Are there secrets in Russian folk tales? "Ryaba Hen. “Hen Ryaba is a fairy tale with a hint? (science and entertainment magazine)


I have long been interested in the meaning of the fairy tale "Ryaba the Hen", but it turns out to be ...

Famous children's story:

Once upon a time there were Grandfather and Baba. And they had a Ryaba Hen. The hen laid an egg. Yes, not simple, but golden. Grandfather beat-beat - did not break. Baba beat-beat - did not break. The mouse ran, waved its tail - the testicle fell and broke. Grandfather cries, Baba cries, and the Hen cackles: "Don't cry, Grandfather, don't cry, Baba. I'll lay you another egg - not golden, but simple."

Familiar story?

Now let's check ourselves:

- Grandfather and Baba wanted to break an egg?

- If you wanted to, then why did you cry when it crashed?

- Why didn't Grandfather and Baba pawn the shells in a pawnshop if they are gold?

What was in the testicle when it broke?

- How often did you think about the situation of a fairy tale when you told it to a child?

- Why do you tell certain fairy tales if they are always full of contradictions?

- What do you expect from reading this fairy tale?

Moral: often, when communicating with a child, we do not think about what we are really doing. And then we wonder why he grows up like this when we raised him in a completely different way. You have to be especially careful with fairy tales. There is not a single fairy tale that does not carry an extremely POWERFUL psychological meaning (most often in a fairy tale there is not even one "second bottom", but three or four). Moreover, the information embedded in fairy tales carries messages that have much greater influence than all the words spoken directly to the child. Why do you think there is even such a direction in psychology as fairy tale therapy? Precisely because a fairy tale is capable of exerting a colossal influence on the development, attitudes and worldview of a child. Are you familiar with the meaning and "message" of those fairy tales that you tell your child?

" So, about Ryaba.

A fairy tale is always a metaphorical model of the Cosmos (not the Cosmos in literally, but in the sense of Life, the Universe). It carries knowledge about how the world works and how one should behave in it - again in a metaphorical form.

Let's move on to Ryaba's analysis.

Grandfather and Baba - model family relations, but not with information about the relationship of the sexes (then there would be a young family), but with information about All People Living Together. They have some resources, experience, knowledge. In particular, they have chicken. They quite expect predictable actions from her: she must lay eggs. But suddenly the chicken lays not a simple egg, but a golden one. What does this mean? First, life itself decides when and what surprises to present to us. And it does not depend on status, or on superstitions, or on a person. There is a place for accidents in life. The Golden Egg is here as a chance, as an opportunity, as an Event. But the old people, being timid, THE FIRST THING TRYING TO DO WITH THE UNKNOWN IS TO DESTROY. Because the new is always scary. (After all, one could lay an egg and see what hatches from it, for example). And then there is the Mouse. Very often in fairy tales, the mouse symbolizes Chance, the Hand of God, Fate. The mouse takes away from the old people (All People) what they do not know how to use. Therefore, Grandfather and Baba begin to cry.

But what does Life say to them? Do not cry - well, you missed the Chance now, (golden egg), but I will lay down a simple one for you (that is, even though you are not ready for the new now, the resources that you had have not gone away, the end of the world with the loss of a chance did not come).

Among other things, in the original version of this tale there is a continuation in which it is reported that when one - fifth - tenth relatives heard this story, someone unexpectedly broke the tub, spilled water, and so on. This suggests that the events of one person affect the entire environment.

And now let's summarize: how much information ABOUT LIFE is hidden in five lines of the fairy tale? And I just did a superficial analysis, according to the main scenario. And with a thorough one, three or four more topics are usually distinguished ... "

Do you have an opinion about this tale?

From the comments:
"Psychoanalysis of Ryaba". Here is a children's tale about Ryaba, about a mouse, a grandfather, an egg, a woman. At first glance, sheer nonsense, but what would Sigmund Freud say. My grandfather had egg necrosis, oblique hernia and phimosis. And the grandmother was tormented by desire, she wanted sex in the subconscious. And Grandma Ryaba asked: "Understand me like a woman is a woman. So that my grandfather climbs to me at night, lay down his prosthesis eggs. Made of silicone so that, like a pear, otherwise you will go on Bush's legs!" With a prosthesis, Ryaba was smart, she gave birth to an egg from gold. In short, complete garbage: grandfather walks with eggs ringing! A mouse looked out of the mink: "Why are you walking around and ringing?" And so that this ringing died out, she whipped her tail between her legs. The grandfather and grandmother curse the mouse - an infection that deprived them of sex right away. We learned the moral together: MEN SHOULD PROTECT EGGS!
This tale is not as simple and primitive as it sometimes seems to adults. It really reflects the model of the universe. Over the years and since the tale was told to very young, illiterate grandmothers thought that the EGG is a diminutive of the EGG. Initially, the Hen laid an EGG! And the size has nothing to do with it, and an ostrich egg, and a quail egg too. TESTICULARS are the property of males, that is, males. What children allegedly do not understand is not entirely true; through fairy tales, a child receives information on an unconscious level about his family, about his people, about his homeland, etc. at the archetypal level.

