what's the deal? In one of the interviews, Kristina Asmus said that her heroine does not have a father, but there is a strict mother who always inspired her: men are not something worth bothering with. This fact answers all questions. And yet it's amazing how the frivolous Romanenko manages to significantly shake Varya's convictions over the course of 14 episodes and blow away all her mother's many years of work? The answer suggests itself - such a miracle is done by love. And although in the full sense of the word it is not yet necessary to talk about her, her spring breath is already bringing new colors and moods to the series ...

Gleb Romanenko (Ilya Glinnikov)

The son of the head physician Anastasia Kisegach. He took the name of his father, with whom Kisegach is divorced. Naturally, he got into the internship of the hospital by pull. Because he has no outstanding medical talents. But he is party, sociable, likes women and likes to play comrades. He does not count money, for which he bears the proud title of major. He likes to be in the center of attention and does not like to endure ducks for his patients. He treats girls like a consumer, but after a few episodes he will find a scythe on a stone.

He starred in the movie "First Love".

Ivan Kupitman (Vadim Demchog)

An old friend of Bykov since his institute days. Thanks to his specialization, he collected a good collection of cognac in his office and periodically ruins it together with Bykov. good doctor, everyday philosopher, drinks a lot. Not averse to playing a trick on the interns, which sometimes leads to unpredictable consequences.

He acted in films: "Secrets of Love", "Challenge", "Four Ages of Love", "Counterfeiters", "Worm", "Golden Calf".

Someone thinks that House, although cool, is too difficult to understand and unnecessarily depressing. Others criticize Bykov for hysteria, drunkenness, sophisticated bullying of his subordinates - interns, reports Tochka.net.

Of course, "Interns" took a lot from the American series "Doctor House" and "Clinic". The Russian series even has a whole series - the 35th, filled with allusions to House, where Bykov either twists his leg or tosses a tennis ball.

And yet let's compare the two legendary doctors. If only because Dr. Bykov, performed by Ivan Okhlobystin, has gained popularity among our viewers today comparable to the recognition of the hero Hugh Laurie.

Determine who is tougher for you. We will compare Andrey Bykov with Gregory House in five ways. First of all, let's try to evaluate the intelligence and coherence of the team of two doctors, and then - the professionalism of the doctors themselves. We will also consider the characters of these heroes, their success in their personal lives and, finally, the health of each of them.

Dr. Gregory House has the most promising talents at Princeton-Plainsboro on his team. Young doctors Cameron, Chase, Foreman, Hadley. Kutner and Taub, assisted by House, provide clues to patient health problems in the most difficult situations.

Dr. Bykov's team is just a festival of misfortunes. Semyon Lobanov constantly gets into ridiculous situations, a heavy smoker and a drinker. Gleb Romanenko is a major and a party-goer who got into medicine "by pull". Varvara Chernous is too timid and indecisive, Phil is devoid of a sense of humor, ingenuity, Boris Levin is lost in difficult situations.

According to this parameter, Dr. House wins by a wide margin.


Professionally, Dr. House is definitely head and shoulders above Dr. Bykov, even considering that Russian series- comedic.

House just burns at his job. The puzzles he unravels overshadows all his other life affairs and problems.

American doctor - definitely better.


The writers of the two series endowed the main characters with unbearable characters. House is constantly harsh, rude and quarrelsome. Bykov is also that hysterical troll.

For this setting - eternal peace and equality.

Personal life

It would seem that both characters are equally unhappy. Both House and Bykov have affairs with their bosses. Both - with varying degrees of success.

But House is at risk of growing old alone, while Bykov has a daughter and outperforms his American colleague in this parameter.


Dr. House is limping, the result of a right quadriceps infarction and surgery. He does not cope well with constant pain in his leg - only the drug Vicodin saves, on which Gregory sits tightly, like a drug addict. House at the same time is not seen behind frequent use alcohol.

Andrey Bykov, on the contrary, constantly drinks "trophy" cognac with his friend Kupitman, a venereologist. And yet the Russian doctor moves around the clinic very cheerfully. That's why he wins this mini-battle.

