Why are all people different? Why do we all see differently? The perception of death and the soul among different peoples


The concept of the soul for a person is something abstract, not having an exact representation and description. Someone imagines it in the form of a breeze flying away from the body, someone in the form of smoke, someone simply lives with the clear confidence that every person has it, without thinking about its appearance.

Among the peoples living on the territory of the Komi Republic, the soul was associated with breathing, and it was with its cessation that a person was already considered dead. Soul or as it was called locals, "lov" was on the ground after death for another 40 days and came to her house, so a clean towel and a bowl of water hung there all this time so that she could wash herself. Afterworld appeared differently. On the one hand, it was hell and paradise, on the other hand, some place located in close proximity to the earth, which provided a very close connection between the living and the dead. It was believed that the dead constantly monitor the lives of their loved ones and in every possible way protect them from various troubles. And in order to strengthen this protection and to thank for the care of their ancestors, people had to remember them with funeral treats.

In Egypt, the soul was taken as the totality of various substances living in a person:

Ba is the soul of a person or god, which appears only after death. She was depicted as a bird human head. She could be directly in the tomb, she could fly away, but she always returned to the body again.

Ka is such a sign by which animate and inanimate objects differ, it was also called the “double” of the soul. A special sarcophagus was placed in the tomb so that Ka could hide there.

Ah - they also called the “spirit” in another way, it was one of the constituent parts of the soul and was depicted in the form of an ibis.

Shu is the shadow of a man, his dark side hidden from others.

The heart, one of the most important components of the soul, was considered to be also the seat of its consciousness. At the meetings of the afterlife court, it was the heart that could tell about the bad deeds of a deceased person. To avoid this, special spells were cast over the heart during burial.

Sakh is the human body after the mummification procedure. It was the embodiment of a person who had gone through all the necessary sacred rites.

Among the ancient Greeks firm conviction that the soul exists, and they represented it in the same way as the person himself. world of the dead they gave the name "Hades" and did not feel any fear for him, because, having been there, one could meet dear people. fate human souls a different one was prepared, and it depended on the way of life that their owners led.

The Greeks believed in this and during their lifetime they still took care of their souls, joining various cult activities. Usually, the analysis of one's life was carried out in old age, when a person felt the approach of death and understood the inevitability of punishment for his actions. The well-being of the soul was ensured by participation in various mysteries and through initiation into "mysts". Any person could be admitted to initiation, regardless of gender, but not with a criminal past. people were prepared for afterlife telling them about her and performing purification rites. Also big role he played the process of burial itself, which had to take place according to all the rules so that the soul would find its well-being in Hades. Otherwise, she is doomed to torment and wandering. On the grave, on the days of commemoration, the relatives of the deceased person always left bread and wine, and in difficult moments of life they mentally turned to the soul with requests for help.

The most terrible punishment for the Egyptians was not death, but the possibility of refusing to be buried. This applied to people leading a criminal lifestyle; after execution, they could be torn to pieces by wild animals and not buried.

The Slavs had a real cult of ancestors for many centuries, their souls must be in paradise. The dead were "clean" and "unclean", this division occurred depending on how the death of a person occurred. Those who died in a “decent” way bore the name of their parents, hence the name of the parental day appeared, when all deceased relatives are commemorated. The second category included suicides, drowned people, drunkards, whose lives were cut short intentionally or as a result of their obscene lifestyle. They were afraid of them even after death, believing that they could harm living people, so a wooden stake was driven into the corpse so that they could not get up.

The ancient Slavs believed that after death, not only the activity of a person’s soul, but also his body can be preserved. The spirit was understood as refined matter, something weightless and barely noticeable, like a haze. At the same time, the Slavs did not make clear divisions between the spiritual and the material, they explained it as a different state of the same substance.

In Buddhism, the concept of "taking refuge" is common. It means getting some patronage higher powers, take on the teacher's karma, take on more responsibility. This is something like an additional chance for a person to achieve enlightenment. In reality, this whole ritual looks like this: the lama touches the forehead of the person who has stood in line with his palm and utters a spell that says that from that moment on, every moment of this person’s life is filled with teaching, and he needs to correspond to his position. Anyone can come to the seminars without restrictions, and workshops Only those who have completed the course are accepted.

Despite the difference in understanding and understanding of the soul in different peoples, they are united by the fact that people sincerely believe in it, understanding its importance in their lives. There are no immortals, at the end of the path the same end awaits everyone, but what the path will be after death depends on the person during life. The most correct thing is to live according to conscience, not to betray oneself and not to commit illegal acts. Life is multifaceted and you need to learn to see in it positive sides, protect yourself as much as possible from negative information and surround yourself with the right people.

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Daria | 2016-09-04 16:10:26
Hello! Yesterday we went to barbecue not far from the city (min 5-7 drive) on the banks of the river, but not far from the village near the forest, a cat ran up to us (he seems to be constantly begging for food from vacationers), I stroked him, it is quite possible that I took for food with these hands, and at night a fox ran from somewhere, went up to the cat and sniffed, I got scared for the cat and took it in my arms, the fox ran up to us a little, the cat seemed to me strange in behavior. The cat didn't scratch or bite. Can you please tell me if I got rabies from a cat? I can't calm down, I'm very worried. Thank you very much for your reply in advance, I really appreciate it!
Doctor (Podlipaev Andrey Sergeevich) | 2016-09-05 12:28:58
The situation is certainly interesting. It should most likely be done this way. If you are a very suspicious person, then of course it is better to take root. The rabies virus is found in the saliva of animals. They lick themselves, others, etc. And you can get infected through saliva integuments. Although, according to your description, the animals are calm, but this does not mean anything. Decide for any of you. If because of this "you won't sleep at night", then of course get vaccinated.

Typology and classification of bipedal, talking and apparently intelligent creatures

Are all those beings that live in human bodies in this world equal to each other in their inner essence, are they really and essentially (and not only externally and on papers) equal? Is it only external circumstances that make “good” and “bad” people, or is there something in which outwardly similar people fundamentally differ inside?