Russian fairy tale "Kurochka Ryaba" - space calendar
Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences V.N. Toporov refers the plot of the Russian folk tale "Ryaba the Hen", in which the beginning of the world is represented in the form of an egg, to the most ancient mythological and astronomical religious Russian tradition.

To properly understand the depth storyline, laid down by the millennia-old wisdom of the Russian people in this fairy tale, let's consider its key terms.

The term "star-" in the words "old man" and "old woman" - in Russian means the antiquity of events, equal to the cosmic - stellar. Therefore star - letters. old, that is, "star". The suffixes -ik and -uha denote males and females, respectively.

The term "Chicken" is an ornithomorphic incarnation of the goddess Makoshi, who personifies the Universe and Time and exercises power over them.

The term “Ryaba” is formed using the suffix -b(a) “of nouns denoting the process of movement (request, threshing, friendship, marriage, wedding, etc.), but in Old Russian there were much more of these words, and they were formed mainly from nouns. This also includes the word "fate", denoting one of the spheres controlled by the goddess Makosh. Fate - from judging + -ba; cf. Russian last fate will judge. And the first part of the word "Ryaba" comes from the ancient Russian verb "ryat" (ryat, ryat), denoting plurality, abundance, brightness. Compare Russian. clear “jewelry, necklace”, cassock “thick, hanging in thick clusters”, cassock “row, low, necklace thread, beads”, cassock-dressed “visibly-invisibly”, the stars look at the allowance, clearly and clearly. Thus, Ryaba is the cosmos, twinkling and rippling with many of its stars. And the full name Kurochka Ryaba stands for "cosmos-Makosh, twinkling with many stars."

The egg is extremely common and well-known symbol world - its beginning and end.

The term "mouse" is an ancient sacred term. It has been known in almost all nations since time immemorial. As evidenced by the immutability of the word "mouse": Ukr. Mish, Bulgarian Mish, Serbohorv. Mish, Slovenian mm, genus. n. mni, Czech, Slav. mu, Polish. mysz, v. puddles, n. puddles mu. Indo-European stem into a consonant: OE Ind. müs- m. "mouse", new-Pers. m, Greek. m. "mouse, muscle", lat. müs, Alb. mi "mouse", D.H.S. mys - the same, arm. mukn "mouse, muscle"; other ind. mösati, musati, musnäti “steals”.

From "mouse" the name of the Milky Way is derived - Mouse Trail. According to popular belief, Milky Way- this, like a rainbow, is the road along which the soul goes to the next world. Wed lit. Paõkciu kñlias, Paõkciu tgkas "milky way", lit. “Bird road, path”, Nzh.-German. kaurat - the same, in fact, "cow path". Linguist Trubachev, commenting on M. Fasmer's dictionary, adds that “most likely, this is one of the oldest Indo-European taboo names of animals - *mьs, in fact,“ gray ”, - akin to words fly, moss.

According to ancient Russian legends, the Milky Way was formed by milk flowing from the nipples of the Cow Zemun (Makoshi) and the Goat Sedun (Satan). Makosh generally has three of its dimensions: the first is Makosh herself, as a judge, as the ruler of eternity and the universe, space and time. The second is Makosh, equal to Living Water, Alive, Share, Srecha. The third is Makosh, equal to Dead Water, Mara, Nedolya, Nesrecha. In general, Makosh's influence on the world is as follows: within Mokosh-eternity, Makosh-Zhiva gives birth to the world anew, and after the cycle of life, Makosh-Mara takes the world into the bosom of death.

The last essence of Mokosh - death - is the MOUSE. And the tail, with which the mouse waved and broke the egg, is the end of the period (code, era, etc.).

From what has been said, the meaning of the cosmic Russian fairy tale is also visible, which in simple terms can be conveyed as follows: both the birth of the world and its death are in the power of Mokosh; the souls of the Russians, who have joined the stars, are also in the power of Mokosh and can receive a new incarnation from her - in the form of a simple egg, that is, earthly life.
Here is a simple story for you!

Timergalina Aigul Yamilovna
Job title: primary school teacher
Educational institution: MBOU secondary school No. 1 s.Askino
Locality: Republic of Belarus, Askinsky district, Askino village
Material name: Methodical development
Subject: Theatrical performance of the fairy tale "Ryaba the Hen in a new way"
Publication date: 14.02.2018
Chapter: elementary education

theatrical performance

Leading:- Hello, children, dear colleagues, guests! We are happy to see you again

You! Each of us loves fairy tales: you are children and even we are adults.

Leading. Today we will talk about a fairy tale. For us it has long been

habitual existence of cars, planes, spaceships. wanted

travel to the end of the world - turn on the TV and landscapes will appear on the screen

Africa, Amazon jungle, polar bear on the ice. People have created more wonders

than fairy tale characters.