Battle results

The final count leads us to a draw. We offer you to judge the dispute between two heroes!

Undoubtedly, everyone who watched the series "Dr. House" and then "Interns" noticed that they have some similarities. The performer of the role of Dr. House even watched one episode of "Interns" - a similar Russian series, where in leading role the cynical and extraordinary doctor Bykhov, the head of the therapeutic department, spoke.

The audience was often interested in what if Hugh Laurie and the famous Russian doctor Bykov, played by Ivan Okhlobystin, were given free rein on the same site, these scenes would probably become memorable for viewers and for the actors themselves.

Colleagues Hugh Laurie and Ivan Okhlobystin

Hugh Laurie said on his blog that he did watch one of the series of interns. More precisely, he noted that the producer gave him to watch this series, and he watched without translation. He appreciated his Russian "colleagues", and also singled out the interns themselves, who endure the constant mockery of Bykov himself and his gynecologist friend. All in all, he loved the series.

Therefore, the performer of the role of a cynical doctor even shared his impressions of what he saw, and they were only positive. As for the other actors of "Doctor House", they also liked the Russian television series. Okhlobystin is flattered that he was compared with House, whom he considers a real masterpiece, a legend, and he also made frank confession that he himself is not averse to having such an easy friend. And of course, as Ivan Okhlobystin noted, everyone secretly just dreams of a misanthropic friend who is not burdened by anything and behaves like a free person who does not owe anything to anyone.

Similarities in both series

In the series Interns, the similarities of the series were played up, and this happened ambiguously. Anastasia Kisegach forbade the Bykovs to play Doctor House, after which Bykov masterfully parodied the protagonist of the American television series. At the same time, Bykov used a cane and, of course, the rest of House's habits. Levin in one of the episodes goes on an internship at the Princeton-Placeboro clinic, where Dr. House works. In the intern's room of the therapeutic department, there was a board on which numerous symptoms were written, the meaning of which was not even related to each other, and the interns - Lobanov and Romanenko - offered all kinds of diagnoses, for example, Lupus, and the phrase "Everyone is lying" was also heard. In the middle of the series, it is unambiguously shown that the very idea of ​​"Doctor House" belongs to Bykov.

"Interns" "Doctor House"

Attention! The entire text below is written solely for the sake of rating and satisfying my desire to impose my point of view on others. I recommend not to read, not to comment and not to quote!

I have been watching the series "Interns" for a long time and with pleasure. I usually try to distance myself from Russian cinema"and serial" products ", but here, what is called" got involved ". Pretty good (in my opinion) series. I especially liked the 4th season so far (from 61 to 80 episodes, the “season” in this series is 20 episodes).

I will not talk about the originality of the idea of ​​the series. Only the constant desire of domestic comedians to “drunk” or “stone” their heroes and show how much fun it is is upsetting. But absolutely everyone suffers from this: from Gaidai and Ryazanov to Alexander Rogozhkin and the I Quartet. "Interns" "proudly continue" this tradition.

But today I want to talk not about the charms and joys of sex in zero gravity, the advantages and disadvantages of the Interns series. I want to talk about what I wrote in the title.

From the first season, I was perplexed when they said that the creators of Interns took the idea of ​​the popular American TV series House MD (or House M.D.). Let's find common ground in both series.

1. Series about doctors (yeah, and also - on planet Earth, in the Northern Hemisphere!).
2. It takes place in a hospital (well, yes, where else is the doctor? not in the police station?).
3. The head "doctor" has a complicated love-service relationship with the head doctor of the hospital (yes! for the first time on the screen - love affair at work subordinate with the boss!).
4. The main "doctor" has a "friend" who is involved in the plot (well, yes. usually in the series, the main characters have no friends.).
5. The main "doctor" has subordinates, over whom he scoffs. (super! the boss who mocks his subordinates! really! how original! The devil wears Prada and smokes nervously!).