What is written here is an ideological working hypothesis about the types of personality structures of beings living in the physical bodies of a biological speciesHomo sapiens sapiens. From my point of view, it is quite consistent with the facts known to me. To what extent it coincides with that part of reality that is reliably known to you - see for yourself, decide for yourself.

Bottom up, or basic types

I will list the main types of bipeds, the most common at present, in the order “from bottom to top”, “from gross to subtle”, “from darkness to light” (relatively speaking).

Inhuman (female nonhuman or nelyudka, pl. h. nonhumans)

Having human body, representatives of this type have a completely inhuman personality structure - but it is very difficult to detect this, since most of them can very cleverly pretend, play, seem to deceive others.

Non-humans, in fact, are completely alien to human conscience and shame, compassion, sympathy, especially true love and fidelity. They organically do not understand this, since they themselves have never experienced such feelings in their lives, and do not want to experience it. The most mentally developed of them can, if necessary, deftly pretend to be "righteous" - but, in fact, all "morally concerned" people and non-humans will be considered "suckers" and "brainless losers."

Among nonhumans stand out absolute nonhumans - who have true immortal soul(monad, higher "I") is absent altogether. Due to the presence of many other thin bodies(sometimes from the ethereal to the intuitive) they are, nevertheless, capable of reincarnation - they can be born many times in this and other worlds, live dozens of lives. But all the same, it is not eternal - sooner or later they will suffer absolute death - the complete annihilation of the personality forever. And for some absolute nonhumans and present life will be the last. They rarely realize it, but they feel it latently - almost always. Also, somewhere in the depths of themselves, they feel their inferiority in comparison with people, people and even subhumans. Therefore, the principle of their life becomes "take everything from life, and it is better right away and now - then there will be nothing." Sometimes their irrepressible desires and passions become completely perverted; it is difficult for a person to even imagine such a thing. In this, absolute non-humans are close to a rare, but the most dangerous type of two-legged - gray creatures.

Inhumans are not even animals in human form, but much worse. Any predatory beast shows cruelty and malice, getting food or defending itself; less often - because of sexual passion. But it is among the non-humans that the most cruel rapists, sadists, sexual maniacs, executioners and war criminals are found. They tend to inflict suffering on others even unnecessarily, just like that, for the sake of entertainment; they are characterized by disproportionate cruelty, sometimes completely unmotivated aggression; often - pathological greed and greed. At the same time, non-humans show cowardice and slavish fawning in front of stronger and more powerful beings.

A non-human can easily go to any betrayal, deceit, deceit and meanness - without experiencing any internal resistance either before, during or after. Any person or person, even a subhuman, no matter how cruel and vicious he may be, still has some kind of line that cannot be crossed in any case. It is impossible simply because it is impossible, because these are absolutely unacceptable actions, having committed which, a person will not be able to remain a person. And for non-humans, there is no such limit. An Inhuman, under "suitable" circumstances, can do anything to anyone.

Therefore, it is impossible to agree with them - each of them plays by their own rules, changing them as the game progresses. It is all the more useless (or rather, even harmful) to try to argue with them, to convince them, to persuade them to become good people appeal to their soul and conscience. With the same success, you can persuade the wolf to take pity on the bunny.

Nonhumans recognize only force. And then - having portrayed humility and obeying the will of a stronger one, smart non-humans immediately begin to invent all kinds of tricks and meanness in order to take by insidious deceit or manipulation of consciousness (some of them are great masters in such matters!) What could not be achieved by brute force.

At the same time, some non-humans shout loudest about human rights. Subconsciously feeling their inferiority, they thus “compensate” for it, reacting very painfully to any “infringement”, real or imaginary. If people could clearly see, recognize non-humans, they would say to such a “speaker”: “first become a man yourself in the full sense of the word, then talk about human rights and freedoms and demand something for yourself.” But most non-humans do not want to become human at all, making incredible internal efforts for this - they want to lower a person to their level, establishing “equality and justice” in their own way. Sometimes various horror films and ideas of universal sinfulness are used for this - non-human propagandists attribute their own abominations to everyone else, showing "how far a person can sink." It is easier for them to live this way - believing that under certain difficult conditions of life, everyone would act the same meanly.

Intellectually developed non-humans are already deliberately manipulating the ideas of freedom and equality in order to subjugate people. These figures are aware that in the conditions of a “liberal-democratic” society, a non-human who is able to endlessly lie, pretend, sell out and be hypocritical will achieve great success, gain power and money more likely than a person who cannot step over himself. However, under dictatorial regimes, nonhumans usually also get along well - ready to support any government for a good price, no matter how terrible it may be, nonhumans receive a big piece of this power, control the fate of people and people who are held for suckers. Many non-humans can be found among jailers and employees of some other services.

The proportion of non-humans among the population in different regions and in different times can be from one in tens of thousands - up to several percent.

Let's move on to the next type.

nedoludok (female nedolyudka, pl. h. nedolyudki).

This type of biped is much more common and visible. The rough side of nature, base motives, animal motivations are manifested and dominated in them.

Often (but not always) it is noticeable even outwardly. Subhumans usually have coarse facial features, eye expressions, facial expressions and gestures - a sensitive person can easily see or feel something brutal, not human, in them.

For underdeveloped underhumans, rude jokes and gestures, spitting and spitting, the constant use of swearing and other non-literary words with or without reason are characteristic. Many are prone to alcoholism, drug addiction, smoking, and from a young age. They do not restrain themselves well, they prefer to “solve issues” with fights, beatings, and violence.

Underhumans are the most sexually horny type of bipedal creatures, and their sexuality is manifested explicitly and rudely. Male subhumans tend to molest any little bit attractive woman, and often this is done in a rude or even indecent manner. Rape "in the usual form" is most often committed by subhumans, while sadism and perversions are characteristic of nonhumans. And for underdeveloped subhumans, impulsiveness is characteristic, as well as rude, but quite motivated, aggression.