But why is the fairy tale still so sweet and dear? Why so far

write stories? The fact is that all adults were once children, and children

must tell stories. And whatever we invent, wherever it takes us

fate, the fairy tale will remain with us. A fairy tale was born with a man, and as long as a man is alive,

the fairy tale will live on. She is a firefly at bedtime in the cradle and for the little one who

listens, and for the old one who speaks.

Today you guys have to meet with a fairy tale again.

Let's open the veil,

And in front of us for a moment

Spread the branches of a wonderful forest.

We, delaying a little excitement,

Let's enter the world of fairy tales and miracles.

Miracles await us in this hall today.

(A melody sounds and Baba Yaga appears)

Baba Yaga

Watch out! Disperse!

ATV, stop!

What kind of congregation do you have

In the unseasonable winter hour?

Hello little ones!

Hello sweeties!

Did you recognize me?

Yes, I am Grandmother Yaga! I am 300 years old

I'm evil and harmful

Leading: Grandmother is a yaga, and indeed you are not evil and not harmful. Help us to a fairy tale

Baba Yaga: Oh, you want a fairy tale?

Look what? But guess my riddles and then I'll think.

(Baba Yaga makes riddles)

1. Waiting for mom with milk,

And they let the wolf into the house ...

Who were these

Little children? (seven kids)

2. She was an artist

Beautiful like a star

From evil Karabas

She ran away forever. (Malvina)

3. That's quite easy,

Short question:

Who put it in the ink

wooden nose? (Pinocchio)

4. The man is not young

Here with such a beard.

Offends Pinocchio,

Artemon and Malvina,

And in general for all people

He is a notorious villain.

Does any of you know

Who is this? (Karabas)

5. A little more than a marigold.

In a walnut bed

The girl was sleeping.

And so small

She was sweet.

Have you read such a book?

What is this baby's name? (Thumbelina)

6. Thumbelina groom blind

Lives all the time underground. (Mole)

7. I went to visit my grandmother,

She brought the pies.

The Gray Wolf followed her,

Deceived and swallowed. (Little Red Riding Hood)

8 She Was A Dwarf Girlfriend

And, of course, you know. (Snow White)

9. Evening would soon come,

And the long-awaited hour has come,

To me in a gilded carriage

Go to a fabulous ball!

No one in the palace will know

Where am I from, what is my name,

But as soon as midnight comes,

I will return to my attic. (Cinderella)

10. Grandfather and woman lived together,

They blinded a daughter from a snowball,

But the campfire is hot

Turned a girl into steam.

Grandfather and grandmother are sad.

What was their daughter's name? (Snow Maiden)

11. The red girl is sad:

She doesn't like spring

It's hard for her in the sun!

Tears are shed by the poor thing (Snow Maiden)

12. Near the forest, at the edge,

Three of them live in a hut.

There are three chairs and three mugs,

Three beds, three pillows.

Guess without a clue

Who are the heroes of this tale? (Three Bears)

13. The nose is round, patchy,

It is convenient for them to dig in the ground,

Small crochet tail

Instead of shoes - hooves.

Three of them - and to what

The brothers are friendly.

Guess without a clue

Who are the heroes of this tale? (Three piglets)

14. Treats young children,

Heals birds and animals

Looking through his glasses

Kind doctor ... (Aibolit)

15. This fairy-tale hero

With a ponytail, mustachioed,

He has a feather in his hat

All striped,

He walks on two legs

In bright red boots. (Puss in Boots)

16. It turned out to be a girl

In a flower cup

And there was that girl (Thumbelina)

17. Gobbling up rolls,

The guy rode on the stove.

Ride through the village

And married the princess (Emelya)

18. The fat man lives on the roof,

He flies above all. (Carlson)

19. As a child, everyone laughed at him,

Tried to push him away.

After all, no one knew that he

Born a white swan. (Ugly duck)

20. On a snow sleigh Queen

She flew through the winter sky.

Touched the kid, casually.

He became cold, unkind .. ... (Kai)

(The melody "Russian folk song" sounds)

Representation of the fairy tale "Ryaba the Hen in a new way"

Girls and boys

I am glad to welcome you

In this bright good hour.

So take your seats

I'll tell you a story

Once upon a time there was a woman, grandfather

In the village for many years.

As the people said

They lived, like, did not grieve.

Grandmother in the garden with a chopper

All day all the flight of the beds,

Grandfather waving oblique in the morning -

There is no boring old.

Sing ditties

Grandmother: Pour cucumbers, carrots,

tomatoes, cabbage,

If you are not lazy in the summer,

That will be delicious in winter.

Grandfather: I'll take my ax

I'll chop more firewood

And when winter comes

I'll heat up the oven.

The chicken was called Ryaba.

They loved the chicken

And fed and watered

Ryaba is doing well

Ryaba: Thank you grandfather, grandmother.

Grandfather: Eat, woman, it's not time

Haven't eaten anything since morning

the sun is high, look

Baba: my hands, go to the house

Everything is ready for me:

Porridge, cabbage soup, and pies

Pour steamed milk?