What is called "there is a resemblance". This is where the list of similarities ends. You read about it and you begin to understand that people just don’t watch TV shows. It seems that before the "Dr. House" in the United States they did not shoot TV shows about doctors. Never ever. Oh really! And what about the famous Ambulance” (“ER”), which opened George Clooney to big cinema, for example?

What about Season 7 of Grey's Anatomy? By the way, the Interns have much more similarities with the latter. Don't believe! See for yourself.
1. A series about doctors.
2. It takes place in a hospital.
3. The main characters are interns.
4. The interns have a "boss" who scoffs at them in every possible way.
5. One of the interns (actually, the same Grace) has personal connections with the head physician of the hospital.
6. Interns (and doctors) are constantly drinking at the bar.
7. Many live in the same house.
8. Many scenes are filmed in an elevator.
9. Many family lines (Derek + ex-wife+ friend, former lover wives; Grace sisters, their father and
mothers, etc.).
10. One of the original hero interns goes missing from the show.

Already 2 times more in common than with "Doctor House". And if one of the "Interns" "suddenly" becomes gay or lesbian... (Sorry, the message was written before watching episode 106 of the series! I didn’t know and didn’t even guess!)

It could have continued. But I don't see the point. If people "know" that "Interns" is "the Russian version of "House MD", then the only thing left to decide is where did the idea of ​​"Doctor Tyrsa" come from?

Rate two similar characters to determine which of them is more loved by Ukrainian viewers!

© kinopoisk.ru

Editorial website V Once again almost got into a fight over an argument about the coolness of two very similar characters.

Yesterday, not all of our employees agreed that Dr. House from the series of the same name is still cooler than his colleague Dr. Andrey Bykov from.

Someone thinks that House, although cool, is too difficult to understand Ukrainian audience and overly depressed.

Others criticize Bykov for hysteria, drunkenness, sophisticated bullying of his subordinates - interns.

Of course, "Interns" took a lot from the American TV series and "Clinic". The Russian series even has a whole series - the 35th, filled with allusions to House, where Bykov either twists his leg or tosses a tennis ball.

And yet we ventured to compare the two legendary doctors. If only because Dr. Bykov, performed today by our viewers, has gained popularity comparable to the recognition of the hero.

Determine who is tougher for you. We will compare Andrey Bykov with Gregory House in five ways. First of all, let's try to evaluate the intelligence and coherence of the team of two doctors, and then - the professionalism of the doctors themselves. We will also consider the characters of these heroes, their success in their personal lives and, finally, the health of each of them.


Dr. Gregory House has the most promising talents at Princeton-Plainsboro on his team. Young doctors Cameron, Chase, Foreman, Hadley. Kutner and Taub, assisted by House, provide clues to patient health problems in the most difficult situations.

Dr. Bykov's team is just a festival of misfortunes. Semyon Lobanov constantly gets into ridiculous situations, a heavy smoker and a drinker. Gleb Romanenko is a major and a party-goer who got into medicine "by pull". Varvara Chernous is too timid and indecisive, Phil is devoid of a sense of humor, ingenuity, Boris Levin is lost in difficult situations.

According to this parameter, Dr. House wins by a wide margin.


In professional terms, Dr. House is definitely a cut above Dr. Bykov, even if you consider that the Russian series is a comedy.

House just burns at his job. The puzzles he unravels overshadows all his other life affairs and problems.

American doctor - definitely better.


The writers of the two series endowed with unbearable characters. House is constantly harsh, rude and quarrelsome. Bykov is also that hysterical troll.

According to this parameter - eternal peace and equality.

Personal life

It would seem that both characters are equally unhappy. Both House and Bykov have affairs with their bosses. Both - with varying degrees of success.

But House is at risk of growing old alone, while Bykov has a daughter and outperforms his American colleague in this parameter.


Dr. House is limping, the result of a right quadriceps infarction and surgery. He does not cope well with constant pain in his leg - only the drug Vicodin saves, on which Gregory sits tightly, like a drug addict. House at the same time is not seen for frequent drinking.

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