Female subhumans tend to dress provocatively; often immoderately or ineptly use cosmetics and perfumes. If a human woman or even a human possesses fine taste, feels that it is impossible to dress so frankly, make up too brightly, “make a doll out of yourself”, that it will be too much - then the subhuman does not feel this, perceiving beauty “from chic to shock”. "Doll consciousness" is often found in these women, as is the desire to sell themselves in various forms- from the search for profitable marriages of convenience to street prostitution. Less common are subhumans who dress rudely and do not take care of themselves - for some reason they do not need this, but dress modestly, but with taste - underdeveloped subhumans do not know how and do not want to.

Inhumans tend to stray into packs like monkeys, and sometimes attack "outsiders". As a rule, they are unfriendly, intolerant, often even aggressive towards those who are “not like everyone else”, “painfully smart and incomprehensible”, who are different appearance, clothing, hairstyle, manner of communication. I'm not talking about national, religious and racial differences.

Underhumans with a low intellectual level, however, are quite capable of working in unskilled or low-skilled jobs. There are many of them among loaders, road and agricultural workers, plumbers, sellers at the market. Somewhat less among drivers, builders, electricians. Enough in the service sector. But in the same jobs there are people and people. The connection with the profession is not very strong.

More developed subhumans can learn to dress fashionably and decently. lead yourself in society. Some even have a quite pleasant appearance, and only by their eyes can sometimes they be recognized, to see the vulgarity and rudeness of their nature. Among these come across all sorts of cheaters, scammers, "suckers" of dubious goods and sellers-deceivers, corrupt journalists and agitators on call. There are many under-humans among politicians, managers and managers of public administrations and private firms. Mentally developed subhumans are, as a rule, prudent, pragmatic, self-serving, self-centered.

Often there was a situation when a non-human "went up", to big money and power - and in his "retinue", a group of non-humans followed him. Not daring to "extreme tricks", like non-humans, non-humans are ready to be corrupt: for a reward or for power, they will serve non-humans.

Unlike nonhumans, subhumans can have rudimentary human feelings and at least some internal moral restrictions. It is still difficult for them to betray their relatives or close friends, it is difficult to be sadists, executioners, invent sophisticated torture or torture young children in order to “persuade” their parents, for example. But this is if own initiative. If they are ordered by a non-human boss, they are ready to do almost everything, and then they easily justify themselves by saying that they are "bonded", and shift all responsibility to the authorities. To be fired, to destroy one's career, to ruin one's own life for the sake of moral considerations, the sub-humans are completely incapable - only people and few people can do this.

Light subhumans, who are already on the transition to people, are sometimes able to show sympathy and compassion, selflessly help other people in trouble. They can also truly love nature, animals. But in a difficult life situation, they are able to go to meanness, dishonest deeds and even crimes. Light subhumans are an unstable transitional personality structure.

Under-humans can change their personality structure under the influence of the environment and circumstances. When living in relatively prosperous conditions, good upbringing, communicating with good people and people, engaging in useful work - many under-humans are able to become people, and then people. In addition to the underdeveloped and dark, close to nonhumans, subhumans, it is very difficult to change the structure of the personality.

In heavy life situations, in a dysfunctional social environment, in cases where subhumans become victims of violence, psychological trauma, or are drawn into the use of intoxicating substances - subhumans, on the contrary, lose the remnants of humanity and turn into nonhumans. But this can happen even with a high standard of living - power and wealth easily “corrupt” subhumans, lower them to the level of nonhumans. The same result leads to the loss of normal human relations, friendly communication, engaging in vile intrigues, "sit-ups" and so on - all that is so common in the life of "effective, successful and developed."

The proportion of under-humans in different places can be very different. In Rostov-on-Don, subhumans (of all subtypes) make up about a third of the population, in Moscow - 60-65%. It is clear that the under-humans are attracted to places where you can get a lot of money and a lot of bodily pleasures. And often they are slowly pushing people and people out of such places - by various methods. Often it becomes simply disgusting and unbearable for a person to live surrounded by subhumans, and he himself leaves big city to a quieter and clean place. And in place of a person or a person, another subhuman comes “for good luck and a long ruble” ...

people (female ludka, pl. h. people)

This is the most numerous type. Most people are really people. In Rostov-on-Don, they make up almost two-thirds of the population.

People basically just want to live like people. They do not show such malice and cruelty as subhumans and nonhumans, they less often lie and deceive. But exploits, self-sacrifice, asceticism - in normal conditions of life - should not be expected from them either.

Usually a person wants to “be like everyone else” and “keep a low profile”, is very dependent on the opinions of others, is concerned about the impression he makes on them and his reputation. Living in a society with sustainable moral traditions, a person will do well simply because everyone around him does it, without thinking about why and why this is necessary.

Caught in an era of change and the collapse of former ideals and norms, people are disoriented in life, do not understand what to do now and where to go, with whom to be, with whom to join, how to live on in general. “To live like everyone else” is no longer possible, since everyone around is divided and everyone lives in their own way. Understanding, comprehension, awareness in most people is somewhere on the average level. own moral principles, strong convictions, most of them do not have a deeply conscious faith, just as there is no strong self-confidence. As a result, they begin, figuratively speaking, to “grab at any straw”, to follow any “leader” who “speaks brightly”, promises to lead into new times, “so wise that he knows the solutions to all our problems”. Some people become religious "devout believers" - some go to traditional religions, the other - into sects and new cults. At the same time, they do not really comprehend the creed that they accept and even try to preach, but they cling to the outside, to rites and rituals (which are perceived as some kind of “magical protection”) or to the opportunity to communicate “within their own circle”. Other people in the same way become "adepts" of other "leaders and idols" - politicians, informal leaders, "sales mentors", movie stars and pop stars.

Unfortunately, all sorts of "leaders" and "idols" most often turn out to be subhuman or non-human beings who do not have to deceive the gullible, and much less often a person becomes the leader of people ...

Most people are conscientious about their work and keep their promises. Most of all, people, and especially human women, value family, home, work, education, stability and peace. In a relatively prosperous situation, they are socially passive and apolitical, they want to be left alone, they do not want to interfere in anything and go anywhere. Because of this, they are very manageable, and their boss, as mentioned above, often turns out to be a subhuman or even a subhuman.