Or kvass? Look yourself.

Grandfather: we live well here

we all eat and drink.

The air is fresh, the sun is shining

well we live here!

(Chicken clucks)

Baba: Ryabushka is clucking something

Grandfather: So go and look

Baba: Grandfather, come out on the porch!

Ryaba laid an egg for us!

Grandfather: Well, demolished, what's the matter!

What are you, a woman, stunned!

Baba: Yes, the egg is not easy

And look, gold!

Didn't dream of this!

How to deal with such kindness?

Grandfather: So we are rich

Baba: Hush, hush, don't shout!

And quickly go to the house

Windows, doors, everything

Close on the hook

And about this, tsyts, silence.

Is this science to you?

Well now retirees

So, millionaires!

Baba: Look, it burns like heat

Grandfather: There would be no fire

Baba: Oh, it burns, it blinds your eyes

Grandfather: Miracles!

Baba: Yes! Miracles!

Grandfather: Lock him in the chest!

Knock on the door

Baba: There is no one at home

Look, neighbors, as luck would have it

Inadvertently brought

You go and lock the bolt

Yes, it would be necessary to lower the dogs.

I, old man, will go to the city

There is a market on Wednesday

There are many rich people

I'll sell them an egg!

I'll get myself a coat

I am Siberian sable

I'll buy new things

Forty different skirts

Blue floral shawl

I'll fill the chest to the brim

Grandfather: Why are you talking nonsense!

Look, a young lady has been found!

Dress up in different trash!

No, if we are rich

I will build instead of a hut

Three-storey chambers

And gazebos in the corners.

Baba: Punishment with a stupid husband

What are you, old, do not be blissful!

We live no worse than others

We don't need floors!

And for these gazebos

Your neighbors will make fun of you!

Grandfather: Let them laugh, I'm not sorry!

Baba: Yes, calm down, don't shout

I'll hit you with a rolling pin

Grandfather: Hey, you, woman, shut up!

Am I the owner or not!

Baba: Oh, the white light is not dear to me!

Yes, they fought each other.

Scattered around the corners...

(A mouse appears, takes an egg in its paws, sniffs it.)

Mouse: I would like some cheese! I'm a mouse!

(Grandma, seeing the mouse, runs to the table and screams))

Baba: Get out, you villain! Whoosh-whoosh-whoosh!

(The mouse throws the egg down and hides.)

Baba: Oh, it crashed! Oops, it's broken! Grandpa here!

Grandpa: Yes, what happened?

Baba: a mouse ran across the table

Only I said: "Shoo!",

How she wagged her tail

Turned everything upside down

And the egg rolled ...

And it crashed! Oops, it's broken!

Grandfather: Wow, villainess! Oh, trouble!

I will never forgive her!

Here comes the misfortune!

Oh, it's broken! Oh, it's broken!

Together: Oh, the white light is not nice to us

(chicken appears)

Ryaba: What are you, woman, what are you, grandfather?

Grandfather: Ryaba, believe it or not!

A mouse ran across the table

The grandmother told her: "Shoo!",

And she wagged her tail

Turned everything upside down

And the egg rolled ...

Together: Rolled, but crashed!

Ryaba: Do not cry, grandfather and woman,

It's not a problem at all

Well, the testicle broke -

That's right, nonsense!

Was it bad before?

with you, woman, with you, grandfather,

lived - did not seem to grieve,

without wealth for so many years

happiness is not in this at all,

whether you are rich or not!

Grandfather: enough, woman, shed tears!

Ryaba speaks the truth

So what did we screw up

From miracles one trouble!

Let's live as we used to live

And work as usual!

Baba: And you can do a fur coat

And you can fix the house

Grandfather: Only that, you see, is reliable

What is hard for us.

Baba: since we have such a share,

that we are a peasant people

I'll go weeding potatoes

let me water my garden!

grandfather: I'll chop wood,

Yes, I’ll heat the bathhouse hot.

I won't stop talking

it's good to live in the countryside!

Grandfather: Open, old woman, doors

What do we have to hide now?

Hey neighbors!

Baba: Hey neighbor!

Don't forget your friends!

Come in for a moment

I have good kvass

And pickles, and jams,

Together: Feel free to come in!

Leading: "Why do we need fairy tales?"

Why do we need fairy tales?

What is a person looking for in them?

Maybe kindness and affection.

Maybe yesterday's snow.

In a fairy tale, joy wins

The story teaches us to love.

In a fairy tale, animals come to life

They start talking.

In a fairy tale, everything happens honestly:

Both the beginning and the end.

The brave prince leads the princess

Inappropriately under the crown.

Snow White and Mermaid

Old dwarf, good gnome

It's a pity to leave us a fairy tale,

What a cozy sweet home.

Read fairy tales to children!

Teach them to love.

Maybe in this world

It will make life easier for people.

Baba Yaga:

There are many fairy tales in the world

sad and funny

And live in the world

We cannot do without them.


We say to you: "Goodbye! Until happy new meetings!"

