Essay on the topic a penny saves a ruble. Composition on the topic A penny saves a ruble


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Every person, at least once, tried to save money for certain needs, but this did not always work out. This is not surprising, because the process of accumulating money is fraught with many difficulties. To learn how to save money correctly, you need to follow certain principles, and then you will definitely be able to achieve desired result.

Of course, it is clear that money is never superfluous, and it is very difficult to save a certain amount, given the constant rise in prices. However, everything is possible if a person pursues the goal of achieving what he wants no matter what.

Remember the golden words: a penny saves a ruble.

Before you start saving money, you need to ask yourself why you need it, analyze your expenses and income, taking into account your budget for the month. Find out what is a must-have purchase and what can be skipped.

At least 10% of your salary should be set aside every month. It is this amount that will not change your lifestyle and will not create a feeling of lack of money.

You can keep the money you save in a banal piggy bank.
If you understand that you will not be able to withstand the accumulation process, then the most successful will be a deposit account, from which you can withdraw money only in full with a loss of interest. This option will save you from temptation. There are also certain deposits that are replenished automatically according to the scheme. The agreed amount is transferred from the current account to the deposit.

The process of saving money eventually becomes a habit and even begins to give pleasure.

How to quickly save money

To accumulate a decent amount as quickly as possible, you must first of all give up spending that you can do without, for example, entertainment and expensive clothes. If the accumulation process promises to be long, then in this case you need to make small indulgences in saving money, but still adhere to the principle of minimizing costs.

A person should also understand that if the difference between his living wage and the budget is not enough to achieve the goal, then you should think about an additional source of income, while finding at least a small part-time job. You can start doing something that you have been thinking about for a long time. Money from additional part-time work will go to the piggy bank.

How to smartly reduce your expenses

In order to analyze your expenses and put them in order, you need to start doing bookkeeping after receiving your salary. Entries can be made either in a notebook or in a special computer program, or program on mobile phone. They should be as detailed as possible. You need to count absolutely everything, up to buying a pack of ice cream or cigarettes, replenishing your phone account. This will help you understand where your money is going. If at the end of the billing period the amount of expenses exceeded income, you need to worry.

It is important to stick to the main items of your expenses and avoid unplanned purchases, because when a person sees discounts or promotions, it confuses him. You can check the boxes next to those things that you can completely do without, and in this way you will see how unnecessary your expenses can be.

The saying “A penny saves a ruble” emphasizes the need to be frugal. Thrift is very important in life. You need to spend less than you earn and save some for the future. We need to learn how to spend money wisely and make sure that spending does not exceed income.

In life, you need to be restrained and patient in order to properly plan your spending. Saving is the way to success. The money you save can come in handy hard times, for example, when some health problems suddenly arise. This money can also be invested somewhere, thereby increasing the initially set aside amount. That is why they say that a saved ruble is a earned ruble. After all, saving is money.

We can invest our money different ways- buy shares, receive a share in investment funds, or you can think of profitable idea and start your own business.

Only by assuming responsibility to the greatest extent possible can one be free, and only free man can make responsible choices between right and wrong, saving and spending, giving and receiving. — Paul Ryan

Today we see that the prices of land and gold are increasing significantly, and they are much higher than the prices of other commodities. Thus, by investing in gold or real estate, we will double our money within a few years.

We can also double our money by learning to control our spending. The art of frugality must be learned, and by doing so, we can earn more in our lives by investing our savings in the future. Let's be responsible people, not throwing money away right and left, especially not spending it on exorbitantly expensive things that are not so necessary in our lives.

Let's spend money only on essentials and save the rest. Then we can use the savings as capital, and start our own business or finance companies that can bring more profit in the future, and from this profit we can buy the things that we want to have.

There are many ways to start controlling your spending. For example, you can make a list of things that you need to buy before going to the market. So you don't buy anything extra. You can stop visiting shopping centers where shopping is expensive and unprofitable.

Savings can be anything. You can start by saving on electricity and telephone conversations. Those are just two things you can save a lot on. In the case of electricity, the main thing is that everyone be vigilant and turn off the lights, fans and other electrical appliances immediately after using them. You can, for example, install solar-powered lights. Similarly, in the case of a telephone, you can save money by buying affordable models and talking less on the phone.

Thus, we see that the saying “A penny saves a ruble” still works in the twenty-first century. Savings not only provide an advantage, but also help in saving environment by preventing losses and contributes to the economic growth of the country.

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