Unlike subhumans, people feel remorse for vile acts at work on orders, but very rarely move from indignation, regrets and discussions to any real actions. The need to feed a family, in the absence of the qualities and abilities to do this not through hired work, most people oppress and break through the knee. Moreover, in most cases, the family of a person is threatened not by starvation, but only by a decrease in the standard of living (which is usually understood only as the level of consumption) because they have to quit this job and switch to a less paid, but morally acceptable one. However, most people are not even able to go for this - what can we say about active forms resistance ... for such an act you need to be no less than a man.

And only driven to the extreme, people decide on active risky actions, on uprisings and riots.

People are the most social type bipedal beings. Most of them can't stand being alone wild conditions or living in a foreign country, in a social environment that does not understand and does not accept them.

Succumbing to the influence of surrounding people and external circumstances, people can change both in one direction and in the other. With a successful combination of circumstances, a person can turn into a person, in a difficult situation - sink to the level of a subhuman or nonhuman. But in most cases, the human personality structure is quite stable, and persists throughout life.

Human (wives. human (rarely human), pl. h. people, genus. pad. pl. h. people)

It differs from a person in a much higher level of awareness, spiritual needs and understanding. Unlike humans, humans do not want to "just live" or "live like everyone else." The search for the meaning of life, an explanation of what is happening around, the answer to the question of what will remain after me in this world and what is better to do, what is good and what is bad and why - take a person seriously. moral issues are also really important to people. A person is usually capable of refusalism, asceticism, selfless help to others, even dissidence. He is ready to lose his usual material and social benefits, give up worldly success, even suffer - just not to sacrifice his conscience and principles.

If a person accepts this or that religion, he does it quite consciously, and can explain how this creed differs from others, and why he accepted it. Unlike people, people attach more importance to the internal content of the teaching, and not outside, and are ready, if necessary, to sacrifice something serious for the sake of their faith or beliefs.

But many people do not find any of the big religions completely suitable for themselves, they feel that something is wrong with them. Such people at first try to seek the truth in various kinds of meditations, mysticism, synthetic and other new teachings, but then they often become disillusioned with them (although some remain). After disappointment, people can become self-believers, atheists or agnostics - but at the same time they remain human, they refuse to “trade” their conscience and beliefs, to pretend to believe.

The weak point of many people is their gullibility, openness, kindness to everyone indiscriminately, some naivety, unwillingness to see enemies, fight them, defend their rights and interests, their tendency to rely excessively on the “will of God”, “the justice of the world”, “the power of thought and faith." As a result, such good people easily become victims of subhumans and nonhumans ...

But the most big mistake people and bright people - to consider all two-legged people, the same as themselves. If someone behaves inhumanly badly - supporters of this opinion believe that this is due to the fact that he grew up in difficult conditions, that he was poorly brought up, or then "led astray." That you need to create good humane living conditions for the “lost”, talk with him about saving his soul, convince him, re-educate him - and then he will understand everything, repent and become a good person.

This misconception is widespread. It can be found both in religious and atheistic teachings, and in various utopias about creating a new society from people of a new image. Sometimes this delusion, together with the lack of ability to recognize who is who (by personality structure), leads to tragic consequences. The communists and socialists miscalculated on this. Among the rank and file members of these parties, among the "grassroots activists" there were indeed many people, and even more bright people turning into people. They sincerely believed that it was enough to change the material conditions of life, which determined consciousness for them, and raise a new generation of people brought up by the “right” teachers, and a new wonderful life would begin without wars, violence, exploitation, theft and other crimes... When all attempts they somehow failed to implement this, they began to say that they "overestimated the upbringing of a person." But, as far as it is now clear, bipeds are not born the same at all, and even more so they do not remain the same. "Education" different types- different. The structure of the personality can change, but it is much more complicated than it seems at first glance.

Communism is possible only in a society where humans (and above - supermen, God-men) will make up at least two-thirds, and the remaining third will be people. Under-humans can only be in the form of a rare exception, and they should not come close to any responsible work, to any leadership positions - or better, if there were none at all. Non-humans should not be there at all - not a single one and under no circumstances! Only then can this be done.

I happened to live in such a society for several days under communism. It was at a labor rally in one of the ecovillages. Really got there bright people, humans and superhumans, only two or three bright subhumans and not a single nonhuman at all. It is unlikely that the organizers were so clairvoyant as to select the necessary candidates from a distance - it’s just that such an idea primarily attracts people and people, and subhumans and nonhumans are looking for where to get money from someone or something else “materially pleasant”.

We lived partly in tents, partly in common house ecovillages. Eco-settlers fed us - we helped them build adobe houses. In the evening they gathered, talked, sang songs with a guitar - it was good and fun. No one drank a drop of alcohol, did not hooligan, did not swear, nothing was stolen from anyone.

Will such a human community be able to exist not for a few days, but for some long time in this cruel surrounding world - I'm not sure. What it will turn into later, if in spite of everything it survives, I don’t know.

But I am sure of something else: the sub-humans and non-humans will not succeed in anything like this. Due to the great inertia of the personality structure, they cannot "learn from someone's words" to build human relations with each other. For subhumans, only a labor camp fenced with barbed wire can be made - unfortunately, otherwise it will not be possible to keep them in submission, make them behave decently, not harm others, and work hard only for grub for the common good. Yes, and the labor camp will be of little use: the under-humans in it, with very rare exceptions, will not turn into people, but will only become even more embittered and take up their former, as soon as they are free and not under control. And you can’t “re-educate” a non-human in this way into a person ...

In a large society, people do not constitute any majority, and in general do not form a significant social group. Their share in different places ranges from 0.05 to 3-5 percent of the population. And only in purposeful communities and settlements - in ecovillages, ashrams, monasteries, sketes, communes, kibbutzim and others– the proportion of people can be much higher. But even then - not always and not in all.

The following types are even several times less common.