Do you want to surprise your friends? Invite them to read the Russian folk tale about Ryaba the Hen. If your friends are not experts in folklore, the effect is guaranteed. Here is the form in which I found and recorded this difficult story the famous collector of fairy tales Alexander Nikolaevich Afanasiev:


Once upon a time there was an old man with an old woman, they had a Tatar hen, she laid an egg in a kuta under the window: colorful, vostro, bone, tricky! She put it on the shelf; the mouse walked, shook its tail, the shelf fell, the testicle broke. The old man cries, the old woman weeps, she burns in the oven, the top of the hut staggers, the granddaughter girl strangled herself with grief. There is a mallow, asking: why are they crying like that? The old people began to retell: “How can we not cry? We have a Tatar hen, she laid an egg in a kut under the window: colorful, vostro, bone, tricky! She put it on the shelf; the mouse walked, shook its tail, the shelf fell, the testicle broke! I, an old man, cry, the old woman sobs, burns in the oven, the top of the hut staggers, the granddaughter girl strangled herself with grief. As she heard the prosvirnya, she broke all the prosvirs and threw them away. The deacon comes up and asks the prosvira: why did she leave the prosvira?

She told him all the grief; The deacon ran to the bell tower and broke all the bells. The priest comes and asks the sexton: why did you interrupt the bells? The deacon retold all the grief to the priest, and the priest ran, tore up all the books.

Wow fairy tale! Maybe there is another option? Eat! Here he is:

Hen (variant of fairy tale 2):

Like our grandmother in the backyard
There was a chicken
The hen planted an egg,
From shelf to shelf
In an aspen hollow,
In the hood under the bench.
The mouse ran
Tail returned -
Broken egg!
Grandfather began to cry about this testicle,

Baba weep, faiths laugh,
Chickens fly, gates creak;
Litter under the threshold lit up,

The priest's daughters walked with water,
The tub was broken
Popadye said:
“You don’t know anything, mother!
After all, in the grandmother's backyard
There was a ryabushechka chicken;
The hen planted an egg,
From shelf to shelf
In an aspen hollow,
In the hood under the bench.
The mouse ran
Tail returned -
Broken egg!
About this testicle, the system began to cry,
Baba weep, faiths laugh.
Chickens fly, gates creak,
Litter under the threshold lit up,
Doors pobutusilis, tyn crumbled;
We went with water - the tub was broken!
Popadya kneaded sourdough -
She scattered all the dough on the floor;
I went to church, I said to my ass:
"You do not know anything...
After all, in the grandmother's backyard

(The same story is repeated again.)

Tyn crumbled;
Our daughters walked with water -
The tub was broken, I was told;
I kneaded the dough
I swept all the dough!
Pop began to tear the book -
Scattered all over the floor!

Well, how? Sounds like a story familiar from childhood? But Afanasiev has no other options, and his collection is considered the most complete collection of fairy tales.

What kind of text do we read to kids called "Ryaba Hen"?

This is an adapted version. It was written by a wonderful teacher and talented writer Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky. He already knew how not to scare, but to interest and along the way and raise a child. In our audio collection of fairy tales “Ryaba the Hen”, the fairy tale sounds exactly in its processing. And it is accompanied by folk melodies played on real sonorous harps, children's jokes, pestles, songs. The kids will love it!

There was a plant near the river, and an accident happened on it. And something poisonous flowed into the river. And there was a village nearby, and people didn’t hear anything about this accident. They themselves drank water from the river, and watered their cows, and dogs, and chickens. Nothing bad happened to people. And some animals got weird...

A grandfather and a woman lived in that village, and they had a Snow White hen. As white as snow, and the eggs were white, large and very tasty. Once she drank water from the river, and in the morning the grandfather and the woman were frightened: their chicken grew up and became motley. And gray, and red, and black feathers she appeared. She looked into the barrel of water and nearly fainted.

What kind of Snow White am I now! I'm Ryaba!

- Oh! Grandpa grabbed his head. The chicken spoke with a human voice!

Then a mouse peeked out from behind the stove at the noise. And the woman will say:

- Grandfather, look at the mouse! She's the size of a cat!

The mouse touched its sides and laughed:

“But I think that it’s become so crowded behind the stove for me!”

Wow! And the mouse spoke! Grandfather and woman wanted to run away from home, but the hen warned:

“Looks like I’m about to lay an egg.” If you run away, the mouse will eat it.

“Wait,” the woman whispered to grandfather. “I wonder what kind of egg our Ryaba-Snow White will lay?” White or speckled?

And they stayed. And the hen sat in the nest and laid a huge white egg - almost like an ostrich.

- What an scrambled egg! Grandma rejoiced. And climbed for the pan.

The scrambled eggs were lush, appetizing and fragrant. Grandfather and grandmother ate, ate, but did not master it. They gave the mouse what was left. The mouse ate everything and licked the plate.

“Thank you,” he says, “grandfather and woman!” Thank you Ryaba chicken!