Superman (female superman, pl. h. superhumans, genus. pad. pl. h. superhumans)

Superhumans have all the virtues and abilities of humans, as well as, to a greater or lesser extent, one or another superpower. As a rule, superhumans can recognize types of bipeds, understand who they are dealing with (at least distinguish people and people from subhumans and nonhumans).

The development of superpowers for them usually begins with deep intuition, subtle emotional feelings, for some - a special flair for lies. These are all different seeing clairsentience. In the future, clairvoyance, clairaudience, claircognizance, and then other abilities can develop. But the path of development of these abilities is different for everyone, which of them and when they will appear (and whether they will appear) cannot be predicted in advance.

Thanks to these abilities, superhumans can have their own subtle, mystical or spiritual experience, one way or another, and not just blindly believe in someone's words or mindlessly follow someone. But this is only the beginning of a long and dangerous journey. Only a few of them will be lucky to stay there alive, healthy and in their right mind, not to turn off and not go astray, and even more so - to go through it to the end, to the transition from the superman to the God-man. Superhumans can still be deceived by some figures (both of the physical plane and otherwise). Others may be afraid own experience“disclosures”, and “rush from there” into religion, into a group of admirers of this or that idol, or simply into “a little private life”.

Other superhumans may not take the path of their own supersensory experience, not try to be "spiritual stalkers." Then they live the usual human life, except that they feel and experience it differently, more deeply and penetratingly than people and even people.

Still others realize themselves in art, literature, music or other creative work. Among creatively gifted individuals, the proportion of people and supermen is large: at least two-thirds. AT modern conditions it is there that many people and supermen find an “outlet” for themselves, an opportunity to somehow realize the abilities and desires inherent in them to create something new, create something beautiful, experience the unusual.

While the opportunity to change something for the better in your real life, and even more so - in the life of the surrounding people, cities, societies, countries- for the majority of people and supermen is now really closed. To succeed in business, politics or social activities to become public significant person, on which something really depends - often you have to be hypocritical, deceive, bribe and use others, sometimes go up over heads or even over corpses ... Humans and superhumans, as a rule, their conscience does not allow them to do this. And they remain at the bottom of society, and sub-humans and non-humans make their way upstairs, who have no problems with conscience, just as there is no conscience itself.

It is not uncommon for superhumans to withdraw “from the world” into monks, hermits, the countryside, travelers, vagabonds, in one form or another. Not finding themselves in society, they are looking for an opportunity to live and develop separately from it. Superhumans, unlike people and even some people, understand that it is necessary "not to obey the evil order, not to hide behind someone else's conscience." That before God and before yourself you can’t justify yourself with a maxim like “the boss ordered me to do something nasty - it will be a sin on him, and I’m a small person, I do what they tell me, I need to feed my family.” Humans rarely and with great difficulty decide on a radical break with society, while supermen decide on this much more often.

A few out of tens of thousands of superhumans achieve success in a large society, become rich, powerful or otherwise influential. Such, as a rule, are very well hidden, disguised. They can act as covert agents of influence. Unfortunately, many of them are forced to act alone. And in the administrative structures they are surrounded, basically, by arrogant subhumans, sometimes they come across weak, lack of initiative, people incapable of taking risks. None of them can be relied upon, none can be trusted, none can be opened up to. Therefore, supermen - secret agents of influence cannot turn the tide. They can do little - but still they can, while the rest can do almost nothing.

Light people and superhumans can sometimes be recognized by spiritualized faces, clear eyes in which some unusual “depth” is visible, a self-absorbed look, sometimes there is still some isolation, detachment from the surrounding fuss (but not always - some, on the contrary, are very sociable and friendly and actively involved in what is happening). Some people, humans and other superhumans sometimes feel some special warmth or light emanating from them, some kind of peace or grace.

But this sign is not very reliable. In general, without clairvoyance, it is difficult to recognize the type of personality structure only by appearance, words and gestures, especially non-humans, unstable personality structures, transitional or “exotic” (more on them below) types. Yes, and for a clairvoyant superman, everything is not so simple: developed to a more high level can put on himself or on another magical disguise, through which the magician is more low level he will not be able to see anything, or he will see not what really is, but what the masker will show him.

The proportion of superhumans in a "big" society ranges from one in several hundred to one in tens of thousands.

God-Man (female God-Man, pl. h. God-men, genus. pad. pl. h. God-men)

This is the rarest type of personality structure. On everything the globe, among the almost seven billion population - there may be a maximum of several thousand God-men who now live among us.

Little is known about them. As far as I understand, the God-man is a perfect (or almost perfect) man. All those abilities that are just beginning to be revealed in humans and superhumans are fully revealed in the God-men, while there are no vices and shortcomings that are customary for people (and also inherent in humans and even superhumans). Therefore, God-men can see through everything and everyone, instantly know the correct answer to any important question(fully disclosed clairvoyance) - but remain completely invisible.

The step between supermen and God-men may turn out to be greater than all the previous steps taken together. In one life, it can not be overcome, most likely. Is this the highest level of development human personality, or there are even higher levels, or some additional gradations among the God-men themselves - so far it is difficult to say.

Development and transformation

Humans, humans, other types of two-legged creatures - are they born or made? You can be born and become. And within the limits of one life, and for many lives, this development can go on. An inhuman can become a sub-human, a sub-human can become a human, a human can become a human, a human can become a superhuman, a superhuman can become a God-man… But this is a very long and very hard way. There is also a reverse process - the degradation of the personality structure, the loss of humanity, the transformation into a subhuman and a nonhuman. And this degradation can proceed faster or slower.

Is it due to race, nationality, country of residence, religion or atheism? Not directly related. Among the inhabitants of various places and the most different origin all these types can be found. Another thing is that their share, as already mentioned, in different societies and is not the same in different nations. There are many reasons for this, this is a separate issue. But at the present time there is no such nation that would entirely consist of only humans or only non-humans, for example.

There is a high probability of the birth of a non-human, non-human or alien from crossing distant human populations - for example, Africans with Chinese or Indians South America, Europeans with Australian Aborigines, Indians with Innuits and so on.

Is personality structure inherited? In general, yes. If both the father is a non-human and the mother is a non-human, then their children will almost certainly be born non-humans too, rarely - non-humans, almost never - people or people. But being born does not necessarily mean that they will remain so for life. In a pair of non-human-non-human, non-human-human, human-non-human, non-human-non-human, different "variants of children" are possible. Inhuman with a human... it's hard to even imagine that they can live together for a long time. Most likely, they will not have joint children at all, or freaks, very sick or mentally retarded children will be born. There is little chance of a successful birth of a person.

Another rare but terrible event- born from rape. Until recently, only nonhumans or dark subhumans were born from this. Now - usually sub-humans, less often people.

In the families of people, people are also usually born, sometimes people, sometimes subhumans, rarely superhumans. From two loving friend a friend of people is usually born a person, often (especially in recent times) is a superman, sometimes a person. A person with a superhuman or two superhumans will most likely bring into this world a superhuman or a person who has little left before moving on to the next step. A similar soul attracts a similar one during incarnation. But occasionally there are "anomalies" - as they say, the family has its black sheep.

Not to mention the fact that parental upbringing has the strongest influence on subsequent changes in personality structure.

Is there telegonia here? To a large extent, it manifests itself, and not only through women, but also through men too. The inheritance of the personality structure goes not only and not so much through the genetics of the physical body, but in a different way. Therefore, they can affect not only intimate relationship, but also long touches, hugs, kisses, sometimes even a gaze. Particularly dangerous are some subhuman women - mentally dirty, but sexually attractive and bitchy. Some people can even see a kind of "fucking mark" on their faces. If a man touches such a person or gets carried away by her, this can already adversely affect the structure of the personality of his future children. Even if it doesn’t come to bed with this subhuman, and then the children will be born from other women. Such two-legged female creatures were specially created and used to bring more nonhumans, subhumans and freaks into this world. Who, how and why - a separate conversation.

exotic types

In addition to the main types of personality structures of bipedal, speaking and seemingly rational beings, there are several more rare types that are not included in the “main ladder of development”, but, as it were, “stand aside”.

foreigner (female foreigner, pl. h. foreigners; genus. pad. pl. h. husband foreigners, female foreigner)

The properties and abilities of aliens are diverse. They themselves, as a rule, feel special, alien, different among people. They are often drawn to unusual places, phenomena, mysticism, strange actions and experiments. Many aliens are characterized by increased curiosity and curiosity, intellectual and inventive abilities are well developed, thinking tends to give out extraordinary solutions to problems. The schizoid type of accentuation of thinking is characteristic; much more often than other types, schizophrenia and paranoia occur.

Some foreigners have a tendency and great ability to scientific research and experiments, especially in the field of genetics, artificial intelligence, psychology, virtual reality and others computer technology, less often - electromagnetism, nuclear physics, physics elementary particles, quantum mechanics. While physics solid body, materials science, geology, inorganic chemistry they are much less attracted.

Image " crazy professor» from row American films describes the "scientific" alien well, although some features are exaggerated.

Other aliens "hit mysticism", are fond of searching for UFOs, anomalous zones, bigfoot, etc., try to engage in extrasensory perception, magic, etc. If this is successful, at certain points, the alien magician can control the power a large number people or the planet itself - but not quite realizing and understanding it, and even less thinking about what all this is for, and about the possible consequences.

It is common for both "scientific" and "mystical" aliens to do research for the sake of research, to experiment for the sake of the unusual. beautiful effect rather than for any particular practical purpose. Unlike humans and superhumans, who have the same abilities, aliens, as a rule, do not have a stable system of values ​​and beliefs, consciously accepted moral imperatives, a clear awareness of the goals and meaning of life. For this reason, many aliens are inclined, for the sake of curiosity or it is not at all clear why, to put at risk not only themselves, but also others. Some find for themselves or invent for themselves some unusual "exotic" teachings, goals, rules and meanings - often without admitting it, but pretending to be "the same as everyone else." At the same time, cruelty, greed and aggression of non-humans and sub-humans are not characteristic of non-humans. But even “just to live like all people” - foreigners do not want, and often cannot. Therefore, this is a separate type of personality structure, standing, as it were, on the sidelines of the “main path of development” from non-humans to God-men.

The rest of the aliens, who have not gone into either science or mysticism, may find themselves in various places in society, and engage in the most different types activities. As a rule, they do not become bosses, at most they can be technical managers or deputy advisers on some issues. Neither in politics, nor in social activities, a foreigner can achieve great success because his thinking is so different from the thinking of the human majority that it is difficult for him to understand people, and it is even more difficult for people to understand and accept a foreigner. To be “like everyone else” (or rather, like most people and subhumans) a foreigner cannot; It is very difficult for him to pretend to be like that all the time. At the same time, foreigners achieve success in some rare types of business (for example, venture, innovative, associated with exotic goods or rare services) or self-employment (freelance), which require special originality and originality of solutions.

But foreign women, for the most part, are not adapted and not inclined to hard physical or monotonous labor. At the slightest opportunity, a foreigner will try to avoid "this hard labor". And this, as a rule, he succeeds: thanks to his mental capacity and peculiar type thinking, most foreigners get higher education and finds an interesting and “non-dusty” job.

This type is almost impossible to recognize by outward signs. In gestures, words, behavior, you can sometimes feel something strange and unnatural. Some people and people close to the aliens "squeeze" and feel "out of their element", although they do not feel any threat.

Grey (female gray, pl. h. gray)

True grays are few and far between and very difficult to recognize. But this is the most dangerous type of "humanoid" for people and humans.

The inner essence of gray is cold indifference, combined with a thirst for power and the fulfillment of one's desires by any means. Gray can be equally indifferent and alien to love and hate, revenge and compassion, to someone else's pain and joy, to the past and future, to the living and the inanimate.

Just like nonhumans, grays have absolutely no true love, conscience, empathy, the ability to be happy for others - in a word, everything that is inseparable from the essence and soul of a person. And the grays are just as useless to persuade, convince, "bring to repentance", as well as absolute non-humans. No, they will not argue and swear. They will pretend to agree, smile, as if they believe - and in the meantime they will think how to get something from this "believing sucker".