Grandfather and woman looked at how polite the mouse was, and decided not to drive it away. So they began to live together.

* * *

Once a woman was feeding a chicken and dropped her golden ring into the feeder. The hen pecked at him and coughed. Mouse asks:

- Ryaba, have you caught a cold?

“I choked on something,” the chicken replies. - Pebbles, probably.

And in the evening she sat in the nest and laid a new testicle. Golden!

The mouse called the grandmother and grandfather, they began to examine the unusual egg and be surprised.

- How did you do that? grandfather is interested.

“Probably because I swallowed some kind of stone in the morning,” Ryaba complained.

And the grandmother saw that there was no ring on her finger, and she understood everything.

- What a wonderful chicken we have, grandfather! She ate a small ring, but it turned out big golden egg! Here we sell it - and we will be rich!

Grandpa didn't believe me. He took off his ring and gave it to the hen.

“Eat,” he says. - You need to check.

Ryaba swallowed it, and in the morning she laid a new golden egg.

The woman and grandfather danced for joy, and the mouse was with them at the same time. And then the grandfather wrapped both golden eggs in a padded jacket and carried it to a rich neighbor. This neighbor bought milk, vegetables, fruits from the villagers and brought them to the city. And there he sold everything to the townspeople at a very high price, so he had a lot of money, the highest house in the village and the fastest car.

As the rich man saw the golden eggs, he grabbed his grandfather by the shoulders and asked:

- Where did you get such goodness from?

“I found the treasure,” said the grandfather. He did not at all want to tell about the wonderful hen, because the rich man was greedy and mischievous.

The rich man did not believe his grandfather, but he paid him a lot of money. And he decided to find out where the village pensioners got such treasures from.

* * *

With the money from the sold eggs, the grandfather and the woman made repairs in the house. We bought a big TV and a lot of useful things.

The mouse grew and grew, it became the size of a bulldog, so they made it a kennel with air conditioning in the yard.

And the grandfather and the woman treated the chicken like a princess. They put a pillow in her nest, fed her goodies and vitamins. When they watched TV, they took Ryaba with them to the sofa so that she would also broaden her horizons. The chicken liked cartoons very much. She even argued with her grandfather if he wanted to switch to football. And her grandfather yielded to her, because if it weren’t for the golden eggs, there wouldn’t be a TV in the house.

And the rich man kept snooping around their house, peering into the windows, sneaking up to the gate. The mouse thought it was a thief and barked at him in a rough voice. The neighbor was afraid angry dog but came up with a trick.

He stood outside behind a tree. And when the grandfather passed by, the rich man came out to meet him, as if by accident. And they collided. The cunning rich man dropped his gold watch on the ground and quietly crushed it with his heel. And wept:

- Oh, you stupid grandfather! Where are you going like that? Bruised me, and even trampled my favorite watch! Ah, ah, my watch!

Grandfather believed that he himself crushed his neighbor's watch. He felt sorry for the rich man, and he says:

I'll try to fix them!

— Can you? Such a beautiful watch! Oh! So expensive!

“I’ll try,” grandfather repeated, took the broken watch and went home. And the rich man follows him slowly. And he began to look out the window.

The grandfather showed the clock to the hen.

— Ryaba, swallow this, please! - And told her how he accidentally ruined a neighbor's little thing.

The chicken thought.

- I can swallow it, but I don’t know what will happen ... I don’t have a watchmaker in my stomach!

But nevertheless she agreed. One screw after another, she pecked at what was left of the clock. She sat down in a soft nest and concentrated.

Grandfather and woman went to bed, the mouse fell asleep in the kennel, and the rich man stood there until the morning, peeping through the crack between the curtains.

And at dawn Ryaba came down from the nest and cackled.

The grandfather jumped up, the woman jumped up, the mouse ran into the house. The rich man opened his mouth under the window: in the nest lay a beautiful, oval, like an egg, alarm clock! Ten times more than a broken clock, all solid gold! Golden arrows, a golden key for the plant, and a golden button on top!

- That's a chicken! yelled the rich man.

He ran into the house. Grandfather hands him an alarm clock, and the rich man waves it off:

- Take it for yourself! Sell ​​me your chicken!

“Our chicken is not for sale,” the grandfather, the woman and the mouse said in one voice.

But the greedy neighbor did not listen to anyone - he grabbed the hen along with the nest and ran like crazy to his house.

The grandfather was chasing, the woman was chasing, the mouse was chasing - they could not catch up. The rich man slammed the iron gate behind him with a video camera and an alarm - only he was seen.

* * *

At home, the rich man has three televisions, three refrigerators, an electric stove and all the furniture is foreign. There are three locks on each door, metal blinds on each window. The hen cried

- Let me go home, to my grandfather, to my grandmother, to the mouse!

- Am I a villain? the rich man smiled. “Of course I will!” Only first demolish me a safe full of golden eggs!

The chicken looked - there is a safe in the corner more than a refrigerator in a grandfather and a woman. And she cried even harder. And the rich man is already running around the rooms, collecting gold rings, coins, cufflinks, and pouring it on the carpet in front of the poor chicken. And then he dragged another box and from it a bunch precious stones poured out.