But, unlike non-humans and sub-humans, the grays are superbly in control of themselves. They are less prone to senseless cruelty, they have almost no "attacks" of impulsive unmotivated aggression, in general, grays do not like "extra noise". But the grays can skillfully pretend, be hypocritical, impersonate others, play any role. In the "art" of deceit, intrigue, fraud, meanness and betrayal, they really have no equal. Since gray can lie not only with words, but also with gestures, facial expressions and even eyes, it is very difficult for people and people to recognize him (not given to subhumans and nonhumans at all).

Many gray people study the psychotechniques of hypnosis, NLP, and other influences on the conscious and subconscious, and some are already “gifted” with the ability to confuse a person during a seemingly ordinary conversation, to win him over. As a result, even if at first a person or a person feels “something is wrong in this subject”, then this feeling “melts away”.

Most grays do not have a strong physique or large physical strength, generally does not like fights and fights. From the army, and even more so from the war, they "excuses themselves" with all their might and by any means. Gray power - in conspiracies, deceptions, bribery, troubles ...

In almost the same way, they cannot stand hard physical work and work in general in production. It is unlikely that there will be gray among miners or combine operators, workers at a factory or at a drilling rig. There are few of them among scientists, engineers, and even more so among people. creative professions. Creativity, invention, design and, in general, the creation of a new one - gray creatures are practically incapable. But they are "masters" of turning to their advantage what already exists, and those who live. To do this, they come up with hundreds of ways and ways, "relatively honest" and not very.

Therefore, grays, of course, are very attracted to the financial sector, stock speculation, gambling, major fraudulent scams and, of course, administration and politics. This does not mean that everyone who engages in such activities will be gray. There are simply too few gray creatures for that. But that many of them strive not only to get there, but also to occupy key places- quite understandable. Some of them have succeeded in privatization and sale natural resources and values ​​created by the labor of others. Others can be leaders criminal gangs- most often in the field of drug trafficking, forgery of money and documents, theft and non-payment of taxes, and other major economic crimes. And other "silent", latent, but "very productive" crime. “High-profile” crimes, such as murders, terrorist attacks, robberies, robberies, piracy, are usually committed not by gray people, but by non-humans and subhumans. The Grays can only secretly support, finance certain groups - but they themselves will not get into the "hell" - as already mentioned, any unnecessary noise and risk for own life these creatures try in every possible way to avoid.

Like absolute non-humans, gray creatures are deprived of eternity. But, unlike the first ones, many of the second ones still have monads, but these are not light and not dark, but gray monads. They are somewhere between good and evil, or rather, beyond good and evil (but they tend to sit on top of both good and evil). And these monads are also not eternal. Maybe they will live for many centuries and be reincarnated dozens of times - but the outcome is predetermined: absolute death, last death, the complete destruction of personality and essence forever. The horror of the inevitable end lives latently in each such being, it tries to drive it away from itself, passionately achieving material success and seeking ever more sophisticated and perverted pleasures. But it fails to the end.

Mentally developed grays understand that the most valuable thing is power, it is the ability to influence the thoughts, feelings, desires, beliefs and, of course, the actions of other two-legged creatures. Money is only one of the instruments of power, albeit a very important one; but money is not an end in itself, but a means to force others to give the gray everything he wants to have, and to do for him everything he wants. Documents, securities, social status are other means of achieving the same goal.

Therefore, such figures are not affected by arguments like: “well, why do you need so much money and all sorts of other valuables, because you won’t take anything with you, think about what will remain on Earth after you.” They can say anything in response, they will literally come up with it on the go. But in fact, the grays only care about their performance. own desires now and for the foreseeable future. Then - no one knows what will happen later, and even later - in the end, there will be nothing. In any case, there will be nothing for me when I am not at all, and what will happen for others and whether it will be is not my problem. Approximately according to this logic, they think, adding to it a bunch of “tricks”, “dialectical and multiple philosophies”, “ relative truths' and 'strategies'. Everything to hide from others (and sometimes from yourself) your true essence ...

A change in the structure of the personality of gray creatures, their transition to another type - happens very rarely. It is extremely difficult, and the result is usually unstable. Most likely, you will get an unstable personality structure, oscillating between the grays and someone else.

Detecting and recognizing gray creatures, as mentioned above, is very difficult because of their colossal secrecy, the ability to endlessly lie and pretend, and various other disguises - both physical and otherwise. Counteracting them is even more difficult, and much more so.

Their number is relatively small. Completely gray on the whole Earth are several hundred thousand, partly gray - several million more. But their influence, to put it mildly, is disproportionate to the number ...

Alien (female alien, pl. h. alien-born)

Aliens are those who were originally created not by a human on Earth, but by someone else who lived his first life not in this world and (or) not in a human body. But now they live among people, and outwardly they do not differ from people. But they remain internally different.

Aliens can be compared to refugees and emigrants. By virtue of different reasons and circumstances, they are forced to live not in their Primordial Homeland, but in other lands and in a different society, in which it is very difficult (and sometimes impossible) for newcomers to fully integrate and integrate.

But their migration took place not within one life, but between lives. Many inhabited worlds perished, and all these creatures could no longer be born where they lived before - there was nowhere and no one. For many of them this Earth has become the only place, in which it was possible to be born in the body of a rational being. But no place on this planet has become (and will not become) their true homeland.

Some of them are aware, others - implicitly feel that they have no homeland on this Earth. It seems to some that their homeland is the whole Earth. But not a country, not a state. In any case, for the alien, all the local states are equally alien; and he himself feels himself a stranger even where his present human body was born. For him, any earthly country will be only a country of residence.

Therefore, aliens more often than other types go to live in another country, become emigrants again and again. They almost do not experience nostalgia for their former places of residence. Nostalgia for the Primordial Motherland manifests itself in them as an underlying nagging feeling, as a longing for something unattainable or lost - because most of them do not remember their past lives, and even more so - their first life.

living long years, and often - and many lives among people, aliens to a large extent adopt from them the way of thinking and the structure of the personality. Therefore, the type "alien" in its pure form is rare. As a rule, it is mixed with other types. There are alien-born non-humans, alien-born sub-humans, alien-born aliens, alien-born superhumans. An alien-born person is almost never found, an alien-born person is rare - and if they do occur, then these are unstable personality structures, because the human way of thinking “does not take root” on alien-born people.

Despite all this, most aliens find a place for themselves in human society. Their abilities, inclinations and occupations can be very different. Since the original aliens were different creatures from different worlds, and then each of them had their own special experience - it's hard to say something about aliens in general, they have a wide variety. The only common thing, perhaps, is that they essentially remain strangers here, they cannot become completely earthly people, no matter how their life in this world develops.

Unstable personality structures, transitional and mixed types.

The type of personality structure is not always stable and unambiguous. Sometimes there are mixed, transitional and "fluctuating" personality structures of bipedal creatures.

In the process of development of the personality structure, the transformation of one type into another does not occur instantly. Sometimes the transition can take several months, and sometimes even years. Therefore, there may come across a half-non-human, half-non-human, a half-human who with difficulty becomes a man, a man who gradually becomes a man, a man who turns into a superman. Less common is a “mixture” of a person or a person with a foreigner, a foreigner with a nonhuman, and other mixed types.

In the case of personality degradation, the same transitional types are obtained, only such types "pass" in the opposite direction - from people through subhumans to nonhumans. It also happens that a person or even a person instantly becomes a non-human - having committed a betrayal, or a brutal murder of a defenseless one, or another irreparable terrible act, categorically contrary to the essence and human conscience...

Somewhat grey, or "sulphurised". These are bipeds of various types that have fallen under the influence of gray beings, or they themselves possess some of the qualities of grays. They rarely turn into real grays, but they can "look at them", reproduce the gray way of thinking and behavior. It is unpleasant for a person to communicate with those who are sulfured: they are “slippery”, do not look into the eyes, flatter, dodge. Of course, they try to pretend and make a good impression - but they are not as good at it as the grays. Unsuccessful in life, sulfured - as a rule, petty nonentities, ready to be sold for a pittance. Successful people who have achieved wealth and power are almost as dangerous as the gray ones; most often they fall under the full influence of the grays.

Unstable personality structures, fluctuating types . They can "fluctuate" under the influence of external circumstances and internal psychological problems from non-human to human, or from non-human to human, for example. These are the most unpredictable people. You don’t know what else to expect from them, you won’t guess how they will behave in this or that situation - often they themselves don’t know what to expect from themselves.

Most often, an unstable type is obtained when a person or a person is attached to alcohol, drugs or other dope. Both sober and drunk such a two-legged creature begins to think and behave either as a person, or as a sub-human, or in general as a non-human. The structure of the personality breaks down, begins to oscillate downwards - but not upwards. If a subhuman becomes addicted to dope, he will remain a subhuman: human, and even more so, human qualities it will not begin to appear. At most, he can be “a little kind when drunk,” and then in words, and not in deeds. The non-human, having tried "dope", becomes an even more terrible non-human, finally loses the ability to restrain himself and the opportunity to become at least a sub-human.

Less commonly, the personality structure becomes unstable due to mental and physical traumas experienced, family and social tragedies, severe depression with a loss of the meaning of life. Perhaps the birth of a bipedal creature with an already unstable personality structure.


In conclusion, I want to wish one thing: carefully look at the two-legged creatures around you, especially their involuntary movements, reservations and small deeds - and gradually learn to recognize them, and in most cases not be mistaken. But there is no need to rush to attribute someone to one type or another. It is not always possible to determine who is who, even for clairvoyants, and even for clairvoyants - they are also full of their own deceptions and traps.

All of the above is the worldview hypothesis of the agnostic author, which does not contradict the reliable facts known to him. This is not faith or science. At the present time it is impossible to prove that all this is true, that everything is so and only so. But to say that the author simply invented all this would be wrong. This worldview hypothesis can be accepted as a working hypothesis, or not accepted.

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Honesty – and avoidance in dealing with others and yourself. Compared to , the concept of honesty emphasizes the absence of selfish motives for disinformation and, at the same time, is more lenient towards unintentional misrepresentation: it is believed that a person can remain honest if he tells another lie that he himself believes. The antonym of the concept is deceit. Honesty isn't always convenient, but honest people respect honest people.

Honesty is external - honesty to other people (sometimes, although not quite accurately called it), honesty is internal - honesty to oneself.

The most important source of honesty is honesty with oneself: the ability to admit one's mistakes to oneself, the ability not to deceive or justify oneself, the habit of evaluating one's actions and actions by the same measure as the actions of other people.

Is it easy to be honest man? No: even an honest admission of one's wrong for many is tantamount to a feat.

Are those who choose to be honest always honest? Also, alas, no. In practical matters, most people allow petty deceit, considering absolute honesty as naivety or even stupidity. How to treat it? Among honest people to be honest is worthy, among dishonest people to be only honest is really not very reasonable. In addition, unspoken moral code limits honesty in cases where information can injure the interlocutor or harm his health. Unlike the United States, where the patient has the right to complete information about his condition, most Russian doctors consider it ethically right to hide serious diagnoses from patients. Similarly, many people hide troubles from their loved ones in order to save them from unnecessary anxiety. Sometimes you want to wish more tact to lovers sincerity who consider it normal to thoughtlessly express their negative attitude towards the interlocutor, even if there was neither a real need nor a request from the person himself. No need to brandish honesty right and left, like a club: educated people First of all, they follow honesty in front of themselves, and in relation to others they remember tact.

It is not at all necessary that fair man was a fighter for the truth, especially since different people- own truth. Honesty can and should be presented in an adequate form and to the extent that people can "digest" it. Beating with honesty someone who is not ready for an honest conversation is also not entirely honest. Complete honesty is possible only between people of high psychological culture and great inner strength.

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