- What you! the hen pleaded. - I'll never peck so much!

“You peck,” the rich man smiled even wider. “If you want to go home, you’ll peck everything, you stupid chicken.”

Ryaba really, really wanted to go home. And she started to peck. Coin after coin, stone after stone. And then she stopped.

- I can't do it anymore!

The rich man brought a cup of water:

- And you drink it to get more!

There is nothing to do, the chicken began to drink and peck again. I pecked almost the whole bunch, one coin remained on the carpet.

- Eat up! shouts the rich man.

- I can’t ... I ate too much ...

- Well, peck !!! - shouted the rich man scary voice that Ryaba fainted. Then the greedy man was frightened that the chicken would die, he began to splash water on her, to do artificial respiration in her beak. Ryaba barely caught her breath.

“All right, don’t eat anymore,” the rich man allowed. “But by morning you have to demolish a safe full of golden eggs for me!”

And went to sleep.

She sighed and concentrated.

* * *

All night the grandfather, the woman and the mouse knocked on the iron gate, asking to let the hen go. But the rich man slept peacefully and dreamed of mountains of golden eggs. And in the morning he rushed to see what Ryaba had done.

A sad hen was sitting on the carpet, and an egg lay in front of her. One and only, albeit a large one. And his shell was not precious, but the most ordinary. The rich man was dumbfounded. And the egg shuddered, crackled, the shell burst. And hatched ... a white pterodactyl!

- What a mess! the rich man stamped his feet. “You gobbled up all my jewels and only blew this prehistoric freak out?”

He was so angry that he wanted to immediately cook soup from Ryaba. Already reached out to her, but the little pterodactyl ka-a-ak pecked at his hand!

More than ever, the rich man became furious and ran after the gun. And while he was running, the pterodactyl saw a rich man's wallet on a chair. He swallowed and grew a little. Then I saw a Chinese porcelain vase. In an instant, he crushed it with his beak, and ate the crumbs. And grew even more.

"Son," said Ryaba. - Look at the chandelier on the ceiling.

The chandelier hung crystal, large, heavy. The pterodactyl took off and ate it all up. He had such an appetite.

And when a rich man came running with a gun, next to the chicken sat a hefty, white as chalk pterodactyl. He immediately took away the gun with a long toothy beak and chewed it like caramel.

“Forgive me, chicken! the rich man trembled. “I’ll let you out, just don’t tell your chick to touch me!”

He took out the remote control and opened all the windows and doors.

* * *

Grandfather, woman and mouse were very happy and confused when a real pterodactyl flew out of the window of a neighbor's house towards them. In his paws he carefully carried the chicken Ryaba.

Since then, a grandfather and a woman, a chicken and a mouse, and a pterodactyl lived together. The hen called him Gosha. Gosha, although he ate all sorts of muck like bricks and boards, turned out to be peaceful and kind. He pretended to be marble sculpture, played hide-and-seek with a mouse and caught fish in the river for grandfather and woman. The river, by the way, has already been cleared of factory waste, and strange animals in the village no longer appeared.

Ryaba the hen has since laid only edible eggs. And I forgot how to carry gold. And why? Everyone loved her so much.

Artist Maxim Leontiev

Of the entire abundance of Russian folk tales, at least three can be distinguished, which each of us certainly remembers by heart. Of course, these are "Ryaba Hen", "Gingerbread Man" and "Turnip". Everyone knows these tales, but do they understand?

I was puzzled by this question after I found an abundance of articles on the Internet with frightening titles like "Analysis of the Russian fairy tale "Ryaba Hen" in the theory of object relations", or "Kolobok". Literal, archetypal, natural, ritual and etymological interpretations. And it would be fine if these were comic or artistic interpretations, but no - they write like scientifically, in all seriousness, and even often for 50-100 thousand characters. The abundance of this abstruse nonsense makes one think about how strange the brains of individual representatives of the intelligentsia are.

Well, let's see what mysteries (real and imaginary) hide these three popular fairy tales.

“Ryaba Hen, where is your woman?” (P. Mamonov)

Anyone who is seriously interested in our folk tales will never pass by an academic publication.... Alexander Nikolaevich Afanasyev, a Russian follower of the Brothers Grimm. It was he who first collected, systematized and published a collection of our fabulous heritage. The first collections were published in the 1860s, and complete collection was printed in 1873.

It should be noted right away that folk art unlike the author's, it does not tend to have one version of the same story. Usually there are many options, and they are sometimes very different from the one that is later recognized as canonical and printed in popular publications. The same with the "Ryaba Hen".

Afanasiev's tale is simply called "The Hen" and sounds completely different. Firstly, there is no mention of any golden egg in it. The hen lays a simple testicle, which is immediately broken by the mouse. After which it starts real end Sveta. Grandfather and woman, as expected, weep, but their granddaughter out of grief ... hangs herself. Then the news of broken egg it spreads through the village in a chain, the mallow breaks and throws the mallow, the deacon "ran to the bell tower and broke all the bells," and the priest tears the books.

It is clear that here the tale tells of stupid people who, because of a trifle, fall into a panic - such a folk "black humor".

However, the tale was not exhausted by the Afanasiev variants, and as a result, the retelling of the famous teacher K. Ushinsky, published in his anthology, became a classic. native word". Here all the components are already present - and the golden egg, which does not give in to the grandfather and the woman, but is broken by the mouse, and the promise of the Hen-Ryaba to lay a simple egg instead of the golden one.

It is on this variant that modern “researchers” grind their teeth. They see the mystery of a fairy tale in supposedly absurd actions, and ask the following questions:
1) Why do grandfather and woman beat the golden egg?
2) Why does the mouse manage to break the egg?
3) Why, when the mouse, in fact, fulfills their desire - they do not rejoice, but cry?
4) Why does the Hen promise them to lay a simple egg, and not a golden one instead of a broken one?

After that, discussions begin about cosmogonic myths, where the world is born from the World Egg, about the mouse, which is the "spirit of ancestors" and a magical helper. They write harder.

I. Flerova " Slavic roots Russian spirit":
“... It fell not because of the mouse's tail, but from neglect of the treasure. Lost reverence, it broke. Isn't it the same in our life? Everything is destroyed by neglect: love, health, knowledge, Motherland, language, air, rivers, plants, animals. Everything is dying."

M. Chernenko “Ryaba Hen and Turnip”:
“The mouse is not just an allegory in the form of an animal. This is a symbol of thought, that divine thought that comes suddenly, gives impetus to stagnant affairs, inspires feats. This is a visionary or divine impulse that the Almighty sends to our people in difficult times.”

M. Vigdorchik "Analysis of the Russian fairy tale "Rocked Hen" in the theory of object relations":
“A golden egg laid by a hen is a symbol of a child, which has a special meaning for his parents. ...grandfather and woman beat an egg. They beat - educate, try to bring the egg in line with their ideas, and the bitterness of disappointment comes when at one moment a certain “mouse” achieves what they could not achieve on their own with respect to the egg. Who is this mouse? And her symbolic meaning and her actions (wag her tail) indicate that this is a woman (daughter-in-law), who is perceived by her son's parents as a rival, behaving frivolously. Parents can find consolation only in the “Ryaba Hen” that they have left and its childbearing function.

Psychologist E. Veremenko:
“If it was “Kurochka Ryaba” that sunk into the soul, in adult life a person may have such traits as greed, hoarding, quarrelsomeness, he may oppose certain norms and rules. Or vice versa, it becomes a pedant, seeks to build life according to self-invented norms and rules.

I think that's enough. After reading such opuses, I thought that either the authors do not have everything at home, or they live according to the principle - “I don’t want it to be easy, but I want it to be difficult.” I conducted my small survey among the most ordinary acquaintances, not burdened with such deep "erudition". And almost all of them perfectly understood what the essence of the fairy tale about the golden egg was. It is clear that the grandfather and the woman wanted to eat and did not suspect the value of gold. smash golden shell not easy. The mouse is, of course, a fabulous funny assumption - how small and weak it is, and broke the testicle (by the way, the mouse in fairy tales often solves problems). It is clear that the mouse did not break the testicle in the way it was supposed to - no one will eat the contents of the egg from the floor. And it is clear that, seeing that the grandfather and the woman do not understand anything about gold, Hen promises not to experiment anymore and to demolish high-grade high-calorie food.

Explain what is so difficult? There is no "existential absurdity" here, but there is comic story O different perceptions different values. Remember how Robinson, having found a chest with gold, exclaimed sadly: “And why are you on a desert island to me?”.

Of course, if people wrote a fairy tale, as E. Klyuev suggested in an ironic form, no questions would arise.

“Let’s imagine:
“There lived a grandfather and a woman. They had a chicken ryaba. The hen laid an egg - not a simple egg, but a golden one. Grandpa rejoiced. Grandma rejoiced. They took the egg and carried it to the market. And there, for this golden egg, they sold ten thousand simple ones. They ate one hundred testicles, and the rest were rotten.
...Wonderful fairy tale! I give it to my friend: let him tell his grandchildren and great-grandchildren about resourceful grandfather and grandmother.

By the way, in the 1920s, when there was still a dispute around the fairy tale genre, it was harmful Soviet child or useful - on the basis of "Kurochka-Ryaba" two organizations even clashed - the Children's Commission under the GUS and the Commission under the Glavsotsvos. The first was against the inclusion of a fairy tale in a circle children's reading- they say, the child should be given the right ideas about the world. The second one reasonably answered: “The fairy tale“ Ryaba the Hen ”is placed in a number of books for reading intended for the first grades. rural schools. The task of teachers is to explain to children that chickens do not lay golden eggs, and village children themselves know this very well.

As it turned out, it is not only children who need to explain the meaning of simple fairy tales...

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